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In this 3 page article, Iori Nomizu talks about her voice acting her voice acting for [[Shoukaku]] and [[Zuikaku]] and her work during the [[Winter 2018 Event]] and various other works. She then begins to follow up discussing her impression the working on and voicing [[Nelson]] from the [[Early Fall 2018 Event]].
In this 3 page article, Iori Nomizu talks about her voice acting her voice acting for [[Shoukaku]] and [[Zuikaku]] and her work during the [[Winter 2018 Event]] and various other works. She then begins to follow up discussing her impression the working on and voicing [[Nelson]] from the [[Early Fall 2018 Event]].
Finally, she talks briefly about her expectations of her impression of the last live events she partook in.
Finally, she talks briefly about her expectations of her impression of the last few live events she partook in and attended.
===Iori Nomizu Interview===
====Please make use of Nelson’s Touch!====
'''Recollecting her passionate performance as Zuikaku or Abyssal Crane Princess during the Battle of Leyte (Part 2), Nomizu Iori is also responsible for the new British battleship, Nelson! We’re going to thoroughly examine personality and the hidden meaning behind the voice lines of this new girl, implemented during the Early Fall Event. '''
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! style="width:50%;"| Japanese !! style="width:50%;"| English
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'''Interviewer: KanColle Phase Two has finally began, but first, let’s talk about the event which marked the end of Phase One, the “[[Winter 2018 Event|Battle of Leyte (Part 2)]]”. Would you mind sharing your impressions or feelings accompanying you when recording the special lines for the Shipgirls participating in that campaign?'''
Iori: When I’ve first read the script, I was already moved to tears, it was really touching. Looking back at the recording, when Shoukaku’s turn came, the feeling of going someplace they’ve never been able to reach together was way too strong. It really made me want to lead her and her sister there. With the pointers I’d received I decided to voice them a little bit softer than usual. Thinking about it, I felt my entire body tensing up. Not only it was a major event signifying the end of Phase One, but it was also a key one for [[Zuikaku]] and [[Shoukaku]], I was also thinking about the huge expectations that everybody has had. I was planning on going all out during the recordings. However, in reality, I was a bundle of nerves waiting for the reactions. What would I do if people thought it should had been done differently? In the end, I’ve received a lot of “thank you” messages, so I think it turned out well.
'''Interviewer: Speaking about reactions, you also participated in the alarm clock recordings for the June edition of this magazine. They received overwhelmingly positive reactions. If they’ve left any lasting impression on you, please let us hear about it.'''
'''Iori:'''  This sweeter-than-usual [[Zuikaku]] caused a lot of great reactions, but I think that the reverberating voice of the [[Abyssal Crane Princess]] has left the biggest impression. The parodies of her original lines also received a lot of positively surprised opinion. The recordings themselves were fun too.
'''Interviewer: Did these, rather peculiar, voice lines require you to change your usual way of voice acting?'''
'''Iori:''' Let’s see… For example, [[Shoukaku]] also announces the time, but she already gives off that vibe of being very close to you, so I don’t think much has changed. [[Zuikaku]], on the other hand, had a lot of impactful and impression leaving lines during the “Battle of Leyte (Part 2)” event, so I think their influence can be heard. I wonder if that last “I love you” carried all these special feelings and emotions with it. It wasn’t that sweet lovey-dovey thing for sure. I think she let those words slip because of all the various thoughts and feelings of gratitude towards the Admiral who fought alongside her. With this in mind, it’s more like between childhood friends, but I think it turned out like something said to somebody much closer.
