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ID: 133 | なし Nothing |
Rarity: ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
N/A | 素敵にインテリアを置きたいですね! I want to decorate the interior nicely! | ||||||
Released the: 2013/04/23 Availability: Stock furniture Notes: There is nothing present, leaving an empty space. |
ID: 135 | サイドボード Sideboard |
Rarity: ★★☆☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
200 |
各提督御用達の落ち着いた高品質かつシックなサイドボードはいかが? 鎮守府の雰囲気にもぴったりです。 How about a calm, high-quality, chic sideboard that can be used by many admirals? It fits perfectly with the atmosphere of the naval base. | ||||||
Released the: 2013/04/23 Availability: Furniture Shop |
"Fog" Paulownia Chest of Drawers
ID: 136 | 「霧」の桐箪笥 "Fog" Paulownia Chest of Drawers |
Rarity: ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
N/A | 霧の艦艇が艦隊を去る時にナノマテリアルで作ってくれた、置き土産の霧箪笥。 箪笥の上には、あの艦の精密模型が飾られています。 A Fog Chest of Drawers made from nanomaterials, left as a parting gift by the Fog ship when she left the fleet. A detailed model of that ship is displayed on top of the dresser. | ||||||
Released the: 2013/12/24 Availability: Post Christmas 2013 Event reward for those who obtained any Fleet of Fog ship. Notes: The model is Iona (fog) (I-401) |
Setsubun "Bean Throwing" Set
ID: 137 | 節分「豆まき」セット Setsubun "Bean Throwing" Set |
Rarity: ★★★☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
1300 |
「鬼は外、福は内!」 艦娘たちと節分の豆まきを行うための準備一式です。 歳の分だけ豆を食べると厄除けにもなるみたいです! "The demons are outside, the fortune is inside!" This is the complete preparation for throwing beans with the ship girls on Setsubun. Apparently eating the same number of beans as your age can ward off bad luck! | ||||||
Special BGM: Setsubun at the Naval Base (節分の鎮守府) Released the: 2014/01/22 Availability: Furniture Shop |
ID: 138 | 暖炉 Fireplace |
Rarity: ★★☆☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
250 |
提督の執務室には暖炉が似合う! 上には自慢の品を色々と飾っちゃいましょう! 火事には注意してね。 A fireplace would look great in an admiral's office! Decorate the top with all your favorite items! Be careful of fire. | ||||||
Released the: 2013/04/23 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Chocolate Cake and Tea Set
ID: 139 | チョコケーキと紅茶セット Chocolate Cake and Tea Set |
Rarity: ★★★★☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
Free |
艦娘たちが提督のために心を込めて用意したバレンタインデーの贈り物。 香り高い紅茶と甘いチョコレートケーキを召し上がれ! A Valentine's Day gift that the shipgirls prepared with all their heart for the Admiral. Enjoy some aromatic tea and sweet chocolate cake! | ||||||
Special BGM: Kanmusu's Sweets Making (艦娘のお菓子作り) Released the: 2014/02/14 Availability: Furniture Shop |
"Nagato" and "Mutsu" Hina Dolls
ID: 140 | 「長門」「陸奥」の雛人形 "Nagato" and "Mutsu" Hina Dolls |
Rarity: ★★★★☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
20000 |
鎮守府の雛祭りをお祝いする古から伝わる家具。 長門型戦艦をイメージしたお内裏様とお雛様が箪笥の上に鎮座した可愛い雛人形です。 Ancient furniture handed down to celebrate the Hinamatsuri at the naval base. This is a cute Hina doll set featuring the Emperor and Empress, modeled after the Nagato-class battleship, seated on top of a chest of drawers. | ||||||
Special BGM: Hinamatsuri and Ship Girls (桃の節句と艦娘) Released the: 2014/02/26 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Elegant Board
ID: 141 | エレガントボード Elegant Board |
Rarity: ★★★☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
300 |
インテリジェンスを感じさせるエレガントなサイドボード。 選ぶ人のセンスが光る逸品です。 An elegant sideboard that exudes intelligence. This is a masterpiece that shows off the taste of the person who chooses it. | ||||||
Released the: 2013/04/23 Availability: Furniture Shop |
ID: 142 | 鎮守府のツリー Naval Base Tree |
Rarity: ★★☆☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
Free |
各鎮守府や拠点に送られた白いツリー。 少しずつ飾りも充実させていきたいですね…。 作戦行動中の全提督の皆さんにお贈りします。 White trees were sent to each naval base and military base. I'd like to gradually improve the decorations... This is for all Admirals currently in action. | ||||||
Released the: 2013/11/27 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Fairy Tale Shelf
ID: 143 | メルヘンシェルフ Fairy Tale Shelf |
Rarity: ★★★★☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
450 |
淡いピンクなデザインが特徴の食器棚と、ぬいぐるみ達がとってもメルヘンな雰囲気を醸し出すインテリア家具。 The cupboard features a pink design and the stuffed animals create a fairy-tale atmosphere. | ||||||
Released the: 2013/04/23 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Kettle Stove
ID: 144 | やかんストーブ Kettle Stove |
Rarity: ★★★☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
2000 |
1 |
冬を迎える鎮守府に必要なもの…それは充実の暖房器具。 その原点にして頂点ともいえるこのストーブ。 やかんもセットでどうぞ! What the naval base needs as winter approaches is a full range of heating equipment. This stove can be said to be the origin and pinnacle of all this. Get the set's kettle as well! | |||||
Released the: 2013/11/27 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Classic Shelf
ID: 145 | クラシックシェルフ Classic Shelf |
Rarity: ★★★☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
300 |
クラシックでシンプルな食器棚。 やはり艦隊の指揮に紅茶セットは必須アイテムでショ? Classic and simple cupboard. So a tea set is a must-have item for commanding a fleet? | ||||||
Released the: 2013/04/23 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Heavy Cruiser Model and Paulownia Chest of Drawers
ID: 146 | 重巡模型と桐箪笥 Heavy Cruiser Model and Paulownia Chest of Drawers |
