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Line 428: Line 428:
*N°337 the {{Equipment/Link|Reppuu Kai Ni (CarDiv 1/Skilled)}}, never given
*N°337 the {{Equipment/Link|Reppuu Kai Ni (CarDiv 1/Skilled)}}, never given
*N°448 never released
*N°448 never released
*The {{Equipment/Link|Ginga}} upgradable into the {{Equipment/Link|Ginga (Egusa Squadron)}}
*{{Equipment/Link|Type 4 Heavy Bomber Hiryuu|Type 4 Heavy Bomber Hiryuu (Skilled)|Type 4 Heavy Bomber Hiryuu + No.1 Model 1A Guided Missile|text=Hiryuu bombers}} obtainable (via Akashi notably)
*{{Equipment/Link|Type 4 Heavy Bomber Hiryuu|Type 4 Heavy Bomber Hiryuu (Skilled)|Type 4 Heavy Bomber Hiryuu + No.1 Model 1A Guided Missile|text=Hiryuu bombers}} obtainable (via Akashi notably)
*The {{Equipment/Link|120mm/50 Twin Gun Mount mod.1936}} upgradable into the {{Equipment/Link|120mm/50 Twin Gun Mount Kai A.mod.1937}}
*The {{Equipment/Link|120mm/50 Twin Gun Mount mod.1936}} upgradable into the {{Equipment/Link|120mm/50 Twin Gun Mount Kai A.mod.1937}}

Revision as of 20:23, 9 June 2022

A French Twin-Tailcon.

Joined on October 2016
Discord : Jiga
Server : Brunei Anchorage
IGN : Jigaraphale
Main discord server (French KC): "Le Kancolle" [1]



  • Dark Mode related fix
  • Fixing Ninnin's typos

My missing equipments

Obtainable ones
Equipment Card Type 32 Surface Radar Kai.png
Type 32 Surface Radar Kai
Equipment Card Type 1 Land-based Attack Aircraft (Nonaka Squadron).png
Type 1 Land-based Attack Aircraft (Nonaka Squadron)
Equipment Card 16inch Triple Gun Mount Mk.7 + GFCS.png
16inch Triple Gun Mount Mk.7 + GFCS
Equipment Card Type 1 Land-based Attack Aircraft Model 34.png
Type 1 Land-based Attack Aircraft Model 34
Equipment Card Shiden Model 21 Shiden Kai.png
Shiden Model 21 Shiden Kai
Equipment Card Seafire Mk.III Kai.png
Seafire Mk.III Kai
Equipment Card 46cm Triple Gun Mount Kai.png
46cm Triple Gun Mount Kai
Equipment Card O Type Observation Autogyro Kai 2.png
O Type Observation Autogyro Kai Ni
Equipment Card S-51J Kai.png
S-51J Kai
Equipment Card Type 4 Heavy Bomber Hiryuu (Skilled).png
Type 4 Heavy Bomber Hiryuu (Skilled)
Unobtainable ones
Equipment Card Shinden Kai.png
Shinden Kai
Equipment Card 53cm Bow (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount.png
53cm Bow (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount
Equipment Card Saiun (Disassembled for Transport).png
Saiun (Disassembled for Transport)
Equipment Card Saiun (Eastern Caroline Air Group).png
Saiun (Eastern Caroline Air Group)
Equipment Card Skilled Sonar Personnel + Late Model Bow Torpedo Mount (6 tubes).png
Skilled Sonar Personnel + Late Model Bow Torpedo Mount (6 tubes)
Equipment Card Type 1 Fighter Hayabusa Model III A (54th Squadron).png
Type 1 Fighter Hayabusa Model III A (54th Squadron)
Equipment Card Type 1 Fighter Hayabusa Model II (64th Squadron).png
Type 1 Fighter Hayabusa Model II (64th Squadron)
Equipment Card Spitfire Mk.IX (Skilled).png
Spitfire Mk.IX (Skilled)
Equipment Card Shiden Kai (343 Air Group) 301st Fighter Squadron.png
Shiden Kai (343 Air Group) 301st Fighter Squadron
Equipment Card 35.6cm Triple Gun Mount Kai (Dazzle Camouflage).png
35.6cm Triple Gun Mount Kai (Dazzle Camouflage)
Equipment Card 16inch Mk.I Triple Gun Mount Kai + FCR Type 284.png
16inch Mk.I Triple Gun Mount Kai + FCR Type 284
Equipment Card Type 97 Torpedo Bomber (931 Air Group Skilled).png
Type 97 Torpedo Bomber (931 Air Group/Skilled)
Equipment Card Ju 87C Kai 2 (w KMX Skilled).png
Ju 87C Kai Ni (w/ KMX/Skilled)
Equipment Card Suisei Model 12 (w Type 31 Photoelectric Fuze Bombs).png
Suisei Model 12 (w/ Type 31 Photoelectric Fuze Bombs)
Equipment Card Reppuu Kai 2.png
Reppuu Kai Ni
Equipment Card Reppuu Kai 2 Model E (CarDiv 1 Skilled).png
Reppuu Kai Ni Model E (CarDiv 1/Skilled)
Equipment Card Shuusui.png
Equipment Card M4A1 DD.png
Equipment Card GFCS Mk.37 + 5inch Twin Dual-purpose Gun Mount (Concentrated Deployment).png
GFCS Mk.37 + 5inch Twin Dual-purpose Gun Mount (Concentrated Deployment)
Equipment Card Tenzan Model 12A Kai (Skilled w Type 6 Airborne Radar Kai).png
Tenzan Model 12A Kai (Skilled w/ Type 6 Airborne Radar Kai)
Equipment Card XF5U.png
Equipment Card Ginga (Egusa Squadron).png
Ginga (Egusa Squadron)
Equipment Card Shinzan Kai.png
Shinzan Kai
Equipment Card Do 217 K-2 + Fritz-X.png
Do 217 K-2 + Fritz-X
Equipment Card Type 42 Air Radar Kai 2.png
Type 42 Air Radar Kai Ni
Equipment Card Type 0 Fighter Model 22 (251 Air Group).png
Type 0 Fighter Model 22 (251 Air Group)
Equipment Card SB2C-5.png
Equipment Card Barracuda Mk.III.png
Barracuda Mk.III
Equipment Card SM.79 bis (Skilled).png
SM.79 bis (Skilled)
Equipment Card Prototype Jinpuu.png
Prototype Jinpuu
Equipment Card Type 4 Heavy Bomber Hiryuu + No.1 Model 1A Guided Missile.png
Type 4 Heavy Bomber Hiryuu + No.1 Model 1A Guided Missile

Kancolle enhancement project

The following list is what I think are good ideas to implement in KC in order to improve the game, while keeping its basic esthetic, and keeping in mind that it is still a free-to-play game that needs to make money. I absolutely do not want to transform this game into a generic and forgettable Gacha, I just want to imagine how an up-to-date Kancolle can be, with many features that I believe are missing in this 8+ years old game. I also consider that no 3rd party software should be used because if the game is "good enough" or even "perfect", it simply does not need such things (even so I will still use them myself).

Some features that I believe must be added as soon as possible in order to make the game more welcoming and forgiving for newcomers, more bearable for long-term free players, and richer for any old player.

  • Increase the dock size to around 150 ships for all players.
    • For now, free players are supposed to:
      • Clear hundreds of composition and sortie quests each requiring different ships,
      • Have high-level META ships,
      • Perfectly lock ships on each event when the average lock per even is increasing,
      • =>This is madness and way beyond reasonable.
    • Maybe giving those 50 new slots in several mid to late game hard quests, unlocked with HQ.
    • Maybe also give 5-10 slots with a hard quest for each KC anniversary, depending on the recently added ships.
  • Maybe also give some ways to obtain new rings.
    • For instance, rewarding one ring for st-Valentine, after a very hard limited-quest.
  • Rework all the shop economy! Some items are too expensive (resources, consumables, …), too cheap (dock extensions, rings, …), and/or useless.
  • Equipment preset deployment must be fixed!
    • It can be improved by separation saves by types (BB with BB, CV with CV, DD with DD…) just like the ship selection tab.
    • This would make much more sense than the useless mess currently there, finally adding a real solution for equipment presets.
  • A more explanatory crafting system (something that is not some witchcraft recipes like now).
    • Maybe just give some guidelines/probabilities on which class of equipment/ships you are going to craft within a range of resources used.
    • Make LSC great again! For now, it is just a Maruyuu machine…
  • A "quest tree", or at least some way to know what we have done and the immediate new quests we can unlock for every quest.
  • More info about quest rewards, so we can manage our quests to clear.
  • All ships required in quests must be obtainable at any moment, so you are not blocked at some point, praying for the next event (for Gotland, Fletcher, Gambier Bay, Amatsukaze, & Shinshuu Maru).
    • Another way to fix it, is to modify those quests, so they can accept the blocked ship, or some other alternative.
  • All equipment required in quests must be obtainable at any moment, so you cannot be blocked forever if you loosed unique quest equipment (see Unobtaiable equipments).
    • Every piece of equipment must be obtainable (via craft/Akashi/quest/stock equipment) "at some point", no matter the price, so you can eventually complete the kancodex.
    • Newer equipment may only become obtainable for all, several months after introduction.
    • A hard limit to how many "special" equipment can be owned should be introduced to avoid power creep.
    • Some rarer equipment may be only given once (not including events/ranking) via upgrade quests like it is already the case for many rare ones.

