Development/Equipment Rates

< Development
Revision as of 13:16, 7 November 2023 by Chocolatecravinghobo (talk | contribs) (12.7mm AAMG Fuel/Steel and Ammo with [Akitsu Maru, Shinshuu Maru, Souya (AGS)] confirmed affected by Aviation pool -2% reduction from 2022-12-06. Source: Me querying TsunDB)

☑ Showing Minimum HQ Level ☒ Show Minimum HQ Level (hidden)

Development Table

Equipment Minimum resource
Ship Type
Drop rates with this as
primary resource

☑ Hide

HQ Level
Fuel.png Ammunition.png Steel.png Bauxite.png Fuel.png
Ammunition.png Bauxite.png
Fuel.png Ammunition.png Steel.png Bauxite.png Main Guns
Equipment Card 12cm Single Gun Mount.png
12cm Single Gun Mount
- 10 10 - TorpedoDoes NOT include SS/SSV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Torpedo
Ship Types included:
DE, DD, CL, CLT, CT or
AO (Except Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS))
6% 2% 2% 0
HeavyDoes NOT include CAV/BBV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Heavy
Ship Types included:
4% - -
AviationShips with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Especially Akitsu MaruAkitsu Maru, Shinshuu MaruShinshuu Maru, Kumano MaruKumano Maru, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
Secretary: Category Aviation
Ship Types included:
CAV, CVL, BBV, CV, AV, LHA, CVB, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
2% 2% -
Equipment Card 12.7cm Twin Gun Mount.png
12.7cm Twin Gun Mount
- 10 20 - TorpedoDoes NOT include SS/SSV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Torpedo
Ship Types included:
DE, DD, CL, CLT, CT or
AO (Except Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS))
10% 4% 2% 0
HeavyDoes NOT include CAV/BBV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Heavy
Ship Types included:
2% - -
AviationShips with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Especially Akitsu MaruAkitsu Maru, Shinshuu MaruShinshuu Maru, Kumano MaruKumano Maru, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
Secretary: Category Aviation
Ship Types included:
CAV, CVL, BBV, CV, AV, LHA, CVB, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
2% 2% -
Equipment Card 10cm Twin High-angle Gun Mount.png
10cm Twin High-angle Gun Mount
- 10 30 - TorpedoDoes NOT include SS/SSV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Torpedo
Ship Types included:
DE, DD, CL, CLT, CT or
AO (Except Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS))
6% 4% 2% 10 Aviation pools recently altered (2022-12-06)
HeavyDoes NOT include CAV/BBV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Heavy
Ship Types included:
2% - -
AviationShips with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Especially Akitsu MaruAkitsu Maru, Shinshuu MaruShinshuu Maru, Kumano MaruKumano Maru, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
Secretary: Category Aviation
Ship Types included:
CAV, CVL, BBV, CV, AV, LHA, CVB, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
6% 6% -
Equipment Card 12.7cm Single Gun Mount.png
12.7cm Single Gun Mount
- 10 10 - Type 1934-classSecretary: Type 1934-class
Go here to find/edit/add secretaries
2% 6% 4% 0
Equipment Card 12cm Single High-angle Gun Mount.png
12cm Single High-angle Gun Mount
- 10 10 - SubmarineSecretary: Category Submarine
Ship Types included:
?% ?% ?% 0 Recently added (2023-11-02)
Equipment Card 120mm 50 Twin Gun Mount.png
120mm/50 Twin Gun Mount
- 10 20 - Maestrale-classSecretary: Maestrale-class
Ship Banner Maestrale.png
Ship Banner Grecale.png
Ship Banner Libeccio.png
Ship Banner Scirocco.png
2% 4% 4% 20
Equipment Card 14cm Single Gun Mount.png
14cm Single Gun Mount
- 20 10 - TorpedoDoes NOT include SS/SSV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Torpedo
Ship Types included:
DE, DD, CL, CLT, CT or
AO (Except Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS))
6% 4% 2% 0
HeavyDoes NOT include CAV/BBV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Heavy
Ship Types included:
6% 2% 2%
Equipment Card 15.2cm Twin Gun Mount.png
15.2cm Twin Gun Mount
- 20 30 - TorpedoDoes NOT include SS/SSV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Torpedo
Ship Types included:
DE, DD, CL, CLT, CT or
AO (Except Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS))
4% 4% - 20
Equipment Card 15.5cm Triple Gun Mount.png
15.5cm Triple Gun Mount
- 20 50 - TorpedoDoes NOT include SS/SSV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Torpedo
Ship Types included:
DE, DD, CL, CLT, CT or
AO (Except Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS))
2% 4% 2% 0
HeavyDoes NOT include CAV/BBV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Heavy
Ship Types included:
4% 4% 2%
Equipment Card 20.3cm Twin Gun Mount.png
20.3cm Twin Gun Mount
- 30 40 - TorpedoDoes NOT include SS/SSV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Torpedo
Ship Types included:
DE, DD, CL, CLT, CT or
AO (Except Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS))
2% 2% - 0
HeavyDoes NOT include CAV/BBV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Heavy
Ship Types included:
6% 6% 2%
Equipment Card 20.3cm (No.2) Twin Gun Mount.png
20.3cm (No.2) Twin Gun Mount
- 30 40 - HeavyDoes NOT include CAV/BBV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Heavy
Ship Types included:
2% 2% - 10
Equipment Card 35.6cm Twin Gun Mount.png
35.6cm Twin Gun Mount
- 100 150 - TorpedoDoes NOT include SS/SSV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Torpedo
Ship Types included:
DE, DD, CL, CLT, CT or
AO (Except Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS))
- 2% 2% 0
HeavyDoes NOT include CAV/BBV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Heavy
Ship Types included:
- 10% 10%
Equipment Card 41cm Twin Gun Mount.png
41cm Twin Gun Mount
- 120 200 - HeavyDoes NOT include CAV/BBV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Heavy
Ship Types included:
- 8% 8% 10
Equipment Card 46cm Triple Gun Mount.png
46cm Triple Gun Mount
- 240 250 - HeavyDoes NOT include CAV/BBV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Heavy
Ship Types included:
- 4% 4% 20 True minimum is 10/251/250/10.