'''Interviewer: I hear you’ve also voiced the new Shipgirl planned to arrive for the first event of KanColle Phase 2, the battleship [[Nelson]]. What were your thoughts when you got chosen to voice her?'''
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'''伊織:'''「長門」、「陸奥」と並ぶビッグセブンの一隻でもあるということで、どういう声にしようかな、やっぱり結構低いしっかりした声なのかなといろいろ考えたのですが、見た目はキリッとしていても、ものすごい体格というわけでもなさそうなイメージでしたし…一部の装甲は厚そうでしたけど。イメージ的には貴族や姫騎士っぽさを感じたので、強いというよりは高貴な感じにしていこうということでやらせていただきました。そうしたら、だんだん時報ボイスとか、そのほかのボイスで「あれ…この子はもしかsテ、ちょっと愛せるところもある?」というな部分もチラホラと出てきまして。そういうようなところがギャップがあってかわいかったです。かと思えば「Ark Royal」との掛け合いのようなセリフではツッコミというか、先輩らしさというか、ちょっと心配するようなところも見せていたり、非常に魅力的なセリフがたくさんありましたね。
'''伊織:'''うかつでした(笑)。海外艦をやりたいと思うからには外国語のセリフもついて回るというあたりがわかってはいたものの頭からスコーンと抜けていて。台本をいただいたあとに発音を調べたり、いろいろな人がしゃべっているのを聞きまくって、深夜までひとりで勉強したりしていました。個人的に一番難しかったのは「Enemy is in sight」というセリフですね。それと英語に続いて日本語でしゃべるところとかも切り替えが難しくて、内田秀ちゃんは本当にすごいなと思いました。
'''伊織:'''時報では「長門」や「大和」とかいろいろな艦娘に出会ったり、感想をいうようなところがあって、それがとても楽しくて。「Ark Royal」とのやり取りもそうですが仲間とラム酒を飲んだり、明け方には「ソウインオコーシ」って日本の真似をしながら起こしてくれたり。かと思えばちょっと感傷にひたってみたりとか、ネルソンさんのいろいろな表情が見られるのがね。「ご飯は当然持ってきてもらうもの」みたいに思っている幹事で、それを嫌味もなく当たり前の感じている当たりも彼女らしいところかなって思います。
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'''Iori:''' Foreign ship… After seeing a certain movie, I particularly wanted to do a British ship. However, the truth is I didn’t even think that it would be a battleship. When I saw it saying “super dreadnaught”, I was like “Aaaaa!”, it made me a bit anxious.
'''Interviewer: How would you describe her and the way you approached the recording?'''
'''Iori:''' As part of Big Seven, alongside [[Mutsu]] and [[Nagato]], I thought what kind of voice I should give her? Certainly a low firm pitch, right? But then again despite looking crisp, she’s not giving off that image of somebody extremely well built. On one hand she looks well armoured, but… Image-wise, I feel like she’s more of a noble, or a princess-knight. Because of that, I’ve decided to give her more of a noble vibe than a strong person’s one. Afterwards, when voicing, among others, the hourly lines, the thought like “Hey… Maybe this girl has a more lovable side to her?” began appearing more and more often. This kind of gap made her look really cute. Then again, thinking about her dialogues with [[Ark Royal]], she’s always the straight man, acting like a proper senpai and even worrying about her slightly. Charming lines like this were especially common.
'''Interviewer: Which line left the strongest impression on you?'''
'''Iori:''' The next one would be the “Nelson Touch” line. It may not be accurate, but perhaps she touches the admiral. There’s this one pay-back-like line which goes like “Sweet! I’ll teach you the Nelson’s Touch. Now, hands against the wall! Here I go!”. Admirals will probably wonder what sort of touch it is *laughs*. This kind of things, stirring up your imagination were fun as well. What’s interesting, this “Nelson Touch” actually comes from a set of naval tactics used by an old British admiral who became this battleship’s namesake. It now seems that it’s also become a motif for the special attack that’s planned to be implemented.
'''Interviewer: Isn’t this fantastic?'''
'''Iori:''' I don’t know all the details yet, but I’ve also recorded lines like “Didn’t you hear? Double line!”, so perhaps it’s some sort of a hint. It’s fun in its own way, but also really cool and leaves a deep impression.  [[Zuikaku]] also tries to provoke you asking whether you want to get bombed when you make her angry, but in case of [[Nelson]] it’s not about being touched. Is being touched in a sweet manner a thing to get angry about? *laughs* It’s a bit all over the place, but also really cool, there were moments when I was like “Oh you, Nelson-san!”. I think she’s just this kind of colourful Shipgirl.
