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World 5/5-5

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World 5-5 Extra Operation: サーモン海域北方 - Northern Salmon Sea Area

World 5 5-5 Map.png
Strategy Name 第二次サーモン海戦
Second Battle of the Solomon Sea
Difficulty ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
Item Fuel
Strategy Content 南方海域に敵の有力な機動部隊の接近が確認された。空母機動部隊を以て、これを迎撃せよ!
The approach of a powerful enemy task force has been confirmed in southern waters. Form a carrier task force and intercept it!
5-5 Unlocking & Progression
Unlock conditions 5-5 is unlocked after clearing 5-4 HP bar and 6-1
Clear conditions To clear the map: the boss's flagship must be sunk 5 times
Clearing rewards 200 Item Icon Ranking Point Reward.png Ranking Points and 1 Item Icon Medal.png Medal
Notes Support Expeditions are available on this map
Map reset Resets at midnight JST at the beginning of every month

Stage Guide

5-5 Branching Rules
Nodes Rules
  • Meet ANY of the following requirements to go to A
    • DD ≥ 4
    • 4 Drum carrying ships
    • 4 DLC/Tank-carrying ships
  • Otherwise, go to B
  • FORCE node K if meeting one of the following:
    • CV(B) ≥ 3 (CVL doesn't count)
    • (F)BB(V) ≥ 4
    • CLT ≥ 2
  • Go to F if DD ≥ 2
  • Otherwise, go to K
  • Meet ANY of the following to go to H
    • Fast+ fleet and DD ≥ 2
    • Fastest fleet
  • Otherwise, go to G
  • Go to N if the fleet is Fastest
  • Go to P if (F)BB(V)+CV(L/B) ≥ 4
  • Go to L if DD ≤ 1
  • Otherwise, go to N
  • Go to L if (F)BB(V)+CV(B) = 3 and DD ≥ 2
  • Otherwise, go to M
  • Fixed Route
  • FORCE node O if node L or N was reached in the same sortie
  • Go to L if (F)BB(V)+CV(B) ≥ 4
  • Go to O if DD ≥ 2
  • Otherwise, go to L
  • FORCE node O if node M was reached in the same sortie
  • Meet ANY of the following requirements to go to O
    • Fast+ fleet
    • Fleet contains AO
  • Meet ANY of the following requirements to go to M
    • (F)BB(V)+CVL ≥ 3
    • Fleet contains CV(B)
  • Otherwise, go to O
  • Random routing if fleet contains SS(V) or fleet with 63 < LoS < 67 (Cn2)
  • Meet ANY of the following to go to S
    • Pass the LoS check: ≥ 67 (Cn2)
    • Fast+ fleet (LoS check ignored)
  • Otherwise, go to R
  • Meet ANY of the following to FORCE node S (LoS check ignored)
    • Fastest fleet
    • Fast+ fleet and (F)BB(V)+CV(L/B) ≤ 5
  • Random between Q and S if fleet contains SS(V) or (F)BB(V)+CV(L/B) ≥ 5
    • (65% to S if fleet LoS ≥ 84 (Cn2))
  • Go to S if passing the LoS Check: ≥ 81 (Cn2)
  • Go to Q if LoS ≤ 73 (Cn2)
  • Otherwise, random routing


5-5 is arguably the most difficult non-event map in the game.

  • The enemy composition at the boss node will be locked into either formation 5 or 6 after clearing.
    • It can be advisable to display the enemy composition preview when reaching the boss, to make sure it is the easiest composition, resetting the game otherwise.
  • When planning on clearing any quest that requires clearing 5-5 with an A/S-Rank, it is recommended to do so after clearing 5-5 for the month, as the post-clear boss compositions are significantly easier than the pre-clear comps.

The fleet composition restrictions for most of these quests mean that the fleet will face some difficulty in defeating the pre-clear comps.

    • This is especially true if said quests require 2 DD, as they will have difficulty dealing any significant damage to the pre-clear boss comps during the daytime battle.
    • Please note that Submarine Yo-Class at the boss node will be in Elite form post-clear, so a dedicated ASW or even OASW ship must be brought if one wishes to secure an S-rank.

