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== {{Anchor|5-1}} World 5-1: 南方海域前面 The Forefront of the Southern Sea==
| map = 5-1 Map.png
| difficulty = ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
| item = {{steel}} {{fuel}}
| exp = 360
| code = 南方海域進出作戦 (Southern Sea Advancement Tactics)
| jptext = 練度の高い水上打撃部隊を編成し、南方海域への進出を図れ!
| entext = Create a diverse surface fleet to expand into the southern sea area!
===Stage Guide===
|title = 5-1 Branching Rules
|expand = true
|id = 5-1
|0 -> A/storm, B =
*Meet '''ANY''' of the following to '''FORCE''' A
**(F)BB(V)+CV(B) ≥ 4
**(F)BB(V)+CV(B/L) ≥ 5
* Meet '''ANY''' of the following requirements to go to B
**DD ≥ 2 and (F)BB(V)+CV(L/B) ≤ 2
**CA(V) ≥ 4 and fleet contains CL
**CA(V) ≥ 2 and CL = 1
*Otherwise, random routing
**If fleet contains CA(V) or CV(L/B), you more likely to go to A
**If fleet contains 3 (F)BB(V), 1 CL and 2 DD, you more likely to go to B
|B -> C/resource =
* Meet '''ALL''' of the following requirements:
** No CV(B)
** Amount of CVL ≤ 1
** Amount of (F)BB(V) ≤ 2
|B -> E = * Do not meet the requirements to go to C.
|F -> G, H/resource, J =
*'''FORCE''' node G if SS(V) ≥ 2
*Go to H if fleet does not contain CL and DDs
*Random routing if (F)BB(V)+CV(L/B) ≥ 3
**Go to G if DD ≤ 1 ('''Ignored if the fleet is Fastest''')
**Meet '''ANY''' of the following to go to J
***DD ≥ 4
***'''Fastest''' Fleet
***Fleet contains CL and DD ≥ 2
**Otherwise, random between G and J (If fleet contains DD = 3, you more likely to go to J)
|G -> I/empty, J =
*Go to I if (F)BB(V)+CV(L/B) ≥ 5
* Meet '''ANY''' of the following requirements to go to J
** Amount of DD ≥ 2, fleet contains CL, no CV(L/B)
** Amount of DD ≥ 2, (F)BB(V)+CVL ≤ 2, no CV(B)
* Otherwise, random routing.
| Map = 5-1
| Fleet = 1 CL 2 DD 3 XX BCFJ
| AS = 252
| Notes = D node requires at most 287/574 FP for AS+/AS
'''Regarding the map'''
*By the number order of the world map, this is the first time [[Standard Carrier Wo-Class|Wo Flagship]] with hellcat planes and [[Light Cruiser Tsu-Class]] appear. Wo Flagship with hellcat planes is notably much stronger than it's normal Flagship counterpart, while CL Tsu-Class has much higher stats compared to the other enemy CL.
**With the presence of CL Tsu-Class, there is a chance you will lose a lot of bombers (Or even their rank, should Tsu shot all of them down) before reaching the boss node. Keep this in mind if you wish to bring any bombers on your CV(L)
*Node E is actually a submarine node without warning.
<br/>'''Regarding the branching and recommended fleet'''
* 2 DD and 2 or less (F)BB(V) + CV(B/L) to guarantee B start.
* 1 CL and 2 DD to guarantee boss node.
* '''3 XX 1 CL 2 DD with a maximum of 2 (F)BB(V) will take the shortest BCFJ route.'''
** 1 BB can be replaced with a CVL.
'''<br/>Regarding the quests in this map'''
*'''Monthly Quest: "Surface Strike Fleet" to the South! ([[Quests#Bm4|Bm4]]) : 3 BB(V) 1 CL 2 DD'''
** This quest requires three slow battleships (or BBVs), exactly one light cruiser, and two other ships, with an S-Rank at the boss node.
***Specifically, the 3 slow battleships '''must''' be Yamato-class, Ise-class, and/or Fusou-class BB(V)s. As of this time, other slow BBs such as [[Nelson]] and [[Warspite]] do not appear to count for the purposes of this quest.
*** Those other two ships should be 2 DD to guarantee boss routing.
*'''Quarterly Mikawa ([[Quests#Bq7|Bq7]]) : 3 CA 1 CL 2 DD'''
**Routes BCFJ, requires Support Expedition for easier time pre-boss.
===Nodes and Enemy Encounters===
|A_label = '''<span style="color:purple">Maelstrom Node</span>'''
|A-1_node_info = fuel - ?
|B_label = 敵南方前衛哨戒艦隊
|B-1_node_info = ca_ri-class_flagship ca_ri-class_flagship cl_he-class_flagship cl_tsu-class dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|B-1_form = double_line line_ahead
|B-1_xp =
|B-1_enemy_air_power =
|B-2_node_info = ca_ri-class_flagship cl_he-class_flagship cl_tsu-class dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|B-2_form = line_ahead double_line
|B-2_xp =
|B-2_enemy_air_power =
|B-3_node_info = ca_ri-class_flagship cl_ho-class_elite cl_tsu-class dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|B-3_form = double_line line_ahead
|B-3_xp =
|B-3_enemy_air_power =
|C_label = '''<span style="color:green">Resource Node</span>'''
|C-1_node_info = steel + 25 50
|D_label = 敵南方空母機動部隊
|D-1_node_info = cv_wo-class_flagship cv_wo-class_flagship cvl_nu-class_flagship cl_tsu-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|D-1_form = diamond
|D-1_xp =
|D-1_enemy_air_power = 79
|D-2_node_info = cv_wo-class_flagship cv_wo-class_flagship cvl_nu-class_elite cl_tsu-class dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|D-2_form = diamond
|D-2_xp =
|D-2_enemy_air_power = 80
|D-3_node_info = cv_wo-class_flagship cv_wo-class_elite cvl_nu-class_elite cl_tsu-class dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|D-3_form = diamond
|D-3_xp =
|D-3_enemy_air_power = 79
|D-4_node_info = cv_wo-class_flagship_2 cv_wo-class_flagship cvl_nu-class_flagship cl_tsu-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|D-4_form = diamond
|D-4_xp =
|D-4_enemy_air_power = 135
|D-5_node_info = cv_wo-class_flagship cv_wo-class_flagship cvl_nu-class_elite cl_tsu-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|D-5_form = diamond
|D-5_xp =
|D-5_enemy_air_power = 80
|D-6_node_info = cv_wo-class_flagship_2 cv_wo-class_flagship_2 cvl_nu-class_flagship cl_tsu-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|D-6_form = diamond
|D-6_xp =
|D-6_enemy_air_power = 191
|E_label = 敵潜水艦南方哨戒線
|E-1_node_info = ss_ka-class_flagship ss_ka-class_elite ss_ka-class_elite ss_ka-class ss_ka-class
|E-1_form = echelon line_abreast
|E-1_xp =
|E-1_enemy_air_power =
|E-2_node_info = ss_ka-class_flagship ss_ka-class_elite ss_ka-class_elite ss_ka-class ss_ka-class ss_ka-class
|E-2_form = line_abreast echelon
|E-2_xp =
|E-2_enemy_air_power =
|E-3_node_info = ss_ka-class_flagship ss_ka-class_elite ss_ka-class ss_ka-class ss_ka-class
|E-3_form = echelon double_line
|E-3_xp =
|E-3_enemy_air_power =
|F_label = 敵南方任務部隊 B群
|F-1_node_info = bb_ta-class_flagship ca_ri-class_flagship ca_ri-class_flagship cl_he-class_flagship dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|F-1_form = line_ahead double_line
|F-1_xp =
|F-1_enemy_air_power =
|F-2_node_info = ca_ri-class_flagship ca_ri-class_flagship ca_ri-class_flagship cl_he-class_flagship dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|F-2_form = line_ahead double_line
|F-2_xp =
|F-2_enemy_air_power =
|F-3_node_info = cvl_nu-class_elite ca_ne-class_elite ca_ne-class cl_tsu-class dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|F-3_form = diamond
|F-3_xp =
|F-3_enemy_air_power = 24
|F-4_node_info = cvl_nu-class_elite ca_ne-class ca_ne-class cl_tsu-class dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|F-4_form = diamond
|F-4_xp =
|F-4_enemy_air_power = 24
|G_label = 敵南方任務部隊 A群
|G-1_node_info = bb_ta-class_flagship bb_ta-class_flagship cvl_nu-class_flagship cl_tsu-class dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|G-1_form = line_ahead double_line
|G-1_xp =
|G-1_enemy_air_power = 23
|G-2_node_info = bb_ta-class_flagship bb_ta-class_elite cvl_nu-class_elite cl_tsu-class dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|G-2_form = line_ahead double_line
|G-2_xp =
|G-2_enemy_air_power = 24
|G-3_node_info = bb_ta-class_flagship bb_ta-class_flagship cvl_nu-class_flagship cl_tsu-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|G-3_form = double_line line_ahead
|G-3_xp =
|G-3_enemy_air_power = 23
|H_label = '''<span style="color:green">Resource Node</span>'''
|H-1_node_info = ammo + ?
|I_label = '''<span style="color:blue">Battle Avoided</span>'''
|I-1_node_info = "Must be my imagination" (battle avoided)
|J_label = 敵南方前線司令艦隊
|J-1_node_info = bb_ta-class_flagship ca_ri-class_flagship ca_ri-class_flagship cl_he-class_flagship dd_ha-class_late_model dd_ha-class_late_model
|J-1_form = line_ahead echelon
|J-1_xp =
|J-1_enemy_air_power =
|J-2_node_info = transport_wa-class_flagship bb_ta-class_flagship bb_ta-class_flagship cl_he-class_flagship dd_ha-class_late_model dd_ha-class_late_model
|J-2_form = diamond
|J-2_xp =
|J-2_enemy_air_power =
|J-3_node_info = bb_ta-class_flagship bb_ta-class_flagship ca_ri-class_flagship cl_he-class_flagship dd_ha-class_late_model dd_ha-class_late_model
|J-3_form = double_line
|J-3_xp =
|J-3_enemy_air_power =
|J-4_node_info = cv_wo-class_flagship_2 cv_wo-class_flagship_2 bb_ta-class_flagship cl_he-class_flagship dd_ha-class_late_model dd_ha-class_late_model
|J-4_form = diamond
|J-4_xp =
|J-4_enemy_air_power = 168
|J-5_node_info = cv_wo-class_flagship_2 bb_ta-class_flagship ca_ri-class_flagship cl_he-class_flagship dd_ha-class_late_model dd_ha-class_late_model
|J-5_form = diamond
|J-5_xp =
|J-5_enemy_air_power = 84
|final_form =
|boss_node = J
<div class="mw-customtoggle-5-1-drops globalbutton">Show/Hide Drops</div>
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" id="mw-customcollapsible-5-1-drops"
!Light Cruiser
!Heavy Cruiser
!Seaplane Tender
!Aircraft Carrier
|[[Mutsuki]], [[Kisaragi]], [[Satsuki]], [[Nagatsuki]], [[Fumizuki]], [[Kikuzuki]], [[Mikazuki]], [[Mochizuki]], [[Hatsuharu]], [[Shiratsuyu]], [[Murakumo]], [[Shigure]]
|[[Ooi]], [[Kitakami]], [[Tama]], [[Kiso]], [[Isuzu]], [[Natori]], [[Yura]], [[Jintsuu]], [[Naka]]
|[[Mogami]], [[Furutaka]], [[Kako]], [[Aoba]], [[Myoukou]], [[Nachi]], [[Ashigara]], [[Haguro]], [[Atago]], [[Maya]], [[Choukai]], [[Tone]], [[Chikuma]]
|[[Chitose]], [[Chiyoda]]
|[[Ryuujou]], [[Hiyou]], [[Jun'you]], [[Shouhou]]
|[[Kongou]], [[Hiei]], [[Haruna]], [[Kirishima]], [[Fusou]], [[Yamashiro]]
|[[Murakumo]], [[Kisaragi]], [[Satsuki]], [[Nagatsuki]], [[Hatsuharu]], [[Shiratsuyu]], [[Shigure]], [[Yuudachi]]
|[[Ooi]], [[Kitakami]], [[Tama]], [[Kiso]], [[Isuzu]], [[Natori]], [[Yura]], [[Jintsuu]], [[Naka]]
|[[Mogami]], [[Suzuya]], [[Furutaka]], [[Kako]], [[Aoba]], [[Myoukou]], [[Nachi]], [[Ashigara]], [[Haguro]], [[Takao]], [[Atago]], [[Maya]], [[Choukai]], [[Tone]], [[Chikuma]]
|[[Chitose]], [[Chiyoda]]
|[[Ryuujou]], [[Hiyou]], [[Shouhou]], [[Souryuu]]
|[[Kongou]], [[Hiei]], [[Haruna]], [[Kirishima]], [[Fusou]], [[Yamashiro]]
|[[Mutsuki]], [[Kisaragi]], [[Satsuki]], [[Kikuzuki]], [[Mochizuki]], [[Hatsuharu]], [[Murasame]]
|[[Ooi]], [[Tama]], [[Kiso]], [[Isuzu]], [[Yura]], [[Naka]]
|[[Kako]], [[Aoba]], [[Myoukou]], [[Haguro]], [[Maya]], [[Choukai]], [[Chikuma]]
|[[Chitose]], [[Chiyoda]]
|[[Jun'you]], [[Shouhou]]
|[[Kongou]], [[Hiei]], [[Yamashiro]]
|[[Murakumo]], [[Mutsuki]], [[Kisaragi]], [[Satsuki]], [[Fumizuki]], [[Nagatsuki]], [[Mikazuki]], [[Mochizuki]], [[Hatsuharu]], [[Shiratsuyu]], [[Shigure]], [[Yuudachi]]
|[[Ooi]], [[Kitakami]], [[Kiso]], [[Isuzu]], [[Natori]], [[Yura]], [[Jintsuu]], [[Naka]]
|[[Furutaka]], [[Kako]], [[Myoukou]], [[Nachi]], [[Ashigara]], [[Takao]], [[Maya]], [[Choukai]]
|[[Chitose]], [[Chiyoda]]
|[[Jun'you]], [[Shouhou]]
|[[Kongou]], [[Hiei]], [[Haruna]], [[Kirishima]], [[Fusou]], [[Yamashiro]]
|[[Murakumo]], [[Kisaragi]], [[Satsuki]], [[Fumizuki]], [[Mikazuki]], [[Mochizuki]], [[Hatsuharu]], [[Shiratsuyu]], [[Murasame]], [[Yuudachi]]
|[[Ooi]], [[Kitakami]], [[Tama]], [[Kiso]], [[Isuzu]], [[Natori]], [[Yura]], [[Jintsuu]], [[Naka]]
|[[Mogami]], [[Myoukou]], [[Nachi]], [[Ashigara]], [[Haguro]], [[Tone]], [[Chikuma]], [[Takao]], [[Atago]]
|[[Chitose]], [[Chiyoda]]
|[[Ryuujou]], [[Hiyou]], [[Shouhou]]
|[[Kongou]], [[Hiei]], [[Haruna]], [[Kirishima]]
|<span style="color:red">'''I'''</span>
|[[Shimakaze|'''<span style="color:red">Shimakaze</span>''']], [[Akigumo|'''<span style="color:red">Akigumo</span>''']], [[Yuugumo|'''<span style="color:red">Yuugumo</span>''']], [[Naganami|'''<span style="color:red">Naganami</span>''']], [[Yayoi|'''<span style="color:red">Yayoi</span>''']], [[Uzuki|'''<span style="color:red">Uzuki</span>''']], [[Hamakaze|'''<span style="color:red">Hamakaze</span>''']], [[Uranami|'''<span style="color:red">Uranami</span>''']]
|[[Kitakami]], [[Tenryuu]], [[Tatsuta]], [[Tama]], [[Kiso]], [[Isuzu]], [[Natori]], [[Yura]], [[Sendai]], [[Kinu|'''<span style="color:red">Kinu</span>''']], [[Abukuma|'''<span style="color:red">Abukuma</span>''']]
|[[Mogami]], [[Kako]], [[Myoukou]], [[Nachi]], [[Ashigara]], [[Haguro]], [[Takao]], [[Atago]], [[Maya]], [[Choukai]], [[Tone]], [[Chikuma]], [[Kinugasa|'''<span style="color:red">Kinugasa</span>''']]
|[[Chitose]], [[Chiyoda]]
|[[Kaga]], [[Souryuu]], [[Shoukaku|'''<span style="color:red">Shoukaku</span>''']], [[Houshou]], [[Ryuujou]], [[Hiyou]], [[Jun'you]]
|[[I-58|'''<span style="color:red">I-58</span>''']]
|[[Ise]], [[Hyuuga]], [[Kongou]], [[Hiei]], [[Haruna]], [[Kirishima]], [[Fusou]], [[Yamashiro]]
== {{Anchor|5-2}} World 5-2: 珊瑚諸島沖 The Coral Islands==
| map = 5-2 Map.png
| difficulty = ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
| item = {{ammo}} {{bauxite}}
| exp = 380
| code = 珊瑚諸島沖海戦 ([[wikipedia:Battle_of_the_Coral_Sea|Coral Islands Naval Battle]])
| jptext = MO作戦を実施する。空母機動部隊を展開し、南方海域に出没する敵機動部隊を叩け!
| entext = We are executing Operation MO.  Form a carrier battle group and crush the enemy task force!
===Stage Guide===