Rarity: ★★★★★☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
47000 |
高雄型重巡の模型が飾られた高級桐箪笥。 家具コイン長者に贈られるこの逸品…「豪華」といって差し上げますわ! A high-quality paulownia chest of drawers on which a model of a Takao-class heavy cruiser is displayed. This gem given to the furniture coin millionaire...I would call it "luxury"! | ||||||
Released the: 2013/11/27 Availability: Furniture Shop Notes: The model is a Takao-class |
"Akagi" Model and Paulownia Chest of Drawers
ID: 147 | 「赤城」模型と桐箪笥 "Akagi" Model and Paulownia Chest of Drawers |
Rarity: ★★★★★☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
7000 |
1 |
提督20万人突破と、家具箱の一斉開封機能実装を記念して用意された、最高級の桐箪笥。 某正規空母の精密模型が鎮座してます。 This top-quality paulownia chest of drawers was prepared to commemorate the reach of 200000 admirals and the implementation of the simultaneous opening feature for furniture boxes. There is a detailed model of a certain aircraft carrier on display. | |||||
Released the: 2013/07/24 Availability: Furniture Shop Notes: The model is Akagi |
"Nagato" Model and Paulownia Chest of Drawers
ID: 148 | 「長門」模型と桐箪笥 "Nagato" Model and Paulownia Chest of Drawers |
Rarity: ★★★★★☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
70000 |
家具箱の一斉開封機能実装を記念して用意された家具コイン長者に贈る逸品。 精密模型は長門型。必要家具コインの数もビッグ7級! This is a special gift for furniture coin millionaires, prepared to commemorate the implementation of the furniture box simultaneous opening function. The detailed model is Nagato-class. The number of furniture coins required is on par with the Big 7! | ||||||
Special BGM: Combined Fleet Flagship (連合艦隊旗艦) Released the: 2013/07/24 Availability: Furniture Shop Notes: The model is Nagato |
Folding Table
ID: 149 | 折り畳み机 Folding Table |
Rarity: ★☆☆☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
150 |
所属する艦娘の大雑把な性格が見事に表現された折り畳み机! とりあえずここにかけとこっと! A folding table that perfectly expresses the rough-and-tumble personalities of the ship girls it belongs to! For now, let's just put it here! | ||||||
Released the: 2013/05/08 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Hanger Rack
ID: 151 | ハンガーラック Hanger Rack |
Rarity: ★☆☆☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
100 |
何となく視線を感じる素敵なハンガーラック。 ちょっと大きめサイズなので色々かけられそう! A lovely hanger rack that somehow catches the eye. It's a slightly larger size so you can use it for a variety of things! | ||||||
Released the: 2013/04/23 Availability: Furniture Shop |
ID: 152 | ドレッサー Dresser |
Rarity: ★★★★★☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
600 |
艦娘たちが出撃前に殺到する鏡台。身だしなみは大事です! なぜ提督の部屋に必要かは、ちょっと謎です。 The dressing table where the ship girls flock before setting out on their missions. Appearance is important! Why it's needed in the Admiral's room is a bit of a mystery. | ||||||
Released the: 2013/04/23 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Z Flag Fireplace
ID: 154 | Z旗の暖炉 Z Flag Fireplace |
Rarity: ★★★★★☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
22000 |
冬を迎える提督の執務室の必需品といえる暖房器具。 その中でも最高級クラスに位置するのが、この暖炉。 最高の温もりを貴方に。 A heating element is a necessity in an admiral's study as winter approaches. The most luxurious of these is the fireplace. The best warmth for you. | ||||||
Released the: 2013/11/20 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Green Planter
ID: 155 | 緑のプランター Green Planter |
Rarity: ★☆☆☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
50 |
お部屋も気持ちも爽やかにしてくれるグリーンのプランター。 ときどき配置してみて、気分転換を! A green planter that will refresh your room and your mood. Try placing them occasionally to change up your mood! | ||||||
Released the: 2013/04/23 Availability: Furniture Shop Notes: The plants are glowing. |
Makeover Cleaning Set
ID: 156 | 模様替えお掃除セット Makeover Cleaning Set |
Rarity: ★★☆☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
700 |
春は異動や引っ越しの季節です。 我が鎮守府でも艦娘に手伝ってもらって部屋のお掃除や模様替えをしましょう! Spring is the season for transfers and moves. Let's get the ship girls to help us clean and redecorate the rooms at our naval base! | ||||||
Released the: 2014/03/28 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Iris Japanese Chest of Drawers
ID: 157 | しょうぶ和箪笥 Iris Japanese Chest of Drawers |
Rarity: ★★★☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
1700 |
しょうぶの花がアレンジされた和風家具。 しょうぶの葉を入れたお風呂、しょうぶ湯も健康に良さそう! 美と武を祈る季節家具です。 Japanese-style furniture decorated with iris flowers. Taking a bath with iris leaves, or iris bath, also seems to be good for your health! This is seasonal furniture that prays for beauty and valor. | ||||||
Released the: 2014/05/09 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Examination Table Set
ID: 158 | 診療台セット Examination Table Set |
Rarity: ★★★★☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
4500 |
1 |
前線で戦う艦娘をベストな医療環境でバックアップ。 一部の提督の熱い要望により実現した診療台セット。 医療?診察? Supporting ship girls fighting on the front lines with the best medical environment. This examination table set was made possible by passionate requests from some admirals. Medical treatment? Examination? | |||||
Released the: 2013/05/29 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Classroom Set "Desk"
ID: 159 | 教室セット「机」 Classroom Set "Desk" |
Rarity: ★★★★☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
30000 |
鎮守府で戦術や航海の講義をする際に用いる教室セット。 その後ろ側の学生机。 後ろ側なので、教科書を立てて授業中の内職もOK! A classroom set used at the naval base for lectures on tactics and navigation. Behind them are student desks. Since it's at the back, you can stand your textbook up and do work during class! | ||||||
