Help:Resource Farming

This article aims to provide advice on the better ways to farm the main resources (    ) and consumables (    ).

As some general rules
  • Expeditions are the best way to gain most resources, with the advantage of being AFK compatible,
  • Quests are often the better way to farm consumables, especially screws  ,
  • Sorties generally provide the greatest hourly gain for any resource/consumable, but at the cost of more active playtime and some other resources.
  • Special resources are not detailed here, as they are difficultly "farmable", please refer to each individual page for more details.
  • Only repeatable quests are listed on this page, as they are the most relevant in a "farming mindset",
    • One-time quests can also be a major source of resources. Please refer to Quests for more details.
  • Expected for screws, monthly expeditions are also omitted here, as even so they reward great amounts of resources and consumables, they are incompatible with a "farming mindset",
  • Events and limited-time quests are often a great way to gain all types of consumables, with some events introducing great resource farming spots.
    • Please refer to the current event's page for more details on such addition.

General Tips

Sortie Tips

Resources in sorties are gained from Resource Nodes and Scraping dropped ships.

  • Using the lightest possible fleet is recommended to reduce the average sortie costs and so maximize gains.
  • For resource nodes, using appropriate gear ( / / ) is essential to maximize gains:
Normal Resource Nodes Gain Modifiers
Equipment / Ship Bonus Gains (per DLC / Ship)[1]
Type Name    
(& 7-3 O  )
  A Toku Daihatsu Landing Craft 
Daihatsu Landing Craft 
Armed Daihatsu 
DLC + T89 Tank 
DLC + Panzer II 
Toku DLC + Ho-Ni Tank 
3.0 2.0 0.0
  Ka-Mi Tank 
Ka-Tsu Tank 
Ka-Tsu Tank Kai 
  B Drums  2.0 1.5 0.0
  C Toku DLC + 11th Reg 
M4A1 DD 
Toku DLC + Panzer III 
Toku DLC + Chi-Ha 
Toku DLC + Chi-Ha Kai 
Toku DLC + Panzer III J 
All ships 0.0
Resource Cap N/A
Random Resource Increments 5 0
  1. If the total value has a decimal, only the rounded-down value is applied.
  • A battle has to be completed (win or loss) after the resource node in order to claim the resources.
    • Exceptions are resource nodes that are dead-end nodes.

Expedition Tips

Expeditions come in various types and forms, being each more or less suited for some resources or even farming methods.

  • Regarding resources:
    • Some expeditions will reward a "modest" amount of resources, but on a short timer, being great on an "hourly gain" perspective, being more suited alongside active gameplay,
    • Some expeditions will reward a "high" amount of resources, but on a long timer, being great on an "absolute gain" perspective, being more suited alongside AFK periods.
  • Regarding consumables:
    • Some expeditions will reward a "fixed" consumable, being rewarded 50% of the time,
    • Some expeditions will reward a "GS" consumable, being rewarded with "Great Success" only,
    • Since no expedition rewards more than very few consumables, there is no "long timer" expedition adequate for farming, unless the consumable is a side reward of other resources.
  • For most expeditions, having a "Great Success" is advisable, especially for "short timer" ones.
    • This mostly requires sparkling ships, which is time-consuming, but still worth it when trying to reach greater hourly gains,
    • See Success Conditions for more details.

Quest Tips

Quests are mostly used to farm consumables (    ).

  • While it is ideal to use the lightest fleets possible to maximize primary resource gains, it is more important to use fleets that reliably clear the quests.

Landing Craft Carriers

Here is a list of the Landing Equipment  /  capable ships, used in sorties and expeditions.

  • Note that Kinu Kai Ni have special behaviours in those cases.
Ships that can equip Landing Craft / Amphibious Vehicles
Type Landing Craft   Both   &   Amphibious Vehicle  
DD                                          Kai Ni D      Kai Ni D      Kai Ni D          Kai Ni D      Kai Ni              
CL      Kai Ni D          Kai Ni Toku    
CAV  Kai Ni Toku
(F)BB(V)    Kai Ni Juu    Kai Ni C  
CVL      Kai Ni Sen
AV                  Kai Ni Toku
SS(V) All

  Soukoutei (Armored Boat Class) : Shinshuu Maru 

   Ka-Tsu tanks 
: I-36 
 · I-41 
 · I-47 Kai  · I-58 Kai 


Fuel Fuel


The objective is to reach node D then retreat after node E. DO NOT attempt to farm node G. The maelstrom at node H has a chance to deplete all of your fleet's fuel. This is a fairly simple and straightforward map to farm but requires multiple fleets if you want to farm it non-stop. Take note that only the AO fleet guarantees routing to D. Kamoi is preferred over Hayasui because of the latter's cost. The AV fleet has random routing (weighted towards D), unless you bring 4 DE. But 4DE will significantly reduce your resource gains because they cannot carry drums or landing craft. The submarine in both fleet options will be able to tank every enemy you'll encounter.

