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World 6

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World 6-1: 潜水艦作戦 Submarine Operation

Strategy Name 潜水艦作戦 (Submarine Operation)
Difficulty ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Item None
Strategy Content 有力な潜水艦隊を編成し、中部海域哨戒線に進出せよ。敵艦隊を発見、これを漸減撃滅せよ!
Organize a strong submarine fleet and advance a patrol line into the Middle Sea region. Locate enemy fleets and gradually destroy them!

Stage Guide

Other Notes 540/270/120 FP for AS+/AS/AP at H node.
56 126 252
Show/Hide Branching Rules
Branching Rules
STARTASS-only (3 or more),
or Taigei + Subs-only
or Taigei + Subs + 1 CL.
Weighted Random towards A (instead of B) with Taigei + Subs + DDs
BAny composition not going to A or G
GSS-only (2 or fewer),
or BB≥2,
or [(F)BB(V) + CV(L) + CA(V)]≥3,
or [(F)BB(V) + CV(L) + CA(V)+CLT]≥1 but no DD+CL
ACTaigei not in fleet
DTaigei in fleet
EFLoS check (with LoS equipment equipped), but still may end up going to H. If heading to F there is the LoS animation.
or LoS check failed.
High chance if [(F)BB(V) + CV(L) + CA(V)]≥2
or no LoS equipment carried.
Small chance even with sufficient LoS.
FIFailed LoS check for K.
Small chance even with sufficient LoS.
JFailed LoS check for K.
Small chance even with sufficient LoS.
KLoS check with animation. Can still possibly drift to I or J even with sufficient LoS.
  • The only map since 4-4 that does not have a gauge, but even B Victory takes some work here.
  • At least 3 SS are required to reach the boss.
  • There are LoS checks E → F and F → K. They do not have high LoS requirements (SSVs with a couple recon planes will pass), but an all-sub fleet without recon planes will be sent to H.

Fleet Tips

  • Fleet composition for clearing purposes typically are one of the three types:
    • CLT + CL + CV + 3 SS(V) (B → D → E → F → K): Effective fleet for taking out the boss but it will have to go through node B where there's a Ru-class Flagship.
      • CV may or may not wish to equip SCAMP, as it allows the CV to act first. Try to use armored CV so that it can attack even in chuuha.
      • Saiun is probably not a good idea for clearing purposes (you want to minimize damage taken along the route). Only consider that if you're using this fleet for the monthly quest (3 S Victory at 6-1 boss).
    • All all-sub fleet (A → C → D → E → F → K): Allows the fleet to completely ignore any enemy ships that can't attack subs, however node C is pretty harsh on subs with late-model DDs and flagship CLs.
      • You pretty much want to count on cut-in attacks (at boss), so only use remodeled subs if you're using this composition. Note that you need recon planes for this map, and as SS(V) only have 2 slots, you may want to just give both planes to the same girl. You want as many submarines that are actually combat capable for this route, and yes, this means that you really need I-401 and/or U-511 (Ro-500).
    • Taigei + 3~5 SS(V) + 0~2 escorts (AorB → D → E → F → K): The shortest route in terms of number of battles. Taigei can also equip recon planes to free up slots for your SS(V)s.
      • The trade off is that any enemy ship still in lightly damage or better shape at the end of shelling phase will have fewer targets to launch their torpedoes at. Taigei (and escorts if any) also has to tank all the preboss ships that can't perform ASW i.e. the Wa-class Transport Elite at D, and far more dangerously, the Flag and/or Elite Ri-Class CA at F.
        • She'll also be targeted by closing torpedoes, which now have much fewer targets than normal.
      • You also have fewer opening torpedoes, which means there's a high chance of additional damage taken.
  • Pattern 1 on node H has a chance to drop I-401 with S Victory. If you want to farm her there, 1 BB 3 CLT 1 CL 1 CV or 1 CL 3 CLT 2 CV both guarantee B → D → E → H and are good enough to get S Rank.

Nodes And Enemy Encounters

Show/Hide Nodes and Enemy Encounters
Nodes and Enemy Encounters
NodePatternNode InfoFormAir
No Combat
Pattern 1"Must be my imagination" (battle avoided)
Pattern 1Battleship Ru-Class flagshipLight Carrier Nu-Class flagshipHeavy Cruiser Ri-Class eliteLight Cruiser Tsu-ClassDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model
Pattern 2Battleship Ru-Class flagshipLight Carrier Nu-Class flagshipHeavy Cruiser Ri-Class flagshipLight Cruiser Tsu-ClassDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ro-Class Late Model

Pattern 1Light Cruiser Ho-Class flagshipDestroyer Ha-Class eliteDestroyer Ha-Class eliteDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model