Released the: 2014/05/23 Availability: Furniture Shop Notes: Graffiti: "Nano Desu" by Inazuma |
"Musashi" Model and Paulownia Chest of Drawers
ID: 160 | 「武蔵」模型と桐箪笥 "Musashi" Model and Paulownia Chest of Drawers |
Rarity: ★★★★★☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
88000 |
超弩級の家具コイン長者に贈る最高級桐箪笥。 上部には大和型二番艦「武蔵」の精密模型が鎮座する、文字通り最大最強の箪笥家具。 A top-quality paulownia chest of drawers presented to super-fine furniture coin millionaires. This is literally the largest and strongest piece of chest of drawers furniture, with a detailed model of the second Yamato-class ship, the "Musashi", placed on top. | ||||||
Special BGM: Musashi's Return (武蔵の帰投) Released the: 2014/09/12 Availability: Furniture Shop Notes: The model is Musashi |
"Kaga" Model and Paulownia Chest of Drawers
ID: 161 | 「加賀」模型と桐箪笥 "Kaga" Model and Paulownia Chest of Drawers |
Rarity: ★★★★★☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
77000 |
超弩級の家具コイン長者に贈る最高級桐箪笥。 上部は加賀型航空母艦「加賀」の精密模型が鎮座する流石に気分が高揚する桐箪笥。 A top-quality paulownia chest of drawers presented to a super-fine furniture coin millionaire. At the top of the chest is a truly uplifting paulownia wood chest of drawers, on which a detailed model of the Kaga-class aircraft carrier "Kaga" is placed. | ||||||
Special BGM: Kaga Cape Kai (加賀岬改) Released the: 2015/09/07 Availability: Furniture Shop Special Feature: Click the bottom right drawer to play an animation, switching between IJN Kaga and JDS Kaga models. Notes: The model is Kaga (IJN/JDS) |
ID: 162 | だるま Daruma |
Rarity: ★★☆☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
200 |
必勝祈願に「だるま」はいかがですか? 両方入った黒目で艦隊の武運長久をお祈りします! How about a "Daruma" to pray for victory? I wish the fleet good fortune and long life with both black eyes! | ||||||
Released the: 2013/04/23 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Early Summer Setup
ID: 212 | 夏先取りセット Early Summer Setup |
Rarity: ★★☆☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
800 |
夏を楽しむための小道具を艦隊の駆逐艦娘達が集めてくれました! これを持って海に繰り出すもよし、家庭用プールで楽しむもよし! The destroyer girls have collected some props to help you enjoy the summer! Take this with you to the beach or enjoy it in your home pool! | ||||||
Released the: 2014/07/04 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Resort Set
ID: 213 | リゾートセット Resort Set |
Rarity: ★★★★☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
2000 |
1 |
少し大人な艦娘が夏を愉しむのため特製リゾートセットです。 これを広げれば、提督執務室もたちまち高級リゾート地に早変わり!? A special resort set for slightly more grown-up ship girls to enjoy the summer. If you spread this out, the admiral's office will instantly be transformed into a luxury resort! | |||||
Released the: 2014/07/04 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Study Bookshelf
ID: 214 | 書斎本棚 Study Bookshelf |
Rarity: ★★★☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
1900 |
書斎にぴったりの本格本棚です。 書斎机と同じ素材を使って、落ち着いた雰囲気を醸し出します。 シックで大人な提督御用達です! This is a full-fledged bookshelf that is perfect for study. The same material as the study desk is used to create a calm atmosphere. A favorite among chic and sophisticated admirals! | ||||||
Released the: 2014/07/04 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Jukebox Kai
ID: 222 | ジュークボックス改 Jukebox Kai |
Rarity: ★★★★★☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
8000 |
1 |
提督の皆さんに頂いたリクエストで実装された新配置型ジュークボックスです。 家具コイン投入で、楽曲のリクエストが可能です。 This is a new type of jukebox that was implemented in response to requests from admirals. You can request songs by inserting furniture coins. | |||||
Released the: 2014/12/01 Availability: Furniture Shop Special Feature: Can play music and change the port's BGM (see #Jukebox) |
ID: 229 | 門松 Kadomatsu |
Rarity: ★★★★☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
5000 |
1 |
謹賀新年です! 新たな年を迎える鎮守府に配置される大型の門松です。 配置場所は…もちろん鎮守府の門にも配備されているのです! Happy New Year! This is a large Kadomatsu decoration that is placed at the naval base to welcome the new year. As for where they are located... of course, they are also stationed at the gate of the naval base! | |||||
Special BGM: New Year Greetings from the Naval Base (迎春の鎮守府) Released the: 2015/01/01 Availability: Log in gift, Furniture Shop (2015/12/29) |
Sake & Whisky Shelf
ID: 234 | 日本酒&ウィスキー棚 Sake & Whisky Shelf |
Rarity: ★★★★☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
20000 |
日本酒や和製ウイスキーなどが好きな大人の艦娘たち垂涎のお酒棚です。 鎮守府カウンターバーと一緒に配置して、夜の鎮守府に! This is a liquor shelf that will be coveted by adult ship girls who love Japanese sake, Japanese whiskey, and more. Place it together with the Naval Base counter bar to create a Naval Base night scene! | ||||||
Special BGM: Rain, Alcohol, and Ship Girls (2nd Night) (雨とお酒と艦娘(第二夜)) Released the: 2015/01/23 Availability: Furniture Shop Notes: Bottle Keep: Nachi, Chitose, Junyou, Musashi |
Dressing Room
ID: 239 | 脱衣所 Dressing Room |
Rarity: ★★★★☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
2300 |
1 |
提督の熱いリクエストから実現した、まさかの脱衣所です。 各種温泉風呂と絶妙なマッチング! あれ、秘書艦によって棚に変化が…! This is an unexpected changing room that was made possible by the Admiral's passionate request. Perfectly matches with various hot spring baths! Oh, the shelves have changed depending on the secretary...! | |||||
