Transport Operation

Example of an event map with a transport operation from Winter 2016.

Transport Operations are an event mechanic that was introduced during the Fall 2015 Event. Unlike the usual map-clearing mechanic, completing a Transport Operation does not require to kill the boss.


When the fleet reaches the "Transport Loadout Node", a notice will show how much transport equipment is brought with the fleet which will count toward the TP score. In this case, this fleet was equipped with 10 Drums and 1 Landing Craft.

The objective of the Transport Operation is to deplete a Transport (TP) gauge/bar.

  • The amount of TP that needs to be depleted varies by difficulty and map.

The TP Gauge is depleted each time the fleet reaches a "Transport Loadout Node" (a node marked with a green flag) and then scores an A+ rank at the boss, with S ranks depleting more points than A ranks.

  • Ships that are heavily damaged (大破), evacuated, or sunk, are not counted towards gauge depletion.

The boss does not need to be sunk at any point.

  • Sinking it may be advisable to get S ranks and so deplete the gauge faster.
  • In the eventuality there is no boss node after the TP node, then just reaching the node is enough, counting as an S rank all the time.

Those phases are usually completed by a single fleet or a "Transport Escort Force" (TCF).

1-6 behaves similarly to Transport Operations, but is not one, being much simpler.

Spring 2025 Event's E-2 introduced a new type, the "Landing Operation", where "tanks" do bring more points.

TP Gauge Depletion

TP gauge reduction is calculated using the following formula:

Damage Formula
[math]\displaystyle{ \text{TP}_\text{drain} = \Bigg\lfloor \bigg\lfloor \Big( \sum_\text{All equipment} \text{TP}_\text{equip} + \sum_\text{All ships} \text{TP}_\text{ship} \Big) \bigg\rfloor \times \text{Mod}_\text{rank} \Bigg\rfloor }[/math]
  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{Mod}_\text{rank} }[/math] the rank modifier, being:
    • 1.0 for S ranks,
    • 0.7 for A ranks,
    • 0 otherwise.
  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{TP}_\text{equip} }[/math] the Equipment TP value, described below.
  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{TP}_\text{ship} }[/math] the Ship TP value, described below.
    • It is 0 for all shipw being either heavily damaged, evacuated, or sunk.
Once the TP Gauge is successfully depleted, it will explode before either the map is considered complete or moves on to another Gauge.

Equipment TP

The following equipment increase the TP drain for Transport Operations.

  • Those bonuses stack infinitely, regardless of the exact equipment.
Transport Operation
Equipment S-Rank A-Rank
  Landing Craft 8.0 5.6
  Drum Canisters  5.0 3.5
  Amphibious Vehicles 2.0 1.4
1.0 0.7
Landing Operation success screen
Landing Operation tank counter

The following equipment increase the TP drain for Landing Operations.

  • Those bonuses stack infinitely, regardless of the exact equipment.
Landing Operation - Equipment [1]
Type Equipment S-Rank A-Rank
  Daihatsu Landing Craft 
Toku Daihatsu Landing Craft 
Armed Daihatsu 
6 4.2
DLC + T89 Tank  15 10.5
DLC + Panzer II  22 15.4
Toku DLC + Ho-Ni Tank  41 28.7
Toku DLC + 11th Reg  47 32.9
M4A1 DD  25 17.5
Toku DLC + Panzer III  28 19.6
Toku DLC + Chi-Ha  23 16.1
Toku DLC + Chi-Ha Kai  29 20.3
Toku DLC + Panzer III J  33 23.1
  Ka-Mi tank  10 7
Ka-Tsu tank  7 4.9
Ka-Tsu tank Kai  9 6.3
  Army Infantry Corps  15 10.5
Chi-Ha  17 11.9
Chi-Ha Kai  23 16.1
Infantry + Chi-Ha Kai  38 26.6
  [2] Drum Canisters  3 2.1
  [3] Rations 
0.8? 0.56?

Ship TP

The following ship types increase the TP drain for Transport Operations.

  • Those bonuses are 0 for all ships being either heavily damaged (大破), evacuated, or sunk.
Ship Type S-Rank A-Rank
AO Fleet Oiler 15.0 10.5
LHA Amphibious Assault Ship 12.0 8.4
Kinu Kai Ni  10.0 6.8
AV Seaplane Tender 9.0 6.3
BBV Aviation Battleship 7.0 4.9
AS Submarine Tender
CT Training Cruiser 6.0 4.2
DD Destroyer 5.0 3.5
CAV Aviation Cruiser 4.0 2.8
CL Light Cruiser 2.0 1.2
SSV Aircraft Carrying Submarine 1.0 0.7
BB Battleship 0.0 0.0
FBB Fast Battleship
CV Standard Carrier
CVB Armored Carrier
CVL Light Carrier
CA Heavy Cruiser
CLT Torpedo Cruiser
DE Coastal Defense Ships
SS Submarine
Landing Operation - Ship [4]
Ship Type S-Rank A-Rank
AO Fleet Oiler ? ?
LHA [5] Amphibious Assault Ship 7? 4.9?
Kinu Kai Ni  7.3? 5.11?
AV Seaplane Tender ? ?
BBV Aviation Battleship ? ?
AS Submarine Tender
CT Training Cruiser ? ?
DD [6] Destroyer 3.3 2.31
CAV Aviation Cruiser ? ?
CL Light Cruiser 1.3 0.91
SSV Aircraft Carrying Submarine ? ?
BB Battleship 0.0 0.0
FBB Fast Battleship
CV Standard Carrier
CVB Armored Carrier
CVL Light Carrier
CA Heavy Cruiser
CLT Torpedo Cruiser
DE Coastal Defense Ships
SS Submarine
  • The flagship position seems to affect the gains [7].


  • Stacking only TP equipment can compromise the ability to score an A+ rank and result in no depletion at all. On the other hand, focusing too much on offensive capability may result in minimal gauge depletion even on an S rank.
    • It is ideal to find a balance ranking A+ rank the boss while taking as much TP equipment as possible.
  • When using a Transport Escort Fleet, the escort fleet should be where the combat-focused ship girls are assigned, since the escort may also attack at night.
  • Although Landing Craft deplete the most TP, careful consideration should go into whether using Landing Craft-capable ships is appropriate. Locking key ship when Anti-Installation is required in subsequent maps can result in disaster.
Ships that can equip Landing Craft / Amphibious Vehicles
Type Landing Craft   Both   &   Amphibious Vehicle  
DD                                              Kai Ni D      Kai Ni D      Kai Ni D          Kai Ni D      Kai Ni                
CL      Kai Ni D          Kai Ni Toku    
CAV  Kai Ni Toku
(F)BB(V)    Kai Ni Juu  Kai Ni C        
CVL      Kai Ni Sen
AV                  Kai Ni Toku
SS(V) All

  Soukoutei (Armored Boat Class) : Shinshuu Maru 

   Ka-Tsu tanks 
: I-36 
 · I-41 
 · I-47 Kai  · I-58 Kai 


See Also