Seasonal/Valentine's Day 2019

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2019 Lawson Collab

Returning CG

Returning CG
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2016 CG
2017 CG
2018 CG



New Lines

Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
Amagiri Play ん?なんであたしにみんなチョコくれるの?狭霧まで。いらねって!私甘いのはあんまり…あぁ、これうめぇな! Hmm? Why is everyone giving me chocolates? Even you, Sagiri. I don't need them! I don't really like sweet... Ah, this is good!
Sagiri Play えへへぇ、狭霧特製、栗と抹茶を使った、和風 チョコレート 、完成です!提督、天霧さん、待ってて。これは自信作なんだから。うふふぅ。 Ehehe, my special Japanese-style chocolates made with chestnuts and green tea is complete! Admiral, Amagiri; just you wait. I'm sure this will please you. Ufufu.
Minegumo Play 提督さん、村雨さん、はい。峯雲のチョコレート…受け取ってください。…て、手作りなんです。 Admiral, Murasame; here. Please accept... my chocolates. ...I-I made it myself.
Akigumo Play ふーふん!提督、チョコレートをあげましょう。秋雲の渾身のイラストボードを付きです。ぜひ、提督室に飾ってよね。ぜったいだよ! Fufun! Admiral, I have some chocolate for you. Also, here's a drawing I put my all into. Please use it to decorate your room. You better put it up!
Makigumo Play 巻雲、チョコ作ります。えっと、まず夕雲姉さんの分、あと風雲と…仕方ないから秋雲と…あと司令官様の分!頑張ろうっと! I'll make some chocolates. Let's see, first I need some for Yuugumo-neesan; and Kazagumo too... I better make one for Akigumo too... and a share for the Admiral! I'll work hard!
Hayanami Play お姉ちゃん、司令、ハッピーバレンタイン!えへへ、早波、一所懸命作ったの。 Onee-chan, Commander; Happy Valentine's! Ehehe, I put my all into making this.
Hamanami Play ふっちゃん、おきちゃん、あぁ、平気…ん…ん、司令と…ん、お茶飲む?い、今いれるね。 Fuchan, Okichan; ah, I'm fine... Uhh... Umm... Tea with... Ummm, the Commander? I-I'll go make some now.
Kishinami Play 提督、こちらをどうぞ。あぁ、ご遠慮なく。い、一応岸波の手作りではありますが…味は保証しません。 Admiral, here you go. Ah, please don't hold back. I-I just made it to be good enough so I can't guarantee the taste.
Maestrale Play Ciao、提督。これを…あぁ、はい、この国の風習のようですので。はい、割とよくできたと思います。 Hello, Admiral. This is... Ah, yes I heard it was a custom of this country. Yes, I think I made it properly.
Jervis Play My Darling、これ差し上げます。この艦隊の伝統は大事にしないと。さあ、どうぞ。 My Darling, this is for you. I must treasure this fleet's traditions. Come on, help yourself.
Tashkent Play 同志Адмирал、こ、これをあげよう。そうさ、同志愛だよ、Адмирал。も、もちろんさ! Comrade Admiral, th-this is for you. That's right, it's just camaraderie, Admiral. Th-that's all this is!
Samuel B. Roberts Play うひひ、Sam特製coffee風味チョコ。提督、大事に食べてね。はい、どうぞ!うひひ。 Uhihi, it's my special coffee-flavoured chocolate. Admiral, make sure you savour it. Here, help yourself! Uhihi.
Johnston Play なんか、ここではそういうruleがあるの?ふーん。まあ、いいけど。じゃあ、あたしもあげる。食べなさいよ! So there was a rule like that here? I see. Well, that's fine. Then I'll give you something too. You better eat it!