Released the: 2015/03/27 Availability: Furniture Shop Special Feature: Changes with the Secretary (see here). |
Raincoat & Umbrella Rack
ID: 246 | レインコート&傘掛け Raincoat & Umbrella Rack |
Rarity: ★★★☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
1800 |
雨の季節はレインコートや傘も大事です。お出掛けの際は忘れずに! 提督と秘書艦娘のレインコートも常備しています。 Raincoats and umbrellas are also important during the rainy season. Don't forget them when you go out! Raincoats for the admiral and his secretary are also kept on hand. | ||||||
Released the: 2015/05/18 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Commercial Shaved Ice Machine
ID: 252 | 業務用かき氷機 Commercial Shaved Ice Machine |
Rarity: ★★★☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
1300 |
夏の風物詩といえば…かき氷! 自然の氷を切り出した昔ながらの製法で、シャリシャリのかき氷を美味しく作って召し上がれ! Speaking of summer, it's shaved ice! Enjoy delicious, crunchy shaved ice made using traditional methods from carved natural ice! | ||||||
Released the: 2015/07/17 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Northern Camouflage Paulownia Chest of Drawers
ID: 263 | 北方迷彩な桐箪笥 Northern Camouflage Paulownia Chest of Drawers |
Rarity: ★★★★★☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
55000 |
家具コイン長者に贈る北方迷彩な桐箪笥。 箪笥上部には北方迷彩の5,500t級軽巡洋艦の精密模型が鎮座していていい感じがするニャ……。 A paulownia chest of drawers with a northern camouflage design as a gift to the furniture coin millionaires. At the top of the dresser there is a detailed model of a 5500 t light cruiser in northern camouflage, which looks great nya... | ||||||
Special BGM: Holy Night at the Homeport (聖夜の母港) Released the: 2016/12/09 Availability: Furniture Shop Notes: Model and pattern based on Tama's arctic camouflage. |
ID: 276 | 鎮守府お茶会セット Naval Base Tea Party Set |
Rarity: ★★★☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
1800 |
艦隊運用の間も休息は大事です。 艦娘たちと束の間のお茶の時間を愉しむためのお茶会セットです。 日本茶も紅茶もご用意しますね。 Rest is important even during fleet operations. This is a tea party set for enjoying a brief tea time with the ship girls. We have both Japanese and black tea available. | ||||||
Released the: 2016/03/11 Availability: Furniture Shop |
"Mogami" Model and Paulownia Chest of Drawers
ID: 300 | 「最上」模型と桐箪笥 "Mogami" Model and Paulownia Chest of Drawers |
Rarity: ★★★★★☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
60000 |
航空巡洋艦の模型が飾られた高級桐箪笥。 家具コイン長者に贈られるこの逸品…大丈夫、箪笥には衝突しないって! 痛っ!あ、あれ? A high-quality paulownia chest of drawers decorated with a model of an aircraft cruiser. This masterpiece is awarded to the furniture coin millionaire...don't worry, it won't hit the chest of drawers! Ouch! Oh, what's that? | ||||||
Released the: 2016/06/10 Availability: Furniture Shop Notes: The model is Mogami Kai |
Cool Goldfish Bowl
ID: 301 | 涼しげな金魚鉢 Cool Goldfish Bowl |
Rarity: ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
N/A | 提督執務室を少し片付けて涼しげな家具を置いてみるのもいいですね。 涼しげな金魚鉢とのんびり泳ぐ金魚は艦娘たちにも人気です。 It might be a good idea to tidy up the admiral's study a bit and put in some cool-looking furniture. The cool-looking goldfish bowl and the leisurely swimming goldfish are also popular with the ship girls. | ||||||
Released the: 2016/06/30 Availability: SF1 reward Special Feature: The goldfish is swimming around. |
Morning Glory Pots Grown by Ship Girls
ID: 307 | 艦娘が育てる朝顔の鉢 Morning Glory Pots Grown by Ship Girls |
Rarity: ★★☆☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
300 |
夏といえば夏休み!夏休みといえば朝顔! 艦娘が育ててくれた朝顔を見ながら、夏休みがなかなかとれない提督や大人も頑張ります! Summer means summer vacation! Summer means morning glories! Admirals and adults who can't easily take summer vacation will also do their best while looking at the morning glories that the ship girls have grown! | ||||||
Released the: 2016/07/15 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Craftsman's Japanese Decorative Cabinet
ID: 308 | 職人和飾棚 Craftsman's Japanese Decorative Cabinet |
Rarity: ★★★★☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
2200 |
1 |
職人がその技術を活かして組み上げた和の飾り棚です。 風流を重んじる艦娘たちが季節折々の装飾を置いて…いくかもしれません。 This is a Japanese decorative shelf that has been assembled by craftsmen using their skills. The ship girls, who value elegance, may place decorations according to the season... | |||||
Released the: 2016/07/15 Availability: Furniture Shop |
ID: 323 | 鎮守府大掃除道具 Naval Base Cleaning Tools |
Rarity: ★★★★☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
1800 |
師走は鎮守府も大掃除の季節です! 一年の埃を取って提督室をきれいにして新年を迎えましょう! 艦娘たちも大忙しです! December is the season for major cleaning at the Naval Base! Let's remove the dust of the year, clean up the Admiral's room, and welcome the New Year! The ship girls are also very busy! | ||||||
Special BGM: December at the Naval Base (師走の鎮守府) Released the: 2016/12/29 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Submarine Aircraft Carrier Paulownia Chest of Drawers
ID: 334 | 潜水空母な桐箪笥 Submarine Aircraft Carrier Paulownia Chest of Drawers |
Rarity: ★★★★★☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
52400 |
家具コイン長者に贈る二隻の潜水空母の精密な模型が配置された特製桐箪笥。 潜特型を補完するために建造された潜水空母艦隊です。 A special paulownia chest of drawers decorated with detailed models of two submarine aircraft carriers, presented to the furniture coin millionaires. This is a fleet of submarine aircraft carriers built to complement the Sentoku Type Submarines. | ||||||
