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Difference between revisions of "User:Jigaraphale/Sandbox/11"

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(6 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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===Naval Base Floor===
===Just Cardboards===
| nameJP= 鎮守府の床
| nameJP= ただの段ボール
| nameEN= Naval Base Floor
| nameEN= Just Cardboards
| type= floor
| type= desk
| ID= 1
| ID= 164
| descriptionJP= 鎮守府の艦隊司令官室。その通常仕様の床板です。
| rarity=
| descriptionEN= The Fleet Commander's room at the Naval Base. This is the standard floorboard.
| descriptionJP=  
| release= 2013/04/23
| descriptionEN=  
| release=  
| availability= Stock furniture
| availability= Stock furniture
===Natural Floor===
| nameJP= 椅子
| nameEN= Chair
| type= desk
| ID= 165
| coin=
| rarity=
| descriptionJP=
| descriptionEN=
| release=
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
===Office Desk===
| nameJP= 執務机
| nameEN= Office Desk
| type= desk
| ID= 166
| coin=
| rarity=
| descriptionJP=
| descriptionEN=
| release=
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
===Admiral's Desk===
| nameJP= 提督の机
| nameEN= Admiral's Desk
| type= desk
| ID= 168
| coin=
| rarity=
| descriptionJP=
| descriptionEN=
| release=
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
===General's Desk===
| nameJP= 大将の机
| nameEN= General's Desk
| type= desk
| ID= 170
| coin=
| rarity=
| descriptionJP=
| descriptionEN=
| release=
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
===Secretary Ship And Admiral's Desks===
| nameJP= 秘書艦と提督の机
| nameEN= Secretary Ship And Admiral's Desks
| type= desk
| ID= 171
| image1= ?
| image2= ?
| coin=
| discount=
| fairy= 1
| rarity=
| descriptionJP=
| descriptionEN=
| feature= ?
| release=
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note= ?
===Interior Chair===
| nameJP= ナチュラルな床
| nameJP= インテリア椅子
| nameEN= Natural Floor
| nameEN= Interior Chair
| type= floor
| type= desk
| ID= 2
| ID= 172
| coin= 50
| coin=  
| rarity= 1
| discount=
| descriptionJP= 天然木を使用した、明るい木目が特徴の床です。
| fairy= 1
| descriptionEN= This floor is made of natural wood and features light grain.
| rarity=  
| release= 2013/04/23
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
===Spring Flooring With Cherry Blossoms Falling===
===Classroom Set "Teacher's Desk"===
| nameJP= 桜舞う春のフローリング
| nameJP= 教室セット「教卓」
| nameEN= Spring Flooring With Cherry Blossoms Falling
| nameEN= Classroom Set "Teacher's Desk"
| type= floor
| type= desk
| ID= 3
| ID= 174
| coin= 1700
| coin=  
| rarity= 3
| discount=
| descriptionJP= 高級仕上げの床に舞う桜の花びら。<br>春の季節ならではのフローリングです。<br>艦娘たちとの鎮守府庭でのお花見も楽しいですね!
| fairy= 1
| descriptionEN= Cherry blossom petals fluttering across the luxuriously finished floor.<br>This flooring is perfect for the spring season.<br>It is also fun to enjoy cherry blossom viewing with the ship girls at the Naval Base Gardens!
| rarity=  
| release= 2014/03/28
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
===Fresh Green Wood Floor===
===Modern Chair===
| nameJP= 新緑のフローリング
| nameJP= モダンチェア
| nameEN= Fresh Green Wood Floor
| nameEN= Modern Chair
| type= floor
| type= desk
| ID= 4
| ID= 175
| coin= 1300
| coin=  
| rarity= 3
| discount=
| descriptionJP= しっかりとした木板で構成された、木と新緑の香り漂うフローリングです。<br>作戦室にはもちろん、教室の床材としても最適ですね!
| fairy= 1
| descriptionEN= This flooring is made of sturdy wooden boards and has the scent of wood and fresh greenery.<br>It is perfect not only for war rooms, but also as flooring for classrooms!
| rarity=  
| release= 2014/05/23
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
===High-grade Wood Floor===
===Destroyer Girls' Tree===
| nameJP= 高級フローリング
| nameJP= 駆逐艦娘のツリー
| nameEN= High-grade Wood Floor
| nameEN= Destroyer Girls' Tree
| type= floor
| type= desk
| ID= 5
| ID= 176
| coin= 100
| coin=  
| rarity= 1
| discount=
| descriptionJP= 高級なマホガニー仕様の重厚なフローリング。<br>地味にセンスの光る提督の執務室にぴったり!
| fairy= 1
| descriptionEN= Heavy, high-quality mahogany flooring.<br>Perfect for offices of admirals who want to express their good taste in a simple manner!
| rarity=  
| release= 2013/04/23
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
===Sandy Beach Floor===
===Chabudai Set===
| nameJP= 砂浜の床
| nameJP= ちゃぶ台セット
| nameEN= Sandy Beach Floor
| nameEN= Chabudai Set
| type= floor
| type= desk
| ID= 6
| ID= 178
| image1= Sandy beach 01.png
| coin=  
| image2= Sandy beach 02.png
| discount=  
| fairy= 1
| rarity=
| descriptionJP=
| descriptionEN=
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
===Setsubun Set For Adults===
| nameJP= 大人の節分セット
| nameEN= Setsubun Set For Adults
| type= desk
| ID= 179
| coin= 2000
| coin= 2000
| fairy= 1
| fairy= 1
| rarity= 4
| rarity= 4
| descriptionJP= 匠の職人の技によって完成した海岸の砂浜を鎮守府内にダイナミックに再現した砂浜の床。<br>艦娘たちも時々砂遊びに来るみたいです!
| descriptionJP= 「鬼は外ぉ~、福は内~っひっく!」<br>ちょっと大人な軽空母たちと節分の厄除けを行う準備です。<br>豆はおつまみとして使用する模様。
| descriptionEN= The sandy beach floor is a dynamic recreation of a coastal beach, completed by skilled craftsmen within the naval base.<br>It seems that the shipgirls sometimes come to play in the sand!
| descriptionEN= "Out with the demons, in with the good fortune!"<br>We are preparing to perform a Setsubun warding off evil spirits with some slightly more grown-up light aircraft carriers.<br>The beans are used as a snack.
| feature= The sand structure evolves depending on the time of day:
| BGM= Setsubun At The Naval district (節分の鎮守府)
*6h~18h: hill tunnel
| release= 2014/01/22
*18h~6h: sand castle
| release= 2014/07/18
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note= Graffitis:
| note= Text & clothes from [[Junyou]]
*6h~18h by [[Nagato]] & [[Inazuma]]: "Big 7" & "Nano Desu"
*6h~18h by [[Sendai]], [[Jintsuu]], & [[Naka]]: "Yasen", "Ji watsu sōten", & "Sentā"
===Blue Carpet===
===Photography Set===
| nameJP= ブルーカーペット
| nameJP= 撮影セット
| nameEN= Blue Carpet
| nameEN= Photography Set
| type= floor
| type= desk
| ID= 7
| ID= 180
| coin= 150
| coin=  
| rarity= 1
| discount=
| descriptionJP= 出撃による高揚した気分も落ち着く青色カーペット。<br>艦娘たちもお気に入りです。
| fairy= 1
| descriptionEN= The blue carpet calms down the high mood caused by sorties.<br>I also like the ship girls.
| rarity=  
| release= 2013/04/23
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
===White Stone Tile===
===Prematurely Set-upped Kotatsu===
| nameJP= 白い石版タイル
| nameJP= 早く出しすぎた炬燵
| nameEN= White Stone Tile
| nameEN= Prematurely Set-upped Kotatsu
| type= floor
| type= desk
| ID= 9
| ID= 181
| coin= 150
| coin=  
| rarity= 1
| discount=
| descriptionJP= 足元から明るい気分になれる白いタイル。<br>洗練されたデザインは、モダンなインテリアにもよく合います!
| fairy= 1
| descriptionEN= White tiles that brighten your mood from the ground up.<br>The sleek design goes well with modern interiors!
| rarity=  
| release= 2013/04/23
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
===Duvets And Pillows===
| nameJP= 羽毛布団と枕
| nameEN= Duvets And Pillows
| type= desk
| ID= 182
| coin=
| discount=
| fairy= 1
| rarity=
| descriptionJP=
| descriptionEN=
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=
| availability=
| note=
===Daphne Rug===
===Senbei Futon===
| nameJP= 沈丁花の敷物
| nameJP= 煎餅布団
| nameEN= Daphne Rug
| nameEN= Senbei Futon
| type= floor
| type= desk
| ID= 10
| ID= 183
| reward= true
| coin=
| discount=
| fairy= 1
| rarity=
| descriptionJP=
| descriptionEN=
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=
| availability= Quest {{Q|WB02}}
| note= A senbei futon is "futon hard and flat like a senbei" (rice cracker).
| nameJP= 床の間
| nameEN= Tokonoma
| type= desk
| ID= 184
| coin=
| discount=
| fairy= 1
| rarity=
| descriptionJP=
| descriptionEN=
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
===Kanmusu Dedicated Desk===
| nameJP= 艦娘専用デスク
| nameEN= Kanmusu Dedicated Desk
| type= desk
| ID= 185
| coin=  
| coin=  
| discount=  
| discount=  
Line 138: Line 316:
===Hand-knit And Flooring===
===Admiral's Mahjong Table===
| nameJP= 手編みとフローリング
| nameJP= 提督の麻雀卓
| nameEN= Hand-knit And Flooring
| nameEN= Admiral's Mahjong Table
| type= floor
| type= desk
| ID= 11
| ID= 186
| reward = true
| coin=  
| coin=  
| discount=  
| discount=  
Line 158: Line 335:
===Small Flower Pattern Carpet===
===Watermelon Splitting Set===
| nameJP= 小花柄カーペット
| nameJP= 西瓜割りセット
| nameEN= Small Flower Pattern Carpet