|id = 5-2
|0 -> A/storm, B/empty  =
*Random routing if meeting '''ANY''' of the following
**(F)BB(V) ≥ 4
**CV(B) ≥ 3 
**CV(B/L) + (F)BB(V) ≥ 5
**Fleet contains SS(V)
*Otherwise, B
|C -> D =
*Meet '''ANY''' of the following
**Fleet contains 2 CV(B/L), 2 CA(V) and 2 DD
**Fleet contains Shouhou and CA(V)+CL+DD+AO = 5
**Fleet contains Yuubari and CVL+CA(V)+DD+AO = 5
**'''FAST''' fleet '''AND''' one of the following conditions:
***Fleet contains Shoukaku '''AND''' Zuikaku, 2 DD and 2 wildcards
***Fleet contains no CV(B), 2 CVL and 2 DD (''Exactly 2 CVL, no more no less, (F)BB(V) not allowed'')
***Fleet contains 1 CVL, 2 DD and CA(V)
|C -> E =
*Meet '''ANY''' of the following to '''FORCE''' E
**Fleet contains SS(V), DE and AV
**Fleet contains (F)BB(V), CV(B) or CLT ('''Ignored if the fleet contains Shoukaku, Zuikaku and 2 DDs''')
**Fleet contains slow ship ('''Ignored if the fleet meets the historical requirement above''')
**Fleets that do not meet any conditions of going to D
|D -> G/resource =
*Meet '''ANY''' of the following
**Fleet contains CL and DD only
**Fleet contains [[Shouhou]], [[Yuubari]], DD = 2, CA+AO = 2, no CAV
**Fleet contains Shouhou, 3 DD and one of the following
***AO = 2
***CA = 1 '''and''' CL+AO = 1
**Fleet contains Yuubari, 2 DD and one of the following
***AO = 1 '''and''' CA+DD = 4
***AO = 2 '''and''' CA+DD = 3
|D -> F =
* Do not meet the requirements for routing to G.
|F -> H/empty,  =
* Fail the LoS check.
|F -> I, O =
* Meet '''ALL''' of the following requirements to guarantee routing to O:
** Pass the LoS check : '''> 71 F33 (C<sub>n</sub>=2)'''
** Have ≤ 2 CV(B/L) in your fleet.
*Go to I if CV(B/L) + (F)BB(V) ≥ 5
*Otherwise, random between I and O if you pass the LoS check
|G/resource -> J/resource, L =
* Random
|L -> K =
*Meet '''ANY''' of the following
**'''Fast+''' Fleet
**Pass the LoS check : '''> 62 F33 (C<sub>n</sub>=2)'''
|L -> M/storm =
* Fail the LoS check
|L -> N/empty =
*AO+CL+CA = 0
| Map = 5-2
| Fleet = (Any route w/o Node I)
| AS = 252
*Unlocking 5-2 requires clearing '''both 4-4 and 5-1'''.
*You must sink the boss '''4''' times to clear the map.
*This map is based on the historical operation known as '''Operation MO'''. Ships that participated in this operation can be used here to obtain special routing on this map.
**'''CV(L)''': [[Shoukaku]], [[Zuikaku]], [[Shouhou]]
**'''CL''': [[Yuubari]]
*Like map 5-1, [[Standard Carrier Wo-Class]] Flagship with hellcat planes also makes an appearance here, especially at pre-boss nodes
**AACI is required if you wish to reach the boss node consistently
*The boss can be either [[Standard Carrier Wo-Class|Wo Kai Flagship]] or [[Aircraft Carrier Demon]].
**Sinking [[Aircraft Carrier Demon]] can be a bit harder than sinking Wo Kai Flagship, therefore, do prepare a lot of good equipment and high-level girls before attempting this map for the best success rate
**With the use of AACI, it's possible to destroy all of the enemy bombers at the boss node, completely disables the boss at day battle which can make the boss fight a lot easier
'''Recommended Fleet'''
*'''[[Shoukaku]], [[Zuikaku]], 2 DD, 2 [(F)BB(V)+CA(V)] / 2CV(L/B), 2DD, 2CA(V)''' routes '''BCDFO'''
**Please note that '''the fleet must be Fast'''.
**Los required: '''>= 71 (F33 Cn2)'''
**'''Any heavier fleets (refer to branching rules) are not recommended''' as these have a chance of off-routing to Node I, which will likely significantly deplete your bomber count due to the nature of that node.
===Nodes and Enemy Encounters===
|A_label = '''<span style="color:purple">Maelstrom Node</span>'''
|A-1_node_info = fuel - ?
|B_label = '''<span style="color:blue">Battle Avoided</span>'''
|B-1_node_info = "Must be my imagination" (battle avoided)
|C_label = 敵任務部隊 機動部隊<br>'''<span style="color:green">Air Battle Node</span>'''
|C-1_node_info = cv_wo-class_flagship_2 cv_wo-class_flagship_2 ca_ri-class_flagship cl_he-class_flagship dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|C-1_form = diamond
|C-1_xp =
|C-1_enemy_air_power = 168
|C-2_node_info = cv_wo-class_flagship_2 ca_ri-class_flagship cl_he-class_flagship dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|C-2_form = diamond
|C-2_xp =
|C-2_enemy_air_power = 84
|C-3_node_info = cv_wo-class_flagship_2 cv_wo-class_flagship ca_ri-class_flagship cl_he-class_flagship dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|C-3_form = double_line
|C-3_xp =
|C-3_enemy_air_power = 112
|D_label = 敵任務部隊 随伴部隊
|D-1_node_info = transport_wa-class_elite transport_wa-class_elite transport_wa-class_elite cl_ho-class_flagship dd_i-class_late_model dd_i-class_late_model
|D-1_form = diamond double_line
|D-1_xp =
|D-1_enemy_air_power =
|D-2_node_info = ss_ka-class_elite ss_ka-class cl_ho-class_flagship dd_i-class dd_i-class transport_wa-class
|D-2_form = echelon double_line
|D-2_xp =
|D-2_enemy_air_power =
|D-3_node_info = transport_wa-class_elite transport_wa-class_elite cl_ho-class_flagship dd_ro-class_late_model dd_i-class dd_i-class
|D-3_form = diamond double_line
|D-3_xp =
|D-3_enemy_air_power =
|E_label = 敵任務部隊 機動部隊
|E-1_node_info = cv_wo-class_flagship_2 bb_ta-class_flagship cl_he-class_flagship cl_tsu-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|E-1_form = double_line diamond
|E-1_xp =
|E-1_enemy_air_power = 84
|E-2_node_info = cv_wo-class_flagship_2 bb_ta-class_flagship cl_he-class_elite cl_tsu-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|E-2_form = diamond double_line
|E-2_xp =
|E-2_enemy_air_power = 84
|E-3_node_info = cv_wo-class_flagship_2 bb_ta-class_elite cl_he-class_elite cl_tsu-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|E-3_form = diamond double_line
|E-3_xp =
|E-3_enemy_air_power = 84
|F_label = 敵任務部隊 機動部隊
|F-1_node_info = cv_wo-class_flagship_2 ca_ri-class_flagship cl_ho-class_flagship dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|F-1_form = diamond double_line
|F-1_xp =
|F-1_enemy_air_power = 84
|F-2_node_info = cv_wo-class_flagship_2 ca_ri-class_flagship ca_ri-class_flagship cl_he-class_flagship dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|F-2_form = diamond double_line
|F-2_xp =
|F-2_enemy_air_power = 84
|F-3_node_info = cv_wo-class_flagship_2 ca_ri-class_flagship cl_he-class_flagship dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|F-3_form = double_line diamond
|F-3_xp =
|F-3_enemy_air_power = 84
|G_label = '''<span style="color:green">Resource Node</span>'''
|G-1_node_info = ammo + ?
|H_label = '''<span style="color:blue">Battle Avoided</span>'''
|H-1_node_info = "Must be my imagination" (battle avoided)
|I_label = 敵任務部隊 機動部隊本隊<br>'''<span style="color:green">Air Raid Node</span>'''
|I-1_node_info = aircraft_carrier_demon cv_wo-class_flagship ca_ne-class_elite cl_tsu-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|I-1_form = diamond
|I-1_xp =
|I-1_enemy_air_power = 219
|I-2_node_info = cv_wo-class_flagship cv_wo-class_flagship ca_ne-class cl_tsu-class dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|I-2_form = diamond
|I-2_xp =
|I-2_enemy_air_power = 204
|I-3_node_info = aircraft_carrier_demon ca_ne-class_elite ca_ne-class_elite cl_tsu-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|I-3_form = diamond
|I-3_xp =
|I-3_enemy_air_power = 117
|J_label = '''<span style="color:green">Resource Node</span>'''
|J-1_node_info = bauxite + ?
|K_label = 敵任務部隊 随伴護衛戦隊
|K-1_node_info = ca_ri-class_flagship ca_ri-class_flagship cl_ho-class_flagship dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|K-1_form = double_line line_ahead
|K-1_xp =
|K-1_enemy_air_power =
|K-2_node_info = ca_ri-class_flagship ca_ri-class_flagship cl_ho-class_flagship dd_ro-class_late_model dd_i-class dd_i-class
|K-2_form = line_ahead
|K-2_xp =
|K-2_enemy_air_power =
|L_label = 敵任務部隊 機動部隊
|L-1_node_info = cv_wo-class_flagship_2 cv_wo-class_flagship_2 ca_ri-class_flagship cl_he-class_flagship dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|L-1_form = diamond
|L-1_xp =
|L-1_enemy_air_power = 168
|L-2_node_info = cv_wo-class_flagship_2 cv_wo-class_flagship ca_ri-class_flagship cl_he-class_flagship dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|L-2_form = double_line
|L-2_xp =
|L-2_enemy_air_power = 112
|L-3_node_info = cv_wo-class_flagship_2 ca_ri-class_flagship cl_he-class_flagship dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|L-3_form = diamond
|L-3_xp =
|L-3_enemy_air_power = 84
|M_label = '''<span style="color:purple">Maelstrom Node</span>'''
|M-1_node_info = fuel - ?
|N_label = '''<span style="color:blue">Battle Avoided</span>'''
|N-1_node_info = "Must be my imagination" (battle avoided)
|O_label = 敵任務部隊 機動部隊本隊
|O-1_node_info = aircraft_carrier_demon ca_ne-class_elite ca_ne-class_elite cl_tsu-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|O-1_form = diamond line_ahead
|O-1_xp =
|O-1_enemy_air_power = 117
|O-2_node_info = cv_wo-class_flagship_kai ca_ne-class_elite ca_ne-class_elite cl_tsu-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|O-2_form = diamond
|O-2_xp =
|O-2_enemy_air_power = 102
|O-3_node_info = cv_wo-class_flagship_kai ca_ne-class_elite ca_ne-class_elite cl_tsu-class dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|O-3_form = diamond
|O-3_xp =
|O-3_enemy_air_power = 102
|O-4_node_info = cv_wo-class_flagship_kai ca_ne-class ca_ne-class cl_tsu-class dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|O-4_form = diamond
|O-4_xp =
|O-4_enemy_air_power = 102
|O-5_node_info = cv_wo-class_flagship_kai ca_ne-class_elite ca_ne-class cl_tsu-class dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|O-5_form = diamond
|O-5_xp =
|O-5_enemy_air_power = 102
|final_form =
|boss_node = O
<div class="mw-customtoggle-5-2-drops globalbutton">Show/Hide Drops</div>
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" id="mw-customcollapsible-5-2-drops"
!Light Cruiser
!Heavy Cruiser
!Seaplane Tender
!Submarine Tender
!Aircraft Carrier
|[[Akatsuki]], [[Hibiki]], [[Ikazuchi]], [[Inazuma]], [[Samidare]], [[Suzukaze]], [[Asashio]], [[Michishio]], [[Arashio]], [[Kasumi]], [[Kagerou]], [[Shiranui]], [[Kuroshio]], [[Akigumo|'''<span style="color:red">Akigumo</span>''']]
|[[Tenryuu]], [[Tatsuta]], [[Kuma]], [[Tama]], [[Kiso]], [[Isuzu]], [[Natori]], [[Yura]], [[Jintsuu]], [[Naka]]
|[[Mogami]], [[Furutaka]], [[Kako]], [[Aoba]], [[Myoukou]], [[Nachi]], [[Ashigara]], [[Haguro]], [[Takao]], [[Atago]], [[Maya]], [[Choukai]], [[Tone]], [[Chikuma]]
|[[Chitose]], [[Chiyoda]]
|[[Ryuujou]], [[Hiyou]], [[Jun'you]], [[Shouhou]]
|[[Kongou]], [[Hiei]], [[Haruna]], [[Kirishima]], [[Fusou]], [[Yamashiro]]
|[[Akatsuki]], [[Hibiki]], [[Ikazuchi]], [[Inazuma]], [[Samidare]], [[Suzukaze]], [[Asashio]], [[Michishio]], [[Arashio]], [[Kasumi]], [[Kagerou]], [[Shiranui]], [[Kuroshio]], [[Maikaze|'''<span style="color:red">Maikaze</span>''']], [[Akigumo|'''<span style="color:red">Akigumo</span>''']]
|[[Tenryuu]], [[Tatsuta]], [[Kuma]], [[Tama]], [[Kiso]], [[Isuzu]], [[Natori]], [[Yura]], [[Jintsuu]], [[Naka]]
|[[Mogami]], [[Furutaka]], [[Kako]], [[Aoba]], [[Myoukou]], [[Nachi]], [[Ashigara]], [[Haguro]], [[Takao]], [[Atago]], [[Maya]], [[Choukai]], [[Tone]], [[Chikuma]]
|[[Ryuujou]], [[Hiyou]], [[Jun'you]], [[Shouhou]]
|[[Kongou]], [[Hiei]], [[Haruna]], [[Kirishima]], [[Fusou]], [[Yamashiro]]
|[[Akatsuki]], [[Hibiki]], [[Ikazuchi]], [[Inazuma]], [[Samidare]], [[Suzukaze]], [[Asashio]], [[Michishio]], [[Arashio]], [[Kasumi]], [[Kagerou]], [[Shiranui]], [[Kuroshio]], [[Akigumo|'''<span style="color:red">Akigumo</span>''']]
|[[Tenryuu]], [[Tatsuta]], [[Kuma]], [[Tama]], [[Kiso]], [[Isuzu]], [[Natori]], [[Yura]], [[Jintsuu]], [[Naka]]
|[[Mogami]], [[Furutaka]], [[Kako]], [[Aoba]], [[Myoukou]], [[Nachi]], [[Ashigara]], [[Haguro]], [[Takao]], [[Atago]], [[Maya]], [[Choukai]], [[Tone]], [[Chikuma]]
|[[Ryuujou]], [[Hiyou]], [[Jun'you]], [[Shouhou]]
|[[Kongou]], [[Hiei]], [[Haruna]], [[Kirishima]], [[Fusou]], [[Yamashiro]]
|<span style="color:red">'''D'''</span><br />
|[[Yukikaze|'''<span style="color:red">Yukikaze</span>''']], [[Hatsuharu]], [[Maikaze|'''<span style="color:red">Maikaze</span>''']], [[Akigumo|'''<span style="color:red">Akigumo</span>''']], [[Yuugumo|'''<span style="color:red">Yuugumo</span>''']], [[Hamakaze|'''<span style="color:red">Hamakaze</span>''']], [[Makigumo|'''<span style="color:red">Makigumo</span>''']]
|[[Ooi]], [[Kitakami]], [[Tenryuu]], [[Tatsuta]], [[Nagara]], [[Isuzu]], [[Natori]], [[Yura]], [[Sendai]], [[Yuubari|'''<span style="color:red">Yuubari</span>''']]
|[[Mogami]], [[Furutaka]], [[Kako]], [[Aoba]], [[Myoukou]], [[Nachi]], [[Ashigara]], [[Haguro]], [[Takao]], [[Atago]], [[Maya]], [[Choukai]], [[Tone]], [[Chikuma]], [[Mikuma|'''<span style="color:red">Mikuma</span>''']], [[Kinugasa|'''<span style="color:red">Kinugasa</span>''']]
|[[Chitose]], [[Chiyoda]]
|[[Taigei|'''<span style="color:red">Taigei</span>''']]
|[[Akagi]], [[Kaga]], [[Souryuu]], [[Hiryuu|'''<span style="color:red">Hiryuu</span>''']],<br />[[Zuikaku|'''<span style="color:red">Zuikaku</span>''']], [[Houshou]], [[Ryuujou]], [[Hiyou]], [[Jun'you]], [[Shouhou]], [[Zuihou|'''<span style="color:red">Zuihou</span>''']]
|[[I-58|'''<span style="color:red">I-58</span>''']]
