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World 4

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World 4-1: ジャム島沖 - Jam Island

World 4 4-1 Map.png
Strategy Name ジャム島攻略作戦
Jam Island Capture Tactics
Difficulty ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Item Fuel
Strategy Content 西方作戦の第一段階として艦隊をジャム島攻略に展開!作戦を実施せよ! (対潜警戒も厳とせよ)
As the first phase of Western operation, you are going to deploy your fleet on the Jam Island. Conduct this operation! (Lookout for enemy submarines strictly too.)
World 4 Unlocking & Progression
Unlock conditions World 4 is unlocked after clearing 3-1
Clear conditions To clear the map: the boss's flagship must be sunk once

Stage Guide

4-1 Branching Rules
Nodes Rules
  • Random routing
  • If (F)BB(V)+CV(B/L) ≥ 5, go to E.
  • If (F)BB(V)+CV(B/L) ≤ 2, go to F.
  • If (F)BB(V)+CV(B/L) = 4, 30% F, 70% E
  • Else, random routing (50/50)
  • Random routing if fleet contains any SS(V)
  • If (F)BB(V)+CV(B/L) ≥ 5, go to H.
  • Otherwise
    • Meeting ANY of the following to FORCE G
      • DD+DE ≤ 1
      • Fleet contains any (F)BB(V) or CV(B/L) AND DD = 3
      • Fleet contains any (F)BB(V) or CV(B/L), CL = 0 AND DD ≤ 3
      • (F)BB(V)+CV(B/L) = 4
    • Meeting ANY of the following to go to H
      • Fleet contains no (F)BB(V) and CV(B/L)
      • DD ≥ 4
      • CA(V) ≥ 1 AND CL+CA(V) ≥ 3
  • Random routing if not meeting any of the above conditions
  • Do not meet the requirements to go to H.
  • Meet ALL of the following requirements:
    • No (F)BB(V) or CV(B/L)
    • Meet one of the following
      • Amount of DD ≥ 4 and CL ≥ 1
      • DD+DE = 6
  • Meeting ANY of the following FORCES I:
    • (F)BB(V)+CV(B/L) ≥ 5
    • Fleet contains SS(V)
  • Go to J if amount of (F)BB(V)+CV(B/L) ≤ 1 AND DD ≥ 2
  • Else, random routing.


This map is mostly randomized on the path taken, with few notable exceptions that should be considered:

  • Avoid bringing too many (F)BB(V) and CV(B/L).
  • A well-balanced fleet is recommended for tackling this map.
  • While dedicated ASW setups are not necessary, mixed ASW set-ups can be considered for DDs.

Recommended Fleets

Medium Fleet
Fleet 3 CA(V)/CLT/AV, 1 CL, 2 DD

1 BB(V)/CV(B/L), 2 CA(V), 1 CL, 2 DD

LoS Speed
Any Any
RouteNode Types:
BLUE: Empty/Choice
RED: Battle
GREEN: Resource/TP
VIOLET: Maelstrom
PURPLE: Night Battle
PINK: Air Raid/Battle
ORANGE: Enemy Ambush/ASS
  • A B D H J
  • C F D H J
Fleet Notes Always fight 3 battles pre-boss but allow stronger ships that help withstand enemy shots compared to the light comp.
Air State AD AP AS AS+
11 16 36 72
Light Fleet
Fleet 1 CA(V), 1 CL, 4 DD
LoS Speed
Any Any
RouteNode Types:
BLUE: Empty/Choice
RED: Battle
GREEN: Resource/TP
VIOLET: Maelstrom
PURPLE: Night Battle
PINK: Air Raid/Battle
ORANGE: Enemy Ambush/ASS
  • A B D H J
  • C F H J
Fleet Notes Cheapest composition, but requires high-level CL and DD as they need to dodge the closing torpedo if they didn't disable all of the enemies CA, CL, and DD in advance.
Air State AD AP AS AS+
11 16 36 72
Heavy Fleet
Fleet 2 CV(B/L), 1 CLT, 3 XX (XX cannot be (F)BB(V)/CV(B/L))
LoS Speed
Any Any
RouteNode Types:
BLUE: Empty/Choice
RED: Battle
GREEN: Resource/TP
VIOLET: Maelstrom
PURPLE: Night Battle
PINK: Air Raid/Battle
ORANGE: Enemy Ambush/ASS
  • A B D G J
  • C F D G J
Fleet Notes Heaviest comp, with a slightly harder pre-boss, as you will always go to Node G where Battleship Ta-Class are awaiting, in exchange, you get to bring CV(B/L) for opening airstrikes and more firepower on the way to the boss and at the boss node itself.
Air State AD AP AS AS+
11 16 36 72

Resource Nodes

B is a "Normal Resource Node" rewarding fuel Fuel.

