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Just Cardboards
ID: 164 | ただの段ボール Just Cardboards |
Rarity: ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
N/A | 引っ越したての…なかなか片付かない段ボール。はやく捨てたい…かも! You just moved and the cardboard boxes are a mess. You might want to throw them away quickly! | ||||||
Released the: 2013/04/23 Availability: Stock furniture |
ID: 165 | 椅子 Chair |
Rarity: ★☆☆☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
100 |
提督の執務室に似合う趣きのある椅子。 ちょっと腰を落ち着けて物事をじっくり考えるのもいいかも! An elegant chair that would be suitable for an admiral's office. It might be a good idea to sit back and think things through for a bit! | ||||||
Released the: 2013/04/23 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Office Desk
ID: 166 | 執務机 Office Desk |
Rarity: ★★☆☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
200 |
椅子だけで執務はできません! 色々な資料を広げられる立派な机と椅子のセットをどうぞ。 これなら艦隊指揮もぱっちりとれそうです! You cannot work using just a chair! This is a nice desk and chair set where you can spread out a variety of documents. With this, fleet command will be a breeze! | ||||||
Released the: 2013/04/23 Availability: Furniture Shop Special Feature: Shows the Strait Medal and Shou-Gou Medal if possessed. |
Admiral's Desk
ID: 168 | 提督の机 Admiral's Desk |
Rarity: ★★★☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
350 |
歴戦の提督の貴方にお奨めしたいこの執務机。 センスが光る青と白を基調とした落ち着いたデザイン。 この机で連戦連勝間違いなし! We highly recommend this desk to you, the veteran admiral. A blue and white sophisticated and calm design. With this desk you are sure to win battle after battle! | ||||||
Released the: 2013/04/23 Availability: Furniture Shop Special Feature: Shows the Strait Medal and Shou-Gou Medal if possessed. |
General's Desk
ID: 170 | 大将の机 General's Desk |
Rarity: ★★★★★☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
500 |
質の高い織柄のテーブルクロスがポイント! 戦略資料を積み重ねて微動だにしない確かな作り。 High-quality woven tablecloths are key! It is a solid construction with strategic documents piled up and remaining unshakable. | ||||||
Released the: 2013/04/23 Availability: Furniture Shop Special Feature: Shows the Strait Medal and Shou-Gou Medal if possessed. |
Secretary and Admiral's Desks
ID: 171 | 秘書艦と提督の机 Secretary and Admiral's Desks |
Rarity: ★★★★★★☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
Full Price: 188000 |
Discount: 8800 +1 |
艦隊運用に忙しい提督の机と並んで配置された、優秀な秘書艦娘のための執務机です。何気に高機能! ダイナミック割引も可能です! This desk is for the capable secretary ship girl, placed next to the admiral's desk while he is busy managing the fleet. It is surprisingly highly functional! Dynamic discount available! | |||||
Released the: 2018/03/23 Availability: Furniture Shop Special Feature: Shows the Strait Medal and Shou-Gou Medal if possessed. The chair and drinks change depending on the secretary (see here). |
Interior Chair
ID: 172 | インテリア椅子 Interior Chair |
Rarity: ★★☆☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
200 |
木彫で暖かみのある高いデザイン性と機能美を持った椅子。 女の子達にも人気の逸品です。 This chair is carved out of wood and has a warm design and functional beauty. This is a popular item among girls too. | ||||||
Released the: ? Availability: Furniture Shop |
Classroom Set "Teacher's Desk"
ID: 174 | 教室セット「教卓」 Classroom Set "Teacher's Desk" |
Rarity: ★★★★☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
40000 |
鎮守府で戦術や航海の講義をする際に用いる教室セット。 その教卓と前列の机。 教卓最前列の机なので、真面目な艦娘達が座ります! A classroom set used at the naval base for lectures on tactics and navigation. The teacher's desk and the front row desks. It's the desk in the front row of the desk, so the serious ship girls sit there! | ||||||
Released the: 2014/05/23 Availability: Furniture Shop Special Feature: Shows the Strait Medal if possessed. Notes: Graffiti: "Night Battle" by Sendai |
Modern Chair
ID: 175 | モダンチェア Modern Chair |
Rarity: ★★★☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
350 |
アートな輝きを放つスタイリッシュなデザイナーズチェア。 これなら宇宙艦隊の指揮もとれそうです。 A stylish designer chair that exudes an artistic glow. With this, I think I could even take command of a space fleet. | ||||||
Released the: ? Availability: Furniture Shop |
Destroyer Girls' Tree
ID: 176 | 駆逐艦娘のツリー Destroyer Girls' Tree |
Rarity: ★★★★☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
3000 |
1 |
小さな駆逐艦娘たちを喜ばせるために提督が用意したツリーとプレゼントたち。 大きな艦娘たちも少し羨ましそうに見ています! The Admiral prepared a tree and presents to delight the little destroyer girls. Even the older ship girls look on with a bit of envy! | |||||
Released the: 2013/11/27 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Chabudai Set
ID: 178 | ちゃぶ台セット Chabudai Set |
Rarity: ★★★☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
2000 |
1 |
提督の熱い要望によるちゃぶ台&座布団。 もちろん、ちゃぶ台返しは厳禁です。 ちゃぶ台の上には艦娘お手製の朝食が…頂きます! A low table and cushion at the Admiral's passionate request. Of course, flipping the table is strictly prohibited. There is a homemade breakfast prepared by the shipgirls on the low table...let's eat! | |||||
Released the: 2013/05/29 Availability: Furniture Shop Special Feature: Changes with the season (see here), and the saury's version also changes with the secretary. Notes: Writing: "No flipping the table!", was updated in 2024 |
Adults' Setsubun Set
ID: 179 | 大人の節分セット Adults' Setsubun Set |
Rarity: ★★★★☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
2000 |
1 |
「鬼は外ぉ~、福は内~っひっく!」 ちょっと大人な軽空母たちと節分の厄除けを行う準備です。 豆はおつまみとして使用する模様。 "Out with the demons, in with the good fortune!" We are preparing to perform a Setsubun warding off evil spirits with some slightly more grown-up light aircraft carriers. The beans are used as a snack. | |||||
Special BGM: Setsubun at the Naval Base (節分の鎮守府) Released the: 2014/01/22 Availability: Furniture Shop Notes: Text & clothes from Junyou |
Photography Set
ID: 180 | 撮影セット Photography Set |
Rarity: ★★★★☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
3500 |
1 |
格調高いプロ仕様の写真機とレフ板、背景による艦娘撮影セット。 出撃前の勇姿を撮りたいですね! (撮影機能等はありません…) A set for taking photos of KanColle girls, featuring a high-quality, professional-grade camera, reflector, and background. I would like to take a picture of the hero before sortie! (There is no shooting function, etc...) | |||||
Released the: 2013/06/12 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Prematurely Set-upped Kotatsu
ID: 181 | 早く出しすぎた炬燵 Prematurely Set-upped Kotatsu |