|[[Mutsu|'''<span style="color:red">Mutsu</span>''']], [[Ise]], [[Hyuuga]], [[Kongou]], [[Hiei]], [[Haruna]], [[Kirishima]], [[Fusou]], [[Yamashiro]]
|[[Akatsuki]], [[Hibiki]], [[Ikazuchi]], [[Inazuma]], [[Samidare]], [[Kasumi]], [[Asashio]], [[Kuroshio]], [[Michishio]], [[Akigumo|'''<span style="color:red">Akigumo</span>''']]
|[[Ooi]], [[Tenryuu]], [[Tatsuta]], [[Tama]], [[Kiso]], [[Natori]], [[Jintsuu]], [[Naka]]
|[[Mogami]], [[Kako]], [[Aoba]], [[Myoukou]], [[Nachi]], [[Ashigara]], [[Haguro]], [[Atago]], [[Maya]], [[Choukai]], [[Chikuma]]
|[[Chitose]], [[Chiyoda]]
|[[Ryuujou]], [[Shouhou]]
|[[Kongou]], [[Hiei]], [[Haruna]], [[Kirishima]]
|[[Akatsuki]], [[Hibiki]], [[Ikazuchi]], [[Inazuma]], [[Samidare]], [[Suzukaze]], [[Asashio]], [[Michishio]], [[Kagerou]], [[Shiranui]], [[Kuroshio]], [[Akigumo|'''<span style="color:red">Akigumo</span>''']]
|[[Tenryuu]], [[Tatsuta]], [[Kuma]], [[Tama]], [[Kiso]], [[Isuzu]], [[Natori]], [[Yura]], [[Naka]]
|[[Mogami]], [[Furutaka]], [[Kako]], [[Aoba]], [[Myoukou]], [[Nachi]], [[Ashigara]], [[Haguro]], [[Takao]], [[Atago]], [[Maya]], [[Choukai]], [[Tone]], [[Chikuma]]
|[[Chitose]], [[Chiyoda]]
|[[Ryuujou]], [[Hiyou]], [[Jun'you]], [[Shouhou]]
|[[Kongou]], [[Hiei]], [[Haruna]], [[Kirishima]], [[Fusou]], [[Yamashiro]]
|[[Akatsuki]], [[Ikazuchi]], [[Michishio]], [[Kasumi]], [[Shiranui]], [[Akigumo|'''<span style="color:red">Akigumo</span>''']]
|[[Tenryuu]], [[Tatsuta]], [[Tama]], [[Kiso]], [[Isuzu]], [[Natori]], [[Jintsuu]], [[Naka]]
|[[Mogami]], [[Furutaka]], [[Aoba]], [[Nachi]], [[Ashigara]], [[Choukai]], [[Takao]], [[Maya]]
|[[Hiyou]], [[Shouhou]]
|[[Kongou]], [[Haruna]], [[Kirishima]], [[Fusou]]
|[[Samidare]], [[Suzukaze]], [[Michishio]], [[Arashio]], [[Kasumi]], [[Kagerou]], [[Kuroshio]], [[Akigumo|'''<span style="color:red">Akigumo</span>''']]
|[[Tatsuta]], [[Tama]], [[Yura]], [[Jintsuu]]
|[[Mogami]], [[Furutaka]], [[Kako]], [[Aoba]], [[Nachi]], [[Haguro]], [[Maya]], [[Chikuma]]
|[[Ryuujou]], [[Shouhou]]
|[[Haruna]], [[Kirishima]], [[Fusou]], [[Yamashiro]]
== {{Anchor|5-3}} World 5-3: サブ島沖海域 [[wikipedia:Savo_Island|Sav Island]]==
| map = 5-3 Map.png
| difficulty = ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
| item = {{fuel}} {{ammo}}
| exp = 400
| code = 第一次サーモン沖海戦 <br />([[wikipedia:Battle_of_Savo_Island|First Battle of the Solomon Sea]])
| jptext = 敵泊地に対して水上打撃部隊による夜戦突撃を敢行し、艦隊後方の敵輸送艦を叩け!
| entext = Engage in a daring night raid against the enemy fleet.  Your goal is to destroy the transport they are escorting! 
===Stage Guide===
|title = 5-3 Branching Rules
|expand = true
|id = 5-3
|0 -> C, D/empty =
*Go to D if '''Fast+''' fleet
*Meet '''ANY''' of the following to go to C
**(F)BB(V)+CV(L/B) ≥ 3
**(F)BB(V)+CV(L/B) ≥ 2 '''AND''' Slow Fleet
*Random between C and D if fleet contains SS(V)
*Otherwise, D
|B/empty -> A/empty, F/resource =
*Random (65% A)
|E/empty -> B/empty, Q =
*'''FORCE''' random routing if meeting '''ANY''' of the following
**Fleet contains SS(V)
**Fleet contains (F)BB(V) '''and''' DD ≤ 1
*Meet '''ANY''' of the following to go to Q:
** Fleet contains CL and DD ≥ 2
** CA(V) ≥ 4 '''and''' CL+CA+DD = 6
** DD ≥ 4
*Otherwise, random routing
|G/empty -> I/night = * Do not meet the requirement to go to J
|G/empty -> J/night =
* Fleet contains BBV, CV(B) or SS(V)
* Amount of slow BB ≥ 2
* Fleet contains '''exactly''' 1 CVL
|I/night -> J/night, O/empty =
*'''FORCE''' node J if fleet contains CVL or (F)BB(V) ≥ 3
*Meet '''ANY''' of the following to go to O
**DD ≥ 3
**(F)BB(V) ≤ 1 '''and''' DD ≥ 2
**Fleet contains CL '''and''' DD ≥ 2
**Fleet contains CL, CA(V) ≥ 4 '''and''' CA+CL+DD = 6
*Go to J if (F)BB(V) = 2
*Otherwise, random routing
|J/night -> L/storm, M, N/night =
*Meet '''ANY''' of the following to '''FORCE''' M
**Fleet contains CV(B)
**(F)BB(V) ≥ 3
**CVL ≥ 2
* Random between L, M and N if fleet contains SS(V)
* Random between L and N if fleet contains BBV
*Meet '''ALL''' of the following to go to L
**CVL = 1
**FBB ≤ 2
**CL+DD ≥ 3
**DD ≥ 2
**No BB(V)
* Otherwise, random between L and N (The more DD you have in the fleet, the higher chance you will go to L)
|K/night -> E/empty, H/resource =
* Meet '''ANY''' of the following to go to H:
** DD ≥ 4
** CL = 1 '''AND''' DD ≥ 3
** '''Fast+''' fleet '''AND''' DD ≥ 2
** BBV = 1 '''AND''' DD ≥ 2
** DD ≥ 2 '''AND''' 2 ships carrying 2 [[Drum Canister (Transport Use)]] or 2 [[Daihatsu Landing Craft]] total in the fleet
* Otherwise go to E
|O/empty -> K/night, P/night = * Active Branching
| Map = 5-3
| AS = 140
| Notes = Boss node only; all other nodes are night battle nodes.
* You must sink the Boss 5 times to clear the map.
*Unlike the previous maps, all of 5-3 pre-boss nodes feature night battle, where every enemies drastically become more powerful compared to the day battle.
**The use of Support Expeditions is highly recommended for both pre-boss and boss fights.
***With normal support expedition help, you can minimize the risk of your ships getting heavily damaged and subsequently increase the chances of your fleet arriving to the boss node in good conditions.
***The use of Support Shelling is highly recommended, as Aerial Support will not trigger on pre-boss nodes, while Long Range Torpedo Attacks may activate but will cause negligible amounts of damage.
**Taking advantage of night battle equipment ([[Star Shell]] and [[Type 98 Recon Seaplane (Night Scout)]]) and sparkling your ships are recommended.
***Usage of the [[Searchlight]], however, is highly discouraged due to the drastic evasion reduction the equipping ship suffers in night battle.
*Regarding boss node, the boss of this map is [[Southern War Princess]] who has pretty tough armor and firepower that can potentially wreck any of your ships.
**There is a little chance that 2 [[Light Carrier Nu-Class]] Flagship will show up at boss, AACI can be brought here to shoot down enemy bombers and protect your light ships.
**CAV can carry Seaplane Fighters in order to obtain AS at the boss node ('''71+ air''' for the comp with [[Southern War Princess]] alone), or at least force AP for the comp with dual [[Light Carrier Nu-Class]] Flagship (requires '''140+ air''' for AS otherwise)
**It's unlikely that you will finish the boss off at day so do expect the battle to last till night.
**As of the [[Game Updates/2019/January 22nd|January 22nd]] update, [[Southern War Princess]] has retained her buff from the [[Winter 2019 Event]], giving her more HP and armor, thus making the boss fight slightly harder.
<br/>'''Recommended Fleet'''
*'''D - G - I - O - K - H - E - Q'''
**'''2 CAV 1 CL 3 DD'''
***Standard composition for 5-3 that balance between firepower and evasion.
***CAVs can trigger Artillery Spotting as long as you have AS at boss, help take out enemy escorts easier.
*'''D - G - I - O - K - E - Q'''
**'''1 FBB 1 CL 2 CA(V) 2 DD'''
**'''5 CA(V) 1 CL (Quest Bq7)'''
**'''3 CA(V) 1 CL 2 DD (Quest Bq7)'''
***Skipping resource node H for more firepower at the boss node.
===Nodes and Enemy Encounters===
|A_label = '''<span style="color:blue">Battle Avoided</span>'''
|A-1_node_info = "Must be my imagination" (battle avoided)
|B_label = '''<span style="color:blue">Battle Avoided</span>'''
|B-1_node_info = "Must be my imagination" (battle avoided)
|C_label = 敵鉄底海峡任務部隊 哨戒隊
|C-1_node_info = cl_he-class_flagship cl_tsu-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|C-1_form = line_ahead double_line
|C-1_xp =
|C-1_enemy_air_power =
|C-2_node_info = cl_ho-class_flagship cl_tsu-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|C-2_form = double_line line_ahead
|C-2_xp =
|C-2_enemy_air_power =
|C-3_node_info = cl_ho-class_flagship cl_tsu-class dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|C-3_form = line_ahead
|C-3_xp =
|C-3_enemy_air_power =
|C-4_node_info = cl_he-class_flagship cl_tsu-class dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|C-4_form = double_line
|C-4_xp =
|C-4_enemy_air_power =
|D_label = '''<span style="color:blue">Battle Avoided</span>'''
|D-1_node_info = "Must be my imagination" (battle avoided)
|E_label = '''<span style="color:blue">Battle Avoided</span>'''
|E-1_node_info = "Must be my imagination" (battle avoided)
|F_label = '''<span style="color:green">Resource Node</span>'''
|F-1_node_info = ammo + ?
|G_label = '''<span style="color:blue">Battle Avoided</span>'''
|G-1_node_info = "Must be my imagination" (battle avoided)
|H_label = '''<span style="color:green">Resource Node</span>'''
|H-1_node_info = steel + ?
|I_label = 敵鉄底海峡任務部隊 重巡戦隊<br>'''<span style="color:purple">Night Battle Node</span>'''
|I-1_node_info = ca_ri-class_flagship ca_ri-class_flagship ca_ri-class_flagship cl_ho-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|I-1_form = line_ahead double_line
|I-1_xp =
|I-1_enemy_air_power =
|I-2_node_info = ca_ri-class_flagship ca_ri-class_flagship ca_ri-class_elite cl_ho-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|I-2_form = double_line line_ahead
|I-2_xp =
|I-2_enemy_air_power =
|I-3_node_info = ca_ri-class_flagship ca_ri-class_elite ca_ri-class_elite cl_ho-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|I-3_form = double_line line_ahead
|I-3_xp =
|I-3_enemy_air_power =
|J_label = 敵任務部隊 前衛哨戒隊<br>'''<span style="color:purple">Night Battle Node</span>'''
|J-1_node_info = cl_he-class_flagship ca_ne-class_elite cl_tsu-class_elite dd_ha-class_late_model dd_ha-class_late_model dd_ha-class_late_model
|J-1_form = echelon line_ahead
|J-1_xp =
|J-1_enemy_air_power =
|J-2_node_info = cl_he-class_flagship ca_ne-class_elite ca_ne-class_elite cl_tsu-class_elite dd_ha-class_late_model dd_ha-class_late_model
|J-2_form = echelon line_ahead
|J-2_xp =
|J-2_enemy_air_power =
|J-3_node_info = cl_he-class_flagship cl_tsu-class_elite dd_ha-class_late_model dd_ha-class_late_model dd_ha-class_late_model dd_ha-class_late_model
|J-3_form = line_ahead echelon
|J-3_xp =
|J-3_enemy_air_power =
|K_label = 敵鉄底海峡任務部隊 増援艦隊<br>'''<span style="color:purple">Night Battle Node</span>'''
|K-1_node_info = bb_ta-class_flagship bb_ta-class_flagship cl_tsu-class dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|K-1_form = line_ahead double_line
|K-1_xp =
|K-1_enemy_air_power =
|K-2_node_info = ca_ne-class_elite ca_ne-class cl_tsu-class dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|K-2_form = line_ahead double_line
|K-2_xp =
|K-2_enemy_air_power =
|K-3_node_info = ca_ne-class ca_ne-class cl_tsu-class dd_ro-class_late_model dd_i-class dd_i-class
|K-3_form = double_line
|K-3_xp =
|K-3_enemy_air_power =
|K-4_node_info = ca_ne-class_elite ca_ne-class cl_tsu-class dd_ro-class_late_model dd_i-class dd_i-class
|K-4_form = line_ahead
|K-4_xp =
|K-4_enemy_air_power =
|L_label = '''<span style="color:purple">Maelstrom Node</span>'''
|L-1_node_info = fuel - ?
|M_label = 敵任務部隊 増援部隊
|M-1_node_info = cv_wo-class_flagship_2 cvl_nu-class_flagship ca_ne-class_elite cl_tsu-class_elite dd_ha-class_late_model dd_ha-class_late_model
|M-1_form = diamond
|M-1_xp =
|M-1_enemy_air_power = 107
|M-2_node_info = cv_wo-class_flagship_2 cvl_nu-class_elite ca_ne-class_elite cl_tsu-class_elite dd_ha-class_late_model dd_ha-class_late_model
|M-2_form = diamond
|M-2_xp =
|M-2_enemy_air_power = 108
|M-3_node_info = cv_wo-class_flagship_2 cv_wo-class_flagship_2 cvl_nu-class_flagship cl_tsu-class_elite dd_ha-class_late_model dd_ha-class_late_model
|M-3_form = diamond
|M-3_xp =
|M-3_enemy_air_power = 191
|M-4_node_info = cv_wo-class_flagship_2 cvl_nu-class_elite ca_ne-class cl_tsu-class dd_ha-class_late_model dd_ha-class_late_model
|M-4_form = diamond
|M-4_xp =
|M-4_enemy_air_power = 108
|M-5_node_info = cv_wo-class_flagship_2 cvl_nu-class_elite ca_ne-class_elite cl_tsu-class dd_ha-class_late_model dd_ha-class_late_model
|M-5_form = diamond
|M-5_xp =
|M-5_enemy_air_power = 108
|M-6_node_info = cv_wo-class_flagship_2 cv_wo-class_flagship_2 cv_wo-class_flagship_2 cl_tsu-class_elite dd_ha-class_late_model dd_ha-class_late_model
|M-6_form = diamond
|M-6_xp =
|M-6_enemy_air_power = 252
|N_label = 敵南方支援艦隊<br>'''<span style="color:purple">Night Battle Node</span>'''
|N-1_node_info = bb_ru-class_flagship bb_ru-class_flagship ca_ne-class_elite cl_tsu-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|N-1_form = echelon line_ahead
|N-1_xp =
|N-1_enemy_air_power =
|N-2_node_info = clt_chi-class_flagship clt_chi-class_flagship clt_chi-class_flagship cl_tsu-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|N-2_form = line_ahead echelon
|N-2_xp =
|N-2_enemy_air_power =
|N-3_node_info = ca_ri-class_flagship cl_he-class_flagship cl_he-class_flagship cl_tsu-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|N-3_form = line_ahead echelon
|N-3_xp =
|N-3_enemy_air_power =
|O_label =
|O-1_node_info = Choose your route
|P_label = 敵泊地投錨中 輸送船団<br>'''<span style="color:purple">Night Battle Node</span>'''
|P-1_node_info = transport_wa-class_elite transport_wa-class_elite transport_wa-class_elite transport_wa-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|P-1_form = double_line
|P-1_xp =
|P-1_enemy_air_power =
|P-2_node_info = transport_wa-class_flagship transport_wa-class_elite transport_wa-class_elite transport_wa-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|P-2_form = double_line