| nameEN= Watermelon Splitting Set
| type= floor
| type= desk
| ID= 12
| ID= 187
| coin= 200
| coin=  
| rarity= 2
| discount=
| descriptionJP= まるで草原にいるような心和む緑のカーペット。<br>
| fairy= 1
| rarity=  
| descriptionEN= A soothing green carpet that makes you feel like being in a meadow.<br>Coordinating it with earth-toned floors gives you a gentle feeling.
| descriptionJP=  
| release= 2013/04/23
| descriptionEN=
| BGM=
| feature=  
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
===Round Winter Carpet===
===High-end Sewing Machine===
| nameJP= 冬の丸絨毯
| nameJP= 高級ミシン
| nameEN= Round Winter Carpet
| nameEN= High-end Sewing Machine
| type= floor
| type= desk
| ID= 13
| ID= 188
| coin= 1800
| coin=  
| rarity= 3
| discount=
| descriptionJP= 丸い形の暖かい絨毯です。<br>冬の季節にぴったりの和み絨毯は駆逐艦娘たちにも好評です。<br>高品質かつお求めやすいお値段もポイントです。
| fairy= 1
| descriptionEN= It is a warm round carpet.<br>This soothing carpet, perfect for the winter season, is also popular with the destroyer girls.<br>Another key point is its high quality and affordable price.
| rarity=  
| release= 2017/01/10
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
===Cherry Blossom Floor===
===Kongou's Tea Set===
| nameJP= 桜の床
| nameJP= 金剛の紅茶セット
| nameEN= Cherry Blossom Floor
| nameEN= Kongou's Tea Set
| type= floor
| type= desk
| ID= 14
| ID= 189
| coin=  
| coin=  
| discount=  
| discount=  
Line 206: Line 392:
===Winter Carpet===
===Indoor Pool===
| nameJP= 冬のカーペット
| nameJP= ご家庭用プール
| nameEN= Winter Carpet
| nameEN= Indoor Pool
| type= floor
| type= desk
| ID= 15
| ID= 192
| coin=  
| coin=  
| discount=  
| discount=  
Line 225: Line 411:
===Taylor-made Snow Pattern Carpet===
===Glass Table===
| nameJP= 雪模様の特製絨毯
| nameJP= ガラステーブル
| nameEN= Taylor-made Snow Pattern Carpet
| nameEN= Glass Table
| type= floor
| type= desk
| ID= 16
| ID= 193
| coin= 2000
| coin=  
| discount=
| fairy= 1
| rarity=
| descriptionJP= モダンセンスあふれるガラスを天板にしたテーブル。
| descriptionEN=
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
===Single Bed===
| nameJP= シングルベッド
| nameEN= Single Bed
| type= desk
| ID= 195
| coin=
| discount=
| fairy= 1
| fairy= 1
| rarity= 4
| rarity=  
| descriptionJP= 選び抜かれた高級な素材をふんだんに使用して、職人が作り上げた雪模様の特製絨毯です。<br>
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionEN=  
| descriptionEN= This is a special snow-patterned carpet created by artisans using an abundance of carefully selected, high-quality materials.<br>This is a masterpiece that is also very popular with the ship girls who look great in white.
| BGM=  
| BGM= A Night Of Powdery Snow (粉雪の降る夜)
| feature=
| release= 2016/12/09
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
===Pink Floor===
===Chocolate-bar-shaped Desk===
| nameJP= ピンクの床
| nameJP= 板チョコ型の机
| nameEN= Pink Floor
| nameEN= Chocolate-bar-shaped Desk
| type= floor
| type= desk
| ID= 17
| ID= 196
| coin= 1200
| coin=  
| rarity= 1
| discount=
| descriptionJP= ガーリーなピンクに仕上げられた高級床。<br>原材料には大理石を使用。<br>どこかのお店のような不思議な雰囲気を醸し出します。
| fairy= 1
| descriptionEN= Luxury flooring finished in a girly pink color.<br>Marble is used as the raw material.<br>It creates a mysterious atmosphere that feels like a store somewhere.
| rarity=  
| release= 2013/05/08
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
===Tatami & Plum Pattern Carpet===
===Futon And Pillow===
| nameJP= 畳&梅柄カーペット
| nameJP= 布団と枕
| nameEN= Tatami & Plum Pattern Carpet
| nameEN= Futon And Pillow
| type= floor
| type= desk
| ID= 18
| ID= 197
| coin=  
| coin=  
| discount=  
| discount=  
Line 275: Line 488:
===Mutsuki's Floor===
===Wooden Office Desk===
| nameJP= 睦月の床
| nameJP= ウッディな執務机
| nameEN= Mutsuki's Floor
| nameEN= Wooden Office Desk
| type= floor
| type= desk
| ID= 19
| ID= 198
| coin= 2100
| coin=  
| discount=
| fairy= 1
| fairy= 1
| rarity= 4
| rarity=  
| descriptionJP= 高品質の床板をある駆逐艦娘たちがさらに磨き上げてくれました。
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionEN=
| descriptionEN= The high-quality floorboards were further polished by some destroyer girls.<br>Snow camellias blooming in the winter gardens of the naval base are gently placed here.
| BGM=
| release= 2017/01/10
| feature=  
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
===Western European Style Carpet===
===Hot Spring Hinoki Bath===
| nameJP= 西欧風カーペット
| nameJP= 温泉檜風呂
| nameEN= Western European Style Carpet
| nameEN= Hot Spring Hinoki Bath
| type= floor
| type= desk
| ID= 20
| ID= 199
| coin= 300
| image1= ?
| rarity= 3
| image2= ?
| descriptionJP= 大胆な柄が部屋の印象を明るく演出してくれます。<br>お馬さんのぬいぐるみもポイント高し。
| image3= ?
| descriptionEN= The bold pattern brightens up the room.<br>The stuffed horse toys are also a big plus.
| image4= ?
| release= 2013/05/08
| image5= ?
| image6= ?
| coin=  
| discount=
| fairy= 1
| rarity=  
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
===High-grade Crimson Carpet===
===Turkey Feast===
| nameJP= 真っ赤な高級絨毯
| nameJP= 七面鳥のご馳走
| nameEN= High-grade Crimson Carpet
| nameEN= Turkey Feast
| type= floor
| type= desk
| ID= 21
| ID= 200
| coin= 800
| coin=  
| rarity= 2
| discount=
| descriptionJP= 高級な素材で仕上げられた真っ赤な絨毯。<br>何かが三倍早くなるような気もしますが、それは気のせいです!<br>紅茶セットも素敵デース!
| fairy= 1
| descriptionEN= A bright red carpet made from high-quality materials.<br>It may feel like something is three times faster, but that's just your imagination!<br>The tea set is also lovely!
| rarity=  
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM=  
| BGM=  
| feature=  
| feature=  
| release= 2013/06/12
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
===Gorgeous Hina-ningyou Four-step Stand===
| nameJP= 雛人形豪華四段飾り
| nameEN= Gorgeous Hina-ningyou Four-step Stand
| type= desk
| ID= 201
| coin=
| discount=
| fairy= 1
| rarity=
| descriptionJP=
| descriptionEN=
| BGM= Hinamatsuri And Ship Girls (桃の節句と艦娘)
| feature=
| release=
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
| nameJP= なし
| nameEN= Nothing
| type= desk
| ID= 202
| coin=
| rarity=
| descriptionJP=
| descriptionEN=
| feature=
| release=
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note= By [[Kongou]]
| note= There nothing present, leaving an empty space.
===Pure White Fluffy Carpet===
===Admiral's Study Desk===
| nameJP= 真っ白なフワフワ絨毯
| nameJP= 提督の書斎机
| nameEN= Pure White Fluffy Carpet
| nameEN= Admiral's Study Desk
| type= floor
| type= desk
| ID= 22
| ID= 207
| coin=  
| coin=  
| discount=  
| discount=  
Line 341: Line 605:
===Snowfield Floor===
===Manuscript Desk===
| nameJP= 雪原の床
| nameJP= 原稿机
| nameEN= Snowfield Floor
| nameEN= Manuscript Desk
| type= floor
| type= desk
| ID= 23
| ID= 208
| image1= Floor_023_01.png
| image2= Floor_023_02.png
| image3= Floor_023_03.png
| image4= Floor_023_04.png
| coin=  
| coin=  
| discount=  
| discount=  
Line 358: Line 618:
| descriptionEN=  
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM=  
| BGM=  
| feature= The snow structure evolves depending on the time of day:
| feature=  
*?h~?h: ??
*?h~?h: ??
*?h~?h: ??
*?h~?h: ??
| release=  
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
Line 368: Line 624:
===Spring-colored Floor===
===Vinyl Pool===
| nameJP= 春色の床
| nameJP= ビニールプール
| nameEN= Spring-colored Floor
| nameEN= Vinyl Pool
| type= floor
| type= desk
| ID= 24
| ID= 216
| image1= ?
| image2= ?
| coin=  
| coin=  
| discount=  
| discount=  
Line 387: Line 645:
===New Tatami===
===Sanma Dinner Table===
| nameJP= 青畳
| nameJP= 秋刀魚の食卓
| nameEN= New Tatami
| nameEN= Sanma Dinner Table
| type= floor
| type= desk
| ID= 25
| ID= 217
| coin= 500
| animated= true
| rarity= 3
| coin=  
| descriptionJP= やはり和の床は畳!<br>そんな畳派を自認する提督に贈る真新しい天然い草を使った青畳です。<br>基本にして最高の執務室を新しい畳で!
| discount=
| descriptionEN= The Japanese floor is tatami after all!<br>This is a brand new tatami mat made from natural rush grass, presented to tatami fan admirals.<br>Create the best basic office space with new tatami mats!
| fairy= 1
| release= 2015/03/27
| rarity=  
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM= Autumn Naval Base (秋の鎮守府)
| feature=
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
===Luxury White Marble Floor===
| nameJP= 白い高級大理石床
| nameJP= ジュークボックス
| nameEN= Luxury White Marble Floor
| nameEN= Jukebox
| type= floor
| type= desk
| ID= 26
| ID= 218
| coin= 2200
| coin=  
| discount=
| fairy= 1
| fairy= 1
| rarity= 3
| rarity=  
