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"Ships", also referred as "kanmusus" ("ship girls" in Japanese), or simply "girls", are the core of the game. They each are anthropomorphic representations of real World War II warships, with some of their design and personality being derivated from real elements.

They come in various Types, Classes, Remodels, and degrees of Rarity, with each having various set of Stats and Mechanics.

  • The majority of ships ingame comes from the "Imperial Japanese Navy" (IJN), with some other ships from either the "Imperial Japanese Army" (IJA), or other nations.

Ship Type Identification

Those tabs correspond to the ones seen in the Composition menu.

  • See here for a complete description of the types names.

Ships included in this tab: "Fast Battleships" (FBB), "Battleships" (BB), "Aviation Battleships" (BBV).

Type Abbreviation Gameplay Notes Base Stats
戦艦 Battleships BB Battleships (BB) notably utilize   Large Caliber Main Guns,  Recon Seaplane Recons, and   AP Shells, having heavy firepower   and armor  , but lacking torpedo & ASW stats. They:
Fast Battleships FBB Fast Battleships (FBB) are BB with higher speed. They:
  • Usually have more permissive Routings,
  • Can be placed in the Escort of a Combined Fleet regardless of their speed.
航空戦艦 Aviation Battleships 航戦 BBV Aviation Battleships (BBV) are BB capable of using  Bomber Seaplane Bombers and   Seaplane Fighters. They:
  • "BC" is for "Battle Cruisers", only seen in the Composition menu's filtering tabs, mostly referring to the Kongou-class.

  • Some ships have unic "type names", being derivated from other regular types. Those names usually do not have any effect gameplay-wise.
  • Even so several types of ships are very similar (FBB/BB/BBV, CV/CVL, CA/CAV, & CL/CLT/CT), they nonetheless are different types than can not always be interchanged.
  • Some ships have remodels shifting their type, their class, and/or their name, see below for more details.
  1. Some routing did differentiate CV & CVB in the past .

Ship Stats & Remodels

Each ship have a given set of stats, affecting its combat behaviors. Those stats can be modified via Modernization, Leveling (including Marriage), Remodeling, or by simply equipping said ship.

  • See here for more details.

Most ships remodels have (Kai) added in their name, which stands for Modified, Revised, Improved, or Altered in Japanese. For the 2nd remodel, (Ni), 2 or Second in Japanese can be added.

  • Some ships can also have variations depending on their nationality, for special remodels, or may even be renamed after a remodel.
  • This naming scheme can also be found on some equipment.

Remodel names

Nation 1st Remodel 2nd Remodel 3rd Remodel 4th Remodel
Japanese 改ニ 改三 改四
Japanese (romaji) Kai Kai Ni Kai San Kai Yon
Italian Due
German Zwei Drei
French Deux
Rusian Dva
American Mk.II
Sweedish Andra

Special names

Kanji Romanji Ships Meaning/Notes
A Chitose A, Chiyoda A, Nisshin A Reference to AV cappable of carrying Type A Kouhyouteki.
Shoukaku Kai Ni A, Zuikaku Kai Ni A Reference to Type-A destroyers (Kagerou-class & Yuugumo-class), having a high-seas escorting role
B Kasumi Kai Ni B, Zuihou Kai Ni B, Isokaze B Kai, Hamakaze B Kai, Yahagi Kai Ni B, Haruna Kai Ni B Reference to Type-B destroyers (Akizuki-class & Fuyutsuki-class), having an AA escorting role
C Kongou Kai Ni C, Hiei Kai Ni C, Haruna Kai Ni C Reference to Type-C destroyers (Shimakaze-class), having advance frontline cabilities
D Asashio Kai Ni D, Urakaze D Kai, Tanikaze D Kai, Yamakaze Kai Ni D, Yuubari Kai Ni D, Kuma Kai Ni D, Amagiri Kai Ni D Reference to Type-D destroyers (Matsu-class & Tachibana-class), having an ASW escorting role
E Akagi Kai Ni E, Kaga Kai Ni E, Ryuuhou Kai Ni E Night carriers
Kou Chitose Kou/Kai/Ni, Chiyoda Kou/Kai/Ni, Suzuya Kou Kai Ni, Kumano Kou Kai Ni Carrier remodel of non-carrier ships
Toku Yuubari Kai Ni Toku, Mogami Kai Ni Toku Reference to the Toku Daihatsu Landing Craft, improved vertion of the Daihatsu Landing Craft.
Bo Kamoi Kai Bo Kamoi's "flying boat carrier" remodel
Go Kaga Kai Ni Go Kaga's "escort carrier" remodel, based on JS Kaga
Juu Yamato Kai Ni Juu Yamato's "Heavy" remodel
Sen Houshou Kai Ni Sen Houshou's "power projection carrier" remodel
Mod.2 Saratoga Mk.II Mod.2, Fletcher Kai Mod.2 American's 2nd variant
Nuovo Conte di Cavour Nuovo Conte di Cavour's "New" remodel

Renamed girls

Original name New name Change reason
Hibiki Verniy "Expatriation"
Yukikaze Tan Yang
U-511 Ro-500
Luigi Torelli UIT-25


Amphion Perth
Langley La Fayette
Brooklyn O'Higgins
Heywood L. Edwardsn JDS Ariake
Gangut Oktyabrskaya Revolyutsiya
Volochaevets Chiryou Maru

Souya (Maru)

Littorio Italia
Scharnhorst Shinyou Type change
Kasuga Maru Taiyou
Yawata Maru Unyou
Izumo Maru Hiyou
Kashiwara Maru Junyou
Tsurugizaki Shouhou
Takasaki Zuihou
Taigei Ryuuhou
Roma Aquila

Some of those names are not directly mentioned in the game, but are sometimes used by the Devs.


  • Top-Left: Common
  • Bottom-Right: Ultra-rare
  • Based on Kanmusu Catalog, the ships' rarity classifications are the following: C>SC>R>SR>H>SH


Note that other than the background color, the metallic symbol on the top left corner may also identify rarity.

See Also

For more comprehensive lists, see: