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ID: 1 | 鎮守府の床 Naval Base Floor |
Rarity: ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
N/A | 鎮守府の艦隊司令官室。その通常仕様の床板です。 The Fleet Commander's room at the Naval Base. This is the standard floorboard. | ||||||
Released the: 2013/04/23 Availability: Stock furniture |
Natural Floor
ID: 2 | ナチュラルな床 Natural Floor |
Rarity: ★☆☆☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
50 |
天然木を使用した、明るい木目が特徴の床です。 This floor is made of natural wood and features light grain. | ||||||
Released the: 2013/04/23 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Spring Flooring with Cherry Blossoms Falling
ID: 3 | 桜舞う春のフローリング Spring Flooring with Cherry Blossoms Falling |
Rarity: ★★★☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
1700 |
高級仕上げの床に舞う桜の花びら。 春の季節ならではのフローリングです。 艦娘たちとの鎮守府庭でのお花見も楽しいですね! Cherry blossom petals fluttering across the luxuriously finished floor. This flooring is perfect for the spring season. It is also fun to enjoy cherry blossom viewing with the ship girls at the Naval Base Gardens! | ||||||
Released the: 2014/03/28 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Fresh Green Wood Floor
ID: 4 | 新緑のフローリング Fresh Green Wood Floor |
Rarity: ★★★☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
1300 |
しっかりとした木板で構成された、木と新緑の香り漂うフローリングです。 作戦室にはもちろん、教室の床材としても最適ですね! This flooring is made of sturdy wooden boards and has the scent of wood and fresh greenery. It is perfect not only for war rooms, but also as flooring for classrooms! | ||||||
Released the: 2014/05/23 Availability: Furniture Shop |
High-grade Wood Floor
ID: 5 | 高級フローリング High-grade Wood Floor |
Rarity: ★☆☆☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
100 |
高級なマホガニー仕様の重厚なフローリング。 地味にセンスの光る提督の執務室にぴったり! Heavy, high-quality mahogany flooring. Perfect for offices of admirals who want to express their good taste in a simple manner! | ||||||
Released the: 2013/04/23 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Sandy Beach Floor
ID: 6 | 砂浜の床 Sandy Beach Floor |
Rarity: ★★★★☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
2000 |
1 |
匠の職人の技によって完成した海岸の砂浜を鎮守府内にダイナミックに再現した砂浜の床。 艦娘たちも時々砂遊びに来るみたいです! The sandy beach floor is a dynamic recreation of a coastal beach, completed by skilled craftsmen within the naval base. It seems that the shipgirls sometimes come to play in the sand! | |||||
Released the: 2014/07/18 Availability: Furniture Shop Special Feature: The sand structure evolves depending on the time of day: |
Blue Carpet
ID: 7 | ブルーカーペット Blue Carpet |
Rarity: ★☆☆☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
150 |
出撃による高揚した気分も落ち着く青色カーペット。 艦娘たちもお気に入りです。 The blue carpet calms down the high mood caused by sorties. I also like the ship girls. | ||||||
Released the: 2013/04/23 Availability: Furniture Shop |
White Stone Tile
ID: 9 | 白い石版タイル White Stone Tile |
Rarity: ★☆☆☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
150 |
足元から明るい気分になれる白いタイル。 洗練されたデザインは、モダンなインテリアにもよく合います! White tiles that brighten your mood from the ground up. The sleek design goes well with modern interiors! | ||||||
Released the: 2013/04/23 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Daphne Rug
ID: 10 | 沈丁花の敷物 Daphne Rug |
Rarity: ★★★★☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
1900 |
冬を越え、春の訪れを感じさせる色彩の、敷物です。 沈丁花の花がデザインされています。その花言葉は、「栄光」そして「永遠」。 This rug's colors will make you feel as if winter is over and spring is arriving. The design features a wintersweet flower, whose floral meanings are "glory" and "eternity." | ||||||
Released the: 2018/03/02 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Hand-knit and Flooring
ID: 11 | 手編みとフローリング Hand-knit and Flooring |
Rarity: ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
N/A | シンプルだけど手入れが行き届いたフローリングの上にちょこんと置かれたクッションと途中まで編まれた艦娘の手編みのマフラー。 A cushion is placed on top of the simple but well-maintained flooring and a half-knitted scarf from a shipgirl is placed on top. | ||||||
Released the: 2016/12/09 Availability: B87 reward |
Small Flower Pattern Carpet
ID: 12 | 小花柄カーペット Small Flower Pattern Carpet |
Rarity: ★★☆☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
200 |
まるで草原にいるような心和む緑のカーペット。 アースカラーの床とのコーディネートは、優しい気持ちにさせてくれます A soothing green carpet that makes you feel like being in a meadow. Coordinating it with earth-toned floors gives you a gentle feeling. | ||||||
Released the: 2013/04/23 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Round Winter Carpet
ID: 13 | 冬の丸絨毯 Round Winter Carpet |
Rarity: ★★★☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
1800 |
丸い形の暖かい絨毯です。 冬の季節にぴったりの和み絨毯は駆逐艦娘たちにも好評です。 高品質かつお求めやすいお値段もポイントです。 It is a warm round carpet. This soothing carpet, perfect for the winter season, is also popular with the destroyer girls. Another key point is its high quality and affordable price. | ||||||
Released the: 2017/01/10 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Cherry Blossom Floor
ID: 14 | 桜の床 Cherry Blossom Floor |
Rarity: ★★★★★☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
20000 |
春、桜の季節。そんな桜の季節を満開で味わうための床です。 匠の技と心意気を感じる逸品です。鎮守府内でのお花見もいいですね! Spring is the cherry blossoms season. This is a floor for enjoying the cherry blossoms in full bloom. It is a masterpiece that shows the skill and spirit of the artisans. Cherry blossom viewing at the naval base is also a good idea! | ||||||