Previous Lines

Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
2015 Lines
Mutsuki Play はい、提督。睦月からのチョコ、差しあげます! いひひ、どうぞです♪ Here, Admiral. Mutsuki offers you this chocolate! Ehehe, please do♪
Kisaragi Play はぁーい♡ 如月の気持ちを込めたチョコレート、ちゃんと最後まで、食べてね? He–re you go♡ Chocolates filled with my feelings, make sure you eat all of it, 'kay?
Yayoi Play 司令官、これ…あ、あげます。甘いです。お返しは、気にしなくていい…です。 Commander, here....t-these are for you. They're sweet. Don't worry about getting me....anything.
Uzuki Play しれいかぁ~ん! 卯月から、チョコあげるぴょ~ん! あー、これは嘘じゃないぴょん! Comman~der! Here's some chocolate from me, pyon! Ah–, I'm not kidding this time, pyon!
Mochizuki Play え~、バレンタイン?めんどくせぇ~。一応あるけどさぁチョコ、食べる? Eh~, Valentine's? What a pain~. Well, I do have some chocolate, though. Wanna eat?
Murakumo Play これっ、そこに落ちてたわよっ!あ"っ、私が買ってきたもんじゃないからっ!あんたのじゃないのっ? …はやく、持って行ってよ! I found this on the floor over there! Ah! It's not like I bought it or anything! It's yours, isn't it? Hurry up and take it already!
Isonami Play てーとく…提督さん! あ、あの、これをもらってくださいますか? ど、ど、どうぞ! Admiral....Admiral! Ah, um, would you please accept this? H-h-here!
Akebono Play は?チョコレート?クソ提督、何言ってんの? ……一応用意したけど、さっさと取ってってよね! っほら! Haa? Chocolate? The hell are you talking about, you shitty admiral? ....Well I do have some though. Hurry up and take it! Here!
Sazanami Play バレンタイン( ・∀・)キタコレ! 仕方ない…ご主人様にもチョコレート、はい❤ Valentine's, is here! Right....a chocolate for you too, Master. Here❤
Shiratsuyu Play 提督、はい。いっちばん美味しいチョコ、あげるね♪ 絶対食べるんだよ? Admiral, here. I'll give you the tastiest one. Make sure you eat it, 'kay?
Shigure Play 提督。一応これ、僕からも渡しておくね……邪魔、かな? Admiral. I'd also would like you to have this....should I not have?
Murasame Play 村雨の、ちょっと良いチョコ、食べてみる? 甘くて、すこーし苦いんです。うふふ♪ Would you like to try Murasame's nice chocolates? They're sweet and just a little bitter. Ufufu♪
Yuudachi Play えっと、このチョコレートあげるっぽい。夕立。結構頑張って作ったっぽい。 Um, this chocolate-ish thing's for you poi! Yuudachi did her best making it poi!
Asagumo Play あ、チョコなんて用意してないわよ! 何いってんの? こ、これも別に違うんだからね! Eh? I didn't get any chocolate for you, you know! What do you mean? Th-these aren't what you think, okay!
Asashimo Play バラン…タイ…? まーたおかしな祭りばっかだな、この艦隊は。…ぅ、一応あるぜ、はいよ! Valen....tine's? Jeez, this fleet has all sorts of weird holidays. Well, I do have some for you, though. Here!
2016 Lines
Satsuki Play 司令官、チョコあげるよ!ボクの手作りさ!…え?伊良湖に手伝ってもらってなんか、ないよ?ほ…本当だよぉ! Commander, here's a chocolate! Handmade by me! ...what? No Irako didn't help, me. I-I'm serious!
Fumizuki Play しれーかんにぃー、文月のあまーいチョコのプレゼント、あ・げ・る・ねー♪ Here's Fumizuki's swee~t chocolate for commander♪
Nagatsuki Play バレンタインだと?下らない…。…ぇ、司令官、そんなにがっかり…。なんか、すまん。 Valentine? Nonsense... wh-, commander, so disappointed... uh, sorry.
Kikuzuki Play 柄じゃないのだが…司令官はいつも気を遣っているからな。偶にはお返しだ。 I know it's not like me, but commander always takes care of me. So it's about time for a return.
Mikazuki Play 司令官、まだ見ちゃダメです!もう少し、待っててくださいね。三日月特製のチョコケーキ、もうすぐ完成ですから! Wait! Commander don't look yet! Please wait a while longer. Mikazuki's special chocolate cake is almost done!
Fubuki Play 司令官!今日はバレンタインですね!大きなハートのチョコ、作ったんですよ!はい!あれ、うえ~、なんか、溶けてる!? Commander! It's Valentine today! I made chocolate shaped like a big heart! Here! Huh, it's, melting?!
Shirayuki Play 一生懸命作りました。チョコ、よかったら召し上がって。でも私、料理とか、あまりしたこと無くって……すみません。 Please have this chocolate. I worked hard on it. However, I'm not very experienced in cooking... sorry.
Hatsuyuki Play どうせ、司令官は、みんなからいいチョコ貰ってるに、違いないよ…。こんなの、いらないよね…。捨てちゃお…。うっ、司令官っ?…うぅっ、ううおうぅぅぅ…!? Commander probably got nice chocolate from everyone else. He wouldn't want this. Guess I'll just throw it out... Uh, commander?... uhh, uuuoooouu..!?
Ayanami Play はい、バレンタインの、チョコレートです。お口に合うといいですが…どうぞっ! Here, it's chocolate for Valentine's Day. I'm not sure if you'll like it... but here you go!
Shikinami Play い、一応だね、用意はしたんだけど。どうせいらないじゃん、多分。……え、いる?ぁっ…そっ。 I prepared some, j-just in case. But you probably don't want it... huh? you do? o-oh.
Oboro Play 提督、あの…朧、こちらを作ってみたのですが…。あの、も、もしよかったら! Admiral, um... this is what Oboro made... i-if you would like please take some!
Ushio Play 提督、一生懸命作りました。潮のチョコレート、受け取っていただけませんか? Admiral,I worked hard on it. Would you please take Ushio's chocolate?
Akatsuki Play し、司令官!ちょ、チョコ、作ったわ!一人前のレディとして…あの、その… C-commander! I made some ch-chocolate! As a proper lady... I, uhh...
Hibiki/Верный Play 司令官、ロシア風チョコ、あげる。どこがロシア風かって?それは…内緒だ。 Here's a Russian-style chocolate, commander. What about it is Russian you ask? That's... a secret.
Inazuma Play あの…司令官さん、電の本気のチョコ、差し上げるのです!こちらなのです! Um... commander, here's Inazuma's earnest chocolate!
Ikazuchi Play じゃーん!雷の手作りチョコを用意したわ!司令官、よーく味わって食べるのよ?はいっ! Tadah! Ikazuchi prepared some handmade chocolate! Make sure you enjoy it commander. Here! Secretary 1
Play 司令官、雷、手作りチョコどうだった?…美味しかった?じゃあ、毎月作ってもいいのよ! How was Ikazuchi's handmade chocolate commander?...It was good? Then I can make some every month you know! Secretary 2
Umikaze Play こんな形で良かったかしら?少し大げさだったかしら?あ、提督、良かったら、こちら、どうぞ召し上がってください! I wonder if I got the shape right? Did I exaggerate the outline too much? Ah, Admiral, if it's fine with you please try some of this!
Kawakaze Play 提督、ほら、チョコあけるよ!うん?大丈夫、酒保で買ってきたもんだからさ~お返しはバッチリよろしくね♪ Admiral, here, take this chocolate. Hmm? It's fine I bought it from the PX. Make sure to find me a good return gift okay?
Asashio Play 司令官! こちらのチョコレートを、どうぞお受け取りください! ……大丈夫です! 味見と毒見は完了済みです! 安全安心です! Commander! Please take this chocolate here!... It's ok! I made sure to taste it and check for poison! It's completely safe!
Ooshio Play 司令官! アゲアゲな気持ちになるチョコ、差し上げます! 元気無い時には、これ食べて? たちまち元気がアゲアゲです! Commander! Please accept these chocolates filed my fired up feelings! When you want to need a pick me up be sure to eat one okay? As soon as you do you'll be fired up for sure!
Michishio Play 司令官……あの……義理よ、義理。完全に義理なんだから! はい、一応、終わり! Commander, umm...these are just obligation chocolates, obligation! These are absolutely only obligation chocolates. Right, take one, and done!
Arashio Play うふふふふっ。あはははっ! ほら見て。チョ・コ・レ・エ・ト♪ 食べる? 本当? ……じゃあ……あ・げ・る♪ Ufufufufu. Ahahaha! Look. Cho~co~la~te♪ Want some? really? .... Well, here it is♪
Arare Play 司令官。……ん、ちゃんと、霰も……チョコを作ってきました。……はい……あげます。 Commander, Arare has properly made some chocolate as well. Yes, these are for you.
Kasumi Play まあ、少し手間取ったけど、できたからあげるわ。……何って、チョコよ。そんなこともわかんないの? …………は、早く受け取ってったらぁ! Well, it took a bit of effort, but since it's done, I'll give it to you... what do you mean, "what?" It's chocolate. Can you not see?.... H-hurry up and take it!
Kagerou Play ま、『一応』ね。『一応』用意したの…司令。はい、あげるわ。まぁ…『一応』だから!『一応』!! Well, just in case. I made this for you...comamander, just in case. Here you can have it. Jeez it's just one! Only one!
Shiranui Play チョコレートですか? 司令も欲しいのですか? ……そうですか。仕方ないですね……。 Chocolate? Commander, wanted some too? I see. Well it can't be helped then.