Pre-boss node P has the chance of containing an Elite Re-class in Line Ahead.

  • Depending on the choice of ships (and also dependent on engagement modifiers & enemy fleet formation), bulges equipped in Reinforcement Expansion may improve survivability against opening torpedoes.

As every World 5 map, Support Expeditions are available to help clear the map, something often useful to clear harder quests.

Regarding nodes:

  • B is a submarine node.
  • D L are maelstrom nodes. It is recommended to bring some radars to reduce fuel losses.
  • G M are night battle nodes.

Recommended Fleets

(F)BB(V) using "Special Attacks" (Touches) are recommended for every fleet.

  • Equipping the flagship with at least one Very Long range gun is recommended to trigger the Touch 1st.

Regarding DD:

  • Bringing an OASW can help in passing submarine nodes as well as S ranking the boss.
  • Bringing an AACI is recommended.
  • Other cut-ins like the mixed ones can be good all-around solutions.
Middle Route
Fleet 2 (F)BB(V), 1 CA(V)/CL, 1 CA(V)/CLT, 2 DD

2 (F)BB(V)/CV(B), 1 (F)BB(V)/CVL, 2 DD, 1 AO

LoS Speed
Cn2: 67 Any
RouteNode Types:
BLUE: Empty/Choice
RED: Battle
GREEN: Resource/TP
VIOLET: Maelstrom
PURPLE: Night Battle
PINK: Air Raid/Battle
ORANGE: Enemy Ambush/ASS
Fleet Notes Easier preboss, but will struggle against the double Re-Elite boss node formations.
  • CAV can provide fighter power.
  • CLT and Opening Torpedo Salvo capable CL can enable powerful opening attacks.

The AO allows to bring an additional heavy ship, notably a CV(B), without the need to be Fast+. Souya is the best AO choice thanks to her greater survivability.

  • If used alone, the CV(B) can use a combination of several JetsKikka Kai
    Jet Keiun Kai
    alongside some fighters and/or a SaiunSaiun
    Saiun (Eastern Caroline Air Group)
    Saiun (4th Recon Squad)
Air State AD AP AS AS+
117 175 392 784
Middle Fast+
Fleet 2 Yamato-class Kai Ni/Juu, 1 CV(B), 1 Mogami-class Kai Ni Toku, 2 DD
LoS Speed
Cn2: 67 Fast+
RouteNode Types:
BLUE: Empty/Choice
RED: Battle
GREEN: Resource/TP
VIOLET: Maelstrom
PURPLE: Night Battle
PINK: Air Raid/Battle
ORANGE: Enemy Ambush/ASS
Fleet Notes A great fleet to clear this map, with great reach and clear rates.
  • This fleet requires many late-game ships and equipment in order to work, with all ships RE opened and as many married as possible.

The DD must be 4 slots, with one as AACI and the other as TCI+OASW, so far Hatsuzuki Kai Ni and Tashkent Kai respectively.

The CV(B) must carry several JetFighterBomber1.png JetFighterBomber2.png JetsKikka Kai
Jet Keiun Kai

The CAV/AV can DA (with a gun in the RE), oTorp, and utilize a Night Reconnaissance Seaplane Night Recon. The other CAV can be used as substitutes, but with a lesser effectiveness.

Yamato-class, Mogami-class, and Tashkent are recommended, as they can be Fast+ with a single Engine Improvement +13 BoilerNew Model High Temperature High Pressure Boiler at 7+ Improved.

Both (F)BB(V) should use 2 guns, an Armor-Piercing Shell AP Shell, and a Very Large RADARSp Very Large Radar for better touch effectiveness.

Air State AD AP AS AS+
117 175 392 784
North Route Heavy
Fleet 4-6 BB(V)/CV(B/L), 0-2 CA(V)
LoS Speed
Cn2: 81 Any
RouteNode Types:
BLUE: Empty/Choice
RED: Battle
GREEN: Resource/TP
VIOLET: Maelstrom
PURPLE: Night Battle
PINK: Air Raid/Battle
ORANGE: Enemy Ambush/ASS
Fleet Notes Strongest, but also costlier fleets. The biggest threat here is the Re-class on node P.
  • CAV can provide fighter power, allowing for optimized set-ups on CV(B).
  • 1 CA can be used for AACI.

