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Crafting requires FuelAmmunitionSteelBauxiteresources and Development materialdevelopment materials (one dev. mat. is required for each attempt). The rarity and success rate depend on the resource recipe used and your flagship's class. Your flagship is the lead ship in your fleet marked #1.

Some equipment are not craftable, see list below.

Often you will fail to produce an item from a recipe, denoted by the penguin-in-a-box screen. In this case, the development material used will be refunded. Development materials can be found by completing quests, expeditions, and World 2-4.

Please Read This First

  • The recipes presented here do not guarantee that you will get what you want.
  • Percentage of success relates to: HQ Level, Secretary Ship Type, and amount of resources used.
  • Page recipes should come from databases or external sites with at least hundreds of documented attempts. For your own personal lucky recipes and experiences, please use the comments section.

Development Theory

According to gathered data, equipment development follows a few patterns. Theoretically, the recipe for any piece of equipment is 10 times its scrap value. However, some specific equipment can only be built when the Secretary Ship can equip that equipment. Also, the resource you use the most of in a given attempt will increase the likelihood of related equipment types types: Ammo creates Weapons, Steel creates Engines, Bauxite creates Aircraft, Radar or Sonar.

Development recipes

Input material can be adjusted by one digit unit at the top and bottom of the frame that says the number in the "▼" button "▲".

NOTE: These recipes are the minimum required resource costs, condensed down to the most recommended equipment for ease of navigation and use. If you would like to see recipes for other items, please see List of development recipes by item. Yellow Highlighted recipes have large samples sizes and are more likely to have accurate data.

Naval Aircraft

HQ level required: 20
HQ level Recommended: 30
Recommended Flagship: Armored Aircraft Carrier, Standard Aircraft Carrier

Fuel Ammunition Steel Bauxite Data Note
20 60 10 110 6962 Data

2.6% Reppuu (Strong Gale)
2.1% Shiden Kai 2 (Violet Lightning)
4.4% Ryuusei (Shooting Star)
2.3% Ryuusei Kai (Shooting Star)
3.9% Saiun (Iridescent Cloud)
2.6% Suisei (Comet) M12A
2.8% Type 62 Zero F/B (4381 Data)

All Model, except
SeaplaneObservation Seaplane,
Reconnaissance AircraftType 2 Recon Aircraft)
20 60 10 111 1306 Data

1.8% Reppuu (Strong Gale)
1.5% Shiden Kai 2 (Violet Lightning)
4.4% Ryuusei (Shooting Star)
2.9% Ryuusei Kai (Shooting Star)
4.1% Saiun (Iridescent Cloud)
2.7% Suisei (Comet) M12A
1.4% Type 62 Zero F/B (417 Data)

Increasing Bauxite will increase the chance to get better result
20 60 10 100 Less than 5% 2Sホロ (Holo S),

less than 9% ホロ (Holo),
About 33% レア(Rare).
12363 Data
2.5% Reppuu (Strong Gale)
1.9% Shiden Kai 2 (Violet Lightning)
4.0% Ryuusei (Shooting Star)
2.3% Ryuusei Kai (Shooting Star)
0.1% Saiun (Iridescent Cloud)
2.2% Suisei (Comet) M12A
2.3% Type 62 Zero F/B (7451 Data)

Reconnaissance Aircraft nearly do not appear with 100 Bauxite
20 90 60 100 1088 Data

2.3% Reppuu (Strong Gale)
2.5% Shiden Kai 2 (Violet Lightning)
4.2% Ryuusei (Shooting Star)
1.9% Ryuusei Kai (Shooting Star)
2.0% Suisei (Comet) M12A
2.9% Type 62 Zero F/B(522 Data)
5.5% Type 3 Shell

Have a chance to create
Anti-Aircraft ShellType 3 Shell
20 30 10 90 2324 Data

2.1% Reppuu (Strong Gale)
1.8% Shiden Kai 2 (Violet Lightning)
2.1% Suisei (Comet) M12A
3.2% Type 62 Zero F/B(1825 Data)

Focus on Dive Bomber and Fighter type recipe
20 30 10 40 3406 Data

2.1% Suisei (Comet) M12A
1.7% Type 62 Zero F/B(2686 Data)

Focus on Dive Bomber type recipe
20 20 10 90 2023 Data

2.3% Reppuu (Strong Gale)
2.0% Shiden Kai 2 (Violet Lightning)

Focus on Fighter type recipe
50 60 30 120 1751 Data

2.5% Reppuu (Strong Gale)
2.2% Shiden Kai 2 (Violet Lightning)
4.4% Ryuusei (Shooting Star)
2.6% Ryuusei Kai (Shooting Star)
4.1% Saiun (Iridescent Cloud)
3.0% Suisei (Comet) M12A
2.2% Type 62 Zero F/B(895 data)