Kuroshio Play 司令はん、うちのチョコもあげるで~。たくさん食べて~や。 Commander, please accept my chocolate. Make sure you eat lots of it!
Hatsukaze Play 提督、甘いもの、好き?…そう、ならこれをあげるわ。いらない?いる?…そう、はい! Admiral, do you happen to like....sweets? In that case please have this. You don't want it? You do? Right, here then!
Yukikaze Play し・れ・え!チョコ、あげます!買ってきたチョコです!美味しいと思います! Commander! Here's some chocolate! I went out and bought it myself! I think it tastes pretty good!
Tokitsukaze Play しれーチョコあげるー。え、いらないってー?んな馬鹿な…食ーべるのー!えーい! Commander, please accept my chocolate. Eh, you don't want any? Don't be up! Here!
Urakaze Play うち、チョコ作ったんじゃ♥提督、よかったら食べても…ええんよ? I made some chocolate for ya♥ Admiral, you can have some... if you want.
Hamakaze Play あの…提督。これを…これを受け取って頂けますと…幸い、です… Um... Admrial. If... if you can accept this I would be... happy...
Tanikaze Play よぅ提督!これを食べてくれよ!この谷風が作ったチョコレートだぜ!美味いよ! Hey Admiral! Try eating this! This chocolate was made by Tanakaze! It quite delicious!
Arashi Play し…司令さ、これ、あげるよ。ん…まぁ、たいしたもんじゃないんで。あんま気にすんな。 Commander, please take this. Naw, it's not a big deal. Don't read to much into it. Secretary 1
Play 司令、さっきあげた包み、開けた?あ…まだ?…そう…いや、別に良いんだ。別に… Commander, that wrapped thing I gave you before, have you opened it? Oh, you still haven't? No, it's nothing, it's nothing.... Scretary 2
Hagikaze Play よし!甘さ控えめの健康チョコレート、完成です! 綺麗に包んで…うふふっ、よーし♪ All right! My slightly sweet healthy chocolate is finished! Now to wrap it with prettily, ufufu, yes! Secretary 1
Play 司令!…あ、嵐?え、嵐も司令にチョコレートを…。 でも、ここは譲れない。司令、あの! Commander! Ah, Arashi? Eh, Arashi made the Commander chocolate as well.... but I can't hold back because of that. Commander, could I have your attention! Secretary 2
Maikaze Play はい、提督。舞風のチョコ食べるでしょ?はい、あげます。食べて食べてぇ! Here, Admiral. Did you want to eat some of Maikaze's chocolate? Well, here you go. Try it, try it!
Kazagumo Play 提督!あの…そのね、これ、あげるわ。あ、いいから、後で開けて、いいから! Admiral! Umm, this, please take it. It's fine if you open it later, it's fine!
Takanami Play 司令官と長波姉さまに、チョコレート作っちゃったかも…。受け取ってくれるかな…? I made this chocolate for Commander with the help of Naganami-neesama, would it accept...
Teruzuki Play 提督、はいっ!チョコあげます!照月のチョコ、ちゃんと食べてね? Admiral, here! I have some Chocolate! Will you eat Teruzuki's Chocolate?
Shimakaze Play 提督〜、島風のチョコあげるよ〜。誰のよりも早く食べてね。ほら、早く早くー! Admiral~, here you go, Shimakaze's chocolate. Eat these before you have anyone else's. Come on, hurry up, hurry up~!
Libeccio Play 提督さん~~んふふ~~これあげようか?ほしい?ほしいくない?どうっち?リベのチョコラトほしい?じゃ~あげる!はい! Admiral...nfufu....would you take this? Do you want it? Do you not want it? Which is it? Do you want Libe's chocolate? Well you go!
2017 Lines
Kamikaze Play 作ってしまった! 私特製のチョコケーキ……。司令官、喜んでくれるかな? 大丈夫だよね? At last, my special chocolate cake is done! I hope the commander likes it. this is fine, right...?
Harukaze Play バレンタインですもの。少しだけ、ハイカラなチョコレートを作ってしまったわ。司令官様、受け取ってくださるかしら… はぁ~ Well, it is Valentine's Day, so I took the liberty of making a little bit extravagant chocolate. Commander, if you don't mind, would you like to have some? *swoon*
Asakaze Play 司令官? まぁ~、何、あの~所謂……"チョコレート"ってやつ。あげるわ。はい、あげた! もうあげたから! 責任とって食べなさいよ!? Commander? Well, uhm, you know... here's some chocolate for you. Yep, here you go! And now that have it, take responsibility and eat it already!
Minazuki Play なんか鎮守府全体が甘い香り。これって…? あ、そうかチョコづくり~。そっかぁー! …やばって遅れたかも 材料まだ酒保に残ってるかな? 急がないと…! Somehow the whole base smells sweet. This is...? Ah, that's right, chocolate making. That's right~! Oh no, I wonder if there's any ingredients left in the PX now? I better hurry...!
Uranami Play てーとく…提督さん! あ、あの、これをもらってくださいますか? ど、ど、どうぞ! Admiral....Admiral! Ah, um, would you please accept this? H-h-here!
Samidare Play 提督、ば、バレンタインです! このチョコケーキを、どうぞ、って、あ、あれ!? ああぁぁ~~!! Admiral it's Va... Valentines! Please have this chocolate cake... eh, oh, oh no!? Aaaaaah!!
Yamakaze Play あの! あげる! ……あとで、食べて、ね……? Ummm! Here! ... Eat it, later, alright...?
Oyashio Play 司令、あ、あのっ、これを、これを、受け取ってください!あっ、いえ、親潮のチョコレートです!てっ、手作りで、あっ、あの、すみません! Commander... ummm, please... accept this! Ah, no, it's my chocolate! I ma... made it myself... Ummm... Ummm... Excuse me!
Amatsukaze Play ん…こんなもんかな?よし!少しビターでほんのり甘い、天津風チョコ、かんせね。ウラッピングは…よし!これで。 Hmmm... Like this? Alright! A little bitter and slightly sweet, the Amatsukaze Chocolate is complete. The wrapping... Alright! This is it.
Yuugumo Play うふふ。さぁ、でーきた!夕雲特製、本命オブ本命なチョコレート。あとは、いつ、どうやってお渡しするか。ふむ、考えるわね~。 Ufufu. There, it's done! My special, super love chocolate. Now, how am I going to hand it over. Hmmm, I'll have to think about that.
Naganami Play いやー、こういうのは苦手だねぇ。まぁ、なんつーの、コミュニケーションだよなぁ、コミュニケーション。 提督、ほらよ。 甘くは…ないぜ。 Yeaa~ I'm not good at these kinds of things. Well, it's about communication, you know, communication. Admiral, here. It's not... very sweet.
Okinami Play 司令官、あのぉ、このチョコレート、受け取っていただけませんか? あの、すっ、すみません! 嫌だったら、すみません! Commander, ummm... will you accept this chocolate? Ummm, so... sorry! If you don't want it, sorry!
2018 Lines
Matsukaze Play 何だ、何だ、このチョコレっとは?僕もらったって仕方ないだろう。な、きみ?ん、どうした?な、きみ? What's with all these chocolates? What use is it giving it to me? Right? Hmm, what's wrong? Hey?
Hatakaze Play 龍鳳さん、それは?「チョコレット」?な、なるほど、そういう季節なんですね。私も、頑張ろう。よし! What's that, Ryuuhou-san? "Chocolate"? I-I see. So that's the occasion. I'll work hard too. Alright! Secretary 1
Play 司令、春姉さん、あの、もしよろしければ、こちらを召し上がってください。どうぞ。あ、ありがとう存じます!やった! Commander, Haru-neesan, please have some of this if you like. Help yourself. Th-thank you very much! Alright! Secretary 2
Hatsuharu Play まぁ、なんじゃ、たまには浮世の仕来りにしたがに見るのも、これをじゃな、貴様に授けるのじゃ! Well, I mean, I want to experience the customs of this fleeting life once in a while; so I'm, well, giving this to you!
Nenohi Play 子日バレンタインアタック!くらえ!うりゃァ!うぅ、じゃなくて。はい、子日チョコ。 Nenohi Valentine's Attack! Take this! Uh, that's not it. Here, it's my chocolate.
Wakaba Play 若葉が作ったあチョコだ。悪くはないはずだ。できれば24時間以内に…あぁ、もう食べるのか? It's some chocolate I made. It shouldn't taste bad. If possible, please eat it within 24 ho... Ah, you're already eating it?
Hatsushimo Play 提督、あの、これを!もしよかったら、初霜がお作りしました。甘く、甘くなってます。はい! Umm, Admiral, here! I made some for you, if you're up for it. It, it came out pretty sweet. Yes! Secretary 1
Play 提督、いかがでしたか?お口に…あぁ、そうですか?良かった!ありがとうございます!良かった。 How was it, Admiral? Was it to your lik... Ah, really? Great! Thank you very much! Phew. Secretary 2
Murasame Play 提督、村雨のちょっとかなりいいチョコ食べて見る?甘くて、すこーしだけ苦いです。いいは?そう。じゃぁ、めーしーあーがーれー。うふ、どうぞ〜。 Would you like some of my nice chocolates, Admiral? It's sweet and juuust a bit bitter. You do? Ok. Then, here~ you~ go~. Ufu, help yourself~ Kai Ni
Fujinami Play 司令、これ、上げる。もち手作り。当然! This is for you, Commander. It's hand made. Totally!
Suzutsuki Play えへへ〜、涼月特製、かぼちゃ入りチョコ。提督と、お冬さんよもうつくちゃった。自信作です。 Ehehe~ it's my special pumpkin chocolate. I made some for you and Fuyu, Admiral. I'm proud of it.