Ise Kai Ni & Hyuuga Kai Ni are good options to get additional fighter power, however, they are weaker in terms of firepower compared to most BB(B).

  • SPB should not be used in smaller slots due to the potential presence of multiple Light Cruiser Tsu-Class along this route.

Using more than 4BB(V)/CV(L) or 1 SS(V) gives a 35 % chance of off-routing to node Q.

Air State AD AP AS AS+
117 175 392 784
North Route Medium
Fleet 3 BB(V)/CV(B/L), 1 CV(L), 2 DD
LoS Speed
Cn2: 81 Any
RouteNode Types:
BLUE: Empty/Choice
RED: Battle
GREEN: Resource/TP
VIOLET: Maelstrom
PURPLE: Night Battle
PINK: Air Raid/Battle
ORANGE: Enemy Ambush/ASS
Fleet Notes A route negligibly easier than the previous one.
  • F is a choice node. For the above fleet, routing to J is recommended as D is a maelstrom node, and fleet comp will route to P after H anyway.

Ise Kai Ni & Hyuuga Kai Ni are good options to get additional fighter power, however, they are weaker in terms of firepower compared to most BB(B).

  • SPB should not be used in smaller slots due to the potential presence of multiple Light Cruiser Tsu-Class along this route.
Air State AD AP AS AS+
117 175 392 784
South Route
Fleet 2 (F)BB(V)/CV(B/L), 4 DD

2 (F)BB(V)/CV(B/L), 2 DD, 2 XX (XX cannot be (F)BB(V)/CV(B/L))

LoS Speed
Cn2: 67 Any
RouteNode Types:
BLUE: Empty/Choice
RED: Battle
GREEN: Resource/TP
VIOLET: Maelstrom
PURPLE: Night Battle
PINK: Air Raid/Battle
ORANGE: Enemy Ambush/ASS
Fleet Notes A weaker fleet with a lower bauxite consumption compared to other fleets.
  • The first battle is a relatively easy enemy torpedo squadron, but the next two battles are fairly dangerous Night Nodes.

When less than 4 DD are used, 4 Drum Canister DrumDrum Canister (Transport Use) carrying ship are required to route to the boss.

Air State AD AP AS AS+
117 175 392 784
SS Fleet
Fleet 6 SS(V)
LoS Speed
Cn2: 81 Any
RouteNode Types:
BLUE: Empty/Choice
RED: Battle
GREEN: Resource/TP
VIOLET: Maelstrom
PURPLE: Night Battle
PINK: Air Raid/Battle
ORANGE: Enemy Ambush/ASS
  • 65 %: B K P S
  • 35 %: B K P Q
Fleet Notes Not recommended.
  • Has a lower chance of reaching the boss node due to random off-routings, and difficulties killing the boss regardless of its composition.
  • Has a low resource cost.
  • Using 6 strong submarines (maybe having REs) utilizing Submarine Cut-ins can be a solution to slowly clear the map for cheap.
Air State AD AP AS AS+
117 175 392 784

Resource Nodes

E is a "Special Resource Node" rewarding fuel Fuel.

  • See here for more details.

