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Help:Resource Farming

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This article aims to provide advice on the better ways to farm the main resources (FuelAmmunitionSteelBauxite) and consumables (Instant repairInstant construction MaterialDevelopment materialImprovement material).

As some general rules
  • Expeditions are the best way to gain most resources, with the advantage of being AFK compatible,
  • Quests are often the better way to farm consumables, especially screws Improvement material,
  • Sorties generally provide the greatest hourly gain for any resource/consumable, but at the cost of more active playtime and some other resources.
  • Special resources are not detailed here, as they are difficult to "farm", please refer to each individual page for more details.
  • Only repeatable quests are listed on this page, as they are the most relevant in a "farming mindset",
    • One-time quests can also be a major source of resources. Please refer to Quests for more details.
  • Except for screws, monthly expeditions are also omitted here, as while they reward great amounts of resources and consumables, they are incompatible with a "farming mindset",
  • Events and limited-time quests are often a great way to gain all types of consumables, with some events introducing great resource farming spots.
    • Please refer to the current event's page for more details on such addition.

General Tips

Sortie Tips

Resources in sorties are gained from Resource Nodes and Scraping dropped ships.

  • Using the lightest possible fleet is recommended to reduce the average sortie costs and so maximize gains.
  • For resource nodes, using appropriate gear (Landing Craft/Amphibious Vehicle/Drum Canister) is essential to maximize gains:
Normal Resource Nodes Gain Modifiers
Equipment / Ship Bonus Gains (per DLC / Ship)[1]
Type Name FuelAmmunitionSteel
(& 7-3 O Bauxite)
Landing Craft A Toku Daihatsu Landing CraftToku Daihatsu Landing Craft
Daihatsu Landing CraftDaihatsu Landing Craft
Armed DaihatsuArmed Daihatsu
DLC + T89 TankDaihatsu Landing Craft (Type 89 Medium Tank & Landing Force)
DLC + Panzer IIDaihatsu Landing Craft (Panzer II/North African Specification)
SoukouteiSoukoutei (Armored Boat Class)
Toku DLC + Ho-Ni TankToku Daihatsu Landing Craft + Type 1 Gun Tank
3.0 2.0
Amphibious Vehicle Ka-Mi TankSpecial Type 2 Amphibious Tank
Ka-Tsu TankSpecial Type 4 Amphibious Tank
Ka-Tsu Tank KaiSpecial Type 4 Amphibious Tank Kai
Drum Canister B DrumsDrum Canister (Transport Use) 2.0 1.5
Landing Craft C Toku DLC + 11th RegToku Daihatsu Landing Craft + 11th Tank Regiment
Toku DLC + Panzer IIIToku Daihatsu Landing Craft + Panzer III (North African Specification)
Toku DLC + Chi-HaToku Daihatsu Landing Craft + Chi-Ha
Toku DLC + Chi-Ha KaiToku Daihatsu Landing Craft + Chi-Ha Kai
Toku DLC + Panzer III JToku Daihatsu Landing Craft + Panzer III Ausf. J
All ships 0.0
Resource Cap N/A
Random Resource Increments 5
  1. If the total value has a decimal, only the rounded-down value is applied.
Special Resource Nodes Gain Modifiers
Type 1
Equipment / Ship Bonus Gains (per DLC / Ship)[1]
Type Name 2-5 5-4 I
5-5 E
7-4 O
Fuel Bauxite
Landing Craft A Toku Daihatsu Landing CraftToku Daihatsu Landing Craft
Daihatsu Landing CraftDaihatsu Landing Craft
Armed DaihatsuArmed Daihatsu
DLC + T89 TankDaihatsu Landing Craft (Type 89 Medium Tank & Landing Force)
DLC + Panzer IIDaihatsu Landing Craft (Panzer II/North African Specification)
SoukouteiSoukoutei (Armored Boat Class)
Toku DLC + Ho-Ni TankToku Daihatsu Landing Craft + Type 1 Gun Tank
5.0 10.0 15.0 10.0 7.0 10.0
Amphibious Vehicle Ka-Mi TankSpecial Type 2 Amphibious Tank
Ka-Tsu TankSpecial Type 4 Amphibious Tank
Ka-Tsu Tank KaiSpecial Type 4 Amphibious Tank Kai
Drum Canister B DrumsDrum Canister (Transport Use) 10.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 8.0 6.0
Landing Craft C Toku DLC + 11th RegToku Daihatsu Landing Craft + 11th Tank Regiment
Toku DLC + Panzer IIIToku Daihatsu Landing Craft + Panzer III (North African Specification)
Toku DLC + Chi-HaToku Daihatsu Landing Craft + Chi-Ha
Toku DLC + Chi-Ha KaiToku Daihatsu Landing Craft + Chi-Ha Kai
Toku DLC + Panzer III JToku Daihatsu Landing Craft + Panzer III Ausf. J
Ship SouyaSouya (AGS)
Souya (AGL)
Souya (AGB)
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 22.0 16.0
AO 15.0 10.0
BBV 10.0 10.0
LHA 8.0 7.0
CVL 7.0 4.0
AV 6.0 5.0
AS 5.0 5.0
Other types 0.0 0.0
Resource Cap 150 150 180 180 200 120
Random Resource Increments 0
  1. If the total value has a decimal, only the rounded-down value is applied.