Pattern 1Light Cruiser He-Class flagshipDestroyer Ha-Class eliteDestroyer Ha-Class eliteDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model
Pattern 2Light Cruiser He-Class flagshipDestroyer Ni-Class eliteDestroyer Ni-Class eliteDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model
Pattern 3Light Cruiser He-Class flagshipTransport Ship Wa-Class eliteTransport Ship Wa-Class eliteDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model
No Combat
Pattern 1"Must be my imagination" (battle avoided)
Pattern 1Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class flagshipLight Cruiser He-Class flagshipDestroyer Ha-Class eliteDestroyer Ha-Class eliteDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ro-Class Late Model
Pattern 2Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class flagshipDestroyer Ha-Class eliteDestroyer Ha-Class eliteLight Cruiser Tsu-ClassDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ro-Class Late Model
Pattern 3Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class flagshipHeavy Cruiser Ri-Class eliteTorpedo Cruiser Chi-Class eliteLight Cruiser Tsu-ClassDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model
No Combat
Pattern 1"Must be my imagination" (battle avoided)
Pattern 1Aircraft Carrier DemonStandard Carrier Wo-Class flagshipHeavy Cruiser Ri-Class flagshipLight Cruiser Tsu-ClassDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ro-Class Late Model
Pattern 2Aircraft Carrier DemonHeavy Cruiser Ri-Class flagshipHeavy Cruiser Ri-Class flagshipLight Cruiser Tsu-ClassDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ro-Class Late Model
Pattern 3Standard Carrier Wo-Class flagshipStandard Carrier Wo-Class flagshipHeavy Cruiser Ri-Class flagshipLight Cruiser Tsu-ClassDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ro-Class Late Model
No Combat
Pattern 1"Must be my imagination" (battle avoided)
Pattern 1Transport Ship Wa-Class flagshipTransport Ship Wa-Class flagshipLight Cruiser He-Class flagshipLight Cruiser Tsu-Class eliteDestroyer Ha-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ha-Class Late Model
Pattern 2Transport Ship Wa-Class flagshipTransport Ship Wa-Class flagshipLight Cruiser He-Class flagshipLight Cruiser He-Class flagshipDestroyer Ha-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ha-Class Late Model

Pattern 1Standard Carrier Wo-Class flagshipHeavy Cruiser Ri-Class flagshipLight Cruiser Tsu-Class eliteLight Cruiser Tsu-Class eliteDestroyer Ni-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ni-Class Late Model

Pattern 2Standard Carrier Wo-Class flagshipHeavy Cruiser Ri-Class flagshipLight Cruiser He-Class flagshipLight Cruiser Tsu-Class eliteDestroyer Ha-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ha-Class Late Model


Show/Hide Drops
Node Destroyers Light Cruisers Heavy Cruisers Seaplane Tender Aircraft Carrier Battleship Submarine Others
A Shouhou
B Ayanami, Shikinami, Mutsuki, Kisaragi, Satsuki, Fumizuki, Nagatsuki, Kikuzuki, Mikazuki, Mochizuki, Oboro, Akebono, Sazanami, Ushio, Samidare, Suzukaze Kiso, Nagara, Isuzu, Natori, Yura, Jintsuu, Naka, Kinu Furutaka, Kako, Ashigara, Haguro, Choukai, Maya Hiyou, Junyou I-168
C Ayanami, Shikinami, Mutsuki, Kisaragi, Satsuki, Fumizuki, Nagatsuki, Kikuzuki, Mikazuki, Mochizuki, Oboro, Akebono, Sazanami, Ushio, Samidare, Suzukaze Kiso, Nagara, Natori, Yura, Jintsuu, Naka Furutaka, Kako, Ashigara, Haguro, Choukai, Maya, Nachi, Aoba Hiyou, Junyou, Shouhou, Ryuujou Kirishima I-19, I-168
D Ayanami, Shikinami, Kisaragi, Satsuki, Fumizuki, Nagatsuki, Kikuzuki, Mikazuki, Mochizuki, Oboro, Akebono, Sazanami, Ushio, Samidare, Suzukaze Kiso, Nagara, Isuzu, Natori, Yura, Jintsuu, Naka, Sendai Furutaka, Kako, Ashigara, Haguro, Choukai, Maya, Nachi, Aoba, Mogami, Myoukou, Takao, Atago, Chikuma, Kumano Hiyou, Junyou, Shouhou, Ryuujou Kongou I-19, I-168
H Ayanami, Kisaragi, Fumizuki, Nagatsuki, Kikuzuki, Mikazuki, Mochizuki, Oboro, Akebono, Sazanami, Ushio, Samidare Kiso, Isuzu, Yura, Naka Kako, Ashigara, Haguro, Maya, Nachi, Aoba, Mogami, Myoukou Hiyou, Shouhou Hiei, Kongou I-19, I-168, I-58, I-401, Maruyu
F Ayanami, Shikinami, Mutsuki, Kisaragi, Satsuki, Fumizuki, Nagatsuki, Kikuzuki, Mikazuki, Mochizuki, Oboro, Akebono, Sazanami, Ushio, Samidare, Suzukaze Kiso, Nagara, Isuzu, Natori, Yura, Jintsuu, Naka, Sendai Furutaka, Kako, Ashigara, Haguro, Choukai, Maya, Nachi, Aoba, Mogami, Myoukou, Takao, Atago, Chikuma, Tone Hiyou, Junyou, Shouhou, Ryuujou Kongou, Hiei, Kirishima, Haruna I-19, I-168, I-58
K Yukikaze, Amatsukaze, Naganami, Makigumo Yuubari, Ooi, Kinu Kinugasa, Kumano, Takao, Mogami, Suzuya Chiyoda

Hiyou, Souryuu, Ryuujou, Zuihou, Hiryuu

Hiei, Ise, Kongou, Kirishima, Yamashiro, Mutsu, Nagato I-19, I-8, I-168, I-58, Maruyu Taigei

World 6-2: MS諸島防衛戦 Defense of the MS Archipelago

Strategy Name MS諸島防衛戦 (Defense of the MS Archipelago)
Difficulty ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Item None
Strategy Content MS諸島沖前面に展開し、同諸島方面に接近しつつある敵攻略部隊を捕捉、全力で撃滅せよ!
Expand to the forward part of the MS Archipelago sea, seize the enemy fleet that is slowly advancing to capture the archipelago, and destroy them with all your might!