Enemy Compositions

5-5 A
# Empty Node
A 気のせいだった。/敵影を見ず。/穏やかな海です。/穏やかな海峡です。/警戒が必要です。/静かな海です。
Must be my imagination./No enemy spotted./Calm seas./Calm straits./Be alert./Peaceful seas.
# Empty Node
5-5 B: 深海南方潜水艦隊 哨戒線 (PoiDB)
# Enemy
Base EXP Normal Battle Node AD/AP
B Echelon
Line Abreast
200 Submarine Yo-Class Elite (1533): 27 Armor, 34 HPBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Submarine Ka-Class Elite (1532): 21 Armor, 27 HP Submarine Ka-Class Elite (1532): 21 Armor, 27 HP Submarine Ka-Class (1530): 7 Armor, 19 HP Submarine Ka-Class (1530): 7 Armor, 19 HP 0/0
Line Abreast
220 Submarine Yo-Class Flagship (1535): 36 Armor, 44 HPBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Submarine Ka-Class Elite (1532): 21 Armor, 27 HP Submarine Ka-Class Elite (1532): 21 Armor, 27 HP Submarine Ka-Class (1530): 7 Armor, 19 HP Submarine Ka-Class (1530): 7 Armor, 19 HP 0/0
Line Abreast
250 Submarine Yo-Class Flagship (1535): 36 Armor, 44 HPBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Submarine Yo-Class Elite (1533): 27 Armor, 34 HP Submarine Ka-Class Elite (1532): 21 Armor, 27 HP Submarine Ka-Class Elite (1532): 21 Armor, 27 HP Submarine Ka-Class (1530): 7 Armor, 19 HP Submarine Ka-Class (1530): 7 Armor, 19 HP
# Enemy
Base EXP Normal Battle Node AD/AP
5-5 C: 敵哨戒水雷戦隊 (PoiDB)
# Enemy
Base EXP Normal Battle Node AD/AP
C Line Ahead
Double Line
130 Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HPBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HP Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HP Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP
Line Ahead
Double Line
160 Light Cruiser Ho-Class Elite (1518): 30 Armor, 48 HPBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HP Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HP Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HP Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HP
Line Ahead
Double Line
170 Light Cruiser Ho-Class Flagship (1554): 36 Armor, 53 HPBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HP Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HP Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HP Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HP
# Enemy
Base EXP Normal Battle Node AD/AP
5-5 D
# Maelstrom Node
D Lost Normal Fuel
# Maelstrom Node
5-5 E
# Resource Node
E Gained 40 Fuel (cap 180)
# Resource Node
5-5 F
# Selection Node
F 艦隊の針路を選択できます。提督、どちらの針路をとられますか?
You can decide the fleet's course. Admiral, which heading should we take?
# Selection Node
5-5 G: 敵哨戒重巡戦隊 (PoiDB)
# Enemy
Base EXP Night Battle Node AD/AP
G Line Ahead
180 Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class Flagship (1527): 70 Armor, 76 HPBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class Elite (1522): 60 Armor, 60 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HP Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP
Line Ahead
190 Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class Flagship (1527): 70 Armor, 76 HPBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class Elite (1522): 60 Armor, 60 HP Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class Elite (1522): 60 Armor, 60 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HP Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HP
Line Ahead
200 Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class Flagship (1527): 70 Armor, 76 HPBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class Flagship (1527): 70 Armor, 76 HP Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class Elite (1522): 60 Armor, 60 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HP Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HP
# Enemy
Base EXP Night Battle Node AD/AP
5-5 H: 敵機動部隊 C群 (PoiDB)
# Enemy
Base EXP Normal Battle Node AD/AP
H Double Line
380 Light Carrier Nu-Class Flagship (1560): 70 Armor, 84 HP, 23 APBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Light Carrier Nu-Class Flagship (1560): 70 Armor, 84 HP, 23 AP Light Cruiser He-Class Flagship (1555): 39 Armor, 57 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Elite (1592): 68 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model (1577): 29 Armor, 38 HP Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model (1577): 29 Armor, 38 HP
Double Line
400 Standard Carrier Wo-Class Kai Flagship (1565): 120 Armor, 160 HP, 102 APBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Light Carrier Nu-Class Flagship (1560): 70 Armor, 84 HP, 23 AP Light Cruiser He-Class Flagship (1555): 39 Armor, 57 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Elite (1592): 68 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model (1577): 29 Armor, 38 HP Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model (1577): 29 Armor, 38 HP
Double Line
420 Standard Carrier Wo-Class Kai Flagship (1565): 120 Armor, 160 HP, 102 APBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Standard Carrier Wo-Class Kai Flagship (1565): 120 Armor, 160 HP, 102 AP Light Cruiser He-Class Flagship (1555): 39 Armor, 57 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Elite (1592): 68 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model (1577): 29 Armor, 38 HP Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model (1577): 29 Armor, 38 HP
# Enemy
Base EXP Normal Battle Node AD/AP
5-5 I
# Empty Node
I 気のせいだった。/敵影を見ず。/穏やかな海です。/穏やかな海峡です。/警戒が必要です。/静かな海です。
Must be my imagination./No enemy spotted./Calm seas./Calm straits./Be alert./Peaceful seas.
