Seasonal/Hinamatsuri 2019


New CG

Hinamatsuri 2019

Mitsukoshi Collab 2019

Returning CG

Returning CG
2017 CG


Hinamatsuri Lines



Previous Lines

Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
2016 Lines
Yuugumo Play うっふふ〜♪提督、雛人形可愛いですね。私も巻雲や風雲と主力オブ主力三人官女とか…提督、似合いませんか?そう? Ufufu~♪ The Hina dolls are cute, Admiral. Don’t you think… that Makigumo, Kazagumo and I would make the best of the best three court ladies? Don't you think?
Naganami Play ほうほう、可愛いねぇ、う~ん。この雛壇誰が組んだの?へぇ~、そうなんだ?よく出来てんなぁ!これなんかさぁ…あっ?!首もげた…やべっ、治そ Ho, ho, so cute, yeah. Who are these Hina dolls supposed to be? Eh, really? They're made pretty well then! Which one is this...ah?! The neck broke, this is bad, be fixed!
Makigumo Play あぁ、お雛様かわいい!巻雲と、夕雲姉さまと、風雲と、秋雲で、三人官女とか!あれ、一人おもい…えぇ、気にしない!四人官女で! Ah, the Hina dolls are cute! Yuugumo-neesama, Kazagumo, Akigumo and I can be the three court ladies! Huh, there’s one too many… Eh, don’t mind it! We’ll be the four court ladies!
Akigumo Play おぉ~。雛壇か~、いいねぇ~はかどるねぇ~。陽炎型も全員で雛人形にー……いや、やめよう。なんか辛い気がする……ま、いっか~! Ooh. Hina dolls huh, how nice~hey in this row. All of the Kagerou class girls are Hina dolls, no, quit it. That kind of hurts...well whatever! She doesn't seem happy to be included with the Kagerou class Hina dolls....
Hatsuzuki Play 賑やかだな。そうか、ひな祭り。潜水艦たちも楽しそだ…これが、菱餅?なるほど。 It’s quite lively now. I see, it’s Hinamatsuri. The submarines seem to be having fun… Is this Hishimochi? I see.
2017 Lines
Yamakaze Play 少し、気分が良くなった。少し…。うんっ! I feel, a little bit better now. Just a little... Yup!
Amatsukaze Play ひなだ…可愛い…ひな人魚かあたしだったらどれが似合うから… あなたなにを?なんだもないからね! Hina cute....I wonder which hina doll would suit me best....wha..when did you get here? I wasn't doing anything at all!

Heavy Cruiser

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Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
2016 Lines
Kinugasa Play 雛壇かぁ……可愛いね!……あれ?衣笠さんの雛人形が無いよ~。あれれ?誰か作ってくれないかなぁ……。 Hina dolls huh...they're so cute! Huh, what's this? There's no doll for Kinugasa-san is there~ Why's that? I wonder if someone will make one...
Mikuma Play 雛祭り…お雛様可愛いですぅ!御内裏様はモガミン、御雛様に三隈。ふふ♪ 作っちゃおうかな? Hinamatsuri...these dolls are so cute. The emperor is Mogamin, and the Empress is Mikuma. fufu. Why don't we make it happen?


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Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
2016 Lines
Yamato Play 提督、雛祭りですか?あら、可愛い!良いですねぇ~武蔵、何を照れてるの?良いじゃない、ね? Admiral, it's the Hinamatsuri right? Oh my how cute! This is great. Musashi, what are you acting so shy for? Don't you think this is lovely?


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Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
2016 Lines
I-168 Play さぁ、折角の雛祭り。私達伊号で、五人囃子をやりましょ?衣装は、このイムヤが作っておきました!可愛いでしょ? Right, it's the long awaited Hinamatsuri. Should all of us I-type subs be the 5 court musicians? I made a costume for this Imuya! It's pretty cute right?
I-58 Play 伊号で五人囃子? ゴーヤやるでち!衣装は誰が作るでちか?……え、イムヤ?大丈夫~……? The I-type submarines are going to be the 5 court musicians? Sounds good, Goya will do it too dechi! Who will be making the costumes? Eh? Imuya? Will it be alright?