Stage Guide

Branching Rules
Nodes Rules
Starts with A
  • 3+ BB goes to node A
  • 4+ [CL + DD] goes to node A (?)
  • 3 or less [BB + CV(L)] goes to node B
  • Otherwise it's random (?)
  • 3+ BB or 3+ CV(L) goes to node B
  • 0-1 [BB(V) + CV(L)] & 0-1 [CA(V) + CLT] & 4+ [CL + DD] goes to node D (?)
  • Otherwise it's random (?)
  • 6 [BB + CV + CA(V)] goes to node C (?)
  • 0-1 BB & 0-2 [BB + CV(L)] goes to node F
  • 4+ [BB(V) + CV(L) can go to node C (?)
  • Otherwise it's node D (?)
  • 3+ DD & 4+ [CL + DD] & 0 [BB + CV] goes to node G (?)
  • Otherwise it's node E (?)


  • If BB≤1 and CV+CVL≤1 and DD≥2, I if LoS check passed, H otherwise
  • Otherwise it's node E (?)
  • Node K if enough LOS, otherwise node J

Requires sinking the flagship at the boss node 3 times to deplete the gauge.

  • Because of the amount of Tsu-class and Tsu-class elites in this map, CAVs and BBVs should keep 1 set of Type 0 recon (else they run the risk of not having any planes for artillery spotting fire). Similarly, CV(L) should preferably use bombers in larger slots (preferably 20 or higher).


6-2 ADGK
Fleet 1 CA(V), 2 CL, 3DD
Other Notes No CVs allowed for this route.
56 126 252
Fleet 2 CLT, 2 CA(V), 2CV or 1 CV & 1 BB
Other Notes BFHK requires failing LoS for H but passing LoS for K, a very narrow margin
112 252 504
6-2 BFIK
Fleet 1 BB(V), 1 CV, 2DD, 2 CLT/CA(V)
Other Notes Up to one CV allowed for this route
68 153 306
  • B-F-H/I-K : 1BB(V), 1CV, 2DD, 2CA(V) or 1BB(V), 1CV, 2DD, 2CLT; Passing an LoS check sends you to I, otherwise to H (31+ Refined LoS needed for F → I)
    • There is a LoS check for F → I. Using a composition that fails this check will to go H instead.
    • H is generally an easier node than I, so failing this LoS check is largely preferable.
      • 29~30.88 Refined LoS guarantees going H and passing the second LoS check (source required). 31 LoS is similar but has a small chance go to I. 32+ LoS guarantees I.
    • The major weakness of this setup are the two DDs which are both vulnerable and which don't contribute much offensive power.
  • B-F-E-H-K : 2CLT, 2CA(V), 2CV or 2CLT, 2CA(V), 1CV, 1BB
    • Higher chance to kill the boss, but not as efficient for farming. Can guarantee the H node path, though.
    • 2CV setup for this route might be better, as Pattern 1 at E node requires relatively large amount of AS (on top of boss having 50% chance of requiring 126 or higher air power for AS). Remember that you probably want bombers in larger slots so you don't run the risk of having them all shot down, rendering your CVs unable to attack during shelling.
  • A-D-G-K: CA(V), 2CL, 3DD (Unknown LOS check on G-K). Strongly recommended to use a CAV with at least a seaplane bomber.
    • Note that you only have 50% chance for air superiority/supremacy in this case (you won't have nearly enough AS for Pattern 2).

Nodes And Enemy Encounters

Show/Hide Nodes and Enemy Encounters
Nodes and Enemy Encounters
NodePatternNode InfoFormAir
Pattern 1Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class flagshipLight Carrier Nu-Class eliteLight Cruiser Tsu-ClassDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model
Pattern 2Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class flagshipLight Carrier Nu-Class eliteLight Carrier Nu-Class eliteLight Cruiser Tsu-ClassDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model

Pattern 1Battleship Ru-Class flagshipHeavy Cruiser Ri-Class eliteHeavy Cruiser Ri-Class eliteLight Carrier Nu-Class eliteDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model
Pattern 2Light Carrier Nu-Class flagshipLight Carrier Nu-Class flagshipBattleship Ru-Class eliteLight Cruiser Tsu-ClassDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model
Pattern 3Battleship Ru-Class flagshipLight Carrier Nu-Class eliteHeavy Cruiser Ri-Class eliteLight Cruiser Tsu-ClassDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model
Pattern 4Light Carrier Nu-Class flagshipBattleship Ru-Class flagshipHeavy Cruiser Ri-Class eliteLight Cruiser Tsu-ClassDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model
No Combat
Pattern 1"Must be my imagination" (battle avoided)
No Combat
Pattern 1Maelstrom: Ammunition
Pattern 1Standard Carrier Wo-Class flagshipStandard Carrier Wo-Class flagshipLight Cruiser Tsu-Class eliteDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model
Pattern 2Standard Carrier Wo-Class flagshipLight Cruiser Tsu-ClassLight Cruiser Tsu-ClassDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model