  • New maps : All Extra Operations.
    • We are waiting for the 2nd and 3rd EOs of the main worlds since they were introduced.
    • At this point, such EO can serve to re-introduce some rare mechanics, such as AGDPArctic Gear & Deck Personnel, special nodes, historical fleets…
    • Since months are already charged enough with current EOs and quests, those new EOs may not be reseted each month and/or require the previous one to be unlocked (unlike 1-6).
    • Having only 2 EOs per world instead of 3 could also be a solution.
    • Some EOs could be changed/updated every quarter/year :
      • Maybe using older events maps and gimmicks.
        • It would be interesting to replace the rewards with something like ranking points or even a special currency that could buy some old event-limited equipment.
      • Using randomly generated map (forcing you to explore a bit every month) => maybe just 1 or 2, not to overwhelm us.
  • New expeditions :
    • Extra Expeditions (with letters)
    • World 7 & 6 expeditions.
      • W6 expeditions could be limited-time, appearing only once, or just once a year, and where you can use exotic fleets to have special loot.
      • Some expeditions could also be randomly generated, adding more variations.

Some quality of life improvement for Sorties.

  • Possibility at any time to see the fleet state (engagement, air situation, HPs...), so you can maybe close your eyes for more than 0.5 s without the fear to miss something.
    • Doing it like Kcanotify does (with overlays) is a good starting point.
  • More obvious routing / LoS effect on the sortie, where you can guess a given map routing by yourself with less ambiguity, and without the need to do several hundred runs, reporting it in some Excel sheets.
  • In-port log of all the fleets used on the map
    • Just knowing the girls' types and fleet LoS could be enough.
    • This could be replaced with an expedition type overlay, where when selecting the map, the shadows of minimum/allowed fleets are displayed.
  • Less useless loading times.
  • More stats about one fleet :
    • The total stats (the real ones, since the current one is incomplete).
    • The general fleet LoS.
    • The fleet air power.
    • The combined fleet stats.
    • The LBAS air enhancements.
  • Some equipment mechanics need to be reworked :
    • The Rice items are useless for now.
    • The majority of secondary guns are completely useless.
    • Most main guns (of any caliber) have no use for their lack of bonus or proper mechanics.
    • Almost all lower-tier AA guns have no purpose but to be scraped.
    • Several equipments have no purpose in the game, they are not used in sorties, not scrapped for quests, or consumed with Akashi, they need some reworks.
    • There is both an overabundance of equipment and a lack of setup diversity, saying much about the current state of the META.

  • Remove the stupid idea to have the Strike Force fleet in the 3rd fleet, this adds NOTHING to the game but frustration and big mistakes.
    • For now, it is objectively and factually terrible game design and proof of lazy/spaghetti coding.
    • Making all fleets (aka n°1) "expedition capable" would be the best/easiest way to fix this flaw.
    • Historical elements are very much welcomed, unless they are detrimental to the game.
  • Rework "tag routing" !
    • In its recent implementations, it was possible to lock himself totally, making the event impossible to clear in ANY difficulty.
    • If locks are not supposed to be an issue in lower difficulties, then a way to bypass this "tag routing" must be easily possible in those cases.
  • Historical bonus general nerf.
    • It must be a simple bonus fact, not a game-breaking thing that is a "must-have" each time.
  • Remove the possibility to drop nothing on an S rank on absolutely every "boss".
  • Friendly fleets "from the start", but using them add a drawback, like less/worst drops for instance.
    • The current way FF works is mostly fine, but having some from the start could be nice for some players with limited time available.