| descriptionJP= 特注家具職人がその匠の技で磨きあげた高級大理石製の冬にぴったりの白い床です。<br>丁寧な仕上げで艦娘にも好評なのです!
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionEN= The white floor is made of high-quality marble and has been polished by a custom cabinet maker, making it perfect for winter.<br>The careful finish makes it popular with shipgirls!
| descriptionEN=  
| release= 2015/12/08
| BGM=
| feature= Can play music and change the port's BGM (''see [[#Jukebox]]'')
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
===Fall Floorboards===
===White And Blue Tree===
| nameJP= 秋の床板
| nameJP= 白と青のツリー
| nameEN= Fall Floorboards
| nameEN= White And Blue Tree
| type= floor
| type= desk
| ID= 27
| ID= 224
| coin= 450
| coin=  
| rarity= 2
| discount=
| descriptionJP= 比較的リーズナブルな価格帯の秋を感じる床板です。<br>提督室にも秋の気配が!<br>いよいよ秋刀魚の美味しい季節が近づいてきますね!
| fairy= 1
| descriptionEN= These floorboards have a relatively reasonable price and give off an autumn vibe.<br>Bring a touch of autumn into the Admiral's room!<br>The delicious season for saury is finally approaching!
| rarity=  
| release= 2016/08/31
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM= Winter Anchor (冬の抜錨)
| feature=
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
===Harvest Moon Rug===
===Naval Base New Year's Shrine Visit Set===
| nameJP= 中秋の名月敷物
| nameJP= 鎮守府初詣セット
| nameEN= Harvest Moon Rug
| nameEN= Naval Base New Year's Shrine Visit Set
| type= floor
| type= desk
| ID= 28
| ID= 225
| coin=  
| coin=  
| discount=  
| discount=  
Line 449: Line 722:
===Autumn Leaves Artisan Floor===
===New Year's Soba===
| nameJP= 紅葉の職人床
| nameJP= 年越し蕎麦
| nameEN= Autumn Leaves Artisan Floor
| nameEN= New Year's Soba
| type= floor
| type= desk
| ID= 29
| ID= 228
| coin= 117000
| coin=  
| discount= 1700
| discount=  
| rarity= 4
| fairy= 1
| descriptionJP= 最高級の木材を用いて職人が丁寧に組み上げた、秋の季節にぴったりの季節床。<br>家具コイン長者向けですがダイナミック職人支援可!
| rarity=  
| descriptionEN= This seasonal flooring is perfect for autumn and has been carefully made by craftsmen using the highest quality wood.<br>It is aimed at furniture coin millionaires, but you can also apply a discount!!
| descriptionJP=  
| release= 2016/08/31
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM= New Year Greetings From The Naval Base (迎春の鎮守府)
| feature=
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
===Ship Girl Cushion Floor===
===Chocolate Kitchen===
| nameJP= 艦娘座布団の床
| nameJP= チョコレートキッチン
| nameEN= Ship Girl Cushion Floor
| nameEN= Chocolate Kitchen
| type= floor
| type= desk
| ID= 30
| ID= 232
| reward = true
| coin=  
| coin= 880
| discount=
| rarity= 2
| fairy= 1
| descriptionJP= 提督室の床板もちょこっと座布団を置くだけで居住性は格段に向上!<br>提督が艦娘のために用意した、小さいけれど特別な座布団です。
| rarity=  
| descriptionEN= Simply placing a few cushions on the floor of the Admiral's room can greatly improve livability!<br>This is a small but special cushion that the Admiral prepared for ship girls.
| descriptionJP=  
| release= 2016/11/04
| descriptionEN=  
| availability= {{Q|B84}} reward, [[Furniture Shop]] (2017/02/28)
| BGM= Kanmusu's Sweets Making (艦娘のお菓子作り)
| feature=
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
===Flight Deck===
===Liquor & Wine Shelves===
| nameJP= 飛行甲板
| nameJP= 洋酒&ワイン棚
| nameEN= Flight Deck
| nameEN= Liquor & Wine Shelves
| type= floor
| type= desk
| ID= 31
| ID= 233
| coin= 9300
| coin=  
| discount=
| fairy= 1
| fairy= 1
| rarity= 4
| rarity=  
| descriptionJP= 鎮守府で執務しながら艦載機の発着艦訓練も可能かもしれない特注の飛行甲板型の床。<br>エレベーターが一体どこに行くのか謎です。
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionEN= A custom-made flight deck-style floor that may make it possible for carrier-based aircraft to practice takeoff and landing while working at the naval base.<br>Where on earth does the elevator go? It's a mystery.
| descriptionEN=  
| release= 2013/10/23
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
===Concrete Floor===
===Hot Spring Stone Bath===
| nameJP= コンクリート床
| nameJP= 温泉岩風呂
| nameEN= Concrete Floor
| nameEN= Hot Spring Stone Bath
| type= floor
| type= desk
| ID= 33
| ID= 240
| coin= 200
| image1= ?
| rarity= 2
| image2= ?
| descriptionJP= 都会派の貴方はこれでキマリ!<br>洗練されたアーバンな執務室を演出する硬派なコンクリート製の床!<br>冬場は少し寒いけど気にしない!
| image3= ?
| descriptionEN= If you are a city person, this is perfect for you!<br>A hard concrete floor creates a sophisticated, urban office!<br>It's a little cold in the winter but I don't mind!
| image4= ?
| release= 2013/04/23
| image5= ?
| image6= ?
| coin=  
| discount=
| fairy= 1
| rarity=  
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
===Graffiti Floor===
===Admiral's Desk With Hydrangea Pot===
| nameJP= ラクガキ床
| nameJP= 紫陽花鉢の提督机
| nameEN= Graffiti Floor
| nameEN= Admiral's Desk With Hydrangea Pot
| type= floor
| type= desk
| ID= 34
| ID= 245
| coin= 400
| coin=  
| rarity= 4
| discount=
| descriptionJP= 何度描いても水で簡単にふき取りが可能な楽しい床。<br>戦略を立てるのにも有効です。<br>心がこもっているのである意味消せません!
| fairy= 1
| descriptionEN= A fun floor that can be easily wiped clean with water no matter how many times you tag it.<br>It is also useful for formulating strategies.<br>It's so heartfelt that I can't erase it!
| rarity=  
| release= 2013/05/08
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
===Battleship Tile Floor===
===Cold Bath===
| nameJP= 戦艦タイルの床
| nameJP= 水風呂
| nameEN= Battleship Tile Floor
| nameEN= Cold Bath
| type= floor
| type= desk
| ID= 35
| ID= 248
| coin= 450
| animated= true
| rarity= 4
| image1= ?
| descriptionJP= 天然木と白タイルを組み合わせて戦艦級の艦艇柄をあしらった斬新な床です。<br>まさに艦隊司令官としての自負に溢れた執務室です。
| image2= ?
| descriptionEN= This innovative floor combines natural wood and white tiles to create a battleship pattern.<br>It is truly an office filled with the pride of a fleet commander.
| coin=  
| release= 2013/04/23
| discount=
| fairy= 1
| rarity=  
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
===Checkered Pattern Choja Tatami===
===Naval Base Beach Tea House===
| nameJP= 市松模様の長者畳
| nameJP= 鎮守府浜茶屋
| nameEN= Checkered Pattern Choja Tatami
| nameEN= Naval Base Beach Tea House
| type= floor
| type= desk
| ID= 36
| ID= 250
| coin=  
| coin=  
| discount=  
| discount=  
Line 548: Line 857:
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionEN=  
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM= New Year At The Naval Base
| BGM=  
| feature=  
| feature=  
| release=  
| release=  
Line 555: Line 864:
===Rush Tatami===
===Naval Base Autumn Festival Food Stall===
| nameJP= い草の畳
| nameJP= 鎮守府秋祭りの屋台
| nameEN= Rush Tatami
| nameEN= Naval Base Autumn Festival Food Stall
| type= floor
| type= desk
| ID= 37
| ID= 257
| coin= 700
| animated= true
| rarity= 5
| coin=  
| descriptionJP= 熟練の職人が鍛え抜かれた技で仕上げた逸品。<br>心も安らぐ天然い草の香りが爽やか。<br>懐かしい、そして最高級の畳の床です。
| discount=
| descriptionEN= This is a masterpiece made by a skilled craftsman using his honed skills.<br>The scent of natural grass is refreshing and calms your mind.<br>It is a nostalgic and top-quality tatami floor.
| fairy= 1
| release= 2013/04/23
| rarity=  
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
===Beach Tea House Floor===
===Shooting Gallery At The Naval Base Autumn Festival===
| nameJP= 浜茶屋の床
| nameJP= 鎮守府秋祭りの射的
| nameEN= Beach Tea House Floor
| nameEN= Shooting Gallery At The Naval Base Autumn Festival
| type= floor
| type= desk
| ID= 255
| ID= 258
| coin= 1800
| animated= true
| rarity= 3
| coin=  
| descriptionJP= 砂浜とフィットした鎮守府浜茶屋の仮設床です。<br>これさえあれば、夏の提督執務室もナチュラルな浜茶屋に大変貌!<br>よし、これだ!
| discount=
| descriptionEN= This is a temporary floor at the Naval Base for the beach tea house that fits in perfectly with the sandy beach.<br>With this, the Admiral's office will be transformed into a natural beach tea house this summer!<br>Alright, this is it!
| fairy= 1
| release= 2015/07/17
| rarity=  
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
===Uzuki's Floor===
===Naval Base Pacific Saury Festival===
| nameJP= 卯月の床
| nameJP= 鎮守府秋刀魚祭り
| nameEN= Uzuki's Floor
| nameEN= Naval Base Pacific Saury Festival
| type= floor
| type= desk
| ID= 281
| ID= 262
| animated= true
| coin=  
| coin=  
| discount=  
| discount=  
Line 602: Line 924:
===Hydrangea Floor===
===Turkey Dinner===
| nameJP= 紫陽花の床
| nameJP= 七面鳥のディナー
| nameEN= Hydrangea Floor
| nameEN= Turkey Dinner
| type= floor
| type= desk
| ID= 293
| ID= 267
| reward = true
| coin=  
| coin=  
