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Revision as of 20:52, 3 December 2015

Charge! Maritime Transport Operation


Important Notice:
Admirals on the Truk Anchorage server are given an additional 24 hours before the E-5 boss's armor resets. Armor will not reset until 5 AM JST on December 5th.

The Fall 2015 event "Charge! Maritime Transport Operation" will start November 18th, 2015. The event will be medium-scaled and will feature combined fleets. The Kancolle dev team has hinted the event will be taking place in a "circular island" in the Southern Seas. Within that location, there will be several battles and "transportation operations". The event map will therefore likely be a series of battles that took place at Kolombangara.

If this is true, expect the majority of the events battles to consist of smaller fleets performing "Tokyo Express" runs. The dev team have hinted that well-trained destoyers and light cruisers will be key to clearing the event. Since most of the battles at Kolombongara were small engagements, sorties will likely be inspired by the Battle of Kula Gulf, The Battle of Kolombangara, and the Battle of Vella Gulf. Some maps may feature only night battles. In addition, there will be some engagement involving larger fleets such as battleships and aircraft carriers. These will be combined fleet operations.

The event is planned to end on December 8th,2015.

Update Info

New Ships

  • A total of 4 ship girls are confirmed:
  • Training cruiser Kashima is the E-3 clearance reward.
    • The Comtiq article in December's magazine mentioned it would be the second ship of the Katori Class training cruisers.
  • Arashi was hinted at in an article from Comtique Magazine's September issue. It made mention of a destroyer that worked alongside Kawakaze and engaged in a furious night battle. The Battle of Vella Gulf ties this connection together as both of them sunk during middle of the night.
    • November's issue hints that a destroyer that was sunk in the area the event will take place will appear.
  • Hagikaze also has been introduced to the game.
  • German Aircraft Carrier Graf Zeppelin was hinted at through Comptiq's December issue, where they revealed that a "foreign capital ship" will be appearing.
  • Mizuho will be a drop.
  • Akizuki and Prinz Eugen will be among the drops in this event, making this their first appearance since the Autumn 2014 Event.

New Enemy Vessels

New Equipment


Participation requirements

  • Must have a 75% sortie win ratio.
  • Must have 5 empty ship slots for new ships.
  • Must have 20 free equipment slots.

Special Mechanics

  1. The difficulty system first used in Spring 2015 Event returns: you can choose between Operation A (, Hard), Operation B (, Medium) or Operation C (, Easy).
    • Choosing A or B requires certain HQ Level (HQ Lv 35 for B / 80 for A in Spring 2015 Event).
  2. The armor-reducing system of the Summer 2015 Event's final map, where certain nodes had to be killed to reduce boss armor, is likely to return, but in a simplified version.
  3. According to this tweet, Operation A (, Hard) and Operation B (, Medium) will require you to have mutiple fleets ready, which suggests fleet locking.
  4. The initial maps will focus on transport operations (Lighter ships, such as CLs and DDs likely), while the later maps will focus on heavy ships (CVs and BBs).

Event Maps

Quick Info Table

Classification Map Name Combined Fleet? Color of Tag Tag Condition & Deployment Restriction Difficulty Restrictions Notes
Main Operation E-1 Transport Operation! Clearing the Route Yes Transport Operation Tag Tagging:
Ships not already color-tagged will be tagged with the color associated with the map when deployed. This tag exists on all difficulties and is not reset on remodel, etc.
Deployment Restriction:
Normal or Hard: Must have either the same-colored tag or no tag.
Easy: No restrictions.
No restrictions. All difficulties OK
E-2 Battle off the Shore of Korone Haikara Island No In order to play these maps on hard, you must complete the previous map on either normal or hard.
(e.g., to do E-4 on hard, you must complete E-3 on normal or hard.)
Requires exactly 1 CL (Flagship) + 5 DD
E-3 Deploy! Maritime Transportation Fleet Yes Up to 2 large ships allowed in the main transport fleet.
Extra Operation E-4 Western Front! Deploy a Mobile Task Force Dispatch Operation Tag
E-5 Survive! Vanilla Bay Night Battle! No N/A CL Flagship and DD escorts plus up to 1 cruiser-class ships only



Transport Operation! Clearing the Route


Fall2015 E1Map.png

Branching rules

Show/Hide Branching Rules
Branching Rules
BCActive Branching
EActive Branching
EFCertain number of BBs?
If 2nd fleet consists of more than 2 CLT
GFail LoS check(?) 
HCertain LoS(?)
IFail LoS check(?) 
JCertain LoS(?)