|P-2_xp =
|P-2_enemy_air_power =
|P-3_node_info = transport_wa-class_elite transport_wa-class_elite transport_wa-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_i-class dd_i-class
|P-3_form = double_line
|P-3_xp =
|P-3_enemy_air_power =
|P-4_node_info = transport_wa-class_flagship transport_wa-class_flagship transport_wa-class_elite transport_wa-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|P-4_form = double_line
|P-4_xp =
|P-4_enemy_air_power =
|P-5_node_info = transport_wa-class_elite transport_wa-class_elite transport_wa-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model dd_i-class
|P-5_form = double_line
|P-5_xp =
|P-5_enemy_air_power =
|P-6_node_info = transport_wa-class_flagship transport_wa-class_flagship transport_wa-class_flagship transport_wa-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|P-6_form = double_line
|P-6_xp =
|P-6_enemy_air_power =
|Q_label = 敵南方艦隊 旗艦
|Q-1_node_info = southern_war_princess cl_tsu-class_elite cl_tsu-class_elite dd_ha-class_late_model dd_ha-class_late_model dd_ha-class_late_model
|Q-1_form = line_ahead double_line
|Q-1_xp =
|Q-1_enemy_air_power = 47
|Q-2_node_info = southern_war_princess clt_chi-class_flagship clt_chi-class_flagship cl_tsu-class_elite dd_ha-class_late_model dd_ha-class_late_model
|Q-2_form = line_ahead double_line
|Q-2_xp =
|Q-2_enemy_air_power = 47
|Q-3_node_info = southern_war_princess cvl_nu-class_flagship cvl_nu-class_flagship cl_tsu-class_elite dd_ha-class_late_model dd_ha-class_late_model
|Q-3_form = double_line line_ahead
|Q-3_xp =
|Q-3_enemy_air_power = 93
|final_form =
|boss_node = Q
<div class="mw-customtoggle-5-3-drops globalbutton">Show/Hide Drops</div>
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" id="mw-customcollapsible-5-3-drops"
!Light Cruiser
!Heavy Cruiser
!Seaplane Tender
!Aircraft Carrier
|[[Shikinami]], [[Sazanami]], [[Hatsuharu]], [[Yuudachi]]
|[[Tenryuu]], [[Tatsuta]], [[Kuma]], [[Jintsuu]], [[Yuubari|'''<span style="color:red">Yuubari</span>''']]
|[[Myoukou]], [[Ashigara]], [[Atago]], [[Tone]], [[Kinugasa|'''<span style="color:red">Kinugasa</span>''']]
|[[Jun'you]], [[Shouhou]]
|[[Hyuuga]], [[Hiei]], [[Kirishima]], [[Fusou]]
|[[Fubuki]], [[Ayanami]], [[Shikinami]], [[Mutsuki]], [[Kisaragi]], [[Akebono]], [[Sazanami]], [[Hatsuharu]], [[Yuudachi]], [[Asashio]], [[Kasumi]]
|[[Tenryuu]], [[Tatsuta]], [[Kuma]], [[Tama]], [[Kiso]], [[Isuzu]], [[Natori]], [[Yura]], [[Jintsuu]], [[Naka]], [[Yuubari|'''<span style="color:red">Yuubari</span>''']]
|[[Mogami]], [[Furutaka]], [[Kako]], [[Aoba]], [[Myoukou]], [[Nachi]], [[Ashigara]], [[Haguro]], [[Takao]], [[Atago]], [[Maya]], [[Choukai]], [[Chikuma]], [[Kinugasa|'''<span style="color:red">Kinugasa</span>''']]
|[[Chitose]], [[Chiyoda]]
|[[Ryuujou]], [[Hiyou]], [[Jun'you]], [[Shouhou]]
|[[Ise]], [[Hyuuga]], [[Hiei]], [[Kirishima]], [[Fusou]], [[Yamashiro]]
|[[Fubuki]], [[Ayanami]], [[Shikinami]], [[Mutsuki]], [[Akebono]], [[Sazanami]], [[Hatsuharu]], [[Yuudachi]], [[Asashio]], [[Michishio]], [[Arashio]], [[Kasumi]]
|[[Tenryuu]], [[Tatsuta]], [[Kuma]], [[Tama]], [[Kiso]], [[Isuzu]], [[Natori]], [[Yura]], [[Naka]], [[Jintsuu]], [[Yuubari|'''<span style="color:red">Yuubari</span>''']]
|[[Mogami]], [[Furutaka]], [[Kako]], [[Aoba]], [[Nachi]], [[Ashigara]], [[Haguro]], [[Takao]], [[Atago]], [[Choukai]], [[Tone]], [[Chikuma]], [[Kinugasa|'''<span style="color:red">Kinugasa</span>''']]
|[[Hiyou]], [[Ryuujou]]
|[[I-168|'''<span style="color:red">I-168</span>''']]
|[[Ise]], [[Hyuuga]], [[Hiei]], [[Kirishima]], [[Fusou]]
|[[Tenryuu]], [[Isuzu]], [[Naka]], [[Yuubari|'''<span style="color:red">Yuubari</span>''']]
|[[Mogami]], [[Furutaka]], [[Kinugasa|'''<span style="color:red">Kinugasa</span>''']], [[Maya]], [[Chikuma]]
|[[Hiei]], [[Kirishima]], [[Yamashiro]]
|[[Shikinami]], [[Akebono]], [[Sazanami]], [[Michishio]], [[Kasumi]], [[Yuudachi]]
|[[Tatsuta]], [[Kuma]], [[Yura]], [[Naka]], [[Yuubari|'''<span style="color:red">Yuubari</span>''']]
|[[Furutaka]], [[Aoba]], [[Myoukou]], [[Takao]], [[Atago]], [[Kinugasa|'''<span style="color:red">Kinugasa</span>''']]
|[[Hiyou]], [[Shouhou]]
|[[Ise]], [[Hyuuga]], [[Hiei]], [[Kirishima]], [[Yamashiro]]
|[[Sazanami]], [[Yuudachi]]
|[[Tama]], [[Kiso]], [[Isuzu]], [[Natori]], [[Naka]], [[Yuubari|'''<span style="color:red">Yuubari</span>''']]
|[[Mogami]], [[Furutaka]], [[Aoba]], [[Nachi]], [[Takao]], [[Choukai]], [[Kinugasa|'''<span style="color:red">Kinugasa</span>''']]
|[[Ise]], [[Hyuuga]], [[Kirishima]]
|<span style="color:red">'''K'''</span>
|[[Akigumo|'''<span style="color:red">Akigumo</span>''']], [[Yuugumo|'''<span style="color:red">Yuugumo</span>''']], [[Naganami|'''<span style="color:red">Naganami</span>''']], [[Uzuki|'''<span style="color:red">Uzuki</span>''']], [[Yayoi|'''<span style="color:red">Yayoi</span>''']]
|[[Ooi]], [[Kitakami]], [[Tenryuu]], [[Tatsuta]], [[Kuma]], [[Nagara]], [[Isuzu]], [[Natori]], [[Yura]], [[Sendai]], [[Yuubari|'''<span style="color:red">Yuubari</span>''']]
|[[Mogami]], [[Furutaka]], [[Kako]], [[Aoba]], [[Myoukou]], [[Nachi]], [[Ashigara]], [[Haguro]], [[Takao]], [[Atago]], [[Maya]], [[Choukai]], [[Tone]], [[Chikuma]], [[Kinugasa|'''<span style="color:red">Kinugasa</span>''']], [[Suzuya|'''<span style="color:red">Suzuya</span>''']]
|[[Chitose]], [[Chiyoda]]  [[Mizuho|'''<span style="color:red">Mizuho</span>''']]
|[[Akagi]], [[Kaga]], [[Souryuu]], [[Hiryuu|'''<span style="color:red">Hiryuu</span>''']], [[Shoukaku|'''<span style="color:red">Shoukaku</span>''']], [[Zuikaku|'''<span style="color:red">Zuikaku</span>''']], [[Houshou]], [[Ryuujou]], [[Hiyou]], [[Jun'you]], [[Shouhou]]
|[[I-168|'''<span style="color:red">I-168</span>''']], [[I-58|'''<span style="color:red">I-58</span>''']]
|[[Ise]], [[Hyuuga]], [[Kongou]], [[Hiei]], [[Haruna]], [[Kirishima]], [[Fusou]], [[Yamashiro]]
== {{Anchor|5-4}} World 5-4: サーモン海域 [[wikipedia:en:The Slot|Salmon Sea Area]]==
| map = 5-4 Map.png
| difficulty = ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
| item = {{fuel}}
| exp =  420
| code = 東京急行 ([[wikipedia:Tokyo_Express|Tokyo Express]])
| jptext = 南方海域に有力な艦隊を投入し鼠輸送作戦を敢行、可能であれば同方面の敵艦隊も撃滅せよ!
| entext = Perform a vital "rat transport" operation.  If possible, also destroy the enemy fleet in the area!
===Stage Guide===
|title = 5-4 Branching Rules
|expand = true
|id = 5-4
|0 -> A/empty, B/empty =
*'''FORCE''' node B if fleet contains CV(L/B)
*Meet '''ANY''' of the following to go to A
**(F)BB(V) ≥ 3
**CA(V) ≥ 5
*Meet '''ANY''' of the following to go to B
**CL = 1 '''AND''' DD ≥ 3
**DD ≥ 4
**5 ships carrying Drum Canister or Daihatsu-class Landing Craft '''AND''' the amount of (Drum Canister + Daihatsu-class Landing Craft) in the fleet ≥ 5 ('''T89 Landing Force and T2 Kami Tank also count. If one ship carries both Drum Canister & Daihatsu-class Landing Craft, it will be counted as "2 ships"''')
* Otherwise, go to A
|A/empty -> D/storm, F/night =
* Meet '''ANY''' of the following requirements to go to D
** Fleet contains SS(V)
**(F)BB(V) ≥ 5
** DD ≥ 2
** CA(V) ≥ 3
* Otherwise, go to F
|B/empty -> C, D/storm, E =
* Go to C if fleet contains CV(L/B) or SS(V)
*Go to E if '''Fast+''' fleet
* Meet '''ANY''' of the following requirements to go to D
** DD = 0
** Fleet contains (F)BB(V) '''AND''' slow ship
** BBV ≥ 1 and amount of slow BB(V) in total ≥ 2 ('''Ignores Turbine + Boiler synergy''')
* Otherwise, go to E
|D/storm -> E, F/night =
* Go to E if DD ≥ 2 '''AND''' slow BB ≤ 1 ('''BBV doesn't count, ignores Turbine + Boiler synergy''')
* Otherwise, go to F
|G -> K/storm, L =
* Go to K if (F)BB(V) ≥ 4
* Random between K and L if CV(B) ≥ 3
* Otherwise, go to L
|L -> N/empty, P =
*Meet '''ALL''' of the following to go to P
**(F)BB(V)+CV(B) ≤ 4
**'''Fast+''' fleet '''OR''' pass the LoS Check ('''≥ 60 F33 Cn2''')
*Random between N and P if (F)BB(V)+CV(B) ≥ 5
*Otheriwse, N
|M/empty -> O/empty =
* Random between O and P if fleet contains SS(V)
* Fail the LOS Check
|M/empty -> P =
* Random between O and P if fleet contains SS(V)
* Meet '''ANY''' of the following requirements:
** Pass the LoS check ('''≥ 45 F33 Cn2''')
** '''Fast+''' fleet ('''LoS check is ignored''')
|- style="vertical-align:top"
| {{AirControlSystem
| Map = 5-4 North: BCGLP
| AS = 309
| {{AirControlSystem
| Map = 5-4 South: A/B...MP
| AS = 141
| Notes =
*You must sink the boss 5 times to clear the map.
*There are two routes you can go to beat the boss, north and south.
**North route is occupied with [[Standard Carrier Wo-Class]] Flagship IV, who carries Hellcat Kai plane version, and [[Battleship Ta-Class]] Flagship, who has high evasion and accuracy. They can potentially damage any of your ships on the way to the boss if not evaded.
***Node C also has a pattern with 1-2 Enemy Submarines, sometimes in Line Ahead. You are recommended go Line Abreast against this Node (Heavy Ships such as BB/CV can handle all Surface Enemies in the Node even in this formation), and bring OASW capable Destroyers to deal with them.
***There is an '''LoS Check in L to go to the Boss Node''', requiring above eLoS '''(F33) Cn=2 of 60 or higher.'''
**South route, however, doesn't feature any enemy carrier at all, but instead, you have go through the night battle nodes like in 5-3 against enemy [[Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class]] and Late Model DDs
***Seaplane Fighters are required for this route if you wish to obtain Air Superiority at the boss node, as no CVs are allowed
***There is an '''LoS Check in M to go to the Boss Node'''. It is ignored if your fleet is '''Fast+'''. If your fleet is just '''Fast''' (and not '''Fast+'''), it requires above eLoS '''(F33) Cn=2 of 45 or higher.'''
*No matter which route you take, [[Light Cruiser Tsu-Class]] will nearly show up everywhere in this map. Therefore, If you are using a composition with CVs and go north route, you are recommended to use ones with high capacity aircraft slots, and place Bombers only in the Highest Capacity Slots on your CVs to avoid all of your Bombers getting shot down to 0 by the time you reach the Boss Node.
<br/>'''Recommended Fleet'''
*'''North : B - C - G - J - P'''
**2 BB(V) 2 DD 2 CV(B)
**2 BB(V) 2 CA(V) 2 CV(B)
*'''South : B - E - H - I - J - M - P (Requires Fast Fleet)'''
**1 fBB(V) 1 CLT 4 DD
**2 fBB(V)/CA(V) 1 CL 3 DD (Quest '''Bq6''')
*'''South : A - D - E/F - H - I - J - M - P'''
**3 CA(V) 1 CL 2 DD (Quest '''Bq6 / Bq7''', goes through node E)
**4 CA 2 CAV (Quest '''Bq7''', goes through node F)
===Nodes and Enemy Encounters===
|A_label = '''<span style="color:blue">Battle Avoided</span>'''
|A-1_node_info = "Must be my imagination" (battle avoided)
|B_label = '''<span style="color:blue">Battle Avoided</span>'''
|B-1_node_info = "Must be my imagination" (battle avoided)
|C_label = 敵南方増援部隊 前方警戒艦隊
|C-1_node_info = cl_he-class_flagship cl_tsu-class dd_ha-class_late_model dd_ha-class_late_model ss_ka-class_elite ss_ka-class_elite
|C-1_form = line_ahead echelon
|C-1_xp =
|C-1_enemy_air_power =
|C-2_node_info = cl_he-class_flagship cl_tsu-class dd_ha-class_late_model dd_ha-class_late_model dd_i-class ss_ka-class_elite
|C-2_form = line_ahead echelon
|C-2_xp =
|C-2_enemy_air_power =
|C-3_node_info = cl_he-class_flagship cl_tsu-class dd_ha-class_late_model dd_ha-class_late_model dd_i-class dd_i-class
|C-3_form = line_ahead echelon
|C-3_xp =
|C-3_enemy_air_power =
|D_label = '''<span style="color:purple">Maelstrom Node</span>'''
|D-1_node_info = fuel - ?
|E_label = 敵鉄底海峡哨戒隊
|E-1_node_info = cl_he-class_flagship cl_ho-class_elite cl_tsu-class_elite dd_ha-class_late_model dd_ha-class_late_model dd_i-class
|E-1_form = line_ahead double_line
|E-1_xp =
|E-1_enemy_air_power =
|E-2_node_info = cl_he-class_flagship cl_ho-class_elite cl_tsu-class dd_ha-class_late_model dd_ha-class_late_model dd_i-class
|E-2_form = line_ahead double_line
|E-2_xp =
|E-2_enemy_air_power =
|E-3_node_info = cl_ho-class_flagship cl_tsu-class dd_ha-class_late_model dd_ha-class_late_model dd_i-class dd_i-class
|E-3_form = double_line line_ahead
|E-3_xp =
|E-3_enemy_air_power =
|F_label = 深海水上打撃群<br>'''<span style="color:purple">Night Battle Node</span>'''
|F-1_node_info = bb_ta-class_flagship bb_ta-class_flagship ca_ri-class_elite cl_tsu-class_elite dd_ha-class_late_model dd_ha-class_late_model
|F-1_form = line_ahead echelon double_line
|F-1_xp =
|F-1_enemy_air_power =
|F-2_node_info = bb_ta-class_flagship ca_ri-class_elite ca_ri-class_elite cl_tsu-class_elite dd_ha-class_late_model dd_ha-class_late_model
|F-2_form = line_ahead echelon double_line
|F-2_xp =
|F-2_enemy_air_power =
|G_label = 敵南方増援部隊 機動部隊
|G-1_node_info = cv_wo-class_flagship_2 cv_wo-class_flagship_2 bb_ta-class_flagship ca_ne-class_elite cl_tsu-class dd_ha-class_late_model
|G-1_form = diamond
|G-1_xp =
|G-1_enemy_air_power = 206
|G-2_node_info = cv_wo-class_flagship_2 cv_wo-class_flagship_2 bb_ta-class_flagship ca_ne-class_elite dd_ha-class_late_model dd_ha-class_late_model
|G-2_form = diamond
|G-2_xp =
|G-2_enemy_air_power = 206
|G-3_node_info = cv_wo-class_flagship_2 cv_wo-class_flagship_2 bb_ta-class_flagship dd_ha-class_late_model dd_i-class dd_i-class
|G-3_form = diamond
|G-3_xp =
|G-3_enemy_air_power = 206