Resource Gain
  • 10-20 (5   increments}}
Recommended Fleet
  • 1AV 4DD 1SS
  • 1AO 4DD 1SS
Equipment Setups
Ship Type Equipment Notes
DD    Use whatever mix of barrels and landing craft that you have to maximize your gains. Prioritize landing craft where possible.
AO/AV     This setup is for Hayasui. Although her slots are small, they are more than enough to take out the weak enemies on this map.
   /  This setup is for Kamoi or an AV. If the AV can carry midget submarines, swap out one seaplane for it.
SS    Simply load the SS with torpedoes. Ideally, she should have the 61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount to maximize her armor.


7-4 is a great "risck free" place to farm both fuel and bauxite.

  • See the relevant page for more details.


This map can be used to farm both fuel and bauxite. The fleet used is the same for both resources. Fuel is obtained from node B. Take note that you do not have to retreat if heavily damaged at G. This is because node J is a dead-end node and will end the sortie. Unlike 1-3, a majority of the fleet needs to be combat focused. While this means you cannot bring as many bonus equipment, the base resource gain is higher. This map will cost more buckets compared to 1-3. You should take the AV over Hayasui because of the latter's cost.

Resource Gain
  • 30-90 (5   increments}}
Recommended Fleets
  • 1AV/AO 1CL 2DD 2CLT
Equipment Setups
Ship Type Equipment Notes
DD     Because of the limited space for bonus equipment, you do not have the luxury of bringing drums.
CL     This setup is for Abukuma Kai Ni or Yura Kai Ni. These two are the ideal girls for farming this map as the opening torpedoes are great at taking out threats.
    In the event that you are unable to use Abukuma or Yura in this map, simply give your CL a standard artillery spotting setup.
CLT     The midget submarine will allow them to take out some threats early and minimize the damage your fleet takes. OASW is highly recommended, especially since you will encounter submarines enroute.
AO/AV     This setup is for Hayasui. Her slots may be a bit small for the enemies present in this map but they're still enough to take out the weaker enemies. Kamoi is not recommended for this map.
    The AV should have a midget sub to add to the strength of the opening torpedo. The extra seaplane bombers add the airstrike cherry on top.

Expedition Timer Hourly
05 01:30 133    
21 02:20 137   
38 02:55 144   
Expedition Timer Total
05 01:30 200    
16 15:00 500      
19 06:00 400      
21 02:20 320   
24 08:20 500    
38 02:55 420   
40 06:50 300     

Ammunition Ammunitions


The main method to farm this map is to send one sacrificial DD equipped with a Repair Team and some drums. Simply continue after the battle at node A to reach node B. The repair team will not be consumed. After the sortie, simply move the equipment to a new DD and sortie again. Because you are using a fresh DD each time, this map can be run consecutively. Do note that this method will tank your sortie win ratio. You will need to watch that ratio to ensure you maintain the 75% win rate needed for event participation.

The second method is to send a fleet of 3-6SSV. This method brings a greater return but carries a higher risk and has steeper requirements. SSV can only carry Type 2 Ka-Mi Tanks. This equipment is difficult to obtain and carries a steep   cost. Furthermore, there are only 4 non-event SSV. The enemy fleet also contains 1-2 ASW DD that can cost you buckets. All this translates into 18-36 more ammo per run.

Resource Gain
  • 50-150 (5   increments}}
Recommended Fleets
  • 1DD
  • 3-6SSV
Equipment Setups
Ship Type Equipment Notes
DD     The Repair Team/Goddess is to allow your DD to bypass the auto-retreat mechanic for damaged flagships. The drums are to eke out the extra resources.
SSV    Just stack Ka-Mi tanks to maximize resource gains. For 3-slot submarines like I-13 and I-14, just give them an additional tank.

Expedition Timer Hourly
03 00:20 200   
05 01:30 133    
37 02:45 138   
Expedition Timer Total
13 04:00 300    
16 15:00 500      
37 02:45 380   
40 06:50 300     

Steel Steel


There really isn't a good place to farm steel but this is the only map where it is possible to do it at a low cost. This map has random branching which means you are not guaranteed to hit the steel node. The bright side is that you can gain   or   instead. What you want to do is maximize the power of your opening strike to minimize the damage your DDs will take. Since a majority of the enemies encountered have weak ASW and are forced to target submarines, taking one along can allow you to sub-tank the map. You will want to retreat in the battle after the resource node.