Rarity: ★★★☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
3500 |
1 |
ちょっと肌寒くなってきたので、例年より早く出してきてしまった炬燵セット。 某球磨型軽巡も思わず丸くなりそうな逸品です! It's starting to get a bit chilly, so I brought out the kotatsu set earlier than usual. This is a masterpiece that is sure to make a certain Kuma-class light cruiser look rounder! | |||||
Released the: 2013/10/16 Availability: Furniture Shop Special Feature: Shows the Strait Medal if possessed. |
Duvets and Pillows
ID: 182 | 羽毛布団と枕 Duvets and Pillows |
Rarity: ★★★★☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
2000 |
1 |
高級な羽毛布団と二つの枕による安眠セット。 これで夜の快眠もバッチリです。 特注家具職人が丹精込めて作った次世代布団セット! A comfortable sleep set with a luxurious duvet and two pillows. This will ensure a good night's sleep. A next-generation futon set carefully crafted by a custom furniture craftsman! | |||||
Released the: 2014/02/14 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Senbei Futon
ID: 183 | 煎餅布団 Senbei Futon |
Rarity: ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
N/A | 書類一式にサインした提督のみが敷くことができる、シンプルにして至高の煎餅布団。 読みかけの本が平和なひと時を感じさせます。 This simple yet supreme senbei futon may only be laid out by admirals who have signed the necessary paperwork. A book you're already reading gives you a sense of peace. | ||||||
Released the: 2014/02/14 Availability: WB02 reward Notes: A senbei futon is a "futon hard and flat like a senbei" (rice cracker). |
ID: 184 | 床の間 Tokonoma |
Rarity: ★★★★☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
2000 |
1 |
提督達の熱い要望により、遂に実装された特注家具。それが「床の間」。 各種の掛け軸との親和性もばっちりの提督ご用達家具です! Due to the passionate requests of the admirals, a custom piece of furniture has finally been implemented: the "Tokonoma." This is a piece of furniture that is perfect for an admiral and goes perfectly with all kinds of hanging scrolls! | |||||
Released the: 2013/09/04 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Kanmusu Dedicated Desk
ID: 185 | 艦娘専用デスク Kanmusu Dedicated Desk |
Rarity: ★★★★☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
400 |
艦娘の待機部屋から持ち出してきたガーリーなデザインの机と椅子。 後で怒られますよ? A girly-looking desk and chair brought from the ship girls' waiting room. You'll get angry later, right? | ||||||
Released the: 2013/05/08 Availability: Furniture Shop Special Feature: Shows the Shou-Gou Medal if possessed. |
Admiral's Mahjong Table
ID: 186 | 提督の麻雀卓 Admiral's Mahjong Table |
Rarity: ★★★★☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
3000 |
1 |
一部提督の熱い支持により鎮守府に持ち込まれることになった麻雀卓。 艦隊勤務中には使用せず、非番の時に楽しんでいる…ハズ。 Due to the enthusiastic support of some admirals, a mahjong table was brought into the naval base. It is not used while on fleet duty, but is enjoyed during off-duty hours...or so I think. | |||||
Released the: 2013/11/20 Availability: Furniture Shop Special Feature: Shows the Strait Medal if possessed. Changes with the season (see here). The cat's tail is animated when clicked on for the Setsubun version. Notes: The mahjong set and food was updated. |
Watermelon Splitting Set
ID: 187 | 西瓜割りセット Watermelon Splitting Set |
Rarity: ★★☆☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
1700 |
名産地から取り寄せた西瓜です。 もちろん、西瓜割り用の棒とシートもご用意。 艦娘たちと提督の夏休みもこれでバッチリです! These watermelons are sourced from a famous producing region. Of course, we also provide sticks and sheets for cracking watermelons. This is the perfect summer vacation for the shipgirls and the admiral! | ||||||
Released the: 2013/08/14 Availability: Furniture Shop |
High-end Sewing Machine
ID: 188 | 高級ミシン High-end Sewing Machine |
Rarity: ★★★★☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
4500 |
1 |
艦娘の衣装作りに欠かせない高級ミシンセット。 これで夏○ミ衣装もバッチリですね! ※実際に艦娘の衣装製作機能はありません… A high-end sewing machine set essential for ship girls uniform making. This will be perfect for your summer uniform! ※There is no uniform creation function for ship girls... | |||||
Released the: 2013/07/03 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Kongou's Tea Set
ID: 189 | 金剛の紅茶セット Kongou's Tea Set |
Rarity: ★★★★★☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
9000 |
1 |
提督と本格的なティーパーティをエンジョイするために金剛が遙か英国より取り寄せた豪華な紅茶セット! 四姉妹御用達の逸品です。 A luxurious tea set that Kongou ordered from far away England so that you can enjoy an authentic tea party with the Admiral! This is a masterpiece used by the four sisters. | |||||
Released the: 2013/07/03 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Indoor Pool
ID: 192 | ご家庭用プール Indoor Pool |
Rarity: ★★★★☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
2000 |
1 |
提督20万人突破を記念して用意された夏の風物詩。 艦娘たちより提督が先に童心に帰って水遊びしちゃ、だめですよ! A summer tradition prepared to commemorate the 200 000th Admiral. It is not good for the Admiral to revert to his childhood and play in the water before the ship girls! | |||||
Released the: 2013/07/24 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Glass Table
ID: 193 | ガラステーブル Glass Table |
Rarity: ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
350 |
モダンセンスあふれるガラスを天板にしたテーブル。 艦娘たちとのパーティにも重宝します。 A table with a glass top that exudes a modern flair. It is also useful for parties with ship girls. | ||||||
Released the: ? Availability: Furniture Shop |
Single Bed
ID: 195 | シングルベッド Single Bed |
Rarity: ★★★★★☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
4000 |
1 |
執務の間にごろんと横になるための近代的な単身者用ベッド。 月月火水木金金を実践される提督に人気です! A modern bed for a single person to lounge on while working. It is popular among admirals who practice the Mon-Mon-Tue-Wed-Thu-Fri-Fri style! | |||||
Released the: 2013/05/08 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Chocolate-bar-shaped Desk
ID: 196 | 板チョコ型の机 Chocolate-bar-shaped Desk |
Rarity: ★★★★☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
1200 |
美味しそうな板チョコ風なデザインの机と椅子です。 チョコレートの甘い香りが執務室全体に広がる不思議な雰囲気をどうぞ! The desk and chair are designed to look like delicious chocolate bars. Enjoy the mysterious atmosphere as the sweet aroma of chocolate fills the entire office! | ||||||
Released the: 2014/02/14 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Futon and Pillow
ID: 197 | 布団と枕 Futon and Pillow |
Rarity: ★☆☆☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
50 |
至高にして究極。普通のお布団と麦わら枕。 結局これが一番疲れがとれるかも…。 The ultimate in comfort. A regular futon and straw pillow. In the end, this might be the best way to relieve fatigue... | ||||||
