Revision as of 13:55, 9 February 2025 by Jigaraphale (talk | contribs)
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Gameplay Notes
Destroyers (DD) are very versatile, utilizing Small Caliber Main Guns, Torpedoes, and ASW equipment, and having high torpedo , ASW , and evasion , and good "night attack power " stats, to the detriment of firepower and armor. They:
- Have lower resource consumption,
- Very permissive Routings.
- Have access to special Night Cut-Ins.
Special Mechanics
- Can convert between Kai Ni and Kai Ni D remodels.
- Kai Ni/D
- Have the ability to prioritize focusing on attacking PT boats with significantly increased accuracy if any are present.
- DD placed in the composition slots above and below her will gain a noticeable accuracy boost and will prioritize attacking PT boats if any are present.
- The PT boat targeting rate is 100% for all affected ships [1].
Equipability Exceptions
DD | Default equipment compatibility | |
✔️ Can Equip | ❌ Cannot Equip | |
Sp Recon Bomber | ||
Small Small | Sp Sp_Sec Sub Minisub Large Large Sp | |
Small | Medium Large Large | |
RE: | ||
Notes: = ; = ; = ; = ; = Recon ; = Bomber ; Small= ; Medium= ; Sec= ; = |
Amagiri Equipability Exceptions | ||
Amagiri/Kai/Ni |
Amagiri Kai Ni D | |
Ship Exceptions | - | Can Equip: |
Fit Bonuses
Important Information
Drop Locations
Voice Lines
Event | Japanese/English |
Introduction Play |
さあ、いってみよう!綾波型駆逐艦、天霧だ。よろしくな、提督! | |
Introduction Play |
Alright, let's go! I'm the Ayanami-class destroyer, Amagiri! Take care of me, Admiral! |
さあ~いってみよう!綾波型駆逐艦、天霧だ!今日もよろしく、提督! | |
Introduction Play |
Let's go! I'm the Remodeled Ayanami class Destroyer, Amagiri. Let's go all out, Admiral! |
さあ、行ってみよう!改綾波型駆逐艦、天霧だ。全開で行くぜ、提督! | |
Library Play |
I'm the 5th ship of the Ayanami-class destroyer, Amagiri! Yeah! A heavily armed special-type destroyer.
What? I'm slightly an older type? Don't be stupid. I was able to survive many missions including the Solomon mission? That's right, I even raised a handsome man, who soon became the President! Fate sure is interesting![1] |
綾波型駆逐艦、五番艦の天霧だ。そう、重武装の特型駆逐艦だぜ。微妙に旧式だって?馬鹿いうな。各作戦やソロモンの夜を駆け抜けたあたしだよ?そうさ、大統領になる男を水もしたたるいい男にしてやったこともある。出逢いってのは面白いな! | |
Secretary 1 Play |
Wanna go? Alright! |
行くかい?いいよ! | |
Secretary 2 Play |
Nice~ I need to do better too~ |
やるね~あたしも負けてらんないな~ | |
Secretary 3 Play |
President? Oh, it's just the admiral. What's wrong, you bored? Sure, you want me to be your opponent?... Alright, here I come.[2] |
大統領かい?ハア~何だ提督か。どうした、暇なんか?いいよ~あたしが相手をしてやろうか?そうかい・・・じゃ、いくぜ? | |
Secretary Idle Play |
Ohh~ that guy! Yeah, I didn't think he would get that big~. Fate really is interesting! Well, I like cheering on a person who tries hard! I love that kind of spirit! I'm cheering you on too, Admiral! |
ああ~あいつか!まさかそんな大きな奴になるとはな~。出会いってやつは本当に面白い!でも、あたしは頑張るやつは応援したいね!そういうの好きなんだ!提督も応援してるぜ! | |
Secretary (Married) Play |
What's wrong? What's with that face?...Are you tired? Something not going well?...I see...well, it happens ya'know! You'll be fine, you can do it! I'll be supporting you! That means you can do it! I believe you. |
どうした?そんな顔して?・・・疲れたのか?上手くいかないのか?・・・そうか・・・まあ、そんなこともあるさ!大丈夫、あんたはやれる!あたしは応援してる!だからやれるさ!信じてる。 | |
Wedding Play |