  • Recommended fleet compositions:
    • 2FBB 2CA 2CVL / 1CL 3DD 2CA (Surface Task Force)
    • 2BBV 2CA 2CVL / 1CL 4DD 1CLT

Show/Hide Nodes and Enemy Encounters
Nodes and Enemy Encounters
NodePatternXpNode InfoFormAir
Pattern 1
Pattern 1 Active Branching
Pattern 1 Submarine Ka-Class flagshipSubmarine Ka-ClassSubmarine Ka-ClassSubmarine Ka-ClassLight Cruiser Ho-Class flagship
Pattern 2160 Submarine Ka-Class flagshipSubmarine Ka-ClassSubmarine Ka-ClassLight Cruiser Ho-Class flagshipDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model
Pattern 1 Ammo +50
Pattern 1200 Light Cruiser He-Class flagshipLight Cruiser Tsu-Class eliteDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model
Pattern 2 Light Cruiser He-Class flagshipLight Cruiser Tsu-ClassDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model
Pattern 1250 Standard Carrier Wo-Class flagshipStandard Carrier Wo-Class flagshipHeavy Cruiser Ri-Class flagshipLight Cruiser Tsu-Class eliteDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ro-Class Late Model
Pattern 1
Pattern 1250 Battleship Ta-Class flagshipBattleship Ta-Class flagshipLight Carrier Nu-Class flagshipTorpedo Cruiser Chi-Class flagshipDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model
Pattern 2230 Battleship Ru-Class flagshipBattleship Ru-Class flagshipLight Carrier Nu-Class flagshipTorpedo Cruiser Chi-Class flagship Destroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model
Pattern 1
Pattern 1260 Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class eliteDestroyer PrincessDestroyer Ro-Class Late Model eliteDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model
Pattern 2
Final Form
280 Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class eliteDestroyer PrincessDestroyer Ro-Class Late Model eliteDestroyer Ro-Class Late Model eliteDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model



Battle off the Shore of Korone Haikara Island


  • Boss: Light Cruiser Princess
  • Transport Gauge: 320 (Hard), 200 (Med), 100 (Easy)
    • To reduce the gauge, you must go through node J and obtain at least an A-rank victory at boss.
    • You do not need to sink the flagship to deplete the gauge.
    • Gauge depletes by 18, +3.5 per Drum Canister equipped, +5.5 per Daihatsu-class Landing Craft equipped. S-rank victory will increase the depletion by 44%.
      Note that for this map only Abukuma Kai Ni can equip Daihatsu-class Landing Craft due to the restriction on ships.
  • Ship Restrictions: Flagship must be a CL and 5 DDs in the rest of the fleet
  • Ships tagged Autumn2015TransportTag.png
Fall2015 E2Map.png

Branching rules

Show/Hide Branching Rules
Branching Rules
STARTA*A fleet including Jintsuu as flagship and any two of Yukikaze, Hamakaze, Satsuki and Mikazuki for 100%.
* Have 4 of the 5 ships but without Satsuki might lead to this route.
*Have 3 out of the 5 ships but with Jintsuu in your fleet might lead to this route.
BNot having all 5 ships but having Satsuki Any other fleet without the named ships.
ACNot having Satsuki in the fleet
DA fleet including Jintsuu as flagship and any two of Yukikaze, Hamakaze, Satsuki and Mikazuki
DFA fleet including Jintsuu as flagship and any two of Yukikaze, Hamakaze, Satsuki and Mikazuki
HIWith a certain number of drums (Number to be confirmed)


  • It is recommended to take at least 6 drum canisters along. Due to the unfavorable routing, it is unlikely Abukuma will be usable to gain the advantages of Daihatsu landing craft.
  • Recommended composition for favorable routing: Jintsuu, Mikazuki, Satsuki, Hamakaze, Yukikaze, and 1 other destroyer
    • This composition takes you through route A--D--F--I--J--K.
    • Having a fleet without Satsuki opens up the chance to enter this path, but she is needed for guaranteeing this routing.