Pattern 3Standard Carrier Wo-Class flagshipHeavy Cruiser Ri-Class flagshipLight Cruiser Tsu-ClassLight Cruiser Tsu-ClassDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model
No Combat
Pattern 1"Must be my imagination" (battle avoided)
Pattern 1Battleship Ta-Class flagshipHeavy Cruiser Ri-Class eliteLight Cruiser Tsu-Class eliteDestroyer Ha-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ro-Class Late Model

Pattern 2Battleship Ta-Class flagshipHeavy Cruiser Ri-Class flagshipHeavy Cruiser Ri-Class eliteLight Cruiser Tsu-Class eliteDestroyer Ha-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ha-Class Late Model
Pattern 1Battleship Ru-Class flagshipBattleship Ru-Class flagshipLight Cruiser Tsu-ClassLight Cruiser Tsu-ClassDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ro-Class Late Model

Pattern 2Battleship Ru-Class flagshipBattleship Ru-Class flagshipLight Carrier Nu-Class flagshipLight Cruiser Tsu-ClassDestroyer Ha-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ha-Class Late Model

Pattern 1Battleship Ru-Class Kai flagshipBattleship Ru-Class eliteBattleship Ru-Class eliteLight Cruiser Tsu-Class eliteDestroyer Ha-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ha-Class Late Model
Pattern 2Standard Carrier Wo-Class Kai flagshipBattleship Ru-Class flagshipLight Cruiser Tsu-Class eliteDestroyer Ha-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ro-Class Late Model
Pattern 3Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class KaiBattleship Ru-Class flagshipLight Carrier Nu-Class eliteLight Cruiser Tsu-ClassDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model
No Combat
Pattern 1"Must be my imagination" (battle avoided)
Pattern 1Transport Ship Wa-Class flagshipBattleship Ru-Class Kai flagshipLight Cruiser Tsu-Class eliteLight Cruiser Tsu-Class eliteDestroyer Ni-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ni-Class Late Model
Pattern 2Transport Ship Wa-Class flagshipStandard Carrier Wo-Class flagshipBattleship Ru-Class Kai flagshipLight Cruiser Tsu-Class eliteDestroyer Ha-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ni-Class Late Model



Show/Hide Drops
Node Destroyers Light Cruisers Heavy Cruisers Seaplane Tender Aircraft Carrier Battleship Submarine Others
B Arashio, Asashio, Fubuki, Kasumi, Murakumo, Nenohi Isuzu, Jintsuu, Kinu, Naka, Sendai Aoba, Atago, Haguro, Kako, Maya Hiyou, Junyou, Shouhou
E Naka Mogami
H Hatsuharu, Hatsuyuki, Ooshio, Shirayuki, Yuugumo Isuzu, Jintsuu, Kinu, Nagara Aoba, Ashigara, Kinugasa, Kumano, Myoukou, Suzuya, Tone Junyou, Shouhou Mutsu, Yamashiro Akashi
I Kinu, Sendai Ashigara, Choukai, Kinugasa, Kumano, Suzuya, Takao Ise, Mutsu Akashi
K Hamakaze, Shimakaze, Yuugumo, Uranami Sakawa, Yahagi, Yuubari Atago, Kinugasa, Kumano, Mogami, Myoukou, Suzuya, Tone Junyou, Ryuujou, Shoukaku, Shouhou, Zuihou, Zuikaku Fusou, Haruna, Hiei, Hyuuga, Ise, Kirishima, Mutsu, Nagato, Yamashiro I-168, I-19, Maruyu

World 6-3: K作戦 Operation K

Strategy Name K作戦 (Operation K)
Difficulty ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Item Depends
Strategy Content 飛行艇または水上偵察機を装備した水上機母艦・軽巡・駆逐艦による艦隊を同方面へ進出、航空偵察「K作戦」を実施せよ!
Sortie to this region with light cruisers, destroyers, and seaplane tenderd equipped with flying boats or recon seaplanes, and undertake the air reconnaissance "Operation K"!

Stage Guide

Show/Hide Branching Rules
Branching Rules
ABActive Branching
CActive Branching
EFCL≥3 (confirmed)
or (CL+AV)≥4 (?)
Weighted Random towards F with AV≥2 or CL≥2
GAll other cases
HIFailed LoS check for J
JLoS check (with animation)
(May possibly be random after LoS check)
  • Requires sinking boss flagship 4 times to clear.
  • Only seaplane tenders, light cruisers, training cruisers, and destroyers allowed!
  • Specifically at least 1 AV, at least 1 DD, and at least 1CL+CLp.
  • No, torpedo cruisers (CLT) cannot be used here.
  • Specific node notes:
  • Node C is a submarine node, but you will not get the normal indication that it is a submarine node. Node B can be a submarine node, but isn't always.
  • There is very little reason to head towards B, unless the fleet cannot (or do not) want to face SS So-Class Elite, who makes its (her?) first appearance in a regular map. But avoiding So-Class requires an additional fight.
Air Reconnaissance

From nodes G and H, recon planes will be flown towards the green X (the recon route is shown on the map as green arrows). Successful reconnaissance will reward additional resources upon winning at the boss node.