'''Interviewer: As it’s a British Shipgirl, I think the lines in English were also challenging. How was the recording in this regard?'''
'''Iori:''' Sloppy *laughs*. I thought it’d be nice to voice a foreign Shipgirl, so I’ve been playing around with various lines in foreign languages, but when the news came my head felt empty, I couldn’t think of anything. From the moment I received the script, I kept reading up on pronunciation, listening to different people, learning until late at night. Personally, I’ve found the “Enemy is in sight” line to be the hardest. Switching between English and Japanese was hard as well, it made me think that [[Uchida Shuu|Uchida-chan]] is really amazing.
'''Interviewer: I believe that the number of hourly or seasonal lines has been growing. They allow us a deeper look at Shipgirls’ personalities. Are there any that left special impression on you?'''
'''Iori:''' [[Yamato]] and [[Nagato]] both meet a lot of Shipgirls in their hourlies, the game allows the Shipgirls to voice their feelings and I think it’s really fun! Nelson’s exchange with Ark Royal is the same. She’s drinking rum with friends and then waking everybody up the Japanese style. I think it’s great that we get to see so many faces of Nelson, being a little bit sentimental etc. The other one would be the dining scene, I think. She gives off that vibe of being the kind of girl who expects her food brought to her, but even so she manages to not offend anybody and doesn’t act in a demeaning manner.
'''Interviewer:''' Speaking about the seasonal lines… What about them? Did you record any?
'''Iori:''' We’ve recorded the lines related to the Saury Festival. She sure is a fun one to voice. Nelson goes full panic mode too, but even so… All these special voiceovers, like Saury Festival, Zuiun Festival, ones based on community’s feedback… it’s all really fun I think. I hope that the atmosphere of these events can be somehow conveyed to those Admirals who couldn’t appear and after hearing this they’ll at least think about coming. This way of enjoying KanColle can also be fun. With the implementation of [[Hayasui]] the number of my Shipgirls grew to five, and I’d like to extend my gratitude to all the Admirals who used the Nomizu Fleet even back then..
'''Interviewer: By the way, with Nelson you’ve now voiced six shipgirls. This means that sortieing the “Nomizu Fleet” has become possible.'''
'''Iori:''' Truth is, I’m really happy. At the very beginning I’ve had problems understanding what kind of beings [[Zuikaku]] and [[Shoukaku]] are, but my idea about Shipgirls has expanded with [[Abukuma]] and [[Kinu]], hitting the spot in various places. Perhaps she will stir up the single line decisive battle meta a bit *laughs*. Now with addition of [[Nelson]] as battleship, I’m wondering if it’ll become more reliable fighting force. With her implementation, I still want people to use the “Nomizu Fleet” girls as much as they can, but at the same time, I think that it’d be just as good if the number of Admirals feeling forced to sortie them just for their charm increases.
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'''Interviewer: As it came up before, you’ve participated in KanColle’s Stage Events, have you got any special thoughts or memories about them? Let’s say… The Second Zuiun Festival, for starters.'''
