
Installations are an enemy-type representing "land-based installations", and are characterized by high armor and high HP. They are difficult to handle using normal anti-ship setups and require specific setups in order to be destroyed. Installations are typically found as bosses or as boss escorts.

General Characteristics

  • Installations cannot perform or benefit from flagship protection.
  • They have different damage statuses instead of the normal ones used for ships.
    • These statuses are merely cosmetic in nature and have no gameplay difference.
Ship Damage Label Installation Damage Label
Lightly Damaged
Moderately Damaged
Heavily Damaged

Installation Classification

Installations are classified by two categories: Ship Type (BB, BBV, or CV) and Toughness (Soft Skin or Hard Skin).

Installations Glossary

Here is a list of all "Installation type Abyssals" ever encountered in the game.

  • Are listed the base forms of those installations, most coming in many variations often depending on the map difficulty, the map state (last-dance), and the event itself (most events bringing new variations).
    • Some installation sub-forms of interest are also listed, those forms having special variations like a different type than the main form, of some special abilities.
  • Note that some toughness characterization may be erroneous, since most of those installations were introduced before this system was defined.
    • Some event-only installations might not fall in one of these categories.
Installations Glossary
Type Hard Soft Soft (Supply Depot)
BB  6-4        
BBV   Not Torpedo Immune     3-5  4-3 & 4-5        6-4      
CV  6-4  
"Installations Like" abyssals
     Mod C Mod C
Those Abyssals are still considered surface ships, but receive bonus damages from anti-installation equipment, see here.

Ship Type

Type Characteristics
Battleship (BB)
  • Uses the surface shelling formula for calculating damage.
  • Uses the shelling attack animation in day and night battle.
  • Can continue attacking when moderately damaged.
Aviation Battleship (BBV)
  • Uses the carrier attack formula for calculating damage.
  • Uses the shelling attack animation in day and night battle.
  • Cannot attack during the day if moderately damaged or if there are no planes left.
  • Forced to attack submarines if they have equipment with  Anti-Submarine stat.
Carrier (CV)
  • Uses the carrier attack formula for calculating damage.
  • Uses the carrier attack animation in day battle and the shelling animation at night.
  • Cannot attack during the day if moderately damaged or if there are no planes left.
  • Do not enable the 2nd shelling phase if there is no battleship present.

Skin Toughness

Type Characteristics
Soft Skin
  • Takes a lot of damage from  AA Shells 
    and less from other Anti-Installation equipment.
    • This weakness allows battleships and heavy cruisers to easily deal with these installation types.
    • Still takes a decent amount of damage from other anti-installation equipment.
  • Supply Depot Princesses have extra Post-Cap modifiers.
Hard Skin

Attack Behavior

The targeting of installation follow some special rules.

Support Expedition

  • Shelling Support expedition can attack installations.
  • It's unknown if torpedo support and ASW support will target installations or not.

Air strike

  • Normal dive bombers can not attack installations during the air strike phase.
  • Only Anti-installation Dive Bombers can target installation.
  • It's unknown if ASW plane will prioritize Submarine or installation.
  Dive-Bombers that can attack installations

Carriers will only attack installations in the shelling phase if equipped with Torpedo Bombers or Anti-Installation Dive Bombers.

  • Additionally, carriers will attack installations if equipped with non-special dive bombers AND one of the special dive bombers below.
  • Any other dive bomber will completely disable shelling against installations even if the carrier has a torpedo bomber equipped.
  • This can be very useful to manipulate the targeting mechanic so the carriers attack important targets.
Ju 87C Kai
Prototype Nanzan
Ju 87C Kai Ni (w/ KMX)
Ju 87C Kai Ni (w/ KMX/Skilled)

Suisei Model 12 (634 Air Group w/ Type 3 Cluster Bombs)
Suisei Model 12 (w/ Type 31 Photoelectric Fuze Bombs)
Type 99 Dive Bomber Model 22
Type 99 Dive Bomber Model 22 (Skilled)


  • Submarines can attack installations during shelling if equipped with a Special Type 2 Amphibious Tank .
    • They will only target installations during the shelling phases.
    • They will be able to attack installations at night regardless of equipment.
    • Their low firepower makes them poor anti-installation ships.
  • Carriers are unable to perform CVCI on installations, even if equipped with anti-installation dive bombers.
  • Ise and Hyuuga can perform the suisei-CI against installation with any Dive Bomber.
  • Special Attacks behave like normal against installation.