Released the: 2015/03/27 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Winter Carpet
ID: 15 | 冬のカーペット Winter Carpet |
Rarity: ★★★☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
1500 |
寒い冬を温かく過ごすための冬用カーペットです。 暖色系のデザインと柔らかな風合いで、冬の鎮守府でも快適に過ごせそう。 This is a winter carpet to keep you warm during the cold winter. With its warm color design and soft texture, it looks like you'll be able to stay comfortable at the naval base even in the winter. | ||||||
Released the: 2016/12/09 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Taylor-made Snow Pattern Carpet
ID: 16 | 雪模様の特製絨毯 Taylor-made Snow Pattern Carpet |
Rarity: ★★★★☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
2000 |
1 |
選び抜かれた高級な素材をふんだんに使用して、職人が作り上げた雪模様の特製絨毯です。 白が似合う艦娘達にも大好評の逸品です。 This is a special snow-patterned carpet created by artisans using an abundance of carefully selected, high-quality materials. This is a masterpiece that is also very popular with the ship girls who look great in white. | |||||
Special BGM: A Night of Powdery Snow (粉雪の降る夜) Released the: 2016/12/09 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Pink Floor
ID: 17 | ピンクの床 Pink Floor |
Rarity: ★☆☆☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
1200 |
ガーリーなピンクに仕上げられた高級床。 原材料には大理石を使用。 どこかのお店のような不思議な雰囲気を醸し出します。 Luxury flooring finished in a girly pink color. Marble is used as the raw material. It creates a mysterious atmosphere that feels like a store somewhere. | ||||||
Released the: 2013/05/08 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Tatami & Plum Pattern Carpet
ID: 18 | 畳&梅柄カーペット Tatami & Plum Pattern Carpet |
Rarity: ★★★★☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
2300 |
1 |
高品質な畳の上に、職人が腕によりをかけて作り上げた新しい梅柄をあしらったカーペットを配しました。 和洋折衷の逸品です。 A carpet featuring a new plum pattern, carefully crafted by skilled artisans, is placed on top of a high-quality tatami. It is a masterpiece that combines Japanese and Western styles. | |||||
Released the: 2017/01/10 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Mutsuki's Floor
ID: 19 | 睦月の床 Mutsuki's Floor |
Rarity: ★★★★☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
2100 |
1 |
高品質の床板をある駆逐艦娘たちがさらに磨き上げてくれました。 冬の鎮守府の庭に咲いた、雪椿がそっと置かれています。 The high-quality floorboards were further polished by some destroyer girls. Snow camellias blooming in the winter gardens of the naval base are gently placed here. | |||||
Released the: 2017/01/10 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Western European Style Carpet
ID: 20 | 西欧風カーペット Western European Style Carpet |
Rarity: ★★★☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
300 |
大胆な柄が部屋の印象を明るく演出してくれます。 お馬さんのぬいぐるみもポイント高し。 The bold pattern brightens up the room. The stuffed horse toys are also a big plus. | ||||||
Released the: 2013/05/08 Availability: Furniture Shop |
High-grade Crimson Carpet
ID: 21 | 真っ赤な高級絨毯 High-grade Crimson Carpet |
Rarity: ★★☆☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
800 |
高級な素材で仕上げられた真っ赤な絨毯。 何かが三倍早くなるような気もしますが、それは気のせいです! 紅茶セットも素敵デース! A bright red carpet made from high-quality materials. It may feel like something is three times faster, but that's just your imagination! The tea set is also lovely! | ||||||
Released the: 2013/06/12 Availability: Furniture Shop Notes: By Kongou |
Pure White Fluffy Carpet
ID: 22 | 真っ白なフワフワ絨毯 Pure White Fluffy Carpet |
Rarity: ★★★☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
1500 |
寝そべったら気持ちよさそう!真っ白でフワフワ仕上げの高級絨毯。 駆逐艦娘も大喜びの逸品です。紅茶とかこぼしたらダメ絶対! It looks like it would be nice to lie down on it! A luxurious, fluffy, pure white carpet. This is a masterpiece that will delight the destroyer girls. Do not spill tea or anything! | ||||||
Released the: 2013/10/23 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Snowfield Floor
ID: 23 | 雪原の床 Snowfield Floor |
Rarity: ★★★★★☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
3300 |
1 |
匠の職人の技によって完成した冬の雪原をダイナミックに再現した雪原の床。 家具職人の未知の技術を結集した逸品です。 The snowy field floor is a dynamic reproduction of a winter snowy field, created by the skilled craftsmanship of a master artisan. This is a masterpiece that brings together the unknown techniques of furniture craftsmen. | |||||
Released the: 2014/12/01 Availability: Furniture Shop Special Feature: The snow structure evolves depending on the time of day:
Spring-colored Floor
ID: 24 | 春色の床 Spring-colored Floor |
Rarity: ★★★★☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
1500 |
春色満開の床です。 比較的リーズナブルな価格で春色気分を目一杯執務室の中に導入できます。 ぜひ、春の鎮守府模様替えにどうぞ! The floor is full of spring colors. You can bring a spring feel to your office at a relatively reasonable price. Please use this to give your naval base a spring makeover! | ||||||
Released the: 2015/03/27 Availability: Furniture Shop |
New Tatami
ID: 25 | 青畳 New Tatami |
Rarity: ★★★☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
500 |
やはり和の床は畳! そんな畳派を自認する提督に贈る真新しい天然い草を使った青畳です。 基本にして最高の執務室を新しい畳で! The Japanese floor is tatami after all! This is a brand new tatami mat made from natural rush grass, presented to tatami fan admirals. Create the best basic office space with new tatami mats! | ||||||
