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Difference between revisions of "Seasonal/Valentine's Day 2016"

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Line 696: Line 696:
|{{Audio|file= Haruna_Valentines_2015_Sec1.ogg}}
|{{Audio|file= Haruna_Valentine_Sec1.ogg}}
|Admiral, if you'd like, would you have some of Haruna's chocolates?
|Admiral, if you'd like, would you have some of Haruna's chocolates?
Line 702: Line 702:
|{{Audio|file= }}
|Haruna will not forgive you if you have leftover chocolate!
|Haruna will not forgive you if you have leftover chocolate!
Line 708: Line 708:
|{{Audio|file= Kirishima_Valentines_2015_Sec1.ogg}}
|{{Audio|file= Kirishima_Valentine_Sec1.ogg}}
|甘さ良し、ほろ苦さ良し、包装良し! よーし、大丈夫! 司令官、こちらを!
|甘さ良し、ほろ苦さ良し、包装良し! よーし、大丈夫! 司令官、こちらを!
|Sweetness: check. Bitterness: check. Wrapping: check! Alright, everything's good! Commander, please take these!
|Sweetness: check. Bitterness: check. Wrapping: check! Alright, everything's good! Commander, please take these!
Line 714: Line 714:
|{{Audio|file= }}
|この私、霧島はチョコのように甘くはないわよ~? 狙い、よーし! 全門斉射!
|この私、霧島はチョコのように甘くはないわよ~? 狙い、よーし! 全門斉射!
|Kirishima is not as sweet as those chocolates you know~? Aiming, done! All main cannons, volley!
|Kirishima is not as sweet as those chocolates you know~? Aiming, done! All main cannons, volley!

Revision as of 09:30, 26 February 2016

Via the February 10th, 2016 Update


Returning CG



Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
Mutsuki Play はい、提督。睦月からのチョコ、差し上げます! いひひ、どうぞです♪ Here, Admiral. Mutsuki offers you this chocolate! Ehehe, please do♪ Valentine's Day 2015 Line.
Kisaragi Play はぁーい♡ 如月の気持ちを込めたチョコレート、ちゃんと最後まで、食べてね? He–re you go♡ Chocolates filled with my feelings, make sure you eat every last one, 'kay? Valentine's Day 2015 Line.
Yayoi Play 司令官、これ…あ、あげます。甘いです。お返しは、気にしなくていい…です。 Commander, here....t-these are for you. They're sweet. Don't worry about getting me....anything. Valentine's Day 2015 Line.
Uzuki Play しれいかぁ~ん! 卯月から、チョコあげるぴょ~ん! あー、これは嘘じゃないぴょん! A–dmiral! Here's some chocolate from me, pyon! Ah–, I'm not kidding this time, pyon! Valentine's Day 2015 Line.
Mochizuki Play え~、バレンタイン?めんどくせぇ~。一応あるけどさぁチョコ、食べる? Eh~, Valentine's? What a pain~. Well, I do have some chocolate, though. Wanna eat? Valentine's Day 2015 Line.
Satsuki Play
Fumizuki Play
Kikuzuki Play
Mikazuki Play
Nagatsuki Play
Fubuki Play あの、司令官、これ、受けとてください!ち、ちがいます!チョコレットです! Um, Commander, this, please accept it! N-no! It's chocolate! Valentine's Day 2015 Line.
Shirayuki Play 司令官…あの、こちらに甘いお菓子をご用意しました。良かったら、召し上がって? Commander.... Um, I have some sweets here for you. If you'd like, please have them. Valentine's Day 2015 Line.
Hatsuyuki Play
Murakumo Play これっ、そこに落ちてたわよっ!あ"っ、私が買ってきたもんじゃないからっ!あんたのじゃないのっ? …はやく、持って行ってよ! I found this on the floor over there! Ah! It's not like I bought it or anything! It's yours, isn't it? Hurry up and take it already! Valentine's Day 2015 Line.
Isonami Play てーとく…提督さん! あ、あの、これをもらってくださいますか? ど、ど、どうぞ! Admiral....Admiral! Ah, um, please accept this! H-h-here! Valentine's Day 2015 Line.
Ayanami Play
Shikinami Play
Akebono Play は?チョコレート?クソ提督、何言ってんの? ……一応用意したけど、さっさと取ってってよね! っほら! Haa? Chocolate? The hell are you talking about, you shitty admiral? ....Well I do have some though. Hurry up and take it! Here! Valentine's Day 2015 Line.
Sazanami Play バレンタイン( ・∀・)キタコレ! 仕方ない…ご主人様にもチョコレート、はい❤ Valentine's, YESSS! Right....a chocolate for you too, Master. Here❤ Valentine's Day 2015 Line.
Ushio Play
Oboro Play
Shiratsuyu Play 提督、はい。いっちばん美味しいチョコ、あげるね♪ 絶対食べるんだよ? Admiral, here. I'll give you the tastiest one. Make sure you eat it, 'kay? Valentine's Day 2015 Line.
Shigure Play 提督。一応これ、僕からも渡しておくね……邪魔、かな? Admiral. I'd like you to have this....should I not have? Valentine's Day 2015 Line.
Murasame Play 村雨の、ちょっと良いチョコ、食べてみる? 甘くて、すこーし苦いんです。うふふ♪ Would you like to try some of these nice chocolates? They're sweet and just a little bitter. Ufufu♪ Valentine's Day 2015 Line.
Yuudachi Play えっと、このチョコレートあげるっぽい。夕立。結構頑張って作ったっぽい。 Um, this chocolate-ish thing's for you. I did my bestest making it! Valentine's Day 2015 Line.
Asagumo Play あ、チョコなんて用意してないわよ! 何いってんの? こ、これも別に違うんだからね! Eh? I didn't get any chocolate for you, you know! What do you mean? Th-these aren't what you think, okay! Valentine's Day 2015 Line.
Asashimo Play Valen....tine's? Jeez, this fleet has all sorts of weird holidays. Well, I do have some for you, though. Here! Valentine's Day 2015 Line.
Akatsuki Play
Inazuma Play
Ikazuchi Play
Hibiki/Верный Play
Tanikaze Play
Hamakaze Play
Urakaze Play
Kasumi Play
Asashio Play
Arashio Play
Arare Play
Michishio Play
Shimakaze Play
Yukikaze Play
Kagerou Play
Kuroshio Play
Tokitsukaze Play
Maikaze Play
Hatsukaze Play
Arashi Play
Arashi Play
Hagikaze Play
Hagikaze Play
Kazagumo Play
Takanami Play
Umikaze Play
Kawakaze Play
Libeccio Play