Released the: 2013/04/23 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Wooden Office Desk
ID: 198 | ウッディな執務机 Wooden Office Desk |
Rarity: ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
300 |
森の動物達がお茶会を始めそうな素朴で素敵な机。 艦娘にも人気の逸品! A lovely, rustic desk that looks like it could host a tea party with forest animals. A masterpiece that is also popular among shipgirls! | ||||||
Released the: 2013/04/23 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Hot Spring Hinoki Bath
ID: 199 | 温泉檜風呂 Hot Spring Hinoki Bath |
Rarity: ★★★★★☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
8000 |
1 |
特注家具職人が腕によりをかけて設えた温泉檜風呂。 内風呂仕様になっており、箱根要らずの提督御用達の究極鎮守府設備です! A hot spring cypress bathtub created with the utmost skill by a custom furniture craftsman. It is equipped with an indoor bath and is the ultimate naval base facility perfect for admirals who don't need to go to Hakone! | |||||
Released the: ? Availability: Furniture Shop Special Feature: Changes with the season (see here). |
Turkey Feast
ID: 200 | 七面鳥のご馳走 Turkey Feast |
Rarity: ★★★☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
3000 |
1 |
今夜は素敵なパーティしましょ! 主計科さんが腕によりをかけて作ってくれた聖夜のご馳走。 よく焼かれた七面鳥も美味しそう! Let's have a wonderful party tonight! A Christmas Eve feast prepared by the accounting department with all their skill. A well-roasted turkey also looks delicious! | |||||
Special BGM: Holy Night at the Homeport (聖夜の母港) Released the: 2013/12/24 Availability: Log in gift, Furniture Shop (2014/12/01) Notes: The plush is Kirishima (fog) |
Gorgeous Hina-ningyou Four-step Stand
ID: 201 | 雛人形豪華四段飾り Gorgeous Hina-ningyou Four-step Stand |
Rarity: ★★★★★☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
3300 |
1 |
お内裏様とお雛様、そして三人官女や五人囃子、右大臣に左大臣、菱餅等も配した鎮守府雛人形豪華四段飾り。 職人の技が光ります。 A gorgeous four-tiered display of Hina dolls from the Naval Base, featuring the Emperor and Empress, three court ladies, five musicians, the right and left Ministers, diamond-shaped rice cakes, and more. The craftsmanship shines through. | |||||
Special BGM: Hinamatsuri and Ship Girls (桃の節句と艦娘) Released the: 2014/02/26 Availability: Furniture Shop |
ID: 202 | なし Nothing |
Rarity: ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
N/A | あえて執務机などの家具を置かず、シンプルな環境で秘書艦と執務にあたりたいという提督の意見具申から生まれた「なし」です。 The "Nothing" design was born from the Admiral's suggestion that he would like to work with his secretary in a simple environment, without any furniture such as a desk. | ||||||
Released the: 2013/04/23 Availability: Stock furniture Notes: There is nothing present, leaving an empty space. |
Admiral's Study Desk
ID: 207 | 提督の書斎机 Admiral's Study Desk |
Rarity: ★★★☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
1900 |
シックで落ち着いた雰囲気を醸し出す大人の書斎机。 書斎本棚と組み合わせれば提督の隠れ家的な書斎空間を演出します。 An adult desk that exudes a chic and calm atmosphere. When combined with a study bookshelf, it creates an admiral's hideaway study space. | ||||||
Released the: 2014/07/04 Availability: Furniture Shop Special Feature: Shows the Strait Medal and Shou-Gou Medal if possessed. |
Manuscript Desk
ID: 208 | 原稿机 Manuscript Desk |
Rarity: ★★★★☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
25000 |
いよいよ〆切が迫ってきた提督に贈る原稿制作用机。 原稿執筆に必要なあれこれはもちろん修羅場のお供のドリンクも常備です! A desk for writing manuscripts, presented to the admiral as his deadline fast approaches. We always have everything you need for writing, as well as drinks to accompany you in those hectic situations! | ||||||
Released the: 2014/07/04 Availability: Furniture Shop Special Feature: Shows the Strait Medal if possessed. |
Vinyl Pool
ID: 216 | ビニールプール Vinyl Pool |
Rarity: ★★★☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
1500 |
気軽に楽しめる夏のプールといえばコレ! サイズも小さくて何人も入れませんが駆逐艦娘にも大人気。 時々水漏れするけど…大丈夫! This is the perfect pool to enjoy summer casually! It is small and can only accommodate a few people, but it is very popular with destroyer girls. It leaks sometimes...but it's ok! | ||||||
Released the: 2014/07/18 Availability: Furniture Shop Special Feature: Changes depending on the time of day: |
Saury Dinner Table
ID: 217 | 秋刀魚の食卓 Saury Dinner Table |
Rarity: ★★★★☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
2200 |
1 |
秋と言えば秋刀魚の美味しい季節。 シンプルに焼いてホカホカご飯と一緒に召しあがれ! 提督専用座布団も嬉しい秋を感じる食卓。 Autumn is the season for delicious saury. Simply grill it and enjoy with hot rice! The Admiral's special cushion adds a delightful autumn feel to the dining table. | |||||
Special BGM: Autumn Naval Base (秋の鎮守府) Released the: 2014/08/29 Availability: Furniture Shop Special Feature: Animated steam is emitted over foods. Notes: Writing: "No flipping the table!" |
ID: 218 | ジュークボックス Jukebox |
Rarity: ★★★★★☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
8000 |
1 |
提督の皆さんの熱いリクエストに応えて遂に実装されたジュークボックス。 家具コインを投入することで曲のリクエストが可能です。 The jukebox has finally been implemented in response to passionate requests from admirals. You can request songs by inserting furniture coins. | |||||
Released the: 2014/08/29 Availability: Furniture Shop Special Feature: Can play music and change the port's BGM (see #Jukebox) |
White and Blue Tree
ID: 224 | 白と青のツリー White and Blue Tree |
Rarity: ★★★★☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
5000 |
1 |
すこし大人の艦娘達のための白と青を基調とした大人のツリーです。 奮発した大切なプレゼントもリボンで包んでおきました! This is a tree with a white and blue motif for slightly more grown-up ship girls. I even wrapped up the precious gift I splurged on in a ribbon! | |||||
Special BGM: Winter Anchor (冬の抜錨) Released the: 2014/12/01 Availability: Furniture Shop |
ID: 225 | 鎮守府初詣セット Naval Base New Year's Shrine Visit Set |
Rarity: ★★★★★☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
30000 |
年末年始も多忙を極める、そんな提督と艦娘のために特別に用意された、鎮守府の中で初詣を完了できる画期的な大規模家具セット! This revolutionary large-scale furniture set has been specially prepared for those admirals and their ship girls who will be extremely busy over the New Year holidays, allowing them to complete their first shrine visit of the year right inside the naval base! | ||||||
Released the: 2014/12/26 Availability: Furniture Shop |
New Year's Soba
ID: 228 | 年越し蕎麦 New Year's Soba |
Rarity: ★★★★☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
2200 |
1 |
良い年を迎えるには、なんといってもこれです! 艦娘と提督で仲良く年越し蕎麦を食べて、良いお年を!