Show/Hide Nodes and Enemy Encounters
Nodes and Enemy Encounters
NodePatternXpNode InfoForm
Pattern 1 Just my imagination (no combat).
警戒任務群 前衛別働隊
Pattern 1 Light Cruiser Ho-Class flagshipDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-ClassDestroyer I-Class
Pattern 2
Pattern 1 Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class flagshipHeavy Cruiser Ri-Class flagshipHeavy Cruiser Ri-Class flagshipLight Cruiser Ho-Class eliteDestroyer I-ClassDestroyer I-Class
Pattern 2
Pattern 1 Destroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-ClassDestroyer I-ClassDestroyer I-Class
Pattern 1120 Submarine Ka-Class flagshipSubmarine Ka-Class elite Submarine Ka-Class eliteSubmarine Ka-ClassSubmarine Ka-Class
Pattern 2
Night Battle
Pattern 1 Light Cruiser He-Class flagshipLight Cruiser Ho-Class eliteLight Cruiser Ho-Class eliteDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class
Pattern 1 Destroyer Ro-Class Late ModelTransport Ship Wa-Class eliteTransport Ship Wa-Class eliteTransport Ship Wa-Class elitePT Imp GroupPT Imp Group
Night Battle
Pattern 1 Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class flagshipLight Cruiser He-Class eliteLight Cruiser Ho-Class eliteLight Cruiser Ho-ClassDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model
Pattern 1 Must be my imagination (no combat)
Pattern 1 Resource node
警戒任務群 旗艦艦隊
Pattern 1260 Light Cruiser PrincessLight Cruiser He-Class flagshipLight Cruiser Ho-Class flagshipDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model
Pattern 2
Final Form
Light Cruiser PrincessLight Cruiser He-Class flagshipLight Cruiser Ho-Class flagshipDestroyer Ro-Class Late Model eliteDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model



Korone Haikara Island Eastern Offshore


  • Combined Fleet
  • Boss: Seaplane Tender Princess
  • Gauge: 800 (Hard), 500 (Med), 300 (Easy)
    • Requires going through node G to reduce the boss gauge (but the only path to boss always goes through G)
    • You do not need to sink the flagship to deplete the gauge, just get A rank or better
    • The Gauge decreases at the rate of 40 per run, +3.5 per Drum Canister equipped, +5.5 per Daihatsu-class Landing Craft equipped. The decrease is increased by 44% if you score an S-rank victory instead of just an A-rank victory.
  • Ship Restriction: Transport Combined Fleet
  • Ships tagged Autumn2015TransportTag.png
  • Rewards upon clearance: Kashima
    • Clearing on Hard (甲): Medal, Improvement Material x4, Type 4 SONAR
    • Clearing on Medium (乙): Medal
    • Clearing on Easy (丙):
Fall2015 E3Map.png

Branching rules

Show/Hide Branching Rules
Branching Rules
ABActive Branching
CActive Branching
CDMay be fixed if Akitsu Maru or AV or Hayasui in fleet
EBBV in fleet
HJFail LOS check
KLOS Check


  • Because you are not allowed any carriers for this map, only Akitsu Maru, AVs, CAVs, and BBVs can be used for air superiority purposes. This is critical for the boss node since on all difficulties there are 3 enemies that can perform artillery spotting attacks. You would need about 50 to 60 air power at the boss node for Air Parity on hard mode.
    • Whether you have Akitsu Maru for this map changes how you could approach this map. If you don't have her, it is difficult (if not outright impossible) to make even Air Parity on higher difficulties without making BBV/CAV Zuiun mules (and the former forces you to go through the night battle node filled with PT Imp Groups).
  • Having a good support expedition is critical to have a good chance of successfully reducing the gauge. Having both enroute and boss support is critical to ensure your ships make it through to the boss (relatively) intact.
  • If you have the Fleet Command Facility, consider equipping it. Activating it will cause you to possibly lose some amount of gauge you would otherwise reduce, but it is much better than not reducing the gauge at all.
    • In addition, if you make it to the transport dropoff point and have to use the Fleet Command Facility afterwards in the following node, if you can score an A or S you will be rewarded in full regardless of the fleet members you needed to pull out.