We desperately need a new tutorial. The main goal of such a tuto is not to have a fully detailed explanation of how the game is coded and works like a wiki guide, but just to give everybody the Big Picture on what is possible in this game.

  • We need explanations for more mechanics from the beginning, like :
    • Cut-ins,
    • Opening and closing attacks,
    • Fleet compositions,
    • Day and night battles mechanics,
    • Different nodes guide (combat, night, storm, resources, air-raid, air-battle, ambush, refueling, repairing, routing, blue, boss, TP, …),
    • Routing explanations, from LoS to ship restriction, how does it work, and how to find it by ourselves,
    • Airplanes effects, echelons, attack types, synergies, cut-in, slots size, AA resist …
    • Synergies bonus :
      • ASW,
      • Anti-installations,
      • Setups,
    • Fit bonuses,
    • Upgrades effects,
    • LBAS,
    • Consumable items (RationsCombat Ration
      Combat Ration (Special Onigiri)
      Canned Saury
      , Damage controlEmergency Repair Personnel
      Emergency Repair Goddess
      , Underway ReplenishmentUnderway Replenishment, cakes, Akashi repairs, AS baskets, …),
    • Special equipments (FCFFleet Command Facility
      Striking Force Fleet Command Facility
      Elite Torpedo Squadron Command Facility
      , SCAMPSkilled Carrier-based Aircraft Maintenance Personnel, NOAPNight Operation Aviation Personnel
      Night Operation Aviation Personnel + Skilled Deckhands
      , AGDPArctic Gear & Deck Personnel, RLK212cm 30-tube Rocket Launcher Kai Ni, Speed modifiersImproved Kanhon Type Turbine
      Enhanced Kanhon Type Boiler
      New Model High Temperature High Pressure Boiler
      , Ship Repair FacilityShip Repair Facility, …).
  • Possibility to replay parts of the tuto.
  • Event general tuto :
    • Difficulties,
    • Difficulty switch,
    • Locks,
    • Historical bonus,
    • Historical attacks and routings (like 2021 spring Drum fleets),
    • Combined fleets,
    • Striking Force,
    • High altitude interception.
  • A special guide for each special mechanic (touch & ci) could appear when we unlock it.
    • For instance, on every Big Seven's Gallery profile, you can find her touch tuto and effects.
  • Explanation of the global effect of more stats like :
    • Soft and hard cap effects,
    • LoS,
    • Range,
    • Interception,
    • LBAS bombing.
  • More tuto maps mechanics (using regular maps like EOs to display some mechanics):
    • Special unique gears use (artic gear, Akashi sortie repair, refueling, FCF...),
    • Special mechanics like TP phases or any LBAS related mechanic currently missing.
  • Ranking Tuto:
    • There is absolutely no way a new player rank by himself without any input on what ranking is, the fact that it's a thing, and basically what to do and for what rewards.
    • Some guidelines on the goals of ranking, how it works (reset & ci), and how to get points, are needed !
  • Use Katori or/and Kashima as the "tuto mascots".
    • Give Gotland as the final tuto reward, a nice Easter egg, and fixing her obtainability issue at the same time.

The Akashi upgrade system is antiquated and convoluted, it needs some polish.

  • Increase the screws per day gain from about 3 to more than 5 in the end-game.
    • Maybe add one map (like some hard new EOs) that can give 1 screw/run (eventually caped like 1-6), or use some old/new "long" expeditions.
  • General screw price balancing :
    • Some equipments are way too expensive for what they are, and others are very cheap.
    • The range of cost is stupidly random, with for a given upgrade price, the guaranteed price range from +50 % to +100 % for no reason.
      • Some standardization would be appreciable.
  • New Akashi menu UI :
    • Must not be hidden like it is now.
    • Give more descriptions on the upgrading effects/benefits (like visible stars' bonus).
    • Add some sort of timetable so we can find who to use without looking at all our ships one by one.
      • This could be on each ship's Gallery page.