Light Cruiser

Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
Tenryuu Play よう提督!待ちかねたぜ。俺の世界水準を軽く超えたチョコやるよ。・・・手が冷えてるって?そ、そんなに長時間待ってねぇよ! Yo Admiral. I’ve been waiting here for you. Well here it is, my beyond world class chocolate. My…my hands are cold? I haven’t been waiting out here that long!
Tatsuta Play 何を物欲しげな眼で見ているの?欲しがり屋さん。しっかり味わうといいわぁ Why are you looking at me with such hungry eyes? You’re a ravenous one aren’t you? Well make sure to enjoy every one of these.
Kuma Play 提督うう。。これあげるくま。大丈夫くま、中身はチョコだくま。安心食べるといいくま。 Admiralllll…here take this kuma. Don’t worry kuma, it’s chocolate kuma. You can eat it without worrying kuma.
Tama Play 提督チョコあげるにゃあ。またたびじゃないにゃあ、玉のチョコにゃあ。にゃあ~ Admiral have this chocolate nyaa. It’s not catnip nyaa, it’s Tama’s chocolate nyaa. Nyaa.
Ooi Play バ、バレンタイン…今年こそは決戦ね! うふふ、ふふ…うっ?! は、鼻血が? あははは… Va-Valentine's.... Surely this year will be the decisive battle! Ufufu, fufu....uu?! Ah, my nose is bleeding! Ahahaha.... Valentine's Day 2015 Line.
Kitakami Play バレンタインねー?なんでアタシチョコ貰うんだろう?そうゆう日だっけ? Valentine's, huh? Why am I getting chocolate? Is this how it's supposed to go? Valentine's Day 2015 Line.
Kiso Play こういうのは柄じゃないんだが・・・ま、戦友としての気持ちだ。取っておけ This really isn’t my sort of thing but as one comrade to another I’d like you to have this.
Yura Play 提督さん、チョコレートそんなに好き……なの? じゃあ、由良もチョコをあげる……ね? Admiral, do you really like chocolate that much? Then, I'll give you some too....'kay? Valentine's Day 2015 Line.
Kinu Play このトリュフ作ったんだ. 提督、食べて!えっへへへへ、どう、辛い?甘い?ひとつだけ甘い、ロシアンチョコ仕様なのだ! I made you this truffle Admiral now eat up! Hehehehehe, well? Will it be spicy? Will it be sweet? It’s my Sweet Chocolates Russian Roulette game!
Abukuma Play 提督今年は手作りで作ってみました。どうでしょうか。私てきにはOKなんですけど。 Admiral, this year I tried making these by hand myself. What do you think? I think they turned out pretty OK.
Yuubari Play はい、夕張からのチョコレート!ちゃぁんと果汁が入ってるんだから!本当よ Right, here’s Yuubari’s chocolate. Of course, I made it fruit juice with fruit juice filling, just like you’d expect. Really I did!
Agano Play
Noshiro Play
Yahagi Play
Sakawa Play