Released the: 2015/03/27 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Luxury White Marble Floor
ID: 26 | 白い高級大理石床 Luxury White Marble Floor |
Rarity: ★★★☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
2200 |
1 |
特注家具職人がその匠の技で磨きあげた高級大理石製の冬にぴったりの白い床です。 丁寧な仕上げで艦娘にも好評なのです! The white floor is made of high-quality marble and has been polished by a custom cabinet maker, making it perfect for winter. The careful finish makes it popular with shipgirls! | |||||
Released the: 2015/12/08 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Fall Floorboards
ID: 27 | 秋の床板 Fall Floorboards |
Rarity: ★★☆☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
450 |
比較的リーズナブルな価格帯の秋を感じる床板です。 提督室にも秋の気配が! いよいよ秋刀魚の美味しい季節が近づいてきますね! These floorboards have a relatively reasonable price and give off an autumn vibe. Bring a touch of autumn into the Admiral's room! The delicious season for saury is finally approaching! | ||||||
Released the: 2016/08/31 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Harvest Moon Rug
ID: 28 | 中秋の名月敷物 Harvest Moon Rug |
Rarity: ★★★☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
1700 |
中秋の名月をデザインしたわびさびを感じる秋の逸品です。 この敷物を提督室に敷けば、たちまち秋の風を感じること間違いなし! This is an autumn masterpiece with a wabi-sabi feel, featuring a design of the Mid-Autumn Moon. If you lay this rug in the admiral's room, you'll instantly feel the autumn breeze! | ||||||
Released the: 2016/08/31 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Autumn Leaves Artisan Floor
ID: 29 | 紅葉の職人床 Autumn Leaves Artisan Floor |
Rarity: ★★★★☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
Full Price: 117000 |
Discount: 1700 +1 |
最高級の木材を用いて職人が丁寧に組み上げた、秋の季節にぴったりの季節床。 家具コイン長者向けですがダイナミック職人支援可! This seasonal flooring is perfect for autumn and has been carefully made by craftsmen using the highest quality wood. It is aimed at furniture coin millionaires, but you can also apply a discount!! | |||||
Released the: 2016/08/31 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Ship Girl Cushion Floor
ID: 30 | 艦娘座布団の床 Ship Girl Cushion Floor |
Rarity: ★★☆☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
880 |
提督室の床板もちょこっと座布団を置くだけで居住性は格段に向上! 提督が艦娘のために用意した、小さいけれど特別な座布団です。 Simply placing a few cushions on the floor of the Admiral's room can greatly improve livability! This is a small but special cushion that the Admiral prepared for ship girls. | ||||||
Released the: 2016/11/04 Availability: B84 reward, Furniture Shop (2017/02/28) |
Flight Deck
ID: 31 | 飛行甲板 Flight Deck |
Rarity: ★★★★☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
9300 |
1 |
鎮守府で執務しながら艦載機の発着艦訓練も可能かもしれない特注の飛行甲板型の床。 エレベーターが一体どこに行くのか謎です。 A custom-made flight deck-style floor that may make it possible for carrier-based aircraft to practice takeoff and landing while working at the naval base. Where on earth does the elevator go? It's a mystery. | |||||
Released the: 2013/10/23 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Futon for a Friend's Sleepover
ID: 32 | 友達お泊りの布団 Futon for a Friend's Sleepover |
Rarity: ★★★★★☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
100 |
こっそり夜まで布団の上でお菓子の交換こ! 楽しい!食べたい…けどねむい…たべた……ねむ…zzz Let's secretly exchange sweets under the covers until late at night! It's fun! I want to eat...but I'm sleepy...I ate...sleepy...zzz | ||||||
Released the: 2024/04/10 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Concrete Floor
ID: 33 | コンクリート床 Concrete Floor |
Rarity: ★★☆☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
200 |
都会派の貴方はこれでキマリ! 洗練されたアーバンな執務室を演出する硬派なコンクリート製の床! 冬場は少し寒いけど気にしない! If you are a city person, this is perfect for you! A hard concrete floor creates a sophisticated, urban office! It's a little cold in the winter but I don't mind! | ||||||
Released the: 2013/04/23 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Graffiti Floor
ID: 34 | ラクガキ床 Graffiti Floor |
Rarity: ★★★★☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
400 |
何度描いても水で簡単にふき取りが可能な楽しい床。 戦略を立てるのにも有効です。 心がこもっているのである意味消せません! A fun floor that can be easily wiped clean with water no matter how many times you tag it. It is also useful for formulating strategies. It's so heartfelt that I can't erase it! | ||||||
Released the: 2013/05/08 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Battleship Tile Floor
ID: 35 | 戦艦タイルの床 Battleship Tile Floor |
Rarity: ★★★★☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
450 |
天然木と白タイルを組み合わせて戦艦級の艦艇柄をあしらった斬新な床です。 まさに艦隊司令官としての自負に溢れた執務室です。 This innovative floor combines natural wood and white tiles to create a battleship pattern. It is truly an office filled with the pride of a fleet commander. | ||||||
Released the: 2013/04/23 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Checkered Pattern Choja Tatami
ID: 36 | 市松模様の長者畳 Checkered Pattern Choja Tatami |
Rarity: ★★★★★☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
22000 |
新春は畳の上で迎えたい…そんなわびさびの心を持つ提督と艦娘に贈る高級畳。 コイン長者向けの市松模様仕立て、特別仕様畳です。 I want to welcome the new year on a tatami...This high-quality tatami mat is perfect for admirals and ship girls who share the same sense of wabi-sabi. This is a specially designed tatami with a checkered pattern for coin millionaires. | ||||||