  • Both opening and closing torpedoes can not target installations.
    • Opening and closing torpedoes will fail to trigger if only installation targets remain.

Night Battle

  • The torpedo stat is ignored when calculating night battle damage against installations. Please see Night Battle for more details.
    • This makes destroyers, light cruisers, and heavy cruisers much weaker unless equipped with anti-installation equipment.
  • When targeting installation the Cut-in choice will ignore any equipped torpedo.
    • Except Special DD Cut-in that include a main gun (torpedo stat is still considered equal to 0).
  • Night shelling Carrier Attacks will deal damage like they would to ships.
    • This include Ark Royal's night swordfish attack.
  • Air night attacks ignore all anti-installation bonus
    • The attack can target installations even if no anti-installation dive bombers is equipped

Damage Calculation

  • During day, damage is capped at 220 so any ship with a proper anti-installation setup will be able to hit the cap.
    • When facing hard-skinned installations, it is better for battleships to have AP shells instead of Type 3 because they will hit the day cap anyway.
  • Anti-installation is very important during night battle when the cap is raised to 360.
  • Torpedo stat is always counted as 0 when attacking installations. This applies to both airstrikes and night battles.
    • However improvements that provide damage during Night Battle is taken into account during such.
  • Supply Depot Princess is the only known installation that takes post-cap damage from anti-installation equipment.
    • This makes her vulnerable to getting one shot by nuke setups. See below for details.
  • While dive bombers have a post-cap bonus during the air-strike, the low base damage means it is of limited effectiveness against high armor installations.
  • The Armor Piercing modifier (post-cap) is effective against installation.


Installations generally have a lot of HP and/or armor. But multiple different cumulative bonuses exist against them, allowing for massive damage when using the right set-ups. These bonuses are divided into 5 groups and are calculated in the following order[1]:

  1. Ship type bonuses
  2. General multiplicative bonuses
  3. Specific equipment bonuses:
    1. 11th regiment bonuses
    2. M4A1 bonuses
    3. Ho-Ni bonuses
    4. Landing craft synergy bonuses
  4. General Flat bonuses
  5. Post-cap bonuses against Supply Depot Princess 
  • The order of bonuses is still being researched so it might change in the future

Pre-cap Shelling:

  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{Atk}_\text{pre-cap} = \Big( \big[ \big( [ ( \text{Atk}_\text{base} {\color{tomato} \times \text{A0}} {\color{DeepSkyBlue} + \text{B0}} ) {\color{tomato} \times \text{A1}} {\color{DeepSkyBlue}} ] {\color{tomato} \times \text{A21}} {\color{DeepSkyBlue} + \text{B21}} \big) {\color{tomato} \times \text{A22}} {\color{DeepSkyBlue} + \text{B22}} \big] {\color{tomato} \times \text{A23}} {\color{DeepSkyBlue} + \text{B23}} \Big) {\color{tomato} \times \text{A24}} {\color{DeepSkyBlue} + \text{B24} + \text{B1}} }[/math]

Pre-cap Carrier Shelling:

  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{Atk}_\text{pre-cap} = \Big[ \Big( \big[ \big( [ \text{Atk}_\text{base} {\color{tomato} \times \text{A1}} ] {\color{tomato} \times \text{A21}} {\color{DeepSkyBlue} + \text{B21}} \big) {\color{tomato} \times \text{A22}} {\color{DeepSkyBlue} + \text{B22}} \big] {\color{tomato} \times \text{A23}} {\color{DeepSkyBlue} + \text{B23}} \Big) {\color{tomato} \times \text{A24}} {\color{DeepSkyBlue} + \text{B24} + \text{B1}} +(\text{DB} \times 1.3) + 15 \Big] \times 1.5 +25 }[/math]


  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{Atk}_\text{cap} = \text{Cap} + \sqrt{\text{Atk}_\text{pre-cap} - \text{Cap}} }[/math]


  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{Atk}_\text{post-cap} = \text{Atk}_\text{cap} {\color{tomato} \times \text{C}} {\color{tomato} \times \text{C1}} }[/math]


  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{Atk}_\text{base} }[/math] the base attack deffined here,
  • A & C the Multiplicative bonuses,
  • B the Flat bonuses,
  • A & B being pre-cap bonuses,
  • C being post-cap bonuses.
  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{DB} }[/math] being the   bombing stat of Anti-installation Dive Bomber only
  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{Cap} }[/math] is:
    • 220 during day,
    • 360 during night.