Yeah~ We don't know where fate leads us...that's why it's is? Wait!? For me!? Eh, eh...admiral, you're fine with this? Alright...well, I'll gladly accept this! I'm not going to give it back! Alright? hehe~ |
そうだな~出会いってやつはどこにあるか分からない・・・だから面白いのかもな~・・・ん・・・これは?は!?あたしにこれを!?え、えっ・・・提督、いいのか?そっか・・・よし、じゃあ貰っとくぜ!返さないから!いいな?へへ~ | |
Player's Score Play |
Intelligence? It's important~ Alright, gimme a sec! |
情報かい?大事さ~よし、待ってな! | |
Joining A Fleet Play |
11th Destroyer Division heading off! Don't dawdle, Sagiri! Sortie! |
出るぞ、第十一駆逐隊!狭霧、グズグズするな!出撃! | |
Joining A Fleet Play |
11th Destroyer Division heading off! Don't be late, Yuu-nee ! Sortieing![3] |
出るぞ、第十一駆逐隊!夕姉遅れるな!出撃する! | |
Joining A Fleet Play |
3rd Torpedo Squadron's Amagiri, Heading out! I'll be going on ahead Sendai, sorry! 11th DesDiv, sortie! |
出るぞ!第三水雷戦隊、天霧!川内さん、お先に失礼!十一駆、出撃だ! | |
Equipment 1 Play |
Oh! Thanks for this~ |
お!こりゃあ~ありがたいね~ | |
Equipment 2 Play |
いいねぇ~。これであたしも強くなる。 | |
Equipment 2 Play |
Nice~! With this, I can become stronger! |
いいね~!これであたしはますます強くなる! | |
Equipment 3[4] Play |
Yeah! You can do it! I'll be cheering you on! |
ああ!あんたならやれる!あたしは応援するさ! | |
Supply Play |
Ha~ that helps. Thanks. |
はあ~助かる。ありがとな。 | |
Docking (Minor Damage) Play |
Ahh~, it's no big deal, but I guess I should repair it now. |
ああ~、たいしたことはねえが、まあ~早めに直しておこう。 | |
Docking (Major Damage) Play |
I'll be taking a long bath. It's alright with you right? Wheeew, baths are amazing! |
ちょっと長風呂するぜ?いいだろう?ハア~、風呂はいいね~風呂は! | |
Construction Play |
Hmm~ a newcomer~. That's good! |
ふうん~新入りか~。いいね! | |
Returning from Sortie Play |
We're back~ I wanna take a bath~ |
帰って来たぜ~ひとっ風呂浴びたいね~ | |
Starting A Sortie Play |
Special-type destroyer Amagiri, set sail! I feel like we'll have some great encounters! |
特型駆逐艦天霧、抜錨する!いい出会いがありそうだ! | |
Starting A Sortie Play |
Special Model Destroyer, Amagiri, weighing anchor! Today is gonna be another good day for encounters. Let's go! |
特型駆逐艦、天霧、抜錨する!今日もいい出会いがありそうだ。行くぞ! | |
Starting a Battle Play |
Enemies! Let's charge! Crush them! |
敵だ!突撃する!踏み潰せ! | |
Starting a Battle Play |
Enemies! Let's charge! Utterly crush them! |
敵だ!突撃する!ガッチリ踏み潰せ! | |
Attack Play |
いいねぇ、燃えるぜ! | |
Attack Play |
Nice~ I'm getting fired up! |
いいね~燃える展開だ! | |
Night Battle Attack Play |
Assaulting is our only option! |
突撃一択だ! | |
Night Battle Play |
It's going to be a good night~. Everyone follow me! Let's go! |
いい夜になりそうだ~皆あたしに続け!いくぞ! | |
Night Battle Play |
Looks like it will be a nice evening for encounters. Everyone, ready? Let's go! Rush in! |
いい出会いのある夜になりそうだ。みんないいかい?行っくぞ!突入だ! | |
MVP Play |
Oh! You're going to praise me again? My bad~, but I don't really need it, Admiral. Well, I guess I'll accept it this time... Thanks! |
お!また褒めてくれるのかい?悪いな~あたし、別にそんなのいらないぜ、提督。でも、貰っとくか・・・ありがとな! | |
Minor Damage 1 Play |
Gah! Tch, this is nothing! |
ぐあ!ちっ、この程度! | |
Minor Damage 2 Play |
Uwa! They got me! |
うあ!やってくれる! | |
Major Damage Play |
It's not like a mine, I won't sink! I can still move! |
機雷とかじゃねぇんだ、沈みはしない!まだ走れるさ! | |
Major Damage Play |
It's not a direct hit. I'm not gonna sink, I can still run! |
直撃じゃねえんだ。あたしは沈めをしない、まだ走れる! | |
Sunk Play |
Ugh...This, I did all I could...Sagiri, Yuugiri...I'll see you all later... |
ぐう・・・ここまで・・・かい・・・いいよ、やることはやったさ・・・狭霧、夕霧・・・またな・・・ |
- ↑ Referring to John F Kennedy who was serving on a torpedo boat that was deliberately rammed by Amagiri.