天ぷらも美味しいです! | |||||
Special BGM: New Year Greetings from the Naval Base (迎春の鎮守府) Released the: 2014/12/26 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Chocolate Kitchen
ID: 232 | チョコレートキッチン Chocolate Kitchen |
Rarity: ★★★☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
1800 |
腕に自信のある艦娘たちはオフの日は手作りのお菓子作りにチャレンジします! 春先は、ボールに溶かしたチョコが…楽しみかも? The ship girls, who are confident in their skills, try their hand at making homemade sweets on their days off! In early spring, melted chocolate in a bowl might be something to look forward to. | ||||||
Special BGM: Kanmusu's Sweets Making (艦娘のお菓子作り) Released the: 2015/01/23 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Liquor & Wine Shelves
ID: 233 | 洋酒&ワイン棚 Liquor & Wine Shelves |
Rarity: ★★★★☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
20000 |
ウイスキーやスコッチ、そしてワインなどが好きな大人の艦娘が酒保で入手した大切なお酒をキープしてます。 カウンター横にぜひ! Adult ship girls who love whiskey, scotch, and wine keep precious bottles of alcohol they obtain at the canteen. Be sure to put it next to the counter! | ||||||
Released the: 2015/01/23 Availability: Furniture Shop Notes: Bottle Keep: Mutsu, Nachi |
Hot Spring Stone Bath
ID: 240 | 温泉岩風呂 Hot Spring Stone Bath |
Rarity: ★★★★★☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
95000 |
1 |
提督の熱いリクエストから実装された、ハイエンドな室内風呂家具、それが温泉岩風呂。 季節折々の花などが風流さを醸成します。 The hot spring stone bath is a high-end piece of indoor bath furniture that was implemented in response to an enthusiastic request from the Admiral. Seasonal flowers create an elegant atmosphere. | |||||
Released the: 2015/03/27 Availability: Furniture Shop Special Feature: Changes with the season (see here). |
Admiral's Desk with Hydrangea Pot
ID: 245 | 紫陽花鉢の提督机 Admiral's Desk with Hydrangea Pot |
Rarity: ★★★★★☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
22000 |
違いのわかる大人の提督のためのシンプルでシックな造りの執務机です。. 色々な艦娘が小物や紫陽花などを飾ってくれました。 This is a simple yet chic office desk for the discerning mature admiral. Various ship girls decorated the room with accessories and hydrangeas. | ||||||
Released the: 2015/05/18 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Cold Bath
ID: 248 | 水風呂 Cold Bath |
Rarity: ★★★★★☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
7500 |
1 |
ジメジメする日には水風呂でさっぱり汗を流したい! そんなアグレッシブな艦娘の希望を叶える特注施設…堂々の完成です! On humid days, it is nice to refresh yourself by washing away the sweat in a cold bath! A custom-built facility that fulfills the wishes of such aggressive shipgirls...It's a magnificently completed facility! | |||||
Released the: 2015/06/26 Availability: Furniture Shop Special Feature: Clicking on the Kouhyouteki will reveal a fairy for a second before the Kouhyouteki submerges for a while before re-emerging. |
ID: 250 | 鎮守府浜茶屋 Naval Base Beach Tea House |
Rarity: ★★★★☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
4000 |
1 |
夏だ!海だ!夏といえば、浜茶屋です! 夏の浜辺が大好きな艦娘たちの熱い要望によって実現した、鎮守府内浜茶屋施設…完成です! It's summer! It's the beach! Speaking of summer, it's a Beach Tea House! The Naval Base Beach Tea House facility was made possible by passionate requests from ship girls who love the beach in summer... and it's now complete! | |||||
Special BGM: Ship Girls on the Beach (浜辺の艦娘) Released the: 2015/07/17 Availability: Furniture Shop |
ID: 257 | 鎮守府秋祭りの屋台 Naval Base Autumn Festival Food Stall |
Rarity: ★★★★☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
2200 |
1 |
艦娘総出で準備する鎮守府秋祭り。 焼きそばソースの香ばしい匂いも嬉しい縁日屋台です。 りんご飴や焼きとうもろこしも外せない! All the ship girls come together to prepare for the Naval Base Autumn Festival. This festival stall is also a delight, with the fragrant smell of yakisoba sauce. Candy apples and grilled corn are also not to be missed! | |||||
Special BGM: Naval Base Autumn Festival (鎮守府の秋祭り) Released the: 2015/09/07 Availability: Furniture Shop Special Feature: Animated steam is emitted over foods. |
ID: 258 | 鎮守府秋祭りの射的 Shooting Gallery at the Naval Base Autumn Festival |
Rarity: ★★★★☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
30000 |
鎮守府秋祭りの重要コンテンツ、それがこの縁日射的です。 練度の高い艦娘がどんどん景品を落としてしまうので運営コストが大変! An important part of the Naval Base Autumn Festival is this festival shooting spot. Highly trained ship girls keep dropping prizes, so the operating costs are high! | ||||||
Special BGM: Naval Base Autumn Festival (鎮守府の秋祭り) Released the: 2015/09/07 Availability: Furniture Shop Special Feature: The cat on the right can be shot down. |
ID: 262 | 鎮守府秋刀魚祭り Naval Base Pacific Saury Festival |
Rarity: ★★★★☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
3800 |
1 |
旬の秋刀魚を塩焼きにしてもお刺身にしても美味しい! 蒲焼きの缶詰にして、海の上で頂くのもいいですね! 秋の味覚、頂きます! Fresh seasonal saury is delicious whether grilled with salt or eaten as sashimi! It would also be nice to have it canned as kabayaki and enjoy it on the sea! Let's enjoy the flavors of autumn! | |||||
Released the: 2015/10/09 Availability: Furniture Shop Special Feature: Animated steam is emitted over foods. |
Turkey Dinner
ID: 267 | 七面鳥のディナー Turkey Dinner |
Rarity: ★★★☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
3000 |
1 |
今年も素敵なパーティしましょ! 腕自慢の艦娘が腕によりをかけて作ってくれた聖夜のディナー。 七面鳥とケーキも召し上がれ! Let's have a great party this year too! A Christmas Eve dinner prepared with all the skill of the shipgirls who are most proud of their skills. Enjoy the turkey and cake! | |||||
Special BGM: Holy Night at the Homeport (聖夜の母港) Released the: 2016/12/22 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Admiral's New Year's Big Splish-Up
ID: 271 | 年末年始の提督大奮発 Admiral's New Year's Big Splish-Up |
Rarity: ★★★★☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
20160 |
いつも頑張ってくれる艦娘を労うために、年末年始はご馳走したい! この日のために貯めた家具コインを大奮発して提督室に出前を! To thank the ship girls for always working so hard, I want to treat them to a New Year's feast! Use the furniture coins you have saved up for this day to get some delivery to the Admiral's room! | ||||||
Released the: 2015/12/29 Availability: Furniture Shop Special Feature: Changes with the season (see here). Notes: There is an Agano-class uniform. |
Mutsuki's Desk
ID: 273 | 睦月の机 Mutsuki's Desk |
Rarity: ★★★★☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
2000 |
1 |
落ち着いた緑色のテーブルクロスと同色の椅子が可愛い提督机です。 艦娘の誰かが季節の花を花瓶に挿してくれました。 This is a cute admiral's desk with a calm green tablecloth and chairs of the same color. One of the shipgirls put some seasonal flowers in a vase. | |||||
Released the: 2016/01/19 Availability: Furniture Shop Notes: By Mutsuki |
Admiral's Cookie Kitchen
ID: 278 | 提督のクッキーキッチン Admiral's Cookie Kitchen |
Rarity: ★★★★★☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
Full Price: 150000 |
Discount: 5000 +1 |
提督が忙しい業務の間隙を縫って、艦娘たちのためにチョコのお返しを手作りするための特別なキッチン! ダイナミック職人支援可! A special kitchen where the Admiral can find time between his busy work schedules to handcraft chocolate gifts for the ship girls! Dynamic discount available! | |||||