Get all model; it's posible to get
Reconnaissance AircraftType 2 Recon Aircraft
if Bauxite input is 130
10 10 20 20 2.2% Observation Seaplane (10780 Data) Stock equipment of Yamato and Musashi
20 10 2.1% Observation Seaplane (6989 Data)
30 20 10 130 654 Data

1.8% Reppuu (Strong Gale)
2.0% Shiden Kai 2 (Violet Lightning)
2.9% Saiun (Iridescent Cloud)
1.2% Type 2 Recon Aircraft

Standard recipe for
Reconnaissance AircraftType 2 Recon Aircraft
30 60 10 130 722 Data

2.8% Reppuu (Strong Gale)
2.6% Shiden Kai 2 (Violet Lightning)
3.5% Ryuusei (Shooting Star)
1.8% Ryuusei Kai (Shooting Star)
4.6% Saiun (Iridescent Cloud)
2.6% Type 2 Recon Aircraft
1.8% Suisei (Comet) M12A
2.2% Type 62 Zero F/B

Advanced recipe for
Reconnaissance AircraftType 2 Recon Aircraft,
also chance to get all type of aircraft

Surface Combat Equipment

HQ level required: 20
HQ level Recommended: 30
Recommended Flagship: Heavy Battleship, Battleship, Fast Battleship, Aviation Battleship

Fuel Ammunition Steel Bauxite Data Note
10 300 250 10 1222 Data

5.6% 46cm gun
5.2% 15.5cm Triple gun (Yellow)
2.2% Type 91 AP
2.2% Type A Ko-hyoteki

Good Recipe for gathering
Large Caliber Main Gun46cm gun, and
Secondary Gun 15.5cm Triple Gun (Yellow)
10 251 250 10 5519 Data

3.7% 46cm gun
3.3% 15.5cm Triple gun (Yellow)
2.1% Type 91 AP
1.9% Type A Ko-hyoteki

100 251 250 30 699 Data

3.9% 46cm gun
1.4% 15.5cm Triple gun (Yellow)
2.2% Type 91 AP
3.3% Type 3 Shell
4.0% Enhanced Steam Boiler
3.0% Improved Steam Turbine

Have chance produce Engine Improvement Engine
10 90 90 30 2056 Data

1.7% 10cm High Angle gun
3.7% 15.5cm Triple gun (Yellow)
7.4% Type 3 Shell
4.7% Type 91 AP

no heavy artillery, focus on shell type weapon:
Anti-Aircraft ShellType 3 Shell
Armor-Piercing ShellType 91 AP
10 20 50 10 3134 Data

4.1% 10cm High Angle gun
3.1% 15.5cm Triple gun (Yellow)
1.2% Drum Canister(1637 Data)
36.5% Penguin

focus on Secondary Gun15.5cm Triple gun (Yellow)
10 10 30 10 7354 Data

9.8% 10cm High Angle gun
3.9% Drum Canister (5902 Data)
52.3% Penguin

Secretary: DD or CL
focus on High-Angle Gun 10cm High Angle gun

Anti-submarine Warfare

HQ level required: 10
HQ level Recommended: 20
Recommended Flagship: Destroyer, Light Cruiser, Torpedo Cruiser, Submarine
Note that Submarine cannot equip Depth Charge

Fuel Ammunition Steel Bauxite Data Note
10 10 10 20 8794 Data

2.0% Type 3 SONAR
5.2% Type 93 SONAR
59.6% Penguin

With 59.6% penguin, theoretically 3.4% chance to get
SONARType 3 SONAR per Development material
10 10 10 11 314 Data

4.1% Type 93 SONAR
86.9% Penguin

Good for daily quests, with 86.9% chance to return your Development material
10 30 10 10 5707 Data

2.4% Type 3 Depth Charge
11.5% Type 94 Depth Charge
61.2% Penguin

With 61.2% penguin,
theoretically 3.9% chance to get
Depth ChargesType 3 Depth Charge per Development material
10 30 10 31 7116 Data

2.1% Type 3 SONAR
6.2% Type 93 SONAR
2.1% Type 3 Depth Charge
9.9% Type 94 Depth Charge
36.2% Penguin

Use Shimakaze for higher chance of Type 3 Sonar (unconfirmed)
10 50 10 51 1204 Data

2.2% Type 3 SONAR
6.3% Type 93 SONAR
1.8% Type 3 Depth Charge
9.0% Type 94 Depth Charge
2.6% 25mm Triple Autocannon Mount
33.6% Penguin

Increasing material will decrease the chance to get penguin


HQ level required: 20
HQ level Recommended: 30
Recommended Flagship: Battleship, Aviation Battleship, Aircraft Carrier

Fuel Ammunition Steel Bauxite Data Note
10 10 250 250 1997 Data

1.6% (S) Type 13 Air RADAR
0.2% (S) Type 22 Surface RADAR
2.3% (S) Type 33 Surface RADAR
2.0% (L) Type 21 Air RADAR
2.2% (L) Type 14 Air RADAR
2.0% (L) Type 32 Surface RADAR
1.8% 10cm High Angle gun

10 11 251 250 9525 Data

2.0% (S) Type 13 Air RADAR
0.3% (S) Type 22 Surface RADAR
2.2% (S) Type 33 Surface RADAR
1.8% (L) Type 21 Air RADAR
2.2% (L) Type 14 Air RADAR
2.4% (L) Type 32 Surface RADAR
2.1% 10cm High Angle gun
0.4% Type 0 Observation Seaplane (3964 Data)

20 20 250 250 2573 Data

1.6% (S) Type 13 Air RADAR
2.1% (S) Type 22 Surface RADAR
1.9% (S) Type 33 Surface RADAR
2.1% (L) Type 21 Air RADAR
2.3% (L) Type 14 Air RADAR
2.4% (L) Type 32 Surface RADAR
6.6% 10cm High Angle gun
0.2% 15.5cm gun (Yellow)
0.4% Reppuu (Strong Gale)
2.7% Observation Seaplane(2192 Data)

Flagship: Aircraft Carrier
Holo RADAR chance slightly decrease
have chance obtain:
FighterReppuu (Strong Gale), and
SeaplaneObservation Seaplane
10 251 250 150 306 Data

3.6% 46cm gun
2.3% Type 22 Surface RADAR
1.0% Type 33 Surface RADAR

Flagship: Battleship
no Air RADAR
have chance to obtain
Large Caliber Main Gun46cm Triple Gun Mount


HQ level required: 20
HQ level Recommended: 30
Recommended Flagship: Battleship, Aviation Battleship, Aircraft Carrier

Fuel Ammunition Steel Bauxite Data Note
100 10 200 10 788 Data

2.9% Enhanced Steam Boiler
4.1% Improved Steam Turbine
2.9% 10cm High Angle gun

Focus on Engine Improvement Only
100 251 250 10 1491 Data

3.8% Enhanced Steam Boiler
4.1% Improved Steam Turbine
4.6% 46cm gun
3.9% 15.5cm gun (Yellow)
1.6% Type 91 AP
2.6% Type A Ko-hyoteki

Flagship: Battleship
more material to spent but have chance to obtain
Large Caliber Main Gun46cm Triple Gun Mount


Drum Canister

HQ level required: 10
HQ level Recommended: 20
Recommended Flagship: Destroyer, Light Cruiser
Drum CanisterDrum Canister can be obtained from Weekly Quest F12

Fuel Ammunition Steel Bauxite Data Note
10 10 10 10 9903 Data

4.2% Drum Canister
69.9% Penguin

10 10 11 10 5089 Data

4.6% Drum Canister
70.7% Penguin

slightly higher chance to obtain
Drum CanisterDrum Canister
10 10 30 10 7354 Data

9.8% 10cm High Angle gun
3.9% Drum Canister
52.3% Penguin

have chance to obtain
High-Angle Gun 10cm High Angle gun

Equipment Currently not Craftable

List of equipment currently not craftable but obtainable as stock equipment from ships, or using Akashi's Improvement Arsenal upgrading from normally obtainable equipment. Note that some of these ships may be event-exclusive drop or reward, see Ships_currently_not_buildable.