Training Cruisers

Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
Katori Play あのこれもしよかったらどぞ。はい、チョコケーキです。召し上がって。 Um.... Here, would you perhaps want to eat this? Yes, it is a chocolate cake. Please enjoy it. (Approximate) Valentine's Day 2015 Line.
Kai only
Kashima Play チョコレートはこれでよし!きれいのwrappingしてあとは timingです! Alright this chocolate looks pretty good! The wrapping is nice and pretty, now I just have to wait for the timing to be right!
Kashima Play 提督さん?このチョコレート良かったら貰ってください。はい、甘いです! Admiral? If it’s alright with you please accept this chocolate. Yes, I made it very sweet!

Heavy Cruiser

Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
Aoba Play 司令官ども恐縮です青葉のチョコ差し上げます。お?いい顔!いただきます。 Commander, this is a little scary but would you accept Aoba’s chocolate? Oh? Nice face! Please dig in!
Aoba Play え?今の差真ですか?青葉艦隊新聞に使わせていただこうかと・・・え?だめ?がぁーん! Hmm? That photo just now? Aoba wanted to use it for the Fleet’s Newspaper? What? Not allowed? Awww.
Kinugasa Play 衣笠さんの特性のハートチョコレート食べてくれた!で、お味は?そう、良かった。 Please try some of Kinugasa’s special heart shaped chocolate. Well, how’s the taste? Really? I’m glad.
Kinugasa Play
Kako Play ん?まあ、なんての?チョコってやつ?あたしも一応用意しといたよ・・・ほれ Hmm? Well what is it? You want some chocolate. Well I prepared something figuring that would be the case, here.
Furutaka Play 提督これ。。。受け取ってください。ありがとうございます。 Admiral here, please accept this. Thank you so much.
Myoukou 提督、あのよかったらこち受け取っていただますか?ああ。。。これは私からです。 Umm..Admiral, if it’s alright would you please accept this? It’s from me.
Nachi Play このなちはこの手のことは苦手なのでだが。。。このアルコール入りのやつをやろ。ほら。 Nachi isn't good with this sort of thing but…I had a little bit to drink earlier to work up my courage. Here.
Ashigara Play さあ、うけたりんさい。この足柄の勝利チョコ食べれは勝利確実の。さあ! Right, please accept this. It’s Ashigara’s victory chocolate. If you eat some grasp victory for sure! Go on!
Haguro Play あのしれいかんさん、このチョコレート。。。よかったら受け取ってください Umm….commander…this chocolate…if it’s okay with you…would you please accept it?
Takao Play よし、これで完成です!ふふ、あの人は喜んでくれるかしら?うふふ・・ Alright, these are all finished! Hehe, I wonder if that person will be happy? Hehee.. 1st Secretary Line.
Takao Play あ、あのー!こちらを…よっかたら、召し上がってください!あ、はい…高雄の…手作りです。 U…um! If it’s alright...please eat these! Y-Yes, these are Takao’s handmade chocolates. 2nd Secretary Line.
Atago Play 手作りチョコって、意外と難しいのね~。結構材料費かかっちゃったわ・・・でも、で~きた! Making chocolates by hand was harder than I thought. I spent a lot of resoruces…but, it’s done! 1st Secretary Line.
Atago Play 提督、今日のお茶請けは、愛宕の手作りチョコがありますよ~楽しみにしてでね。 ふふふ Admiral, for today’s tea time snack you’ll be having Atago’s handmade chocolates. Are you looking forward to it? Hehehe. 2nd Secretary Line.
Maya Play んだよぉ、バレンタイン?うっぜぇなぁ、もう!まぁでも、一応買ってあんぜ…ホラ What? Valentine's? Ugh, jeez! Ehh, but I did buy some for you anyways. Here! Valentine's Day 2015 Line.
Maya Play 甘いもんは苦手なんだよ! これでも食らいやがれぇー!! I don't like sweets! Take this!! Valentine's Day 2015 Line.
Attack line
Choukai Play 私の計算では、この甘さがベストなはず。あ、あの…このチョコレート、どうぞ。 According to my calculations, this level of sweetness should be best. Ah, um.... Here, these chocolates are for you. Valentine's Day 2015 Line.
Choukai Play Valentine's Day 2015 Line.