'''Iori:''' During the First Zuiun Festival we’ve said something like “See you next year”, but while I would have never thought that it will really happen, it makes me very happy. It felt bigger and more energetic, with even more passion coming from the Admirals who decided to visit us. During the Fleet Review we give these really big performances with a lot of other VAs, however the Zuiun Festival is… Well, quite opposite. It allows us to close the distance between us and the Admirals, there are lots of amazing projects. It’s become a very KanColle-like event, in a good sense. The first one had a lot of fun memories, but this year was special… Making sandwiches with everybody and all that… It was extremely fun! Oh, speaking about this, we’ve even had a sea lion Admiral at the stage! Oh, right, talking about this, [[Nelson]] is also somewhat related to it. Or rather the operation that provides her has some special connection with it.
'''Interviewer: Your stage acts as [[Hayasui]], [[Kinu]] and [[Zuikaku]], three completely different characters, were pretty impressive too.'''
'''Iori:''' I was allowed to wear it *laughs*! How did it happen that I wore the costumes of all the girls I’ve acted as? While I say this, I really can’t wait to get into Nelson’s clothes!
'''Interviewer: And just this summer you were part of the passionately acclaimed “Chinjufu Ice Festival”. How was it?'''
'''Iori:''' I was asked to participate in quite early stages of the project, but I’ve never even gone to see an ice show or figure skating. I couldn’t even imagine what kind of thing it would be. I thought it’s shaping up to be something awesome, but then I’ve also began wondering how will the KanColle universe be presented? The first organizational meeting was when I’ve first seen the projection of skaters performing the training scene. I remember I thought, “Yes, yes! This is KanColle!”. The world of KanColle was there, right in front of me. It really surprised me. Pro skaters in Shipgirl costumes were amazing, they’ve managed to firmly grasp and present the feeling of each character with as little as a single gesture. I was immediately won over. It brought out all the sentiment I have for KanColle. It’s just my personal opinion, but being able to partake in such an original event for the first time makes me extraordinarily happy. It would also be nice to partake in the planning phase the next time. It was really interesting, looking at people’s reactions and impressions. I wonder how many Admirals thought that the skater acting as [[Zuikaku]] was me… despite me being at the stage *laughs*. However, I think there was a sense of unity there.
'''Interviewer: Please tell us if any of the scenes left an especially strong impression on you.'''
'''Iori:''' There was one especially moving scene, during which we only spoke one word at the time from the stage, but nobody was looking our way. They were focused on just watching the events taking place in the rink, but it made me happy that our voices allow this world to expand. If you wondered what kind of reactions it’d gather… Well, ice skating fans could understand the world of KanColle, Admirals became skating fans, everybody fell in love with Admiral Mura *laughs*. I’m somewhat happy that fellow people who usually see the world so differently could enjoy this together. Oh, also… Kaiboukans played by small girls were just too cute!
'''Interviewer: And lastly, a message for all the admirals, please!'''
'''Iori:''' Admirals who immediately started playing after Phase 2 started, those who enjoy the way it changed, reactions and feedback of everybody who listens to new lines of [[Shoukaku]] and [[Zuikaku]]… To me, these are all various and powerful experiences. I’m as happy as one can be. The world of KanColle keeps growing just like the number of new Shipgirls and all the KanColle-like events. My own horizons are also getting wider and wider, I’d like to record something like the Ice Festival lines… Would sure be nice. From now on, Admirals, please continue supporting KanColle so it can keep becoming larger and larger.  Please make sure to cherish [[Nelson]] and give her a lot of affection! Also, please make use of the Nelson Touch!