  • Rework the expeditions rewards & length (some are way too useless).
    • It could be interesting to add special rewards to the "very long" expeditions (18+ h) like rarer consumables (cakes, AS baskets, emergency repairs…), eventually making those expeditions more expensive to run to balance them.
  • Morale should come back to 50 when the girl rest.
    • Maybe add a "relaxing mechanic" (like a dormitory, spa, onsen, restaurant…) where you can dock a limited amount of ship to raise their morale above 50 (maybe up to 100), maybe consuming some resources at the same time. A tier system could be used, where for every +10 moral point gained, a girl needs exponentially more time/resources to get it.
    • Maybe add a new bonus for married girls: the morale recovers faster and caps higher.
    • Morale above 50 could also go back down after some time (maybe losing 1 morale per day), encouraging smarter moral management rather than simple 1-1 farming.

Some UI improvements could be nice to see :

  • For sparkling (making it more visible),
  • More accurate percentage for quests (like with 10 % increments),
  • To sort ships and equipment by stats, by types, by capacities (like DLC capable), ...
  • Dark mode (for my poor eyes),
  • Notifications for expeditions, repair, craft, morale, …
  • Expeditions arrival don't need to have the port reloaded to be obtained,
  • EO reset don't need to reload the game,
  • New CGs/seasonal CGs indicator (so you don't miss any),
  • Global fleet stat for the expedition menu,
  • Better sound and music management,
  • In-game dev logs with the possibility to see past patch notes, so we can have a genuine way to see new stuff added for each update, with maybe some announcements on the side using a new kind of board, clearly separating the KC twitter account from the default changelog/announcement board.

Not really needed, but highly appreciable.

  • New equipement classification. Many different type of equipment share a same icon, it would be more logical and convenient to add some distinctions :
    • Separating "high angle guns" depending on if they are DD main, CL main, or secondary,
    • Separating large & very large guns,
    • Separating CL & CA guns,
    • Separating turret / submarine / midget-sub torpedoes,
    • Separating dive bombers and fighter bombers,
    • Combining jets (no need for 2 unique icons),
    • Making the night fighter & night bomber icons more distinguishable,
    • Separating seaplane recons and bombers,
    • Separating "AA rocket lauchers" from "AA guns",
    • Separating depth-charges racks / depth-charges projectors / ASW mortars,
    • Separating DLC / landing Tanks / Armed boats,
    • Redestributing LBAS planes, for bombers, escort-fighter, interceptors, high-altitude interceptors, LBAS recons, ASW bombers,
    • Adding a "dual-purpose" nuance could also help for :
      • High-angle guns,
      • AA / Surface radar,
      • Fighter bombers,
      • Bomber / ASW plane,
      • Normal & larger equipments (guns, lamps, radars, sonars, armors…).
  • Any player-to-player interactions, where players can interact and maybe even play with or against each other.
    • Having the possibility to display our port to other players, to share data, or just to flex.
  • Live CG.
  • Ranking hints :
    • Some hints at every month start on what will the ranking rewards be (ex: "this month: a plane from the tea country" and a spitfire is among the related rewards), so we can plan our ranking.
  • New game engine that runs faster.
  • Mobile update (with IOS maybe).
  • Desktop app, where you have all game assets already downloaded, reducing the loading times and server load when peoples DL new assets at every new restart.
  • And also, maybe, eventually, a global release/translation, not a new game release for foreigners, just the possibility to genuinely play this same and unique game from aboard.

Things I absolutely do not ever want to see.

  • Gacha lottery.
  • Auto quest selector.
  • Skin economy.
  • Premium currency (for exclusive stuff).
  • "Fast mode" to skip content (maybe a skipped animation using a special currency can be good).
  • "Autoplay".
  • Limited currency to limit how much you can play per day.
  • Auto repair system.
  • Auto formation mode.
  • Auto click to continue.
  • Auto-leveling mechanic.
  • Any power creep equipment :
    • Specific unit/commander equipment.
    • Overspecific prototypes (like missile planes)
    • Invented/fake equipment (KMX planes, land-based planes on CVs, foreigners labeled as Jap…)
  • Post WW2 content (to some extent).

Some Bugs and inconsistencies that should have been fixed years ago.

