This article aims to provide advice on the better ways to farm the main resources (

) and consumables (

- As some general rules
- Expeditions are the best way to gain most resources, with the advantage of being AFK compatible,
- Quests are often the better way to farm consumables, especially screws
- Sorties generally provide the greatest hourly gain for any resource/consumable, but at the cost of more active playtime and some other resources.
- Notes
- Special resources are not detailed here, as they are difficult to "farm", please refer to each individual page for more details.
- Only repeatable quests are listed on this page, as they are the most relevant in a "farming mindset",
- One-time quests can also be a major source of resources. Please refer to Quests for more details.
- Except for screws, monthly expeditions are also omitted here, as while they reward great amounts of resources and consumables, they are incompatible with a "farming mindset",
- Events and limited-time quests are often a great way to gain all types of consumables, with some events introducing great resource farming spots.
- Please refer to the current event's page for more details on such addition.
General Tips
Sortie Tips
Resources in sorties are gained from Resource Nodes and Scraping dropped ships.
- Using the lightest possible fleet is recommended to reduce the average sortie costs and so maximize gains.
- For resource nodes, using appropriate gear (
) is essential to maximize gains:
- A battle has to be completed (win or loss) after the resource node in order to claim the resources (refreshing the game will not work).
- Exceptions are resource nodes that are dead-end nodes.
- Items are rewarded in any situation, so refreshing the game is fine to farm them.
- In the following guide,
are fully interchangeable, and refer to "type A craft"
1-6 Special Case
1-6 is a unique case for farming, not listed in the following guide. Unlike all other node types, the final node N in 1-6 rewards great amount of all four resources 

, but only for the 7 clearing runs.
- It is therefore highly encouraged to clear 1-6 each month to earn those easy to get resources,
- 1-6 additionally reward a
Present Box which is a nice asset for emergency situations.
6-3 Special Case
6-3 has "Aerial Reconnaissance Nodes"' and not "resource nodes", being a special kind of nodes only seen here, giving ammo
, bauxite
, and DevMats
- See here for more details.
Expedition Tips
Expeditions come in various types and forms, being each more or less suited for some resources or even farming methods.
- Regarding resources:
- Some expeditions will reward a "modest" amount of resources, but on a short timer, being great on an "hourly gain" perspective, being more suited alongside active gameplay,
- Some expeditions will reward a "high" amount of resources, but on a long timer, being great on an "absolute gain" perspective, being more suited alongside AFK periods.
- Regarding consumables:
- Some expeditions will reward a "fixed" consumable, being rewarded 50 % of the time,
- Some expeditions will reward a "GS" consumable, being rewarded with "Great Success" only,
- Since no expedition rewards more than very few consumables, there is no "long timer" expedition adequate for farming, unless the consumable is a side reward of other resources.
- For most expeditions, having a "Great Success" is advisable, especially for "short timer" ones.
- This mostly requires sparkling ships, which is time-consuming, but still worth it when trying to reach greater hourly gains,
- See Success Conditions for more details.
Quest Tips
Quests are mostly used to farm consumables (

- While it is ideal to use the lightest fleets possible to maximize primary resource gains, it is more important to use fleets that reliably clear the quests.
Landing Craft Carriers
Here is a list of the Landing Equipment
capable ships, used in sorties and expeditions.
- Note that Kinu Kai Ni
has special behaviours in those cases.
Node D is a "normal resource node" rewarding 10~20
- The maximum possible
Landing Craft and
Amphibious Vehicles should be equipped to maximize fuel gain.
work as an inferior substitute.
- Only using those equipment in the fleet is a viable solution.
- When lacking enough Amphibious Vehicles for SS(V), Drum-capable SS are recommended as a substitute.
- When using an AO, the reach rate is 100 %, but is only 80 % when using an AV instead.
- Once the first battle is complete, "retreat" and "resupply" before going back out.
If done correctly, this can result in an outstanding fuel gain that can surpass expedition gains.
- Using "cheap" ships to refuel in the fleet (such as Kamikaze-class and Mutsuki-class) will optimize the fuel consumption/farming.
- It is alternatively possible to use throwaway DDs with Drums that are never refuelled until they are critically damaged, and then scrapped to save on resources (do not forget to remove their Drums before scrapping).
- Recommended Fleets
- Kamoi/Souya, 4-5DD, 0-1SS(V)
- 1AV/AO, 4-5DD, 0-1SS(V) (if lacking those AO)
- Route = A D B E
- Equipment Setups
Ship Type
can serve as Landing Craft substitutes if the DD cannot carry Landing Craft.

