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World 2/2-1

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World 2-1: 南西諸島近海 - Nansei Islands Coastal Waters

World 2 2-1 Map.png
Strategy Name 南西諸島哨戒
Nansei Islands Patrol
Difficulty ☆ ☆ ☆
Item Steel Instant construction Material
Strategy Content 艦隊を南西諸島方面に展開!同海域の哨戒を実施、同水域に侵入した敵を排除、南西航路の安全を確保せよ!
Deploy a fleet to the Nansei Islands! Conduct a patrol of the area, eliminate any enemy that has entered the waters, and secure the southwest passage!
2-1 Unlocking & Progression
Unlock conditions 2-1 is unlocked after clearing 1-4
Clear conditions To clear the map: the boss's flagship must be sunk once

Stage Guide

2-1 Branching Rules


This map is simple as long as an AV is used, with only routing restrictions on the maximum number of CV(B/L), to guarantee the path to the boss.

  • Using an AV guarantees routing to E.

Recommended Fleets

Heavy Fleet
Fleet Info
Single 1 (F)BB, 1 CV(B), 1 CL, 2 DD, 1 AV
LoS Any
Speed Any
RouteNode Types:
BLUE: Empty/Choice
RED: Battle
GREEN: Resource/TP
VIOLET: Maelstrom
PURPLE: Night Battle
PINK: Air Raid/Battle
ORANGE: Enemy Ambush/ASS
Quests Bw2
Air State
24 36 81 162
Fleet Notes
A strong and reliable fleet.
  • Will bring up to 4 CV(L) kills per run, ideal for quests, but requires more air power to maint AS.
  • Brings 1 Instant construction Material per Run.
Light Fleet
Fleet Info
Single 1 CL, 4 DD, 1 AV
LoS Any
Speed Fast
RouteNode Types:
BLUE: Empty/Choice
RED: Battle
GREEN: Resource/TP
VIOLET: Maelstrom
PURPLE: Night Battle
PINK: Air Raid/Battle
ORANGE: Enemy Ambush/ASS
Quests Bw2
Air State
24 36 81 162
Fleet Notes
A strong enough fleet, cheaper and passing through 1 less combat node, having the shortest route.
  • The comp is very light and has little to no air strike power. It can be helpful to use AV/CL able to carry out an Opening Torpedo Salvo as well as Seaplane Fighter Seaplane Fighters and Seaplane BomberBomber Seaplane Bombers.
  • Replacing the AV with another DD is also possible, though this comes at the cost of airpower and runs the risk of encountering an extra battle by routing C D H instead. It is still a viable alternative though, especially if using strong destroyers.
  • Will bring up to 2 CV(L) kills per run, good for quests.
  • Brings 1 Instant construction Material per Run.

Resource Nodes

B E are "Normal Resource Nodes" rewarding respectively steel Steel and instant construction materials Instant construction Material.

  • See here for more details.

Steel and Transport Farming

Farming Route
Fleet Info
Single 3 CV(B/L), 3 XX
LoS Any
Speed Any
RouteNode Types:
BLUE: Empty/Choice
RED: Battle
GREEN: Resource/TP
VIOLET: Maelstrom
PURPLE: Night Battle
PINK: Air Raid/Battle
ORANGE: Enemy Ambush/ASS
Quests Bd5, Bd6, Bw3, Bw4
Air State
11 16 36 72
Fleet Notes
Good for killing 2 Transports per run and gathering a small amount of steel.
  • 2-2 is better for farming transports, as it does not include an enemy CVL and is therefore less likely to damage the fleet during the opening air combat phase.

Bringing additional DrumsDrum Canister (Transport Use), Landing Craft, and Amphibious Vehicles will help to farm additional steel.