Released the: 2016/03/11 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Admiral's Dining Table
ID: 279 | 提督の作る食卓 Admiral's Dining Table |
Rarity: ★★★★☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
2800 |
1 |
料理が苦手な艦娘やいつも美味しい料理を作ってくれる艦娘に、たまには提督自ら食事を作ってあげたい…その想いを実現する食卓! For the ship girls who are not good at cooking and those who always make delicious food, the Admiral would like to make a meal himself once in a while...This is the dining table where that wish can be made a reality! | |||||
Special BGM: Kanmusume and Admiral's Dining Table (艦娘と提督の食卓) Released the: 2016/03/11 Availability: Furniture Shop Special Feature: Is normally empty, but for the 3 meals, each with animated steam emitted over foods:
Uzuki's Desk
ID: 285 | 卯月の机 Uzuki's Desk |
Rarity: ★★★★☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
3400 |
1 |
紫とピンクのテーブルクロスと同色の椅子が可愛い、 ある睦月型駆逐艦娘がまとめあげた特注提督机です。 謎ぬいぐるみも標準装備! The purple and pink tablecloths and chairs are cute. This is a custom-made admiral's desk put together by a certain Mutsuki-class destroyer girl. Mysterious stuffed animals are also included as standard! | |||||
Released the: 2016/04/01 Availability: Furniture Shop Special Feature: Clicking on the plush plays Uzuki's voice. Notes: Voice text: "Good job Pyon!" |
Satsuki's Desk
ID: 289 | 皐月の机 Satsuki's Desk |
Rarity: ★★★★☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
3500 |
1 |
ある睦月型駆逐艦が信頼する司令官のために一生懸命準備した特注執務机です。 機能的で、しかも可愛いねと彼女も満足みたいです。 This is a custom-made desk that was painstakingly prepared for the trusted commander of a certain Mutsuki-class destroyer. She seems very happy with it, saying it's both functional and cute. | |||||
Special BGM: Battle of the Mutsuki-class destroyers (睦月型駆逐艦の戦い) Released the: 2016/06/01 Availability: Furniture Shop Notes: By Satsuki |
ID: 290 | 海軍基地航空隊の机 Navy Land-based Air Squadron Desk |
Rarity: ★★★★★☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
4800 |
1 |
海軍基地航空隊を指揮する提督のための執務机です。 作戦図面や作戦立案のための道具はもちろん、机上に一式陸攻模型も標準装備。 This is the desk of the admiral who commands the naval land-based air force. Standard equipment includes not only operational drawings and tools for planning operations, but also a model of the G4M land-based attacker on the desk. | |||||
Released the: 2016/06/01 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Army Fighter Wing's Command Desk
ID: 291 | 陸軍飛行戦隊の指揮机 Army Fighter Wing's Command Desk |
Rarity: ★★★★★☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
6100 |
1 |
海軍航空隊と共に、作戦を展開し始めた陸軍飛行戦隊の作戦執務机です。 机上には三式戦「飛燕」の模型も配置されています。 This is the operational desk of the Army Air Wing, which began operations alongside the Naval Air Corps. There is also a model of the Ki-61 "Hien" on the desk. | |||||
Released the: 2016/06/01 Availability: Post Spring 2016 Event excuse gift, Furniture Shop (2020/04/23) |
Resort Hammock
ID: 309 | リゾートハンモック Resort Hammock |
Rarity: ★★★★☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
3000 |
1 |
艦娘たちと夏を満喫したい提督のための、リゾート感満載の夏季特別仕様のハンモックです。 ごろんと寝そべれば、いつでも夏気分! This special summer hammock is full of resort vibes, for admirals who want to enjoy the summer with their ship girls. Just lie down and feel like it's summer anytime! | |||||
Released the: 2016/07/15 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Admiral Zabuton
ID: 315 | 提督座布団 Admiral Zabuton |
Rarity: ★★★☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
1500 |
和でシンプルにいきたい! そんなわびさびの心に重きを置く提督のために用意された提督専用座布団です。 座椅子付仕様で少し贅沢! I want to keep it Japanese and simple! This is a special cushion prepared for admirals who place great importance on the spirit of wabi-sabi. A little luxurious with a seat chair! | ||||||
Released the: 2016/11/04 Availability: Furniture Shop Special Feature: Shows the Shou-Gou Medal if possessed. |
Admiral Writing Desk
ID: 316 | 提督文机 Admiral Writing Desk |
Rarity: ★★★★☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
4000 |
1 |
落ち着いた気持ちで作戦指揮を執りたい提督のために職人が心を込めて作りあげた提督文机です。 お茶と座布団もご用意しました。 This is an admiral's desk, carefully crafted by a craftsman for the admiral who wants to be able to command operations with a calm mind. Tea and cushions are also provided. | |||||
Released the: 2016/11/04 Availability: Furniture Shop Special Feature: Shows the Shou-Gou Medal if possessed. |
ID: 317 | 鎮守府囲炉裏 Naval Base Hearth |
Rarity: ★★★★★☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
Full Price: 170000 |
Discount: 7000 +1 |
寒くなってきたら囲炉裏が恋しくなりませんか? 炭のナチュラルな温かさが提督室を優しく包み込みます。 換気には気をつけて! As the weather gets colder, don't you start to miss the hearth? The natural warmth of charcoal gently envelops the admiral's room. Be careful with ventilation! | |||||
Released the: 2016/11/04 Availability: Furniture Shop Special Feature: The fire's smoke is animated. |
Tricolor Tree
ID: 320 | トリコロールツリー Tricolor Tree |
Rarity: ★★★★☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
3700 |
1 |
Joyeux noël! 新しく艦隊に加わった水上機母艦が一生懸命飾り付けたトリコロールカラーのツリー。 日本の艦娘達も手伝いました! Joyeux Noël! A tricolor tree decorated with great effort by the seaplane tender that recently joined the fleet. Japanese ship girls also helped out! | |||||
Special BGM: A Night of Powdery Snow (粉雪の降る夜) Released the: 2016/12/09 Availability: Furniture Shop Notes: By Commandant Teste |
Roast Beef Dinner
ID: 321 | ローストビーフディナー Roast Beef Dinner |
Rarity: ★★★★☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
2500 |
1 |
上質の牛肉を丹念な調理法で仕上げたローストビーフをメインにしたフルコースディナーです。 あの戦艦が自信を持ってお薦めです! This full-course dinner features roast beef, made with high-quality beef and carefully prepared to perfection. I can confidently recommend that battleship! | |||||
Released the: 2016/12/22 Availability: Furniture Shop Notes: This is Yamato's meal from the anime. |
Rice Croquette Dinner
ID: 322 | ライスコロッケディナー Rice Croquette Dinner |
Rarity: ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
N/A | ある水上機母艦が腕によりをかけて自慢のお米で作った、ライスコロッケがメインのディナーコースです。
日本酒にもよく合います。 | ||||||
Released the: 2016/12/22 Availability: SB16 reward Notes: Cooked by Mizuho |
Setsubun Manuscript Desk
ID: 328 | 節分の原稿机 Setsubun Manuscript Desk |
Rarity: ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
N/A | 季節の修羅場を乗り切ったある艦娘が、節分に備えてあれこれ準備している原稿机です。 机の横には、やや薄い本も常備しています。 A shipgirl who has survived the ordeals of the season is preparing various things for Setsubun at her desk. I always keep some thin books next to my desk. | ||||||
Released the: 2017/01/25 Availability: SB21 reward Special Feature: Clicking on the desk's lamp will cause it to light up for 6 s, before flickering out. Notes: By Akigumo
Ehomaki Kitchen
ID: 329 | 恵方巻のキッチン Ehomaki Kitchen |
Rarity: ★★★★★☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
Full Price: 150000 |
Discount: 5000 +1 |