Revision as of 21:31, 12 October 2018

The following interview was conducted in the Comptiq Magazine October 2018 edition (released on September 10th, 2018) in which seiyuu Iroi Nomizu discusses her involvement with KanColle.

In this 3 page article, Iori Nomizu talks about her voice acting her voice acting for Shoukaku and Zuikaku and her work during the Winter 2018 Event and various other works. She then begins to follow up discussing her impression the working on and voicing Nelson from the Early Fall 2018 Event.

Finally, she talks briefly about her expectations of her impression of the last few live events she partook in and attended.

Iori Nomizu Interview

Please make use of Nelson’s Touch!

Recollecting her passionate performance as Zuikaku or Abyssal Crane Princess during the Battle of Leyte (Part 2), Nomizu Iori is also responsible for the new British battleship, Nelson! We’re going to thoroughly examine personality and the hidden meaning behind the voice lines of this new girl, implemented during the Early Fall Event.

Japanese English
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Interviewer: KanColle Phase Two has finally began, but first, let’s talk about the event which marked the end of Phase One, the “Battle of Leyte (Part 2)”. Would you mind sharing your impressions or feelings accompanying you when recording the special lines for the Shipgirls participating in that campaign?

Iori: When I’ve first read the script, I was already moved to tears, it was really touching. Looking back at the recording, when Shoukaku’s turn came, the feeling of going someplace they’ve never been able to reach together was way too strong. It really made me want to lead her and her sister there. With the pointers I’d received I decided to voice them a little bit softer than usual. Thinking about it, I felt my entire body tensing up. Not only it was a major event signifying the end of Phase One, but it was also a key one for Zuikaku and Shoukaku, I was also thinking about the huge expectations that everybody has had. I was planning on going all out during the recordings. However, in reality, I was a bundle of nerves waiting for the reactions. What would I do if people thought it should had been done differently? In the end, I’ve received a lot of “thank you” messages, so I think it turned out well.

Interviewer: Speaking about reactions, you also participated in the alarm clock recordings for the June edition of this magazine. They received overwhelmingly positive reactions. If they’ve left any lasting impression on you, please let us hear about it.

Iori: This sweeter-than-usual Zuikaku caused a lot of great reactions, but I think that the reverberating voice of the Abyssal Crane Princess has left the biggest impression. The parodies of her original lines also received a lot of positively surprised opinion. The recordings themselves were fun too.

Interviewer: Did these, rather peculiar, voice lines require you to change your usual way of voice acting?

Iori: Let’s see… For example, Shoukaku also announces the time, but she already gives off that vibe of being very close to you, so I don’t think much has changed. Zuikaku, on the other hand, had a lot of impactful and impression leaving lines during the “Battle of Leyte (Part 2)” event, so I think their influence can be heard. I wonder if that last “I love you” carried all these special feelings and emotions with it. It wasn’t that sweet lovey-dovey thing for sure. I think she let those words slip because of all the various thoughts and feelings of gratitude towards the Admiral who fought alongside her. With this in mind, it’s more like between childhood friends, but I think it turned out like something said to somebody much closer.

Interviewer: I hear you’ve also voiced the new Shipgirl planned to arrive for the first event of KanColle Phase 2, the battleship Nelson. What were your thoughts when you got chosen to voice her?

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伊織:「長門」、「陸奥」と並ぶビッグセブンの一隻でもあるということで、どういう声にしようかな、やっぱり結構低いしっかりした声なのかなといろいろ考えたのですが、見た目はキリッとしていても、ものすごい体格というわけでもなさそうなイメージでしたし…一部の装甲は厚そうでしたけど。イメージ的には貴族や姫騎士っぽさを感じたので、強いというよりは高貴な感じにしていこうということでやらせていただきました。そうしたら、だんだん時報ボイスとか、そのほかのボイスで「あれ…この子はもしかsテ、ちょっと愛せるところもある?」というな部分もチラホラと出てきまして。そういうようなところがギャップがあってかわいかったです。かと思えば「Ark Royal」との掛け合いのようなセリフではツッコミというか、先輩らしさというか、ちょっと心配するようなところも見せていたり、非常に魅力的なセリフがたくさんありましたね。






伊織:うかつでした(笑)。海外艦をやりたいと思うからには外国語のセリフもついて回るというあたりがわかってはいたものの頭からスコーンと抜けていて。台本をいただいたあとに発音を調べたり、いろいろな人がしゃべっているのを聞きまくって、深夜までひとりで勉強したりしていました。個人的に一番難しかったのは「Enemy is in sight」というセリフですね。それと英語に続いて日本語でしゃべるところとかも切り替えが難しくて、内田秀ちゃんは本当にすごいなと思いました。


伊織:時報では「長門」や「大和」とかいろいろな艦娘に出会ったり、感想をいうようなところがあって、それがとても楽しくて。「Ark Royal」とのやり取りもそうですが仲間とラム酒を飲んだり、明け方には「ソウインオコーシ」って日本の真似をしながら起こしてくれたり。かと思えばちょっと感傷にひたってみたりとか、ネルソンさんのいろいろな表情が見られるのがね。「ご飯は当然持ってきてもらうもの」みたいに思っている幹事で、それを嫌味もなく当たり前の感じている当たりも彼女らしいところかなって思います。





Iori: Foreign ship… After seeing a certain movie, I particularly wanted to do a British ship. However, the truth is I didn’t even think that it would be a battleship. When I saw it saying “super dreadnaught”, I was like “Aaaaa!”, it made me a bit anxious.

Interviewer: How would you describe her and the way you approached the recording?