Released the: 2017/02/11 Availability: Winter 2017 Event E1 reward, Furniture Shop 2020/08/27 Special Feature: Clicking on the center-left drawer plays an animation, popping out. Notes: The model are I-13 and I-14
"Zuiun" Paulownia Chest of Drawers
ID: 348 | 「瑞雲」の桐箪笥 "Zuiun" Paulownia Chest of Drawers |
Rarity: ★★★★★☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
Full Price: 163400 |
Discount: 6340 +1 |
高い機動力と第一線級艦爆並みの潜在スペックを持つ水上偵察機「瑞雲」。 ある艦娘が丹念に組み立てた模型が飾られた桐箪笥です。 The "Zuiun" is a seaplane recon with high maneuverability and potential specifications on par with first-line carrier-based bombers. This is a paulownia chest of drawers on which a model that a ship girl had painstakingly assembled is displayed. | |||||
Released the: 2017/06/06 Availability: Furniture Shop Special Feature: Clicking on the center-right drawer plays an animation, popping out and catapulting a Zuiun. Notes: The model is a Zuiun |
Moonlit Night Sea Gramophone
ID: 360 | 月夜海の蓄音機 Moonlit Night Sea Gramophone |
Rarity: ★★★★★☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
19450 |
1 |
秋刀魚漁支援の事前準備中に発見された古い蓄音機。 夜空に浮かぶ月がデザインされた和箪笥の中には…レコードも入っていました! An old gramophone was discovered during advance preparations for supporting Pacific saury fishing. Inside the Japanese chest of drawers, designed with a moon floating in the night sky...there are also some records! | |||||
Released the: 2017/09/12 Availability: Furniture Shop Special Feature: Clicking on the gramophone animates it making it play the music "Moonlit Night Sea" (月夜海) (with vocals) |
New Year Calligraphy Contest 2018
ID: 371 | 迎春書初め大会二〇一八 New Year Calligraphy Contest 2018 |
Rarity: ★★★★★☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
8000 |
1 |
対潜護衛の専門家の軽空母と海防艦たちが参加する、迎春書初め大会です。 それぞれ、力一杯、書いてくれました。謹賀新年! This is a New Year's calligraphy competition, attended by light aircraft carriers and coastal defense ships that are specialists in anti-submarine escort. Each of them wrote to the best of their ability. Happy New Year! | |||||
Special BGM: New Year Greetings from the Naval Base (迎春の鎮守府) Released the: 2018/01/01 Availability: SB29 reward, Furniture Shop Notes: Writing: "?" |
"Mutsuki & Kisaragi" Paulownia Chest of Drawers
ID: 372 | 「睦月&如月」の桐箪笥 "Mutsuki & Kisaragi" Paulownia Chest of Drawers |
Rarity: ★★★★★☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
Full Price: 162900 |
Discount: 6290 +1 |
超弩級の家具コイン長者に贈る最高級桐箪笥の逸品。 模型は明細の睦月型一番艦二番艦! ダイナミック家具コイン割引可能にゃしい! A masterpiece of the highest quality paulownia chest of drawers, perfect as a gift for a super-rich furniture coin holder. The model shows the first and second Mutsuki-class ships! Dynamic discount available! | |||||
Released the: 2018/01/17 Availability: Furniture Shop Notes: The models are Mutsuki and Kisaragi |
ID: 376 | 鎮守府Café Naval Base Café |
Rarity: ★★★★★☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
Full Price: 121400 |
Discount: 2140 +1 |
鎮守府の中で本格的な珈琲を淹れる装備群一式です。 サイフォンで丁寧に淹れた一杯は珈琲派の艦娘と提督御用達。 香り高い一杯を! A complete set of equipment required to brew authentic coffee within the naval base. A cup of coffee carefully brewed using a siphon is a favorite of coffee-loving shipgirls and admirals. Enjoy a fragrant cup! | |||||
Released the: 2018/02/05 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Ship Girls' Umbrella Stand
ID: 385 | 艦娘の傘立て Ship Girls' Umbrella Stand |
Rarity: ★★★★★☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
4000 |
1 |
梅雨は、傘も大切な季節。各艦娘たちがそれぞれ用意した傘立てです。 秘書艦によって色々と変わります。雨の日も…楽しいですね! Umbrellas are important during the rainy season. Each shipgirl has their own umbrella stand. It changes depending on the secretary. Even on rainy days... it's fun! | |||||
Special BGM: Rain, Alcohol, and Ship Girls (雨とお酒と艦娘) Released the: 2018/06/13 Availability: Furniture Shop Special Feature: The type of stand as well as its content will vary depending on the secretary and whether it is the rainy season or not (see here). |
Etorofu-class Display Shelf
ID: 399 | 択捉型の飾り棚 Etorofu-class Display Shelf |
Rarity: ★★★★★★☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
Full Price: 122000 |
Discount: 2200 +1 |
匠の技を持つ家具職人達が腕によりをかけて製作した繊細にして可愛い飾り棚。 海防艦部隊の精密模型付! 職人ダイナミック割引可! This delicate and cute decorative shelf has been carefully crafted by skilled furniture artisans. Includes detailed models of the coastal defense fleet! Dynamic discount available! | |||||
Released the: 2018/10/26 Availability: Furniture Shop Notes: The models are the Etorofu-class |
Factory Stew Stove
ID: 405 | 工廠製シチューストーブ Factory Stew Stove |
Rarity: ★★★★★★☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
Full Price: 148000 |
Discount: 4800 +1 |
工廠で家具職人と工作艦が協力して作った、工廠製のシチューストーブです。 冬の提督室に温かい料理を! 職人ダイナミック割引可! This is a stew stove made at the factory, created in collaboration between furniture craftsmen and the repair ship. Warm food for the Admiral's Room in winter! Dynamic discount available! | |||||
Released the: 2018/12/07 Availability: Furniture Shop Special Feature: The fire and food steam are animated. |
Setsubun Japanese Chest of Drawers
ID: 415 | 節分和箪笥 Setsubun Japanese Chest of Drawers |
Rarity: ★★★★★★☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
Full Price: 123000 |
Discount: 2300 +1 |