# Empty Node
5-5 J: 敵機動部隊 B群 (PoiDB)
# Enemy
Base EXP Normal Battle Node AD/AP
J Double Line
400 Standard Carrier Wo-Class Kai Flagship (1565): 120 Armor, 160 HP, 102 APBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Light Carrier Nu-Class Flagship (1560): 70 Armor, 84 HP, 23 AP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Elite (1592): 68 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model (1577): 29 Armor, 38 HP Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model (1577): 29 Armor, 38 HP Submarine Ka-Class (1530): 7 Armor, 19 HP
Double Line
430 Standard Carrier Wo-Class Kai Flagship (1565): 120 Armor, 160 HP, 102 APBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Standard Carrier Wo-Class Kai Flagship (1565): 120 Armor, 160 HP, 102 AP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Elite (1592): 68 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model (1577): 29 Armor, 38 HP Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model (1577): 29 Armor, 38 HP Submarine Ka-Class (1530): 7 Armor, 19 HP
Double Line
450 Standard Carrier Wo-Class Kai Flagship (1565): 120 Armor, 160 HP, 102 APBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Standard Carrier Wo-Class Kai Flagship (1565): 120 Armor, 160 HP, 102 AP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Elite (1592): 68 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model (1577): 29 Armor, 38 HP Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model (1577): 29 Armor, 38 HP Submarine Ka-Class Elite (1532): 21 Armor, 27 HP
# Enemy
Base EXP Normal Battle Node AD/AP
5-5 K: 敵機動部隊 A群 (PoiDB)
# Enemy
Base EXP Normal Battle Node AD/AP
K Double Line
400 Standard Carrier Wo-Class Kai Flagship (1565): 120 Armor, 160 HP, 102 APBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Light Carrier Nu-Class Flagship (1560): 70 Armor, 84 HP, 23 AP Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class Elite (1595): 89 Armor, 88 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Elite (1592): 68 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model (1577): 29 Armor, 38 HP Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model (1577): 29 Armor, 38 HP
Double Line
420 Standard Carrier Wo-Class Kai Flagship (1565): 120 Armor, 160 HP, 102 APBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Standard Carrier Wo-Class Kai Flagship (1565): 120 Armor, 160 HP, 102 AP Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class Elite (1595): 89 Armor, 88 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Elite (1592): 68 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model (1577): 29 Armor, 38 HP Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model (1577): 29 Armor, 38 HP
Double Line
450 Standard Carrier Wo-Class Kai Flagship (1565): 120 Armor, 160 HP, 102 APBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Standard Carrier Wo-Class Kai Flagship (1565): 120 Armor, 160 HP, 102 AP Light Carrier Nu-Class Flagship (1560): 70 Armor, 84 HP, 23 AP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Elite (1592): 68 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model (1577): 29 Armor, 38 HP Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model (1577): 29 Armor, 38 HP
# Enemy
Base EXP Normal Battle Node AD/AP
5-5 L
# Maelstrom Node
L Lost Normal Fuel
# Maelstrom Node
5-5 M: 敵新鋭戦艦戦隊 (PoiDB)
# Enemy
Base EXP Night Battle Node AD/AP
M Line Ahead
Double Line
450 Battleship Ta-Class Flagship (1543): 96 Armor, 90 HPBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Battleship Ta-Class Flagship (1543): 96 Armor, 90 HP Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model (1577): 29 Armor, 38 HP Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model (1577): 29 Armor, 38 HP Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model (1577): 29 Armor, 38 HP Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model (1577): 29 Armor, 38 HP
Line Ahead
Double Line
460 Battleship Ta-Class Flagship (1543): 96 Armor, 90 HPBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Battleship Ta-Class Flagship (1543): 96 Armor, 90 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model (1577): 29 Armor, 38 HP Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model (1577): 29 Armor, 38 HP Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model (1577): 29 Armor, 38 HP
Line Ahead
Double Line
480 Battleship Ta-Class Flagship (1543): 96 Armor, 90 HPBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Battleship Ta-Class Flagship (1543): 96 Armor, 90 HP Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class (1594): 82 Armor, 80 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model (1577): 29 Armor, 38 HP Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model (1577): 29 Armor, 38 HP
# Enemy
Base EXP Night Battle Node AD/AP
5-5 N: 深海南方任務部隊 重水雷戦隊 (PoiDB)
# Enemy
Base EXP Normal Battle Node AD/AP
N Line Ahead
Double Line
280 Torpedo Cruiser Chi-Class Flagship (1559): 60 Armor, 70 HPBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Torpedo Cruiser Chi-Class Flagship (1559): 60 Armor, 70 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model (1577): 29 Armor, 38 HP Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model (1577): 29 Armor, 38 HP
Line Ahead
Double Line