- ↑ Referring to John F Kennedy.
- ↑ Referring to Yuugiri.
- ↑ This line is shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development.
Time | Japanese/English |
00:00 Play |
Hm? Me? That's fine~, I'll stay by your side today! Yeah! Leave it to me! |
ん?あたし?いいけどさ~じゃあ、あたしが今日は側にいてやろう!ああ!任せておけって! | |
01:00 Play |
0100. Yawn~ I'm kinda sleepy~. |
マルヒトマルマル。ふああ~ちと眠いな~。 | |
02:00 Play |
0200. Ahh~ I'm fine. I'm least half awake... |
マルフタマルマル。んああ~大丈夫。起きてる・・・半分くらいは・・・ | |
03:00 Play |
03...00. Oh~~ It's you! You're going to become a great man~...I won't lose either~ yeah. |
マルサン・・・マルマル。ああ~あんたは!今に大きな男になるよ~・・・あたしも負けないよ~よし。 | |
04:00 Play |
0400. Our admira---...will grow to become...big...I believe...I'll be cheering him on... |
マルヨンマルマル。あたしたちのていと・・・きっと大きなヤツ・・・なるんだ・・・念じているぞ・・・さじが応援するんだ・・・ | |
05:00 Play |
Huh?! Oh crap, I was sleeping! The time is...0500! Seriously wake me up, Admiral! Ahh~ damn! This is bad! |
はあ?!いかん、寝てた!時刻は・・・マルゴーマルマル!提督起こしてよマジで!ああ~しもた~!イカーン! | |
06:00 Play |
0600. All hands, assemble! It's morning, everyone! Come on, wake up~! The morning feels good~! |
マルロクマルマル。掃引起こし!皆朝だ!起きるんだよ~さ~!気持ちのいい朝だ~! | |
07:00 Play |
0700. Where's breakfast, Admiral? Eh? Why isn't there any? Eh!? Why me?[1] |
マルナナマルマル。提督、朝飯は?え?なんでないの?え!?なんであたしが? | |
08:00 Play |
0800. Phew~ I'm full! I'm glad you were here, Sagiri! It was delicious too! Thanks! |
マルハチマルマル。ふうう~お腹いっぱい!まあ~狭霧がいてくれてよかったよ!しかも美味かった!ありがとな! | |
09:00 Play |
0900. Oh~~! Mogami-san and Mikuma-san! Mornin'! Well~ yea~ I'm doing well, yup! |
マルキュウマルマル。おお~!最上さん、三隈さん!おはよっす!まあ~そっすね~元気にやってますよ、はい! | |
10:00 Play |
1000. Oh! Sagiri, thnx for earlier! Our elder sisters? Yeah~ they should be coming soon~ don't worry about it![2] |
ヒトマルマルマル。お!狭霧、さっきはあんがと!姉貴達か?そうだな~追っかけ来るだろう~焦んなって! | |
11:00 Play |
1100. Haa~ jeez! Exercises are so dull! Let's just sortie, Admiral! Let's move onto the real stuff! |
ヒトヒトマルマル。ハア~もう!演習なんてまどろっこしいぜ!提督、出撃しちまおう!本番本番! | |
12:00 Play |
1200. Oh! Sagiri brought lunch~ Whoa~ nice~. Eh? You brought some for us? Sweet! Hehehe~ |
ヒトフタマルマル。お!狭霧、昼飯の差し入れ貰ったんか~ほお~いいね~。え?あたし達の分もあんの?ラッキー!イヒヒ~ | |
13:00 Play |
1300. *nom* This is delicious! My little sisters made these! It's good~! Gimme one more! Eating rice balls and drinking tea above the sea... is the best! |
ヒトサンマルマル。はむ。美味い!これ、妹達が作ったんだ!へえ~いいね!もう一つくれ!海の上の握り飯と茶・・・最高だ! | |
14:00 Play |
1400. Alright! Now that we're full, let's start working! Let's do this! |
ヒトヨンマルマル。よし!腹もいっぱいになったし、働くか!さあ~行こう! | |
15:00 Play |
150...oh! It's big sis Fubuki. With Shirayuki-nee and What? Sendai-san? I haven't seen her~ Isn't she sleeping? |
ヒトゴーマルマ・・・お!吹雪の姉貴じゃん。白雪姉、初月姉も・・・え?なに?川内さん?見てないな~寝てんじゃないの? | |
16:00 Play |
1600. Oh it's just you, Yuu-ne. Ahh, yeah~ it's almost dusk... It's your time, Yuu-nee.[3] |
ヒトロクマルマル。なんだ夕姉か~。ああ、そうだな~もうすぐ夕暮れか・・・夕姉の時間だね。 | |
17:00 Play |