Iori: As part of Big Seven, alongside Mutsu and Nagato, I thought what kind of voice I should give her? Certainly a low firm pitch, right? But then again despite looking crisp, she’s not giving off that image of somebody extremely well built. On one hand she looks well armoured, but… Image-wise, I feel like she’s more of a noble, or a princess-knight. Because of that, I’ve decided to give her more of a noble vibe than a strong person’s one. Afterwards, when voicing, among others, the hourly lines, the thought like “Hey… Maybe this girl has a more lovable side to her?” began appearing more and more often. This kind of gap made her look really cute. Then again, thinking about her dialogues with Ark Royal, she’s always the straight man, acting like a proper senpai and even worrying about her slightly. Charming lines like this were especially common.

Interviewer: Which line left the strongest impression on you?

Iori: The next one would be the “Nelson Touch” line. It may not be accurate, but perhaps she touches the admiral. There’s this one pay-back-like line which goes like “Sweet! I’ll teach you the Nelson’s Touch. Now, hands against the wall! Here I go!”. Admirals will probably wonder what sort of touch it is *laughs*. This kind of things, stirring up your imagination were fun as well. What’s interesting, this “Nelson Touch” actually comes from a set of naval tactics used by an old British admiral who became this battleship’s namesake. It now seems that it’s also become a motif for the special attack that’s planned to be implemented.

Interviewer: Isn’t this fantastic?

Iori: I don’t know all the details yet, but I’ve also recorded lines like “Didn’t you hear? Double line!”, so perhaps it’s some sort of a hint. It’s fun in its own way, but also really cool and leaves a deep impression. Zuikaku also tries to provoke you asking whether you want to get bombed when you make her angry, but in case of Nelson it’s not about being touched. Is being touched in a sweet manner a thing to get angry about? *laughs* It’s a bit all over the place, but also really cool, there were moments when I was like “Oh you, Nelson-san!”. I think she’s just this kind of colourful Shipgirl.

Interviewer: As it’s a British Shipgirl, I think the lines in English were also challenging. How was the recording in this regard?

Iori: Sloppy *laughs*. I thought it’d be nice to voice a foreign Shipgirl, so I’ve been playing around with various lines in foreign languages, but when the news came my head felt empty, I couldn’t think of anything. From the moment I received the script, I kept reading up on pronunciation, listening to different people, learning until late at night. Personally, I’ve found the “Enemy is in sight” line to be the hardest. Switching between English and Japanese was hard as well, it made me think that Uchida-chan is really amazing.

Interviewer: I believe that the number of hourly or seasonal lines has been growing. They allow us a deeper look at Shipgirls’ personalities. Are there any that left special impression on you?

Iori: Yamato and Nagato both meet a lot of Shipgirls in their hourlies, the game allows the Shipgirls to voice their feelings and I think it’s really fun! Nelson’s exchange with Ark Royal is the same. She’s drinking rum with friends and then waking everybody up the Japanese style. I think it’s great that we get to see so many faces of Nelson, being a little bit sentimental etc. The other one would be the dining scene, I think. She gives off that vibe of being the kind of girl who expects her food brought to her, but even so she manages to not offend anybody and doesn’t act in a demeaning manner.

Interviewer: Speaking about the seasonal lines… What about them? Did you record any?

Iori: We’ve recorded the lines related to the Saury Festival. She sure is a fun one to voice. Nelson goes full panic mode too, but even so… All these special voiceovers, like Saury Festival, Zuiun Festival, ones based on community’s feedback… it’s all really fun I think. I hope that the atmosphere of these events can be somehow conveyed to those Admirals who couldn’t appear and after hearing this they’ll at least think about coming. This way of enjoying KanColle can also be fun. With the implementation of Hayasui the number of my Shipgirls grew to five, and I’d like to extend my gratitude to all the Admirals who used the Nomizu Fleet even back then..

Interviewer: By the way, with Nelson you’ve now voiced six shipgirls. This means that sortieing the “Nomizu Fleet” has become possible.