Resource Gain
Recommended Fleets
  • 2CVL 3DD 1SSV
  • 1AV 1CVL 3DD 1SSV
Equipment Setups
Ship Type Equipment Notes
DD     Ideally you should be using landing craft capable destroyers to supplement the meager resource returns.
    This setup is when you are not using Landing Craft-capable destroyers.
CVL      This setup maximizes the CVL's airstrike capability and takes AS+ against the enemy CVLs. If using 2CVL, the other one can swap a fighter for a Type 2 Recon Aircraft to maximize airstrike damage.
SSV    Just stack Ka-Mi tanks to maximize your resource gains if you can manage it. For 3-slot submarines like I-13 and I-14, just give them an additional tank.
   If you lack tanks, you can just equip torpedoes on your SSV. Ideally, she should have the 61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount to maximize her armor.
AV     The AV is meant to be a CVL-lite with opening torpedo capability. It is not recommended to use AV that cannot perform an opening torpedo strike.

Expedition Timer Hourly
03 00:20 120   
20 02:00 75   
37 02:45 98   
38 02:55 69   
Expedition Timer Total
15 12:00 300    
18 05:00 300   
37 02:45 270   
38 02:55 200   

Scraping unwanted drops is an excellent source of  .

  • Larger ships will provide more steel when scrapped.
  • Remember that any equiped gear will also be scraped in the process, adding some resources, unless the "unequip" switch is toggled.

Bauxite Bauxite


This is by far the easiest map to farm bauxite. The fleet requirements are light and there is only one battle. As an added bonus, it can be run at low morale because you're depending on the airstrike to kill everything. It also has 2 transports to finish your dailies and weeklies.

Resource Gain
  • 10-20 (5   increments)
    • +1.5 per  
    • +2 per  
Recommended Fleets
  • 3CVL 3DD
Equipment Setups
Ship Type Equipment Notes
DD     Ideally you should be using landing craft capable destroyers to supplement the meager resource returns.
    This setup is when you are not using Landing Craft-capable destroyers.
CVL      This setup maximizes the CVL's airstrike capability and gives them CVCI capabilities to clean up any survivors. If possible, you'll want to use medium-range CVLs or long-range bombers to ensure the DDs don't interfere.


7-4 is a great "risck free" place to farm both fuel and bauxite.

  • See the relevant page for more details.


This map can be used to farm both fuel and bauxite. The fleet used is the same for both resources. Fuel is obtained from node B. Take note that you do not have to retreat if heavily damaged at G. This is because node J is a dead-end node and will end the sortie. Unlike 1-3, a majority of the fleet needs to be combat-focused. While this means you cannot bring as many bonus equipment, the base resource gain is higher. This map will cost more buckets compared to 1-3.

Resource Gain
  • 50-100 (5   increments}}
    • +1.5 per  
    • +2 per  
Recommended Fleets
  • 1AV/AO 1CL 2DD 2CLT
Equipment Setups
Ship Type Equipment Notes
DD     Because of the limited space for bonus equipment, you do not have the luxury of bringing drums.
CL     This setup is for Abukuma Kai Ni or Yura Kai Ni. These two are the ideal girls for farming this map as the opening torpedoes are great at taking out threats.
    In the event that you are unable to use Abukuma or Yura in this map, simply give your CL a standard artillery spotting setup.
CLT     The midget submarine will allow them to take out some threats early and minimize the damage your fleet takes. OASW is highly recommended, especially since you will encounter submarines enroute.
AO/AV     This setup is for Hayasui. Her slots may be a bit small for the enemies present in this map but they're still enough to take out the weaker enemies. Kamoi is not recommended for this map.
    The AV should have a midget sub to add to the strength of the opening torpedo. The extra seaplane bombers add the airstrike cherry on top.

Expedition Timer Hourly
06 00:40 120  
B1 00:35 51    
45 3:20 66   
Expedition Timer Total
11 05:00 250   
15 12:00 400    
35 07:00 280    

Instant repair Instant Repair Materials


Farming 2-4 for   is meant to be a last resort. Expeditions are the superior way to gain  .

Farming this map can prove a bit frustrating because of the random routing at node C. If you get off-routed to node G, it is best that you refresh the game and end the sortie. If you need the  , then you can continue on and retreat after node I. The maelstrom at node C also increases your fuel costs for farming. The basic strategy is to have 3CV/Ls for routing and to do the heavy lifting with 2SS/V to act as tanks. The DD is just there for an additional radar to reduce fuel loss at the maelstrom.