Sources: [1] [2] [3]

Special Resource Nodes Gain Modifiers
Type 2
Equipment / Ship Bonus Gains (per DLC / Ship)[1]
Type Name 1-6 3-5
Landing Craft
Amphibious Vehicle
A 1 Toku Daihatsu Landing CraftToku Daihatsu Landing Craft 0.0 6.00 0.3800? 12.00 0.?? 24.00 0.??
2 Ka-Tsu Tank KaiSpecial Type 4 Amphibious Tank Kai 5.50 0.?? 11.00 0.?? 22.00 0.2??
3 Daihatsu Landing CraftDaihatsu Landing Craft 5.00 0.0350? 10.00 0.?? 20.00 0.??
4 Ka-Tsu TankSpecial Type 4 Amphibious Tank 4.50 0.?? 9.00 0.?? 18.00 0.2??
5 Armed DaihatsuArmed Daihatsu 2,50 0.0720? 5.00 0.?? 10.00 0.??
6 DLC + T89 TankDaihatsu Landing Craft (Type 89 Medium Tank & Landing Force)
DLC + Panzer IIDaihatsu Landing Craft (Panzer II/North African Specification)
1.50 0.0100? 3.00 0.?? 6.00 0.??
7 SoukouteiSoukoutei (Armored Boat Class)
Toku DLC + Ho-Ni TankToku Daihatsu Landing Craft + Type 1 Gun Tank
1.10 0.0200? 2.20 0.?? 4.40 0.??
8 Ka-Mi TankSpecial Type 2 Amphibious Tank 0.75 0.0041? 1.50 0.?? 3.00 0.??
Drum Canister B DrumsDrum Canister (Transport Use) 0.0 N/A 0.0 N/A 10.0 N/A
Landing Craft C Toku DLC + 11th RegToku Daihatsu Landing Craft + 11th Tank Regiment
Toku DLC + Panzer IIIToku Daihatsu Landing Craft + Panzer III (North African Specification)
Toku DLC + Chi-HaToku Daihatsu Landing Craft + Chi-Ha
Toku DLC + Chi-Ha KaiToku Daihatsu Landing Craft + Chi-Ha Kai
Toku DLC + Panzer III JToku Daihatsu Landing Craft + Panzer III Ausf. J
Ship Kinu Kai NiKinu Kai Ni[3] 5.0 N/A 10.0 N/A 20.00 N/A
Other Ships 0.0 0.0 0.0
Resource Cap N/A 40 80 150
Random Resource Increments N/A 0 0 0
Star Bonus[2]
[math]\displaystyle{ \text{Bonus}_\text{Star} = \sum_\text{All Types} \text{N}_\text{Type}^2 \times \sqrt{\text{N}_\text{Star Type} } \times \text{Star Bonus}_\text{Type} }[/math]
  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{Bonus}_\text{Star} }[/math] the total bonus resource gain bonus for the fleet,
  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{N}_\text{Type} }[/math] the number of craft of a given type (A1 to A6),
  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{N}_\text{Star Type} }[/math] the total number of stars on a given type,
  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{Star Bonus}_\text{Type} }[/math] the bonus given by stars of each type.