Special BGM: New Year Greetings from the Naval Base (迎春の鎮守府) Released the: 2017/12/27 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Rush Tatami
ID: 37 | い草の畳 Rush Tatami |
Rarity: ★★★★★☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
700 |
熟練の職人が鍛え抜かれた技で仕上げた逸品。 心も安らぐ天然い草の香りが爽やか。 懐かしい、そして最高級の畳の床です。 This is a masterpiece made by a skilled craftsman using his honed skills. The scent of natural grass is refreshing and calms your mind. It is a nostalgic and top-quality tatami floor. | ||||||
Released the: 2013/04/23 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Beach Tea House Floor
ID: 255 | 浜茶屋の床 Beach Tea House Floor |
Rarity: ★★★☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
1800 |
砂浜とフィットした鎮守府浜茶屋の仮設床です。 これさえあれば、夏の提督執務室もナチュラルな浜茶屋に大変貌! よし、これだ! This is a temporary floor at the Naval Base for the beach tea house that fits in perfectly with the sandy beach. With this, the Admiral's office will be transformed into a natural beach tea house this summer! Alright, this is it! | ||||||
Released the: 2015/07/17 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Uzuki's Floor
ID: 281 | 卯月の床 Uzuki's Floor |
Rarity: ★★☆☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
400 |
春のうららか気分にマッチするデザインの床板です。 この季節はまかせてほしいぴょん! という駆逐艦娘がデザインしました。 The floorboards have a design that matches the gentle spring mood. Leave it to me this season, pyon! It was designed by the eponymous destroyer girl. | ||||||
Released the: 2016/04/01 Availability: Furniture Shop Notes: Design by Uzuki |
Hydrangea Floor
ID: 293 | 紫陽花の床 Hydrangea Floor |
Rarity: ★☆☆☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
2300 |
「紫陽花の壁紙」との相性も抜群のナチュラルウッドのフローリングと、紫陽花モチーフの季節の特注カーペットの組み合わせです! The combination is made of natural wood flooring, which pairs perfectly with the "Hydrangea Wallpaper", and a custom-made seasonal carpet with a hydrangea motif! | ||||||
Released the: 2016/06/01 Availability: Post Spring 2016 Event excuse gift, Furniture Shop (2017/06/01) |
Rainy Season Floor
ID: 295 | 梅雨の季節の床 Rainy Season Floor |
Rarity: ★★★☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
1700 |
フローリングの上に、梅雨の季節にあう敷物を配しました。 提督室に、雨の季節独特の落ち着いた雰囲気を演出します! A rug suitable for the rainy season has been placed on top of the flooring. It creates a calming atmosphere in the Admiral's room that is unique to the rainy season! | ||||||
Released the: 2016/06/01 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Wisteria and Water Surface Flooring
ID: 297 | 藤と水面の床 Wisteria and Water Surface Flooring |
Rarity: ★★★★★☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
Full Price: 160000 |
Discount: 6000 +1 |
床面にガラスを敷き、その下に水面を配するという技巧的な藤の季節の床です。 家具コイン長者向けですがダイナミック職人支援可! This is an ingeniously crafted floor for the wisteria season, with glass laid on the floor and a surface of water underneath. It is aimed at furniture coin millionaires, but you can also apply a discount! | |||||
Special BGM: Rain, Alcohol, and Ship Girls (雨とお酒と艦娘) Released the: 2016/06/01 Availability: Furniture Shop Special Feature: Has animated water ripples and wisteria. |
Simple Tatami on Half the Floor
ID: 303 | 床半分の簡易畳 Simple Tatami on Half the Floor |
Rarity: ★★★☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
1500 |
ちょっと畳な雰囲気を味わいつつシンプルな床も好きという提督のための、ハーフ&ハーフな簡易畳です。 お値段もリーズナブル! This is a simple half-and-half tatami mat for admirals who want a bit of a tatami feel but also like a simple floor. The price is reasonable too! | ||||||
Released the: 2016/06/30 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Blue and White Floor
ID: 304 | 青と白の床 Blue and White Floor |
Rarity: ★★★☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
1700 |
夏の季節の海をモチーフに製作された爽やかな床板。 白を基調に、水色と海色のストライプが夏の鎮守府を爽やかに演出します。 A refreshing floorboard created with a summer sea motif. The white base with light blue and sea blue stripes creates a refreshing look for the naval base's summer. | ||||||
Released the: 2016/07/15 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Wavefront Sandy Beach Floor
ID: 310 | 波打ち際の砂浜床 Wavefront Sandy Beach Floor |
Rarity: ★★★★★☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
5500 |
1 |
匠の職人の卓越した技術によって、波打ち際の砂浜が鎮守府内にダイナミックに再現されました。 これなら勤務中も夏気分満喫です! Thanks to the outstanding skills of our master craftsmen, a dynamic sandy beach with a water's edge has been recreated within the naval base. This way you can enjoy the summer feeling even while at work! | |||||
Special BGM: Swimsuit Sortie (水着の出撃) Released the: 2016/08/01 Availability: Furniture Shop Special Feature: Has a shore wave animation |
Cookie Floor
ID: 339 | クッキーの床 Cookie Floor |
Rarity: ★★☆☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
1200 |
鎮守府提督室一杯に広がる甘い焼き菓子の香り。 そんな提督室にぴったりの美味しそうな雰囲気の床です。 艦娘たち、いつも感謝! The sweet aroma of baked goods fills the Admiral's room at the naval base. The floor has a delicious atmosphere that is perfect for the admiral's room. Thank you so much, ship girls! | ||||||
Released the: 2017/03/04 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Nagatsuki's Floor
ID: 357 | 長月の床 Nagatsuki's Floor |
Rarity: ★★★☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
1900 |
