Naval District Saury Festival
Time remaining before Ki-96's Improvement deadline.
Time remaining until the Naval District Saury Festival 2023 Mini-Event is over!
The Naval District Saury Festival (鎮守府秋刀魚祭り) is an annually held mini-event occurring in early fall, where it is possible to drop "Pacific Saury fishes" on certain maps to then either exchange them in limited quests or consume them for some resources, consumables, or equipment. The ultimate reward is the "Big Catch Flag" of the year furniture.
This event has happened almost every year since 2015, with slight variations each time:
The 8th Naval District Saury Festival will begin on the 2nd of November 2023 and will end on the 28th of November 2022 (26 days).
- Great LBAS planes where rewarded.
Item Description
This is a valuable seasonal Saury obtained by ensuring the safety of the fishing grounds and supporting the Saury fishery.
※ Will disappear at the end of the Saury Festival.
These are delicious seasonal sardines obtained by ensuring the safety of the fishing grounds and supporting sardine fishing.
※ Will disappear at the end of the Saury & Sardine Festival.
How to Obtain
Pacific Saury (fish) can be obtained as drops from certain maps during the event.
- Special Saury Festival-themed music will play when entering battle on maps that contain saury.
To drop a Saury, the fleet must get an S rank (sometimes just an A rank) on relevant Nodes. After the battle, a notification will appear if any saury was obtained, prior to any ship drops.
A maximum of 99 raw fish can be held at a time. Once at 99, no more fish can be obtained.
- It is possible to obtain more than 99 total fish during the duration of the event, as long as they are consumed to keep the total below 99.
- The Saury item can only be used for "#Cooking", which rewards resources or consumables.
- While #Saury Quests require possession of certain quantities of saury in order to be completed, they don't consume them.
Drop rate
The drop rate can be increased by using #Fishing Equipment or #Fishing Ships.
- These pieces of equipment can be carried by multiple ships in a fleet, and different types of equipment will synergize[1].
- Thus to maximize the bonus, it is recommended to carry a diverse set of fishing equipment on multiple ships.
- All Coastal Defense Ships as well as some auxiliaries count here as "Fishing Ships", having an innate fishing bonus staking with each others.
The drop rates will also depend on the current world's fish stock.
- Fishing on any map of a given world will decrease its overall fish stock.
- "Overfishing" will happen if too many fish are caught within a given world in a short amount of time.
- Using Depth Charges speeds up the overfishing rate.
- Once overfished, the drop rate will decrease until fishing becomes impossible (due to extremely low rate).
- The fish stock will regenerate over time.
- The exact amount of fish restocked and the time needed is not known, but depends on the overfishing state, and will take about one or two days at worst.
- It is recommended to cycle between worlds and event maps to maximize drops while avoiding overfishing.
Fishing Ships
Special Ships | ||||||||||||||||||||
All Coastal Defense Ships (DE) | All Submarine Tenders (AS) | Others | ||||||||||||||||||
Fishing Equipment
Special Equipment | ||||
Equipment Type | Effective Equipment | Notes | ||
Sonars |
Active Sonars only: |
Passive Sonars do not work: | ||
Depth Charges |
All Depth Charges | Cause overfishing to occur much faster [2] | ||
Searchlights |
Large Searchlights have a greater bonus [3] | ||
Lookouts |
| |||
Torpedo Bombers |
Swordfishes only: | |||
Seaplanes |
All Seaplane Recons All Seaplane Bombers |
Seaplane Fighters do not work | ||
Rotorcraft |
| |||
Liaison Aircraft |
| |||
Large Flying Boats |
| |||
Aviation Personnel |
NOAP only: |
Do not work: | ||
Rations |
Only slightly effective | ||
[4][5][6][7][8][9][10] |
Fishing Zones
All listed nodes drop on S ranks, red nodes are known to drop on A ranks (usually at a lower rate).
- Pacific Saury and ship drops can be obtained at the same time.
- Pacific Saury can drop even when the ship capacity is full.
See here for the exact drop rates.
When enough Pacific Saurys are obtained, a specific amount can be used to cook up a saury-based meal and then trade it in for resources. In the item menu section, it is possible to cook the Pacific Saurys with one of the following methods:
- Sashimi, Grilled and Salted, Kabayaki, or Saury Curry Kai Ni.