  1. If the total value has a decimal, only the rounded-down value is applied.
  2. Jump up to: 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Exact values an behaviors still under investigation
  3. Those bonuses only appear if any type from A1 to A8 is equipped in the fleet.

Sources: [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]

  • A battle has to be completed (win or loss) after the resource node in order to claim the resources (refreshing the game will not work).
    • Exceptions are resource nodes that are dead-end nodes.
    • Items are rewarded in any situation, so refreshing the game is fine to farm them.
  • In the following guide, Landing Craft and Amphibious Vehicle are fully interchangeable, and refer to "type A craft"

1-6 Special Case

1-6 is a unique case for farming, not listed in the following guide. Unlike all other node types, the final node N in 1-6 rewards great amount of all four resources FuelAmmunitionSteelBauxite, but only for the 7 clearing runs.

  • It is therefore highly encouraged to clear 1-6 each month to earn those easy to get resources,
  • 1-6 additionally reward a Item Icon Present Box.png Present Box which is a nice asset for emergency situations.

6-3 Special Case

6-3 has "Aerial Reconnaissance Nodes"' and not "resource nodes", being a special kind of nodes only seen here, giving ammo Ammunition, bauxite Bauxite, and DevMats Development material.

  • See here for more details.

Expedition Tips

Expeditions come in various types and forms, being each more or less suited for some resources or even farming methods.

  • Regarding resources:
    • Some expeditions will reward a "modest" amount of resources, but on a short timer, being great on an "hourly gain" perspective, being more suited alongside active gameplay,
    • Some expeditions will reward a "high" amount of resources, but on a long timer, being great on an "absolute gain" perspective, being more suited alongside AFK periods.
  • Regarding consumables:
    • Some expeditions will reward a "fixed" consumable, being rewarded 50 % of the time,
    • Some expeditions will reward a "GS" consumable, being rewarded with "Great Success" only,
    • Since no expedition rewards more than very few consumables, there is no "long timer" expedition adequate for farming, unless the consumable is a side reward of other resources.
  • For most expeditions, having a "Great Success" is advisable, especially for "short timer" ones.
    • This mostly requires sparkling ships, which is time-consuming, but still worth it when trying to reach greater hourly gains,
    • See Success Conditions for more details.

Quest Tips

Quests are mostly used to farm consumables (Instant repairInstant construction MaterialDevelopment materialImprovement material).

  • While it is ideal to use the lightest fleets possible to maximize primary resource gains, it is more important to use fleets that reliably clear the quests.

Landing Craft Carriers

Here is a list of the Landing Equipment Landing Craft/Amphibious Vehicle capable ships, used in sorties and expeditions.