Show/Hide Nodes and Enemy Encounters
Nodes and Enemy Encounters
NodePatternXpNode InfoForm
Pattern 1 Active Branching
Pattern 1 Submarine Yo-Class flagshipSubmarine Yo-Class eliteSubmarine Yo-Class eliteSubmarine Ka-ClassSubmarine Ka-Class
Pattern 2
Pattern 1 Light Cruiser He-Class flagshipLight Cruiser Ho-Class flagshipLight Cruiser Tsu-ClassDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-ClassDestroyer I-Class
Pattern 2
Pattern 1 Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class flagshipHeavy Cruiser Ri-Class flagshipHeavy Cruiser Ne-ClassDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-ClassDestroyer I-Class
Night Battle
Pattern 1 Destroyer I-Class Late Model eliteDestroyer I-Class Late ModelPT Imp GroupPT Imp GroupPT Imp GroupPT Imp Group
Pattern 2
Pattern 1 Transport Ship Wa-Class flagshipTransport Ship Wa-Class eliteTransport Ship Wa-ClassTransport Ship Wa-ClassDestroyer I-ClassPT Imp Group
Pattern 1 Resource collection point
Pattern 1 Battleship Ru-Class flagshipHeavy Cruiser Ri-Class flagshipHeavy Cruiser Ri-Class eliteLight Cruiser He-Class eliteDestroyer I-Class Late Model eliteDestroyer I-Class Late Model elite
Pattern 2 Battleship Ru-Class flagshipHeavy Cruiser Ri-Class flagshipLight Cruiser He-Class flagshipDestroyer Ro-Class Late Model eliteDestroyer I-Class Late Model eliteDestroyer I-Class Late Model elite
Pattern 1 Must be my imagination (no combat)
Pattern 1
深海任務部隊 旗艦艦隊
Pattern 1 Seaplane Tender PrincessBattleship Ta-Class elite Battleship Ta-Class eliteLight Cruiser Tsu-ClassDestroyer I-Class Late Model eliteDestroyer I-Class Late Model elite
Pattern 2 Seaplane Tender PrincessBattleship Ta-Class flagship Battleship Ta-Class eliteLight Cruiser Tsu-ClassDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model
Pattern 3
Final Form
350 Seaplane Tender PrincessBattleship Ta-Class flagship Battleship Ta-Class flagshipLight Cruiser Tsu-ClassDestroyer I-Class Late Model eliteDestroyer I-Class Late Model elite



Western Front! Deploy a Mobile Task Force
No map name yet


Fall2015 E4Map.png

Branching rules

Show/Hide Branching Rules
Branching Rules
STARTACarrier Task Force
DSurface Task Force
BC50% chance if fleet doesn't contain an Italian Ship or Akitsushima
F100% if Akitsushima is in fleet, High Chance if fleet does contain an Italian Ship, otherwise 50% chance.
EFActive Branching
GActive Branching
KMActive Branching
NActive Branching
NLFail LoS check
OLOS Check


  • Recommended Fleet composition:
    • Surface Task Force: 2BB/FBB (not BBV)/2CVL/2CL+2DD/1CL/2CLT/1CA(Maya Kai Ni)
    • Carrier Task Force: (For Farming)2BB/2CL/2CV+2DD/1CL/1FBB/2CA
    • Carrier Task Force: (For Final Kill) 2BB/2CL/2CV+2DD/1CL/2CLT/1CA
    • Surface Task Force: (For Taking down the Installation buff points) 2BB/2CA (include Maya Kai Ni)/1CL/1CV + 1 CL/2DD/1FBB/2CA
    • For the installation battles it might be wise to have some way for some of your ships to fight the Patrol Boat Imp Groups that will come with the Installations. Have a proper balance between installation killing and PT imp removal.
      • The Four-slot CLs (Yuubari and Ooyodo after reaching Kai) are very useful as they can equip more ASW equipment than other ships of their kind and so have the potential to hit the boss harder.
      • It is important to keep a certain amount of firepower reserved for enemies other than the boss. As such, BBV are not recommended, and CLT are very useful (as they will only target surface ships with a Type A Midgetsub for great amounts of damage).
      • Maya Kai Ni is useful as she can cover Anti-Air Cut In duties for Destroyers who are put to better use in an ASW role.
      • Submarines (both friendly and hostile) do not get normal night battle protection on Combined Fleet maps. Do not be afraid of entering night battle if you only need to do a little bit more damage.
  • Nodes J and M are armor reduction nodes which you can attack to reduce the armor of the Submarine Hime. You have to 'defeat the installation bosses at each node once for the effects to take place.
    • On easy and normal, you probably will be able to defeat the Submarine Hime without reducing her armor, but on hard, you may want to consider the option of attacking those points.
    • You will need to use a Carrier Task Force and make it to the boss for the debuffs to take effect.
      • Using a Surface Task Force will activate the debuff when you fight the Submarine Hime, however it is not visually shown through her introduction lines, but when you fight her. She does however seem to be somewhat agile in comparison to Carrier Task Force. This is possibly related to how the combine mechanics work between CTF and STF.
    • After defeating these two installations, the submarine hime's dialogue will change and the glow of her torpedoes will emit a green light instead of a blue one.
    • Armor buff will reset daily at 5 AM JST.
  • If you are hunting for Prinz Eugen on Node M, she can be found regardless of formation on Normal and higher Difficulty. On Easy mode however, it might be restricted to the Line Ahead Formation.