節分は季節の大切なマイルストーン! そんな節分の心を高級家具で表現、コイン長者向け節分和箪笥です。 職人ダイナミック割引可! Setsubun is an important seasonal milestone! This Setsubun Japanese chest of drawers for coin millionaires expresses the spirit of Setsubun through luxury furniture. Dynamic discount available! | |||||
Special BGM: Setsubun at the Naval Base (節分の鎮守府) Released the: 2019/01/22 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Chocolate Fondue
ID: 418 | チョコレートフォンデュ Chocolate Fondue |
Rarity: ★★★★★☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
Full Price: 121400 |
Discount: 2140 +1 |
心からチョコレートを愛する提督に贈るチョコレートフォンデュタワー! 流れるチョコレートの謎の魅力。 職人ダイナミック割引可! A chocolate fondue tower for the admiral who truly loves chocolate! The mysterious charm of flowing chocolate. Dynamic discount available! | |||||
Released the: 2019/02/08 Availability: Furniture Shop Special Feature: The chocolate is animated. |
Mutsu Makeup Mirror
ID: 422 | 陸奥の化粧鏡 Mutsu Makeup Mirror |
Rarity: ★★★★★☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
6200 |
1 |
お化粧の好きなある戦艦級の艦娘が取り寄せた特注の艦娘化粧鏡です。 落ち着いたデザインの中に、大人な艦娘のセンスを感じます。 This is a custom-made ship girl makeup mirror ordered by a battleship girl who loves makeup. The calm design exudes the sense of a grown-up ship girl. | |||||
Released the: 2019/02/27 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Satsuki Seasonal Tea Set
ID: 431 | 皐月の季節のお茶セット Satsuki Seasonal Tea Set |
Rarity: ★★★★☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
2000 |
1 |
少し大人になったある睦月型駆逐艦の用意した提督のためのお茶セットです。 菖蒲モチーフのインテリアが提督室を演出します。 This is a tea set prepared by a Mutsuki-class destroyer for an admiral who has now grown up a little. The admiral's room is decorated with an iris motif. | |||||
Released the: 2019/04/22 Availability: Furniture Shop Notes: By Satsuki Kai Ni |
Shipgirl Handmade Plum Wine Shelf
ID: 437 | 艦娘手作り梅酒の棚 Shipgirl Handmade Plum Wine Shelf |
Rarity: ★★★★☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
1980 |
さあ、艦娘と一緒に手作り梅酒を作ってみましょう! お気に入りの瓶で一つ一つ丁寧に! 梅雨の言葉は梅が熟す季節という意味かも! Now, let's make some homemade plum wine together with the ship girls! Carefully make each one in your favorite bottle! The word rainy season may mean the season when plum blossoms ripen! | ||||||
Released the: 2019/06/25 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Admiral's Autumn Reading Bookshelf
ID: 452 | 提督用秋の読書本棚 Admiral's Autumn Reading Bookshelf |
Rarity: ★★★★★☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
Full Price: 110000 |
Discount: 1000 +1 |
秋は食べ物が美味しい季節ですが…そう、読書にも最適な季節! そんな秋の提督の読書欲を満たす良書群を艦娘が集めてくれました! Autumn is the season for delicious food...but it's also the perfect season for reading! The KanColle girls have gathered a selection of great books to satisfy Admirals' reading desires this autumn! | |||||
Released the: 2019/09/30 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Kanmusu Uniform Sewing Tools
ID: 455 | 艦娘衣装の裁縫道具 Kanmusu Uniform Sewing Tools |
Rarity: ★★★★★☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
Full Price: 120200 |
Discount: 2020 +1 |
戦闘や訓練で被弾損耗する艦娘の制服衣裳を艦娘自身が補修するための裁縫道具の特注の裁縫作業机です。 職人ダイナミック割引可! This is a custom-made sewing desk equipped with sewing tools so that the ship girls can repair their uniforms that are damaged or destroyed during battle or training. Dynamic discount available! | |||||
Released the: 2020/01/01 Availability: Furniture Shop Notes: Has a Kongou-class uniform. |
Kazagumo's Manuscript Support Supplies Storehouse
ID: 456 | 風雲の原稿支援物資庫 Kazagumo's Manuscript Support Supplies Storehouse |
Rarity: ★★★★★☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
2020 |
1 |
毎年ある季節になると何気に忙しくなり、最終的には修羅場な雰囲気を繰り返す作家のために、ある夕雲型駆逐艦が用意した物資群。 Every year at a certain season, the writer finds herself getting busy, eventually descending into a scene of chaos, and for this purpose a Yugumo-class destroyer prepared a supply of supplies for her. | |||||
Released the: 2020/01/01 Availability: Furniture Shop Notes: Kazagumo stock for Akigumo |
Setsubun Bean-throwing Practice Set
ID: 462 | 節分豆まき演習セット Setsubun Bean-throwing Practice Set |
Rarity: ★★★★★☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
Full Price: 120200 |
Discount: 2020 +1 |
節分…それは季節の大切なマイルストーンであると共に熱い闘いの時。 豆まき戦のための演習セットです。 職人ダイナミック割引可! Setsubun...it is an important milestone in the season as well as a time of fierce battle. This is a practice set for the bean-throwing battle. Dynamic discount available! | |||||
Special BGM: Setsubun at the Naval Base (節分の鎮守府) Released the: 2020/01/31 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Ship Girl Handmade Chocolates in Progress
ID: 467 | 艦娘手作りチョコ制作中 Ship Girl Handmade Chocolates in Progress |
Rarity: ★★★★★☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
8800 |
1 |
提督のための手作りチョコを艦娘がレシピ本と激しい戦闘を繰り広げながら鋭意製作中の台所です。 庶民的&甘い雰囲気が漂います! This is the kitchen, where the ship girls are busy preparing homemade chocolates for the Admiral while engaged in a fierce battle with a recipe book. It has a down-to-earth and sweet atmosphere! | |||||
Special BGM: Kanmusu's Sweets Making (艦娘のお菓子作り) Released the: 2020/02/07 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Hiei Daily Miscellaneous Goods Shelf
ID: 477 | 比叡の日用雑貨棚 Hiei Daily Miscellaneous Goods Shelf |
Rarity: ★★★★☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
1912 |
気合い、入れて、観葉植物を育てているある高速戦艦が愛用している日用雑貨棚です。 グリーンを育てるのって何だかいいですよね! This is a shelf for everyday items used by a certain fast battleship who puts a lot of effort into growing houseplants. It's so nice to grow greenery! | ||||||