  • Neither G or H have combat.
  • Animation will be shown for the Air Reconnaissance; if both Type 2 Flying Boat and other seaplanes are brought, Type 2 Flying Boat animation takes priority.
  • Success rate (and possibly critical success rate) of the air reconnaissance depends on which AV and what equipment(s) are equipped, if any. Akitsushima equipped with Type 2 Flying Boat appears to increase the critical (and normal?) success rate.
  • You forfeit all reconnaissance rewards if you either drift away from boss or lose at the boss node..
Boss Fleet

Before the gauge can depleted, the boss fleet consists of 1~2 BB Ta-Class Flagships, 1~2 CA Ri-Class Flagships, 0~1 CL He-Class Flagship, the Destroyer Princess (weaker version), and 2 late model destroyers (either Ro-Class, Ha-Class, or Ni-Class; the two destroyers appearing will be the same class).


Suggested fleets
  • 1AV, 1CL, 4DD (A → C → E → G → H → J, 3 fights total)
  • Pros: The most cost-effective way to get to boss, and guarantees G branching, which allows two air reconnaissance rewards.
  • Cons: Lowest damage output of the setup; may not be able to consistently get a victory at boss.
  • 1AV, Abukuma Kai Ni, 4DD (A → C → E → G → H → J, 3 fights total)
  • Pros: Simlar to the composition above as it's cost-effective to getting to the boss fleet, and guarantees G branching, which allows two air reconnaissance rewards, but also can grant another pre-emptive torpedo salvo if Abukuma is equipped with a Type A Ko-hyoteki.
  • Cons: Can still be a game of chance to score a victory at boss, but it more easier to achieve.
  • 2AV, 3CL, 1DD (A → C → E → F → H → J, 4 fights total)
  • Pros: Highest damage output at boss, especially due to the boss fight almost always requiring night battle.
  • Cons: Needs to fight an extra battle against enemy fleet led by a CA Ne-Class Elite which has the stats close to a battleship.
  • 1AV, 2CL, 3DD (Either of the above routes, 3 or 4 fights total)
  • Pros: Has better damage over 1AV+1CL+4DD, and if the random compass sends you to G node, can fight at boss with better output and still only fighting 3 battles total.
  • Cons: Has to deal with RNG, and being sent to node F this way hurts a bit more.
Suggested ships (and equipment setups)
  • AV: Despite the fact that Akitsushima with her flying boats can succeed at the air reconnaissance better, her battle output is low, and as the boss fleet is rather tanky, using either Chitose, Chiyoda or most preferably Mizuho equipped with 2 Zuiun (or variants) and 1 Type A Ko-hyoteki probably is the better choice, especially since the opening torpedo can easily take out a less-armored target before shelling begins. (Akitsushima cannot equip Type A Ko-hyoteki, lower plane capacity, and no torpedo capability, period.) Note that any setup with seaplane bombers have chances being shot down, especially if Tsu-Class Elite shows up at node E, which may result in no air superiority at boss node.
  • CL: Generally, your 1~3 best CLs here. Unless your other ships can compensate for the lowered night battle damage, it is not recommended to use Ooyodo here. Abukuma Kai Ni is highly recommenced for here since she can be armed with a Type A Ko-hyoteki.
  • DD: Consider the boss fight will require night battle for the most part, and the fact that Destroyer Princess (harder version) has 115 armor, it is better to bring ships that have better night battle performances. Anti-Air equipment is not required for this map because no enemy fleets here have air capability.

Nodes And Enemy Encounters

Show/Hide Nodes and Enemy Encounters
Nodes and Enemy Encounters
NodePatternXpNode InfoForm
Active Branching
Pattern 1 (No combat)
Pattern 1100 Submarine Ka-Class eliteSubmarine Ka-ClassSubmarine Ka-ClassSubmarine Ka-ClassSubmarine Ka-Class
Pattern 2? Light Cruiser Ho-Class flagshipDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ro-Class Late Model
Pattern 3? Destroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ro-Class Late Model
Pattern 190 Submarine Yo-Class eliteSubmarine Yo-Class eliteSubmarine Ka-ClassSubmarine Ka-ClassSubmarine Ka-Class
Pattern 2100 Submarine Yo-Class eliteSubmarine Ka-Class eliteSubmarine Ka-Class eliteSubmarine Ka-ClassSubmarine Ka-ClassSubmarine Ka-Class

Pattern 3110 Submarine So-Class eliteSubmarine Yo-Class eliteSubmarine Ka-Class eliteSubmarine Ka-ClassSubmarine Ka-ClassSubmarine Ka-Class

Pattern 1150 Light Cruiser He-Class flagshipDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ro-Class Late Model
Pattern 2140 Light Cruiser He-Class flagshipDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ro-Class Late Model
Pattern 3130 Light Cruiser He-Class flagshipDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model
Pattern 4110 Light Cruiser He-Class flagshipDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ro-Class Late Model
Pattern 1220 Light Cruiser Tsu-Class eliteTorpedo Cruiser Chi-Class eliteTorpedo Cruiser Chi-Class eliteDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model
Pattern 2210 Light Cruiser He-Class flagshipTorpedo Cruiser Chi-Class eliteTorpedo Cruiser Chi-Class eliteDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model