Enemy CompositionsCollapse

2-1 A: 敵上陸船団 (PoiDB)
# Enemy
Base EXP Normal Battle Node AD/AP
A Double Line
160 Light Carrier Nu-Class Elite (1523): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 24 APBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Light Cruiser Ho-Class Elite (1518): 30 Armor, 48 HP Transport Ship Wa-Class (1513): 10 Armor, 70 HP Transport Ship Wa-Class (1513): 10 Armor, 70 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP
Double Line
180 Light Carrier Nu-Class Elite (1523): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 24 APBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Light Cruiser Ho-Class Elite (1518): 30 Armor, 48 HP Transport Ship Wa-Class Elite (1526): 35 Armor, 80 HP Transport Ship Wa-Class Elite (1526): 35 Armor, 80 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP
Double Line
200 Light Carrier Nu-Class Elite (1523): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 24 APBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Light Cruiser Ho-Class Elite (1518): 30 Armor, 48 HP Transport Ship Wa-Class Elite (1526): 35 Armor, 80 HP Transport Ship Wa-Class Elite (1526): 35 Armor, 80 HP Destroyer I-Class Late Model (1575): 22 Armor, 35 HP Destroyer I-Class Late Model (1575): 22 Armor, 35 HP
# Enemy
Base EXP Normal Battle Node AD/AP
2-1 B
# Resource Node
B Gained 10~30 Steel
# Resource Node
2-1 C: 敵前衛部隊 (PoiDB)
# Enemy
Base EXP Normal Battle Node AD/AP
C Line Ahead
Double Line
100 Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class Elite (1522): 60 Armor, 60 HPBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Light Cruiser He-Class (1506): 18 Armor, 36 HP Light Cruiser He-Class (1506): 18 Armor, 36 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP 0/0
Line Ahead
Double Line
110 Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class Elite (1522): 60 Armor, 60 HPBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Light Cruiser He-Class (1506): 18 Armor, 36 HP Light Cruiser He-Class (1506): 18 Armor, 36 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP
Line Ahead
Double Line
120 Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class Elite (1522): 60 Armor, 60 HPBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class Elite (1522): 60 Armor, 60 HP Light Cruiser He-Class (1506): 18 Armor, 36 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP
# Enemy
Base EXP Normal Battle Node AD/AP
2-1 D: 敵護衛空母群 (PoiDB)
# Enemy
Base EXP Normal Battle Node AD/AP
D Diamond 100 Light Carrier Nu-Class (1510): 25 Armor, 65 HP, 8 APBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Light Carrier Nu-Class (1510): 25 Armor, 65 HP, 8 AP Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class (1509): 28 Armor, 58 HP Light Cruiser Ho-Class (1505): 15 Armor, 33 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP
Diamond 110 Light Carrier Nu-Class Elite (1523): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 24 APBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Light Carrier Nu-Class (1510): 25 Armor, 65 HP, 8 AP Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class (1509): 28 Armor, 58 HP Light Cruiser Ho-Class (1505): 15 Armor, 33 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP
Diamond 120 Light Carrier Nu-Class Elite (1523): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 24 APBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Light Carrier Nu-Class Elite (1523): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 24 AP Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class (1509): 28 Armor, 58 HP Light Cruiser Ho-Class (1505): 15 Armor, 33 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP
Diamond 130 Light Carrier Nu-Class Elite (1523): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 24 APBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Light Carrier Nu-Class Elite (1523): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 24 AP Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class Elite (1522): 60 Armor, 60 HP Light Cruiser Ho-Class (1505): 15 Armor, 33 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP
Diamond 140 Light Carrier Nu-Class Elite (1523): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 24 APBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Light Carrier Nu-Class Elite (1523): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 24 AP Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class Elite (1522): 60 Armor, 60 HP Light Cruiser Ho-Class Elite (1518): 30 Armor, 48 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP
Diamond 160 Light Carrier Nu-Class Elite (1523): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 24 APBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Light Carrier Nu-Class Elite (1523): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 24 AP Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class Elite (1522): 60 Armor, 60 HP Light Cruiser Ho-Class Elite (1518): 30 Armor, 48 HP Destroyer I-Class Late Model (1575): 22 Armor, 35 HP Destroyer I-Class Late Model (1575): 22 Armor, 35 HP
# Enemy
Base EXP Normal Battle Node AD/AP
2-1 E
# Resource Node
E Gained 1 Itorch
# Resource Node
2-1 F: 敵機動部隊群 (PoiDB)
# Enemy
Base EXP Normal Battle Node AD/AP
F Diamond 110 Standard Carrier Wo-Class (1512): 40 Armor, 85 HP, 10 APBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Standard Carrier Wo-Class (1512): 40 Armor, 85 HP, 10 AP Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class (1509): 28 Armor, 58 HP Light Cruiser Ho-Class (1505): 15 Armor, 33 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP
Diamond 120 Standard Carrier Wo-Class Elite (1525): 55 Armor, 88 HP, 27 APBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Standard Carrier Wo-Class (1512): 40 Armor, 85 HP, 10 AP Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class (1509): 28 Armor, 58 HP Light Cruiser Ho-Class (1505): 15 Armor, 33 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP
Diamond 130 Standard Carrier Wo-Class Elite (1525): 55 Armor, 88 HP, 27 APBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Standard Carrier Wo-Class Elite (1525): 55 Armor, 88 HP, 27 AP Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class (1509): 28 Armor, 58 HP Light Cruiser Ho-Class (1505): 15 Armor, 33 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP
Diamond 140 Standard Carrier Wo-Class Elite (1525): 55 Armor, 88 HP, 27 APBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Standard Carrier Wo-Class Elite (1525): 55 Armor, 88 HP, 27 AP Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class Elite (1522): 60 Armor, 60 HP Light Cruiser Ho-Class (1505): 15 Armor, 33 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP
Diamond 150 Standard Carrier Wo-Class Elite (1525): 55 Armor, 88 HP, 27 APBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Standard Carrier Wo-Class Elite (1525): 55 Armor, 88 HP, 27 AP Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class Elite (1522): 60 Armor, 60 HP Light Cruiser Ho-Class Elite (1518): 30 Armor, 48 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP
Diamond 170 Standard Carrier Wo-Class Elite (1525): 55 Armor, 88 HP, 27 APBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Standard Carrier Wo-Class Elite (1525): 55 Armor, 88 HP, 27 AP Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class Elite (1522): 60 Armor, 60 HP Light Cruiser Ho-Class Elite (1518): 30 Armor, 48 HP Destroyer I-Class Late Model (1575): 22 Armor, 35 HP Destroyer I-Class Late Model (1575): 22 Armor, 35 HP
# Enemy
Base EXP Normal Battle Node AD/AP
2-1 G
# Empty Node
G 気のせいだった。/敵影を見ず。/穏やかな海です。/穏やかな海峡です。/警戒が必要です。/静かな海です。
Must be my imagination./No enemy spotted./Calm seas./Calm straits./Be alert./Peaceful seas.
# Empty Node
2-1 H: 敵主力部隊 (PoiDB)
# Enemy
Base EXP Boss Battle Node AD/AP
H Diamond 140 Battleship Ru-Class (1511): 70 Armor, 90 HPBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Standard Carrier Wo-Class (1512): 40 Armor, 85 HP, 10 AP Light Carrier Nu-Class (1510): 25 Armor, 65 HP, 8 AP Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class (1509): 28 Armor, 58 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP
Double Line 150 Battleship Ru-Class Elite (1524): 85 Armor, 90 HPBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Standard Carrier Wo-Class (1512): 40 Armor, 85 HP, 10 AP Light Carrier Nu-Class (1510): 25 Armor, 65 HP, 8 AP Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class (1509): 28 Armor, 58 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP
Diamond 160 Battleship Ru-Class Elite (1524): 85 Armor, 90 HPBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Standard Carrier Wo-Class Elite (1525): 55 Armor, 88 HP, 27 AP Light Carrier Nu-Class Elite (1523): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 24 AP Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class (1509): 28 Armor, 58 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP
Double Line 170 Battleship Ru-Class Elite (1524): 85 Armor, 90 HPBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Standard Carrier Wo-Class Elite (1525): 55 Armor, 88 HP, 27 AP Standard Carrier Wo-Class Elite (1525): 55 Armor, 88 HP, 27 AP Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class (1509): 28 Armor, 58 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP
Diamond 180 Battleship Ru-Class Elite (1524): 85 Armor, 90 HPBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Standard Carrier Wo-Class Elite (1525): 55 Armor, 88 HP, 27 AP Standard Carrier Wo-Class Elite (1525): 55 Armor, 88 HP, 27 AP Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class Elite (1522): 60 Armor, 60 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP
Diamond 200 Battleship Ru-Class Elite (1524): 85 Armor, 90 HPBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Standard Carrier Wo-Class Elite (1525): 55 Armor, 88 HP, 27 AP Standard Carrier Wo-Class Elite (1525): 55 Armor, 88 HP, 27 AP Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class Elite (1522): 60 Armor, 60 HP Destroyer I-Class Late Model (1575): 22 Armor, 35 HP Destroyer I-Class Late Model (1575): 22 Armor, 35 HP
# Enemy
Base EXP Boss Battle Node AD/AP