艦隊と鎮守府の幸運を祈る艦娘たちが腕によりをかけて美味しい巻き寿司を作ってくれる恵方巻キッチン! ダイナミック職人支援可! In the Ehomaki Kitchen, ship girls who pray for good fortune for the fleet and naval base use all their skills to create delicious sushi rolls! Dynamic discount available! | |||||
Special BGM: Setsubun at the Naval Base (節分の鎮守府) Released the: 2017/01/25 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Children's Setsubun Set
ID: 373 | こどもの節分セット Children's Setsubun Set |
Rarity: ★★★★☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
3300 |
1 |
そうです!節分は大人だけのものじゃない! むしろ、こどもこそ…全力で節分を楽しみたい…そんな気持ちの艦娘が暴れた家具です! That's right! Setsubun isn't just for adults! In fact, it's children who want to enjoy Setsubun to the fullest... this furniture is made by ship girls who feel that way! | |||||
Special BGM: Setsubun at the Naval Base (節分の鎮守府) Released the: 2018/01/17 Availability: Furniture Shop Special Feature: Shows the Strait Medal if possessed. |
Café Table Set
ID: 377 | Caféテーブルセット Café Table Set |
Rarity: ★★★★★☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
2140 |
1 |
艦娘同士のガールズトークや提督との憩いの時間にも最適な喫茶テーブルセットです。 提督お手製パンケーキも艦娘たちに好評です! This cafe table set is perfect for girl talk between ship girls or relaxing with the admiral. The Admiral's homemade pancakes are also a big hit with ship girls! | |||||
Special BGM: Kanmusu's Sweets Making (艦娘のお菓子作り) Released the: 2018/02/05 Availability: Furniture Shop Special Feature: Changes with the season (see here). |
Spring Zabuton
ID: 378 | 春の座布団 Spring Zabuton |
Rarity: ★★★★☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
1700 |
提督と艦娘の春色の座布団です。 艦娘用座布団は、春に咲く桜の花をイメージ。 提督用は葉桜をモチーフに座椅子付でリッチな気分! A spring-colored cushion featuring an admiral and a ship girl. The cushions for the ship girls are designed to resemble cherry blossoms that bloom in spring. The admiral's version has a cherry blossom leaf motif and comes with a seat for a luxurious feel! | ||||||
Released the: 2018/03/23 Availability: Furniture Shop Special Feature: Shows the Shou-Gou Medal if possessed. |
Tanabata Tokonoma
ID: 387 | 七夕の床の間 Tanabata Tokonoma |
Rarity: ★★★★★☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
7700 |
1 |
家具職人の技が光る、七夕の季節に相応しいわびさびの心を感じる床の間です。 各種掛け軸との相性も抜群です。和の提督室にぜひ! This tokonoma alcove highlights the skill of the furniture craftsmen and evokes the spirit of wabi-sabi, perfect for the Tanabata season. It goes well with various hanging scrolls. Perfect for a Japanese-style admiral's room! | |||||
Released the: 2018/06/29 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Admiral's Knitting Chair
ID: 406 | 提督の編み物チェア Admiral's Knitting Chair |
Rarity: ★★★★★★☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
8800 |
1 |
冬の季節にぴったりの特注提督用チェア。 秘所艦が淹れた温かい飲物などを置く手作りサイドデスクと編み物ボックスを標準装備。 A custom-made admiral's chair perfect for the winter season. Comes with a knitting box and a handmade side desk for placing hot drinks brewed by a secret ship. | |||||
Released the: 2018/12/07 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Admiral and Kanmusu Relaxation Set
ID: 407 | 提督と艦娘の寛ぎセット Admiral and Kanmusu Relaxation Set |
Rarity: ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
N/A | 任務や作戦など年末年始も大忙しの提督と艦娘たちの寛ぎのために特別に用意された新春リラックスチェアとお酒とお節。 謹賀新年! New Year's relaxation chairs, sake, and New Year's dishes have been specially prepared for the admirals and their shipgirls to relax as they are kept busy with missions and operations over the New Year holidays. Happy New Year! | ||||||
Special BGM: Winter Fleet (冬の艦隊) Released the: 2019/01/01 Availability: Log in gift |
Coast Defense Ships Hina Doll Decoration
ID: 423 | 海防艦の雛飾り Coast Defense Ships Hina Doll Decoration |
Rarity: ★★★★★★☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
Full Price: 133000 |
Discount: 3300 +1 |
択捉型海防艦のお内裏様とお雛様、占守型や日振型も参加しての三人官女や五人囃子、海防艦豪華雛飾り! 職人ダイナミック割引可! The Emperor and Empress dolls of the Etorofu-class coastal defense ships, as well as the Shimushu-class and Hiburi-class ships, feature three court ladies and five musicians in a luxurious Hinamatsuri display of coastal defense ships! Dynamic discount available! | |||||
Special BGM: Hinamatsuri and Ship Girls (桃の節句と艦娘) Released the: 2019/02/27 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Secretary and Admiral's Desks Type 2
ID: 432 | 秘書艦と提督の机 二型 Secretary and Admiral's Desks Type 2 |
Rarity: ★★★★★★☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
Full Price: 198000 |
Discount: 9800 +1 |
艦隊運用に忙しい提督の机と並んで配置された優秀な秘書艦娘のための執務机、その待望の二型です。 職人ダイナミック割引可! This is the long-awaited second type of desk, intended as a desk for an excellent secretary to be placed alongside the desk of an admiral busy for fleet operations. Dynamic discount available! | |||||
Released the: 2019/04/22 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Admiral Chair to Enjoy Early Summer
ID: 438 | 初夏を楽しむ提督チェア Admiral Chair to Enjoy Early Summer |
Rarity: ★★★★☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
2980 |
1 |
手作りの梅酒が完成したらのんびりと疲労回復効果も高い梅酒をロックや水割りなどで楽しみたいですね! 自然のクエン酸が嬉しい! Once your homemade plum wine is finished, you'll want to enjoy it at your leisure, on the rocks or with water, as it's great for relieving fatigue! Natural citric acid is great! | |||||
Released the: 2019/06/25 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Desk for Two to Enjoy the Rainy Season
ID: 442 | 梅雨を楽しむ二人の机 Desk for Two to Enjoy the Rainy Season |
Rarity: ★★★★★☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
5500 |
1 |
梅雨の季節を提督と艦娘が二人で楽しむ机です。 てるてる坊主作りもまた良し。 小腹が空いたら艦娘が用意した軽食を頂きましょう! This is a desk where the admiral and his ship girl can enjoy the rainy season together. Making a Teru Teru Bozu is also fun. If you get hungry, try some of the snacks prepared by the ship girls! | |||||
Special BGM: Rain, Alcohol, and Ship Girls (雨とお酒と艦娘) Released the: 2019/06/25 Availability: Furniture Shop Special Feature: The food changes depending on the secretary (see here). |
ID: 445 | 鎮守府「流しそうめん」 Naval Base "Nagashi Somen" |
Rarity: ★★★★★★☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
Full Price: 118000 |
Discount: 1800 +1 |
遂に誕生した提督と秘書艦が鎮守府の執務室で涼やかな夏を愉しむための究極の夏家具「流しそうめん」! 職人ダイナミック割引可! The ultimate summer furniture, "Nagashi Somen", has finally been arrived, for admirals and their secretaries to enjoy the cool summer in their offices at the naval base! Dynamic discount available! | |||||
Released the: 2019/07/18 Availability: Furniture Shop Special Feature: Noodles are constantly flowing, and clicking on the flowing noodles catches them. |
Ship Girls Karuta Set
ID: 457 | 艦娘かるたセット Ship Girls Karuta Set |
Rarity: ★★★★★☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
4700 |
1 |
年末年始はお部屋の掃除も大切です。 そんな大掃除の間に始めてしまった鎮守府艦娘かるたのセットです。 散らかしっ放しは…ダメ! Cleaning your room during the New Year holidays is also important. This is a game of naval base ship girls Karuta that started during the big cleaning. Leaving things in a mess...is not good! | |||||