長月の季節の月をモチーフにした敷物です。 秋の夜のすすきと夜空に浮かぶ月が鎮守府の床に独特の世界を醸し出します。 This rug has a moon motif for the Nagatsuki season. The silver grass on an autumn night and the moon floating in the night sky create a unique world on the floor of the naval base. | ||||||
Released the: 2017/09/12 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Snow-painted Floorboards
ID: 362 | 雪ペイントの床板 Snow-painted Floorboards |
Rarity: ★★☆☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
650 |
良く磨いたいつもの床板に軽巡艦娘有志が雪の模様をきれいにペイントしてくれました。 クリスタルにも見えるって?気のせいです。 A group of light cruiser girls volunteered to paint a beautiful snow pattern onto the usual well-polished floorboards. Does it look like crystal? It's my imagination. | ||||||
Released the: 2017/12/11 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Christmas Mat
ID: 363 | クリスマスのマット Christmas Mat |
Rarity: ★★★☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
1200 |
駆逐艦や海防艦たちのリクエストで登場です。 楽しいクリスマスを過ごすための冬のマット。 ぜひ、提督の執務室にも標準装備で! Introduced at the request of destroyers and coastal defense ships. A winter mat for a fun Christmas. This should definitely be a standard furniture in the admiral's office! | ||||||
Released the: 2017/12/11 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Iron Flooring
ID: 384 | 鉄製の床材 Iron Flooring |
Rarity: ★★★★☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
1900 |
カタパルトの鋼材を活用、冷たい鉄の肌触りと工廠的な拘りを追及した謎床材。 熱伝導率の高さという微妙な長所と短所があります。 This mysterious flooring material utilizes steel from catapults, and pursues the feel of cold iron and the attention to detail of an arsenal. It has subtle advantages and disadvantages, such as high thermal conductivity. | ||||||
Released the: 2018/06/13 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Tanabata Tatami
ID: 386 | 七夕の畳 Tanabata Tatami |
Rarity: ★★★★☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
3700 |
1 |
畳職人が腕によりをかけて作り上げた、七夕の季節にぴったりの涼やかな高級畳です。 七夕の季節の次は、いよいよ夏到来ですね。 This is a high-quality tatami mat, skillfully crafted by a tatami craftsman, cool and perfect for the Tanabata season. After the Tanabata season, summer is finally upon us. | |||||
Released the: 2018/06/29 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Green Grass Flooring
ID: 390 | 青草の床 Green Grass Flooring |
Rarity: ★★★★☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
1700 |
青々と茂る青草が気持ちのよい新しい床です。 鎮守府とは何か、提督室とは何か…青草の上に思考を深めるのも楽しいですね。 The new floor is pleasant to look at, with lush green grass. What is a naval base? What is an admiral's office? It's fun to ponder these questions while sitting on the grass. | ||||||
Released the: 2018/07/12 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Saury Festival Floorboards
ID: 397 | 秋刀魚祭りの床板 Saury Festival Floorboards |
Rarity: ★★★★★☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
Full Price: 110000 |
Discount: 1000 +1 |
秋は秋刀魚の季節、鎮守府秋刀魚祭りをモチーフにした床板…ですが、海防艦がよってたかってラクガキ! 職人ダイナミック割引可! Autumn is the season for saury, and the floorboards are designed with the Naval Base Saury Festival as their motif...but there are also doodles of coastal defense ships gathered around! A discount can be applied! | |||||
Released the: 2018/10/10 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Winter Floor and Heated Floor Mat
ID: 400 | 冬の床と床暖マット Winter Floor and Heated Floor Mat |
Rarity: ★★★☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
1500 |
冬の季節にぴったりの白を基調としたシンプルな床板と床暖マット。 クリスマスツリーを飾るも良し、机を置いて執務に励むも良し! Simple white floorboards and heated floor mats are perfect for winter. You can decorate your Christmas tree or put a desk there and get to work! | ||||||
Released the: 2018/12/07 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Stone Floor and Carpet
ID: 401 | 石製の床とカーペット Stone Floor and Carpet |
Rarity: ★★★☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
2200 |
1 |
天然の石を職人さんが丁寧に仕上げた特注床、そしてカーペット。 ナチュラルな雰囲気が、暖炉やストーブとも絶妙に馴染みますね! Custom-made floors and carpets made from natural stone carefully made by craftsmen. The natural atmosphere blends perfectly with fireplaces and stoves! | |||||
Released the: 2018/12/07 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Setsubun Tatami and Japanese Carpet
ID: 409 | 節分の畳と和絨毯 Setsubun Tatami and Japanese Carpet |
Rarity: ★★★☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
1980 |
節分、それは季節の機微を感じる大切な行事。 そんな節分の季節にぴったりの畳と特注の和絨毯です。 特注だけどお値打ちでご提供! Setsubun is an important event that allows us to feel the subtleties of the seasons. These tatami and custom-made Japanese carpets are perfect for the Setsubun season. Custom-made but available at a great value! | ||||||
Released the: 2019/01/22 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Early Spring Floorboard and Tatami
ID: 419 | 早春の床板と畳 Early Spring Floorboard and Tatami |
Rarity: ★★★☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
1000 |
早春の提督室の床板です。 比較的質素な作りの床板と春の訪れをイメージした畳の組み合わせによる、独特の魅力が光ります。 The floorboard of the admiral's room in early spring. The combination of relatively simple floorboards and tatami that evoke the arrival of spring shines through with a unique charm. | ||||||
Released the: 2019/02/27 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Green Fluffy Rug
ID: 427 | 綿毛模様の緑の敷物 Green Fluffy Rug |
Rarity: ★★★☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
900 |