are also viable options when lacking enough Amphibious Vehicles.
- Drum-capable SS are also recommended as a substitute.
1-3 Souya Immortal Farming[1]Expand
Thanks to her incredible Luck (77+) and Armor (62) stats, Souya (AGB) (not AGS nor AGL) can exploit damage mechanics to farm on fuel on 1-3.
- Souya needs to:
- Be on AGB form (last one),
- Be max modded, especially her armor,
- Carry a Large armor

(if possible the one at +10 armor
- Be moderately damaged (中破), with 7 HPs,
- Carry as many Landing Craft

as possible.
When setup like that, Souya can be sortie alone on 1-3,
- She will follow the route A D B E
- One the battle of Node E, thanks to how damages are calculated in Kancolle, she will be virtually immune to damages and so will survive the battle almost every time,
- Once the battle is completed, the sortie can be ended to gather the fuel and restart a run,
- It is possible to farm about 900+ fuel/h "risk free" using this method.
- Note
- The method only works on 1-3 Node E, other battles being able to damage Souya.
7-4 is a great "risk free" place to farm both fuel and bauxite.
- See the 7-4 map page for more details.
Node B is a "normal resource node" rewarding 30~90
It is possible to use this map to farm both fuel and bauxite. This requires the use of either an AV or AO and will go through 2 combat nodes.
- Recommended Fleets
- 1AV/AO, 1CL, 2DD, 2CLT (Fast)
- Route = A B G J
- Node A should not present much difficulty, however, node G may present some challenge to pass.
- AV, CLTs, and CLs carrying
Minisub Midget Submarine can be useful for taking out many of the ships in node G during the Otorp attack, to minimize damage taken.
- Slow AV/AO needs to be Fast (see Improving Ship Speed).
- Due to the danger this path has, bringing
to gain extra resources can be optional.
- Equipment Setups
Ship Type
can serve as Landing Craft substitutes. Using a combat setup is also viable when having trouble passing this route.
Minisub will take out some enemies earlier. Some OASW setup is recommended to pass the 1st node, but can be replaced by a more standard setup if this part is not troublesome.
Bomber Bomber Minisub
A setup giving both an Otorp and an airstrike.
Outside of carrier, AO do not have a standard setup. The general rule is to make them as less of a dead weight as possible, usually giving them guns, planes, or armor.
Node N is a "normal resource node" rewarding 20~60
When doing
DevMat farming, it is possible to further advance to node N with some fleets.
- See below for more details.
- Recommended Fleets
- 1-2AO, 1AV/AS, 1-2CVL, 1-3CL(T), 0-2SS(V)
- Route = B C G H I K N / B G H I K N (not 100% routing)
- It is recommended to use CVL instead of CV(B) for 60 % of avoiding the maelstrom node.
Node B is a "normal resource node" rewarding 50~150
It is recommended to use a throwaway DD equipped with
, and one Repair Personnel
- This saves on spending resources while completing the sortie. Alternatively, a set of good DD can be used, but they will need to be repaired, slowing down the farming rate.
- If the battle on A critically damages the DD, select to use the Repair Personnel and continue onward.
- The Repair Personnel is not consumed while doing this process.
- Once complete, remove the Repair Personnel from the DD, that can now be scrapped, and repeat.
Another method is to send a fleet of 3-6SS(V) using
. This method brings a bit greater return at a higher risk and has steeper requirements.
Doing this farming will bring a lot of "losses", which can impact the overall win rate and so the "event eligibility".
- Recommended Fleet
- Equipment Setups
Ship Type
can serve as Landing Craft substitutes.