Ship type bonuses

Ship type Target Bonuses
A0 DD / CL   1.4
Akagi Kai Ni  / Hiryuu Kai Ni  / Souryuu Kai Ni [1]   1.25
B0 SS / SSV All installation 30
  1. Kaga has been tested and not bonus was found against the Harbour Summer Princess.

General multiplicative bonuses

These bonuses depend on the enemy targeted, as well as the equipment used.

Installation Type Soft-Skinned      
Number Equipped Single Multiple Single Multiple Single Multiple Single Multiple
  AA Shells 
2.5 1.75 1.75
  AP Shells 
1.85 1.3
  WG42 (Wurfgerät 42)  1.3 1.82 1.4 2.1 1.6 2.72 1.4 1.68
Anti-Ground Rocket Launcher 
1.25 1.875 1.3 2.145 1.5 2.7 1.25 1.75
  ASW Mortars 
1.2 1.56 1.2 1.68 1.3 1.95 1.1 1.265
  Landing Craft Type Multiplier 1.4 1.8 1.8 1.7
  Landing Craft Improvement Multiplier 1 + (Average   /50)
(  1.2x)
Toku Daihatsu  1.15 1.15 1.15 1.2
DLC + T89 tank 
Toku DLC + Ho-Ni tank 
1.5 1.95 1.2 1.68 1.5 2.1 1.6 2.4
DLC + Panzer II  1.5 1.95 1.2 1.68 1.5 2.1 1.6 2.4
Toku DLC + Panzer III  ? ? ? ?
Toku DLC + 11th Reg 
M4A1 DD  1.1 1.8 2.0 2.0
Armed Daihatsu 

☀ Day Only

1.1 1.21 1.3 1.43 1.3 1.56 1.5 1.65
  Ka-Mi tank  1.5 1.8 2.4 3.24 2.4 3.24 2.8 4.2
  Amphibious Tank Improvement Multiplier 1 + (Average   /30)
(  1.33x)
  Dive Bombers 1.4 2.45 1.5 3.0 1.3 1.56
   Seaplane Bombers/Fighters 1.2 1.5 1.3
  • The Improvement Bonus takes the average for all Landing Crafts equipped on the ship.
  • The Improvement Bonus takes the average for all Amphibious Tanks equipped on the ship.
  1. Last time updated: 09/10/2022, source:

Specific equipment bonuses

The following multipliers are pre-cap.

Equipment Multiplicative bonus Flat Bonus
Toku DLC Tank Bonus A21 B21
 Toku DLC + 11th Reg 

 Toku DLC + Ho-Ni tank 
 Toku DLC + Panzer III 

1.8 25
Sherman Bonus A22 B22
 M4A1 DD  1.4 35
Ho-Ni Tank Regiment Bonus A23 B23
 Toku DLC + Ho-Ni tank  1.3 42
DLC Synergy Bonus A24 B24
 Armed Daihatsu 
Group 1[1] Group 2[2] Multiplicative bonus Flat Bonus
Only one[3] 1 of Any 1.2 10
Both 1 0 1.32 12
0 1 1.44 13
2 of any 1.56 15

Flat Damage Bonuses

Amount Equipped 1 2 3 4+
  WG42  75 110 140 160
Anti-Ground Rocket Launcher  55 115 160 190
Anti-Ground Rocket Launcher CD  80 170 230 260
  ASW Mortar  30 55 75 90
ASW Mortar CD  60 110 150 180

Post-Cap Bonus

Supply Depot Princess

Supply Depot Princess  is currently the only installation to have a post-cap bonus for shelling. These bonuses are applied after the soft damage cap.

  • Supply Depot Princess is a soft-skinned installation for purposes of Pre-Cap Bonuses.
Installation Type  
Number Equipped Single Multiple
  WG42  1.25 1.625
Anti-Ground Rocket Launcher 
1.2 1.68
  ASW Mortars 
1.15 1.38
  Landing Craft Type Multiplier 1.7
  Landing Craft Improvement Multiplier [1 + (Average   /50)]N
Toku Daihatsu  1.2
DLC + T89 tank 
Toku DLC + Ho-Ni tank 
1.3 2.08
DLC + Panzer II  1.3
Toku DLC + Panzer III  ?
Toku DLC + 11th Reg 
M4A1 DD  1.2
Armed Daihatsu 
1.5 1.65
  Ka-Mi tank  1.7 2.55
  Amphibious Tank Improvement Multiplier 1 + (Average   /30)
(  1.33x)

Rations Bonuses

The developers have mentioned that   Rations 
consumed by a girl "affect landing crafts' morale"[1].