Otherwise 0% craft rate
Equipment Card 16inch Mk.I Triple Gun Mount.png
16inch Mk.I Triple Gun Mount
- 150 210 10 Nelson-classSecretary: Nelson-class
Ship Banner Nelson.pngShip Banner Rodney.png
?% ?% ?% 30 Recently added (2022-12-06)
Fuel.png Ammunition.png Steel.png Bauxite.png Secondary Guns
Equipment Card 15.2cm Single Gun Mount.png
15.2cm Single Gun Mount
- 20 20 - TorpedoDoes NOT include SS/SSV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Torpedo
Ship Types included:
DE, DD, CL, CLT, CT or
AO (Except Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS))
6% 4% - 0
HeavyDoes NOT include CAV/BBV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Heavy
Ship Types included:
6% 6% -
Equipment Card 15.5cm Triple Secondary Gun Mount.png
15.5cm Triple Secondary Gun Mount
- 20 50 - TorpedoDoes NOT include SS/SSV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Torpedo
Ship Types included:
DE, DD, CL, CLT, CT or
AO (Except Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS))
2% 2% - 10
HeavyDoes NOT include CAV/BBV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Heavy
Ship Types included:
4% 4% -
Equipment Card 8cm High-angle Gun.png
8cm High-angle Gun
- 10 20 - TorpedoDoes NOT include SS/SSV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Torpedo
Ship Types included:
DE, DD, CL, CLT, CT or
AO (Except Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS))
4% - - 30
Agano-classSecretary: Agano-class
Ship Banner Agano.png
Ship Banner Noshiro.png
Ship Banner Yahagi.png
Ship Banner Sakawa.png
8% 4% 4%
Equipment Card 10cm Twin High-angle Gun Mount (Carriage).png
10cm Twin High-angle Gun Mount (Carriage)
- 10 30 - OoyodoSecretary: Ooyodo
Ship Banner Ooyodo.png
~6?10/185 samples% ??0/0 samples% ??0/0 samples% 30 Recently added (2022-12-06)
Equipment Card 12.7cm Twin High-angle Gun Mount.png
12.7cm Twin High-angle Gun Mount
- 20 20 - TorpedoDoes NOT include SS/SSV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Torpedo
Ship Types included:
DE, DD, CL, CLT, CT or
AO (Except Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS))
- 4% 4% 0
HeavyDoes NOT include CAV/BBV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Heavy
Ship Types included:
2% 6% 8%
AviationShips with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Especially Akitsu MaruAkitsu Maru, Shinshuu MaruShinshuu Maru, Kumano MaruKumano Maru, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
Secretary: Category Aviation
Ship Types included:
CAV, CVL, BBV, CV, AV, LHA, CVB, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
8% 2% -
Fuel.png Ammunition.png Steel.png Bauxite.png Anti-Air
Equipment Card 7.7mm Machine Gun.png
7.7mm Machine Gun
- 10 10 - TorpedoDoes NOT include SS/SSV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Torpedo
Ship Types included:
DE, DD, CL, CLT, CT or
AO (Except Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS))
4% 2% - 0
HeavyDoes NOT include CAV/BBV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Heavy
Ship Types included:
8% 2% -
AviationShips with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Especially Akitsu MaruAkitsu Maru, Shinshuu MaruShinshuu Maru, Kumano MaruKumano Maru, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
Secretary: Category Aviation
Ship Types included:
CAV, CVL, BBV, CV, AV, LHA, CVB, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
6% 4% -
Kamikaze-classSecretary: Kamikaze-class
Ship Banner Kamikaze.pngShip Banner Asakaze.png
Ship Banner Harukaze.pngShip Banner Matsukaze.png
Ship Banner Hatakaze.png
12% 4% -
Akitsu Maru, Shinshuu Maru, Souya (AGS)Secretary: Akitsu Maru, Shinshuu Maru, Souya (AGS)
Go here to find/edit/add secretaries
10% 8% 2%
Equipment Card 12.7mm Single Machine Gun Mount.png
12.7mm Single Machine Gun Mount
- 10 10 - TorpedoDoes NOT include SS/SSV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Torpedo
Ship Types included:
DE, DD, CL, CLT, CT or
AO (Except Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS))
2% 2% 2% 0 Aviation pools recently altered (2022-12-06)
HeavyDoes NOT include CAV/BBV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Heavy
Ship Types included:
6% 2% -
AviationShips with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Especially Akitsu MaruAkitsu Maru, Shinshuu MaruShinshuu Maru, Kumano MaruKumano Maru, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
Secretary: Category Aviation
Ship Types included:
CAV, CVL, BBV, CV, AV, LHA, CVB, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
2% - -
Mutsuki-classSecretary: Mutsuki-class
Ship Banner Mutsuki.pngShip Banner Kisaragi.png
Ship Banner Yayoi.pngShip Banner Uzuki.png
Ship Banner Satsuki.pngShip Banner Minazuki.png
Ship Banner Fumizuki.pngShip Banner Nagatsuki.png
Ship Banner Kikuzuki.pngShip Banner Mikazuki.png
Ship Banner Mochizuki.png
12% 8% -
Akitsu Maru, Shinshuu Maru, Souya (AGS)Secretary: Akitsu Maru, Shinshuu Maru, Souya (AGS)
Go here to find/edit/add secretaries
6% 4% 2%
Equipment Card 25mm Single Autocannon Mount.png
25mm Single Autocannon Mount
- 10 10 - TorpedoDoes NOT include SS/SSV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Torpedo
Ship Types included:
DE, DD, CL, CLT, CT or
AO (Except Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS))
4% 2% - 10
HeavyDoes NOT include CAV/BBV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Heavy
Ship Types included:
2% 2% 2%