  • Fit bonuses:
    • Too many fit bonuses just don't work!!!
    • Harmonization of fit bonus effects.
    • No more hidden fit bonus (with guns mostly).
    • More "logical" fits (by classes/nations) and logical effects (like AA bonus on CVs)
    • No more OP fit bonus (a greater gear diversity is better than some META defining ones)
    • No more broken stats.
    • More logical "red fit malus", most are not needed at all and can be replaced with some equipment stat tweaks and regular bonus.
  • LBAS "F5" bug :
    • This issue needs to be addressed, by being fixed and by providing a real solution to keep chevrons.
    • Making the Catalina rescue mechanic more logical by rescuing crews could help a bit.
  • PVP swaps: PVP fleets swapping at the last second when going to fight them.
  • New ship CGs are NOT immediately unlocked in the kancodex when introduced, and sometimes are just never unlocked even if you have the said ship.
  • Better management for special ships slots, like the Ise K2 class ones, where selecting the 3rd to 5th slots forbid you to put guns, even so, the 2 firsts ones are free.
    • This bug was fixed, but reverted back!
  • "Longest Range" not having its proper icon.
  • Interception stat not having any icon.
  • Crit damages display: they make no sense for now, and provide too much fake data.
  • Quests messed up: quests order need to be fixed, by maybe finally recoding older quests.
  • Equipment preset deployment does not work with currently equipped equipment or on non-RE ships.
  • And all dozens of visual bugs...
    • Some stats/names for equipment or ships are not displayed when too long.
    • Black HP,
    • LV not increasing when exact exp acquired,
    • UI elements superposition,
    • Aircrafts in combat,
    • Fuel/ammo resupplying,
    • Some old CG being low resolution in the Galery,
    • ...

KC is not an RNG-based game and I don't think that RNG is an issue right now in this game, but I think that some things can be improved:

  • Drops :
    • The drop system does not need anything more, but maybe the idea of a "mercy drop", in order to make doing 435 runs for one particular ship less likely.
    • An idea would be to add a "drop pool", where you have all the droppable ships on a given map in it, and so when you drop a certain ship from this pool, her drop rate will decrease, making it less likely to have to make a billion runs for any given ship (but still possible). Also, when all the ships of the pool have been dropped at least once, the pool rates reset.
  • Routing :
    • Since phase 2, there is almost no "non-sense" off-routing, so on almost any map, it's possible to have 1 route or multiple almost identical routes 100% of the time.
    • I think it could be nice to have some maps where at some points you have random chances to follow different paths with different encounters, obliging you to choose fleets suited for any of those situations.


In the end, what I want here is a game with a bit more polish, which is beginner-friendly and still has an interesting late game. I want to see more of the "announced" and/or "exclusive" content to be properly implemented in the game, making it looks more like an up-to-date game, and not just an old fossil with some paint.

Basically, I reject anything that is the signature of Gacha games, and which will just transform KC into another generic and forgettable game. I also want to avoid content exclusive to old players, not too hardcore players, just old players that did nothing to really earn them (see here, which creates an unfair and undeserved segregation/street creed between recent and older players. If you want to flex, you can use exclusive furniture, and medals, put stars on the rarer/better/most expensive equipment, or maybe just have duplicates of older limited equipment.

For a final note, the best thing that could happen to Kancolle is having the developers listen to the community, because for years, most of the best FTP games have already seen an active debate between their devs and fans, bringing a constant benefic feedback loop to enhance the game. Better than "me" to improve this game is all of us AND the devs.


Just a non-exhaustive list of features we are expecting in the game because the devs teased them, or the game gives very strong hints about them. Some are outdated and will probably never come.

  • In-game player-to-player interaction
    • anything ranging from real PVP, coop mode, or just social interactions
  • Comeback of the Arctic Gear & Deck PersonnelArctic Gear & Deck Personnel
  • ShinzanShinzan
    Shinzan Kai
    's "high altitude" mechanic
  • Souya being "VERY useful"

  • World 3 extra expeditions (C1 to C6)
  • World 4 extra expeditions (D4 to D6)
  • World 5 extra expeditions (E3 to E6)
  • World 7 expeditions (47 & 48)
  • World 7 extra expeditions (F1 to F6)
  • World 6 expeditions (49 to 56)
  • World 6 extra expeditions (G1 to G6)

  • World 1 extra operation (1-7)
  • World 2 extra operations (2-6 & 2-7)
  • World 3 extra operations (3-6 & 3-7)
  • World 4 extra operations (4-6 & 4-7)
  • World 5 extra operations (5-6 & 5-7)
  • World 5 LBAS
  • World 6 extra operations (6-6 & 6-7)
  • World 7 extra operations (7-5, 7-6, & 7-7)