1700. *sigh*~ I'm hungry~. What's for dinner tonight, Admiral? I'm starving~ |
ヒトナナマルマル。はあ~腹減った~。提督、夕飯はなんだ?腹ペコだよ~ | |
18:00 Play |
1800. Nice, nice~ today's dinner looks great! Good work, Admiral! Eh? Sendai-san made dinner tonight? |
ヒトハチマルマル。ほうほう~夕飯豪華じゃん!提督偉い!え?今日は、川内さんが作ったの? | |
19:00 Play |
1900. Well~ alright. She's going to leave in the night time~ Thanks for the food! Yum! Delicious~! As expected from Sendai-san~! |
ヒトキュウマルマル。まあ~いいや。どうせ夜は出るんだ~いっただきます!うん!うま~!さす川内さ~ん! | |
20:00 Play |
2000. The time is right! Let's go! DesRon3, Amagiri, off to sortie! Sendai-san, I'm coming too~! |
フタマルマルマル。頃はよし!出るか!三水雷天霧、出撃する!川内さん、あたしも行くよ~! | |
21:00 Play |
2100. No, don't worry about it, Sagiri. Just leave it to Sendai-san and me! Yeah! |
フタヒトマルマル。いや、狭霧、無理しなくていいって。川内さんやあたし達に任せておけって!ああ! | |
22:00 Play |
2200. I guess~ this is fine~. As long as everyone is safe, it's A-OK! Aah, what a great night! |
フタフタマルマル。まああ~こんなもんだよな~。全艦無事なら、それで万事オーケーだ!ふう~いい夜だ~! | |
23:00 Play |
2300. Admiral, you look tired, tomorrows going to be a hard day too right? Go lie down a while~. Ah, good work! |
フタサンマルマル。提督、お疲れだな~明日も忙しいだろう?ちと、寝とけって~。ああ、お疲れ! |
Ship | Japanese/English | Notes |
Autumn 2017 Play |
The Naval Base Autumn Festival is great. I love it. I can’t get enough of the sights and smells of the stalls. | |
いいねぇ、鎮守府秋祭り。あたしは好きだな。屋台の雰囲気や、匂いも堪んないねぇ。 | ||
Saury Festival 2017 Play |
So the time has finally come! I was waiting for the Naval Base Saury Festival! Lights are the most important but… It’s a bit unfair, we’ll take some death charges too! Alriiight! | |
来たか、このときがよ!鎮守府秋刀魚祭り、待っていたぜ!光りもんだよな、大事なのは…半分反則だが、爆雷ってのもありか!よーし! | ||
Christmas 2017 Play |
Ooh, your special cake turned out very well, Sagiri! I’ll help myself! Whoa, it’s really good! Come and try some, Admiral! Here, say “aah”! …Right? | |
おぉ、狭霧、美味そうに出きてるじゃ、特性のケーキ!いただき!うわぁ、うまうま!提督、ちょいちょい!ほら、あーん!…なぁ? | ||
End of Year 2017 Play |
Ah, well, it’s good that you’re feeling better, Sagiri. Eh, the Naval Base Spring Clean? I don’t realy like doing that. Speaking of which… I just remembered I had something to do! See ya! | |
あぁ、まあ、狭霧が元気になってよかったよ。えぇ、鎮守府お掃除?あたしぁ苦っただね。そう言うのは…ちょっと用事思い出した!じゃ! | ||
New Year 2018 Play |
Happy New Year! Take care of us in DesDiv20 and DesRon3 this year too! Now, let’s get some toso! Ah, wasn’t that enough, Sagiri!?[1] | |
新年あけおめだ! 今年も二十駆と三水戦、よろしくな! さあ、お屠蘇といこう! あぁ、狭霧、これはいいだろ!? | ||
Setsubun 2018 Play |
Right, it’s Setsubun! The Oni for DesDiv20 is… Ta-daaah! Sa~ gi~ ri~! Now, here we go! Demon, begone! | |
さあ、節分だ!我が二十駆の鬼役は…じゃーん!サ・ギ・リ!さあ、いってみよー!鬼はー外! | ||
Coming of Spring 2018 Play |
Humph, cherry blossoms. This was the season when I fell, I don’t quite like it… Eh, what is it, Sagiri? Cherry blossom viewing? Well, that’s fine. Ah, I’ll come. | |
ふぅ、桜か。これが散ったあとの季節、私は少し苦手なんだよな…えぇ、狭霧何?花見?まぁ、いいか。あぁ、行くよ。 | ||
5th Anniversary Play |