AviationShips with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Especially Akitsu MaruAkitsu Maru, Shinshuu MaruShinshuu Maru, Kumano MaruKumano Maru, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
Secretary: Category Aviation
Ship Types included:
CAV, CVL, BBV, CV, AV, LHA, CVB, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
6% 2% -
Fubuki-classSecretary: Fubuki-class
Ship Banner Fubuki.pngShip Banner Shirayuki.png
Ship Banner Hatsuyuki.pngShip Banner Miyuki.png
Ship Banner Murakumo.pngShip Banner Usugumo.png
Ship Banner Isonami.pngShip Banner Uranami.png
14% 6% -
Equipment Card 25mm Twin Autocannon Mount.png
25mm Twin Autocannon Mount
- 20 10 - TorpedoDoes NOT include SS/SSV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Torpedo
Ship Types included:
DE, DD, CL, CLT, CT or
AO (Except Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS))
4% 4% 2% 0
HeavyDoes NOT include CAV/BBV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Heavy
Ship Types included:
4% 4% 2%
AviationShips with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Especially Akitsu MaruAkitsu Maru, Shinshuu MaruShinshuu Maru, Kumano MaruKumano Maru, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
Secretary: Category Aviation
Ship Types included:
CAV, CVL, BBV, CV, AV, LHA, CVB, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
6% 4% -
Equipment Card 25mm Triple Autocannon Mount.png
25mm Triple Autocannon Mount
- 30 10 - TorpedoDoes NOT include SS/SSV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Torpedo
Ship Types included:
DE, DD, CL, CLT, CT or
AO (Except Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS))
- 2% 2% 10
HeavyDoes NOT include CAV/BBV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Heavy
Ship Types included:
2% 2% 2%
AviationShips with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Especially Akitsu MaruAkitsu Maru, Shinshuu MaruShinshuu Maru, Kumano MaruKumano Maru, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
Secretary: Category Aviation
Ship Types included:
CAV, CVL, BBV, CV, AV, LHA, CVB, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
2% 2% -
Equipment Card 12cm 30-tube Rocket Launcher.png
12cm 30-tube Rocket Launcher
- 40 20 20 AviationShips with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Especially Akitsu MaruAkitsu Maru, Shinshuu MaruShinshuu Maru, Kumano MaruKumano Maru, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
Secretary: Category Aviation
Ship Types included:
CAV, CVL, BBV, CV, AV, LHA, CVB, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
2% 2% - 20
Equipment Card 20-tube 7inch UP Rocket Launchers.png
20-tube 7inch UP Rocket Launchers
- 40 20 40 Nelson-classSecretary: Nelson-class
Ship Banner Nelson.pngShip Banner Rodney.png
?% ?% ?% 30 Recently added (2022-12-06)
Equipment Card Type 91 Anti-Aircraft Fire Director.png
Type 91 Anti-Aircraft Fire Director
- 10 - 10 TorpedoDoes NOT include SS/SSV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Torpedo
Ship Types included:
DE, DD, CL, CLT, CT or
AO (Except Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS))
- - 4% 10 Aviation pools recently altered (2022-12-06)
HeavyDoes NOT include CAV/BBV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Heavy
Ship Types included:
- - 2%
AviationShips with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Especially Akitsu MaruAkitsu Maru, Shinshuu MaruShinshuu Maru, Kumano MaruKumano Maru, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
Secretary: Category Aviation
Ship Types included:
CAV, CVL, BBV, CV, AV, LHA, CVB, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
4% 4% -
Fuel.png Ammunition.png Steel.png Bauxite.png Torpedoes
Equipment Card 61cm Triple Torpedo Mount.png
61cm Triple Torpedo Mount
10 10 10 - TorpedoDoes NOT include SS/SSV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Torpedo
Ship Types included:
DE, DD, CL, CLT, CT or
AO (Except Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS))
2% 2% - 0
HeavyDoes NOT include CAV/BBV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Heavy
Ship Types included:
4% 4% -
Equipment Card 61cm Quadruple Torpedo Mount.png
61cm Quadruple Torpedo Mount
10 20 20 - TorpedoDoes NOT include SS/SSV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Torpedo
Ship Types included:
DE, DD, CL, CLT, CT or
AO (Except Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS))
4% 4% - 0
HeavyDoes NOT include CAV/BBV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Heavy
Ship Types included:
4% 4% -
Equipment Card 61cm Quadruple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount.png
61cm Quadruple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount
20 20 20 - TorpedoDoes NOT include SS/SSV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Torpedo
Ship Types included:
DE, DD, CL, CLT, CT or
AO (Except Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS))
2% 2% - 10
Fuel.png Ammunition.png Steel.png Bauxite.png Submarine Torpedoes
Equipment Card Late Model Bow Torpedo Mount (6 tubes).png
Late Model Bow Torpedo Mount (6 tubes)
20 30 20 10 SubmarineSecretary: Category Submarine
Ship Types included:
?% ?% ?% 30 Recently added (2023-11-02)
Equipment Card 21inch 6-tube Bow Torpedo Launcher (Initial Model).png
21inch 6-tube Bow Torpedo Launcher (Initial Model)
30 30 20 20 SubmarineSecretary: Category Submarine
Ship Types included:
?% ?% ?% 20 Recently added (2023-11-02)