Show/Hide Nodes and Enemy Encounters
Nodes and Enemy Encounters
NodePatternXpNode InfoForm
Pattern 1 Must be my imagination (no combat)
Pattern 1 Light Cruiser He-Class flagshipLight Carrier Nu-Class flagshipLight Cruiser Ho-Class flagshipDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model
Pattern 2 Light Carrier Nu-Class flagshipLight Cruiser He-Class flagshipLight Cruiser Ho-Class flagshipDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model
Pattern 1
Pattern 2
Pattern 1 Submarine So-Class flagshipSubmarine Yo-Class eliteSubmarine Ka-ClassSubmarine Ka-Class
Pattern 2 Submarine So-Class flagshipSubmarine Yo-ClassSubmarine Ka-ClassSubmarine Ka-Class
Pattern 1 Active Branching
Pattern 2
Pattern 1 Standard Carrier Wo-Class Kai flagshipHeavy Cruiser Ri-Class flagshipHeavy Cruiser Ne-Class eliteDestroyer Ro-Class Late Model eliteDestroyer Ro-Class Late Model elite
Pattern 1 Light Carrier Nu-Class flagshipLight Carrier Nu-Class flagshipLight Cruiser Tsu-Class eliteDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model
Pattern 1 Battleship Ru-Class flagshipBattleship Ru-Class flagshipBattleship Ru-Class flagshipBattleship Ru-Class flagshipDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model
Pattern 1 Standard Carrier Wo-Class Kai flagshipBattleship Ta-Class flagshipHeavy Cruiser Ri-Class flagshipLight Cruiser Tsu-Class eliteDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model
Pattern 1 Harbor PrincessTransport Ship Wa-Class flagshipTransport Ship Wa-Class flagshipDestroyer Ro-Class Late Model elitePT Imp GroupPT Imp Group
Pattern 1 Active Branching
Pattern 1
Pattern 1 Anchorage Water DemonTransport Ship Wa-Class flagshipTransport Ship Wa-Class flagshipDestroyer Ro-Class Late Model elitePT Imp GroupPT Imp Group
Pattern 1 Submarine So-Class flagshipSubmarine Ka-Class eliteSubmarine Ka-Class eliteSubmarine Ka-Class elite
Pattern 1 Submarine PrincessSubmarine So-ClassSubmarine So-ClassBattleship PrincessDestroyer Ha-Class Late Model eliteDestroyer Ha-Class Late Model elite
Pattern 2 Submarine PrincessSubmarine So-ClassSubmarine So-ClassStandard Carrier Wo-Class Kai flagshipDestroyer Ha-Class Late Model eliteDestroyer Ha-Class Late Model elite
Pattern 3
Final Form
Submarine PrincessSubmarine So-Class eliteBattleship PrincessStandard Carrier Wo-Class Kai flagshipDestroyer Ha-Class Late Model eliteDestroyer Ha-Class Late Model elite



Survive! Vanilla Bay Night Battle!
No map name yet


  • Boss: Destroyer Water Demon
  • Both Supply and HP Gauge are present.
    • Supply Gauge: 360 (Hard), 240 (Med), 120 (Easy)
      • Supply gauge must be emptied before HP gauge can be depleted.
      • The supply gauge drops by 18 per win, +3.5 per Drum Canister equipped, +5.5 per Daihatsu-class Landing Craft equipped. The decrease is increased by 44% if you score an S-rank victory instead of just an A-rank victory.
    • HP Gauge: 1060 (Hard), 4 Kills (Med), 3 Kills (Easy)
      • Flagship must be sunk for HP Gauge to be depleted (as usual).
    • Resetting the difficulty will restore both gauges completely.
  • Rewards upon clearance: Hagikaze
    • Clearing on Hard (甲): Medal x2, Hard Mode Medal
    • Clearing on Medium (乙): Medal x2
    • Clearing on Easy (丙): Medal
Fall2015 E5Map.png