are also viable options when lacking enough Amphibious Vehicles.
- Drum-capable SS are also recommended as a substitute.
Scrapping unwanted drops is an excellent source of
- Larger ships will provide more steel when scrapped.
- Remember that any equipped gear will also be scrapped in the process, adding some resources, unless the "unequip" switch is toggled.
Node A is a "normal resource node" rewarding 10~20
- This map is ideal for farming Transport kills for Bw3 and Bw4, as node B contains 2 Transports and can be reached consistently
- Node A gives bauxite, and even with multiple carriers in the fleet, it is possible to break even on bauxite consumption and even make a net gain.
- In addition, many medium ships (mostly CAs) will be dropped, that can be scrapped for a reasonable amount of steel
- Recommended Fleets
- 3-6CV(L)/BBV, 0-3XX
- Route = C B A
- Using 3CL/CAV carrying a
Minisub Midget Submarine and
Landing Craft alongside the carriers will create a strong opening, coupled with a higher resource gain.
- Equipment Setups
Ship Type
can serve as Landing Craft substitutes.
- Using a
Minisub on capable ships is recommended to reach an opening clear.
/ & 
As no air power is required, this setup maximizes the CVL's airstrike capability and gives them CVCI capabilities to clean up any survivors.
- Using
capable CVL is also a viable option to maximize gains.
7-4 is a great "risk free" place to farm both fuel and bauxite.
- See the relevant page for more details.
Node J is a "normal resource node" rewarding 50~100
It is possible to use this map to farm both fuel and bauxite. This requires the use of either an AV or AO and will go through 2 combat nodes.
- Recommended Fleets
- 1AV/AO, 1CL, 2DD, 2CLT (Fast)
- Route = A B G J
- Node A should not present much difficulty, however, node G may present some challenge to pass.
- AV, CLTs, and CLs carrying
Minisub Midget Submarine can be useful for taking out many of the ships in node G during the Otorp attack, to minimize damage taken.
- Slow AV/AO needs to be Fast (see Improving Ship Speed).
- Due to the danger this path has, bringing
to gain extra resources can be optional.
- Equipment Setups
Ship Type
can serve as Landing Craft substitutes. Using a combat setup is also viable when having trouble passing this route.
Minisub will take out some enemies earlier. Some OASW setup is recommended to pass the 1st node, but can be replaced by a more standard setup if this part is not troublesome.
Bomber Bomber Minisub
A setup giving both an Otorp and an airstrike.
Outside of carrier, AO do not have a standard setup. The general rule is to make them as less of a dead weight as possible, usually giving them guns, planes, or armor.
Instant Repair MaterialsExpand
Node A is a "special resource node" rewarding 1
Farming this map can prove a bit frustrating because of the random routing at node C.
- It is recommended to farm for
DevMats too, as they are rewarded on the off-route path (see below).
- It is additionally recommended to bring 1
Surface Surface Radar on each girl to diminish the resource losses on the storm maelstrom.
- Recommended Fleets
- 3CV, 2-3CA(V)/CL/SS(V), 0-1DD
- Route = B C F A
- 50 % chance to route to A, 50 % to G
- No CVL allowed and 1DD max, otherwise, the routing to A becomes even worse.
- Equipment Setups
Ship Type
The should be whatever brings the most combat/AA power to the ship, being for an AACI setup, or for air power.
The can preferably be a Minisub if equipped on capable CAV/CL, or a Surface Radar otherwise.
At least 144 fighter power is needed for AS+ on node F. When enough fighters are used to reach this value, the other planes can be bombers to maximize damage.
- It is recommended to use carriers with at least "medium range", so that their attack takes priority over the other ships. See Range for more details.
- The Radar can be used to block the largest slot and limit bauxite losses.