Equipment Card Submarine 4-tube Stern Torpedo Launcher (Initial Model).png
Submarine 4-tube Stern Torpedo Launcher (Initial Model)
20 20 30 20 SubmarineSecretary: Category Submarine
Ship Types included:
?% ?% ?% 20 Recently added (2023-11-02)
Equipment Card Late Model Bow Torpedo Mount (4 tubes).png
Late Model Bow Torpedo Mount (4 tubes)
20 20 20 20 SubmarineSecretary: Category Submarine
Ship Types included:
?% ?% ?% 40 Recently added (2023-11-02)
Equipment Card 21inch 4-tube Bow Torpedo Launcher (Initial Model).png
21inch 4-tube Bow Torpedo Launcher (Initial Model)
20 20 20 20 SubmarineSecretary: Category Submarine
Ship Types included:
?% ?% ?% 20 Recently added (2023-11-02)
Fuel.png Ammunition.png Steel.png Bauxite.png Midget Submarines
Equipment Card Type A Kouhyouteki.png
Type A Kouhyouteki
- 70 70 - TorpedoDoes NOT include SS/SSV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Torpedo
Ship Types included:
DE, DD, CL, CLT, CT or
AO (Except Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS))
- 2% 2% 10
HeavyDoes NOT include CAV/BBV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Heavy
Ship Types included:
- 2% 2%
AviationShips with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Especially Akitsu MaruAkitsu Maru, Shinshuu MaruShinshuu Maru, Kumano MaruKumano Maru, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
Secretary: Category Aviation
Ship Types included:
CAV, CVL, BBV, CV, AV, LHA, CVB, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
6% 2% -
Fuel.png Ammunition.png Steel.png Bauxite.png Carrier-based Fighters
Equipment Card Type 96 Fighter.png
Type 96 Fighter
10 10 - 10 TorpedoDoes NOT include SS/SSV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Torpedo
Ship Types included:
DE, DD, CL, CLT, CT or
AO (Except Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS))
2% - 4% 0
HeavyDoes NOT include CAV/BBV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Heavy
Ship Types included:
- - 4%
AviationShips with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Especially Akitsu MaruAkitsu Maru, Shinshuu MaruShinshuu Maru, Kumano MaruKumano Maru, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
Secretary: Category Aviation
Ship Types included:
CAV, CVL, BBV, CV, AV, LHA, CVB, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
4% 2% 6%
Equipment Card Type 0 Fighter Model 21.png
Type 0 Fighter Model 21
10 10 - 20 TorpedoDoes NOT include SS/SSV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Torpedo
Ship Types included:
DE, DD, CL, CLT, CT or
AO (Except Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS))
2% - 4% 0
HeavyDoes NOT include CAV/BBV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Heavy
Ship Types included:
- - 6%
AviationShips with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Especially Akitsu MaruAkitsu Maru, Shinshuu MaruShinshuu Maru, Kumano MaruKumano Maru, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
Secretary: Category Aviation
Ship Types included:
CAV, CVL, BBV, CV, AV, LHA, CVB, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
4% 2% 10%
Equipment Card Type 0 Fighter Model 32.png
Type 0 Fighter Model 32
10 20 - 20 TorpedoDoes NOT include SS/SSV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Torpedo
Ship Types included:
DE, DD, CL, CLT, CT or
AO (Except Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS))
- - 2% 20
AviationShips with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Especially Akitsu MaruAkitsu Maru, Shinshuu MaruShinshuu Maru, Kumano MaruKumano Maru, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
Secretary: Category Aviation
Ship Types included:
CAV, CVL, BBV, CV, AV, LHA, CVB, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
2% - 2%
Equipment Card Type 0 Fighter Model 52.png
Type 0 Fighter Model 52
10 20 - 30 TorpedoDoes NOT include SS/SSV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Torpedo
Ship Types included:
DE, DD, CL, CLT, CT or
AO (Except Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS))
- - 2% 10
HeavyDoes NOT include CAV/BBV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Heavy
Ship Types included:
- - 4%
AviationShips with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Especially Akitsu MaruAkitsu Maru, Shinshuu MaruShinshuu Maru, Kumano MaruKumano Maru, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
Secretary: Category Aviation
Ship Types included:
CAV, CVL, BBV, CV, AV, LHA, CVB, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
2% 2% 8%
Equipment Card Shiden Kai 2.png
Shiden Kai 2
20 20 - 70 AviationShips with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Especially Akitsu MaruAkitsu Maru, Shinshuu MaruShinshuu Maru, Kumano MaruKumano Maru, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
Secretary: Category Aviation
Ship Types included:
CAV, CVL, BBV, CV, AV, LHA, CVB, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
- - 2% 20
Equipment Card Prototype Reppuu Late Model.png
Prototype Reppuu Late Model
20 20 - 90 HeavyDoes NOT include CAV/BBV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Heavy
Ship Types included:
- - 2% 30
AviationShips with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Especially Akitsu MaruAkitsu Maru, Shinshuu MaruShinshuu Maru, Kumano MaruKumano Maru, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
Secretary: Category Aviation
Ship Types included:
CAV, CVL, BBV, CV, AV, LHA, CVB, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
- - 2%
Equipment Card F4F-3.png
10 20 - 20 Saratoga, HornetSecretary: Saratoga, Hornet
Go here to find/edit/add secretaries
- - 6% 20
Equipment Card Fulmar.png
10 20 - 20 Ark RoyalSecretary: Ark Royal
Ship Banner Ark Royal.png
- 2% 4% 20
Fuel.png Ammunition.png Steel.png Bauxite.png Carrier-based Dive Bombers
Equipment Card Type 99 Dive Bomber.png
Type 99 Dive Bomber
10 10 - 20 TorpedoDoes NOT include SS/SSV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Torpedo
Ship Types included:
DE, DD, CL, CLT, CT or
AO (Except Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS))
2% 2% 2% 0
HeavyDoes NOT include CAV/BBV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Heavy
Ship Types included:
- 2% 4%
AviationShips with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Especially Akitsu MaruAkitsu Maru, Shinshuu MaruShinshuu Maru, Kumano MaruKumano Maru, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
Secretary: Category Aviation
Ship Types included:
CAV, CVL, BBV, CV, AV, LHA, CVB, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
- 6% 6%
Equipment Card Suisei.png
20 30 - 30 TorpedoDoes NOT include SS/SSV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Torpedo
Ship Types included:
DE, DD, CL, CLT, CT or
AO (Except Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS))
- 2% 4% 10
HeavyDoes NOT include CAV/BBV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Heavy
Ship Types included:
- 2% 2%
AviationShips with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Especially Akitsu MaruAkitsu Maru, Shinshuu MaruShinshuu Maru, Kumano MaruKumano Maru, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
Secretary: Category Aviation
Ship Types included:
CAV, CVL, BBV, CV, AV, LHA, CVB, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
- 6% 6%
Equipment Card Suisei Model 12A.png
Suisei Model 12A
20 30 - 40 AviationShips with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Especially Akitsu MaruAkitsu Maru, Shinshuu MaruShinshuu Maru, Kumano MaruKumano Maru, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
Secretary: Category Aviation
Ship Types included:
CAV, CVL, BBV, CV, AV, LHA, CVB, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
- 2% 2% 20
Equipment Card Type 0 Fighter Model 62 (Fighter-bomber).png
Type 0 Fighter Model 62 (Fighter-bomber)
10 30 - 30 AviationShips with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Especially Akitsu MaruAkitsu Maru, Shinshuu MaruShinshuu Maru, Kumano MaruKumano Maru, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
Secretary: Category Aviation
Ship Types included:
CAV, CVL, BBV, CV, AV, LHA, CVB, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
- 2% 2% 20
Equipment Card SBD.png
10 30 - 20 Saratoga, HornetSecretary: Saratoga, Hornet
Go here to find/edit/add secretaries
- 6% 6% 20
Fuel.png Ammunition.png Steel.png Bauxite.png Carrier-based Torpedo Bombers
Equipment Card Type 97 Torpedo Bomber.png
Type 97 Torpedo Bomber
10 10 - 20 TorpedoDoes NOT include SS/SSV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Torpedo
Ship Types included:
DE, DD, CL, CLT, CT or
AO (Except Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS))
2% 4% 4% 0
HeavyDoes NOT include CAV/BBV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Heavy
Ship Types included:
- 2% 4%
AviationShips with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Especially Akitsu MaruAkitsu Maru, Shinshuu MaruShinshuu Maru, Kumano MaruKumano Maru, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
Secretary: Category Aviation
Ship Types included:
CAV, CVL, BBV, CV, AV, LHA, CVB, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
- 6% 6%
Equipment Card Tenzan.png
20 40 - 40 TorpedoDoes NOT include SS/SSV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Torpedo
Ship Types included:
DE, DD, CL, CLT, CT or
AO (Except Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS))
- 2% 2% 10
HeavyDoes NOT include CAV/BBV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Heavy
Ship Types included:
- 2% 4%
AviationShips with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Especially Akitsu MaruAkitsu Maru, Shinshuu MaruShinshuu Maru, Kumano MaruKumano Maru, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
Secretary: Category Aviation
Ship Types included:
CAV, CVL, BBV, CV, AV, LHA, CVB, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
- 8% 8%
Equipment Card Ryuusei.png
20 50 - 100 HeavyDoes NOT include CAV/BBV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Heavy
Ship Types included:
- - 2% 20
AviationShips with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Especially Akitsu MaruAkitsu Maru, Shinshuu MaruShinshuu Maru, Kumano MaruKumano Maru, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
Secretary: Category Aviation
Ship Types included:
CAV, CVL, BBV, CV, AV, LHA, CVB, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
- 4% 4%
Equipment Card Ryuusei Kai.png
Ryuusei Kai
20 60 - 100 AviationShips with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Especially Akitsu MaruAkitsu Maru, Shinshuu MaruShinshuu Maru, Kumano MaruKumano Maru, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
Secretary: Category Aviation
Ship Types included:
CAV, CVL, BBV, CV, AV, LHA, CVB, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
- 2% 2% 30
Equipment Card Swordfish.png
10 10 - 10 Ark RoyalSecretary: Ark Royal