Destroyer Escorts

New Lines

Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
Fukae Play 司令、どうも慣例みたいだ。これを上げる。うん、そうだ。あぁ、あんまり甘くないよ。ごめん。 Commander, I guess this is customary. This is for you. Yup, that's right. Ah, it's not very sweet. Sorry.
Hiburi Play 提督、こちら、差し上げます。もちろん、手作り。あぁ、だいちゃん。はい、だいちゃんにもあるよ。ねぇ? Admiral, this is for you. Of course it's hand made. Ah, Dai-chan. Here, there's some for you too. Alright?
Daitou Play おぉ、ヒブ、チョコくれんだ!あんがとう。提督もくれんの?冗談だよ!ほら、あたいから。 Ooh, Hibu, you're giving me chocolate! Thanks. Are you giving me some too, Admiral? Just kidding! Here, this is from me.

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2018 Lines
Shimushu Play ふひひ、作ったっすよ、チョコ。ふひひ、これで司令も一ころっしゅ。くなたちに負けんっしゅ! Fuhehe, I made some chocolate-su. Fuhehe, now I can beat the Commander-shu. I won't lose to Kuna and the others either-shu!
Kunashiri Play ふふ、教えてもらってしまった!特製チョコケーキのレシピ!あたしも作るんだ!待ってろう、司令官、姉さん、神風さん! Fufu, I learned it! The special chocolate cake recipe! Now I'm going to make one too! Just you wait, Commander, neesan, Kamikaze!
Etorofu Play 司令、このチョコレート、受け取ってください! Please accept this chocolate, Commander!
Matsuwa Play 司令、択捉ちゃん、あの…こ、これを!作りました、私。 Umm, th-this is for you... Commander, Etorofu-chan! I, I made it myself.
Sado Play へへ、速吸さんから教わっていうんだ、チョコの作り方!さぁ、やってるぜ!司令、待ってろうよ! Hehe, I learned how to make chocolate from Hayasui-san! Now, let's do this! Just wait and see, Commander!
Tsushima Play 司令、一応、これ、上げます。あぁ、あの、負けませんから。 I'll give you this, just this once, Commander. Ah, umm, because I won't lose.

Light Cruiser

New Lines

Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
Jintsuu Play 提督、あの、よかったらこちらをその、受け取っていただけますと、神通、ありがたいです。 Admiral, ummm, I'd be grateful if you wouldn't mind doing me the favour of accepting this.
Noshiro Play これをどうぞ!…なにか違う…ん…能代の気持ちです!…ん、どうしよう… Please take this! ...Something is off... Hmm... These are my feelings! ...Hmmm, what do I say... Secretary 2
Yahagi Play 能代姉、ありがとう。うん、これなら私にも出来そう。よし! Noshiro-nee, thank you. Yup, even I can do it with this. Alright! Secretary 2
Sakawa Play 司令、酒匂のチョコ、あ・げ・る。ぴゃあー!恥ずかしいぴゃー! Commander, this chocolate is from me. to. you! Pyaaa! That was embarrassing-pyaa! Secretary 2
Gotland Play えへー、提督、これなーんだ?この艦隊の風習なんでしょう?ちゃんとGottの手作りだよ。ほしい?ん? Ehe, Admiral, guess whaaat? This is a custom of this fleet right? I made sure to make it myself. Want it? Well?