  • See here for more details.

Enemy Compositions

4-1 A: 敵水雷戦隊 (PoiDB)
# Enemy
Base EXP Normal Battle Node AD/AP
A Line Ahead
Double Line
140 Light Cruiser Ho-Class Flagship (1554): 36 Armor, 53 HPBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Torpedo Cruiser Chi-Class Elite (1521): 34 Armor, 50 HP Torpedo Cruiser Chi-Class Elite (1521): 34 Armor, 50 HP Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP
Line Ahead
Double Line
150 Light Cruiser Ho-Class Flagship (1554): 36 Armor, 53 HPBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Torpedo Cruiser Chi-Class Elite (1521): 34 Armor, 50 HP Torpedo Cruiser Chi-Class Elite (1521): 34 Armor, 50 HP Torpedo Cruiser Chi-Class Elite (1521): 34 Armor, 50 HP Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HP Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HP
Line Ahead
Double Line
160 Light Cruiser Ho-Class Flagship (1554): 36 Armor, 53 HPBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Torpedo Cruiser Chi-Class Flagship (1559): 60 Armor, 70 HP Torpedo Cruiser Chi-Class Elite (1521): 34 Armor, 50 HP Torpedo Cruiser Chi-Class Elite (1521): 34 Armor, 50 HP Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HP Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HP
# Enemy
Base EXP Normal Battle Node AD/AP
4-1 B
# Resource Node
B Gained 40~120 Fuel
# Resource Node
4-1 C: 敵哨戒艦隊 (PoiDB)
# Enemy
Base EXP Normal Battle Node AD/AP
C Line Ahead
Double Line
150 Light Cruiser He-Class Flagship (1555): 39 Armor, 57 HPBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Light Cruiser He-Class Elite (1519): 32 Armor, 52 HP Light Cruiser He-Class Elite (1519): 32 Armor, 52 HP Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP
Line Ahead
Double Line
170 Light Cruiser He-Class Flagship (1555): 39 Armor, 57 HPBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Light Cruiser He-Class Elite (1519): 32 Armor, 52 HP Light Cruiser He-Class Elite (1519): 32 Armor, 52 HP Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HP Destroyer I-Class Late Model (1575): 22 Armor, 35 HP Destroyer I-Class Late Model (1575): 22 Armor, 35 HP
Line Ahead
Double Line
180 Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class Flagship (1527): 70 Armor, 76 HPBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Light Cruiser He-Class Elite (1519): 32 Armor, 52 HP Light Cruiser He-Class Elite (1519): 32 Armor, 52 HP Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HP Destroyer I-Class Late Model (1575): 22 Armor, 35 HP Destroyer I-Class Late Model (1575): 22 Armor, 35 HP
# Enemy
Base EXP Normal Battle Node AD/AP
4-1 D: 敵東方潜水艦隊 警戒隊 (PoiDB)
# Enemy
Base EXP Normal Battle Node AD/AP
D Echelon 160 Submarine Ka-Class (1530): 7 Armor, 19 HPBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Submarine Ka-Class (1530): 7 Armor, 19 HP Submarine Ka-Class (1530): 7 Armor, 19 HP Light Cruiser Ho-Class Elite (1518): 30 Armor, 48 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP
Echelon 170 Submarine Ka-Class Elite (1532): 21 Armor, 27 HPBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Submarine Ka-Class (1530): 7 Armor, 19 HP Submarine Ka-Class (1530): 7 Armor, 19 HP Light Cruiser Ho-Class Elite (1518): 30 Armor, 48 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP
Echelon 180 Submarine Ka-Class Elite (1532): 21 Armor, 27 HPBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Submarine Ka-Class (1530): 7 Armor, 19 HP Submarine Ka-Class (1530): 7 Armor, 19 HP Light Cruiser Ho-Class Elite (1518): 30 Armor, 48 HP Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP
Echelon 190 Submarine Ka-Class Elite (1532): 21 Armor, 27 HPBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Submarine Ka-Class (1530): 7 Armor, 19 HP Submarine Ka-Class (1530): 7 Armor, 19 HP Light Cruiser Ho-Class Elite (1518): 30 Armor, 48 HP Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HP Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HP
Echelon 190 Submarine Ka-Class Elite (1532): 21 Armor, 27 HPBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Submarine Ka-Class (1530): 7 Armor, 19 HP Submarine Ka-Class (1530): 7 Armor, 19 HP Submarine Ka-Class (1530): 7 Armor, 19 HP Light Cruiser Ho-Class Elite (1518): 30 Armor, 48 HP Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HP
Echelon 190 Submarine Ka-Class Elite (1532): 21 Armor, 27 HPBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Submarine Ka-Class (1530): 7 Armor, 19 HP Submarine Ka-Class (1530): 7 Armor, 19 HP Submarine Ka-Class (1530): 7 Armor, 19 HP Submarine Ka-Class (1530): 7 Armor, 19 HP 0/0
# Enemy
Base EXP Normal Battle Node AD/AP
4-1 E: 敵増援強襲輸送船団 (PoiDB)
# Enemy
Base EXP Normal Battle Node AD/AP
E Double Line 300 Transport Ship Wa-Class Elite (1526): 35 Armor, 80 HPBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Transport Ship Wa-Class Elite (1526): 35 Armor, 80 HP Light Cruiser Ho-Class Flagship (1554): 36 Armor, 53 HP Destroyer I-Class Late Model (1575): 22 Armor, 35 HP Destroyer I-Class Late Model (1575): 22 Armor, 35 HP Destroyer I-Class Late Model (1575): 22 Armor, 35 HP
Double Line 300 Transport Ship Wa-Class Elite (1526): 35 Armor, 80 HPBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Transport Ship Wa-Class Elite (1526): 35 Armor, 80 HP Transport Ship Wa-Class Elite (1526): 35 Armor, 80 HP Light Cruiser Ho-Class Flagship (1554): 36 Armor, 53 HP Destroyer I-Class Late Model (1575): 22 Armor, 35 HP Destroyer I-Class Late Model (1575): 22 Armor, 35 HP
Double Line 310 Transport Ship Wa-Class Flagship (1558): 65 Armor, 130 HPBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Transport Ship Wa-Class Elite (1526): 35 Armor, 80 HP Transport Ship Wa-Class Elite (1526): 35 Armor, 80 HP Battleship Ru-Class Elite (1524): 85 Armor, 90 HP Destroyer I-Class Late Model (1575): 22 Armor, 35 HP Destroyer I-Class Late Model (1575): 22 Armor, 35 HP
Double Line 320 Transport Ship Wa-Class Flagship (1558): 65 Armor, 130 HPBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Transport Ship Wa-Class Flagship (1558): 65 Armor, 130 HP Battleship Ru-Class Elite (1524): 85 Armor, 90 HP Battleship Ru-Class Elite (1524): 85 Armor, 90 HP Destroyer I-Class Late Model (1575): 22 Armor, 35 HP Destroyer I-Class Late Model (1575): 22 Armor, 35 HP