Ship Banner Ark Royal.png
- 4% 6% 20
Fuel.png Ammunition.png Steel.png Bauxite.png Carrier-based Reconnaissance Aircraft
Equipment Card Saiun.png
20 - - 110 AviationShips with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Especially Akitsu MaruAkitsu Maru, Shinshuu MaruShinshuu Maru, Kumano MaruKumano Maru, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
Secretary: Category Aviation
Ship Types included:
CAV, CVL, BBV, CV, AV, LHA, CVB, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
- - 4% 20
Equipment Card Type 2 Reconnaissance Aircraft.png
Type 2 Reconnaissance Aircraft
30 10 - 130 AviationShips with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Especially Akitsu MaruAkitsu Maru, Shinshuu MaruShinshuu Maru, Kumano MaruKumano Maru, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
Secretary: Category Aviation
Ship Types included:
CAV, CVL, BBV, CV, AV, LHA, CVB, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
- - 2% 10
Fuel.png Ammunition.png Steel.png Bauxite.png Seaplanes
Equipment Card Type 0 Reconnaissance Seaplane.png
Type 0 Reconnaissance Seaplane
10 10 - 20 TorpedoDoes NOT include SS/SSV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Torpedo
Ship Types included:
DE, DD, CL, CLT, CT or
AO (Except Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS))
2% - 10% 0
HeavyDoes NOT include CAV/BBV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Heavy
Ship Types included:
2% - 6%
AviationShips with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Especially Akitsu MaruAkitsu Maru, Shinshuu MaruShinshuu Maru, Kumano MaruKumano Maru, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
Secretary: Category Aviation
Ship Types included:
CAV, CVL, BBV, CV, AV, LHA, CVB, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
10% 12% 8%
Equipment Card Type 0 Observation Seaplane.png
Type 0 Observation Seaplane
10 10 - 20 AviationShips with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Especially Akitsu MaruAkitsu Maru, Shinshuu MaruShinshuu Maru, Kumano MaruKumano Maru, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
Secretary: Category Aviation
Ship Types included:
CAV, CVL, BBV, CV, AV, LHA, CVB, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
2% - - 10 20/10/10/20
Equipment Card Type 98 Reconnaissance Seaplane (Night Recon).png
Type 98 Reconnaissance Seaplane (Night Recon)
20 10 - 40 Sendai Kai NiSecretary: Sendai Kai Ni
Ship Banner Sendai Kai Ni.png
??% ??% 2% 30 Recently added (2022-07-13)
Equipment Card Ro.43 Reconnaissance Seaplane.png
Ro.43 Reconnaissance Seaplane
10 10 - 20 Maestrale-classSecretary: Maestrale-class
Ship Banner Maestrale.png
Ship Banner Grecale.png
Ship Banner Libeccio.png
Ship Banner Scirocco.png
- - 2% 30
Vittorio Veneto-classSecretary: Zara-class, Vittorio Veneto-class
Ship Banner Zara.pngShip Banner Pola.png
Vittorio Veneto-class
Ship Banner Littorio.pngShip Banner Roma.png
- - 6%
Equipment Card SOC Seagull.png
SOC Seagull
10 10 - 20 HelenaSecretary: Helena
Ship Banner Helena.png
??% ??% 4% 30 Recently added (2022-07-13)
NorthamptonSecretary: Northampton
Ship Banner Northampton.png
??% ??% 4-6?%
Equipment Card Zuiun.png
20 30 - 50 TorpedoDoes NOT include SS/SSV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Torpedo
Ship Types included:
DE, DD, CL, CLT, CT or
AO (Except Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS))
- - 2% 10
HeavyDoes NOT include CAV/BBV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Heavy
Ship Types included:
- - 4%
AviationShips with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Especially Akitsu MaruAkitsu Maru, Shinshuu MaruShinshuu Maru, Kumano MaruKumano Maru, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
Secretary: Category Aviation
Ship Types included:
CAV, CVL, BBV, CV, AV, LHA, CVB, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
2% 8% 8%
Equipment Card Laté 298B.png
Laté 298B
20 40 - 50 Commandant TesteSecretary: Commandant Teste
Ship Banner Commandant Teste.png
- 4% 8% 30
Equipment Card Zuiun (631 Air Group).png
Zuiun (631 Air Group)
20 30 - 50 Ise Kai/NiSecretary: Ise Kai/Ni
Ship Banner Ise Kai.png
- - 2% 30
Hyuuga Kai/NiSecretary: Hyuuga Kai/Ni
Ship Banner Hyuuga Kai.png
- 2% 2%
Fuel.png Ammunition.png Steel.png Bauxite.png Misc Aircraft
Equipment Card Type 3 Command Liaison Aircraft (ASW).png
Type 3 Command Liaison Aircraft (ASW)
10 10 - 20 Akitsu Maru, Shinshuu Maru, Souya (AGS)Secretary: Akitsu Maru, Shinshuu Maru, Souya (AGS)
Go here to find/edit/add secretaries
2% 2% 4% 10
Equipment Card Ka Type Observation Autogyro.png
Ka Type Observation Autogyro
10 10 - 40 Akitsu Maru, Shinshuu Maru, Souya (AGS)Secretary: Akitsu Maru, Shinshuu Maru, Souya (AGS)
Go here to find/edit/add secretaries
4% 2% 4% 30
Fuel.png Ammunition.png Steel.png Bauxite.png Land-based Aircraft
Equipment Card Type 96 Land-based Attack Aircraft.png
Type 96 Land-based Attack Aircraft
240 260 - 250 AviationShips with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Especially Akitsu MaruAkitsu Maru, Shinshuu MaruShinshuu Maru, Kumano MaruKumano Maru, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
Secretary: Category Aviation
Ship Types included:
CAV, CVL, BBV, CV, AV, LHA, CVB, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
- 8% 8% 10 Replaces chance of theseType 0 Fighter Model 52
Type 99 Dive Bomber
Type 0 Reconnaissance Seaplane
equipment by 2% each.