|G-4_node_info = cv_wo-class_flagship_2 cv_wo-class_flagship_2 bb_ta-class_flagship ca_ne-class dd_ha-class_late_model dd_ha-class_late_model
|G-4_form = diamond
|G-4_xp =
|G-4_enemy_air_power = 206
|G-5_node_info = cv_wo-class_flagship_2 cv_wo-class_flagship_2 bb_ta-class_flagship dd_ha-class_late_model dd_ha-class_late_model dd_i-class
|G-5_form = diamond
|G-5_xp =
|G-5_enemy_air_power = 206
|G-6_node_info = cv_wo-class_flagship_2 cv_wo-class_flagship_2 ca_ne-class dd_ha-class_late_model dd_i-class dd_i-class
|G-6_form = diamond
|G-6_xp =
|G-6_enemy_air_power = 206
|H_label = 敵鉄底海峡巡洋艦戦隊<br>'''<span style="color:purple">Night Battle Node</span>'''
|H-1_node_info = ca_ri-class_flagship ca_ri-class_elite cl_he-class_elite cl_ho-class_elite dd_ha-class_late_model dd_ha-class_late_model
|H-1_form = line_ahead echelon
|H-1_xp =
|H-1_enemy_air_power =
|H-2_node_info = ca_ri-class_flagship ca_ri-class_elite ca_ri-class_elite cl_tsu-class dd_ha-class_late_model dd_ha-class_late_model
|H-2_form = echelon line_ahead
|H-2_xp =
|H-2_enemy_air_power =
|H-3_node_info = ca_ri-class_flagship ca_ri-class_elite cl_he-class_elite cl_ho-class_elite dd_ha-class_late_model dd_i-class
|H-3_form = line_ahead echelon
|H-3_xp =
|H-3_enemy_air_power =
|I_label = '''<span style="color:green">Resource Node</span>'''
|I-1_node_info = ammo + ?
|J_label = 敵泊地投錨中 輸送船団
|J-1_node_info = transport_wa-class_elite transport_wa-class_elite transport_wa-class dd_ro-class_late_model dd_i-class dd_i-class
|J-1_form = double_line
|J-1_xp =
|J-1_enemy_air_power =
|J-2_node_info = transport_wa-class_elite transport_wa-class_elite transport_wa-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|J-2_form = double_line
|J-2_xp =
|J-2_enemy_air_power =
|J-3_node_info = transport_wa-class_elite transport_wa-class_elite transport_wa-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model dd_i-class
|J-3_form = double_line
|J-3_xp =
|J-3_enemy_air_power =
|J-4_node_info = transport_wa-class_elite transport_wa-class transport_wa-class dd_ro-class_late_model dd_i-class dd_i-class
|J-4_form = double_line
|J-4_xp =
|J-4_enemy_air_power =
|J-5_node_info = transport_wa-class_elite transport_wa-class_elite transport_wa-class dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model dd_i-class
|J-5_form = double_line
|J-5_xp =
|J-5_enemy_air_power =
|J-6_node_info = transport_wa-class_flagship transport_wa-class_elite transport_wa-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|J-6_form = double_line
|J-6_xp =
|J-6_enemy_air_power =
|K_label = '''<span style="color:purple">Maelstrom Node</span>'''
|K-1_node_info = fuel - ?
|L_label = 敵南方増援部隊 本隊
|L-1_node_info = bb_ta-class_flagship bb_ta-class_flagship ca_ne-class_elite cl_tsu-class dd_ha-class_late_model dd_ha-class_late_model
|L-1_form = double_line echelon diamond
|L-1_xp =
|L-1_enemy_air_power =
|L-2_node_info = bb_ta-class_flagship cl_he-class_flagship cl_ho-class_flagship cl_tsu-class dd_ha-class_late_model dd_ha-class_late_model
|L-2_form = echelon line_ahead double_line
|L-2_xp =
|L-2_enemy_air_power =
|M_label = '''<span style="color:blue">Battle Avoided</span>'''
|M-1_node_info = "Must be my imagination" (battle avoided)
|N_label = '''<span style="color:blue">Battle Avoided</span>'''
|N-1_node_info = "Must be my imagination" (battle avoided)
|O_label = '''<span style="color:blue">Battle Avoided</span>'''
|O-1_node_info = "Must be my imagination" (battle avoided)
|P_label = 敵南方増援部隊 本隊
|P-1_node_info = transport_wa-class_flagship cvl_nu-class_flagship bb_ru-class_flagship ca_ne-class_elite dd_ha-class_late_model dd_ha-class_late_model
|P-1_form = diamond
|P-1_xp =
|P-1_enemy_air_power = 94
|P-2_node_info = transport_wa-class_flagship cvl_nu-class_flagship bb_ta-class_flagship ca_ne-class_elite dd_ha-class_late_model dd_ha-class_late_model
|P-2_form = diamond
|P-2_xp =
|P-2_enemy_air_power = 94
|P-3_node_info = transport_wa-class_flagship cvl_nu-class_flagship bb_ta-class_flagship cl_tsu-class_elite dd_ha-class_late_model dd_ha-class_late_model
|P-3_form = diamond
|P-3_xp =
|P-3_enemy_air_power = 94
|P-4_node_info = transport_wa-class_flagship cvl_nu-class_flagship bb_ru-class_flagship cl_tsu-class_elite dd_ha-class_late_model dd_ha-class_late_model
|P-4_form = diamond
|P-4_xp =
|P-4_enemy_air_power = 94
|P-5_node_info = transport_wa-class_flagship cvl_nu-class_flagship bb_ru-class_flagship cl_tsu-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|P-5_form = diamond
|P-5_xp =
|P-5_enemy_air_power = 94
|P-6_node_info = transport_wa-class_flagship cvl_nu-class_flagship bb_ru-class_flagship ca_ne-class_elite dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|P-6_form = diamond
|P-6_xp =
|P-6_enemy_air_power = 94
|final_form =
|boss_node = P
<div class="mw-customtoggle-5-4-drop globalbutton">Show/Hide Drops</div>
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" id="mw-customcollapsible-5-4-drop"
!Light Cruiser
!Heavy Cruiser
!Seaplane Tender
!Aircraft Carrier
|[[Fubuki]], [[Hatsuyuki]], [[Ayanami]], [[Mikazuki]], [[Mochizuki]], [[Mutsuki]], [[Satsuki]], [[Kagerou]], [[Akatsuki]], [[Hibiki]], [[Yuudachi]], [[Samidare]], [[Suzukaze]], [[Makigumo]]
|[[Tenryuu]], [[Nagara]], [[Isuzu]], [[Yura]], [[Sendai]], [[Jintsuu]]
|[[Furutaka]], [[Kako]], [[Aoba]], [[Myoko]], [[Haguro]], [[Takao]], [[Atago]], [[Maya]], [[Choukai]], [[Tone]], [[Chikuma]], [[Kinugasa|'''<span style="color:red">Kinugasa</span>''']]
|[[Kongou]], [[Hiei]], [[Haruna]], [[Kirishima]]
|[[Yura]], [[Sendai]], [[Jintsuu]]
|[[Fubuki]], [[Hatsuyuki]], [[Ayanami]], [[Shikinami]], [[Satsuki]], [[Mikazuki]], [[Mochizuki]], [[Akatsuki]], [[Inazuma]], [[Yuudachi]], [[Suzukaze]], [[Kagerou]], [[Makigumo|'''<span style="color:red">Makigumo</span>''']], [[Naganami|'''<span style="color:red">Naganami</span>''']]
|[[Tenryuu]], [[Nagara]], [[Isuzu]], [[Yura]], [[Sendai]], [[Jintsuu]]
|[[Furutaka]], [[Kako]], [[Aoba]], [[Myoko]], [[Takao]], [[Atago]], [[Maya]], [[Choukai]], [[Tone]], [[Chikuma]], [[Kinugasa|'''<span style="color:red">Kinugasa</span>''']]
|[[Kongou]], [[Hiei]], [[Haruna]], [[Kirishima]]
|[[Kagerou]], [[Makigumo]], [[Naganami|'''<span style="color:red">Naganami</span>''']]
|[[Nagara]], [[Yura]], [[Jintsuu]]
|[[Kako]], [[Maya]], [[Choukai]], [[Tone]]
|[[Haruna]], [[Kirishima]]
|[[Fubuki]], [[Hatsuyuki]], [[Ayanami]], [[Murakumo]], [[Mutsuki]], [[Satsuki]], [[Mikazuki]], [[Mochizuki]], [[Akatsuki]], [[Ikazuchi]], [[Inazuma]], [[Yuudachi]], [[Samidare]], [[Suzukaze]], [[Kagerou]], [[Kuroshio]], [[Makigumo|'''<span style="color:red">Makigumo</span>''']], [[Naganami|'''<span style="color:red">Naganami</span>''']]
|[[Tenryuu]], [[Nagara]], [[Isuzu]], [[Yura]], [[Sendai]], [[Jintsuu]]
|[[Furutaka]], [[Kako]], [[Aoba]], [[Takao]], [[Atago]], [[Maya]], [[Choukai]], [[Tone]], [[Chikuma]], [[Kinugasa|'''<span style="color:red">Kinugasa</span>''']]
|[[Kongou]], [[Hiei]], [[Haruna]], [[Kirishima]], [[Yamashiro]]
|[[Fubuki]], [[Hatsuyuki]], [[Ayanami]], [[Satsuki]], [[Mikazuki]], [[Mochizuki]], [[Akatsuki]], [[Inazuma]], [[Yuudachi]], [[Suzukaze]], [[Kagerou]], [[Kuroshio]], [[Makigumo|'''<span style="color:red">Makigumo</span>''']], [[Naganami|'''<span style="color:red">Naganami</span>''']]
|[[Tenryuu]], [[Nagara]], [[Isuzu]], [[Yura]], [[Sendai]], [[Jintsuu]]
|[[Furutaka]], [[Kako]], [[Aoba]], [[Takao]], [[Maya]], [[Tone]], [[Kinugasa|'''<span style="color:red">Kinugasa</span>''']]
|[[Kongou]], [[Haruna]], [[Kirishima]]
|[[Fubuki]], [[Murakumo]], [[Inazuma]], [[Satsuki]], [[Mikazuki]], [[Mochizuki]], [[Ikazuchi]], [[Samidare]], [[Naganami|'''<span style="color:red">Naganami</span>''']]
|[[Tenryuu]], [[Sendai]], [[Jintsuu]]
|[[Kinugasa|'''<span style="color:red">Kinugasa</span>''']]
|[[Fubuki]], [[Mochizuki]], [[Akatsuki]], [[Ikazuchi]], [[Inazuma]], [[Kagerou]], [[Yuugumo]], [[Makigumo|'''<span style="color:red">Makigumo</span>''']], [[Naganami|'''<span style="color:red">Naganami</span>''']]
|[[Tenryuu]], [[Nagara]], [[Yura]], [[Sendai]]
|[[Furutaka]], [[Aoba]], [[Myoko]], [[Haguro]], [[Atago]], [[Choukai]], [[Tone]], [[Chikuma]], [[Kinugasa|'''<span style="color:red">Kinugasa</span>''']]
|[[Kongou]], [[Hiei]], [[Kirishima]]
|<span style="color:red">'''O'''</span>
|[[Fubuki]], [[Hatsuyuki]], [[Murakumo]], [[Ayanami]], [[Shikinami]], [[Mutsuki]], [[Satsuki]], [[Mikazuki]], [[Mochizuki]], [[Akatsuki]], [[Ikazuchi]], [[Inazuma]], [[Yuudachi]], [[Samidare]], [[Suzukaze]], [[Kagerou]], [[Kuroshio]], [[Akigumo]], [[Yuugumo|'''<span style="color:red">Yuugumo</span>''']], [[Yukikaze|'''<span style="color:red">Yukikaze</span>''']], [[Makigumo|'''<span style="color:red">Makigumo</span>''']], [[Naganami|'''<span style="color:red">Naganami</span>''']], [[Yayoi|'''<span style="color:red">Yayoi</span>''']], [[Uzuki|'''<span style="color:red">Uzuki</span>''']], [[Hamakaze|'''<span style="color:red">Hamakaze</span>''']]
|[[Tenryuu]], [[Nagara]], [[Isuzu]], [[Yura]], [[Sendai]], [[Jintsuu]], [[Yuubari|'''<span style="color:red">Yuubari</span>''']], [[Agano|'''<span style="color:red">Agano</span>''']]
|[[Furutaka]], [[Kako]], [[Aoba]], [[Myoko]], [[Ashigara]], [[Haguro]], [[Takao]], [[Atago]], [[Maya]], [[Choukai]], [[Tone]], [[Chikuma]], [[kinugasa|'''<span style="color:red">Kinugasa</span>''']], [[Suzuya|'''<span style="color:red">Suzuya</span>''']], [[Kumano|'''<span style="color:red">Kumano</span>''']]
|[[Ryuujou]], [[Hiyou]], [[Jun'you]], [[Shoukaku|'''<span style="color:red">Shoukaku</span>''']],''' '''[[Zuikaku|'''<span style="color:red">Zuikaku</span>''']],[[Zuihou|'''<span style="color:red"> Zuihou</span>''']]
|[[I-19|'''<span style="color:red">I-19</span>''']], [[I-58|'''<span style="color:red"> I-58</span>''']]
|[[Mutsu|'''<span style="color:red">Mutsu</span>''']], [[Hyuuga]], [[Kongou]], [[Hiei]], [[Haruna]], [[Kirishima]], [[Fusou]], [[Yamashiro]]
== {{Anchor|5-5}} World 5-5:【Extra Operation】サーモン海域北方 Northern Salmon Sea Area==
| map = 5-5 Map.png
| difficulty = ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
| item = {{ammo}}
| exp =  450
| code = 第二次サーモン海戦 ([[wikipedia:Battle_of_the_Eastern_Solomons|Second Battle of the Solomon Sea]])
| jptext = 南方海域に敵の有力な機動部隊の接近が確認された。空母機動部隊を以て、これを迎撃せよ!
| entext = The approach of a powerful enemy task force has been confirmed in southern waters.  Form a carrier task force and intercept it!
===Stage Guide===
|title = 5-5 Branching Rules
|expand = true
|id = 5-5
|0 -> A/empty, B = 
* Meet '''ANY''' of the following requirements to go to A
** DD ≥ 4
** 4 ships carrying 4 [[Drum Canister]]
** 4 ships carrying 4 [[Daihatsu-class Landing Craft]] (T89 Landing Force and T2 Kami Tank also count)
* Otherwise, go to B
|B -> F/empty, K =
*'''FORCE''' node K if meeting one of the following:
**CV(B) ≥ 3 (CVL doesn't count)
**(F)BB(V) ≥ 4
**CLT ≥ 2
* Go to F if DD ≥ 2
* Otherwise, go to K
|E/resource -> G/night, H =
*Meet '''ANY''' of the following to go to H
**'''Fast+''' fleet '''and''' DD ≥ 2
**'''Fastest''' fleet
* Otherwise, go to G
|H -> L/storm, N, P =
*Go to N if the fleet is '''Fastest'''
* Go to P if (F)BB(V)+CV(L/B) ≥ 4
* Go to L if DD ≤ 1
* Otherwise, go to N
|I/empty -> L/storm, M/night =
* Go to L if (F)BB(V)+CV(B) = 3 and DD ≥ 2
* Otherwise, go to M
|L/storm -> N = *Fixed Route
|M/night -> L/storm, O/empty =
*'''FORCE''' node O if node L or N was reached in the same sortie
* Go to L if (F)BB(V)+CV(B) ≥ 4
* Go to O if DD ≥ 2
* Otherwise, go to L
|N -> M/night, O/empty =
*'''FORCE''' node O if node M was reached in the same sortie
* Meet '''ANY''' of the following requirements to go to O
** '''Fast+''' fleet
** Fleet contains AO
* Meet '''ANY''' of the following requirements to go to M
** (F)BB(V)+CVL ≥ 3
** Fleet contains CV(B)
* Otherwise, go to O
|O/empty -> R/empty, S =
*Random routing if fleet contains SS(V) or fleet LoS is between '''63-67 F33 Cn2'''
*Meet '''ANY''' of the following to go to S
**Pass the LoS check ('''≥ 67 F33 Cn2''')
**'''Fast+''' fleet ('''LoS check is ignored''')
*Otherwise, go to R
|P -> Q/empty, S =
*Meet '''ANY''' of the following to '''FORCE''' node S ('''LoS check is ignored''')
**'''Fastest''' fleet
**'''Fast+''' fleet '''and''' (F)BB(V)+CV(L/B) ≤ 5
*Random between Q and S if fleet contains SS(V) or (F)BB(V)+CV(L/B) ≥ 5 (65% to S if fleet LoS '''≥ 84 F33 Cn2''')
*Go to S if passing the LoS Check ('''≥ 81 F33 Cn2''')
*Go to Q if LoS '''≤ 73 F33 Cn2'''
*Otherwise, random routing
|- style="vertical-align:top"
| {{AirControlSystem
| Map = 5-5 Pre-Clear
| AS = 392
| {{AirControlSystem
| Map = 5-5 Post-Clear
| AS = 356
| Notes = Post-Clear, only Patterns 5-6 listed at Boss Node will appear (until map resets).
*You must sink the Boss 5 times to clear the map.
*Clearing this map rewards 1 medal and 200 points for ranking. The boss HP bar is reset at midnight of the beginning of each month, allowing the reward to be obtained again.