Double Line 330 Transport Ship Wa-Class Flagship (1558): 65 Armor, 130 HPBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Transport Ship Wa-Class Flagship (1558): 65 Armor, 130 HP Battleship Ru-Class Flagship (1529): 99 Armor, 98 HP Battleship Ru-Class Flagship (1529): 99 Armor, 98 HP Destroyer I-Class Late Model (1575): 22 Armor, 35 HP Destroyer I-Class Late Model (1575): 22 Armor, 35 HP
# Enemy
Base EXP Normal Battle Node AD/AP
4-1 F
# Empty Node
F 気のせいだった。/敵影を見ず。/穏やかな海です。/穏やかな海峡です。/警戒が必要です。/静かな海です。
Must be my imagination./No enemy spotted./Calm seas./Calm straits./Be alert./Peaceful seas.
# Empty Node
4-1 G: 東方艦隊 先遣戦艦部隊 (PoiDB)
# Enemy
Base EXP Normal Battle Node AD/AP
G Line Ahead
Double Line
250 Battleship Ta-Class Elite (1542): 88 Armor, 88 HPBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Battleship Ta-Class (1541): 80 Armor, 84 HP Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HP Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP
Line Ahead
Double Line
280 Battleship Ta-Class Elite (1542): 88 Armor, 88 HPBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Battleship Ta-Class (1541): 80 Armor, 84 HP Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HP Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HP Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HP Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HP
Line Ahead
Double Line
300 Battleship Ta-Class Elite (1542): 88 Armor, 88 HPBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Battleship Ta-Class Elite (1542): 88 Armor, 88 HP Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HP Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HP Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HP Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HP
# Enemy
Base EXP Normal Battle Node AD/AP
4-1 H: 敵深海連合巡洋艦戦隊 (PoiDB)
# Enemy
Base EXP Normal Battle Node AD/AP
H Line Ahead
Double Line
200 Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class Flagship (1527): 70 Armor, 76 HPBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Light Cruiser He-Class Flagship (1555): 39 Armor, 57 HP Light Cruiser Ho-Class Elite (1518): 30 Armor, 48 HP Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP
Line Ahead
Double Line
210 Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class Flagship (1527): 70 Armor, 76 HPBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class Flagship (1527): 70 Armor, 76 HP Light Cruiser He-Class Flagship (1555): 39 Armor, 57 HP Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP
Line Ahead
Double Line
220 Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class Flagship (1527): 70 Armor, 76 HPBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class Flagship (1527): 70 Armor, 76 HP Light Cruiser He-Class Flagship (1555): 39 Armor, 57 HP Light Cruiser Ho-Class Elite (1518): 30 Armor, 48 HP Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HP Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HP
Line Ahead
Double Line
230 Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class Flagship (1527): 70 Armor, 76 HPBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class Flagship (1527): 70 Armor, 76 HP Light Cruiser He-Class Flagship (1555): 39 Armor, 57 HP Light Cruiser Ho-Class Flagship (1554): 36 Armor, 53 HP Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HP Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HP
# Enemy
Base EXP Normal Battle Node AD/AP
4-1 I
# Empty Node
I 気のせいだった。/敵影を見ず。/穏やかな海です。/穏やかな海峡です。/警戒が必要です。/静かな海です。
Must be my imagination./No enemy spotted./Calm seas./Calm straits./Be alert./Peaceful seas.
# Empty Node
4-1 J: 敵深海連合部隊 司令部艦隊 (PoiDB)
# Enemy
Base EXP Boss Battle Node AD/AP
J Line Ahead 330 Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class Flagship (1527): 70 Armor, 76 HPBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class Elite (1522): 60 Armor, 60 HP Light Cruiser Ho-Class Elite (1518): 30 Armor, 48 HP Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HP Destroyer I-Class Late Model (1575): 22 Armor, 35 HP Destroyer I-Class Late Model (1575): 22 Armor, 35 HP
Line Ahead 340 Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class Flagship (1527): 70 Armor, 76 HPBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class Elite (1522): 60 Armor, 60 HP Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class Elite (1522): 60 Armor, 60 HP Light Cruiser Ho-Class Flagship (1554): 36 Armor, 53 HP Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HP Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HP
Line Ahead 350 Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class Flagship (1527): 70 Armor, 76 HPBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class Flagship (1527): 70 Armor, 76 HP Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class Elite (1522): 60 Armor, 60 HP Light Cruiser Ho-Class Flagship (1554): 36 Armor, 53 HP Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HP Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HP
Line Ahead 360 Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class Flagship (1527): 70 Armor, 76 HPBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class Flagship (1527): 70 Armor, 76 HP Light Carrier Nu-Class Elite (1523): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 24 AP Light Cruiser Ho-Class Flagship (1554): 36 Armor, 53 HP Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HP Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HP
Line Ahead 370 Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class Flagship (1527): 70 Armor, 76 HPBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class Flagship (1527): 70 Armor, 76 HP Light Carrier Nu-Class Elite (1523): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 24 AP Light Cruiser He-Class Flagship (1555): 39 Armor, 57 HP Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HP Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HP
Line Ahead 380 Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class Flagship (1527): 70 Armor, 76 HPBattle Card Flagship Icon.png Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class Flagship (1527): 70 Armor, 76 HP Light Carrier Nu-Class Flagship (1560): 70 Armor, 84 HP, 23 AP Light Cruiser He-Class Flagship (1555): 39 Armor, 57 HP Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HP Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model (1576): 26 Armor, 37 HP
# Enemy
Base EXP Boss Battle Node AD/AP