350 Torpedo Cruiser Chi-Class Flagship (1559): 60 Armor, 70 HPBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Torpedo Cruiser Chi-Class Flagship (1559): 60 Armor, 70 HP Torpedo Cruiser Chi-Class Flagship (1559): 60 Armor, 70 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Elite (1592): 68 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model (1577): 29 Armor, 38 HP Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model (1577): 29 Armor, 38 HP
# Enemy
Base EXP Normal Battle Node AD/AP
5-5 O
# Empty Node
O 気のせいだった。/敵影を見ず。/穏やかな海です。/穏やかな海峡です。/警戒が必要です。/静かな海です。
Must be my imagination./No enemy spotted./Calm seas./Calm straits./Be alert./Peaceful seas.
# Empty Node
5-5 P: 深海南方任務部隊 水上打撃群 (PoiDB)
# Enemy
Base EXP Normal Battle Node AD/AP
P Line Ahead
Double Line
500 Battleship Re-Class (1561): 110 Armor, 180 HP, 94 APBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Battleship Ru-Class Flagship (1529): 99 Armor, 98 HP Battleship Ru-Class Flagship (1529): 99 Armor, 98 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model (1577): 29 Armor, 38 HP Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model (1577): 29 Armor, 38 HP
Line Ahead 520 Battleship Re-Class Elite (1562): 130 Armor, 270 HP, 107 APBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Battleship Ru-Class Flagship (1529): 99 Armor, 98 HP Battleship Ru-Class Flagship (1529): 99 Armor, 98 HP Light Cruiser Ho-Class Flagship (1554): 36 Armor, 53 HP Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model (1577): 29 Armor, 38 HP Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model (1577): 29 Armor, 38 HP
Double Line 530 Battleship Re-Class Elite (1562): 130 Armor, 270 HP, 107 APBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Battleship Ru-Class Flagship (1529): 99 Armor, 98 HP Battleship Ru-Class Flagship (1529): 99 Armor, 98 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model (1577): 29 Armor, 38 HP Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model (1577): 29 Armor, 38 HP
Line Ahead
Double Line
550 Battleship Re-Class Elite (1562): 130 Armor, 270 HP, 107 APBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class Elite (1595): 89 Armor, 88 HP Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class Elite (1595): 89 Armor, 88 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model (1577): 29 Armor, 38 HP Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model (1577): 29 Armor, 38 HP
# Enemy
Base EXP Normal Battle Node AD/AP
5-5 Q
# Empty Node
Q 気のせいだった。/敵影を見ず。/穏やかな海です。/穏やかな海峡です。/警戒が必要です。/静かな海です。
Must be my imagination./No enemy spotted./Calm seas./Calm straits./Be alert./Peaceful seas.
# Empty Node
5-5 R
# Empty Node
R 気のせいだった。/敵影を見ず。/穏やかな海です。/穏やかな海峡です。/警戒が必要です。/静かな海です。
Must be my imagination./No enemy spotted./Calm seas./Calm straits./Be alert./Peaceful seas.
# Empty Node
5-5 S: 深海南方任務部隊 本隊 (PoiDB)
# Enemy
Base EXP Boss Battle Node AD/AP
S Diamond 700 Standard Carrier Wo-Class Kai Flagship (1565): 120 Armor, 160 HP, 102 APBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Southern War Princess (1548): 188 Armor, 380 HP, 47 AP Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class Elite (1595): 89 Armor, 88 HP Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model (1577): 29 Armor, 38 HP Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model (1577): 29 Armor, 38 HP Submarine Yo-Class (1531): 9 Armor, 24 HP
Diamond 700 Standard Carrier Wo-Class Kai Flagship (1565): 120 Armor, 160 HP, 102 APBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Standard Carrier Wo-Class Kai Flagship (1565): 120 Armor, 160 HP, 102 AP Southern War Princess (1548): 188 Armor, 380 HP, 47 AP Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model (1577): 29 Armor, 38 HP Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model (1577): 29 Armor, 38 HP Submarine Yo-Class (1531): 9 Armor, 24 HP
Double Line 700 Southern War Princess (1548): 188 Armor, 380 HP, 47 APBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Battleship Re-Class Elite (1562): 130 Armor, 270 HP, 107 AP Battleship Re-Class Elite (1562): 130 Armor, 270 HP, 107 AP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model (1577): 29 Armor, 38 HP Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model (1577): 29 Armor, 38 HP
Line Ahead 770 Southern War Princess (1548): 188 Armor, 380 HP, 47 APBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Battleship Re-Class Elite (1562): 130 Armor, 270 HP, 107 AP Battleship Re-Class Elite (1562): 130 Armor, 270 HP, 107 AP Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model (1577): 29 Armor, 38 HP Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model (1577): 29 Armor, 38 HP Submarine Yo-Class (1531): 9 Armor, 24 HP
600 Standard Carrier Wo-Class Kai Flagship (1565): 120 Armor, 160 HP, 102 APBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Standard Carrier Wo-Class Flagship (1528): 80 Armor, 96 HP, 28 AP Battleship Re-Class Elite (1562): 130 Armor, 270 HP, 107 AP Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model (1577): 29 Armor, 38 HP Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model (1577): 29 Armor, 38 HP Submarine Yo-Class Elite (1533): 27 Armor, 34 HP
Double Line
600 Battleship Re-Class Elite (1562): 130 Armor, 270 HP, 107 APBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Battleship Ta-Class Flagship (1543): 96 Armor, 90 HP Standard Carrier Wo-Class Flagship II (1579): 80 Armor, 96 HP, 84 APHell plane 2.png Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model (1577): 29 Armor, 38 HP Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model (1577): 29 Armor, 38 HP Submarine Yo-Class Elite (1533): 27 Armor, 34 HP
# Enemy
Base EXP Boss Battle Node AD/AP