Recommended Fleets
  • 3CV/L 1DD 2SS/V
Equipment Setups
Ship Type Equipment Notes
DD     It is recommended you have two 10cm Twin High-angle Mount + Anti-Aircraft Fire Director equipped along with an Anti-Air RADAR to allow your DD to AACI. While there is not much enemy airpower enroute, the chip damage from airstrikes can add up.
CV/L      Use the RADAR to block out the CV/L's largest slot and limit bauxite losses. You need at least 144 fighter power for AS+ at node F. Therefore, the fighters should take priority in the 2nd largest slots until you have reached that threshold. It is recommended you use medium-ranged CV/L or range-extending bombers so that the DD doesn't interfere with the CV/L's attacks.
SS/V    Simply load the SS with torpedoes. Ideally, she should have two 61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mounts to maximize her armor.

Expedition Timer Yield Side
Left Right
02 00:55 1 0   
04 00:50 1 0   
A2 00:55 0 1     
41 01:00 0 1    

Quest Type Yield Notes
Bd2   1
Bd4 2
Bd5 1
Bd7 1
Bd8 1
E3   2
F6   1
F9 1
F66 1
G2   1
Quest Type Yield Notes
Bw4   3
Bw5 2
Bw8 1
F68   1
F69 5
Quest Type Yield Notes
Bm4   3
Bm8 4 Choice
C8   2
C16 2 Choice
Quest Type Yield Notes
Bq3   4
Bq13 10 Choice
C44   4 Choice
Quest Type Yield Notes
2204 B1   6 Choice
"Large Scale Winter Exercise"   5 Choice
Quest Type Yield Notes
By1   8 Choice
By2 6 Choice
By3 5 Choice
By4 5 Choice
By12 9 Choice
C49   5 Choice
C50 4 Choice
C53 3 Choice
C55 4 Choice
D32   5 Choice
D33 4 Choice
D36 6 Choice
D40 5 Choice
G6   1 Choice
G7 2 Choice
G8 2 Choice

Instant construction Material Instant Construction Materials


The fleet used is similar to the leveling fleet with an AV taking the place of the BB/CA. The AV guarantees routing to node E and you can either retreat after node D or continue on to node H to finish daily/weekly quests.

Recommended Fleets
  • 2CV/L 1AV 1CL/T 2DD
Equipment Setups
Ship Type Equipment Notes
DD     Fairly standard setup for DDs. They won't be contributing much to the battle beyond providing AA support. They are primarily here to reduce costs. Else, putting more CL and CA in the fleet would still work.
CL     Setup for CLs that are capable of Artillery Spotting. For those that are not, simply replace the seaplane with a radar or anti-air gun.
CLT     CLTs are useful at increasing the pass rate for this map. The addition of a midget sub for opening torpedo strikes can reduce the number of threats even further.
CV/L      You may need to shuffle around some planes in order to hit the 162 fighter power required for AS+. One of your carriers should also have a Saiun if you can manage it.
AV     You should be using an AV capable of opening torpedo strikes. One midget sub and two torpedoes will provide sufficient power for the opening torpedo strike to take out some of the tougher enemies on this map.

Expedition Timer Yield Side
Left Right
07 01:00 1 0   
10 01:30 1 0    
16 15:00 2 0      

Quest Type Yield Notes
Bd7   1
C2   1
E4   1
F5   1
F8 1
Quest Type Yield Notes
Bw1   2
G3   1

Development material Development Materials


Farming this map can prove a bit frustrating because of the random routing at node C. The setup is essentially the same as for bucket farming. You can use an AO to force routing to node G but it will cost you some buckets as AOs cannot take hits as well as DDs.

Recommended Fleets

  • 3CV/L 1DD 2SS/V
  • 3CV/L 1AO 2SS/V

Equipment Setups

Ship Type Equipment Notes
DD     It is recommended you have two 10cm Twin High-angle Mount + Anti-Aircraft Fire Director equipped along with an Anti-Air RADAR to allow your DD to AACI. While there is not much enemy airpower en-route, the chip damage from airstrikes can add up.
CV/L      Use the RADAR to block out the CV/L's largest slot and limit bauxite losses. You need at least 144 fighter power for AS+ at node F. Therefore, the fighters should take priority in the 2nd largest slots until you have reached that threshold. It is recommended you use medium range CV(L) or range-extending bombers so that the DD doesn't interfere with the CV/L's attacks.
SS/V    Simply load the SS with torpedoes. Ideally, she should have two 61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mounts to maximize her armor.
AO     This setup is for Hayasui. She essentially fulfills the same role as the DD. She has very high fuel costs.
    This setup is for Kamoi. The seaplane fighters can free up slots on your CV/Ls to take more bombers. This increases the power of your opening strike and helps ensure less damage is taken.