Equipment Card Shiden Model 11.png
Shiden Model 11
20 20 - 60 AviationShips with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Especially Akitsu MaruAkitsu Maru, Shinshuu MaruShinshuu Maru, Kumano MaruKumano Maru, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
Secretary: Category Aviation
Ship Types included:
CAV, CVL, BBV, CV, AV, LHA, CVB, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
0?0/63 samples% 0?0/310 samples% 24928/243739 samples% 30 Recently added (2022-12-06)
Likely reduced other equipment's craft rate for aviation
Equipment Card Type 1 Fighter Hayabusa Model II.png
Type 1 Fighter Hayabusa Model II
10 10 - 30 Akitsu Maru, Shinshuu Maru, Souya (AGS)Secretary: Akitsu Maru, Shinshuu Maru, Souya (AGS)
Go here to find/edit/add secretaries
2% 2% 6% 20
Equipment Card Spitfire Mk.I.png
Spitfire Mk.I
10 20 - 40 Warspite, Nelson-classSecretary: Warspite, Nelson-class
Go here to find/edit/add secretaries
- - 6% 30
Equipment Card Type 2 Two-seat Fighter Toryuu.png
Type 2 Two-seat Fighter Toryuu
20 40 - 120 Akitsu Maru, Shinshuu Maru, Souya (AGS)Secretary: Akitsu Maru, Shinshuu Maru, Souya (AGS)
Go here to find/edit/add secretaries
4% 6% 10% 20
Fuel.png Ammunition.png Steel.png Bauxite.png Anti-submarine Warfare
Equipment Card Type 94 Depth Charge Projector.png
Type 94 Depth Charge Projector
- 20 10 10 TorpedoDoes NOT include SS/SSV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Torpedo
Ship Types included:
DE, DD, CL, CLT, CT or
AO (Except Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS))
2% 10% 8% 0
Equipment Card Type 3 Depth Charge Projector.png
Type 3 Depth Charge Projector
- 30 10 10 TorpedoDoes NOT include SS/SSV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Torpedo
Ship Types included:
DE, DD, CL, CLT, CT or
AO (Except Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS))
- 2% 2% 20
Equipment Card Type 95 Depth Charge.png
Type 95 Depth Charge
10 20 - 10 TorpedoDoes NOT include SS/SSV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Torpedo
Ship Types included:
DE, DD, CL, CLT, CT or
AO (Except Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS))
- 4% 4% 10
Equipment Card Type 93 Passive Sonar.png
Type 93 Passive Sonar
- - 10 10 TorpedoDoes NOT include SS/SSV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Torpedo
Ship Types included:
DE, DD, CL, CLT, CT or
AO (Except Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS))
- - 8% 0
Equipment Card Type 3 Active Sonar.png
Type 3 Active Sonar
- - 10 20 TorpedoDoes NOT include SS/SSV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Torpedo
Ship Types included:
DE, DD, CL, CLT, CT or
AO (Except Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS))
- - 2% 20
Fuel.png Ammunition.png Steel.png Bauxite.png Shells
Equipment Card Type 3 Shell.png
Type 3 Shell
- 90 60 30 TorpedoDoes NOT include SS/SSV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Torpedo
Ship Types included:
DE, DD, CL, CLT, CT or
AO (Except Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS))
- 2% 2% 0 Kongou-class pools recently altered (2023-07-07)
HeavyDoes NOT include CAV/BBV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Heavy
Ship Types included:
4% 4% 2%
AviationShips with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Especially Akitsu MaruAkitsu Maru, Shinshuu MaruShinshuu Maru, Kumano MaruKumano Maru, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
Secretary: Category Aviation
Ship Types included:
CAV, CVL, BBV, CV, AV, LHA, CVB, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
- 6% 6%
Kongou-class K2??Secretary: Kongou-class K2??
Go here to find/edit/add secretaries
??% ??% ??%
Equipment Card Type 91 Armor Piercing Shell.png
Type 91 Armor Piercing Shell
- 30 90 - HeavyDoes NOT include CAV/BBV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Heavy
Ship Types included:
4% 2% 2% 10
Fuel.png Ammunition.png Steel.png Bauxite.png Radars
Equipment Card Type 13 Air Radar.png
Type 13 Air Radar
- - 100 100 TorpedoDoes NOT include SS/SSV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Torpedo
Ship Types included:
DE, DD, CL, CLT, CT or
AO (Except Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS))
4% 2% 2% 10
HeavyDoes NOT include CAV/BBV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Heavy
Ship Types included:
2% - -
AviationShips with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Especially Akitsu MaruAkitsu Maru, Shinshuu MaruShinshuu Maru, Kumano MaruKumano Maru, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
Secretary: Category Aviation
Ship Types included:
CAV, CVL, BBV, CV, AV, LHA, CVB, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
2% - 2%
Equipment Card Type 22 Surface Radar.png
Type 22 Surface Radar
- - 150 150 TorpedoDoes NOT include SS/SSV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Torpedo
Ship Types included:
DE, DD, CL, CLT, CT or
AO (Except Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS))
2% 2% 2% 10
HeavyDoes NOT include CAV/BBV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Heavy
Ship Types included:
- 2% 2%
AviationShips with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Especially Akitsu MaruAkitsu Maru, Shinshuu MaruShinshuu Maru, Kumano MaruKumano Maru, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
Secretary: Category Aviation
Ship Types included:
CAV, CVL, BBV, CV, AV, LHA, CVB, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
2% - -
Equipment Card Type 33 Surface Radar.png
Type 33 Surface Radar
- - 200 150 TorpedoDoes NOT include SS/SSV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Torpedo
Ship Types included:
DE, DD, CL, CLT, CT or
AO (Except Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS))
2% 2% 2% 20
HeavyDoes NOT include CAV/BBV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Heavy