**'''The enemy composition at the boss node will be locked into either formation 5 or 6 after clearing'''. If you are planning on clearing any quests that require you to clear 5-5 with an A/S-Rank, '''it is recommended that you attempt these quests after clearing 5-5 for the month''', as the post-clear boss compositions are significantly less dangerous than the pre-clear comps. The fleet composition restrictions for most of these quests mean that your fleet will face some difficulty in defeating the pre-clear comps, particularly after the buff to the Southern War Princess in [[Winter 2019 Event]] (who does not appear at all in post-clear comps).
***This is especially true if said quests require 2DDs, as DDs will face difficulty in dealing any significant damage to the pre-clear boss comps during the daytime battle
***Please note that [[Submarine Yo-Class]] at the boss node will be in Elite form post-clear, so a dedicated OASW ship must be brought if one wishes to secure a S-rank.
*As with all World 5 maps, support expeditions 33 and 34 are applicable on this map.
*Node B is a submarine node.
*Nodes G and M are night battles.
*5-5 is one of the few maps that has arguably become more difficult after the Phase 2 update.
**2 of the pre-clear boss compositions now contain 2 Elite Re-class Abyssals.
**The [[Southern War Princess]] has also gained additional armour followed by [[Winter 2019 Event]]
***Her escort has been slightly weakened to compensate for this. The Submarine in her escort has been changed from an Elite variant to a basic variant.
**The addition of CL Tsu-class to multiple nodes has also made the map potentially more costly in terms of bauxite.
**Pre-boss Node P still has the chance of containing an Elite Re-class in Line Ahead.
**Depending on your choice of ships (and also dependent on engagement modifiers & enemy fleet formation), bulges equipped in Reinforcement Expansion slots may improve survivability against opening torpedoes.
**Support Expedition(s) may help as well.
*However, routing to the boss is now guaranteed with the correct composition(s) and sufficient LoS. Speed is also no longer a major factor in determining routing.
*The special attack (Touch mechanic) from [[Nelson|Nelson Kai]], [[Nagato|Nagato Kai Ni]] and [[Mutsu|Mutsu Kai Ni]] are also a good option to consider if you want to clear out enemies at the boss node easier.
<br/>'''Recommended Fleet'''
*'''North : B-K-P-S or B-F-J-P-S: 4 (F)BB(V)/CV(L/B) + 2 XX'''
**LoS required: '''≥ 81 F33 Cn2'''
**Maximum of 4 (F)BB(V)/CV(L/B), otherwise chance of off-routing at pre-boss node P.
**Routing B->K or B->F will depend on your fleet. Fleet with either 3CV(B) or 4(F)BB(V)s will always go to K, otherwise will go to F as long as you have 2 DDs.
**F is a choice node. For the above fleet, routing to J is recommended as D is a maelstrom node, and fleet comp will route to P after H anyway.
**CAVs can help provide additional fighter power, allowing for optimized set-ups on CVs.
**[[Ise|Ise Kai Ni]] is another option if additional fighter power is needed. However, keep in mind that she is significantly weaker in terms of firepower compared to almost every other battleship.
**Seaplane Bombers should not be used in smaller slots due to the potential presence of multiple [[Light Cruiser Tsu-Class]] along this route.
*'''Middle : B-F-D-H-N-O-S: 2 (F)BB(V) + 2 CA(V) + 2 DD'''
**LoS required: '''≥ 67 F33 Cn2'''
**Easier preboss, but will struggle against the double Re Elite boss node formations
**CAV can be replaced with CLT (Maximum 1 CLT)
**D node is a maelstrom node that wipe out your fuel. Recommended to bring some radars to reduce the loss.
*'''South : A-C-E-G-I-M-O-S: 2 [(F)BB(V)+CV(B/L)] + 4 DD'''
**LoS required: '''≥ 67 F33 Cn2'''
**The first battle is a relatively easy enemy torpedo squadron, but the next two battles are fairly dangerous night battles
***Pre-boss support shelling expeditions can help stabilize the night battles significantly
**Fleets that take this route will struggle significantly against the double Re Elite boss node formations
**Generally lower bauxite consumption when compared to other routes
===Nodes and Enemy Encounters===
|A_label = '''<span style="color:blue">Battle Avoided</span>'''
|A-1_node_info = "Must be my imagination" (battle avoided)
|B_label = 深海南方潜水艦隊 哨戒線
|B-1_node_info = ss_yo-class_flagship ss_ka-class_elite ss_ka-class_elite ss_ka-class ss_ka-class
|B-1_form = echelon line_abreast
|B-1_xp =
|B-1_enemy_air_power =
|B-2_node_info = ss_yo-class_flagship ss_yo-class_elite ss_ka-class_elite ss_ka-class_elite ss_ka-class ss_ka-class
|B-2_form = echelon line_abreast
|B-2_xp =
|B-2_enemy_air_power =
|B-3_node_info = ss_yo-class_elite ss_ka-class_elite ss_ka-class_elite ss_ka-class ss_ka-class
|B-3_form = line_abreast echelon
|B-3_xp =
|B-3_enemy_air_power =
|C_label = 敵哨戒水雷戦隊
|C-1_node_info = cl_ho-class_flagship cl_tsu-class dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|C-1_form = line_ahead double_line
|C-1_xp =
|C-1_enemy_air_power =
|C-2_node_info = dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model dd_i-class dd_i-class
|C-2_form = line_ahead double_line
|C-2_xp =
|C-2_enemy_air_power =
|C-3_node_info = cl_ho-class_elite cl_tsu-class dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|C-3_form = line_ahead double_line
|C-3_xp =
|C-3_enemy_air_power =
|D_label = '''<span style="color:purple">Maelstrom Node</span>'''
|D-1_node_info = fuel - ?
|E_label = '''<span style="color:green">Resource Node</span>'''
|E-1_node_info = fuel + ?
|F_label =
|F-1_node_info = Choose your route
|G_label = 敵哨戒重巡戦隊<br>'''<span style="color:purple">Night Battle Node</span>'''
|G-1_node_info = ca_ri-class_flagship ca_ri-class_flagship ca_ri-class_elite cl_tsu-class dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|G-1_form = echelon line_ahead
|G-1_xp =
|G-1_enemy_air_power =
|G-2_node_info = ca_ri-class_flagship ca_ri-class_elite ca_ri-class_elite cl_tsu-class dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model
|G-2_form = echelon line_ahead
|G-2_xp =
|G-2_enemy_air_power =
|G-3_node_info = ca_ri-class_flagship ca_ri-class_elite cl_tsu-class dd_ro-class_late_model dd_ro-class_late_model dd_i-class
|G-3_form = echelon line_ahead
|G-3_xp =
|G-3_enemy_air_power =
|H_label = 敵機動部隊 C群
|H-1_node_info = cv_wo-class_flagship_kai cv_wo-class_flagship_kai cl_he-class_flagship cl_tsu-class_elite dd_ha-class_late_model dd_ha-class_late_model
|H-1_form = double_line diamond
|H-1_xp =
|H-1_enemy_air_power = 204
|H-2_node_info = cv_wo-class_flagship_kai cvl_nu-class_flagship cl_he-class_flagship cl_tsu-class_elite dd_ha-class_late_model dd_ha-class_late_model
|H-2_form = diamond double_line
|H-2_xp =
|H-2_enemy_air_power = 125
|H-3_node_info = cvl_nu-class_flagship cvl_nu-class_flagship cl_he-class_flagship cl_tsu-class_elite dd_ha-class_late_model dd_ha-class_late_model
|H-3_form = diamond double_line
|H-3_xp =
|H-3_enemy_air_power = 46
|I_label = '''<span style="color:blue">Battle Avoided</span>'''
|I-1_node_info = "Must be my imagination" (battle avoided)
|J_label = 敵機動部隊 B群
|J-1_node_info = cv_wo-class_flagship_kai cv_wo-class_flagship_kai cl_tsu-class_elite dd_ha-class_late_model dd_ha-class_late_model ss_ka-class_elite
|J-1_form = double_line diamond
|J-1_xp =
|J-1_enemy_air_power = 204
|J-2_node_info = cv_wo-class_flagship_kai cv_wo-class_flagship_kai cl_tsu-class_elite dd_ha-class_late_model dd_ha-class_late_model ss_ka-class
|J-2_form = double_line diamond
|J-2_xp =
|J-2_enemy_air_power = 204
|J-3_node_info = cv_wo-class_flagship_kai cvl_nu-class_flagship cl_tsu-class_elite dd_ha-class_late_model dd_ha-class_late_model ss_ka-class
|J-3_form = diamond double_line
|J-3_xp =
|J-3_enemy_air_power = 125
|K_label = 敵機動部隊 A群
|K-1_node_info = cv_wo-class_flagship_kai cv_wo-class_flagship_kai cvl_nu-class_flagship cl_tsu-class_elite dd_ha-class_late_model dd_ha-class_late_model
|K-1_form = diamond double_line
|K-1_xp =
|K-1_enemy_air_power = 227
|K-2_node_info = cv_wo-class_flagship_kai cv_wo-class_flagship_kai ca_ne-class_elite cl_tsu-class_elite dd_ha-class_late_model dd_ha-class_late_model
|K-2_form = diamond double_line
|K-2_xp =
|K-2_enemy_air_power = 204
|K-3_node_info = cv_wo-class_flagship_kai cvl_nu-class_flagship ca_ne-class_elite cl_tsu-class_elite dd_ha-class_late_model dd_ha-class_late_model
|K-3_form = double_line diamond
|K-3_xp =
|K-3_enemy_air_power = 125
|L_label = '''<span style="color:purple">Maelstrom Node</span>'''
|L-1_node_info = fuel - ?
|M_label = 敵新鋭戦艦戦隊<br>'''<span style="color:purple">Night Battle Node</span>'''
|M-1_node_info = bb_ta-class_flagship bb_ta-class_flagship ca_ne-class cl_tsu-class dd_ha-class_late_model dd_ha-class_late_model
|M-1_form = line_ahead echelon double_line
|M-1_xp =
|M-1_enemy_air_power =
|M-2_node_info = bb_ta-class_flagship bb_ta-class_flagship cl_tsu-class dd_ha-class_late_model dd_ha-class_late_model dd_ha-class_late_model
|M-2_form = line_ahead echelon double_line
|M-2_xp =
|M-2_enemy_air_power =
|M-3_node_info = bb_ta-class_flagship bb_ta-class_flagship dd_ha-class_late_model dd_ha-class_late_model dd_ha-class_late_model dd_ha-class_late_model
|M-3_form = double_line echelon line_ahead
|M-3_xp =
|M-3_enemy_air_power =
|N_label = 深海南方任務部隊 重水雷戦隊
|N-1_node_info = clt_chi-class_flagship clt_chi-class_flagship clt_chi-class_flagship cl_tsu-class_elite dd_ha-class_late_model dd_ha-class_late_model
|N-1_form = double_line line_ahead echelon
|N-1_xp =
|N-1_enemy_air_power =
|N-2_node_info = clt_chi-class_flagship clt_chi-class_flagship cl_tsu-class cl_tsu-class dd_ha-class_late_model dd_ha-class_late_model
|N-2_form = line_ahead echelon double_line
|N-2_xp =
|N-2_enemy_air_power =
|O_label = '''<span style="color:blue">Battle Avoided</span>'''
|O-1_node_info = "Must be my imagination" (battle avoided)
|P_label = 深海南方任務部隊 水上打撃群
|P-1_node_info = bbv_re-class_elite ca_ne-class_elite ca_ne-class_elite cl_tsu-class dd_ha-class_late_model dd_ha-class_late_model
|P-1_form = double_line line_ahead
|P-1_xp =
|P-1_enemy_air_power = 107
|P-2_node_info = bbv_re-class_elite bb_ru-class_flagship bb_ru-class_flagship cl_ho-class_flagship dd_ha-class_late_model dd_ha-class_late_model
|P-2_form = line_ahead
|P-2_xp =
|P-2_enemy_air_power = 107
|P-3_node_info = bbv_re-class bb_ru-class_flagship bb_ru-class_flagship cl_tsu-class dd_ha-class_late_model dd_ha-class_late_model
|P-3_form = line_ahead double_line
|P-3_xp =
|P-3_enemy_air_power = 94
|P-4_node_info = bbv_re-class_elite bb_ru-class_flagship bb_ru-class_flagship cl_tsu-class dd_ha-class_late_model dd_ha-class_late_model
|P-4_form = double_line
|P-4_xp =
|P-4_enemy_air_power = 107
|Q_label = '''<span style="color:blue">Battle Avoided</span>'''
|Q-1_node_info = "Must be my imagination" (battle avoided)
|R_label = '''<span style="color:blue">Battle Avoided</span>'''
|R-1_node_info = "Must be my imagination" (battle avoided)
|S_label = 深海南方任務部隊 本隊
|S-1_node_info = southern_war_princess bbv_re-class_elite bbv_re-class_elite dd_ha-class_late_model dd_ha-class_late_model ss_yo-class
|S-1_form = line_ahead
|S-1_xp =
|S-1_enemy_air_power = 261
|S-2_node_info = cv_wo-class_flagship_kai cv_wo-class_flagship_kai southern_war_princess dd_ha-class_late_model dd_ha-class_late_model ss_yo-class
|S-2_form = echelon
|S-2_xp =
|S-2_enemy_air_power = 251
|S-3_node_info = cv_wo-class_flagship_kai southern_war_princess ca_ne-class_elite dd_ha-class_late_model dd_ha-class_late_model ss_yo-class
|S-3_form = echelon
|S-3_xp =
|S-3_enemy_air_power = 149
|S-4_node_info = southern_war_princess bbv_re-class_elite bbv_re-class_elite cl_tsu-class dd_ha-class_late_model dd_ha-class_late_model
|S-4_form = double_line
|S-4_xp =
|S-4_enemy_air_power = 261
|S-5_node_info = cv_wo-class_flagship_kai cv_wo-class_flagship bbv_re-class_elite dd_ha-class_late_model dd_ha-class_late_model ss_yo-class_elite
|S-5_form = echelon
|S-5_xp =
|S-5_enemy_air_power = 237
|S-6_node_info = bbv_re-class_elite bb_ta-class_flagship cv_wo-class_flagship dd_ha-class_late_model dd_ha-class_late_model ss_yo-class_elite
|S-6_form = double_line
|S-6_xp =
|S-6_enemy_air_power = 191
|final_form =
|boss_node = S
<div class="mw-customtoggle-5-5-drops globalbutton">Show/Hide Drops</div>
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" id="mw-customcollapsible-5-5-drops"
!Light Cruiser
!Heavy Cruiser
!Seaplane Tender
!Aircraft Carrier
| style="text-align:center;" |A
|[[Shiratsuyu]], [[Mochizuki]], [[Kagerou|Kagero]], [[Mutsuki]], [[Shigure]], [[Suzukaze]]
|[[Chikuma]], [[Haguro]], [[Maya]]
|[[Hiei]], [[Kirishima]]
| style="text-align:center;" |B
| style="text-align:center;" |C
| style="text-align:center;" |D
|[[Ayanami]], [[Shikinami]], [[Shiratsuyu]], [[Kagerou]], [[Mutsuki]], [[Suzukaze]], [[Mochizuki]], [[Shigure]]
|[[Yura]], [[Jintsuu]]
|[[Haguro]], [[Tone]], [[Takao]], [[Chikuma]], [[Maya]]
|[[Hiei]], [[Kirishima]]
| style="text-align:center;" |E
|[[Shigure]], [[Suzukaze]], [[Mochizuki]], [[Shiratsuyu]], [[Mutsuki]], [[Kagerou]], [[Maikaze]], [[Akigumo]], [[Ayanami]]
|[[Yura]], [[Nagara]]
|[[Myoukou]], [[Maya]], [[Chikuma]], [[Takao]]
| style="text-align:center;" |F
|[[Takao]], [[Atago]]
| style="text-align:center;" |G
| style="text-align:center;" |H
| style="text-align:center;" |K
| style="text-align:center;" |M
| style="text-align:center;" |<span style="color:red">N</span>
|[[Uzuki|'''<span style="color:red">Uzuki</span>''']]
|[[Yura]], [[Nagara]]
|[[Shoukaku|'''<span style="color:red">Shoukaku</span>''']]
|[[Kirishima]], [[Hiei]]
{{Navbox World}}