Installation Type All installations[2]
Number Equipped Single Multiple
  Combat Ration  1.13 ??
Combat Ration (Special Onigiri)  ?? ??
Canned Saury  ?? ??
  • A   Landing Craft might be required to be equipped on the attacking ship for this bonus to be applied.
  • As it is the only post-cap bonus common to all installations, it has a great potential.
  • Due to the limited nature of Rations, this bonus is mostly "Pay To Win", and so is not recommended.

Land Base Bonus

For the damage formula, please refer to the LBAS page. The bonuses work for all bombers on the land base (except maybe jets).

Installation Targeted      
Pre-cap Multiplicative [math]\displaystyle{ {\color{tomato}\text{Mod}_\text{AIpre}} }[/math] -
1.18 1.6 -
Post-cap [math]\displaystyle{ {\color{tomato}\text{Mod}_\text{AIpost3}} }[/math] [math]\displaystyle{ {\color{tomato}\text{Mod}_\text{AIpost1}} }[/math]
1.7 1.55 2.1
Flat - [math]\displaystyle{ {\color{DeepSkyBlue}\text{Mod}_\text{AIpost2}} }[/math]
- - 100

Air Strike

We are currently lacking information on how modifiers affect opening air-strikes.

Installation-like warships

This section is for special ships with installation-like behaviors, taking additional damages from anti-installation equipment.

  • Those bonuses are post-cap only, meaning none of the "anti-installation bonuses" previously mentioned are applied.
  • Be aware that the sample is limited (event only) so the information may be inaccurate and/or old.
Installation-like warships
Installation Type      Mod C Mod C[1]
Anchorage Water Demon Vacation Mode Dock Princess Supply Depot Princess C Vacation Mode
Number Equipped Single Multiple Single Multiple Single Multiple
  AA Shells 
1.45 1.3
  WG42 (Wurfgerät 42)  1.2 1.56 1.1 1.32 1.25 1.625
Anti-Ground Rocket Launcher 
1.15 1.61 ? 1.2 1.68
  ASW Mortars 
1.1 1.15 1.38
  Landing Craft Type Multiplier 1.4 1.1 1.7
  Landing Craft Improvement Multiplier 1 + (Average   /50)
(  1.2x)
[1 + (Average   /50)]N
  Toku Daihatsu  1.15 1.2
DLC + T89 tank 
Toku DLC + Ho-Ni tank 
1.2 1.68 1.15 1.3225 1.3 2.08
DLC + Panzer II  1.2 1.68 1.15 1.3225 1.3 2.08
M4A1 DD  1.8 1.1 1.2
Armed Daihatsu 
1.2 1.1 1.5 1.65
Toku DLC + Panzer III 

Toku DLC + 11th Reg 
Toku DLC + Ho-Ni tank 

  Ka-Mi tank  2.4 3.24 1.2 1.7 2.55
  Amphibious Tank Improvement Multiplier 1 + (Average   /30)
(  1.33x)
  Dive Bombers 1.4 2.45 1.1 1.21
  Jets 2.45
   Seaplane Bombers/Fighters 1.1
Ship Nagato-class
  1. Updated on the 08/09/2022 during the Summer 2022 Event [1].

Equipment Setups

Below are recommended equipment setups for anti-installation purposes. The equipment order is illustrative and does not reasonably matter.

As a general rule:

  • Regarding  :
    • If a ship's base firepower is low, it can be viable to use Anti-Ground Rockets to provide a large flat damage increase to supplement the ship's anti-installation damage.
    • Depending on whether one or more Anti-Ground Artilleries are to be equipped on a ship, it is recommended to use a WG42 for singular purposes, or Shipborne Model Type 4 20cm Anti-ground Rocket Launchers (or CD) if multiple are needed.
    •   ASW Mortar 
      are inferior substitutes to regular Anti-Ground Artilleries when lacking those.
  • Regarding   and  :
    • These provide a high damage multiplier against Installations. Some specialized variants also provide an additional flat damage increase that is multiplicative with certain modifiers.
    • As Landing Crafts and Amphibious Tanks have separate multipliers, it is recommended to use them in tandem to maximize the effect.

Nuke Setup describes any setups using anti-installation equipment from multiple categories to multiplicatively amplify damage dealt to Installations.