| discount=  
| discount=  
Line 617: Line 938:
| BGM=  
| BGM=  
| feature=  
| feature=  
| release= 2016/06/01
| release=  
| availability= Post [[Spring 2016 Event]] excuse gift, [[Furniture Shop]] (2017/06/01)
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=  
| note=  
===Rainy Season Floor===
===Admiral's New Year's Big Splish-Up===
| nameJP= 梅雨の季節の床
| nameJP= 年末年始の提督大奮発
| nameEN= Rainy Season Floor
| nameEN= Admiral's New Year's Big Splish-Up
| type= floor
| type= desk
| ID= 295
| ID= 271
| image1= ?
| coin=  
| coin=  
| discount=  
| discount=  
Line 641: Line 963:
===Wisteria And Water Surface Flooring===
===Mutsuki's Desk===
| nameJP= 藤と水面の床
| nameJP= 睦月の机
| nameEN= Wisteria And Water Surface Flooring
| nameEN= Mutsuki's Desk
| type= floor
| type= desk
| ID= 297
| ID= 273
| animated= true
| coin=  
| coin= 160000
| discount=  
| discount= 6000
| fairy= 1
| rarity= 5
| rarity=  
| descriptionJP= 床面にガラスを敷き、その下に水面を配するという技巧的な藤の季節の床です。<br>家具コイン長者向けですがダイナミック職人支援可!
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionEN= This is an ingeniously crafted floor for the wisteria season, with glass laid on the floor and a surface of water underneath.<br>It is aimed at furniture coin millionaires, but you can also apply a discount!
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM= Rain, Alcohol, And Ship Girls (雨とお酒と艦娘)
| BGM=  
| feature= Has animated water ripples that appear at specific intervals
| feature=  
| release= 2016/06/01
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
===Simple Tatami On Half The Floor===
| nameJP= 床半分の簡易畳
| nameJP=  
| nameEN= Simple Tatami On Half The Floor
| nameEN=  
| type= floor
| type= desk
| ID= 303
| ID= 276
| coin= 1500
| coin=  
| rarity= 3
| discount=
| descriptionJP= ちょっと畳な雰囲気を味わいつつシンプルな床も好きという提督のための、ハーフ&ハーフな簡易畳です。<br>お値段もリーズナブル!
| fairy= 1
| descriptionEN= This is a simple half-and-half tatami mat for admirals who want a bit of a tatami feel but also like a simple floor.<br>The price is reasonable too!
| rarity=  
| release= 2016/06/30
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
===Blue And White Floor===
===Admiral's Cookie Kitchen===
| nameJP= 青と白の床
| nameJP= 提督のクッキーキッチン
| nameEN= Blue And White Floor
| nameEN= Admiral's Cookie Kitchen
| type= floor
| type= desk
| ID= 304
| ID= 278
| coin= 1700
| coin= 150000
| rarity= 3
| discount= 5000
| descriptionJP= 夏の季節の海をモチーフに製作された爽やかな床板。<br>白を基調に、水色と海色のストライプが夏の鎮守府を爽やかに演出します。
| rarity=  
| descriptionEN= A refreshing floorboard created with a summer sea motif.<br>The white base with light blue and sea blue stripes creates a refreshing look for the naval base's summer.
| descriptionJP=  
| release= 2016/07/15
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
===Wavefront Sandy Beach Floor===
===Admiral's Dining Table===
| nameJP= 波打ち際の砂浜床
| nameJP= 提督の作る食卓
| nameEN= Wavefront Sandy Beach Floor
| nameEN= Admiral's Dining Table
| type= floor
| type= desk
| ID= 310
| ID= 279
| animated= true
| animated= true
| coin= 5500
| image1= ?
| image2= ?
| image3= ?
| coin=
| discount=
| fairy= 1
| rarity=
| descriptionJP=
| descriptionEN=
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
===Uzuki's Desk===
| nameJP= 卯月の机
| nameEN= Uzuki's Desk
| type= desk
| ID= 285
| coin=  
| discount=
| fairy= 1
| fairy= 1
| rarity= 5
| rarity=  
| descriptionJP= 匠の職人の卓越した技術によって、波打ち際の砂浜が鎮守府内にダイナミックに再現されました。
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionEN=  
| descriptionEN= Thanks to the outstanding skills of our master craftsmen, a dynamic sandy beach with a water's edge has been recreated within the naval base.<br>This way you can enjoy the summer feeling even while at work!
| BGM=  
| BGM= Swimsuit Sortie (水着の出撃)
| feature= Clicking on the plush plays [[Uzuki]]'s voice.
| feature= Has a shore wave animation
| release=  
| release= 2016/08/01
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note= Voice text: ?
===Cookie Floor===
===Satsuki's Desk===
| nameJP= クッキーの床
| nameJP= 皐月の机
| nameEN= Cookie Floor
| nameEN= Satsuki's Desk
| type= floor
| type= desk
| ID= 339
| ID= 289
| coin=  
| coin=  
| discount=  
| discount=  
Line 725: Line 1,080:
===Nagatsuki's Floor===
===Navy Land-based Air Squadron Desk===
| nameJP= 長月の床
| nameJP= 海軍基地航空隊の机
| nameEN= Nagatsuki's Floor
| nameEN= Navy Land-based Air Squadron Desk
| type= floor
| type= desk
| ID= 357
| ID= 290
| coin= 1900
| coin=  
| rarity= 3
| discount=
| descriptionJP= 長月の季節の月をモチーフにした敷物です。<br>秋の夜のすすきと夜空に浮かぶ月が鎮守府の床に独特の世界を醸し出します。
| fairy= 1
| descriptionEN= This rug has a moon motif for the Nagatsuki season.<br>The silver grass on an autumn night and the moon floating in the night sky create a unique world on the floor of the naval base.
| rarity=  
| release= 2017/09/12
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
===Snow-painted Floorboards===
===Army Fighter Wing's Command Desk===
| nameJP= 雪ペイントの床板
| nameJP= 陸軍飛行戦隊の指揮机
| nameEN= Snow-painted Floorboards
| nameEN= Army Fighter Wing's Command Desk
| type= floor
| type= desk
| ID= 362
| ID= 291
| coin= 650
| reward= true
| rarity= 2
| coin=  
| descriptionJP= 良く磨いたいつもの床板に軽巡艦娘有志が雪の模様をきれいにペイントしてくれました。<br>クリスタルにも見えるって?気のせいです。
| discount=
| descriptionEN= A group of light cruiser girls volunteered to paint a beautiful snow pattern onto the usual well-polished floorboards.<br>Does it look like crystal? It's my imagination.
| fairy= 1
| release= 2017/12/11
| rarity=  
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
===Christmas Mat===
===Resort Hammock===
| nameJP= クリスマスのマット
| nameJP= リゾートハンモック
| nameEN= Christmas Mat
| nameEN= Resort Hammock
| type= floor
| type= desk
| ID= 363
| ID= 309
| coin= 1200
| coin=  
| rarity= 3
| discount=
| descriptionJP= 駆逐艦や海防艦たちのリクエストで登場です。<br>楽しいクリスマスを過ごすための冬のマット。<br>ぜひ、提督の執務室にも標準装備で!
| fairy= 1
| descriptionEN= Introduced at the request of destroyers and coastal defense ships.<br>A winter mat for a fun Christmas.<br>This should definitely be a standard furniture in the admiral's office!
| rarity=  
| release= 2017/12/11
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
===Iron Flooring===
===Admiral Zabuton===
| nameJP= 鉄製の床材
| nameJP= 提督座布団
| nameEN= Iron Flooring
| nameEN= Admiral Zabuton
| type= floor
| type= desk
| ID= 384
| ID= 315
| coin=  
| coin=  
| discount=  
| discount=  
Line 786: Line 1,157:
===Tanabata Tatami===
===Admiral Writing Desk===
| nameJP= 七夕の畳
| nameJP= 提督文机
| nameEN= Tanabata Tatami
| nameEN= Admiral Writing Desk
| type= floor
| type= desk
| ID= 386
| ID= 316
| coin= 3700
| coin=  
| discount=
| fairy= 1
| fairy= 1
| rarity= 4
| rarity=  
| descriptionJP= 畳職人が腕によりをかけて作り上げた、七夕の季節にぴったりの涼やかな高級畳です。
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionEN=  
| descriptionEN=  
| release= 2018/06/29
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
===Green Grass Flooring===
===Naval Base Hearth===
| nameJP= 青草の床
| nameJP= 鎮守府囲炉裏
| nameEN= Green Grass Flooring
| nameEN= Naval Base Hearth
| type= floor
| type= desk
| ID= 390
| ID= 317
| coin= 1700
| animated= true
| rarity= 4
| coin=  
| descriptionJP= 青々と茂る青草が気持ちのよい新しい床です。<br>鎮守府とは何か、提督室とは何か…青草の上に思考を深めるのも楽しいですね。
| discount=
| descriptionEN= The new floor is pleasant to look at, with lush green grass.<br>What is a naval base? What is an admiral's office? It's fun to ponder these questions while sitting on the grass.
| fairy= 1
| release= 2018/07/12
| rarity=  
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
===Saury Festival Floorboards===
===Tricolor Tree===
| nameJP= 秋刀魚祭りの床板
| nameJP= トリコロールツリー
| nameEN= Saury Festival Floorboards
| nameEN= Tricolor Tree
| type= floor
| type= desk
| ID= 397
| ID= 320
| coin= 110000
| coin=  
| discount= 1000
| discount=  
| rarity= 5
| fairy= 1
| descriptionJP= 秋は秋刀魚の季節、鎮守府秋刀魚祭りをモチーフにした床板…ですが、海防艦がよってたかってラクガキ!<br>職人ダイナミック割引可!
| rarity=  
| descriptionEN= Autumn is the season for saury, and the floorboards are designed with the Naval Base Saury Festival as their motif...but there are also doodles of coastal defense ships gathered around!<br>A discount can be applied!
| descriptionJP=  
| release= 2018/10/10
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM= A Night Of Powdery Snow (粉雪の降る夜)
| feature=
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
===Winter Floor And Heated Floor Mat===