Attack Line
Mogami Play ハイ、僕のチョコ食べて見てね?味は保証しないけど。。。そう?良かった、僕も嬉しいよ! Right, would you like to taste my chocolates? I can’t guarantee the taste but…really? It’s good? I’m so glad.
Mikuma Play 提督、三隈特製くまりんこチョコを差し上げますわ。はい、これです!遠慮なさらないで Admiral, this year you’ll receive Mikuma’s special Kumarinko Chocolate. Here you go! Don’t be shy, dig in!
Mikuma Play 提督、くまりんこチョコ、お味はいかがでしたか?・・・え、まだ、ですか?遠慮しないで早く召し上がってくださいね Admiral did the kumarinko chocolate taste? What you still haven’t had any? Please hurry up and try it for me, okay?
Suzuya Play ほえ!提督… 鈴谷のチョコあーげーる!ふふ,おかいしきたいしってるからね?ひひひひ  Hey! Admiral, Suzuya’s chocolate is here so have…your..fill. Fufu, I have high hopes for my return gift. Hehehe….
Kumano Play トー~提督この熊野のチョコレート受けとてもいいの? Toooo~Admiral would you be fine with receiving chocolate from this Kumano?
Tone Play あチョコうまかったのは!え?あれは自分で食べるものではなかった?つま。。。 Mmm..these chocolates are delicious! Huh? Those weren't meant for me? S-sorry....
Chikuma Play 利根姉さん、自分で食べてしまったの?・・・はい、大丈夫です、私のを半分あげますね Has Tone eaten all of your chocolates? It’s okay, I’ll give you half of mine.


Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
Kongou Play HEY、提督ぅー! Burning Love!! な、chocolate持ってきたヨ-! Hey Admiral! I've brought you some chocolates full of Burning Love! Valentine's Day 2015 Line.
Kongou Play バーニング...バレンタインラブ! Burning....Valentine Love! Valentine's Day 2015 Line.
Attack line
Hiei Play 手作りチョコ、よし。気合十分、よし。この季節は、恋も戦いも、負けませんっ! Homemade chocolates: check. All fired up: Check! At Valentine's, I won't lose in love or war! Valentine's Day 2015 Line.
Hiei Play ひえ~! 徹甲弾とチョコ、間違えて装填しそうに……っ! ひえっ、ひえ~! Hieee~! I mistook the choco for an AP shell & loaded it in...! Hiee~ hiee~! Valentine's Day 2015 Line.
Attack line
Haruna Play 提督…もしよかったら…この榛名のチョコレート…もらっていただけますか? Admiral, if you'd like, would you have some of Haruna's chocolates? Valentine's Day 2015 Line.
Haruna Play 勝手と、チョコレートの食べ残しは榛名が許しません! Haruna will not forgive you if you have leftover chocolate! Valentine's Day 2015 Line.
Attack line
Kirishima Play 甘さ良し、ほろ苦さ良し、包装良し! よーし、大丈夫! 司令官、こちらを! Sweetness: check. Bitterness: check. Wrapping: check! Alright, everything's good! Commander, please take these! Valentine's Day 2015 Line.
Kirishima Play この私、霧島はチョコのように甘くはないわよ~? 狙い、よーし! 全門斉射! Kirishima is not as sweet as those chocolates you know~? Aiming, done! All main cannons, volley! Valentine's Day 2015 Line.
Attack line
Fusou 提督、よかったら。このチョコレートを受けとていただけないでしょうか?よかったら。 Admiral, I’m so glad it’s you. Could you be please accept this chocolate from me? I’m so glad.
Yamashiro 姉さまこの山城チョコレートをさしあげます。。。提督.しかったないですね。。。はいこれ。 Onee-sama! Please accept Yamashiro’s chocolate-oh Admiral. It can’t be helped, here have it.
Ise そうね、ヴァレンタインだもの。提督、日向。はい、チョコレート。ふふ♪ Oh, that's right, it's Valentine's, isn't it? Admiral, Hyuuga, here, chocolates! Fufu♪ Valentine's Day 2015 Line.
Hyuuga そうか、ヴァレンタインというやつだな。仕方無い、特別な瑞雲をやろう。ほら。 Oh, yeah, it's that thing called Valentine's, isn't it? Alright then, I'll make a special Zuiun. Here. Valentine's Day 2015 Line.
Musashi 提督よ。チョコレート良いした。その疲れたら食べてくれ。遠慮は要らん Admiral, this chocolate is pretty good. If you’re feeling tired why not have some? Go, on don’t be shy!