Pattern 3200 Light Cruiser He-Class flagshipTorpedo Cruiser Chi-Class eliteTorpedo Cruiser Chi-Class eliteDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model
Pattern 1240 Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class eliteHeavy Cruiser Ri-Class eliteLight Cruiser To-Class eliteDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model
Pattern 2230 Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class eliteLight Cruiser To-Class eliteLight Cruiser To-Class eliteDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model
Pattern 3220 Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class eliteLight Cruiser To-Class eliteLight Cruiser To-Class eliteDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model
Pattern 4210 Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class eliteLight Cruiser To-Class eliteLight Cruiser Ho-Class eliteDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model
Air Reconnaissance
Pattern 1 (No combat)
Air Reconnaissance
Pattern 1 (No combat)
No Combat
Pattern 1 "No enemy sighted. Operation was a failure." (battle avoided)
Pattern 1400 Battleship Ta-Class flagshipBattleship Ta-Class flagshipHeavy Cruiser Ri-Class flagshipDestroyer PrincessDestroyer Ni-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ni-Class Late Model
Pattern 2400 Battleship Ta-Class flagshipHeavy Cruiser Ri-Class flagshipHeavy Cruiser Ri-Class flagshipDestroyer PrincessDestroyer Ni-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ni-Class Late Model
Pattern 3400 Battleship Ta-Class flagshipHeavy Cruiser Ri-Class flagshipHeavy Cruiser Ri-Class flagshipDestroyer PrincessDestroyer Ha-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ha-Class Late Model
Pattern 4400 Battleship Ta-Class flagshipHeavy Cruiser Ri-Class flagshipHeavy Cruiser Ri-Class flagshipDestroyer PrincessDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ro-Class Late Model
Pattern 5400 Battleship Ta-Class flagshipHeavy Cruiser Ri-Class flagshipLight Cruiser He-Class flagshipDestroyer PrincessDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ro-Class Late Model
Pattern 6
Final Form
400 Destroyer PrincessBattleship Ta-Class flagshipBattleship Ta-Class flagshipHeavy Cruiser Ri-Class flagshipDestroyer Ni-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ni-Class Late Model


Show/Hide Drops
Node Destroyers Light Cruisers Heavy Cruisers Seaplane Tender Aircraft Carrier Battleship Submarine Others
D Kikuzuki, Mutsuki Maya
E Satsuki, Sazanami Isuzu, Jintsuu, Kiso, Kitakami, Naka, Ooi, Sendai, Tatsuta, Tenryuu Aoba, Ashigara, Chikuma, Choukai, Furutaka, Kinugasa, Mogami Hiei, Hyuuga, Ise, Kirishima, Kongou I-19 Katori
F Jintsuu, Sendai Mogami Hiei, Ise I-19
J Harusame, Mutsuki, Satsuki, Shiranui Kitakami, Nagara, Noshiro, Ooi, Ooyodo, Sendai, Tama,Yuubari Aoba, Ashigara, Atago, Chikuma, Choukai, Furutaka, Haguro, Kako, Kinugasa, Kumano, Mogami, Myoukou, Suzuya, Takao, Tone Hiyou, Jun'you, Ryuujou, Shouhou, Shoukaku, Unryuu?, Zuihou, Zuikaku Haruna, Hiei, Hyuuga, Ise, Kirishima, Kongou I-19, I-168, I-58,

World 6-4: Central Northern Offshore Sea of Peacock Island

Strategy Name 離島再攻略作戦 (Island Recapture Operation)
Difficulty ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Strategy Content 水雷戦隊を旗艦とした攻略部隊または空母最大2隻を擁する機動部隊による中部海域離島攻略作戦を発動!艦隊、出撃せよ!
Organize a unit to undertake an operation to capture the Island. Form a fleet consisting of a maximum of 2 Aircraft Carrier or a torpedo squadron flagship! Fleet, set sail!

Stage Guide

Show/Hide Branching Rules
Branching Rules
STARTAFleets that fail conditions for B
BFleet is fast and has either 4DD, or CL3DD with a flag CL
MFleets that have more than 2 CAV, 2 BB, any CV or Akitsumaru; Fleets that do not have 2 DDs also start here
ADFleet Having no BB OR less than 3 CAV;

Fleet with Akitsushima AND BB < 2 AND BB + CAV < 3;