Released the: 2020/04/23 Availability: Furniture Shop |
"Lucky 13" Desk
ID: 485 | 「Lucky 13」Desk "Lucky 13" Desk |
Rarity: ★★★★☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
2200 |
1 |
ある海外出身の傑作駆逐艦ネームシップが持ち込んだ特注デスクと、彼女専用のネービーチェアです。 マグカップもお気に入りです。 This is a custom-made desk brought in by a masterpiece destroyer name ship from overseas, and a navy chair that was made just for her. I also love the mugs. | |||||
Released the: 2020/05/20 Availability: Furniture Shop Notes: By Fletcher |
"Autumn Frost" Writing Desk and Chestnut Buns
ID: 498 | 「秋霜」文机と栗饅頭 "Autumn Frost" Writing Desk and Chestnut Buns |
Rarity: ★★★★★☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
Full Price: 119440 |
Discount: 1944 +1 |
秋の名を持つ夕雲型駆逐艦が知り合いの家具職人の匠に作ってもらった文机&栗饅頭おやつ専用家具です。 意外に…匠手製の高級品! The Yuugumo-class destroyer, named after the autumn ship, is the subject of this desk and chestnut bun snack furniture, which was made by a furniture maker I know. Surprisingly...a high-quality item made by a master craftsman! | |||||
Released the: 2020/10/16 Availability: Furniture Shop Notes: For Kiyoshimo |
Baked Sweet Potato and Reading Time
ID: 501 | 焼き芋と読書の時間 Baked Sweet Potato and Reading Time |
Rarity: ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
N/A | 秋…読書の秋、そして食欲の秋。そんな季節に白露型一番艦が持ち込んだ家具。 美味しい焼き芋と飲み物、読みかけの本があります。 Autumn... the season for reading and eating. Autumn... the season for reading and eating. Furniture brought in by the first ship of the Shiratsuyu class during such a season. There are delicious roasted sweet potatoes, drinks, and a book I'm reading. | ||||||
Released the: 2020/10/16 Availability: B158 reward Notes: By Shiratsuyu |
ID: 505 | 特注の二〇式鎮守府暖炉 Custom-made Type 20 Naval Base Fireplace |
Rarity: ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
N/A | 欧州方面、そして北極海への艦隊遠征を記念して作られた特注二〇式鎮守府暖炉です。 燃えるペチカの炎、冬とロシアを感じますね! This custom-made Type 20 Naval Base fireplace was made to commemorate the fleet's expeditions to Europe and the Arctic Ocean. The burning flames of the stove make you feel like it's winter in Russia! | ||||||
Released the: 2020/12/10 Availability: B162 reward Special Feature: The fire is animated. |
Grilled Rice Cake Set
ID: 516 | 焼き餅セット Grilled Rice Cake Set |
Rarity: ★★★★★☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
2021 |
1 |
正月はお餅を焼くのもいいですね。 安倍川、黄粉にお汁粉、提督はどれが好きですか? あんまり食べ過ぎると少し太っちゃいますね! It's also nice to roast rice cakes during New Year's. Abekawa, Kinoko, or Oshiruko, which do you prefer, Admiral? If you eat too much, you'll gain some weight! | |||||
Released the: 2021/01/01 Availability: 2101 LQ3 reward, Furniture Shop |
Coastal Defense Ship Setsubun Work Shelf
ID: 519 | 海防艦の節分作業棚 Coastal Defense Ship Setsubun Work Shelf |
Rarity: ★★★★★☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
Full Price: 120000 |
Discount: 2000 +1 |
海防艦が節分豆撒きの兵站確保や諸々の準備のために使用する節分棚と同作業台です。 節分特注家具ですが職人ダイナミック割引可! This is the same workbench as the Setsubun shelf used by coastal defense ships to ensure logistics and other preparations for the Setsubun bean-throwing ceremony. Custom-made furniture for Setsubun, but our craftsmen offer dynamic discounts! | |||||
Released the: 2021/01/13 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Valentine's Custom Chest
ID: 523 | バレンタイン特注チェスト Valentine's Custom Chest |
Rarity: ★★★★★☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
Full Price: 144000 |
Discount: 4400 +1 |
家具職人たちが魂を込めて作り上げたバレンタインの鎮守府に向けた特注仕上げのチェストです。 置いてある何か…が少し変わるかも? This chest was custom-made for Naval Base Valentine's day, and was created with the utmost care by furniture craftsmen. Something on display...maybe something will change a little? | |||||
Released the: 2021/02/05 Availability: Furniture Shop Special Feature: Changes depending on the secretary (see here). |
Two-tiered Yugumo-class Hina Doll Display
ID: 526 | 夕雲型雛人形二段飾り Two-tiered Yugumo-class Hina Doll Display |
Rarity: ★★★★★☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
Full Price: 103300 |
Discount: 330 +1 |
ある主力オブ主力な駆逐艦姉妹が雛人形職人の皆さんと協力して作り上げた豪華二段飾りです。 伝統の三人官女も素敵ですね。 This gorgeous two-tiered display was created by a pair of mainstay destroyer sisters in collaboration with Hina doll artisans. The traditional three-court ladies are also lovely. | |||||
Released the: 2021/03/01 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Zuiun Units Maintenance Shelf
ID: 534 | 瑞雲隊整備棚 Zuiun Units Maintenance Shelf |
Rarity: ★★★★★☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
6340 |
1 |
瑞雲提督、そして四航戦の航空戦艦、西村艦隊所属の改装航空巡洋艦をお待たせしました! 皆さんの待望の家具が完成です!どうぞ! We're sorry to have kept you waiting Admiral Zuiun, but we've got the 4th Carrier Division's aviation battleship, and the refurbished aviation cruiser belonging to Nishimura Fleet! The furniture you have all been waiting for is now complete! Here you go! | |||||
Released the: 2021/03/30 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Yahagi Paulownia Chest of Drawers
ID: 535 | 矢矧の桐箪笥 Yahagi Paulownia Chest of Drawers |
Rarity: ★★★★★☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
Full Price: 177000 |
Discount: 7700 +1 |