Ship Types included:
2% 2% 2%
AviationShips with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Especially Akitsu MaruAkitsu Maru, Shinshuu MaruShinshuu Maru, Kumano MaruKumano Maru, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
Secretary: Category Aviation
Ship Types included:
CAV, CVL, BBV, CV, AV, LHA, CVB, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
2% - -
Equipment Card Type 21 Air Radar.png
Type 21 Air Radar
- - 200 200 HeavyDoes NOT include CAV/BBV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Heavy
Ship Types included:
2% - - 20
AviationShips with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Especially Akitsu MaruAkitsu Maru, Shinshuu MaruShinshuu Maru, Kumano MaruKumano Maru, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
Secretary: Category Aviation
Ship Types included:
CAV, CVL, BBV, CV, AV, LHA, CVB, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
2% - 2%
Akizuki-classSecretary: Akizuki-class
Ship Banner Akizuki.png
Ship Banner Teruzuki.png
Ship Banner Suzutsuki.png
Ship Banner Hatsuzuki.png
Ship Banner Fuyutsuki.png
4% - 6%
Equipment Card Type 32 Surface Radar.png
Type 32 Surface Radar
- - 200 250 HeavyDoes NOT include CAV/BBV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Heavy
Ship Types included:
2% - - 30
AviationShips with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Especially Akitsu MaruAkitsu Maru, Shinshuu MaruShinshuu Maru, Kumano MaruKumano Maru, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
Secretary: Category Aviation
Ship Types included:
CAV, CVL, BBV, CV, AV, LHA, CVB, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
2% - -
Equipment Card Type 42 Air Radar.png
Type 42 Air Radar
- - 250 250 HeavyDoes NOT include CAV/BBV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Heavy
Ship Types included:
2% - - 40
AviationShips with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Especially Akitsu MaruAkitsu Maru, Shinshuu MaruShinshuu Maru, Kumano MaruKumano Maru, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
Secretary: Category Aviation
Ship Types included:
CAV, CVL, BBV, CV, AV, LHA, CVB, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
2% - -
Fuel.png Ammunition.png Steel.png Bauxite.png Submarine Equipment
Equipment Card Submarine Radar & Waterproof Telescope.png
Submarine Radar & Waterproof Telescope
- - 120 130 SubmarineSecretary: Category Submarine
Ship Types included:
?% ???% ?% 20 Recently added (2023-11-02)
Fuel.png Ammunition.png Steel.png Bauxite.png Engine
Equipment Card Improved Kanhon Type Turbine.png
Improved Kanhon Type Turbine
100 - 100 - TorpedoDoes NOT include SS/SSV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Torpedo
Ship Types included:
DE, DD, CL, CLT, CT or
AO (Except Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS))
4% 4% 2% 0
HeavyDoes NOT include CAV/BBV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Heavy
Ship Types included:
4% 4% 2%
AviationShips with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Especially Akitsu MaruAkitsu Maru, Shinshuu MaruShinshuu Maru, Kumano MaruKumano Maru, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
Secretary: Category Aviation
Ship Types included:
CAV, CVL, BBV, CV, AV, LHA, CVB, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
6% - -
Equipment Card Enhanced Kanhon Type Boiler.png
Enhanced Kanhon Type Boiler
100 - 200 - TorpedoDoes NOT include SS/SSV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Torpedo
Ship Types included:
DE, DD, CL, CLT, CT or
AO (Except Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS))
2% 4% 2% 10 Amatsukaze pools recently altered (2023-07-07)
HeavyDoes NOT include CAV/BBV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Heavy
Ship Types included:
2% 4% 2%
AviationShips with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Especially Akitsu MaruAkitsu Maru, Shinshuu MaruShinshuu Maru, Kumano MaruKumano Maru, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
Secretary: Category Aviation
Ship Types included:
CAV, CVL, BBV, CV, AV, LHA, CVB, Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS)
4% - -
Amatsukaze K2??Secretary: Amatsukaze K2??
Go here to find/edit/add secretaries
??% ??% ??%
Fuel.png Ammunition.png Steel.png Bauxite.png Bulges
Equipment Card Anti-torpedo Bulge (Medium).png
Anti-torpedo Bulge (Medium)
- - 120 - HeavyDoes NOT include CAV/BBV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Heavy
Ship Types included:
4% - - 20
Equipment Card Anti-torpedo Bulge (Large).png
Anti-torpedo Bulge (Large)
- - 300 - HeavyDoes NOT include CAV/BBV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Heavy
Ship Types included:
2% - - 20
Fuel.png Ammunition.png Steel.png Bauxite.png Miscellaneous
Equipment Card Daihatsu Landing Craft.png
Daihatsu Landing Craft
10 10 - 10 Akitsu Maru, Shinshuu Maru, Souya (AGS)Secretary: Akitsu Maru, Shinshuu Maru, Souya (AGS)
Go here to find/edit/add secretaries
4??% 2??% 0??% 0 Pools recently altered (2023-07-07)
Equipment Card Searchlight.png
- - 10 10 Jintsuu Kai Ni
Hiei Kai Ni/CSecretary: Jintsuu Kai Ni, Hiei Kai Ni/C
Ship Banner Jintsuu Kai Ni.png
Ship Banner Hiei Kai Ni.png
- - 6% 0
Equipment Card Drum Canister (Transport Use).png
Drum Canister (Transport Use)
- - 10 - TorpedoDoes NOT include SS/SSV
Ships with special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Category Torpedo
Ship Types included:
DE, DD, CL, CLT, CT or
AO (Except Souya (AGS)Souya (AGS))
4% - - 0
Equipment Card Smoke Generator (Smoke Screen).png
Smoke Generator (Smoke Screen)
10 - - 10 DDShips with other special crafting will have
reduced rates of other specific equipment
Secretary: Any Destroyer
2499/27135 samples% 00/1190 samples% 257/2986 samples% 10 Recently added (2023-04-23)
Fuel/Steel: -2% 8cm High-angle Gun8cm High-angle Gun