Previous Lines

Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
2017 Lines
Taigei Play ひな祭り、ひな人魚かわいいですね。潜水艦たちもかわいく…あれ?菱餅が…おかしいは…確かに…また良いしなくちゃ。 It’s Hinamatsuri, the hina dolls are cute. The submarines are cute too… Huh? The hishimochi is… That’s strange… I’m sure… I have to make them again.
Commandant Teste Play Ç'est la vie. That's life.

Coming of Spring Lines


Previous Lines

Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
2016 Lines
Akatsuki Play もすぐ春ね~レデイは花見に参加する物。ワクワク、早く招待されないかしら? Spring will be here soon. A lady like me must get ready to go cherry blossom viewing. I'm so excited, I wonder I'll received an invitation soon?
Hibiki Play 春か?春はいいな。いつだって春の来ない言うはない。Хорошо- Spring huh? Spring is great. It always comes even if some people say it won't. Amazing.
Libeccio Play 少し暖かくなできた、日本の春でやつね~うんうん。あれがサクラが?うん?違うの?梅?梅干の梅?へえ... It's gotten a bit warmer, so this is what spring in Japan is like, hmm, hmm. Oh, is that a cherry? Huh? That's not it? It's a plum? Like as in, what you make Umeboshi out of? Oh...

Light Cruiser

New Lines

Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
Tama Play ブルブルブル。とても寒いにゃ。こたつの中で丸くなりたいにゃ。にゃっ!こたつが満員にゃー! Brrrrrrr. It's so cold-nya. I want to curl up under the kotatsu-nya. NYA! The kotatsu is full-nya!

Previous Lines

Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
2016 Lines
Sakawa Play 春、……矢矧ちゃんたちが出かけていった季節……。でも、今はさみしくないよ。みんな…一緒だもん! Spring,'s the season when Yahagi-chan we went out. But, now not lonely anymore. Everyone's here now! Operation Ten-Go much?

Heavy Cruiser

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Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
2016 Lines
Kinugasa Play やった!もうすぐ春!春はやっぱりウキウキするようね?そうだ、提督、六戦隊でお花見行かない?楽しいよ〜 Yippie! It's almost spring! Spring definitely puts you in a good mood right? Oh, do you want to come flower viewing with CruDiv6 Admiral? It'll be fun~
Mikuma Play 提督、もすぐ春ですわ。お弁当作て、最上と三人で、お花見に行きましょう?三隈楽しみです! Admiral, it will be spring soon. Why don't we make a bento with Mogami and then the three of us can go cherry blossom viewing? Mikuma is looking forward to it.

Standard Carrier

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Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
2016 Lines
Shoukaku Play 少しずつ、春の陽気になってきました。提督、お花見、瑞鶴と3人で行きたいですね。 Little by little a cheerful spring is coming. Admiral, I'd like it if we got Zuikaku and the three of us went cherry blossom viewing together.


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Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
2016 Lines
I-168 Play 司令官、やっと春が来ますね!う~ん、今年の冬は長かた!暖かくなだら、司令官も海の中、一緒にどうですか? Commander, finally spring is coming! Yeah, this year's winter sure felt long. When it gets a bit warmer, would you like to jump in the sea with me Commander?
Ro-500 Play 提督提督、春だって。この季節、呂ちゃん好きかもって。 Admiral, Admiral, it's spring. Ro-chan I think I love this season!


New Lines

Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
Nisshin Play ふわぁ。寒いの。わしもこたつを入りたいんじゃ。そこの猫軽巡!詰めるのじゃ!シャァ!ワシャァ! Whoaa. It's cold. I want to get under the kotatsu too. You there, you light cruiser cat! Move over! Shoo! Shoooo!

Previous Lines

Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
2016 Lines
Hayasui Play 提督さん!春です!春の息吹を感じます!よ~し!この春も一緒に頑張りましょう!はい! Admiral! It's Spring! I can feel the breath of spring! All right! Let's work hard together this spring too! Right! But this is our first spring together Hayasui...
Mizuho Play 提督、少し暖かくなてきましたね?今年も春が訪れるですね?瑞穂、感慨深いです! Admiral, it's beginning to feel a bit warmer isn't it? Has spring come to visit us this year as well? Mizuho is deeply moved. Mizuho was laid down, launched and sunk in May so spring is probably an emotional time for her.