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Seasonal/Christmas 2015

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Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
Kisaragi Play うふふ、睦月ちゃん、クリスマスケーキおいしいわね。このターキーも食べて。 Ufufu, Mutsuki-chan, this Christmas cake is quite delicious. Try this turkey, too.
Mutsuki Play 如月ちゃん、クリスマスだよ!このケーキも甘くておいしいにゃ!ほらほら! Kirasagi-chan, it's Christmas! This cake's really sweet and tasty! Try it!
Fumizuki Play メリークリスマス、司令官!帽子可愛いでしょ?プレゼントちょうだい! Merry Christmas, Admiral! Isn't this hat cute? I want a present!
Nagatsuki Play クリスマスか。。。何を燥いでいる。これ受け取ってくれ。じゃ、訓練してくるぞ。 Christmas, huh... What's with all the fuss? Anyway, take this. Now, I'll be off to training.
Mochizuki Play 司令官も飲んで食べて歌おうぜ!今日は楽しいクリスマスだよ。うひひ Admiral, you ought to drink, eat and sing, too! Today's Christmas and worth celebrating!
Yayoi Play クリスマス。。。弥生、怒ってなんかないよ。ケーキ。。。いただきます。 Christmas... I'm not mad or anything. I'll... have some of the cake.
Uzuki Play うーちゃん、クリスマス!もぐもぐ。。。おいしいぴょん!もごもぐ。。。もぐもぐ! U-chan and Christmas! Munch munch... So tasty, pyon! Munch munch... Munch munch!
Shigure Play 提督、メリークリスマス。今日は僕がプレゼントを渡すよ。はい。 Admiral, Merry Christmas. I'll be giving you presents today. Here.
Play 提督、クリスマスシーズンだね。メリークリスマス。あ、僕少し早かったかな。 Admiral, it's the Christmas season. Merry Christmas. Oh, was I a bit early?
Play え?この格好かい?クリスマスはこうするものだって。。。提督、もしかしていやだった?ごめん。。。 Hm? This outfit, you say? I heard this is what you do during Christmas... Admiral, did this not suit your fancy? Sorry...
Kawakaze Play 提督!クリスマスじゃんか!クリスマス!ケーキどこよ?ケーキ!イエ~イ! Admiral! It's Christmas, I say. Christmas! So, where's the cake? Where is it?! Yeah!
Oboro Play 朧クリスマス好きです!いいと思います! I really like Christmas! I think it's great!
Tanikaze Play お~!クリスマスかい!いいね、クリスマス!え~と。。。ターキーってやつ?食べてみたいね! Oh! It's Christmas! I like that, Christmas! Um... It's that thing with the turkeys, right? I want to eat one!
Hatsukaze Play メリー。。。クリスマス。何よ、その顔。クリスマスよ。楽しいわね。 Merry... Christmas. What's with that face? It's Christmas. I suppose this is fun, too.
Arashi Play メリークリスマス、指令。4駆のみんなからプレゼントがあるんだぜ。いいか、みんな?せいの。。。うわ!!あ。。。怒ってる。。。 Merry Christmas, Admiral. DesDiv4's got a present for you. Ready, everyone? Ready... Rawr!! Uh... I think we got him mad...
Hagikaze Play 指令、メリークリスマス!私、健康ケーキを作ってみたんです。お砂糖とバター控えめで。。。あ、いいですか?どうぞ!あ~ん Admiral, Merry Christmas! I tried making a healthy cake! I cut down on the sugar and butter... Oh, would you like to try some? Here! Say "Ahn"!
Akizuki Play メリー・クリスマスです、指令!秋月、七面鳥を焼いたんですよ。あっ!だめっ!何で?! Merry Christmas, Commander! I roasted a turkey...oh! I shouldn't have? Why?!
Teruzuki Play

Light Cruisers

Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
Agano Play 提督さん!キラリ~ン!メリークリスマス!阿賀野へのプレゼントは?え?後で?本当?待ってるからね。 Admiral! Super Merry Christmas! Do you have a present for me? What? Later? Really? I'll be waiting!
Noshiro Play クリスマス。。。ですか。能代、なれない行事ではありますが。。。すこし楽しいですね!あ、提督。この鶏肉料理おいしいです! So it's Christmas... I can't say I'm used to this event yet but... It is fun! Oh, Admiral! This chicken dish is really tasty!
Sakawa Play 指令、メリークリスマスぴゅ~!ツリーがきれいで。。。酒匂この雰囲気が好き!あの泡の飲み物は。。。お、これはまだ駄目? Admniral, Merry Christmas pyu~! The tree's so pretty... I really love this atmosphere! About that bubbly drink... I still can't drink it? Read: Champagne
Yahagi Play
Naka Play 那珂ちゃんとメリークリスマスだよ!きゃは! A Merry Christmas from Naka! Kyaha!
Play 七面鳥もクリスマスケーキもおいしいね! Both the turkey and Christmas cake are delicious!
Kiso Play クリスマスケーキ。。。こんなに甘くていいのか?甘すぎる! Christmas cake... Are you sure it's supposed to be this sweet? Isn't this too sweet!?
クリスマスだと?ま、悪くはないな。 Christmas? Well, this isn't bad either.
Yuubari Play メリークリスマス、提督!提督、これ私からのプレゼント!え?テイトクも? Merry Christmas, Admiral! This is my present to you, Admiral! What? A present for me?