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2015 Lines
Ooi Play バ、バレンタイン…今年こそは決戦ね! うふふ、ふふ…うっ?! は、鼻血が? あははは… Va-Valentine's.... Surely this year will be the decisive battle! Ufufu, fufu....uu?! Ah, my nose is bleeding! Ahahaha....
Kitakami Play バレンタインねー?なんでアタシチョコ貰うんだろう?そうゆう日だっけ? Valentine's, huh? Why am I getting chocolate? Is this how it's supposed to go?
Yura Play 提督さん、チョコレートそんなに好き……なの? じゃあ、由良もチョコをあげる……ね? Admiral, do you really like chocolate that much? Then, I'll give you some too....'kay?
2016 Lines
Tenryuu Play よう提督!待ちかねたぜ。俺の世界水準を軽く超えたチョコやるよ。…手が冷えてるって?そ、そんなに長時間待ってねぇよ! Yo Admiral. I’ve been waiting here for you. Well here it is, my beyond world-class chocolate. My…my hands are cold? I haven’t been waiting out here that long!
Tatsuta Play 何を物欲しげな眼で見ているの?欲しがり屋さん。しっかり味わうといいわぁ Why are you looking at me with such hungry eyes? You’re a ravenous one aren’t you? Well make sure to enjoy every one of these.
Kuma Play 提督うう。。これあげるくま。大丈夫くま、中身はチョコだくま。安心食べるといいくま。 Admiralllll…here take this kuma. Don’t worry kuma, it’s chocolate kuma. You can eat it without worrying kuma.
Tama Play 提督チョコあげるにゃあ。またたびじゃないにゃあ、多摩のチョコにゃあ。にゃあ~ Admiral have this chocolate nyaa. It’s not catnip nyaa, it’s Tama’s chocolate nyaa. Nyaa.
Kiso Play こういうのは柄じゃないんだが…ま、戦友としての気持ちだ。取っておけ This really isn’t my sort of thing but as one comrade to another I’d like you to have this.
Kinu Play このトリュフ作ったんだ. 提督、食べて!えっへへへへ、どう、辛い?甘い?ひとつだけ甘い、ロシアンチョコ仕様なのだ! I made you this truffle Admiral now eat up! Hehehehehe, well? Will it be spicy? Will it be sweet? It’s my Sweet Chocolates Russian Roulette game where only one is sweet!
Abukuma Play 提督今年は手作りで作ってみました。どうでしょうか。私てきにはOKなんですけど。 Admiral, this year I tried making these by hand myself. What do you think? I think they turned out pretty OK.
Yuubari Play はい、夕張からのチョコレート!ちゃぁんと果汁が入ってるんだから!本当よ Right, here’s Yuubari’s chocolate. Of course, I made sure to add fruit juice, just like you’d expect. Really I did!
Agano Play 最新鋭よー、最新鋭!最新鋭チョコ、準備OKで~す! 提督さん、はい! 阿賀野の出来立て最新鋭チョコ、どうぞ! Cutting edge, cutting edge! Cutting Edge chocolate, preparations complete! Admiral here! Have some of Agano's Cutting Edge Chocolate!
Noshiro Play 阿賀野姉の分は...けれてよし!提督の分は、うふふ~小さいけれど頑張っちゃだ♪よ~し、しかり渡すわ!練習しよど! Agano-nee's portion is....all done!, As for the Admiral's it might be a bit small but all try my best! There, I'll give these out! But I must practice!
Yahagi Play 姉さんたちが忙しいそう...チョコ作り...くん。私もやてみようかな?うん、能代姉に作り方教えてもらお! My big sisters all all busy making chocolates, I wonder if I should join in? Yes, I must teach Noshiro-nee how to make it!
Sakawa Play はい、司令に手作りチョコ作るだ~がと食べてくれるかな?えへへ♪ Here, commander I made you some chocolate by hand, would you like to try it? ehehe♪
2017 Lines
Natori Play あ、あの…あの、提督さん。こちらをあの、私作ってみたので。あの… Uh, ummm... ummm, Admiral-san. I tried... ummm... making this. Umm....
2018 Lines
Naka Play 那珂ちゃんはアイドルだから、もちろん、ギリチョコなんだけど、でも、これ上げるね。あは! I'm an idol so it's just obligatory chocolate, of course, but this is for you. Aha!
Kitakami Play 九三式食ってる場合じゃねぇなぁ!やっちゃいますか! No time to eat a Type 93! Let's do this! Reference to the Lawson Collaboration in which Kitakami and Ooi sold a Type 93 Eclair.
Ooi Play 九三式酸素ラブアターック!食らえ! Eat my Type 93 Oxygen Love Attaaaaaaack! Reference to the Lawson Collaboration in which Kitakami and Ooi sold a Type 93 Eclair.