No Name Where to get
048 12.7cm High-angle Mount Yuubari(Lv35), Yayoi(Lv20)
050 20.3cm(no.3) Twin Gun Mount Mikuma(Lv30), Kinugasa(Lv55), Tone(Lv70+Blueprint), Chikuma(Lv70+Blueprint), Improvement Arsenal (from 20.3cm Twin Gun Mount)
051 12cm 30-tube Rocket Launcher Shoukaku(Lv30), Zuikaku(Lv25), Chitose(Lv35, Lv50), Chiyoda(Lv35, Lv50), Ryuuhou(Lv50+Blueprint), Unryuu(Lv1), Junyou(Lv80), Fusou(Lv80+Blueprint)
058 61cm Quint (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount Kitakami(Lv50), Ooi(Lv50), Kiso(Lv65), Improvement Arsenal (from 61cm Quad (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount)
062 Prototype Seiran I-401(Lv35)
063 12.7cm Twin Mount Type-B Kai 2 Yuudachi(Lv55), Ayanami(Lv70), Harusame(Lv30), Hatsuharu(Lv65)
065 15.2cm Naval Gun Agano (Lv1, Lv35), Noshiro (Lv1, Lv35), Yahagi(Lv1, Lv35), Sakawa(Lv1), Ooyodo(Lv35)
066 8cm Twin High-angle Mount Agano (Lv1), Noshiro(Lv1), Yahagi(Lv1), Sakawa(Lv1)
068 Daihatsu-class Landing Craft Akitsumaru(Lv1)
069 Ka-type Observation Autogyro Akitsumaru(Lv35)
070 Type 3 Spotter/Liaison (ASW) Akitsumaru(Lv35)
071 10cm Twin High-angle Mount Taihou(Lv40), Ooyodo(Lv1)
074 Searchlight Jintsuu(Lv65), Kirishima(Lv75), Sendai(Lv60), Ayanami(Lv70), Yamashiro(Lv80+Blueprint), Furutaka(Lv65)
076 38cm Twin Gun Mount Bismarck(Lv1, Lv30, 50+Blueprint)
077 15cm Twin Gun Mount Bismarck(Lv1, Lv30)
078 12.7cm Naval Gun Z1(Lv1, Lv30, Lv70), Z3(Lv1, Lv30,Lv70)
079 Zuiun (634 Air Group) Tone(Lv70+Blueprint), Chikuma(Lv70+Blueprint)
080 Zuiun Model 12 Fusou(Lv80+Blueprint), Yamashiro(Lv80+Blueprint)
082 Type 97 Torpedo Bomber (931 Air Group) Ryuuhou(Lv50+Blueprint)
084 2cm Flakvierling 38 Bismarck(Lv50+Blueprint), Z1(Lv70), Prinz Eugen(Lv45)
085 3.7cm FlaK M42 Bismarck(Lv50+Blueprint, Lv75+2*Blueprint), Z3(Lv70)
086 Ship Repair Facility Akashi(Lv1, Lv35)
087 New High Pressure-Temperature Steam Boiler Amatsukaze(Lv20)
090 20.3cm(no.2) Twin Gun Mount Haguro(Lv65x2), Myoukou(Lv70x2), Furutaka(Lv65x2)
091 12.7cm Twin High-Angle Mount (Late Model) Urakaze(Lv35), Tokitsukaze(Lv30), Isokaze(Lv45), Asagumo(Lv35), Nowaki(Lv35)
092 HI-type 40mm Twin Machine Gun Taigei(Lv1), Harusame(Lv1)
093 Type 97 Torpedo Bomber (Tomonaga Squadron) Hiryuu(Lv77)
096 Type 21 Zero Fighter (Skilled) Hiryuu(Lv77), Souryuu(Lv78)
097 Type 99 Dive Bomber (Skilled) Hiryuu(Lv77)
098 Type 97 Torpedo Bomber (Skilled) Souryuu(Lv78)
099 Type 99 Dive Bomber (Egusa Squadron) Souryuu(Lv78)
101 Star Shell Sendai(Lv60), Ayanami(Lv70)
102 Type 98 Recon Seaplane (Night Scout) Sendai(Lv60)
103 Prototype 35.6cm Triple Gun Mount Improvement Arsenal(from 35.6cm Twin Gun Mount)
104 35.6cm Twin Gun Mount (Dazzle Camouflage) Haruna(Lv80x2)
105 Prototype 41cm Triple Cannon Fusou(Lv80+Blueprint), Yamashiro(Lv80+Blueprint)
106 Type 13 AIR RADAR Kai Ooyodo(Lv35), Isokaze(Lv45), Junyou(Lv80), Hatsuharu(Lv65), Akizuki(Lv40)
107 Fleet Command Facility Ooyodo(Lv35)
109 Zero Fighter Type 52 Type C (601 Air Group) Unryuu(Lv50+Blueprint)
111 Suisei (601 Air Group) Unryuu(Lv50+Blueprint)
112 Tenzan (601 Air Group) Unryuu(Lv50+Blueprint)
114 38cm Twin Gun Mount Kai Bismarck(Lv75+2*Blueprint x2)
115 Ar196 Kai Bismarck(Lv75+2*Blueprint), Prinz Eugen(Lv1)
119 14cm Twin Gun Mount Improvement Arsenal(from 14cm Naval Gun)
122 10cm Twin High-angle Mount + Anti-Aircraft Fire Director Akizuki(Lv1, Lv40)
123 SKC34 20.3cm Twin Cannon Prinz Eugen(Lv1, Lv45)
124 FuMO25 Radar Prinz Eugen(Lv45)
No Name Where to get