Iori: Truth is, I’m really happy. At the very beginning I’ve had problems understanding what kind of beings Zuikaku and Shoukaku are, but my idea about Shipgirls has expanded with Abukuma and Kinu, hitting the spot in various places. Perhaps she will stir up the single line decisive battle meta a bit *laughs*. Now with addition of Nelson as battleship, I’m wondering if it’ll become more reliable fighting force. With her implementation, I still want people to use the “Nomizu Fleet” girls as much as they can, but at the same time, I think that it’d be just as good if the number of Admirals feeling forced to sortie them just for their charm increases.

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Interviewer: As it came up before, you’ve participated in KanColle’s Stage Events, have you got any special thoughts or memories about them? Let’s say… The Second Zuiun Festival, for starters.

Iori: During the First Zuiun Festival we’ve said something like “See you next year”, but while I would have never thought that it will really happen, it makes me very happy. It felt bigger and more energetic, with even more passion coming from the Admirals who decided to visit us. During the Fleet Review we give these really big performances with a lot of other VAs, however the Zuiun Festival is… Well, quite opposite. It allows us to close the distance between us and the Admirals, there are lots of amazing projects. It’s become a very KanColle-like event, in a good sense. The first one had a lot of fun memories, but this year was special… Making sandwiches with everybody and all that… It was extremely fun! Oh, speaking about this, we’ve even had a sea lion Admiral at the stage! Oh, right, talking about this, Nelson is also somewhat related to it. Or rather the operation that provides her has some special connection with it.

Interviewer: Your stage acts as Hayasui, Kinu and Zuikaku, three completely different characters, were pretty impressive too.

Iori: I was allowed to wear it *laughs*! How did it happen that I wore the costumes of all the girls I’ve acted as? While I say this, I really can’t wait to get into Nelson’s clothes!

Interviewer: And just this summer you were part of the passionately acclaimed “Chinjufu Ice Festival”. How was it?

Iori: I was asked to participate in quite early stages of the project, but I’ve never even gone to see an ice show or figure skating. I couldn’t even imagine what kind of thing it would be. I thought it’s shaping up to be something awesome, but then I’ve also began wondering how will the KanColle universe be presented? The first organizational meeting was when I’ve first seen the projection of skaters performing the training scene. I remember I thought, “Yes, yes! This is KanColle!”. The world of KanColle was there, right in front of me. It really surprised me. Pro skaters in Shipgirl costumes were amazing, they’ve managed to firmly grasp and present the feeling of each character with as little as a single gesture. I was immediately won over. It brought out all the sentiment I have for KanColle. It’s just my personal opinion, but being able to partake in such an original event for the first time makes me extraordinarily happy. It would also be nice to partake in the planning phase the next time. It was really interesting, looking at people’s reactions and impressions. I wonder how many Admirals thought that the skater acting as Zuikaku was me… despite me being at the stage *laughs*. However, I think there was a sense of unity there.

Interviewer: Please tell us if any of the scenes left an especially strong impression on you.

Iori: There was one especially moving scene, during which we only spoke one word at the time from the stage, but nobody was looking our way. They were focused on just watching the events taking place in the rink, but it made me happy that our voices allow this world to expand. If you wondered what kind of reactions it’d gather… Well, ice skating fans could understand the world of KanColle, Admirals became skating fans, everybody fell in love with Admiral Mura *laughs*. I’m somewhat happy that fellow people who usually see the world so differently could enjoy this together. Oh, also… Kaiboukans played by small girls were just too cute!

Interviewer: And lastly, a message for all the admirals, please!

Iori: Admirals who immediately started playing after Phase 2 started, those who enjoy the way it changed, reactions and feedback of everybody who listens to new lines of Shoukaku and Zuikaku… To me, these are all various and powerful experiences. I’m as happy as one can be. The world of KanColle keeps growing just like the number of new Shipgirls and all the KanColle-like events. My own horizons are also getting wider and wider, I’d like to record something like the Ice Festival lines… Would sure be nice. From now on, Admirals, please continue supporting KanColle so it can keep becoming larger and larger. Please make sure to cherish Nelson and give her a lot of affection! Also, please make use of the Nelson Touch!