===Roast Beef Dinner===
| nameJP= 冬の床と床暖マット
| nameJP= ローストビーフディナー
| nameEN= Winter Floor And Heated Floor Mat
| nameEN= Roast Beef Dinner
| type= floor
| type= desk
| ID= 400
| ID= 321
| coin= 1500
| coin=  
| rarity= 3
| discount=
| descriptionJP= 冬の季節にぴったりの白を基調としたシンプルな床板と床暖マット。<br>クリスマスツリーを飾るも良し、机を置いて執務に励むも良し!
| fairy= 1
| descriptionEN= Simple white floorboards and heated floor mats are perfect for winter.<br>You can decorate your Christmas tree or put a desk there and get to work!
| rarity=  
| release= 2018/12/07
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
===Rice Croquette Dinner===
| nameJP=  
| nameJP= ライスコロッケディナー
| nameEN=  
| nameEN= Rice Croquette Dinner
| type= floor
| type= desk
| ID= 401
| ID= 322
| reward= true
| coin=  
| coin=  
| discount=  
| discount=  
Line 864: Line 1,254:
===Setsubun Manuscript Desk===
| nameJP=  
| nameJP= 節分の原稿机
| nameEN=  
| nameEN= Setsubun Manuscript Desk
| type= floor
| type= desk
| ID= 409
| ID= 328
| animated= true
| reward= true
| coin=  
| coin=  
| discount=  
| discount=  
Line 877: Line 1,269:
| descriptionEN=  
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM=  
| BGM=  
| feature=  
| feature= Clicking on the desk's lamp will cause it to light up for 6 s, before flickering out.
| release=  
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
Line 883: Line 1,275:
===Ehomaki Kitchen===
| nameJP=  
| nameJP= 恵方巻のキッチン
| nameEN=  
| nameEN= Ehomaki Kitchen
| type= floor
| type= desk
| ID= 419
| ID= 329
| coin=  
| coin=  
| discount=  
| discount=  
Line 902: Line 1,294:
===Green Fluffy Rug===
===Children's Setsubun Set===
| nameJP= 綿毛模様の緑の敷物
| nameJP= こどもの節分セット
| nameEN= Green Fluffy Rug
| nameEN= Children's Setsubun Set
| type= floor
| type= desk
| ID= 427
| ID= 373
| coin= 900
| image1= ?
| rarity= 3
| coin=  
| descriptionJP= 春の暖かい日差しとその中へ飛翔する綿毛をイメージした緑の敷物です。<br>優しい気持ちになりたい時にぜひお使いください!
| discount=
| descriptionEN= This green rug is inspired by the warm spring sunshine and the fluff flying into it.<br>Please use it when you want to feel gentle!
| fairy= 1
| release= 2019/04/22
| rarity=  
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM= Kanmusu's Sweets Making (艦娘のお菓子作り)
| feature= Shows the [[Strait Medal]] if possed.
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
===Early Summer Floor===
===Café Table Set===
| nameJP= 初夏の床
| nameJP= Caféテーブルセット
| nameEN= Early Summer Floor
| nameEN= Café Table Set
| type= floor
| type= desk
| ID= 434
| ID= 377
| coin= 1600
| image1= ?
| rarity= 3
| coin=  
| descriptionJP= 梅雨が明ければ、いよいよ季節は初夏!<br>そんな季節を爽やかに楽しむための床板と床マットのセットです。<br>艦娘と季節を楽しむ逸品。
| discount=
| descriptionEN= Once the rainy season ends, it is finally early summer!<br>This is a set of floorboards and floor mats that will allow you to enjoy the refreshing season.<br>A masterpiece that lets you enjoy the seasons with ship girls.
| fairy= 1
| release= 2019/06/25
| rarity=  
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM= Kanmusu's Sweets Making (艦娘のお菓子作り)
| feature=
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
===Summer Floorboards And Sunflower Rug===
===Spring Zabuton===
| nameJP= 夏床板と向日葵敷物
| nameJP= 春の座布団
| nameEN= Summer Floorboards And Sunflower Rug
| nameEN= Spring Zabuton
| type= floor
| type= desk
| ID= 443
| ID= 378
| coin= 2200
| image1= ?
| image2= ?
| image3= ?
| image4= ?
| coin=  
| discount=
| fairy= 1
| fairy= 1
| rarity= 4
| rarity=  
| descriptionJP= 家具職人が高品質な木材とその磨き抜かれた技で作りあげた夏床板。<br>夏色の艦娘にも大好評の向日葵敷物で鎮守府の提督室も夏色に!
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionEN= Summer floorboards made by the furniture craftsmen using high-quality wood and their refined techniques.<br>The sunflower rug is a big hit with summer-colored ship girls, also brightening up the admiral's room at the naval base with summer colors!
| descriptionEN=  
| release= 2019/07/18
| BGM=
| feature= Shows the [[Shou-Gou Medal]] if possed. The medal's animation depends on which difficulty the event was cleard.
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
===Persimmon Floorboard===
| nameJP= 柿の床板
| nameJP=  
| nameEN= Persimmon Floorboard
| nameEN=  
| type= floor
| type= desk
| ID= 447
| ID= 387
| coin= 1980
| coin=  
| rarity= 3
| discount=
| descriptionJP= 「柿」をモチーフにした秋色の床板です。<br>
| fairy= 1
| rarity=  
| descriptionEN= The floorboards are autumn-colored with a "persimmon" motif.<br>These floorboards are made with subtle intricacy and show off the work of our artisans, but thanks to the spirit of our craftsmen we are able to offer them at a great price!
| descriptionJP=  
| release= 2019/09/30
| descriptionEN=
| BGM=
| feature=  
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
===Grape Carpet===
| nameJP= 葡萄のカーペット
| nameJP=  
| nameEN= Grape Carpet
| nameEN=  
| type= floor
| type= desk
| ID= 448
| ID= 406
| coin= 1300
| coin=  
| rarity= 3
| discount=
| descriptionJP= 秋は「葡萄」も美味しい季節。<br>そんな「葡萄」をデザインしたカーペットです。<br>秋の夜長はゆっくりワインを愉しむのもいいですね。
| fairy= 1
| descriptionEN= Autumn is the season when "grapes" are delicious.<br>This is a carpet with a "grape" design.<br>It is nice to slowly enjoy a glass of wine during the long autumn nights.
| rarity=  
| release= 2019/09/30
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
Line 978: Line 1,399:
| nameJP=  
| nameJP=  
| nameEN=  
| nameEN=  
| type= floor
| type= desk
| ID= 470
| ID= 407
| reward= true
| coin=  
| coin=  
| discount=  
| discount=  
Line 997: Line 1,419:
| nameJP=  
| nameJP=  
| nameEN=  
| nameEN=  
| type= floor
| type= desk
| ID= 472
| ID= 423
| coin=  
| coin=  
| discount=  
| discount=  
Line 1,012: Line 1,434:
===Lotus Leaf-patterned Floor===
| nameJP= 蓮の葉模様の床
| nameJP=  
| nameEN= Lotus Leaf-patterned Floor
| nameEN=  
| type= floor
| type= desk
| ID= 481
| ID= 432
| coin= 1700
| coin=  
| rarity= 3
| discount=
| descriptionJP= 雨の季節は部屋で運動するのもいいですね。<br>紫陽花の絵がアレンジされた床板に蓮の葉仕様のトレーニングマットを配置しました!
| fairy= 1
| descriptionEN= It is a good idea to exercise indoors during the rainy season.<br>A lotus leaf training mat is placed on the floorboards decorated with hydrangea pictures!
| rarity=  
| release= 2020/05/20
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
Line 1,030: Line 1,457:
| nameJP=  
| nameJP=  
| nameEN=  
| nameEN=  
| type= floor
| type= desk
| ID= 488
| ID= 438
| coin=  
| coin=  
| discount=  
| discount=  
Line 1,045: Line 1,472:
===Bamboo Flooring===
| nameJP= 竹製の床
| nameJP=  
| nameEN= Bamboo Flooring
| nameEN=  
| type= floor
| type= desk
| ID= 494
| ID= 442
| coin= 800
| coin=  
| rarity= 3
| discount=
| descriptionJP= 秋の季節にぴったりの竹製の床です。<br>鎮守府に落ち着いた雰囲気と、微妙にボコボコした感触が足裏を刺激して提督の健康にも最適!
| fairy= 1
| descriptionEN= This bamboo flooring is perfect for the fall season.<br>The calm atmosphere of the naval base and the slightly bumpy texture stimulate the soles of your feet, making it ideal for the Admiral's health!
| rarity=  
| release= 2020/09/17
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
===Autumn Rugs And Bamboo Flooring===
| nameJP= 秋敷物と竹製の床
| nameJP=  
| nameEN= Autumn Rugs And Bamboo Flooring
| nameEN=  
| type= floor
| type= desk
| ID= 495
| ID= 445
| coin= 3800
| coin=  
| discount=
| fairy= 1
| fairy= 1
| rarity= 5
| rarity=  
| descriptionJP= 秋の季節にぴったりの竹製の床に、中秋の名月を描いた秋敷物をプラスした贅沢な床家具セット。<br>名曲、秋の鎮守府…沁みますね…
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionEN= This luxurious floor set features a bamboo floor, perfect for the autumn season, and an autumn rug depicting the harvest moon.<br>The masterpiece, "Autumn Naval Base"... it really touches my heart...
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM= Autumn Naval Base (秋の鎮守府)
| BGM=  
| release= 2020/09/17
| feature=
| release=
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
| nameJP=
| nameEN=
| type= desk
| ID= 457
| coin=
| discount=
| fairy= 1
| rarity=
| descriptionJP=
| descriptionEN=
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
| nameJP=
| nameEN=
| type= desk
| ID= 458
| reward= true
| coin=
| discount=
| fairy= 1
| rarity=
| descriptionJP=
| descriptionEN=
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
===Snowman Mat===
| nameJP= 雪だるまマット
| nameJP=  
| nameEN= Snowman Mat
| nameEN=  
| type= floor
| type= desk
| ID= 506
| ID= 463
| coin= 1800
