It is impossible to reduce the base Range of a ship, but certain equipment can extend it.
Range |
Equipment |
All Small Small Caliber Main Guns, all Sec Sp_Sec High-Angle Secondary Guns, all SubTorpedoes, and WG42
Cannot increase the range of any ship.
Small 5" Single Gun Mk.30 + GFCS |
Small GFCS Mk.37 |
Large SK + SG Radar , Type 274 Fire Control Radar |
Small SG Radar (Initial Model) / (Late Model) |
Addtional +1 on USN DDs, Dan Yang, and Yukikaze Kai Ni.
Torpedo Squadron Skilled Lookouts |
Equipable in the RE
All Secondary Guns (Yellow) |
All Medium Medium Caliber Main Guns (but Long range ones) |
38cm Quadruple Gun Mount Kai / Deux |
Cannot increase the range of any ship.
203mm/53 Twin Gun Mount |
All Large Caliber Main Guns (but Medium and Very Long range ones) |
SCAMP , NOAP + Skilled Deckhands |
Suisei Model 22 (634 Air Group) / Skilled , Ju 87C Kai Ni (w/ KMX/Skilled) |
Kikka Kai , Jet Keiun Kai |
Very Long
381mm/50 Triple Gun Mount / Kai , Prototype / 46cm Triple Gun Mount / Kai |
All Sp Very Large Caliber Main Guns

SDP + Aviation Maintenance Hands |
Equipable in the RE of CV(L/B)
Type 2 Reconnaissance Aircraft |
+1 on Souryuu Kai Ni, Hiryuu Kai Ni, and Ise-class Kai Ni