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Summer 2022 Event/E-3/Historical Ships

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DISCLAIMER: This information is based on user submitted data and is subject to revisions as more data is gathered. Any version of the ship receives the bonus regardless of remodel.

Ship Bonuses

Ship Damage Bonuses[1][2]
Ships Multipliers [Total]
Map-Wide Node L Node L
Enemy FlagshipFrench Battleship Princess Vacation Mode
French Battleship Princess Vacation Mode
Node U
(Does not stack)
Ship Banner Richelieu Kai.png Ship Banner Jean Bart Kai.png - 1.1x 1.25 [1.375x] 1.17x [1.61x] 1.281x
Ship Banner Commandant Teste Kai.png - - - 1.17x [1.287]
Ship Banner Italia.png Ship Banner Roma Kai.png Ship Banner Conte di Cavour Nuovo.png 1.1x [1.21x] - 1.238x
Ship Banner Aquila Kai.png Ship Banner Zara Due.png Ship Banner Pola Kai.png
Ship Banner Giuseppe Garibaldi Kai.png Ship Banner Duca degli Abruzzi Kai.png Ship Banner Maestrale Kai.png
Ship Banner Libeccio Kai.png Ship Banner Scirocco Kai.png Ship Banner Grecale Kai.png
Ship Banner I-504.png - -
Ship Banner Nelson Kai.png Ship Banner Warspite Kai.png Ship Banner Ark Royal Kai.png - - 1.281x
Ship Banner Victorious Kai.png Ship Banner Sheffield Kai.png Ship Banner Jervis Kai.png
Ship Banner Janus Kai.png - -
Ship Banner Bismarck Drei.png Ship Banner Graf Zeppelin Kai.png Ship Banner Prinz Eugen Kai.png -
Ship Banner Z1 Zwei.png Ship Banner Z3 Zwei.png Ship Banner Ro-500.png
Ship Banner Gotland Andra.png Ship Banner Perth Kai.png -
Seaplane Fighter Seaplane FighterS / Seaplane BomberBomber Seaplane Bombers - 1.1x -
Armor-Piercing Shell AP ShellsType 91 Armor Piercing Shell
Type 1 Armor Piercing Shell
Type 1 Armor Piercing Shell Kai
- 1.2x -
Seaplane Laté 298B - 1.32x -
Dive Bomber Dive Bombers x1 - 1.1x -
x2 1.265x
Node U Bonuses
(Stacks with above)
Ships Boss Debuff (Against
Enemy FlagshipFast Light Carrier Water Demon Debuffed Only)
All Ships 1.1x

Equipment Bonuses

Equipment[2] Nodes
C2, N, P
Landing Craft Daihatsu Landing Craft (Panzer II/North African Specification)Daihatsu Landing Craft (Panzer II/North African Specification) 1.35x
Aircraft Bonuses

Plane bonuses similar to the Summer 2021 event have returned and should be examined when planning equipment setups. The following bonuses are applied:

  • Carriers using planes get bonuses based on the numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4,
  • Land-Bases using planes get bonuses applied to all bombers in the individual base, based on both the numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4 as well as the letters A, B, and C,
    • In order to get the best out of carriers, it is needed to arm them with planes from different number categories (e.g.: C4 + B3 + B2 or C4 + B3 + A2 or C4 + B2 + A3 grants 2*3*4).
    • In order to get high bonuses out of land-bases, it is needed to arm them with planes from different letter and number categories (e.g. B2 + B3 + C4 grants B*C*2*3*4), as allowed by range considerations
Aircraft Damage Bonuses[2]
Aircraft Groups Multipliers
(Ships and Land-bases)
A B C Map-wide Node L Node U
Aircraft Groups
1 -
Equipment Card Fw 190 D-9.png
Fw 190 D-9
Equipment Card PBY-5A Catalina.png
PBY-5A Catalina
Equipment Card Spitfire Mk.I.png
Spitfire Mk.I
Equipment Card Spitfire Mk.V.png
Spitfire Mk.V
Equipment Card Spitfire Mk.IX (Skilled).png
Spitfire Mk.IX (Skilled)
- - -
Equipment Card B-25.png
Equipment Card Swordfish.png
Equipment Card TBF.png
Equipment Card TBM-3D.png
Equipment Card F4U-1D.png
Equipment Card FM-2.png
Equipment Card F4F-3.png
Equipment Card F4F-4.png
Equipment Card F6F-3.png
Equipment Card F6F-3N.png
Equipment Card F6F-5.png
Equipment Card Bf 109T Kai.png
Bf 109T Kai
Equipment Card Fw 190T Kai.png
Fw 190T Kai
Equipment Card Fw 190 A-5 Kai (Skilled).png
Fw 190 A-5 Kai (Skilled)
- 1.04x 1.0712x 1.092x
Equipment Card SM.79.png
Equipment Card SM.79 bis.png
SM.79 bis
Equipment Card Swordfish Mk.II (Skilled).png
Swordfish Mk.II (Skilled)
Equipment Card Re.2001 G Kai.png
Re.2001 G Kai
Equipment Card Re.2001 CB Kai.png
Re.2001 CB Kai
Equipment Card Skua.png
Equipment Card Ju 87C Kai.png
Ju 87C Kai
Equipment Card Ju 87C Kai 2 (w KMX).png
Ju 87C Kai Ni (w/ KMX)
Equipment Card Ju 87C Kai 2 (w KMX Skilled).png
Ju 87C Kai Ni (w/ KMX/Skilled)
Equipment Card FR-1 Fireball.png
FR-1 Fireball
Equipment Card Re.2001 OR Kai.png
Re.2001 OR Kai
Equipment Card Fulmar.png
Equipment Card F4U-2 Night Corsair.png
F4U-2 Night Corsair
Equipment Card F4U-4.png
1.05x 1.092x 1.113x
Equipment Card Do 217 E-5 + Hs293 Initial Model.png
Do 217 E-5 + Hs293 Initial Model
Equipment Card SM.79 bis (Skilled).png
SM.79 bis (Skilled)
Equipment Card Swordfish Mk.III (Skilled).png
Swordfish Mk.III (Skilled)
Equipment Card Barracuda Mk.II.png
Barracuda Mk.II
Equipment Card Barracuda Mk.III.png
Barracuda Mk.III
Equipment Card Re.2005 Kai.png
Re.2005 Kai
Equipment Card Corsair Mk.II.png
Corsair Mk.II
Equipment Card Corsair Mk.II (Ace).png
Corsair Mk.II (Ace)
Equipment Card Seafire Mk.III Kai.png
Seafire Mk.III Kai
Equipment Card Fulmar (Reconnaissance Fighter Skilled).png
Fulmar (Reconnaissance Fighter/Skilled)
Equipment Card Mosquito FB Mk.VI.png
Mosquito FB Mk.VI
1.06x 1.113x 1.1342x
LBAS only
- 1.07x 1.1x
Historical Aircraft
Damage Bonuses
Group Multipliers
Map-wide Nodes L Node U
LBAS A 1x 1x 1x
LBAS B 1.07x 1.07x 1.07x
LBAS C 1.1x 1.1x 1.1x
1 1x 1x 1x
2 1.04x 1.0712x 1.092x
3 1.05x 1.092x 1.113x
4 1.06x 1.113x 1.1342x