| coin=  
| rarity= 3
| discount=
| descriptionJP= 冬の季節に嬉しいモコモコ仕様の足元も暖かくなる雪だるまマットです。<br>海防艦や一部の大きな艦娘に人気です。<br>床も断熱仕様です!
| fairy= 1
| descriptionEN= This fluffy snowman mat is perfect for winter as it keeps your feet warm.<br>It is popular with coastal defense ships and some larger ship girls.<br>The floor is even insulated!
| rarity=  
| release= 2020/12/10
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
===Tatami Mats And Carpet With Brush Strokes===
| nameJP= 筆が勢い余った畳と敷物
| nameJP=  
| nameEN= Tatami Mats And Carpet With Brush Strokes
| nameEN=  
| type= floor
| type= desk
| ID= 509
| ID= 465
| coin= 1980
| coin=  
| rarity= 4
| discount=
| descriptionJP= ある戦艦級の艦娘が魂を込めて丑年の壁を制作中に気合いが入りすぎて勢い余ってしまった畳と敷物です。…値引きしておきますね!
| fairy= 1
| descriptionEN= These are tatami mats and carpets that were left over after a battleship ship girl put her soul into creating a wall for the Year of the Ox, but got too excited... I'll give you a discount!
| rarity=  
| release= 2021/01/01
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note= Handwriting matches that on the "New Year! Year Of The Ox Wall" wall
| note=  
===Special Fluffy Cow-patterned Mat===
| nameJP= 牛柄の特製ふかふかマット
| nameJP=  
| nameEN= Special Fluffy Cow-patterned Mat
| nameEN=  
| type= floor
| type= desk
| ID= 513
| ID= 468
| coin= 2021
| coin=  
| discount=
| fairy= 1
| fairy= 1
| rarity= 4
| rarity=  
| descriptionJP= 鎮守府といえばやはり畳!でも提督も艦娘もふかふかが実は大好き!<br>そんな鎮守府のために生まれた牛柄のふかふか…モー最高です!
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionEN= Speaking of the Naval Base, it's all about tatami mats! But the admiral and the ship girls actually love the fluffy stuff too!<br>This fluffy cow-patterned rug was created especially for the naval base...it's just the best!
| descriptionEN=  
| release= 2021/01/01
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
Line 1,123: Line 1,610:
| nameJP=  
| nameJP=  
| nameEN=  
| nameEN=  
| type= floor
| type= desk
| ID= 521
| ID= 476
| coin=  
| coin=  
| discount=  
| discount=  
Line 1,142: Line 1,629:
| nameJP=  
| nameJP=  
| nameEN=  
| nameEN=  
| type= floor
| type= desk
| ID= 524
| ID= 478
| reward= true
| coin=  
| coin=  
| discount=  
| discount=  
Line 1,161: Line 1,649:
| nameJP=  
| nameJP=  
| nameEN=  
| nameEN=  
| type= floor
| type= desk
| ID= 528
| ID= 492
| coin=  
| coin=  
| discount=  
| discount=  
Line 1,180: Line 1,668:
| nameJP=  
| nameJP=  
| nameEN=  
| nameEN=  
| type= floor
| type= desk
| ID= 529
| ID= 493
| reward = true
| coin=  
| coin=  
| discount=  
| discount=  
Line 1,200: Line 1,687:
| nameJP=  
| nameJP=  
| nameEN=  
| nameEN=  
| type= floor
| type= desk
| ID= 541
| ID= 504
| coin=  
| coin=  
| discount=  
| discount=  
Line 1,215: Line 1,702:
===Floor Of A PT Ruching Through The Ocean===
| ID= 559
| nameJP=  
| nameJP= 海原を疾走するPTの床
| nameEN=  
| nameEN= Floor Of A PT Ruching Through The Ocean
| type= desk
| type= floor
| ID= 512
| coin= 1943
| coin=  
| discount=
| fairy= 1
| fairy= 1
| rarity= 4
| rarity=  
| descriptionJP= 海原を高速で疾走する哨戒魚雷艇PTボートの姿!<br>様々な戦場に配備され、後の米国大統領も艇長を務めたPTボートの床です。
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionEN= A PT boat speeding across the ocean!<br>This is the floor of a PT boat, which was deployed in various battlefields and was captained by a future US president.
| descriptionEN=  
| release= 2022/01/21
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note= Is referencing to [[wikipedia:Patrol torpedo boat PT-109|John F. Kennedy's PT-109]]
| note=  
| ID= 562
| nameJP=  
| nameJP=  
| nameEN=  
| nameEN=  
| type= floor
| type= desk
| ID= 527
| coin=  
| coin=  
| discount=  
| discount=  
Line 1,252: Line 1,742:
| ID= 564
| nameJP=  
| nameJP=  
| nameEN=  
| nameEN=  
| type= floor
| type= desk
| ID= 537
| coin=  
| coin=  
| discount=  
| discount=  
Line 1,269: Line 1,759:
===Xmas Mat On Mat===
| ID= 579
| nameJP=  
| nameJP= Xmasマットonマット
| nameEN=  
| nameEN= Xmas Mat On Mat
| type= desk
| type= floor
| ID= 549
| coin= 1300
| coin=  
| rarity= 3
| discount=
| descriptionJP= クリスマスの季節を楽しむ艦娘たちのために準備したマットの上に、さらに円形のクリスマス限定マットを敷きました。
| fairy= 1
| descriptionEN= On top of the mats we prepared for the ship girls enjoying the Christmas season, we also placed a circular Christmas-only mat.
| rarity=  
| release= 2022/12/06
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
| ID= 582
| ID= 561
| nameJP=  
| nameJP=  
| nameEN=  
| nameEN=  
| type= floor
| type= desk
| coin=  
| coin=  
| discount=  
| discount=  
Line 1,304: Line 1,799:
| ID= 585
| ID= 573
| nameJP=  
| nameJP=  
| nameEN=  
| nameEN=  
| type= floor
| type= desk
| coin=  
| coin=  
| discount=  
| discount=  
Line 1,323: Line 1,818:
| ID= 590
| ID= 575
| nameJP=  
| nameJP=  
| nameEN=  
| nameEN=  
| type= floor
| type= desk
| coin=  
| coin=  
| discount=  
| discount=  
Line 1,340: Line 1,835:
===Milky Way Galactic Floor===
| ID= 598
| ID= 587
| nameJP= 天の河の銀河床
| nameJP=  
| nameEN= Milky Way Galactic Floor
| nameEN=  
| type= floor
| type= desk
| coin= 7700
| coin=  
| discount=
| fairy= 1
| fairy= 1
| rarity= 4
| rarity=  
| descriptionJP= 七夕の季節は、静かに夜空を見上げるのも良いものです<br>…え?夜は夜戦が忙しいですか…そんな提督と艦娘のための天の河な床です!
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionEN= During the Tanabata season, it's nice to quietly look up at the night sky.<br>...Eh? Are you busy with night battles at night? This is a heavenly floor for the admiral and his ship girls!
| descriptionEN=  
| release= 2023/07/07
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
===Halloween Floor===
| ID= 602
| ID= 594
| nameJP= Halloweenの床
| nameJP=  
| nameEN= Halloween Floor
| nameEN=  
| type= floor
| type= desk
| coin= 1300
| coin=  
| rarity= 3
| discount=
| descriptionJP= Happy!<br>Fleet!<br>Halloween!<br>ハロウィンを楽しむ艦娘のための専用床板です。
| fairy= 1
| descriptionEN= Happy!<br>Fleet!<br>Halloween!<br>This is a special floorboard for shipgirls enjoying Halloween.
| rarity=  
| release= 2023/10/11
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
===Xmas Floor===
| ID= 608
| ID= 595
| nameJP= Xmasのフロア
| nameJP=  
| nameEN= Xmas Floor
| nameEN=  
| type= floor
| type= desk
| coin= 1224
| coin=  
| rarity= 3
| discount=
| descriptionJP= クリスマスの季節の提督室をさらに盛り上げるフロアマットを備えた床板セットです。<br>海防艦や駆逐艦はもちろん一部の戦艦にも人気です。
| fairy= 1
| descriptionEN= This floorboard set comes with a floor mat that will liven up the Admiral's room even more during the Christmas season.<br>It is popular not only with coastal defense ships and destroyers but also with some battleships.
| rarity=  
| release= 2023/11/28
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
===Mysterious Xmas Carpet===
| ID= 611
| ID= 606
| nameJP= 謎のXmasカーペット
| nameJP=  
| nameEN= Mysterious Xmas Carpet
| nameEN=  
| type= floor
| type= desk
| coin= 112240
| coin=  
| discount= 1224
| discount=  
| rarity= 5
| fairy= 1
| descriptionJP= 一見普通のクリスマス色のカーペットに見えて、旗艦によっては謎のペットたちが徘徊するという噂のあるレアな謎カーペットです。
| rarity=  
| descriptionEN= At first glance, it looks like an ordinary Christmas-colored carpet, but it is a rare mysterious carpet that is rumored to have mysterious pets roaming around in some flagships.
| descriptionJP=  
| feature= Pets will be roaming around some secretaries (''see [[#Notes|here]]'').
| descriptionEN=  
| release= 2023/11/28
| BGM=
| feature=  
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
| ID= 615
| ID= 620
| nameJP=  
| nameJP=  
| nameEN=  
| nameEN=  
| type= floor
| type= desk
| coin=  
| coin=  
| discount=  
| discount=  
Line 1,420: Line 1,932:
| ID= 621
| ID= 624
| nameJP=  
| nameJP=  
| nameEN=  
| nameEN=  
| type= floor
| type= desk
| coin=  
| coin=  
| discount=  
| discount=  
Line 1,439: Line 1,951:
| ID= 629
| ID= 628
| nameJP=  
| nameJP=  
| nameEN=  
| nameEN=  
| type= floor
| type= desk
| reward= true
| coin=  
| coin=  
| discount=  
| discount=  
Line 1,454: Line 1,967:
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=  
| note=  
| ID= 632
| nameJP=
| nameEN=
| type= desk
| reward= true
| coin=
| discount=
| fairy= 1
| rarity=
| descriptionJP=
| descriptionEN=
| BGM=
| feature= Changes with the season
| release= 2024/09/24
| availability= {{Q|2409 B1|S}} reward
| note= Seasonal variations:
*Fall: [[Kirishima]]
*Winter: ?
*Spring: ?
*Summer: ?