Fleet with 2 CAVs AND CL flagship
EFleet that doesn't satisfy A to D
EDFleet with Akitsushima
GFleet without Akitsushima
JIFast fleet with 1 CL + 2 DD and BB + CV < 3
LThe other cases
NFleet having Akitsumaru
KHthe other case
JFleet with 2 DD and BB < 2, BB + CV < 4
  • This map features multiple starting zone positions which were introduced in the Winter 2016 Event.
    • Ships consisting of a Torpedo Squadron (i.e. mostly DDs or CL and DDs) will start on left Side of the map
    • Any carrier will start on the east, as will any two battleships, or three CA(V)s
    • Not having two destroyers will also start on the west
    • You cannot bring no more than 2 CV(L)(B)
    • You cannot bring more than 2 (F)BB
  • Recommended fleet composition:
  • 1CL flagship, 1 FBB, 3DD, 1CAV
    • Gives the shortest and easiest route to boss - B,D,C,F,N.
    • Highly recommended only if you have enough WG42s, Daihatsu-class Landing Craft (Type 89 Medium Tanks & Marines) and Type 2 Ka-Mi Tank and had constructed a Seaplane Fighter.
    • Fleet has the best chance of reaching the boss node while maintaining fuel and ammo to allow for a better outcome in the boss fight.
    • It's highly recommended to have a seaplane fighter or an Italian ship to help aid you in maintaining air superiority / air parity over the fights on your way to the boss.
    • DDs and CLs are recommended to have WG42s and Daihatsu as these are the only effective ways to do damage to the Battery Imps and do decent chipping damage to the Isolated Island Princess, CAs and BBs should be armed with a Type 3 Shell against the installation bosses. BBs may also bring AP shells to help aid in doing daytime battle damage.
  • 1 BB(V), 1 CAV, 1CL, 2 DD, and Akitsushima
    • Akitsushima allows for the shortest possible path on the west entrance going from A,D,C,F and N.
    • In this case Akitsushima should be armed with at least 2 seaplane fighters as her role will serve to be a distraction and to maintain a degree of air superiority at the boss node depending on the formation.
  • 2 CAV, 1CL, and 3 DD
    • Allows for A,D,C,F and N.
  • More powerful set up in compared to Akitsushima but will result in some luck to ensure you'll deliver damage.

Regarding Boss Fleet

Regarding Land-Based Air Squadrons

  • Completing the quests B80 and F43 to earn a Construction Team to gain access to your Land-Based Air Squadron is highly recommended to help simplify the battle on the boss node for this map.
  • It's recommended to bring 2 Land Based Bombers and 2 Fighters if you have access to your LBAS.
    • 3 Land Based Bombers and 1 Fighters is an alternative recommendation, if you want to have a better shot at damaging the installations, but may result in your loosing planes more and also will likely loose your Land Based Attack Bombers' expertise in the process.
  • The Distance your Land Based Planes can travel on this map is calculated from Start Point 1 and heading eastward each node.
  • Bring planes with a distance of 5 or more in order for this to support an attack on the boss node.
  • If your Land Based planes focus on targeting the Artillery Imps and Supply Depot Princess the battle will be significantly easier.
  • This map can also serve as a good location to train your Land Based attack planes to max expertise. Bring only Land Based Attackers with a distances of 8 or more as they will reach enough distance to allow you to use Maruyu solo on the submarine node on Node M which your planes should target in order to train them.

Nodes And Enemy Encounters

Show/Hide Nodes and Enemy Encounters
Nodes and Enemy Encounters
NodePatternXpLvNode InfoFormAir
中部海域哨戒水雷戦隊 A群
Central Waters Patrolling
Torpedo Sqaudron Group A
Pattern 1160 102 - 120 Light Cruiser Ho-Class flagshipTorpedo Cruiser Chi-Class flagshipTorpedo Cruiser Chi-Class flagshipDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ro-Class Late Model
Pattern 2140 120 Light Cruiser Ho-Class flagshipTorpedo Cruiser Chi-Class flagshipTorpedo Cruiser Chi-Class flagshipDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model
Pattern 3130 99 - 108 Light Cruiser Ho-Class flagshipTorpedo Cruiser Chi-Class flagshipTorpedo Cruiser Chi-Class flagshipDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model
Pattern 4170 120 Light Cruiser Ho-Class flagshipTorpedo Cruiser Chi-Class flagshipTorpedo Cruiser Chi-Class flagshipDestroyer Ha-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ro-Class Late Model
中部海域哨戒水雷戦隊 B群
Central Waters Patrolling
Torpedo Sqaudron Group B
Pattern 1140 99 - 116 Light Cruiser Ho-Class flagshipDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model
Pattern 2130 109 - 120 Light Cruiser Ho-Class flagshipDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model
Pattern 3120 99 - 104 Light Cruiser Ho-Class flagshipDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model
Pattern 4170 109 - 120 Light Cruiser Ho-Class flagshipDestroyer Ha-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ha-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ro-Class Late Model
Pattern 5160 99 - 109 Light Cruiser Ho-Class flagshipDestroyer Ha-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ro-Class Late Model
Isolated Island Defense
Battleship Unit
Pattern 1200 109 - 120 Battleship Ru-Class flagshipBattleship Ru-Class flagshipLight Cruiser He-Class flagshipDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelLight Carrier Nu-Class elite
Pattern 2200 108 or below Battleship Ru-Class flagshipBattleship Ru-Class flagshipLight Cruiser He-Class flagshipDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late ModelLight Carrier Nu-Class elite
Pattern 3190 105 - 120 Battleship Ru-Class flagshipBattleship Ru-Class flagshipLight Cruiser He-Class flagshipDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelLight Carrier Nu-Class
Pattern 4170 108 or below Battleship Ru-Class flagshipBattleship Ru-Class flagshipLight Cruiser He-Class flagshipDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late ModelLight Carrier Nu-Class
Pattern 5240 107 - 120 Battleship Ru-Class flagshipBattleship Ru-Class flagshipLight Cruiser He-Class flagshipDestroyer Ni-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ni-Class Late ModelLight Carrier Nu-Class elite
Pattern 6220 107 or below Battleship Ru-Class flagshipBattleship Ru-Class flagshipLight Cruiser He-Class flagshipDestroyer Ha-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ha-Class Late ModelLight Carrier Nu-Class elite
Isolated Island Land Based
Air Group
Pattern 1120 Isolated Island Princess AS:123
Pattern 2120 Isolated Island Princess AS:89
Central Waters Patrolling
Mobile Unit
Pattern 1160 105 - 120 Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class flagshipLight Cruiser Ho-Class flagshipDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late ModelSubmarine Ka-Class eliteSubmarine Ka-Class elite
Pattern 2150 104 - 120 Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class flagshipLight Cruiser Ho-Class flagshipDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late ModelSubmarine Ka-ClassSubmarine Ka-Class elite
Pattern 3140 119 and below Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class flagshipLight Cruiser Ho-Class flagshipDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late ModelSubmarine Ka-ClassSubmarine Ka-Class
Isolated Island Land Based
Air Group
Pattern 1120 107 and lower Isolated Island Princess AS:123
Pattern 2120 107 and lower Isolated Island Princess AS:117
Pattern 3120 105 and lower Isolated Island Princess AS:89
Isolated Island Land Based
Air Group
Pattern 1100 120 Isolated Island Princess AS:123
Pattern 2100 120 and lower Isolated Island Princess AS:89
Isolated Island Defense
Battleship Unit
Pattern 1
Isolated Island Mixed
Air Group
Pattern 1
任務部隊 I群
Task Force Group I
Pattern 1
任務部隊 II群
Task Force Group II
Pattern 1
Reinforcement Escort
Aircraft Carrier Unit
Pattern 1
Central Water Subamrine
Patrol Line
Pattern 1
Isolated Island Garrison
Pattern 1