Latest revision as of 15:42, 6 November 2022

World 5-1: 南方海域前面 - The Forefront of the Southern Sea

World 5 5-1 Map.png
Strategy Name 南方海域進出作戦
Southern Sea Advancement Tactics
Difficulty ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Item Steel Ammunition
Strategy Content 練度の高い水上打撃部隊を編成し、南方海域への進出を図れ!
Create a diverse surface fleet to expand into the southern sea area!
Boss Air Control
75 112 252 504
Boss Route Air Control
86 128 287 574
World 5 Unlocking & Progression
Unlock conditions World 5 is unlocked after clearing 3-4
Clear conditions To clear the map: the boss's flagship must be sunk once
Notes Support Expeditions are available on this map

Stage Guide

5-1 Branching Rules
Nodes Rules
  • Go to A if (F)BB(V)+CV(B/L) ≥ 5
  • Meet ANY of the following requirements to go to B
    • DD ≥ 2 and (F)BB(V)+CV(L/B) ≤ 2
    • CA(V) ≥ 4 and CL ≥ 1
    • CA(V) ≥ 2 and CL = 1
  • Otherwise, random routing
    • If fleet contains 3 (F)BB(V), 1 CL, and 2 DD, 75 % B
  • Meet ALL of the following requirements:
    • No CV(B)
    • Amount of CVL ≤ 1
    • Amount of (F)BB(V) ≤ 2
  • Do not meet the requirements to go to C.
  • Go to H if CL+DD = 0 or (F)BB(V)+CVL ≥ 4
  • Random routing if (F)BB(V)+CVL ≥ 3
  • Meet ANY of the following to go to J
    • Fastest fleet
    • DD ≥ 4
    • DD ≥ 2 and CL ≥ 1
  • Meet ANY of the following to go to G
    • DD ≤ 1 and CL ≥ 1
    • DD = 1 and CL = 0
  • Otherwise, random between G and J
    • If DD = 3, 70 % J
    • If DD = 2, 70 % G
  • Go to I if (F)BB(V)+CV(L/B) ≥ 5
  • Random routing if
    • SS(V) ≥ 1
    • CV(L/B) ≥ 1 and (F)BB(V)+CV(B/L) ≥ 3
  • Meet ANY of the following requirements to go to J
    • Fast+ fleet
    • CA(V) ≥ 4 and (F)BB(V)+CV(L/B) = 0
    • Amount of DD ≥ 2, fleet contains CL, no CV(B)
    • Amount of DD ≥ 2, CA(V) ≥ 2, no CV(B)
    • Amount of DD ≥ 4, no CV(B)
  • Otherwise, random routing.
    • If fleet contains 3 (F)BB(V), 1 CL and 2 CA(V), 85 % J
    • If fleet contains CV(B), 75 % I


By the number order of the world map, this is the first time Wo Flagship II and Light Cruiser Tsu-Class appear. Wo Flagship II is notably much stronger than the previously encountered Wo Flagship I due to the addition of Abyssal Hell Dive Bomber, while the Tsu-Class has much higher stats compared to the other enemy CL.

  • With the presence of Tsu-class, there is a chance to lose a large number of bombers (or even their rank, should the Tsu shoot all of them down) before reaching the boss node. Keep this in mind when equipping bombers on any CV(L).
  • Node E is a submarine node without warning.

As with every World 5 map, Support Expeditions are available to help with clearing the map, often useful to clear harder quests.