春の暖かい日差しとその中へ飛翔する綿毛をイメージした緑の敷物です。 優しい気持ちになりたい時にぜひお使いください! This green rug is inspired by the warm spring sunshine and the fluff flying into it. Please use it when you want to feel gentle! | ||||||
Released the: 2019/04/22 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Early Summer Floor
ID: 434 | 初夏の床 Early Summer Floor |
Rarity: ★★★☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
1600 |
梅雨が明ければ、いよいよ季節は初夏! そんな季節を爽やかに楽しむための床板と床マットのセットです。 艦娘と季節を楽しむ逸品。 Once the rainy season ends, it is finally early summer! This is a set of floorboards and floor mats that will allow you to enjoy the refreshing season. A masterpiece that lets you enjoy the seasons with ship girls. | ||||||
Released the: 2019/06/25 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Summer Floorboards and Sunflower Rug
ID: 443 | 夏床板と向日葵敷物 Summer Floorboards and Sunflower Rug |
Rarity: ★★★★☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
2200 |
1 |
家具職人が高品質な木材とその磨き抜かれた技で作りあげた夏床板。 夏色の艦娘にも大好評の向日葵敷物で鎮守府の提督室も夏色に! Summer floorboards made by the furniture craftsmen using high-quality wood and their refined techniques. The sunflower rug is a big hit with summer-colored ship girls, also brightening up the admiral's room at the naval base with summer colors! | |||||
Released the: 2019/07/18 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Persimmon Floorboard
ID: 447 | 柿の床板 Persimmon Floorboard |
Rarity: ★★★☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
1980 |
何気に技巧を凝らした…職人の仕事が光る床板ですが、職人さんの心意気でお得にご提供! | ||||||
Released the: 2019/09/30 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Grape Carpet
ID: 448 | 葡萄のカーペット Grape Carpet |
Rarity: ★★★☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
1300 |
秋は「葡萄」も美味しい季節。 そんな「葡萄」をデザインしたカーペットです。 秋の夜長はゆっくりワインを愉しむのもいいですね。 Autumn is the season when "grapes" are delicious. This is a carpet with a "grape" design. It is nice to slowly enjoy a glass of wine during the long autumn nights. | ||||||
Released the: 2019/09/30 Availability: Furniture Shop |
White Day Carpet
ID: 470 | ホワイトデーカーペット White Day Carpet |
Rarity: ★★★☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
1900 |
楽しく優しい気持ちになれる、ホワイトデーシーズン専用のカーペットです。 駆逐艦や海防艦など多くの艦娘のお気に入りです! This carpet is made specially for the White Day season, and will make you feel happy and kind. She is a favorite of many shipgirls, including destroyers and coastal defense ships! | ||||||
Released the: 2020/03/13 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Bouquet Of Roses and Luxurious Stone Floor
ID: 472 | 薔薇の花束と高級石床 Bouquet Of Roses and Luxurious Stone Floor |
Rarity: ★★★★★☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
3140 |
1 |
高級石材を贅沢に使用したホワイトデーの季節にぴったりの特注床板です。 五本の薔薇の花束を、お返しにどうでしょう? This custom-made floor is made using luxurious high-quality stone and is perfect for the White Day season. How about a bouquet of five roses in return? | |||||
Released the: 2020/03/13 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Lotus Leaf-patterned Floor
ID: 481 | 蓮の葉模様の床 Lotus Leaf-patterned Floor |
Rarity: ★★★☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
1700 |
雨の季節は部屋で運動するのもいいですね。 紫陽花の絵がアレンジされた床板に蓮の葉仕様のトレーニングマットを配置しました! It is a good idea to exercise indoors during the rainy season. A lotus leaf training mat is placed on the floorboards decorated with hydrangea pictures! | ||||||
Released the: 2020/05/20 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Green Bamboo Floor and Tanabata Rug
ID: 488 | 青竹床と七夕の敷物 Green Bamboo Floor and Tanabata Rug |
Rarity: ★★★☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
770 |
遥か天空の天の川に思いを馳せる七夕の敷物と、地味に提督の健康面のケアにも優れた効能のある青竹仕様の七夕床です。 The Tanabata rug will make you think of the Milky Way far away in the sky, while the Tanabata floor is made of green bamboo, which has the subtle benefit of being healthy for the Admiral. | ||||||
Released the: 2020/07/03 Availability: Furniture Shop Notes: Tanzaku by Kiyoshimo and I-401 |
Bamboo Flooring
ID: 494 | 竹製の床 Bamboo Flooring |
Rarity: ★★★☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
800 |
秋の季節にぴったりの竹製の床です。 鎮守府に落ち着いた雰囲気と、微妙にボコボコした感触が足裏を刺激して提督の健康にも最適! This bamboo flooring is perfect for the fall season. The calm atmosphere of the naval base and the slightly bumpy texture stimulate the soles of your feet, making it ideal for the Admiral's health! | ||||||
Released the: 2020/09/17 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Autumn Rugs and Bamboo Flooring
ID: 495 | 秋敷物と竹製の床 Autumn Rugs and Bamboo Flooring |
Rarity: ★★★★★☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
3800 |
1 |
秋の季節にぴったりの竹製の床に、中秋の名月を描いた秋敷物をプラスした贅沢な床家具セット。 名曲、秋の鎮守府…沁みますね… This luxurious floor set features a bamboo floor, perfect for the autumn season, and an autumn rug depicting the harvest moon. The masterpiece, "Autumn Naval Base"... it really touches my heart... | |||||
Special BGM: Autumn Naval Base (秋の鎮守府) Released the: 2020/09/17 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Snowman Mat
ID: 506 | 雪だるまマット Snowman Mat |
Rarity: ★★★☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
1800 |
冬の季節に嬉しいモコモコ仕様の足元も暖かくなる雪だるまマットです。 海防艦や一部の大きな艦娘に人気です。 床も断熱仕様です! This fluffy snowman mat is perfect for winter as it keeps your feet warm. It is popular with coastal defense ships and some larger ship girls. The floor is even insulated! | ||||||