Training Cruisers

Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
Kashima 提督さん、メリークリスマス!この季節はなんだか少し幸せな気持になりますね!今日だけは。。。少し飲んじゃおうかな。えへへ Admiral, Merry Christmas! Doesn't this season just fill you with joy? Maybe just for today... I'll let myself have a few drinks. Ehehe.

Heavy Cruisers

Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
Furutaka Play 提督、メリークリスマス!この季節を一緒に過ごせて古高、うれしいです! Admiral, Merry Christmas! I'm so glad I'm able to spend this time with you!
Takao Play メリークリスマス!提督、今日だけは司令官のお仕事を忘れてパーティーを楽しましょ!あ。。。愛宕、邪魔しないで! Merry Christmas! Admiral, how about you forget about your work just for today and enjoy the part? Ah... Atago, don't interrupt!
Atago Play 提督、パンパカパ~ンからのメリークリスマス!は~い、愛宕からのプレゼント!あ、今、開けてね。ほら、よく似合う!よかった! Admiral, a merry pan-paka-pan Christmas to you! All right! Here's your present from me! Oh, open it now! See, it suits you well! I'm so relieved!
Choukai Play メリークリスマス!西洋のお祭りですけれど素敵ですよね!はい!ケーキです! Merry Christmas! While this is a Western celebration, it's still beautiful! Here! Have a cake!
Prinz Eugen あ!クリスマスはやっぱりシュトーレンやレープクーヘンが楽しみ!美味しいよね~ Ah! If we're talking Christmas, you can't forget the Stollen and Lebkuchen! They're so tasty! Christmas 2014 Line;
Both are traditional German baked goods


Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
Kongou Play
Hiei Play
Kirishima Play
Haruna Play
Fusou Play
Yamashiro Play
Hyuuga Play
Nagato Play これが、クリスマスか。ふうん……そうか。 Ohhhh Christmas? Mmmm....I see. Christmas 2013 Line
Littorio Play
Italia Play

Light Carriers

Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
Hiyou Play
Shouhou Play
Chiyoda Play
Chitose Play

Standard Carriers

Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
Akagi Play これは。。。おいしい!これもクリスマス!いいですね。あ、加賀さんも食べてます? This... is delicious! This is a part of Christmas, too! I like it! Oh, Kaga-san, are you also having your share?
Kaga Play メリークリスマスか。いいけれど。提督、赤城さん見かけませんでしたか?そう。 Merry Christmas, is it? Well, that's fine. Admiral, have you seen Akagi-san around? I see.
Souryuu Play わーい!クリスマス!いいよね、ツリーやチキン!この雰囲気が好き! Yay! Christmas! Isn't it great with all the trees and chicken? I love this atmosphere!
Hiryuu Play おう、うん。クリスマスね。ケーキ、七面鳥も。。。んん、おいしいは!あれ、瑞鶴?なんで怒っているの?え? Wow, it's Christmas. Cake, turkey... they're all delicious! Huh? Zuikaku? What are you upset about? What? ZuiZui ain't no turkey.
Shoukaku Play 瑞鶴?どうしたの?何をそんなにイライラしているの?せっかくのクリスマス。。。これを食べて落ち着いて。え?え~?? Zuikaku? What's wrong? Why do you look so bothered? Enjoy the Christmas air! Here, eat this and get in the feel! What? What?! ZuiZui isn't a happy camper.
Zuikaku Play ん。。。クリスマスか。。。あ、翔鶴ねえ、その料理は食べない!私絶対食べない!いらないってば! Mm... Christmas... Ah, Shoukaku-nee, I don't need any of that food! I'm definitely not eating any of it! I don't want it! I guess it's natural to not want to eat one of your own kind.
Graf Zeppelin Play アドミラール、この艦隊もクリスマスは祝うのだな。このシュトーレンも悪くないぞ。この国の潜水艦が作ったのか?ふむ。やるな。 Admiral, I see that this fleet also celebrates Christmas. This Stollen isn't half bad either. Did this country's submarines make it? I see. Not bad. Stollen is a traditional German baked good.


Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
I-8 Play 提督、クリスマスです!シュトーレン焼かないといけません。なのではっちゃんこの期間出撃を。。。え?駄目? Admiral, it's Christmas! I have to go bake Stollen. As such, I don't think I'll be able to sortie... What? Denied?
I-19 Play 提督、このケーキおいしいの!もっともっとほしいの!イク、クリスマスはとってもご機嫌なの! Admiral, this cake is delicious! I want more! I'm always in a good mood during Christmas!

Auxilliary ships

Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
Mizuho Play
Akashi Play メリークリスマス、提督!クレーンにイルミネーション飾っちゃいましょうか! Merry Christmas, Admiral! How about I decorate my crane with some lights?
Hayasui Play 提督さん、メリークリスマス!速吸もケーキ作ったんですよ!はい、お口開けて!あ~ん! Merry Christmas, Admiral! I tried making a cake, too! Here, open your mouth! Ahn~
Mamiya Play クリスマスですね!ケーキはもちろんおいしい七面鳥も準備しておきますね! It's Christmas! I've of course taken the liberty of preparing cake and turkey!
Irako Play ケーキもお飲み物もご用意しました!だってクリスマスですもの!クリスマス! I've prepared both cake and drinks! It is Christmas, after all!