Branching rules

Show/Hide Branching Rules
Branching Rules
ABActive Branching
CActive Branching
EShigure in fleet?
CEWith either Sendai and Shigure or Shigure and Kawakaze
FAny fleet that does not send to E or G
(this includes Sendai and Kawakaze pairing)
GSendai, Shigure and Kawakaze in fleet
FGShigure in fleet
NLOS Check; at least 8, >15 locks


  • There are in this event, which consist of a transport phase and a battle phase
    • Doing the PT Debuff before you complete the transport phase will have no effect on the Destroyer Water Demon.
  • Shigure, Kawakaze and Sendai are needed for branching; this skips a sub node and allows the ACG route. Without the third ship, Shigure and either of the other two go through ACEH, which contains PT Imp Groups.
  • If you use only Shigure, you will go the ACFG route which is a good way to bypass the PT Imp Groups or another night battle node at the cost of a fuel.
  • If you use none of the ships, you will go ACFI which will have you engage in a total of 3 night battles which is not recommended.
  • A LoS of 15 or greater is required to reach the boss node. Having four radars is reccomended for this.
    • Some reports have LoSes as low as 8 able to reach the boss node, but this does not guarantee a route fix.
  • The Destoyer Water Demon has rather high armor making her hard to take down. You will need to debuff her armor to make it possible to beat her more easily. To do this, you will need to destroy 15 PT Imp Groups while you're on the HP (red) gauge. If done correctly, when you confront the Destroyer Water Demon, her abyssal helmet will be removed from her head indicating she has lost her armor. Remember that the debuff resets at 5 AM JST (except on the last day).

Show/Hide Nodes and Enemy Encounters
Nodes and Enemy Encounters
NodePatternXpNode InfoForm
Pattern 1 Active branching
Pattern 1 Submarine Ka-Class flagshipSubmarine Ka-Class eliteSubmarine Ka-Class elite
Pattern 2100 Submarine Ka-Class eliteSubmarine Ka-Class eliteSubmarine Ka-Class elite
Pattern 1 It must have been my imagination (no combat)
Pattern 1120 Submarine Yo-Class flagshipSubmarine Yo-Class eliteSubmarine Ka-ClassSubmarine Ka-Class
Pattern 1 It must have been my imagination (no combat)
Pattern 1110 Submarine Ka-Class flagshipSubmarine Ka-Class eliteSubmarine Ka-ClassSubmarine Ka-Class
Pattern 2110 Submarine Ka-Class flagshipSubmarine Ka-Class eliteSubmarine Ka-Class
輸送部隊迎撃部隊 前衛哨戒艦隊
Pattern 1160 Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model eliteDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-ClassDestroyer I-ClassDestroyer I-Class
Pattern 2150 Destroyer I-Class Late Model eliteDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-ClassDestroyer I-ClassDestroyer I-Class
Pattern 3140 Destroyer I-Class Late Model eliteDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-ClassDestroyer I-ClassDestroyer I-Class
Pattern 1200 Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model eliteDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelPT Imp GroupPT Imp GroupPT Imp GroupPT Imp Group
Pattern 2180 Destroyer I-Class Late Model eliteDestroyer I-Class Late ModelPT Imp GroupPT Imp GroupPT Imp GroupPT Imp Group
伏撃部隊 軽巡戦隊 Night Battle
Pattern 1 Light Cruiser He-Class flagshipLight Cruiser Ho-Class flagshipLight Cruiser Ho-Class flagshipDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-ClassDestroyer I-Class
伏撃部隊 精鋭駆逐隊 Night Battle
Pattern 1220 Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model eliteDestroyer Ha-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ha-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ha-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ha-ClassDestroyer Ha-Class
Pattern 2200 Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model eliteDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ro-ClassDestroyer Ro-Class
Pattern 1 Transport node
深海補給船団 Night Battle
Pattern 1200 Transport Ship Wa-Class flagshipTransport Ship Wa-Class eliteTransport Ship Wa-ClassTransport Ship Wa-ClassDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model
Pattern 2220 Transport Ship Wa-Class flagshipTransport Ship Wa-ClassTransport Ship Wa-ClassDestroyer I-Class Late ModelPT Imp GroupPT Imp Group
Pattern 1 Just my imagination (no combat)
伏撃部隊集団 旗艦
Pattern 1400 Destroyer Water DemonDestroyer Ha-Class Late Model eliteDestroyer Ro-Class Late Model eliteDestroyer Ro-Class Late Model eliteDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model
Pattern 2400 Destroyer Water DemonDestroyer Ha-Class Late Model eliteDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelDestroyer Ro-Class Late ModelPT Imp GroupPT Imp Group
Pattern 3
Final Form
500 Destroyer Water DemonDestroyer Ha-Class Late Model eliteDestroyer Ro-Class Late Model eliteDestroyer Ro-Class Late Model eliteDestroyer I-Class Late Model eliteDestroyer I-Class Late Model elite