While this map has the potential to return significantly more DevMats than 2-4, it is also costlier and more difficult. The enemies encountered are strong and any node has the potential to force a retreat. Furthermore, you need to score at least a B-rank at the boss in order to claim the resources. This can be a tall order when fighting BB, CA, and DD Hime with a light fleet. Also, the resources gained are random between  ,   and  .

Recommended Fleets

  • 1CL 4DD 1AV

Equipment Setups

Ship Type Equipment Notes
DD     Because this map has no air power, you are free to use guns with the best fit and firepower on your DDs. The wildcard can be anything that doesn't interfere with the double attack setup. It will usually be a radar to maximize fit bonuses.
    At least one or two of your DDs should be on OASW duty. The flagship SS at node C can pose a threat to your fleet and cause you to retreat.
CL     It is highly recommended that you use either Abukuma Kai Ni or Yura Kai Ni for this map. Preferably the former. You'll want to equip either of them with one midget sub and two torpedoes to maximize their opening strike. Other CLs can work but you will increase your retreat rate and struggle even more to get a B-rank at the boss.
AV     Loading the AV with Seaplane Recons will increase your chances of getting more DevMats from node G and H. Akitsushima with three Type 2 Flying Boat has the highest chances but also the most likely to be damaged.

Expedition Timer Yield Side
Left Right
A2 00:55 1 0  
20 02:00 1 0  
41 01:00 1 0   
35 07:00 0 1   

Quest Type Yield Notes
Bd1   1
Bd2 1
Bd3 1
Bd5 1
Bd6 2
C4   1
D2   1
E4   1
F5   1
F6 1
F7 2
F8 2
F65 1
F66 1
Quest Type Yield Notes
Bw1   2
Bw2 2
Bw3 3
Bw6 2
Bw7 3
Bw8 1
Bw9 2
C4   2
D4   3
D11 2
F34   2
F68 7
G3   2
Quest Type Yield Notes
Bm1   5
Bm4 3
Bm5 5
Bm7 4
Bm8 4 Choice
C16   2 Choice
Quest Type Yield Notes
Bq4   4
Bq9 4 Choice
C29   3 Choice
C42 8 Choice
C44 4 Choice
D24   4
F39   2
F55 3
F67 4
F70 8 Choice
F72 6 Choice
Quest Type Yield Notes
By1   10 Choice
By2 8 Choice
By3 6 Choice
By5 10 Choice
By6 5 Choice
By11 8 Choice
C49   4 Choice
C50 6 Choice
C65 4 Choice
C66 6 Choice
D34   7 Choice
D35 5 Choice
D36 4 Choice
D38 6 Choice
D40 6 Choice
F92   10
F94 10 Choice
F98 5 Choice
F99 5 Choice
F100 10 Choice
F113 8 Choice
G6   2 Choice
G7 3 Choice
G8 3 Choice
G9 4 Choice

Improvement material Improvement Materials

As every Expedition rewarding screws are monthly ones, the timer is irrelevant here.

Expedition Yield Notes
Left Right
A6 0 1 Monthly Expeditions
B4 0 1
B5 0 1
B6 0 1
43 0 1
46 0 1
D3 0 1
E1 0 1
E2 0 1

Quest Type Yield Notes
F18   1
Quest Type Yield Notes
Bw5   1
Bw7 3
Bw7 2
Bw9 3
Bw10 3
C4   1
D11   1
F34   1
Quest Type Yield Notes
Bm3   3
Bm4 4
Bm5 3
Bm6 2
Bm7 2
Bm8 2 Choice
Quest Type Yield Notes
Bq1   5
Bq2 4
Bq4 4
Bq7 4 Choice
Bq10 4 Choice
Bq11 2 Choice
C38   3 Choice
C42 3 Choice
F35   3
F67 4 Choice
Quest Type Yield Notes
By1   4 Choice
By4 4 Choice
By5 8 Choice
By7 3 Choice
By12 4 Choice
C53   3 Choice
C62 3 Choice
C65 3 Choice
C66 4 Choice
D32   3 Choice
D34 3 Choice
D35 4 Choice
D38 3 Choice
D40 4 Choice
F92   5 Choice
F94 5 Choice
F95 4 Choice
F98 2 Choice
F99 2 Choice
F100 8 Choice
F102 3 Choice
F113 3 Choice
G7   2 Choice
G9 2 Choice

Other Consumables

Special resources are not detailed on this page, as they are difficultly "farmable", please refer to each individual page for more details:

See Also