阿賀野型軽巡、最後の二水戦を率いて壮絶な戦いの海に出撃した彼女。 その精密模型を配した特注高級箪笥を。今、提督へ。 She led the last of the Agano-class light cruisers, the Second Fleet, into the seas of fierce battle. A custom-made luxury chest of drawers with a precise model of the chest is now available to the Admiral. | |||||
Released the: 2021/03/30 Availability: Furniture Shop Notes: The model is Yahagi |
Harukaze Sensible Daily Necessities Shelf
ID: 536 | 春風感じる日用品棚 Harukaze Sensible Daily Necessities Shelf |
Rarity: ★★★☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
1300 |
ある神風型駆逐艦娘が身の周りのものを収納するために用意した小物棚です。 あの傘…気になりますね。傘…ですよね?たぶん! This is a small shelf prepared by a certain Kamikaze-class destroyer girl to store her personal belongings. That umbrella... I'm curious. It's an umbrella... right? Probably! | ||||||
Released the: 2021/03/30 Availability: Furniture Shop Notes: By Harukaze |
"Naganami and Takanami" Paulownia Chest of Drawers
ID: 543 | 「長波と高波」の桐箪笥 "Naganami and Takanami" Paulownia Chest of Drawers |
Rarity: ★★★★★☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
Full Price: 194200 |
Discount: 9420 +1 |
ルンガ沖、夜の海上を往く二水戦の警戒艦「高波」と旗艦「長波」の姿をモチーフにした精密模型桐箪笥。 職人ダイナミック支援可! A precision model paulownia wood chest of drawers depicting the 2nd Fleet's patrol ship "Takanami" and flagship "Naganami" sailing on the night seas off the coast of Lunga. Dynamic discount available! | |||||
Released the: 2021/06/22 Availability: Furniture Shop Notes: The models are Naganami and Takanami |
Dresser Exclusively for American Cruisers
ID: 544 | 米巡洋艦専用ドレッサー Dresser Exclusively for American Cruisers |
Rarity: ★★★★☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
1980 |
米国出身の巡洋艦娘たちが日常的に使用している大型ミラー付属のドレッサー。 それぞれの化粧道具や小物が整理…されてはいない。 A dresser with a large mirror that is used daily by cruiser girls from the United States. Each of the makeup tools and accessories are... not organized. | ||||||
Released the: 2021/06/22 Availability: Furniture Shop |
ID: 550 | 鎮守府林檎飴&型抜き Naval Base Apple Candy and Mold Cutters |
Rarity: ★★★★☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
1700 |
1 |
鎮守府祭りの季節!お祭り屋台のねり歩きとしては、林檎飴も欠かせません! 昔懐かしい型抜きでも提督の熟練の技を艦娘たちに! It's the season for the Naval Base Festival! Candy apples are a must-have item at the festival stalls! Even with old-fashioned cookie-cutting techniques, the Admiral can show his skilled techniques to the ship girls! | |||||
Released the: 2021/09/28 Availability: Furniture Shop |
French Ships les Meubles
ID: 576 | フランス艦les meuble French Ships les Meubles |
Rarity: ★★★★★☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
Full Price: 123000 |
Discount: 2300 +1 |
鎮守府にも少しずつ増えてきたフランス生まれの艦娘の私物を収納する高級家具…そうよ、ダイナミック割引も可能…Mon amiral? The luxury furniture to store the personal belongings of the French-born ship girls who are gradually increasing in number at the Naval Base... That's right, dynamic discount available... Mon amiral? | |||||
Released the: 2022/10/14 Availability: Furniture Shop Notes: The models are Richelieu (top), Commandant Teste (bottom left), and Jean Bart (bottom right)
Water Lily Display Shelf And Reading Chair
ID: 592 | 睡蓮の飾り棚と読書椅子 Water Lily Display Shelf And Reading Chair |
Rarity: ★★★☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
1770 |
睡蓮をモチーフにデザインされた梅雨の季節にぴったりの家具です。 椅子の下は本棚になっていて、読書の好きな艦娘にも好評です。 Designed with a water lily pattern, this furniture is perfect for the rainy season. There is a bookshelf underneath the chair, which is popular with shipgirls who love to read. | ||||||
Released the: 2023/06/14 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Hydrangea Japanese Chest of Drawers
ID: 623 | 紫陽花の和箪笥 Hydrangea Japanese Chest of Drawers |
Rarity: ★★★☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
1880 |
紫陽花の美しさを楽しむ和箪笥です。 この季節、艦娘人気の花ですが…実はこの花、毒があるって…ああ、知ってますね、流石です! This is a Japanese chest of drawers that allows you to enjoy the beauty of hydrangeas. This flower is popular with ship girls this season, but... it's actually poisonous... Ah, you know that, as expected! | ||||||
Special BGM: The Sound of Rain at the Navy Base (雨音の鎮守府) Released the: 2024/05/29 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Hatsuzuki Paulownia Chest of Drawers
ID: 627 | 初月のしんがり桐箪笥 Hatsuzuki Paulownia Chest of Drawers |
Rarity: ★★★★★☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
Full Price: 161000 |
Discount: 6100 +1 |
秋月型防空駆逐艦「初月」の精密模型を飾った、家具職人がその魂を込めて作り上げた桐箪笥です。 改二の夜は、しんがりmodeに! This paulownia chest of drawers, decorated with a detailed model of the Akizuki-class anti-aircraft destroyer "Hatsuzuki," was created by a furniture craftsman who poured his soul into it. On Kai Ni nights, it goes in rear guard mode! | |||||
Released the: 2024/06/27 Availability: Furniture Shop Special Feature: When at night with Hatsuzuki Kai Ni as secretary, the model becomes the "rear guard mode" diorama. Notes: The model is Hatsuzuki |
Kai Special Type I Destroyer Uniform Hanger
ID: 640 | 改特I型駆逐艦の制服掛け Kai Special Type I Destroyer Uniform Hanger |
Rarity: ★★★★★☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
2110 |
1 |
吹雪型駆逐艦「吹雪・白雪・初雪・深雪」の艦娘制服を掛けておく専用ハンガーです。ほんのりとそれぞれの性格を・・・・・・感じますね。 This is a special hanger for hanging the uniforms of the Fubuki-class destroyers "Fubuki, Shirayuki, Hatsuyuki, and Miyuki". You can feel... a little bit of each personality. | |||||
Released the: 2025/01/28 Availability: Furniture Shop Notes: The model is Hatsuzuki |