Help:Ship Priority
This article is meant to be a rough guideline to help you determine which girls you should be leveling. Included in this is which girls you should be using your limited blueprints, action reports and prototype catapults on. Event-only girls are listed separately due to their rarity. Any girl not listed here can be considered low priority.
The bare minimum you'll require for events is 7DD 1CL 3CA/V 4FBB 2CV 2CVL. This covers all combined fleet combinations with no extra capacity for ship locks or historical ships.
As a general rule, girls which require special resources (blueprint, action report, protoype catapult) are rated lower than their counterparts unless they outclass every other girl in that category. Unless otherwise noted, you should be getting girls to their highest remodel.
The advice in this article assumes you already have the girl. Don't stress about missing high priority girls.
Remodel Priorities
Priority | Name | Notes |
Very High | Abukuma |
Yuubari Kai Ni Toku |
| |
Shoukaku Zuikaku |
| |
Nagato |
| |
High | Ise |
Suzuya |
| |
Tone Chikuma |
| |
Saratoga |
| |
Medium | Yura |
Zara |
| |
Unryuu |
| |
Fusou Yamashiro |
| |
Mutsu |
| |
Akagi |
| |
Low | Musashi |
Kumano |
| |
Choukai |
| |
Hyuuga |
| |
Italia Roma |
| |
Tama |
| |
Ooshio Arashio Arare Kagerou Shiranui Kuroshio Yuugumo Makigumo Kazagumo Naganami Asashimo Okinami |
| |
Very Low | Kongou Hiei |
Amagi Katsuragi |
| |
Bismarck |
| |
Ryuuhou |
| |
Taiyou Shinyou |
| |
Kinu |
| |
Gotland |
Prototype Catapult
Destroyer (DD)
DDs form the backbone of your fleet. They are your specialists that can be divided into the following roles:
- Combat
- Torpedo Cut-In
- Anti-sub
- Anti-installation (overlaps with Transport Combined Fleet)
- Anti-air
Some DDs can fulfill more than one role.
Priority | Name | Availability | Notes |
Very High | Yuudachi | Drop Normal Construction |
Ayanami | Drop Normal Construction |
Yukikaze | Drop Normal Construction |
Shimakaze | Drop Normal Construction |
| |
Shigure | Drop Normal Construction |
High | Asashio | Drop Normal Construction |
Jervis | Event Drop | ||
Tashkent | Event Drop | ||
Medium | Naganami | Drop |
Kawakaze | Drop |
| |
Michishio | Drop Normal Construction |
| |
Kasumi | Drop Normal Construction |
| |
Low | Hatsushimo | Drop Normal Construction |
Shiratsuyu Murasame |
Drop Normal Construction |
| |
Umikaze | Drop |
| |
Ooshio Arashio Arare |
Drop Normal Construction |
| |
Kagerou Shiranui Kuroshio |
Drop Normal Construction |
| |
Yuugumo Makigumo Kazagumo Asashimo Okinami |
Drop |
Priority | Name | Availability | Notes |
High | Tanikaze Urakaze |
Drop |
Jervis Janus Fletcher Johnston Samuel B. Roberts |
Event |
| |
Medium | Asashio Kai 2 D | Drop Construction |
Shiratsuyu Umikaze Arare |
Drop Construction (not Umikaze) |
| |
Fumizuki Satsuki |
Drop Construction |
| |
Tashkent | Event |
| |
Low | n/a | n/a |
Destroyer Escort (DE)
All DEs are low priority for leveling. There's no reason to level them outside of fulfilling branching or expedition requirements. You'll want at least 4 DE at Kai and the rest can be leveled at your own leisure.
Light Cruiser (CL)
The primary role of a CL is to provide utility for the fleet. This is readily apparent in Combined Fleets that only allow a single CL to participate. As such, there is a limited number of CLs that can be considered useful. Like DDs, they can be roughly divided into the same roles.
Regular Girls | |||
Priority | Name | Availability | Notes |
Very High | Abukuma | Drop Normal Construction |
Yuubari Kai Ni Toku | Drop Normal Construction |
| |
Kitakami Ooi |
Drop Normal Construction |
| |
Sendai | Drop Normal Construction |
| |
High | Kuma Nagara |
Drop Normal Construction |
Yura | Drop Normal Construction |
| |
Medium | Kiso | Drop Normal Construction |
Isuzu | Drop Normal Construction |
| |
Jintsuu | Drop Normal Construction |
| |
Naka | Drop Normal Construction |
| |
Agano Noshiro Yahagi Sakawa |
Drop Large Ship Construction (Except Sakawa) |
| |
Ooyodo | Drop Event |
| |
Low | Tama | Drop Normal Construction |
Kinu | Drop Normal Construction |
| |
Event-Only Girls | |||
Priority | Name | Availability | Notes |
High | Gotland Abruzzi Garibaldi |
Event |
Low | Atlanta | Event |
Very Low | Perth De Ruyter |
Event |
Gotland andra | Event |
Heavy Cruiser (CA/V)
CAs are primarily used for their night battle capabilities. The CAV subclass is quite valuable because of the limited selection and being necessary for AS requirements in some maps.