Heavy Cruiser

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Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
2015 Lines
Maya Play んだよぉ、バレンタイン?うっぜぇなぁ、もう!まぁでも、一応買ってあんぜ…ホラ What? Valentine's? Ugh, jeez! Ehh, but I did buy some for you anyways. Here!
Play 甘いもんは苦手なんだよ! これでも食らいやがれぇー!! I don't like sweets things! Eat this!!
Attack line
Choukai Play 私の計算では、この甘さがベストなはず。あ、あの…このチョコレート、どうぞ。 According to my calculations, this level of sweetness should be best. Ah, um.... Here, these chocolates are for you.
Play ん?バルジか?手つくりチョコレート作ってる間に、少し食べ過ぎたかしら? Mmm? A Bulge? I wonder if I ate too much hand made chocolate as I was making it? Attack Line
2016 Lines
Aoba Play 司令官ども恐縮です青葉のチョコ差し上げます。お?いい顔!いただきます。 Commander, this is a little scary but would you accept Aoba’s chocolate? Oh? Nice face! Please dig in!
Play え?今の写真ですか?青葉艦隊新聞に使わせていただこうかと…え?だめ?がぁーん! Hmm? That photo just now? Aoba wanted to use it for Aoba's Fleet Newspaper? What? Not allowed? Awww.
Play はい!衣笠さん特製のハートチョコレート!あじわって…食べてね! Here! It's my specially made heart-shaped chocolate! I hope you enjoy its taste! Secretary 1
Kinugasa Play 衣笠さんの特製のハートチョコレート食べてくれた?で、お味は?そう、良かった。 Have you tried my special heart-shaped chocolate? Well, how’s the taste? Really? I’m glad. Secretary 2
Kako Play ん?まあ、なんての?チョコってやつ?あたしも一応用意しといたよ…ほれ Hmm? Well what is it? You want some chocolate. Well I prepared something figuring that would be the case, here.
Furutaka Play 提督、こ、これ…受け取ってください…あ、ありがとうございます。 Admiral, p-please... accept these... Th-thank you very much.
Myoukou Play 提督、あのよかったらこち受け取っていただますか?ああ…これは私からです。 Umm..Admiral, if it’s alright would you please accept this? It’s from me.
Nachi Play このなちはこの手のことは苦手なのでだが…このアルコール入りのやつをやろ。ほら。 Nachi isn't good with this sort of thing but…I'll give you this one that has alcohol in it. Here.
Ashigara Play さあ、うけたりんさい。この足柄の勝利チョコ食べれは勝利確実の。さあ! Right, please accept this. It’s Ashigara’s victory chocolate. If you eat some grasp victory for sure! Go on!
Haguro Play あ、あの!司令官さん、こ、このチョコレート…よ、よかったら受け取ってください! Uh-umm! Commander, pl-please accept these chocolates... i-if you don't mind!
Takao Play よし、これで完成です!ふふ、あの人は喜んでくれるかしら?うふふ・・ Alright, these are all finished! Hehe, I wonder if that person will be happy? Hehee.. Secretary 1
Play あ、あのー!こちらを…よっかたら、召し上がってください!あ、はい…高雄の…手作りです。 U…um! If it’s alright...please eat these! Y-Yes, these are Takao’s handmade chocolates. Secretary 2
Atago Play 提督、今日のお茶請けは、愛宕の手作りチョコがありますよ~楽しみにしてでね。 ふふふ Admiral, for today’s tea time snack you’ll be having Atago’s handmade chocolates. Are you looking forward to it? Hehehe. Secretary 2
Play 手作りチョコって、意外と難しいのね~。結構材料費かかっちゃったわ…でも、で~きた! Making chocolates by hand was harder than I thought. I spent a lot for the ingredients …but, it’s done! Secretary 3
Mogami Play ハイ、僕のチョコ食べて見てね?味は保証しないけど…そう?良かった、僕も嬉しいよ! Right, would you like to taste my chocolates? I can’t guarantee the taste but…really? It’s good? I’m so glad.
Mikuma Play 提督、三隈特製くまりんこチョコを差し上げますわ。はい、これです!遠慮なさらないで Admiral, this year you’ll receive Mikuma’s special Kumarinko Chocolate. Here you go! Don’t be shy, dig in!
Play 提督、くまりんこチョコ、お味はいかがでしたか?…え、まだ、ですか?遠慮しないで早く召し上がってくださいね Admiral, how did the kumarinko chocolate taste? What you still haven’t had any? Please hurry up and try it for me, okay?
Suzuya Play ほえ!提督… 鈴谷のチョコあーげーる!ふふ,おかいしきたいしってるからね?ひひひひ  Hey! Admiral, Suzuya’s chocolate is here so have…your..fill. Fufu, I have high hopes for my return gift. Hehehe….
Kumano Play トー~提督この熊野のチョコレート受けとてもいいの? Toooo~Admiral would you be fine with receiving chocolate from this Kumano?
Tone Play あチョコうまかったのは!え?あれは自分で食べるものではなかった?すまん… Mmm..these chocolates are delicious! Huh? Those weren't meant for me? S-sorry....
Chikuma Play 利根姉さん、自分で食べてしまったの?…はい、大丈夫です、私のを半分あげますね Tone-neesan, did you eat all of your own chocolates? Yes! It’s okay, I’ll give you half of mine.
2017 Lines
Zara Play はい提督、ザラ特性エスプレッソチョコです!ちょっと大人の苦さなんです。味わってね。 Here Admiral, my special espresso chocolate! It has a bit of a mature bitterness. Please taste it.
Pola Play 提督ぅ、ポーラ特製の体が熱くなるワインチョコでーす。 食べて食べて~。 ほらほら~。 えへへ~、まだまだありますよ~ Admira, it's my special wine chocolate that'll heat you up. Eat it up~. Go on~. Ehehe~, there's still plenty you know~
2018 Lines
Choukai Play そう。じゃあ、これを預かっておいて?大丈夫、二つあるの。お願いね? Ok. Then, can you take this? It's fine, I have two. Would you please? Secretary 3


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Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
Italia Play はい、提督、私からの特製dolceです。味わって食べてくださいね。えへへ。 Here, Admiral; it's some special sweets from me. Take your time to enjoy the taste. Ehehe.
Nelson Play き、貴様!甘いものは…そ、そのすきか?…そ、そうか!?なら、これをやろう。余からの餞別…違う、気持ちだ! Y-you! Do you like... sw-sweet things? ...Re-really!? Then, this is for you. This is a parting gift... No, it's my feelings!

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2015 Lines
Kongou Play HEY、提督ぅー! Burning Love!! な、chocolate持ってきたヨ-! Hey Admiral! I've brought you some chocolates full of Burning Love!
Play バーニング...バレンタインラブ! Burning....Valentine Love! Attack line
Hiei Play 手作りチョコ、よし。気合十分、よし。この季節は、恋も戦いも、負けませんっ! Homemade chocolates: check. All fired up: Check! At Valentine's, I won't lose in love or war!
Play ひえ~! 徹甲弾とチョコ、間違えて装填しそうに……っ! ひえっ、ひえ~! Hieee~! I mistook the chocolate for an AP shell & loaded it in...! Hiee~ hiee~! Attack line
Haruna Play 提督…もしよかったら…この榛名のチョコレート…もらっていただけますか? Admiral, if you'd like, would you have some of Haruna's chocolates?
Play 勝手と、チョコレートの食べ残しは榛名が許しません! Haruna will not forgive you if you have leftover chocolate! Attack line
Kirishima Play 甘さ良し、ほろ苦さ良し、包装良し! よーし、大丈夫! 司令官、こちらを! Sweetness: check. Bitterness: check. Wrapping: check! Alright, everything's good! Commander, please take these!
Play この私、霧島はチョコのように甘くはないわよ~? 狙い、よーし! 全門斉射! Kirishima is not as sweet as those chocolates you know~? Aiming, done! All main cannons, volley! Attack line
Ise Play そうね、ヴァレンタインだもの。提督、日向。はい、チョコレート。ふふ♪ Oh, that's right, it's Valentine's, isn't it? Admiral, Hyuuga, here, chocolates! Fufu♪
Hyuuga Play そうか、ヴァレンタインというやつだな。仕方無い、特別な瑞雲をやろう。ほら。 Oh, yeah, it's that thing called Valentine's, isn't it? Alright then, I'll make a special Zuiun. Here.
2016 Lines
Fusou Play 提督、よかったら。このチョコレートを受けとていただけないでしょうか?よかったら。 Admiral, I’m so glad it’s you. Could you be please accept this chocolate from me? I’m so glad.
Yamashiro Play 姉さまこの山城チョコレートをさしあげます…提督.しかったないですね…はいこれ。 Onee-sama! Please accept Yamashiro’s chocolate-oh Admiral. It can’t be helped, here have it.
Nagato Play あ、あのだな…一応用意しておいたんだ。いや、陸奥のやつがだな、こういうのは大切だと。あ、これなんだ。どうだろうか… U..umm, I made these in case you wanted some. was Mutsu's idea, she said this sort of thing was important. So...what do you think, will this do?
Mutsu Play はーぁい提督。少し大人のチョコレート、あげるわ。大事に食べるのよ、いーい? うふふっ♪ Hi, Admiral. I'll give you a little bit of adult chocolate. Make sure you eat it all, okay? ufufu~
Musashi Play 提督よ。チョコレート良いした。その疲れたら食べてくれ。遠慮は要らん Admiral, this chocolate is pretty good. If you’re feeling tired why not have some? Go on, don’t be shy!
Roma Play 一応用意してあるわ、チョコレート…何、要らないの?要るの?…あ、そう。ふぅーん… Just in case I made some chocolate....what you don't want any? You do want some? Ah, okay then. fuun...
2017 Lines
Yamato Play よし、大和の烹炊所ふる活用しちゃった。チョコレットの前菜に、チョコスープ、メーンヂイシュはステーキのチョコレットソースがけ。 Alright, I took full advantage of my kitchen. Chocolate appetizers, chocolate soup, and steak with chocolate sauce as a main dish.
Iowa Play Why? なんでみんなchocolateを作っているの? Valentineだから? えっ、なんで? Why? Why are all of you making chocolate? Because it's Valentines? Eh, but why?
Warspite Play My Admiral,これは差し上げます。この艦隊の伝統のようですので。え、ちがう? My Admiral, this is for you. It seems to be a tradition in this fleet. Eh, it's not?
2018 Lines
Yamato Play もちろんデザートは、大和特製ハート型チョコケーキ。よし、完璧!さぁ、提督をお呼びしましょう。提督!提督〜!あれ、提督? Now dessert will be my special heart-shaped chocolate cake. Alright, it's done! Now, I need to call the Admiral. Admiral! Admiral~! Huh, where's Admiral? Secretary 2
Gangut Play キサマ、これをやろう。あぁ、まあ、そういうわけだ。 This is for you. Ah, well, that's all it is.
Richelieu Play Mon amiral、これを受け取りなさい。いいから。よろし。 Please accept this, mon amiral. No complaining. Good.