Latest revision as of 08:32, 27 September 2024


Just Cardboards

Furniture Full 164.png

ID: 164 ただの段ボール
Just Cardboards
Released the: N/A
Availability: Stock furniture
Special Feature: None


Furniture Full 165.png

ID: 165 椅子
Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None

Office Desk

Furniture Full 166.png

ID: 166 執務机
Office Desk
Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None

Admiral's Desk

Furniture Full 168.png

ID: 168 提督の机
Admiral's Desk
Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None

General's Desk

Furniture Full 170.png

ID: 170 大将の机
General's Desk
Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None

Secretary Ship And Admiral's Desks

ID: 171 秘書艦と提督の机
Secretary Ship And Admiral's Desks
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: ?
Notes: ?

Interior Chair

Furniture Full 172.png

ID: 172 インテリア椅子
Interior Chair
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None

Classroom Set "Teacher's Desk"

Furniture Full 174.png

ID: 174 教室セット「教卓」
Classroom Set "Teacher's Desk"
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None

Modern Chair

Furniture Full 175.png

ID: 175 モダンチェア
Modern Chair
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None

Destroyer Girls' Tree

Furniture Full 176.png

ID: 176 駆逐艦娘のツリー
Destroyer Girls' Tree
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None

Chabudai Set

Furniture Full 178.png

ID: 178 ちゃぶ台セット
Chabudai Set
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None

Setsubun Set For Adults

Furniture Full 179.png

ID: 179 大人の節分セット
Setsubun Set For Adults
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
Item Full Furniture Fairy.png
"Out with the demons, in with the good fortune!"
We are preparing to perform a Setsubun warding off evil spirits with some slightly more grown-up light aircraft carriers.
The beans are used as a snack.
Special BGM: Setsubun At The Naval district (節分の鎮守府) Special BGM
Released the: 2014/01/22
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None
Notes: Text & clothes from Junyou

Photography Set

Furniture Full 180.png

ID: 180 撮影セット
Photography Set
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None

Prematurely Set-upped Kotatsu

Furniture Full 181.png

ID: 181 早く出しすぎた炬燵
Prematurely Set-upped Kotatsu
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None

Duvets And Pillows

Furniture Full 182.png

ID: 182 羽毛布団と枕
Duvets And Pillows
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Released the: N/A
Special Feature: None

Senbei Futon

Furniture Full 183.png

Furniture Reward 183.png

ID: 183 煎餅布団
Senbei Futon
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Released the: N/A
Availability: Quest WB02
Special Feature: None
Notes: A senbei futon is "futon hard and flat like a senbei" (rice cracker).