Ship Drops

This map currently has "limited-time" drops that don't appear in the table below, see Drop List for more info.
Ship drops
Type Ship? B C G H J K M N P S
DD Uzuki ✔️
DD Hatsukaze ✔️
DD Maikaze ✔️ ✔️
CL Agano ✔️
AS Taigei ✔️
DD Yayoi ✔️
DD Yukikaze ✔️
DD Hamakaze ✔️
DD Akigumo ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
DD Yuugumo ✔️
DD Makigumo ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
CL Nagara ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
CA Myoukou ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
CA Takao ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
CA Atago ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
CA Suzuya ✔️ ✔️
CA Kumano ✔️ ✔️
CA Tone ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
CA Chikuma ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
CVL Ryuujou ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
CVL Zuihou ✔️
FBB Hiei ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
FBB Kirishima ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
BB Mutsu ✔️
CV Shoukaku ✔️
CV Zuikaku ✔️
SS I-8 ✔️
SS I-19 ✔️
SS I-58 ✔️
DD Mutsuki ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
DD Mochizuki ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
DD Ayanami ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
DD Shikinami ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
DD Shiratsuyu ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
DD Shigure ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
DD Suzukaze ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
DD Kagerou ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
CL Yura ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
CL Jintsuu ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
CA Haguro ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
CA Maya ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
SS I-168 ✔️
AV Chitose ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️