Light Carrier

New Lines

Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
Shinyou Play 提督、schokoladeを、あの、もしよかったら…あぁ、danke!ありがとうございます! Admiral, chocolate, umm, if it's alright with you... Ah, thanks! Thank you very much!
Gambier Bay Play I will give you chocolate! あぁ、thank you very much. I will give you chocolate! Ah, thank you very much.

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2016 Lines
Houshou Play 提督、あの……どうかと思ったのですが、私もチョコレートをお渡しできれば、と……あの…… Admiral...umm I was wondering, would it be okay if I umm...also gave you a chocolate....
Play チョコレート、いかがでしたか? きな粉と和三盆を使って和風に……そうですか、良かった。 So, what did you think of the chocolate? I made it Japanese style with flour and wasanbon...oh really? I'm so glad. Wasanbon is a Japanese refined sugar
Ryuujou Play 司令官、こ、これ、うち、一生懸命作った、「ちょこれーと」っちゅう奴や。甘いもん嫌いやったら別…に…あ。もう食っとる!?…どや? おいしい?…うぅ、お、おいしいって言えや~! chocolate I worked hard to make it. I don't really know if you like sweet things already ate it? How was it? Was it good? Tell me it was good!
Zuihou Play 提督、私が本気で作ったチョコレート…食べる? Admiral, I earnestly made this chocolate, would you like some?
Shouhou Play て、提督。あ、あの……祥鳳のこのチョコレート、受け取っていただけますか? あ……ありがとうございます! Ad-Admiral, umm...would you accept this chocolate from Shouhou? Th-thank you so much!
Chitose Play 提督、千歳のチョコレート、差し上げますね。少しビターな、大人の味です…うふふ Admiral, please accept Chitose's chocolates. It's a little bitter but I think that gives it a more adult taste, fufu.
Chiyoda Play 提督?千歳お姉見なかった?…あ、そう。し、仕方ない、じゃあこれ…あげる! Admiral? Have you seen Chitose-onee anywhere? No? I see...well i-it can't be helped, here have these!
2017 Lines
Ryuuhou Play て・い・と・く! はい、龍鳳からのチョコレート、どうか受け取ってください! うぅ、ありがとうございます! Ad~ mi~ ra~ l~! Here, please accept my chocolate! Uuu, thank you very much!

Standard Carrier

New Lines

Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
Taihou Play うふぅ、作っちゃった。大鳳特製彗星艦爆型チョコレート。提督、ちゃんと食べてくれるかな。うふふぅ、きれいに包もうっと。 Ufufu, it's done. My special Suisei Dive Bomber Shaped Chocolate. I wonder if the Admiral will appreciate it. Ufufu, time to wrap it nicely.
Aquila Play 提督、Aquilaの地中海風Genoveseチョコ差し上げますぅ。はい、Aquila独自のレシピで。試食はしていません。 Admiral, here is my Mediterranean-style Genovese chocolate for you. Yes, it's my own secret recipe. I haven't even tasted it yet.
Intrepid Play Chocolate、いる?そう?じゃあ、あーげる!はい、美味しいよ! Want some chocolate? Really? Then, I'll give you some! Here, it's delicious!

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2015 Lines
Soryuu Play はい、提督。私からもチョコあげる♪ あんまりいっぱいもらって食べ過ぎないでね? Here you go, Admiral. Some chocolates from me, too. Don't eat too much just because you got a lot, okay?
Hiryuu Play んっふ~♪ 提督、チョコあげる、チョコ♪ 一応手作りだよ? 大事に食べてね♪ Huhu~m♪ Admiral, I have some chocolates for you. Chocolates♪ They're homemade, you know? Make sure you enjoy them♪
2016 Lines
Akagi Play 提督こちらのチョコよかったら…あ…はい!おかいしなんていりません。 Admiral please have these chocolates if you’d like. ...O...Oh no! you don’t need to get me anything in return.
Kaga Play 提督甘いものがお好きでしたらこれを。いいえ、意味はありません。 Admiral, I heard you like sweet things so here. Ah no, there’s no particular reason behind this.
Shoukaku Play 提督もしよろしければこちらをお受け取りいただけないでしょうか?あー、よかったありがとうございます。 Admiral, if you wouldn't mind would you please accept these chocolates from me? Ah, I’m so glad, thank you very much.
Zuikaku Play 提督さん、どうせきっと私だけどと思うから可哀想だからチョコあげるは。ほら、ちゃんとお返ししてよね? A, admiral, since I thought that I'd be the only one. It'd be a shame, so I'll give you some chocolate. Here... make sure you give me something in return.
Katsuragi Play チョコほしいの?うん…一応用意したけど。本当に?仕方ない、あげるわ! You want some chocolate? Hmm... I did prepare just in case. Really? It can't be helped then, here!
Graf Zeppelin Play チョコレートを渡す文化?悪らくないな。さすが礼の国が。よしアドミラルこの包みだが、そうだ貴官に差し上げる。 The practice of giving chocolates? Not bad. As expected of the country of courtesy. Right! Admiral this may be just a box of chocolate but I’ll give it to you.
2018 Lines
Shoukaku Play 提督、こちらです!あぁ、急がなくても大丈夫、私はちょうど今来たところなんです。あの、提督、もしよかったら… Over here, Admiral! Ah, you don't have to hurry, I just got here myself. Umm, Admiral, if you'd like... Secretary 1
Play 提督、もしよろしければ、こちらをお受けっ取りいだたけないでしょうか?あぁ、良かった、ありがとうございます。 Admiral, if you'd like, could you please accept this? Ah, wonderful. Thank you very much. Secretary 2
Zuikaku Play 提督さん、遅いじゃん。少しだけ待ちゃったよ。寒いだからさ、待たせないだよ。あぁ、これ?これはね… You're late, Admiral! I was waiting for a while. Don't make me wait while it's cold out. Ah, this? This is... Secretary 1
Ark Royal Play Admiral、その…なんだ、いや、なんでもない。なくない…あのだな、accept my chocolate, please. Admiral, ummm... you know- well, never mind. Actually... uhm, accept my chocolate please.