Ship Drops

☒ All drops (disabled, only rare drops)
Ship drops
Type Ship? A C D F H
CL Kitakami ✔️
CL Nagara ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
CL Sendai ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
CA Myoukou ✔️
CA Takao ✔️
CA Atago ✔️
CA Mogami ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
CA Tone ✔️
CA Chikuma ✔️
CVL Ryuujou ✔️
CVL Shouhou ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
CVL Hiyou ✔️
CVL Junyou ✔️
FBB Haruna ✔️
FBB Kirishima ✔️
BB Fusou ✔️
BB Yamashiro ✔️
DD Mutsuki ✔️
DD Kisaragi ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
DD Satsuki ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
DD Fumizuki ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
DD Nagatsuki ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
DD Kikuzuki ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
DD Mikazuki ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
DD Mochizuki ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
DD Fubuki ✔️
DD Shirayuki ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
DD Hatsuyuki ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
DD Miyuki ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
DD Murakumo ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
DD Isonami ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
DD Ayanami ✔️
DD Shikinami ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
DD Akatsuki ✔️
DD Hibiki ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
DD Ikazuchi ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
DD Inazuma ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
DD Hatsuharu ✔️
DD Nenohi ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
DD Wakaba ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
DD Hatsushimo ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
DD Shiratsuyu ✔️
DD Shigure ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
DD Murasame ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
DD Yuudachi ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
DD Samidare ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
DD Suzukaze ✔️
DD Asashio ✔️
DD Ooshio ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
DD Michishio ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
DD Arashio ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
DD Arare ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
DD Kasumi ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
DD Kagerou ✔️
DD Shiranui ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
DD Kuroshio ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
CL Tenryuu ✔️
CL Tatsuta ✔️
CL Kuma ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
CL Tama ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
CL Kiso ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
CL Isuzu ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
CL Natori ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
CL Yura ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
CL Jintsuu ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
CL Naka ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
CA Furutaka ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
CA Kako ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
CA Aoba ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
CA Nachi ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
CA Ashigara ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
CA Haguro ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
CA Maya ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
CA Choukai ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
CVL Houshou ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
AV Chitose ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
AV Chiyoda ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️