Recommended fleets

Standard Fleets
Fleet Info
Single 1-2 (F)BB(V), 0-1CVL, 1 CL, 2 DD, 1 XX (XX cannot be a (F)BB(V))
LoS Any
Speed Any
RouteNode Types:
BLUE: Empty/Choice
RED: Battle
GREEN: Resource/TP
VIOLET: Maelstrom
PURPLE: Night Battle
PINK: Air Raid/Battle
ORANGE: Enemy Ambush/ASS
Air State
75 112 252 504
Fleet Notes
The standard comp to clear the map.
  • Taking 2 (F)BB(V)+1 CVL will introduce random off-routing to H.
  • Taking CV(B) will introduce random off-routing to E which continues Node G.
Torpedo Squadron
Fleet Info
Single "Torpedo Squadron": 1 CL (flagship), 2 CLT, 3 DD
LoS Any
Speed Any
RouteNode Types:
BLUE: Empty/Choice
RED: Battle
GREEN: Resource/TP
VIOLET: Maelstrom
PURPLE: Night Battle
PINK: Air Raid/Battle
ORANGE: Enemy Ambush/ASS
Air State
75 112 252 504
Fleet Notes
This solution requires more advanced gears, and might be out of reach of new players. It is required to bring an Command Facility FCF capable CL as flagship, preferably an Agano-class Kai+, equipped with:

The best comp for farming boss node without the need of Support Expedition, having the highest pass rate thanks to the usage of ETSCF in case a ship got heavily damaged.

The Evacuation mechanic of the ETSCF should be used if needed, as long as the routing is maintained.

  • The boss routing is secured as long as there are still 2 DDs in the fleet.

Do note that the Night Zuiun will likely be shot down completely due to fighting under AI and the presence of CL Tsu-ClassLight Cruiser Tsu-Class.

Quests Fleets
Fleet Info
Single 3 BB(V), 1 CL, 2 DD

1 CV(B), 3 CA, 2 CL

LoS Any
Speed Any
RouteNode Types:
BLUE: Empty/Choice
RED: Battle
GREEN: Resource/TP
VIOLET: Maelstrom
PURPLE: Night Battle
PINK: Air Raid/Battle
ORANGE: Enemy Ambush/ASS
  • (75 %) B E G J
  • (25 %) A D E G J
Quests Bm4, Bq7, Bq13
Air State
75 112 252 504
Fleet Notes
Support Expedition can be advised for prebosses.
  • CVB is recommended to be a Shoukaku-class Kai Ni AShoukaku Kai Ni A
    Zuikaku Kai Ni A
    filled with Jets, to carry enough air power for AS while sinking as many enemies as possible in the air strike phase.
  • As a long-term recommendation, ships used in this comp should have their RE opened, in order to boost their combat performance.
Quarterly Mikawa
Fleet Info
Single 3 CA, 1 CL, 2 DD
LoS Any
Speed Any
RouteNode Types:
BLUE: Empty/Choice
RED: Battle
GREEN: Resource/TP
VIOLET: Maelstrom
PURPLE: Night Battle
PINK: Air Raid/Battle
ORANGE: Enemy Ambush/ASS
Quests Bq7
Air State
75 112 252 504
Fleet Notes
Support Expedition can be advised for the preboss.
Fast+ Fleet
Fleet Info
Single 3 BB(V), 2 CA(V), 1 CL
LoS Any
Speed Fast+
RouteNode Types:
BLUE: Empty/Choice
RED: Battle
GREEN: Resource/TP
VIOLET: Maelstrom
PURPLE: Night Battle
PINK: Air Raid/Battle
ORANGE: Enemy Ambush/ASS
Air State
75 112 252 504
Fleet Notes
Same as above, with a guaranteed B start using a stronger fleet, but requires a Fast+ fleet.

Resource Nodes

C H are "Normal Resource Nodes" rewarding respectively steel Steel, and ammo Ammunition.

  • See here for more details.

Enemy Compositions

5-1 A
# Maelstrom Node
A Lost Normal Fuel
# Maelstrom Node
5-1 B: 敵南方前衛哨戒艦隊 (PoiDB)
# Enemy
Base EXP Normal Battle Node AD/AP
B Line Ahead
Double Line
170 Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class Flagship (1527): 70 Armor, 76 HPBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Light Cruiser Ho-Class Elite (1518): 30 Armor, 48 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HP Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HP Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HP
Line Ahead
Double Line
190 Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class Flagship (1527): 70 Armor, 76 HPBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Light Cruiser He-Class Flagship (1555): 39 Armor, 57 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HP Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HP Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HP
Line Ahead
Double Line
200 Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class Flagship (1527): 70 Armor, 76 HPBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class Flagship (1527): 70 Armor, 76 HP Light Cruiser He-Class Flagship (1555): 39 Armor, 57 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HP Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HP
# Enemy
Base EXP Normal Battle Node AD/AP
5-1 C
# Resource Node
C Gained 25~50 Steel
# Resource Node
5-1 D: 敵南方空母機動部隊 (PoiDB)
# Enemy
Base EXP Normal Battle Node AD/AP
D Diamond 100 Standard Carrier Wo-Class Flagship (1528): 80 Armor, 96 HP, 28 APBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Standard Carrier Wo-Class Elite (1525): 55 Armor, 88 HP, 27 AP Light Carrier Nu-Class Elite (1523): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 24 AP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HP Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HP
Diamond 110 Standard Carrier Wo-Class Flagship (1528): 80 Armor, 96 HP, 28 APBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Standard Carrier Wo-Class Flagship (1528): 80 Armor, 96 HP, 28 AP Light Carrier Nu-Class Elite (1523): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 24 AP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HP Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HP
Diamond 120 Standard Carrier Wo-Class Flagship (1528): 80 Armor, 96 HP, 28 APBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Standard Carrier Wo-Class Flagship (1528): 80 Armor, 96 HP, 28 AP Light Carrier Nu-Class Elite (1523): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 24 AP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Elite (1592): 68 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HP Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HP
Diamond 130 Standard Carrier Wo-Class Flagship (1528): 80 Armor, 96 HP, 28 APBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Standard Carrier Wo-Class Flagship (1528): 80 Armor, 96 HP, 28 AP Light Carrier Nu-Class Flagship (1560): 70 Armor, 84 HP, 23 AP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Elite (1592): 68 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HP Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HP
Diamond 140 Standard Carrier Wo-Class Flagship II (1579): 80 Armor, 96 HP, 84 APHell plane 2.pngBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Standard Carrier Wo-Class Flagship (1528): 80 Armor, 96 HP, 28 AP Light Carrier Nu-Class Flagship (1560): 70 Armor, 84 HP, 23 AP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Elite (1592): 68 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HP Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HP
Diamond 160 Standard Carrier Wo-Class Flagship II (1579): 80 Armor, 96 HP, 84 APHell plane 2.pngBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Standard Carrier Wo-Class Flagship II (1579): 80 Armor, 96 HP, 84 APHell plane 2.png Light Carrier Nu-Class Flagship (1560): 70 Armor, 84 HP, 23 AP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Elite (1592): 68 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HP Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HP
# Enemy
Base EXP Normal Battle Node AD/AP
5-1 E: 敵潜水艦南方哨戒線 (PoiDB)
# Enemy
Base EXP Normal Battle Node AD/AP
E Double Line
180 Submarine Ka-Class Flagship (1534): 30 Armor, 37 HPBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Submarine Ka-Class Elite (1532): 21 Armor, 27 HP Submarine Ka-Class (1530): 7 Armor, 19 HP Submarine Ka-Class (1530): 7 Armor, 19 HP Submarine Ka-Class (1530): 7 Armor, 19 HP 0/0
Line Abreast
200 Submarine Ka-Class Flagship (1534): 30 Armor, 37 HPBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Submarine Ka-Class Elite (1532): 21 Armor, 27 HP Submarine Ka-Class Elite (1532): 21 Armor, 27 HP Submarine Ka-Class (1530): 7 Armor, 19 HP Submarine Ka-Class (1530): 7 Armor, 19 HP 0/0
Line Abreast
230 Submarine Ka-Class Flagship (1534): 30 Armor, 37 HPBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Submarine Ka-Class Elite (1532): 21 Armor, 27 HP Submarine Ka-Class Elite (1532): 21 Armor, 27 HP Submarine Ka-Class (1530): 7 Armor, 19 HP Submarine Ka-Class (1530): 7 Armor, 19 HP Submarine Ka-Class (1530): 7 Armor, 19 HP
# Enemy
Base EXP Normal Battle Node AD/AP
5-1 F: 敵南方任務部隊 B群 (PoiDB)
# Enemy
Base EXP Normal Battle Node AD/AP
F Diamond 200 Light Carrier Nu-Class Elite (1523): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 24 APBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class (1594): 82 Armor, 80 HP Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class (1594): 82 Armor, 80 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HP Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HP
Diamond 210 Light Carrier Nu-Class Elite (1523): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 24 APBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class Elite (1595): 89 Armor, 88 HP Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class (1594): 82 Armor, 80 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HP Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HP
Line Ahead
Double Line
220 Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class Flagship (1527): 70 Armor, 76 HPBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class Flagship (1527): 70 Armor, 76 HP Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class Flagship (1527): 70 Armor, 76 HP Light Cruiser He-Class Flagship (1555): 39 Armor, 57 HP Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HP Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HP
Line Ahead
Double Line
250 Battleship Ta-Class Flagship (1543): 96 Armor, 90 HPBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class Flagship (1527): 70 Armor, 76 HP Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class Flagship (1527): 70 Armor, 76 HP Light Cruiser He-Class Flagship (1555): 39 Armor, 57 HP Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HP Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HP
# Enemy
Base EXP Normal Battle Node AD/AP
5-1 G: 敵南方任務部隊 A群 (PoiDB)
# Enemy
Base EXP Normal Battle Node AD/AP
G Line Ahead
Double Line
300 Battleship Ta-Class Flagship (1543): 96 Armor, 90 HPBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Battleship Ta-Class Elite (1542): 88 Armor, 88 HP Light Carrier Nu-Class Elite (1523): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 24 AP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HP Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HP
Line Ahead
Double Line
340 Battleship Ta-Class Flagship (1543): 96 Armor, 90 HPBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Battleship Ta-Class Flagship (1543): 96 Armor, 90 HP Light Carrier Nu-Class Flagship (1560): 70 Armor, 84 HP, 23 AP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HP Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HP
Line Ahead
Double Line
360 Battleship Ta-Class Flagship (1543): 96 Armor, 90 HPBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Battleship Ta-Class Flagship (1543): 96 Armor, 90 HP Light Carrier Nu-Class Flagship (1560): 70 Armor, 84 HP, 23 AP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Elite (1592): 68 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HP Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HP
# Enemy
Base EXP Normal Battle Node AD/AP
5-1 H
# Resource Node
H Gained 40~80 Ammo
# Resource Node
5-1 I
# Empty Node
I 気のせいだった。/敵影を見ず。/穏やかな海です。/穏やかな海峡です。/警戒が必要です。/静かな海です。
Must be my imagination./No enemy spotted./Calm seas./Calm straits./Be alert./Peaceful seas.
# Empty Node
5-1 J: 敵南方前線司令艦隊 (PoiDB)
# Enemy
Base EXP Boss Battle Node AD/AP
J Line Ahead
Double Line
400 Battleship Ta-Class Flagship (1543): 96 Armor, 90 HPBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class Flagship (1527): 70 Armor, 76 HP Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class Flagship (1527): 70 Armor, 76 HP Light Cruiser He-Class Flagship (1555): 39 Armor, 57 HP Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model (1577): 29 Armor, 38 HP Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model (1577): 29 Armor, 38 HP
Double Line 420 Battleship Ta-Class Flagship (1543): 96 Armor, 90 HPBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Battleship Ta-Class Flagship (1543): 96 Armor, 90 HP Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class Flagship (1527): 70 Armor, 76 HP Light Cruiser He-Class Flagship (1555): 39 Armor, 57 HP Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model (1577): 29 Armor, 38 HP Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model (1577): 29 Armor, 38 HP
Diamond 430 Transport Ship Wa-Class Flagship (1558): 65 Armor, 130 HPBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Battleship Ta-Class Flagship (1543): 96 Armor, 90 HP Battleship Ta-Class Flagship (1543): 96 Armor, 90 HP Light Cruiser He-Class Flagship (1555): 39 Armor, 57 HP Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model (1577): 29 Armor, 38 HP Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model (1577): 29 Armor, 38 HP
Diamond 440 Standard Carrier Wo-Class Flagship II (1579): 80 Armor, 96 HP, 84 APHell plane 2.pngBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Battleship Ta-Class Flagship (1543): 96 Armor, 90 HP Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class Flagship (1527): 70 Armor, 76 HP Light Cruiser He-Class Flagship (1555): 39 Armor, 57 HP Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model (1577): 29 Armor, 38 HP Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model (1577): 29 Armor, 38 HP
Diamond 450 Standard Carrier Wo-Class Flagship II (1579): 80 Armor, 96 HP, 84 APHell plane 2.pngBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Standard Carrier Wo-Class Flagship II (1579): 80 Armor, 96 HP, 84 APHell plane 2.png Battleship Ta-Class Flagship (1543): 96 Armor, 90 HP Light Cruiser He-Class Flagship (1555): 39 Armor, 57 HP Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model (1577): 29 Armor, 38 HP Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model (1577): 29 Armor, 38 HP
# Enemy
Base EXP Boss Battle Node AD/AP

Ship Drops

This map currently has "limited-time" drops that don't appear in the table below, see Drop List for more info.
Ship drops
Type Ship? B D E F G J
DD Uzuki ✔️
DD Uranami ✔️
DD Yayoi ✔️
DD Hamakaze ✔️
DD Yuugumo ✔️
DD Naganami ✔️
DD Shimakaze ✔️
CL Kitakami ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
CL Ooi ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
CL Kinu ✔️
CL Abukuma ✔️
CL Sendai ✔️
CA Kinugasa ✔️
CA Myoukou ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
CA Takao ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
CA Atago ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
CA Mogami ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
CA Tone ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
CA Chikuma ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
CVL Ryuujou ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
CVL Shouhou ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
CVL Hiyou ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
CVL Junyou ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
FBB Kongou ✔️ ✔️
FBB Hiei ✔️ ✔️
FBB Haruna ✔️ ✔️
FBB Kirishima ✔️ ✔️
BB Fusou ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
BB Yamashiro ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
BB Ise ✔️
BB Hyuuga ✔️
CV Kaga ✔️
CV Souryuu ✔️
CV Shoukaku ✔️
SS I-58 ✔️
DD Mutsuki ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
DD Kisaragi ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
DD Satsuki ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
DD Fumizuki ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
DD Nagatsuki ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
DD Kikuzuki ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
DD Mikazuki ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
DD Mochizuki ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
DD Murakumo ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
DD Hatsuharu ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
DD Shiratsuyu ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
DD Shigure ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
DD Murasame ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
DD Yuudachi ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
CL Tenryuu ✔️
CL Tatsuta ✔️
CL Tama ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
CL Kiso ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
CL Isuzu ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
CL Natori ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
CL Yura ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
CL Jintsuu ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
CL Naka ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
CA Furutaka ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
CA Kako ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
CA Aoba ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
CA Nachi ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
CA Ashigara ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
CA Haguro ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
CA Maya ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
CA Choukai ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
CVL Houshou ✔️
AV Chitose ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
AV Chiyoda ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️