
Time Schedule

Secretary 05h~19h 19h~21h 21h~22h 22h~01h 01h~05h
Hamburger Group (ハンバーガー勢)
A Colorado, Maryland, South Dakota, Iowa, Langley, Gambier Bay, Brooklyn, Phoenix, Atlanta, Johnston, Heywood, Samuel B. Roberts, Salmon, Drum Hamburger American Steak Dinner Hamburger Whisky -
American Style Group (アメリカンスタイル勢)
B Amagiri, Lexington, Saratoga, Hornet, Intrepid, Northampton, Houston, Fletcher, Scamp Turkey Sandwich American Steak Dinner American Steak Dinner Whisky[1] Italian Wine (Drunkard)
C Asakaze, Harukaze, Matsukaze, Yuugure, Helena, De Ruyter Turkey Sandwich Beer Combat Rations Wine -
D Nevada, Washington, Massachusetts, Tuscaloosa, Honolulu American Steak Dinner The French Cuisine American Steak Dinner Whisky Whisky
Whisky Group (ウイスキー勢)
E Kongou, Warspite, Valiant, Nelson, Rodney, Victorious, Ark Royal, Sheffield, Jervis, Javelin, Perth Turkey Sandwich Beer Whisky Whisky -
F Taihou, Mogami, Chikuma, Yahagi, Oyodo, Kisaragi, Verniy[2], Isokaze, Yuugumo, Naganami, Tashkent - Beer Whisky Whisky -
G Mutsu, Nachi, Ashigara, Hayashimo, I-41, Gangut, Gotland - Beer Whisky Whisky Whisky
Wine Group (ワイン勢)
H Zuikaku, Suzuya, Kumano, Agano, Noshiro, Hayashio, Amatsukaze, Hagikaze, Makinami, Momo, Etorofu, Matsuwa, Tsushima, I-168, I-58, I-13, U-511[2], Graf Zeppelin, Prinz Eugen - Juices Wine Wine -
I? Tatsuta, Katori, Murasame, I-8, Bismarck - Beer Wine Wine Wine
J? Haruna, Souryuu, Hiyou, Murakumo, Ro-500[2] - Beer Wine Wine -
Italian Wine Group (イタリアワイン勢)
K Conte di Cavour, Littorio, Roma, Aquila, Zara, Abruzzi, Garibaldi, Grecale, Cappellini Italian Wine Italian Wine Italian Wine Wine -
L? Pola, Ranger Italian Wine Italian Wine Italian Wine (Drunkard) Italian Wine (Drunkard) Italian Wine (Drunkard)
French Wine Group (フランスワイン勢)
M Kasuga Maru, Yawata Maru, Shinyou, Richelieu, Jean Bart, Commandant Teste, Gloire, Mogador French Wine The French Cuisine The French Cuisine French Wine French Wine
Japanese Tea Group (日本茶勢)
N Taigei, Mikuma, Kitakami, Ooi, Yura, Kinu, Sendai, Jintsuu, Yubari, Hatakaze, Shirakumo, Usugumo, Sagiri, Minegumo, Natsugumo, Tamanami, Fujinami, Hayanami, Hamanami, Okinami, Kishinami, Suzutsuki, Ishigaki, Sado, Hirato, Fukae, Kurahashi, Hiburi, Daitou, Kaiboukan No.30, Yamashio Maru, No.101 Transport Ship Chestnut Yokan Grilled Fish Set Meal Monaka - -
Japanese Sake Group (日本酒勢)
O Ise, Hyuuga, Yamato, Kaga, Shoukaku Kai Ni[2], Hiryuu, Unryuu, Amagi, Houshou, Shouhou, Zuihou, Myoukou, Suzuya, Kamikaze, Kikuzuki, Hatsuharu, Hatsukaze, Suzunami, Noumi, Mizuho, Akashi, Shinshuu Maru, Akitsu Maru - Beer Japanese Sake Japanese Sake -
P Kirishima, Yamashiro, Shoukaku Kai Ni A[2], Chitose, Kiso, Kamoi, Nisshin, Jingei, Chougei, Kumano Maru - Beer Japanese Sake Japanese Sake Japanese Sake
Chanpon Drinking Until Morning Group (ちゃんぽん朝まで飲み勢)
Q Musashi, Junyou, Kako, Ariake, Asashimo, I-14, I-19, Souya, Asahi - Beer Japanese Sake Italian Wine (Drunkard) Whisky
Combat Rations Group (戦闘糧食勢)
R Akagi, Katsuragi, Abukuma, Shigure, Yamakaze, Kawakaze, Kasumi, Oyashio, Arashi, Kazagumo, Akishimo, Akizuki, Teruzuki, Hatsuzuki, Fuyutsuki, Matsu, Take, Ume, Mikura, Shounan, Inagi, I-400, I-401, I-36, I-47, I-201, I-203, Maruyu, Hayasui, Akitsushima - Combat Rations - Combat Rations -
Sweet Tooth Group (甘党勢)
S Nagato, Tenryuu, Naka, Sakawa, Mutsuki, Yayoi, Uzuki, Minazuki, Fumizuki, Fubuki, Shirayuki, Hatsuyuki, Miyuki, Isonami, Uranami, Ayanami, Shikinami, Oboro, Akebono, Akatsuki, Hibiki[2], Inazuma, Ikazuchi, Shiratsuyu, Harusame, Asashio, Ooshio, Asagumo, Yamagumo, Yukikaze, Maikaze, Makigumo, Takanami, Kiyoshimo, Shimakaze, Shimushu, Kunashiri, Hachijou, Yashiro, Ukuru, Kaiboukan No.4, Kaiboukan No.22, I-26, Luigi Torelli, Maestrale, Libeccio, Scirocco, Janus Juices Juices - - -
T Heian Maru Grilled Fish Set Meal The French Cuisine French Wine Monaka Combat Rations
U Other ships and Shoukaku/Kai[2] - Beer Beer - -
  1. The "Shipgirl Catalog" wrongly says it is the "American Steak Dinner".
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 Schedule differs with remodels.
Groups as from the official "Shipgirl Catalog"
Japanese English Sub-groups
ハンバーガー勢 Hamburger Group A
アメリカンスタイル勢 American Style Group B, C, D
ウイスキー勢 Whisky Group E, F, G
ワイン勢 Wine Group H, I?, J?
イタリアワイン勢 Italian Wine Group K, L?
フランスワイン勢 French Wine Group M
日本茶勢 Japanese Tea Group N
日本酒勢 Japanese Sake Group O, P
ちゃんぽん朝まで飲み勢 Chanpon Drinking Until Morning Group Q
戦闘糧食勢 Combat Rations Group R
甘党勢 Sweet Tooth Group S
? ? T
? others U