When using a SS, it should either use torpedoes to maximize damage, or to bring additional buckets.
Cs2 |
5 |
Instant Construction MaterialsExpand
Development MaterialsExpand
Node G is a "normal resource node" rewarding 1
Farming this map can prove a bit frustrating because of the random routing at node C.
- It is recommended to farm for
Buckets too, as they are rewarded on the off-route path (see above).
- It is additionally recommended to bring 1
Surface Surface Radar on each girl to diminish the resource losses on the storm maelstrom.
- After reaching node G, it is possible to refresh the game to save time and resources.
- Recommended Fleets
- 3CV, 2-3CA(V)/CL/SS(V), 0-1DD
- 3CV(L), 1AO, 2SS(V)
- Route = B C G H I
- 50 % chance to route to A, 50 % to G
- When farming for buckets too, no CVL allowed and 1DD max, otherwise, the routing to A becomes even worse.
- 1AO, 2CVL, 3CL(T)
- 1-2AO, 0-1AV/AS, 1-2CVL, 1-3CL(T), 0-2SS(V)
- Route = B C G H I / B G H I
- It is recommended to use CVL instead of CV(B) for 60 % of avoiding the maelstrom node.
- The AV/AS are only needed to reach node N for
farming (not 100% routing).
- Equipment Setups
Ship Type
The should be whatever brings the most combat/AA power to the ship, being for an AACI setup, or for air power.
Those are only useful when trying to farm for buckets as well.
- The
can preferably be a Minisub if equipped on capable CAV/CL, or a Surface Radar otherwise.
At least 144 fighter power is needed for AS+ on node F. When enough fighters are used to reach this value, the other planes can be bombers to maximize damage.
- It is recommended to use carriers with at least "medium range", so that their attack takes priority over the other ships. See Range for more details.
- The Radar can be used to block the largest slot and limit bauxite losses.

When using a SS, it should either use torpedoes to maximize damage, or to bring additional buckets.
are only useful when trying to farm for buckets as well.
Because of their nature, AO/AS do not have a standard setup. The general rule is to make them as less of a dead weight as possible, usually giving them guns, planes, or armor.
Nodes G H are "Air Reconnaissance", a unique kind of node, rewarding
, and
While this map has the potential to return significantly more DevMats than 2-4, it is also costlier and more difficult. The enemies encountered are strong and any node has the potential to force a retreat. Furthermore, to claim the resources, the boss has to be at least B ranked. This can be a tall order when fighting BB, CA, and DD Hime with a light fleet.
- Recommended Fleets
- 1CL, 4DD, 1AV
- Route = A C E G H J
- Equipment Setups
Ship Type
Because this map has no air power, the guns can be whatever is best on each DD. The wildcard can be anything that does not interfere with the double attack setup, usually a Radar.
- This setup can alternatively be swapped with other Night Cut-In setup if available.

It is advisable to have 1-2 DD on OASW duty, preventing some retreats.
  Minisub/ /
The CL can play most roles, being a crucial component to defeat the boss. It should therefore be focused for combat/night battle, carrying additional gears if possible (especially true for 4 slots CL).
Bomber/ / Minisub
Akitsushima and Nisshin are the only LFB capable AV, and so should preferably carry as many planes as possible to maximize gains.
- Other AV are still viable, with the ability to carry either more
Bomber or one Minisub.
Recon can be used but are a waste of potential.
Improvement MaterialsExpand
As every Expedition rewarding screws are monthly ones, the timer is irrelevant here.
A6 |
0 |
Monthly Expeditions
B4 |
0 |
B5 |
0 |
B6 |
0 |
43 |
0 |
46 |
0 |
D3 |
0 |
E1 |
0 |
E2 |
0 |
- Fd6 Special Case
Unlike all other quests, Fd6 requires to perform an improvement in order to be completed, meaning that screws have to be consumed.
- This quest is then to be taken as a "daily improvement 1 screw discount" for any improvement, saving screws in the long term.
- In addition, as upgrading
up to +6★ cost 0 screw, it is possible to farm some screw by upgrading a ration once a day while doing this quest.
Kuso Strat
Sinking a ship loses it definitely, but also gives back all its current
fuel &
ammo (see here).
- Therefore, when only looking for fuel & ammo, and not for steel, sinking ships will bring more resources than scrapping them.
This start revolves around the fact of dropping ships, unequipping them to scrap their stock equipment, and then sending them on regular farming locations to purposefully sink them and gain their resources.
- If done right, this can bring some extra resources from ship drops.
Other Consumables
Special resources are not detailed on this page, as they are difficult to "farm", please refer to each individual page for more details:

Furniture Boxes,
Present Boxes,
Reinforcement Expansions,
Skilled Crew Members,
Remodel Blueprints,
Action Reports,
Prototype Flight Deck Catapults,
New Model Gun Mount Improvement Materials,
New Model Aerial Armament Materials,
New Model Rocket Development Materials,
New Model Armament Materials,
Latest Overseas Warship Technology.
See Also