Show/Hide Drops
Node Destroyers Light Cruisers Heavy Cruisers Seaplane Tender Aircraft Carrier Battleship Submarine Others
C, H Akitsushima?
N Akigumo, Tokitsukaze Yuubari Aoba, Atago, Chikuma, Furutaka, Kako, Kinugasa, Mogami, Takao, Tone Souryuu, Hiryuu Haruna, Hiei, Hyuuga, Ise, Kirishima, Kongou, Fusou, Yamashiro, Nagato, Mutsu Hayasui?

World 6-5: "Carrier Task Force Interception" Off the Coast of KW Atoll

Strategy Name 空母機動部隊迎撃戦
Carrier Task Force Interception
Difficulty ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
Item None
Strategy Content 中部海域最前線に有力な敵機動部隊が襲来した!同戦域に展開する基地航空隊と協同し、敵艦隊を迎撃、これを撃滅せよ!
A Powerful Carrier Task force is conducting an invasion in the Central Water Frontlines! With the Cooperation of your Land Base Air Sqaudron, deploy into the same theater, intercept the enemy fleet, and eliminate them!

Stage Guide

This is a new map and data here may not be 100% accurate yet

Show/Hide Branching Rules
Branching Rules
STARTAFleets that do not satisfy the requirement to start at B
Bno CLT / CV(B), at least 1 CL in fleet and BB < 4
BCnot satisfy the requirement from B to C
Fsatisfy all of the requirement: have 1 CL 2 DD and BB < 3
CDCV + BB < 4 , at least 1 DD, less than 2 CA and less than 2 CLT
Enot satisfy the requirement from C to D
IHstart from 1
Jstart from 2
  • Requires destroying the Aircraft Carrier Princess 6 times to clear.
  • This map features multiple starting zone positions. However, the south route goes through more nodes without CVs and has J node (a night battle node).
  • Clearing this map rewards 1 Medal and 250 ranking points. The boss HP bar is reset at the beginning of each month.
  • Air raids will appear once you get the second kill on the boss. However, these will stop after you deplete the bar.
  • The enemy composition of the map will get harder after you get 3 kills (1 elite ship) and when you reach the final kill (all elite ships)
  • Recommended fleet composition:
    • South route: 1 CL 2 BB 1 CA(V) 2 DD
      • Longer route: B-F-I-J-M
      • Pre-boss is easier except the night battle at J, you'll also have to depend a lot on your LBAS
  • Tips:
  • Having access to both of your LBAS for this map is highly recommended for the sake of being able to complete this map with relative easy.
  • LBAS setup should be 2 fighters and 2 Land Based Land Attack Bombers.
  • LBAS should be set to target the boss node.
  • If fortunate enough, it can be possible to take out the Aircraft Carrier Princess with the LBAS or take out a majority of her planes allowing for a chance to easily wipe out all of her bombers rendering her defenseless.
  • Eliminating the entire Escort fleet is key so that you can have a high chance of getting a torpedo salvo on the main fleet.
  • If you are able to take out the enemy fleet's escort flagship, the escort fleet should be removed in night battle leaving only the main fleet.
  • Do prepare a sizable amount of bauxite for this map as it'll be a costly monthly EO.

Nodes And Enemy Encounters

Show/Hide Nodes and Enemy Encounters
Nodes and Enemy Encounters
NodePatternXpNode InfoForm
Pattern 1
Pattern 1
Pattern 1
Pattern 1
Pattern 1
Pattern 1
Pattern 1
Pattern 1
Pattern 1
Pattern 1
Pattern 1
Pattern 1
Pattern 1


Show/Hide Drops
Node Destroyers Light Cruisers Heavy Cruisers Seaplane Tender Aircraft Carrier Battleship Submarine Others