Released the: 2020/12/10 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Tatami Mats and Carpet with Brush Strokes
ID: 509 | 筆が勢い余った畳と敷物 Tatami Mats and Carpet with Brush Strokes |
Rarity: ★★★★☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
1980 |
ある戦艦級の艦娘が魂を込めて丑年の壁を制作中に気合いが入りすぎて勢い余ってしまった畳と敷物です。…値引きしておきますね! These are tatami mats and carpets that were left over after a battleship ship girl put her soul into creating a wall for the Year of the Ox, but got too excited... I'll give you a discount! | ||||||
Released the: 2021/01/01 Availability: Furniture Shop Notes: Handwriting matches that on the "New Year! Year of the Ox Wall" wall |
Special Fluffy Cow-patterned Mat
ID: 513 | 牛柄の特製ふかふかマット Special Fluffy Cow-patterned Mat |
Rarity: ★★★★☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
2021 |
1 |
鎮守府といえばやはり畳!でも提督も艦娘もふかふかが実は大好き! そんな鎮守府のために生まれた牛柄のふかふか…モー最高です! Speaking of the Naval Base, it's all about tatami mats! But the admiral and the ship girls actually love the fluffy stuff too! This fluffy cow-patterned rug was created especially for the naval base...it's just the best! | |||||
Released the: 2021/01/01 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Valentine Carpet
ID: 521 | バレンタインカーペット Valentine Carpet |
Rarity: ★★★☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
1700 |
バレンタインの甘い季節を暖かく演出するカーペットです。 まるで本物のカカオを使ったような風合いは…本物じゃ…ないですよね? This carpet will create a warm atmosphere during the sweet Valentine's season. It feels like it's made with real cacao, but it's not the real thing, right? | ||||||
Released the: 2021/02/05 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Hinamatsuri Floor
ID: 524 | 桃の節句の床 Hinamatsuri Floor |
Rarity: ★★★☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
1300 |
桃の節句の頃は、少し春めいた雰囲気になりますね。 そんな穏やかな春の訪れを感じさせる床と、淡い桃色の敷物です。 Around the time of Hinamatsuri, the atmosphere feels a bit like spring. The floor and pale pink rug evoke the gentle arrival of spring. | ||||||
Released the: 2021/03/01 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Bamboo-patterned Floor
ID: 528 | 竹模様細工の床 Bamboo-patterned Floor |
Rarity: ★★★★☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
2000 |
1 |
職人達が丁寧に組み上げた竹細工と竹模様の床です。 「筍と竹の壁紙」と合わせると筍の季節を満喫できる彼女と提督の春鎮守府に! The bamboo patterned flooring has been carefully assembled by skilled craftsmen. Combine it with the "Bamboo Shoots and Bamboo Wallpaper" to create a spring naval base where girls and the admiral can fully enjoy the bamboo shoot season! | |||||
Released the: 2021/03/30 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Hagi Floor
ID: 529 | 萩の床 Hagi Floor |
Rarity: ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
N/A | 萩をイメージした強さの中に落ち着いた印象と覚悟を秘めた床と、情熱と柔軟な精神を併せ持った心を感じさせる萩の花の敷き物です。 The flooring, which is reminiscent of the strong image of bush clover, gives off a sense of calm and resolve, while the bush clover flower rug evokes the feeling of a heart that combines passion and a flexible spirit. | ||||||
Released the: 2021/03/30 Availability: C57 reward (choice) |
ID: 541 | チャージング航行の床 Charging Navigation Floor |
Rarity: ★★★★★★☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
3800 |
1 |
砕氷ですか?お任せください! という艦娘が特注家具職人の謎の技術で完成したチャージング航行砕氷床! 現代はラミング航行とも。 Looking to break the ice? We've got you covered! This shipgirl is a charging navigational icebreaker completed by the mysterious techniques of a custom furniture craftsman! Nowadays it is also called Ramming Navigation. | |||||
Released the: 2021/06/22 Availability: Furniture Shop Notes: By Souya (AGB)
Floor of a PT Ruching Through the Ocean
ID: 559 | 海原を疾走するPTの床 Floor of a PT Ruching Through the Ocean |
Rarity: ★★★★☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
1943 |
1 |
海原を高速で疾走する哨戒魚雷艇PTボートの姿! 様々な戦場に配備され、後の米国大統領も艇長を務めたPTボートの床です。 A PT boat speeding across the ocean! This is the floor of a PT boat, which was deployed in various battlefields and was captained by a future US president. | |||||
Released the: 2022/01/21 Availability: Furniture Shop Notes: Is referencing to John F. Kennedy's PT-109 |
Valentine Wrapping
ID: 562 | Valentineラッピング Valentine Wrapping |
Rarity: ★★★☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
1980 |
まるで提督室の床そのものがラッピングされたチョコレートのような床です。 甘いバレンタインの雰囲気を味わって! The floor of the admiral's room itself looks like wrapped chocolate. Enjoy the sweet Valentine's Day atmosphere! | ||||||
Released the: 2022/02/13 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Sakura Carpet
ID: 564 | 桜カーペット Sakura Carpet |
Rarity: ★★★☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
1900 |
春色のフローリングの上に大きな桜の花型の厚め仕様のカーペットが敷かれています。 春の明るい提督室にぴったりです。 A large, thick cherry blossom-shaped carpet is laid over the spring-colored flooring. Perfect for a bright spring room. | ||||||
Released the: 2022/04/01 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Xmas Mat on Mat
ID: 579 | Xmasマットonマット Xmas Mat on Mat |
Rarity: ★★★☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
1300 |
クリスマスの季節を楽しむ艦娘たちのために準備したマットの上に、さらに円形のクリスマス限定マットを敷きました。 On top of the mats we prepared for the ship girls enjoying the Christmas season, we also placed a circular Christmas-only mat. | ||||||