  • Such a setup has a strong anti-installation power against all installations but is hampered by the daytime damage cap.
  • Nuke Setups are recommended to be used when dealing with Supply Depot Princess in particular, utilizing the high post-cap side of the bonuses to deal with her generally high HP pool.
  • The setup's damage can be further improved by using multiple copies of those types of equipment where applicable.
    • For example, equipping multiple Tank    or a Landing Crafts with unique bonuses instead of anti-ground rockets provides better damage output for the ship, however it's advised to only do so if you have enough available for the other ships in your fleet that require them.

All "surface" anti-installation setups can be further enhanced by using them in Special Attacks, especially Nelson's Touch.

Equipment Setup Notes
     The basic battleship setup. Because Battleships are not far away from the damage cap compared to other ship types, they do not benefit much from the high pre-cap multipliers that anti-installation equipment provide. The standard artillery spotting setup will allow them to utilize spotting attacks and AP Shell's post-cap bonuses against the installation, as well as be effective against all other targets in the enemy fleet.
     This is an option when facing soft-skinned installations. Taking an AA shell will slightly improve their damage versus installations, but will also limit the battleship's effectiveness against all other targets by reducing their artillery spotting attack types.
      Yamato-class Kai Ni & Ise-class Kai Ni only.
  • "Best of both worlds" for 5-slot battleships.
Nagato-class Kai Ni & Yamato Kai Ni Juu only.
  • The landing craft/amphibious tank will make their Special Attacks deal significantly more damage to installation enemies. Keeping the seaplane allows to still perform artillery spotting to maintain enough effectiveness against other targets.
Nuke Setup , Yamato Kai Ni Juu only.
  • A proper nuke setup keeping the Double Attack and artillery spotting, that uses Yamato's ability to carry Secondary Guns in her RE, also taking advantage of her Special Attack.
  • An AP Shell may be used to replace the anti-ground rockets to improve performance against other targets, while improving the damage multiplier of Yamato's Special Attacks and Artillery Spotting types.
     The standard anti-installation setup for heavy cruisers. It allows artillery spotting and deals decent damage against installations.
  • This is an alternative setup only for aviation cruisers. It removes the ability to artillery spot for much more powerful anti-installation damage at night.
  • For Mogami-class Cruisers with a Reinforcement Expansion, an option to equip 8cm High Angle Guns in the expansion slot in order to retain a weaker variant of artillery spotting is a viable alternative.
Nuke Setup , Mogami Kai Ni Toku only.
  • The last setup uses Mogami's ability to carry 8cm High-angle Guns 
    in her RE, making this a true nuke setup while keeping the Double Attack.
    Nuke Setup
     A setup for 4-slot light cruisers. This preserves their ability to double attack at night while giving them significant anti-installation power.
    Nuke Setup
Mini-Nuke Setup
  • Substitute nuke setups to use ONLY when lacking Landing Craft or Amphibious Tanks.
Setups that keep the Double Attack while maintaining decent anti-installation power, allowing reasonable effectiveness against installation and other targets at night.
     Tashkent only.
  • Functions much like the light cruiser setup with a powerful night battle double attack.
    This is only to be used when having anti-installation dive bombers. It will allow the carrier to still perform CVCI against other targets.
    The numbers of torpedo bombers and fighters in this setup can be varied depending on the amount of fighter power required. This is the standard carrier anti-installation setup. While it does sacrifice CVCI, the carrier shelling formula, and proficiency bonuses, it still ensures that carriers will do significant damage to installations and other targets.
     Gambier Bay Mk.II & Unyou Kai/Ni only.
  • The closest setup to a proper "CV nuke".
    Nuke Setup
  • 4-slot AVs can also either take a 2nd anti-ground rocket, a midget sub, or a seaplane fighter in their last slot.
Nuke Setup
  • LHAs can carry some of the strongest 4 slots nuke configurations.
    +  Mega-Nuke Setup , Shinshuu Maru Kai only.

Additional Information

Landing Craft/Amphibious Tank Capable Ships

Ships that can equip Landing Craft / Amphibious Vehicles
Type Landing Craft   Both   &   Amphibious Vehicle  
DD                                          Kai Ni D      Kai Ni D      Kai Ni D          Kai Ni D      Kai Ni              
CL      Kai Ni D          Kai Ni Toku    
CAV  Kai Ni Toku
(F)BB(V)    Kai Ni Juu    Kai Ni C  
CVL      Kai Ni Sen
AV                  Kai Ni Toku
SS(V) All

  Soukoutei (Armored Boat Class) : Shinshuu Maru 

   Ka-Tsu tanks 
: I-36 
 · I-41 
 · I-47 Kai  · I-58 Kai 


See Also