Ship Drops

Ship drops
Type Ship? A C D E G H J
DD Uranami ✔️
DD Shimakaze ✔️
CL Kitakami ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
CL Kinu ✔️
CL Abukuma ✔️
CL Sendai ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
CL Yuubari ✔️
CA Myoukou ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
CA Takao ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
CA Atago ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
CA Mogami ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
CA Tone ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
CA Chikuma ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
CVL Ryuujou ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
CVL Shouhou ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
CVL Hiyou ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
CVL Junyou ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
FBB Kongou ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
FBB Hiei ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
FBB Haruna ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
FBB Kirishima ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
BB Fusou ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
BB Yamashiro ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
BB Ise ✔️
BB Hyuuga ✔️
BB Mutsu ✔️
CV Kaga ✔️
CV Souryuu ✔️ ✔️
CV Hiryuu ✔️
DD Fumizuki ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
DD Fubuki ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
DD Murakumo ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
DD Ayanami ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
DD Shikinami ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
DD Akatsuki ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
DD Hibiki ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
DD Ikazuchi ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
DD Inazuma ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
DD Shigure ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
DD Asashio ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
DD Ooshio ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
DD Arashio ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
DD Kagerou ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
DD Shiranui ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
DD Kuroshio ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
CL Tenryuu ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
CL Tatsuta ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
CL Tama ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
CL Kiso ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
CL Isuzu ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
CL Natori ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
CL Yura ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
CL Jintsuu ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
CL Naka ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
CA Kako ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
CA Nachi ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
CA Ashigara ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
CA Haguro ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
CA Maya ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
CA Choukai ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
CVL Houshou ✔️
SS I-168 ✔️
AV Chitose ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
AV Chiyoda ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️