Released the: 2022/12/06 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Setsubun Panel Floor
ID: 582 | 節分パネル式床 Setsubun Panel Floor |
Rarity: ★★☆☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
980 |
はめ込みパネル式の節分床です。 容易に着脱可能なので気分によって構成を変化させることも可能な、近代的な床部材パーツです。 This is a Setsubun floor with inset panels. This modern floor can easily be attached and detached, allowing you to change the configuration depending on your mood. | ||||||
Released the: 2023/01/20 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Mixed Wood Floor
ID: 585 | ミックスウッドの床 Mixed Wood Floor |
Rarity: ★★☆☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
800 |
明るい気分になるホワイトと薄いピンク色のミックスウッドの床にカッティングレースマットを。 ガーリーで優しい雰囲気の部屋に。 Add a cutting lace mat to the white and pale pink mixed wood floor for a bright and cheerful look. Create a girly and gentle atmosphere in your room. | ||||||
Released the: 2023/02/14 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Carp Streamer Floorboard
ID: 590 | 鯉のぼりの床板 Carp Streamer Floorboard |
Rarity: ★★★☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
1505 |
五月の季節の鎮守府に似合う鯉のぼりを模した空色の床板です。 ちびっこ海防艦たちや駆逐艦皐月、空色の巡洋艦らにも好評です! The sky-blue floorboards are modeled after carp streamers, which suit the naval base in May. It is also popular with the little coastal defense ships, Satsuki, and the sky-blue cruiser! | ||||||
Released the: 2023/05/01 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Milky Way Galactic Floor
ID: 598 | 天の河の銀河床 Milky Way Galactic Floor |
Rarity: ★★★★☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
7700 |
1 |
七夕の季節は、静かに夜空を見上げるのも良いものです …え?夜は夜戦が忙しいですか…そんな提督と艦娘のための天の河な床です! During the Tanabata season, it's nice to quietly look up at the night sky. ...Eh? Are you busy with night battles at night? This is a heavenly floor for the admiral and his ship girls! | |||||
Released the: 2023/07/07 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Halloween Floor
ID: 602 | Halloweenの床 Halloween Floor |
Rarity: ★★★☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
1300 |
Happy! Fleet! Halloween! ハロウィンを楽しむ艦娘のための専用床板です。 Happy! Fleet! Halloween! This is a special floorboard for shipgirls enjoying Halloween. | ||||||
Released the: 2023/10/11 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Xmas Floor
ID: 608 | Xmasのフロア Xmas Floor |
Rarity: ★★★☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
1224 |
クリスマスの季節の提督室をさらに盛り上げるフロアマットを備えた床板セットです。 海防艦や駆逐艦はもちろん一部の戦艦にも人気です。 This floorboard set comes with a floor mat that will liven up the Admiral's room even more during the Christmas season. It is popular not only with coastal defense ships and destroyers but also with some battleships. | ||||||
Released the: 2023/11/28 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Mysterious Xmas Carpet
ID: 611 | 謎のXmasカーペット Mysterious Xmas Carpet |
Rarity: ★★★★★☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
Full Price: 112240 |
Discount: 1224 +1 |
一見普通のクリスマス色のカーペットに見えて、旗艦によっては謎のペットたちが徘徊するという噂のあるレアな謎カーペットです。 At first glance, it looks like an ordinary Christmas-colored carpet, but it is a rare mysterious carpet that is rumored to have mysterious pets roaming around in some flagships. | |||||
Released the: 2023/11/28 Availability: Furniture Shop Special Feature: Pets will be roaming around some secretaries (see here). |
Cobblestone Pavement Lined with Cherry Blossom Trees
ID: 615 | 桜並木の石畳 Cobblestone Pavement Lined with Cherry Blossom Trees |
Rarity: ★★★☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
1800 |
春、桜並木の道を艦娘たちと歩くのもいいですね…… 提督のそんな想いを強引に鎮守府執務室に持ち込む事が可能な石造りの床です。 It would be nice to walk along the cherry blossom-lined road with the ship girls in spring... The stone floor allows the Admiral to forcibly bring such feelings into his office at the Naval Base. | ||||||
Released the: 2024/04/10 Availability: Furniture Shop |
Samidare's Floor and Rug
ID: 621 | 五月雨の床と敷物 Samidare's Floor and Rug |
Rarity: ★★★★☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
2500 |
1 |
家具職人らが五月雨の名を持つ駆逐艦をイメージして作り上げた水色の床です。 さらに彼女をイメージした特注の敷物もどうぞ! The light blue floor was created by furniture makers in the image of a destroyer named Samidare. You can also get a custom-made rug with her image on it! | |||||
Released the: 2024/05/29 Availability: Furniture Shop |
ID: 629 | 鎮守府神社境内の石畳 Naval Base Shrine's Precincts' Stone Pavement |
Rarity: ★★★☆☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
1600 |
鎮守府秋祭りが開催される鎮守府神社、その境内の石畳です。 気軽な気持ちで、艦娘と神社の裏にいっては……イケマセン。 This is the cobblestone path within the grounds of Naval Base Shrine, where the Naval Base Autumn Festival is held. Just casually going behind the shrine with the ship girls...is forbidden. | ||||||
Released the: 2024/09/27 Availability: Furniture Shop |
New Year's Eve Floor and Small Hearth
ID: 636 | 年越しの床と小型囲炉裏 New Year's Eve Floor and Small Hearth |
Rarity: ★★★★☆☆☆ | |||||
Price: | |||||||
1880 |
寒い冬を越えて新しき年に 向かって艦娘たちと静かに 過ごす時間。 それはそれで 良きもの。 そんな年越しの 床と内蔵小型囲炉裏です。 A quiet time spent with the shipgirls as we get through the cold winter and look forward to the new year. That is a good thing in its own way. This is the New Year's Eve floor with a small hearth built in. | ||||||
Released the: 2024/12/26 Availability: Furniture Shop |