  • Note that Kinu Kai NiKinu Kai Ni has special behaviours in those cases.
Ships that can equip Landing Craft / Amphibious Vehicles
Type Landing Craft Landing Craft Both Landing Craft & Amphibious Vehicle Amphibious Vehicle Amphibious Vehicle
DD Ship Banner Mutsuki Kai Ni.png Ship Banner Kisaragi Kai Ni.png Ship Banner Mikazuki Kai.png Ship Banner Shirayuki Kai Ni.png Ship Banner Miyuki Kai Ni.png Ship Banner Hatsushimo Kai Ni.png Ship Banner Ariake Kai.png Ship Banner Yuugure Kai.png Ship Banner Kawakaze Kai Ni.png Ship Banner Murasame Kai Ni.png Ship Banner Harusame Kai Ni.png Ship Banner Hayashio Kai.png Ship Banner Amatsukaze Kai Ni.png Ship Banner Tanikaze D Kai.png Ship Banner Makigumo Kai Ni.png Ship Banner Hayashimo Kai Ni.png Ship Banner Tamanami Kai.png Ship Banner Ume Kai.png Ship Banner Satsuki Kai Ni.png Ship Banner Fumizuki Kai Ni.png Ship Banner Isonami Kai Ni.png Ship Banner Uranami Kai Ni.png Ship Banner Amagiri Kai Ni D.pngKai Ni D Ship Banner Verniy.png Ship Banner Umikaze Kai Ni.png Ship Banner Yamakaze Kai Ni D.pngKai Ni D Ship Banner Michishio Kai Ni.png Ship Banner Arashio Kai Ni.png Ship Banner Asashio Kai Ni D.pngKai Ni D Ship Banner Ooshio Kai Ni.png Ship Banner Arare Kai Ni.png Ship Banner Kasumi Kai Ni.png Ship Banner Hayashio Kai Ni.png Ship Banner Kiyoshimo Kai Ni D.pngKai Ni D Ship Banner Shiratsuyu Kai Ni.png Ship Banner Shigure Kai San.png Ship Banner Yamakaze Kai Ni.pngKai Ni Ship Banner Kuroshio Kai Ni.png Ship Banner Oyashio Kai Ni.png Ship Banner Yukikaze Kai Ni.png Ship Banner Urakaze D Kai.png Ship Banner Kazagumo Kai Ni.png Ship Banner Okinami Kai Ni.png Ship Banner Asashimo Kai Ni.png Ship Banner Fujinami Kai Ni.png
CL Ship Banner Gotland Andra.png Ship Banner Tatsuta Kai Ni.png Ship Banner Kuma Kai Ni D.pngKai Ni D Ship Banner Tama Kai Ni.png Ship Banner Yura Kai Ni.png Ship Banner Kinu Kai Ni.png Ship Banner Abukuma Kai Ni.png Ship Banner Yuubari Kai Ni Toku.pngKai Ni Toku Ship Banner Noshiro Kai Ni.png Ship Banner Yahagi Kai Ni.png
CAV Ship Banner Mogami Kai Ni Toku.pngKai Ni Toku
(F)BB(V) Ship Banner Nagato Kai Ni.png Ship Banner Yamato Kai Ni Juu.pngKai Ni Juu Ship Banner Haruna Kai Ni C.pngKai Ni C Ship Banner Kirishima Kai Ni C.png Ship Banner Fusou Kai Ni.png Ship Banner Yamashiro Kai Ni.png Ship Banner Mutsu Kai Ni.png
CVL Ship Banner Unyou Kai.png Ship Banner Gambier Bay Mk.II.png Ship Banner Houshou Kai Ni Sen.pngKai Ni Sen
AV Ship Banner Nisshin.png Ship Banner Kamoi Kai.png Ship Banner Chitose.png Ship Banner Chiyoda.png Ship Banner Mizuho.png Ship Banner Akitsushima Kai.png Ship Banner Commandant Teste Kai.png Ship Banner Nisshin Kai.png Ship Banner Mikuma Kai Ni Toku.pngKai Ni Toku
AO Ship Banner Souya (AGS).png Ship Banner Kamoi Kai Bo.png Ship Banner Hayasui Kai.png
LHA Ship Banner Kumano Maru.png Ship Banner Shinshuu Maru.png Ship Banner Akitsu Maru.png Ship Banner Kumano Maru Kai.png Ship Banner No.101 Transport Ship.png
SS(V) All

Equipment Card Soukoutei (Armored Boat Class).png Soukoutei (Armored Boat Class)Soukoutei (Armored Boat Class): Shinshuu MaruShinshuu Maru
Shinshuu Maru Kai

Equipment Card Special Type 4 Amphibious Tank.pngEquipment Card Special Type 4 Amphibious Tank Kai.png Ka-Tsu tanksSpecial Type 4 Amphibious Tank
Special Type 4 Amphibious Tank Kai
: I-36I-36
I-36 Kai
 · I-41I-41
I-41 Kai
 · I-47 KaiI-47 Kai · I-58 KaiI-58 Kai


Fuel Fuel

Ammunition Ammunitions

Steel Steel

Bauxite Bauxite

Instant repair Instant Repair Materials

Instant construction Material Instant Construction Materials

Development material Development Materials

Improvement material Improvement Materials

Kuso Strat

Sinking a ship loses it definitely, but also gives back all its current Fuel fuel & Ammunition ammo (see here).

  • Therefore, when only looking for fuel & ammo, and not for steel, sinking ships will bring more resources than scrapping them.

This start revolves around the fact of dropping ships, unequipping them to scrap their stock equipment, and then sending them on regular farming locations to purposefully sink them and gain their resources.

  • If done right, this can bring some extra resources from ship drops.

Other Consumables

Special resources are not detailed on this page, as they are difficult to "farm", please refer to each individual page for more details:

See Also