Cooking Method | Exchange Rate | Reward | Note |
Sashimi |
Grilled and Salted |
Kabayaki |
Saury Curry Kai Ni |
Limited to 1 |
Saury Quests
During the time of the Saury Mini Event, there are limited-time quests to complete while the event is active. The following quests are as followed based on the year the event was held:
Quest info | Rewards | |||||
2311 B1 One-Time
Saury fishing: Saury Festival, Main Force Of Main Force, Here We Go! |
800 |
800 |
0 |
0 | |
【秋刀魚漁】いいですか?艦隊を近海、北方海域、中部海域などの秋刀魚漁漁場に展開してください。秋刀魚漁に協力し、新鮮な旬の「秋刀魚」を8尾獲得してくださいね。うふふ、大丈夫よ……できるわ。 | Choose between: Then choose between: | |||||
Have 8 Saury in the inventory. | ||||||
Prerequisites | ||||||
Notes | ||||||
2311 B2 One-Time
Saury fishing: Let's Draw Big Catch Flag! |
1200 |
1200 |
0 |
0 | |
【秋刀魚漁】いや~、秋刀魚漁支援艦隊はいつ見ても壮観だな~。探照灯が沢山光ってて、夜でもイラストが描きやすいぜ!旬の「秋刀魚」16尾位、いけるっしょ?あ、大漁旗?その後描き始めるぜ~! | Choose between: Then choose between: | |||||
Have 16 Saury in the inventory. | ||||||
Prerequisites | 2311 B1, 2311 B4 | |||||
Notes | ||||||
2311 B3 One-Time
Saury Fishing: Oh, Is It A Big Catch Again This Year? Nice To Meet You. |
0 |
0 |
2300 |
2300 | |
【秋刀魚漁】この朝日もお手伝い致したく存じます。ええ、……よろしくてよ。提督。遠慮なさらないで。旬の「秋刀魚」46尾位、皆さんなら造作もないこと。さ、がんばりましょう!天気晴朗なれど、波高し! | Choose between: Then choose between: | |||||
Have 46 Saury in the inventory. | ||||||
Prerequisites | 2311 B2 | |||||
Notes | ||||||
2311 B4 One-Time
[Naval Base Saury Festival] Full-Scale Operation Preparations! |
400 |
0 |
400 |
0 | |
軽巡(含む練習巡洋艦)・工作艦・特務艦を旗艦とした艦隊で、鎮守府正面海域、南西諸島沖、製油所地帯沿岸、南西諸島防衛線、鎮守府近海を偵察!鎮守府海域周辺の安全を確保せよ! | Choose between: Then choose between: | |||||
Assemble a fleet containing 1 CL/CT/AR/Souya as flagship and up to 5 XX, then S rank the boss nodes of 1-1, 1-2, 1-3, 1-4, and 1-5. | ||||||
Prerequisites | B5, Bd1 | |||||
Notes | ||||||
2311 B5 One-Time
[Naval Base Saury Festival] Northern Fishing Grounds Defense Strategy! |
800 |
800 |
0 |
600 | |
軽巡(含む練習巡洋艦)・工作艦・特務艦を旗艦とした艦隊で、北方海域モーレイ海、キス島沖、アルフォンシーノ方面、北方海域全域、北方AL海域へ展開!北方でのサンマ漁を推進せよ! | Choose between: Then choose between: | |||||
Assemble a fleet containing 1 CL/CT/AR/Souya as flagship and up to 5 XX, then S rank the boss nodes of 3-1, 3-2, 3-3, 3-4, and 3-5. | ||||||
Prerequisites | 2311 B4 | |||||
Notes | ||||||
2311 C1 One-Time
[Naval Base Saury Festival] Saury Fishing Exercises! |
600 |
600 |
0 |
600 | |
第七駆逐隊各隊、「夕雲」「沖波」「岸波」「朝霜」「磯風」「大鯨」「満潮」「時雨改二/改三」「白雪」「祥鳳」「Ranger」のうち4隻以上を含む艦隊で本日中に演習【A勝利】以上を4回達成せよ! | Choose between: Then choose between: | |||||
Assemble a fleet containing any 4 of: "Akebono, Ushio, Sazanami, Oboro, Yuugumo, Okinami, Kishinami, Asashimo, Isokaze, Taigei, Michishio, Shirayuki, Shouhou, Ranger, or Shigure Kai Ni+"; and up to 2 XX, then score 4 A+ ranks in PVP within the same day. | ||||||
Prerequisites | 2311 B1, 2311 B4 | |||||
Notes | Ryuuhou forms do not count as Taigei for this quest. | |||||
2311 F1 One-Time
Saury Festival [Extra Operation] The Most Elite Hiryuu Squadron! |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 | |
The Most Elite Hiryuu Squadron: | ||||||
Set Yamashio Maru, Kumano Maru or Asahi as Secretary, then, prepare a Type 4 Heavy Bomber Hiryuu + No.1 Model 1A Guided Missile, a +7 Ki-96, 10 Saury, and 35 Development Materials. | ||||||
Prerequisites | 2311 B1, F17 | |||||
Notes | Items and equipment are consumed upon completion.
The following songs have been used for the Naval District Saury Festival Mini Event :
2015 Fall Mini-Event | |||||
- | Japanese | Romanization | English | OST Release | Notes |
Play | 「鎮守府秋刀魚祭り」 | Chinjufu Sanma Matsuri | Naval Base Saury Festival | OST 雨 | 2015: Plays in fishing locations in Worlds 1, 3 and 6 (exception: 1-1) |
2016 Fall Mini-Event | |||||
- | Japanese | Romanization | English | OST Release | Notes |
Play | 「鎮守府秋刀魚祭り改」 | Chinjufu Sanma Matsuri Kai | Naval Base Saury Festival Kai | OST 波 | 2016: Plays in pre-boss fishing locations in Worlds 1, 3 and 6 |
Play | 「艦娘音頭」 | Kanmusu Ondo | The Ship Girl Festival Dance | Vocal Collection Vol.4 | 2016: Plays in boss nodes in fishing locations of Worlds 1, 3 and 6 (exception: 1-1)
Kanmusu Ondo |
2017 Fall Mini-Event | |||||
- | Japanese | Romanization | English | OST Release | Notes |
Play | 「鎮守府秋刀魚祭り改二」 | Chinjufu Sanma Matsuri Kai Ni | Naval Base Saury Festival Kai Ni | OST 雪 | 2017: Plays in pre-boss fishing locations in Worlds 1, 3 and 6 |
2018 Fall Mini-Event | |||||
- | Japanese | Romanization | English | OST Release | Notes |
Play | 「鎮守府秋刀魚祭り改三」 | Chinjufu Sanma Matsuri Kai San | Naval Base Saury Festival Kai San | - | 2018: Plays in day battle of pre-boss nodes in fishing locations of World 3
2019: Plays in day battle of pre-boss nodes in fishing locations of Worlds 2 and 3 |
2021 Fall Event | |||||
- | Japanese | Romanization | English | OST Release | Notes |
Play | 「根室沖の輝き」 | Nemuro-oki no kagayaki | Glimmer of the Coast of Nemuro | - | 2021: Plays in day battle of pre-boss nodes in Fall 2021 Event E-1. |