Regular Girls | |||
Priority | Name | Availability | Notes |
Very High | Myoukou | Drop Normal Construction |
Maya | Drop Normal Construction |
| |
Mogami | Drop Normal Construction |
| |
Mikuma | Drop Large Ship Construction |
| |
High | Suzuya Kumano |
Drop Normal Construction |
Tone Chikuma |
Drop Normal Construction |
| |
Nachi Ashigara Haguro |
Drop Normal Construction |
| |
Choukai | Drop Normal Construction |
| |
Medium | Takao Atago |
Drop Normal Construction |
Kinugasa | Drop Normal Construction |
| |
Low | Furutaka Kako |
Drop Normal Construction |
Very Low | Aoba | Drop Normal Construction |
Event-Only Girls | |||
Priority | Name | Availability | Notes |
Very High | Prinz Eugen | Event | |
High | Zara | Event Large Ship Construction |
Low | Pola | Event |
Houston | Event |
Battleship (BB)
The priority of a BB changes depending on their type. Fast battleships, slow battleships and aviation battleships all have their own special niche. For a player just starting out, fast BBs can fill in for slow BBs. They won't have the raw power of a slow BB, but they'll perform adequately in the role.
Regular Girls | |||
Priority | Name | Availability | Notes |
Very High | Kongou Hiei Haruna Kirishima |
Drop Normal Construction |
Low | Kongou Kai Ni C Hiei Kai Ni C |
Drop Normal Construction |
Bismarck | Large Ship Construction |
| |
Event-Only Girls | |||
Priority | Name | Availability | Notes |
Very High | Iowa | Event |
Richelieu | Event |
| |
Medium | Littorio Roma |
Event |
Very Low | Gangut | Event |
Regular Girls | |||
Priority | Name | Availability | Notes |
Very High | Nagato Mutsu |
Drop Normal Construction |
Medium | Musashi | Large Ship Construction |
Yamato | Large Ship Construction |
| |
Event-Only Girls | |||
Priority | Name | Availability | Notes |
Very High | Nelson | Event |
Medium | Warspite | Event |
Low | Colorado | Event |
Regular Girls | |||
Priority | Name | Availability | Notes |
Very High | Ise | Drop Normal Construction |
High | Fusou Yamashiro |
Large Ship Construction |
Low | Hyuuga | Large Ship Construction |
Standard Carrier (CV)
Standard Fleet Carriers are the backbone of the Fleet when it comes to providing air support for the fleet. As aircraft are their main weaponry, their slot size and distribution determines the usefulness of the Carrier. Armoured Carriers (CVB) are capable of attacking while in moderately damaged.
Regular Girls | |||
Priority | Name | Availability | Notes |
Very High | Shoukaku Zuikaku |
Regular Construction Drop |
High | Soryuu Hiryuu |
Regular Construction Drop |
Akagi Kaga |
Regular Construction Drop Quest (Akagi) |
| |
Medium | Akagi Kai 2 |
| |
Taihou | Large Ship Construction |
| |
Unryuu | Drop Event |
| |
Event-Only Girls | |||
Priority | Name | Availability | Notes |
Very High | Saratoga | Large Ship Construction Event |
High | Intrepid | Event |
Medium | Ark Royal | Event |
Low | Katsuragi Amagi |
Event |
Very Low | Aquila Graf Zeppelin |
Event |
Light Carrier (CVL)
CVLs, as their name suggests, are just smaller CVs. They are used as substitutes for CVs when routing or fleet composition rules stop you from taking CVs. CVLs perform the same roles that CVs do, providing air support and powerful striking power. Like CVs, slot size and distribution plays a large role in determining how useful they are. CVLs are important to have around because of Combined Fleet composition requirements - STF and TCF limit CVs. They are also useful in normal maps where you want to reduce the resource cost.
Regular Girls | |||
Priority | Name | Availability | Notes |
Very High | Zuihou Kai Ni B | Drop Normal Construction |
Chitose Chiyoda |
Drop Normal Construction |
| |
High | Ryuujou | Drop Normal Construction |
Junyou | Drop Normal Construction |
| |
Low | Hiyou | Drop Normal Construction |
Shouhou | Drop Normal Construction |
| |
Very Low | Houshou | Drop Normal Construction |
Ryuuhou | Drop |
| |
Event-Only Girls | |||
Priority | Name | Availability | Notes |
Medium | Taiyou Shinyou |
| |
Very Low | Gambier Bay |
Submarines (SS/V)
SS are of limited usefulness. Their main role is to be bait for leveling in certain maps. Despite this, there have been a number of events where cheesing with submarines is a viable strategy. Therefore it is recommended that you have a few good submarines to prepare for that eventuality.
Regular Girls | |||
Priority | Name | Availability | Notes |
Very High | Maruyu | Drop Large Ship Construction |
High | I-401 | Drop Large Ship Construction |
Low | I-19 I-8 I-58 |
Drop Normal Construction |
I-168 |
| ||
Event-Only Girls | |||
Priority | Name | Availability | Notes |
Very High | I-13 I-14 |
| |
High | I-400 |
| |
Low | I-26 |
| |
U-511 Luigi Torelli |
Event |
Auxiliary (AX)
This category covers seaplane tenders (AV), fleet oilers (AO), submarine tenders (AS), repair ships (AR), amphibious assault ships (LHA) and training cruisers (CT). Each of these have their own niche but their primary use is for routing. The priorities listed here are based off their niche performance. If they are required for special event routing, it is recommended they go to the top of the priority list.
Regular Girls | |||
Priority | Name | Availability | Notes |
Very High | Akashi | Drop |
High | Akitsushima | Drop |
Medium | Chitose Chiyoda |
Drop Normal Construction |
Low | Mizuho | Drop Normal Construction |
Hayasui | Drop |
| |
Kamoi | Large Ship Construction |
| |
Akitsu Maru | Large Ship Construction |
| |
Very Low | Taigei | Drop |
Katori Kashima |
| ||
Event-Only Girls | |||
Priority | Name | Availability | Notes |
Very High | Nisshin |
| |
Medium | Commandant Teste |
| |
Low | Shinshuu Maru |