Congratulations, Admiral. It’s the fleet’s 5th Anniversary. Nice, I’m getting fired up! | |
提督、おめでとうな。艦隊五周年だってさ。いいね、燃えてきたぜ! | ||
Rainy Season 2018 Play |
Eh, a handmade teruteru bouzu? I’m fine. I’m not good at making craft. Make one for me too, Sagiri. See ya! | |
えぇ、手作りのてるてる坊主?いいって。あたしはそういう細かいの苦手なんだ。狭霧、あたしの分も作っておいて。じゃ! | ||
Summer 2018 Play |
Ooh, swimsuits. Isn't it fine since it's summer? Want to go out and buy swimsuits together, Sagiri? Alright. | |
おぉ、水着ねぇ。夏だからな、いいんじゃない?狭霧、一緒に買いに行くかい?いいよ。 | ||
Valentine's Day 2019 Play |
Hmm? Why is everyone giving me chocolates? Even you, Sagiri. I don't need them! I don't really like sweet... Ah, this is good! | |
ん?なんであたしにみんなチョコくれるの?狭霧まで。いらねって!私甘いのはあんまり…あぁ、これうめぇな! | ||
White Day 2019 Play |
Oh, Admiral, is this in return for the chocolates? That's something you gotta do after all. I accept. | |
おぉ、提督、チョコのお返しかい?そういうの大事だよな。いただいてとくよ。 | ||
6th Anniversary Play |
Admiral, congrats. It's the fleet's 6th Anniversary. It's great, such an exciting development. Right? | Secretary 2 |
提督、おめでとうな。艦隊は六周年だってさ。いいね、燃える展開だぜ。なぁ? | ||
7th Anniversary Play |
Admiral, congratulations. I heard it's now the fleet's 7th Anniversary. That's great. I'm grateful. Let's get fired up this year too! | Secretary 2 |
提督、おめでとうな。艦隊はとうとう七周年だって。いいね。ありがたいよ。今年も熱く行こうか! | ||
8th Anniversary Play |
Admiral, congrats. It's finally the fleet's 8th Anniversary! That's amazin'. Well, you know, thanks. I'm counting on you to take care of Sagiri and DesDiv20. | |
提督、おめでとな。艦隊はついに八周年になっちまったよ!すげぇな〜。まあ、何だ、ありがとな。これからも、二十駆や狭霧のこと、頼むぜ。 |
- ↑ Toso is a spiced sake drunk during New Years.
Misc Lines
Ship | Japanese/English | Notes |
Fall 2019 Event Play |
Nice. This is a great situation. | Friend Fleet |
いいね。燃える展開だ。 |
Regular |
Seasonal |
- General Information
- Her name means "Fogged sky" or "Clouded Sky".
- She was launched on the 27th of February 1930.
- Sunk near Borneo, on the 23rd of April 1944.
- Wreck located in October 2003 by Vidar Skoglie and MV Empress. She lies on her starboard side in only 28 m (98 ft) of water and was heavily collapsing/split open due to apparent illegal dynamite fishing near the wreck. One such fishing expedition apparently detonated the forward magazine, resulting in much of the forward part of the ship being heavily damaged. The bow itself was relatively intact and still sat upright. Live torpedoes and depth charges were also scattered around the wreck, making any diving extremely hazardous.
- Amagiri's wreck has since been illegally salvaged, with little if anything of the wreck remaining on the seabed.
- Update History
- She was added on the 10th of August 2017 as Summer 2017 Event E3 and E4 drop.
- Was part of the drop pool of 7-2 when it was released on the 16th ofNovember 2016.
- She got her Kai Ni on the 21st of January 2022.