Released the: 2020/01/01 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Akigumo and the Admiral's Manuscript Okota
ID: 458 | 秋雲と提督の原稿おこた Akigumo and the Admiral's Manuscript Okota |
Rarity: ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
N/A | 秋雲らが夏冬の創作活動で得た資金で購入した、提督と秋雲、艦娘のための謎の炬燵。 風雲が支援用に用意した甘酒が心に沁みます。 A mysterious kotatsu for the Admiral, Akigumo, and the ship girls, purchased with the funds Akigumo and the others earned from their summer and winter creative activities. The sweet sake that Kazagumo prepared as support touches the heart. | ||||||
Released the: 2020/01/01 Availability: Log in gift Notes: Referencing the fact that Akigumo is a doujin artist. |
Mainstay of Mainstay Setsubun Festival
ID: 463 | 主力オブ主力な節分 Mainstay of Mainstay Setsubun Festival |
Rarity: ★★★★★★☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
Full Price: 180000 |
Discount: 8000 +1 |
はい、艦隊型駆逐艦…そう私達夕雲型の出番ですね。 主力オブ主力な節分。提督も一緒に愉しみましょう? 職人ダイナミック割引可! Yes, fleet destroyers... that's right, it's time for us, the Yuugumo class. The Mainstay of Mainstay Setsubun. Shall we have some fun together, Admiral? Dynamic discount available! | |||||
Special BGM: Long Waves, Running (長波、駆ける) Released the: 2020/01/31 Availability: Furniture Shop |
19th Destroyer Squadron Commander's Desk
ID: 465 | 第十九駆逐隊司令の机 19th Destroyer Squadron Commander's Desk |
Rarity: ★★★★★★☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
Full Price: 190000 |
Discount: 9000 +1 |
綾波と敷波が用意した提督のための執務机。 落ちついた雰囲気と機能性を併せ持つ彼女たちらしい優しみ… 職人ダイナミック割引可! An office desk for the Admiral prepared by Ayanami and Shikinami. The calm atmosphere and functionality are combined to create a gentle atmosphere characteristic of these girls... Dynamic discount available! | |||||
Released the: 2020/02/07 Availability: Furniture Shop Notes: By Ayanami and Shikinami |
Valentine Kanmusu Desk
ID: 468 | Valentine艦娘デスク Valentine Kanmusu Desk |
Rarity: ★★★★☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
Full Price: 120200 |
Discount: 2020 +1 |
ある駆逐隊が提督の執務机をバレンタイン仕様に全力でカスタマイズ。 置かれたチョコには艦娘からの手紙が添えられていました…! A destroyer squadron went all out to customize their admiral's desk for Valentine's Day. Attached to the chocolate was a letter from the ship girls...! | |||||
Released the: 2020/02/07 Availability: Furniture Shop |
ID: 476 | 北欧艦娘の食卓 Scandinavian Ship Girl's Dining Table |
Rarity: ★★★★★★☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
Full Price: 155000 |
Discount: 5500 +1 |
さあ、いただきましょう!今日は私が作ったの、食べてみて! そんな北欧生まれの艦娘の料理やスイーツが並ぶ北欧家具です。 Come on, let's have it! I made it today, so try it! This Scandinavian furniture is lined with dishes and sweets from the Scandinavian-born Kanmusu. | |||||
Released the: 2020/04/23 Availability: Furniture Shop Notes: By Gotland |
ID: 478 | 北欧ソファー家具 Scandinavian Sofa Furniture |
Rarity: ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
N/A | そう、北欧の家具はね……最高なの! にっこり微笑む彼女が持ち込んだ二人用の高級ソファーな北欧家具。そ、そうだね…最高です。 Yes, Scandinavian furniture is...the best! The smiling girl brought in a luxurious Scandinavian two-seater sofa. Yes, that's right... it's the best. | ||||||
Released the: 2020/04/23 Availability: B146 reward Notes: Gotland is intimidating the narrator. |
Admiral and Secretary's Wooden Desk
ID: 492 | 提督と秘書艦の木机 Admiral and Secretary's Wooden Desk |
Rarity: ★★★★★☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
8800 |
1 |
わびさびの心がわかる提督と秘書艦にぴったりの特注の木机セット。 シンプルな雰囲気ながら、ゆっくりした二人の時間が流れます。 A custom-made wooden desk set perfect for an admiral and his secretary who understand the spirit of wabi-sabi. Although it has a simple atmosphere, you can spend time together at a leisurely pace. | |||||
Special BGM: Naval Base Autumn Festival (鎮守府の秋祭り) Released the: 2020/08/27 Availability: Furniture Shop Special Feature: When clicked, the radio switches the BGM between "Home Port" & "Naval Base Autumn Festival". |
Coastal Defense Ships' General-purpose Circular Desk
ID: 493 | 海防艦の汎用円形机 Coastal Defense Ships' General-purpose Circular Desk |
Rarity: ★★★★☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
Full Price: 117000 |
Discount: 1700 +1 |
やんちゃ盛りの海防艦たちのために特注で準備された海防艦向けの汎用円形机。 耐久&抗堪性も高い逸品、職人ダイナミック割引可! A general-purpose circular desk custom-made for coastal defense ships for their mischievous crew. This is a highly durable and resistant product, and we offer dynamic discounts! | |||||
Released the: 2020/08/27 Availability: Furniture Shop Special Feature: Changes with the season (see here). |
KanColle Xmas Cookie Making
ID: 504 | 艦娘のXmasクッキー作り KanColle Xmas Cookie Making |
Rarity: ★★★★★☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
Full Price: 120200 |
Discount: 2020 +1 |
提督とのXmasのために手作りクッキーを準備する艦娘のキッチン机です。 提督机…ですか…?そうですね、クッキーが焼けたら! This is the kitchen desk where a ship girl is cooking homemade cookies for Xmas with the Admiral. The Admiral's desk...? Yes, once the cookies are baked! | |||||
Special BGM: Kanmusu's Sweets Making (艦娘のお菓子作り) Released the: 2020/12/10 Availability: Furniture Shop |
ID: 512 | 蜜柑と特注鎮守府ちゃぶ台 Mikans and a Custom-made Naval Base Chabudai Table |
Rarity: ★★★★★★☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
Full Price: 194400 |
Discount: 9440 +1 |
鎮守府に集うものにとって大事な家具、それが鎮守府ちゃぶ台。 四季折々の食べ物、そして蜜柑も配備済! 職人ダイナミック割引可! The Naval Base Chabudai is an important furniture for those who gather at the Naval Base. Seasonal foods and even mikans have been stocked! Dynamic discount available! | |||||
Released the: 2021/01/01 Availability: Furniture Shop Special Feature: Changes with the season, and the new year's version also changes with the secretary or time of day (see here). |
Amatsukaze and the Admiral's Table
ID: 527 | 天津風と提督のテーブル Amatsukaze and the Admiral's Table |
Rarity: ★★★★★☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
9000 |
1 |
ある艦隊型駆逐艦が提督との時間を過ごすために家具職人に依頼して作った特注の家具です。 この机で執務は…いえ、頑張れそうです! This is a custom piece of furniture that was commissioned to a furniture maker by a fleet destroyer in order to spend time with the admiral. Working at this desk...no, I think I can do my best! | |||||
Released the: 2021/03/01 Availability: Furniture Shop Notes: By Amatsukaze |
Preparation Desk for Cherry Blossom Viewing
ID: 537 | お花見の準備机 Preparation Desk for Cherry Blossom Viewing |
Rarity: ★★★★★☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
3900 |
1 |
お花見の季節!朝早くから起きて、一生懸命にお弁当のお重を作るある潜水母艦娘のキッチンです。 提督、お花見お重…好きですか? It's cherry blossom viewing season! A submarine tender girl wakes up early in the morning and works hard to prepare lunch boxes in her kitchen. Admiral, do you like cherry blossom viewing bento boxes? | |||||
Released the: 2021/03/30 Availability: Furniture Shop Notes: By Jingei |
Tea Country Secretary & Admiral Desk