Food & Beverage List

The list of all items and their description from the official "Shipgirl Catalog":

Abbreviation Japanese Name Japanese Description English Name English Description
ターキーサンド ボリュームたっぷりのサンドとドリンク Turkey Sandwich Hearty sandwiches and drinks
ハンバーガー アメリカンサイズなバーガーがメイン Hamburger American-sized burgers are the best
アメリカンステーキディナー 肉厚のステーキとビールでガッツリ American Steak Dinner Thick steak and beer for a hearty meal
ウイスキー 主役はやっぱりダルマ瓶!? Whisky The main character is definitely Daruma Bottle!?
イタリアワイン(深酒) ハメを外し過ぎてカオスに・・・・・・ Italian Wine (Drunkard) Things got too crazy and turned into chaos...
ビール 最初はこれ、な艦娘が多い様子 Beer It seems like a lot of ship girls start out with this
戦闘糧食 おにぎりや沢庵などで腹ごしらえ Combat Rations Satisfy your appetite with rice balls and takuan
ワイン、 - Wine -
イタリアワイン、 - Italian Wine -
フランスワイン ワインにも各国それぞれのこだわりアリ French Wine Each country has its own unique wine
La La cuisine française なんと本格フレンチも The French Cuisine What an authentic French restaurant!
ジュース 甘党はこれ Juices For those with a sweet tooth
栗羊羹 羊羹以外にも季節で変化 Chestnut Yokan Other than yokan, it changes depending on the season.
焼魚定食 日本の定番定食 Grilled Fish Set Meal Japan's classic set meal
最中 お茶と甘味でほっと一息 Monaka Take a break with tea and sweets
日本酒 日本艦ならコレ? Japanese Sake Is this a Japanese ship?

Desk for Two to Enjoy the Rainy Season

Desk for Two to Enjoy the Rainy Season

The "Desk for Two to Enjoy the Rainy Season" (梅雨を楽しむ二人の机) food will change depending on the secretary:

Secretary Groups Food Picture
A, B, C, D, E, F, S, T, U Sweet tea & sandwiches  
N, O, P, R Green tea & noodles  
G, H, I, J, K, L, M, Q Wine & charcuterie