Furniture Full 184.png

ID: 184 床の間
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None

Kanmusu Dedicated Desk

Furniture Full 185.png

ID: 185 艦娘専用デスク
Kanmusu Dedicated Desk
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None

Admiral's Mahjong Table

Furniture Full 186.png

ID: 186 提督の麻雀卓
Admiral's Mahjong Table
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None

Watermelon Splitting Set

Furniture Full 187.png

ID: 187 西瓜割りセット
Watermelon Splitting Set
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None

High-end Sewing Machine

Furniture Full 188.png

ID: 188 高級ミシン
High-end Sewing Machine
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None

Kongou's Tea Set

Furniture Full 189.png

ID: 189 金剛の紅茶セット
Kongou's Tea Set
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None

Indoor Pool

Furniture Full 192.png

ID: 192 ご家庭用プール
Indoor Pool
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None

Glass Table

Furniture Full 193.png

ID: 193 ガラステーブル
Glass Table
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png


Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None

Single Bed

Furniture Full 195.png

ID: 195 シングルベッド
Single Bed
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None

Chocolate-bar-shaped Desk

Furniture Full 196.png

ID: 196 板チョコ型の机
Chocolate-bar-shaped Desk
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None

Futon And Pillow

Furniture Full 197.png

ID: 197 布団と枕
Futon And Pillow
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None

Wooden Office Desk

Furniture Full 198.png

ID: 198 ウッディな執務机
Wooden Office Desk
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None

Hot Spring Hinoki Bath

ID: 199 温泉檜風呂
Hot Spring Hinoki Bath
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None

Turkey Feast

Furniture Full 200.png

ID: 200 七面鳥のご馳走
Turkey Feast
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None

Gorgeous Hina-ningyou Four-step Stand

Furniture Full 201.png

ID: 201 雛人形豪華四段飾り
Gorgeous Hina-ningyou Four-step Stand
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Special BGM: Hinamatsuri And Ship Girls (桃の節句と艦娘) Special BGM
Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None


Furniture Full 202.png

ID: 202 なし
Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None
Notes: There nothing present, leaving an empty space.

Admiral's Study Desk

Furniture Full 207.png

ID: 207 提督の書斎机
Admiral's Study Desk
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None

Manuscript Desk

Furniture Full 208.png

ID: 208 原稿机
Manuscript Desk
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None

Vinyl Pool

ID: 216 ビニールプール
Vinyl Pool
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None

Sanma Dinner Table

ID: 217 秋刀魚の食卓
Sanma Dinner Table
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Special BGM: Autumn Naval Base (秋の鎮守府) Special BGM
Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None


Furniture Full 218.png

ID: 218 ジュークボックス
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: Can play music and change the port's BGM (see #Jukebox)

White And Blue Tree

Furniture Full 224.png

ID: 224 白と青のツリー
White And Blue Tree
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Special BGM: Winter Anchor (冬の抜錨) Special BGM
Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None

Naval Base New Year's Shrine Visit Set

Furniture Full 225.png

ID: 225 鎮守府初詣セット
Naval Base New Year's Shrine Visit Set
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None

New Year's Soba

Furniture Full 228.png

ID: 228 年越し蕎麦
New Year's Soba
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Special BGM: New Year Greetings From The Naval Base (迎春の鎮守府) Special BGM
Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None

Chocolate Kitchen

Furniture Full 232.png

ID: 232 チョコレートキッチン
Chocolate Kitchen
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Special BGM: Kanmusu's Sweets Making (艦娘のお菓子作り) Special BGM
Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None

Liquor & Wine Shelves

Furniture Full 233.png

ID: 233 洋酒&ワイン棚
Liquor & Wine Shelves
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None

Hot Spring Stone Bath

ID: 240 温泉岩風呂
Hot Spring Stone Bath
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None

Admiral's Desk With Hydrangea Pot

Furniture Full 245.png

ID: 245 紫陽花鉢の提督机
Admiral's Desk With Hydrangea Pot
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None

Cold Bath

ID: 248 水風呂
Cold Bath
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None

Naval Base Beach Tea House

Furniture Full 250.png

ID: 250 鎮守府浜茶屋
Naval Base Beach Tea House
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None

Naval Base Autumn Festival Food Stall

ID: 257 鎮守府秋祭りの屋台
Naval Base Autumn Festival Food Stall
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None

Shooting Gallery At The Naval Base Autumn Festival

ID: 258 鎮守府秋祭りの射的
Shooting Gallery At The Naval Base Autumn Festival
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None

Naval Base Pacific Saury Festival

ID: 262 鎮守府秋刀魚祭り
Naval Base Pacific Saury Festival
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None

Turkey Dinner

Furniture Full 267.png

ID: 267 七面鳥のディナー
Turkey Dinner
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None

Admiral's New Year's Big Splish-Up

ID: 271 年末年始の提督大奮発
Admiral's New Year's Big Splish-Up
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None

Mutsuki's Desk

Furniture Full 273.png

ID: 273 睦月の机
Mutsuki's Desk
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None


Furniture Full 276.png

ID: 276
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None

Admiral's Cookie Kitchen

Furniture Full 278.png

ID: 278 提督のクッキーキッチン
Admiral's Cookie Kitchen
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
(5000)"Discounted price for 1 Item Icon Furniture Fairy.png Furniture Fairy"

Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None

Admiral's Dining Table

ID: 279 提督の作る食卓
Admiral's Dining Table
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None

Uzuki's Desk

Furniture Full 285.png

ID: 285 卯月の机
Uzuki's Desk
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: Clicking on the plush plays Uzuki's voice.
Notes: Voice text: ?

Satsuki's Desk

Furniture Full 289.png

ID: 289 皐月の机
Satsuki's Desk
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None

Navy Land-based Air Squadron Desk

Furniture Full 290.png

ID: 290 海軍基地航空隊の机
Navy Land-based Air Squadron Desk
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None

Army Fighter Wing's Command Desk

Furniture Full 291.png

Furniture Reward 291.png

ID: 291 陸軍飛行戦隊の指揮机
Army Fighter Wing's Command Desk
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None

Resort Hammock

Furniture Full 309.png

ID: 309 リゾートハンモック
Resort Hammock
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None

Admiral Zabuton

Furniture Full 315.png

ID: 315 提督座布団
Admiral Zabuton
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None

Admiral Writing Desk

Furniture Full 316.png

ID: 316 提督文机
Admiral Writing Desk
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None

Naval Base Hearth

ID: 317 鎮守府囲炉裏
Naval Base Hearth
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None

Tricolor Tree

Furniture Full 320.png

ID: 320 トリコロールツリー
Tricolor Tree
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Special BGM: A Night Of Powdery Snow (粉雪の降る夜) Special BGM
Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None

Roast Beef Dinner

Furniture Full 321.png

ID: 321 ローストビーフディナー
Roast Beef Dinner
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None

Rice Croquette Dinner

Furniture Full 322.png

Furniture Reward 322.png

ID: 322 ライスコロッケディナー
Rice Croquette Dinner
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None

Setsubun Manuscript Desk

ID: 328 節分の原稿机
Setsubun Manuscript Desk
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: Clicking on the desk's lamp will cause it to light up for 6 s, before flickering out.

Ehomaki Kitchen

Furniture Full 329.png

ID: 329 恵方巻のキッチン
Ehomaki Kitchen
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None

Children's Setsubun Set

ID: 373 こどもの節分セット
Children's Setsubun Set
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Special BGM: Kanmusu's Sweets Making (艦娘のお菓子作り) Special BGM
Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: Shows the Strait Medal if possed.

Café Table Set

ID: 377 Caféテーブルセット
Café Table Set
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Special BGM: Kanmusu's Sweets Making (艦娘のお菓子作り) Special BGM
Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None

Spring Zabuton

ID: 378 春の座布団
Spring Zabuton
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: Shows the Shou-Gou Medal if possed. The medal's animation depends on which difficulty the event was cleard.


Furniture Full 387.png

ID: 387
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None


Furniture Full 406.png

ID: 406
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None


Furniture Full 407.png

Furniture Reward 407.png

ID: 407
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None


Furniture Full 423.png

ID: 423
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None


Furniture Full 432.png

ID: 432
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None


Furniture Full 438.png

ID: 438
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None


Furniture Full 442.png

ID: 442
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None


Furniture Full 445.png

ID: 445
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None


Furniture Full 457.png

ID: 457
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None


Furniture Full 458.png

Furniture Reward 458.png

ID: 458
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None


Furniture Full 463.png

ID: 463
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None


Furniture Full 465.png

ID: 465
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None


Furniture Full 468.png

ID: 468
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None


Furniture Full 476.png

ID: 476
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None


Furniture Full 478.png

Furniture Reward 478.png

ID: 478
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None


Furniture Full 492.png

ID: 492
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None


Furniture Full 493.png

ID: 493
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None


Furniture Full 504.png

ID: 504
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None


Furniture Full 512.png

ID: 512
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None


Furniture Full 527.png

ID: 527
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None


Furniture Full 537.png

ID: 537
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None


Furniture Full 549.png

ID: 549
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None


Furniture Full 561.png

ID: 561
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None


Furniture Full 573.png

ID: 573
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None


Furniture Full 575.png

ID: 575
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None


Furniture Full 587.png

ID: 587
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None


Furniture Full 594.png

ID: 594
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None


Furniture Full 595.png

ID: 595
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None


Furniture Full 606.png

ID: 606
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None


Furniture Full 620.png

ID: 620
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None


Furniture Full 624.png

ID: 624
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None


Furniture Full 628.png

Furniture Reward 628.png

ID: 628
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Released the: N/A
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: None


Furniture Full 632.png

Furniture Reward 632.png

ID: 632
N/A Item Full Furniture Fairy.png

Released the: 2024/09/24
Availability: 2409 B1 reward
Special Feature: Changes with the season
Notes: Seasonal variations:
  • Fall: Kirishima
  • Winter: ?
  • Spring: ?
  • Summer: ?