ID: 549 | 紅茶の国の秘書&提督机 Tea Country Secretary & Admiral Desk |
Rarity: ★★★★★☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
5000 |
1 |
欧州方面より帰還した紅茶の国の艦娘たちが提督との執務室をコーディネート。 もちろん息抜きは紅茶で!Swordfishの模型も! The ship girls from the land of tea have returned from Europe to coordinate the Admiral's office. Of course, we took a break with some tea! And a Swordfish model! | |||||
Released the: 2021/09/28 Availability: Furniture Shop Notes: Features elements from Warspite, Ark Royal, and Jervis |
Admiral and Escort Carrier Desk
ID: 561 | 提督と護衛空母の机 Admiral and Escort Carrier Desk |
Rarity: ★★★★★☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
Full Price: 178000 |
Discount: 7800 +1 |
提督と護衛空母の秘書艦のために特注職人が作り上げたペアの執務机です。 護衛空母らが執務に就くと少し机上の様子が変わるかも? This is a pair of office desks custom-made by a craftsman for the admiral and his escort carrier secretary. Maybe things will look a little different on the desk once the escort carriers start working? | |||||
Released the: 2022/01/21 Availability: Furniture Shop Special Feature: The ornament changes depending on the secretary (see here). |
Coast Defense Ship Temporary Pool
ID: 573 | 海防艦仮設プール Coast Defense Ship Temporary Pool |
Rarity: ★★★★☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
43000 |
1 |
夏だ!暑いぞ!仮設プールだ! 海防艦たちは夏の暑さを専用ビニールプールで凌ぎます! It's summer! It's hot! It's a temporary pool! The coastal defense ships beat the summer heat in their own special inflatable pools! | |||||
Released the: 2022/07/13 Availability: Furniture Shop |
French Ships la Table
ID: 575 | フランス艦 la table French Ships la Table |
Rarity: ★★★★★☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
5300 |
1 |
フランス戦艦姉妹、そして水上機母艦が集まってお茶会……ではなく会議をするための机です。 提督の椅子は……持ち込みましょう。 This is a table where French battleship sisters and seaplane tenders gather to hold a tea party...or rather, a meeting. Let's bring in the admiral's chair. | |||||
Released the: 2022/10/14 Availability: Furniture Shop Notes: With Richelieu, Jean Bart, and Commandant Teste |
Admiral and Secretary Chair
ID: 587 | 提督と秘書艦のチェア Admiral and Secretary Chair |
Rarity: ★★★★★☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
2140 |
1 |
えっと……提督、仕事してください!と大淀が眉をひそめそうなチェアです。 Valentineは…特に…たまには……いいですね! Ummm... Admiral, do your job! This is the kind of chair that would make Oyoodo frown. Valentine's Day is...especially...sometimes...good! | |||||
Released the: 2023/02/14 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Hydrangea Tea Party Table
ID: 594 | 紫陽花のお茶会テーブル Hydrangea Tea Party Table |
Rarity: ★★★☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
1300 |
紫陽花が綺麗な季節、水辺の波紋をガラステーブルで表現した、梅雨のお茶会家具です。 冷した緑茶をグラスで頂くのもいいですね。 This is tea party furniture for the rainy season, when hydrangeas are in full bloom, and features a glass table that resembles ripples on the water. | ||||||
Released the: 2023/06/14 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Stained Glass Rainy Season Table
ID: 595 | ステンドグラス梅雨座卓 Stained Glass Rainy Season Table |
Rarity: ★★★★★☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
2200 |
1 |
雨の多い季節は部屋の中で風流を楽しむのも悪くないですね。 ステンドグラスを施した座卓で、秘書艦娘と落ち着いた時間をどうぞ。 During the rainy season, enjoying the fresh air indoors is not a bad idea. Enjoy a relaxing time with your secretary ship girl at a low table decorated with stained glass. | |||||
Released the: 2023/06/14 Availability: Furniture Shop |
ID: 606 | 鎮守府お芋の会 Naval Base Sweet Potato Association |
Rarity: ★★★★★☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
Full Price: 104050 |
Discount: 405 +1 |
秋のお芋を愛する駆逐艦がバルジも気にせずお芋を堪能する会です。 提督も誘われており、謎の会が日々展開されます。 This is a gathering for destroyers who love autumn sweet potatoes, where they can enjoy sweet potatoes without worrying about the bulges. The admiral has also been invited, and mysterious meetings unfold daily. | |||||
Released the: 2023/11/02 Availability: Furniture Shop Notes: By Shiratsuyu |
Secretary and Admiral's Desk with Irises and Kashiwamochi
ID: 620 | 菖蒲と柏餅の提督秘書机 Secretary and Admiral's Desk with Irises and Kashiwamochi |
Rarity: ★★★★★☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
Full Price: 150500 |
Discount: 5050 +1 |
菖蒲の季節を愉しむ提督と秘書艦娘の執務机です。 美味しい柏餅で仕事の合間に艦娘と美味しい息抜き。 職人ダイナミック割引可! This is the desk of the admiral and his secretary ship girl as they enjoy the iris season. Enjoy a delicious break from work with some kashiwamochi and ship girls. Dynamic discount available! | |||||
Released the: 2024/05/01 Availability: Furniture Shop Special Feature: The drinks change depending on the secretary (see here). |
Admiral and Ooyodo Secretary Desk
ID: 624 | 提督と大淀秘書机 Admiral and Ooyodo Secretary Desk |
Rarity: ★★★★★☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
Full Price: 133000 |
Discount: 3300 +1 |
提督と任務娘…じゃない…第一艦隊旗艦としても優秀なある軽巡の執務机です。 季節毎に、お茶菓子が変化するとかしないとか……。 This is the desk of an admiral and his quest girl...no...it is the desk of a certain light cruiser who is also an excellent flagship of the First Fleet. Apparently the snacks served with tea change with the seasons... | |||||
Released the: 2024/05/29 Availability: Furniture Shop Special Feature: Changes with the season (see here). Notes: Written by Ooyodo |
Office Desk After Rainy Season
ID: 628 | 梅雨明けの執務机 Office Desk After Rainy Season |
Rarity: ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
N/A | 梅雨明けを待っていた駆逐艦姉妹とその長女による提督と彼女の執務机です。 季節の飲み物とお薦めおやつが出るとか出ないとか! This is an admiral office desk made by the destroyer sisters eldest girls, who were waiting for the end of the rainy season. Seasonal drinks and recommended snacks may or may not be available! | ||||||
Released the: 2024/06/27 Availability: Teru Teru Bouzu 2023 reward Special Feature: Shows the Shou-Gou Medal if possessed. |
Admiral and 3rd Squadron Table
ID: 632 | 提督と第三戦隊のテーブル Admiral and 3rd Squadron Table |
Rarity: ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
N/A | 第三戦隊を構成する金剛型高速戦艦各艦娘と提督との二人だけのオフの時間を愉しむためのテーブルです! ※季節折々に変化します。 This is a table for enjoying some off-time for the Admiral and the Kongou-class fast battleships that make up the Third Squadron! ※Changes depending on the season. | ||||||
Released the: 2024/09/24 Availability: 2409 B1 reward Special Feature: Changes with the season (see here). |
Shirayuki's Homemade Curry
ID: 641 | 白雪の手作りカレー Shirayuki's Homemade Curry |
Rarity: ★★★★★★☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
Full Price: 119430 |
Discount: 1943 +1 |
吹雪型二番艦の駆逐艦娘が提督のために作ってくれた愛情たっぷり手作りカレーです。ほっこり美味しく、明日の活力が生まれます! This is a homemade curry made with love by the second Fubuki-class destroyer for the Admiral. It's delicious and hearty, and will give you energy for tomorrow! | |||||
Special BGM: Kanmusume and Admiral's Dining Table (艦娘と提督の食卓) Released the: 2025/01/28 Availability: Furniture Shop Special Feature: Animated steam is emitted over foods. |