Light Carrier

Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes

Standard Carrier

Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
Akagi 提督こちらのチョコよかったら。。。あ。。。はい!おかいしなんていりません。 Admiral please have these chocolates if you’d like, oh no you don’t need to get me anything in return.
Kaga 提督甘いものがお好きでしたらこれを。いいえ、意味はありません。 Admiral, I heard you like sweet things so here. Ah no, there’s no particular reason behind this.
Soryuu はい、提督。私からもチョコあげる♪ あんまりいっぱいもらって食べ過ぎないでね? Here you go, Admiral. Some chocolates from me, too. Don't eat too much just because you got a lot, okay? Valentine's Day 2015 Line.
Hiryuu んっふ~♪ 提督、チョコあげる、チョコ♪ 一応手作りだよ? 大事に食べてね♪ Huhu~m♪ Admiral, I have some chocolates for you. Chocolates♪ They're homemade, you know? Make sure you enjoy them♪ Valentine's Day 2015 Line.
Shoukaku 提督もしよろしければこちらをお受け取りいただけないでしょうか?あー、よかったありがとうございます。 Admiral, if you wouldn't mind would you please accept these chocolates from me? Ah, I’m so glad, thank you very much.
Zuikaku 提督さん、同席と私だけどと思うから可愛いそうだからチョコあげるは。ほら、ちゃんとお菓子してをね? Admiral, I don't want you hanging around me looking so down in the dumps, so I'll give you some chocolate okay? H..here, make sure you accept it properly okay?
Katsuragi チョコほしの?うん。。。いちは良いしたけど。本当に?しかったないあげるは。 You want some chocolate? Hmm….are you okay with just one? Really? It can’t be helped then I’ll have to give you this.
Graf Zeppelin チョコレートを渡す文化?悪らくないな。さすが礼の国が。よしアドミラルこの包みだが、そうだ貴官に差し上げる。 The practice of giving chocolates? Not bad. As expected of the country of courtesy. Right! Admiral this may be just a box of chocolate but I’ll give it to you.


Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes


Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
Akashi 提督、はいチョコレート!お返しは・・・うーんと豪華なスイーツと、資材でいいですよ! Admiral, here you go, some chocolate! Now about my return gift...hmm some fancy sweets or even more resources would be good!
Akitsushima 提督‼チョこあげるかも!あたしがちゃんと手作り秋津洲チョコ。大事に食べてほしいかも Admiral, maybe you should take this chocolate. It’s my authentic handmade Akitsushima chocolate! If you want to eat some it mean a lot to me, maybe.
Mizuho 提督瑞穂チョコレートのおかし作って見たんです?お一ついかがでしょうか? Admiral? Could you take a look at the chocolate Mizuho made? Would you like to try one right now?
Hayasui 提督さんこのチョコレート受け取ってください。手作りです。 Admiral please accept this chocolate. I made it myself.


Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
Mamiya Valentine's Day 2015 Line.
Involves adding chocolate into their cakes
Irako Valentine's Day 2015 Line.
Involves adding chocolate into their cakes