Kanmusu Event Lines

Several Kanmusu this event have received lines that are tied to the "Maritime Transport Operations". These lines were given to mostly Light Cruisers and Destroyers that had ties to thier involvement with transport runs in the Solomon Sea.

Light Cruisers

Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
Sendai 川内参上!三水戦の戦い、見せてあげるよ! Sendai is here! I'll show you the way the DesRon3 fights!
Jintsuu 私達二水戦も全艦待機しています。……提督、ご命令を? The DesRon2 is standing by. ...Admiral, your orders?


Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
Yukikaze 第二水雷戦隊所属!陽炎型駆逐艦雪風!! Kagerou-class Destroyer Yukikaze of the 2nd Destroyer Division!
Mikazuki ここは三日月に任せて。駆逐艦の誇り、お見せします! Leave this up to me. I'll show you the pride of a destroyer!
Satsuki 今度はボクも、手加減できないよ! This time I won't go easy on you!
Shiratsuyu 提督、船団護衛なら任せておいてよ。え、なに?その目…。ほ、本当なんだから!いや、潜水艦とかは一番に……ちょっと苦手だけどさ…。 Admiral, leave the convoy escort to me. Eh, what? What's with that look... I... I can do it! Well, submarines are kind of... the number one thing I'm weak at dealing with...
敵の潜水艦な~。いや、今ならやっつけられるよ!演習もたくさんやったし、経験もいっぱい積んだし、装備も練度も一番だし!多分…。やれるよ! Enemy submarines... No, this time I'll beat you! I've been doing a lot of practice; and I have a lot of experience; and my equipment and skill is number one! Probably... Let's go!
Shigure この海域は・・・この海域は危険な感じがする。川内さん、江風、気を付けて。 This sea... This sea feels dangerous. Sendai-san, Kawakaze, be careful.
この作戦僕も一緒に行っていいかな?何か・・・少し嫌な予感がする・・・でも提督と一緒なら、何かが変わる気がするんだ。 Is it OK for me to go along with this operation? I'm... getting a bad feeling about it... But if the Admiral is with us, I feel that we can change that.
Murasame はいは~い♪ 次の作戦は?…………え?あの海への輸送作戦? 嘘ぉ……。……いえ、行きます。任せて! Yes yes~♪ What's the next operation? ... Eh? A transport operation to that sea? No way... ...No, I'll go. Leave it to me!
輸送作戦……夜の海は気をつけないと。警戒を厳として、行きましょうか Transport operations... the sea gives off a certain feeling at night. Keep your eyes open and let's go.
Yuudachi 夜戦なら夕立を連れてってほしいっぽい!うずうずするっぽい!ぽ~い!! If you're going to night battles take me along too poi! I'm itching for some poi!! Poi!!
Tanikaze かぁ~!この谷風の見せ場だねえ~、よっしゃぁ! Gah~! I'll be the star of this show alright~!
Hamakaze 第十七駆逐隊浜風、全力で行きます 17th Destroyer Squadron, Hamakaze, setting off at full force.
Umikaze 江風ぇ、少し自重しないと…本当に…お姉さんは心配です Kawakaze, show a little restraint... really... I'm worried about you.
Kawakaze 姉貴、あんま心配すンなって。大丈夫、今度はやられはしないよ。任せとけ! Sis, don't be worried. I'm fine, I won't be beaten this time. Leave it to me! Response to Umikaze's line.

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