  • new ships:
    • Shinano (by Youki ?)
    • Last Mutsuki-class "Yūzuki" (at N°282 in the Gallery)
    • New Taiyou-class CVE (at N°282 in the Gallery)
  • new remodels:
    • Shigure kai 3
    • Houshou kai 2
    • Mikuma kai 2 and kai 2 Toku (respectively at N°302 & N°307 in the Gallery)
    • Haruna kai 2 B (at N°393 in the Gallery)
    • Kirishima kai 2 B (at N°394 in the Gallery)
    • Agano kai 2 (at N°461 in the Gallery)
    • Sakawa kai 2 (at N°464 in the Gallery)

Excluding all the unobtainable equipment that should return at some point, several equipment were also forgotten :

Kancolle speedrun

A speedrun competition where you need to clear KC maps as fast as possible. Here, only in-port time, combat time, and sortie time are counted; "black loading times" are cut to prevent any unfair advantages, but most "in-game loading times" are kept for simplicity.

In the end, the best speedrunners are the ones who navigate through the menus with ease, assemble fleets quickly, use the best routes, clear nodes the fastest, and avoid A ranks and retreats at all costs. Any retreat, off-route, bucket used, S rank failed, or fleet assembly mistake must be avoided in order to achieve the best time possible.

For the different "clearing categories" we have (the base requirement is doing all MO but W7):

requirements A B C D E F G H I
All EO x x x x x
EO not cleared x x
W7 x x x x x x
W7 both boss x x x x
W7 not cleared x x

For each category, you need to obtain an S rank on the boss of each map (just reach node N for 1-6). When the boss has a health bar, depending on the category, you either need to deplete the bar during the speedrun if you are in a "boss not cleared" category, or you need to clear the map only if has already been depleted when you are in a "boss cleared" one.

A, B, C & E should be the most popular choices since doing the not cleared versions is only possible once a month.

No order in particular should be imposed, so players can do the most "RNG bound" maps 1st to avoid long wasted runs and also add some moral management ease. If any order should be imposed, the only logical one is to clear the worlds from 1 to 7 in display order (1,2,3,7,4,5,6) or in numerical order (1,2,3,4,5,6,7), within each world the maps cleared from 1st to last in order.

For 3rd party users (KC3, Poi, Kcanotify…), the speed runs can be divided into 2 main categories, the "Vania" and the "3rd party" ones.

Regarding the connection type to the game (nothing, VPN, KCCP, Goto browser …), since all "black loading times" are cut, all modes should be included, but since modes like KCCP also decrease some "in-game loading times", they are encouraged.

When you start your speedrun, 100% of the ships you will use during the run must be unequipped, since having more equipments available can give unfair advantages. Also, you are only allowed to use your 1st fleet to clear the run, and the ship in it at the start of your run must be one that is not used on the 1st map cleared. During the run, you can keep some ships equipped to gain some time, and you are allowed to use the base equipment saving slots, you are also allowed to use the base fleet saving slots. Since paying captains and free captains will be playing this mode, it is logical to limit some aspects of the paying ones. The limitations are :

  • 100 different ships max per speedrun
  • 2 repair docs in use at a time max (but bucket use is allowed and encouraged)
  • Base fleet saving slots max
  • Base equipment saving slots max
  • All RE must be empty
  • No repair fairy allowed
  • No morale cakes are allowed
In the end, only multiple married girls are allowed for paying captains. The paid LBAS are not taken into account since upgrading them plays a minor role in clearing the maps.

  • Since the Android version is a bit different from the regular one, maybe it should be banned to prevent any potential unfair advantage.
  • Regarding the RE rule, it can maybe be voted to allow the use of some very common RE, like the ones on some RLK2 capable ships, or on Yuubary but only for turbine use.
  • Regarding the use of "exclusive items" like events or ranking limited ones, all are allowed, but if at some point one is judged to be too overpowered, it can be banned to be used.
  • Regarding the use of graphic mods like the EN patch, if they keep the main essence of the game without giving any significant advantage (like a hypothetical fast loading pack), they are allowed.
  • Regarding the navigation thru the ship menu, having all your ships at Lv 99 or at a specific Lv can help to assemble a fleet, but since any captain is supposed to know his own fleet and that he will at some point have to navigate between multiple pages anyway, we can assume that no significant advantage can be obtained by having a certain fleet over another.