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2016 Lines
I-168 Play 司令官、このイムヤの艦橋型スマホサイズチョコ、あげる!一応、イムヤの手作りだよ!結構大変だったんだから Commander, please accept Imuya's Smart phone size type chocolate in the shape of a ship's bridge! It's handmade by Imuya herself.
Play 司令官、イムヤのチョコ、ちゃんと食べてくれた?…え、飾ってある?それなんか違うー!早く食べてよぉ、もう Commander, have you eaten Imuya's chocolate yet? Eh? You're using it as a decoration? That's not what it's for at all! Hurry up and eat it, jeez!
I-58 Play 提督提督ー!これあげるでち!ゴーヤ特製『ゴーヤチョコ』でち! Admiral, Admiral! Please take this dechi! It's Goya's special Goya chocolate dechi!
Play 提督提督ー!ちゃんとゴーヤチョコ食べたー? ……えーなんでー!? 美味しいのにー。早く食べるでち! Admiral Admiral! Did you already have Goya's chocolate? Eh, why not? It's delicious. Hurry up and eat it dechi!
I-19 Play 提督!イク、結構頑張って手作りチョコ作ったの!食べてほしいの!…どぉ?美味し?うん、まだまだあるの! Admiral! Iku work hard into making this hand-made chocolates! I like you to eat some! Oh? It's delicious? Yes, I there's some more!
Play 提督!?どうしたの!?顔色が悪いの…え、チョコの食べすぎ?それは良くないの……胃薬入りチョコ作ったの!これ、食べるの! Admiral? What is it? Your face has a pretty bad You had too much chocolate? That's not good....I'll make you some chocolates with stomach medicine inside! Here, eat this!
I-8 Play 提督。バレンタインなので、はっちゃん、シュトーレンに、チョコかけて仕上げてみました。どうでしょう?美味しいですか? Admiral, since it's Valentine's, Hacchan made you some Stollen Bread with chocolates inside. How is it? Does it taste good?
Play チョコシュトーレン、好評で良かったです。新入りの子から習った、パネットーネ……これにも、チョコをかけてみようと思います。 My choco-stollen got rave reviews. I've been learning how to make Panetonne from that new girl, I think I'll try putting chocolate in that too! She's likely reffering to Libeccio since Panetonne is an Italian made sweet.
2018 Lines
I-13 Play チョコレート、作ります…いえ、こういうのは、姉の私の方が…あぁ! I'll make some chocolate... No, this is my responsibility as an older sister... Ah!
I-14 Play もう姉貴、それ貸してって。チョコ作りはね、こうするの。えぇ!?なんで泣いての!?なんで!? Jeez, aneki, give that here. This is how you make chocolate. Eh!? Why are you crying!? Why!?
I-400 Play シオンの手作りチョコ、提督、受け取ってください!結構凝った作りなんです。ここ開けて、こうして… Please accept my handmade chocolates, Admiral! I made it pretty fancy. Open it up here, and then...
Luigi Torelli Play うん、あい、これ上げるよ。ふんや、ふんや。 Hum, yup, you can have this. Funya, funya.


New Lines

Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
Nisshin Play このチョコレートというものを渡すんが、ここのしきたりみたいじゃのう。じゃけ、わしからじゃ! It looks like it's a custom here to give out these "chocolate" things. Then, I'll do it too!

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2015 Lines
Katori Play あのこれもしよかったらどぞ。はい、チョコケーキです。召し上がって。 Um.... Here, would you perhaps want to eat this? Yes, it is a chocolate cake. Please enjoy it. (Approximate) Kai only
2016 Lines
Akashi Play 提督、はいチョコレート!お返しは…うーんと豪華なスイーツと、資材でいいですよ! Admiral, here you go, some chocolate! Now about my return gift...hmm some fancy sweets and resources would be good!
Akitsushima Play 提督‼チョこあげるかも!あたしがちゃんと手作り秋津洲チョコ。大事に食べてほしいかも Admiral, maybe you should take this chocolate. It’s my authentic handmade Akitsushima chocolate! If you want to eat some feeling to it.
Mizuho Play 提督瑞穂チョコレートのおかし作って見たんです?お一ついかがでしょうか? Admiral? Have you been looking at Mizuho making chocolate sweets? Would you like to try one?
Hayasui Play 提督さんこのチョコレート受け取ってください。手作りです。 Admiral please accept this chocolate. I made it myself.
Kashima Play チョコレートはこれでよし!きれいのwrappingしてあとは timingです! Alright this chocolate looks pretty good! The wrapping is nice and pretty, now I just have to wait for the timing to be right!
Play 提督さん?このチョコレート良かったら貰ってください。はい、甘いです! Admiral? If it’s alright with you please accept this chocolate. Yes, It's very sweet!
2017 Lines
Commandant Teste Play 提督? 私、手作りでご用意しました。こちらをぜひ受け取ってください。 Merci! Admiral? I made this myself. Please accept it. Thanks!
Taigei て・い・と・く!はい、大鯨からのチョコレート、どうか受け取ってください!あ、ありがとうございます! Ad~ mi~ ral~! Here, please accept my chocolates! Th-thank you very much!
2018 Lines
Hayasui Play 提督さん、このチョコレット、受け取ってください!て、手作りです。 Please accept this chocolate, Admiral! I-It's handmade. Secretary 1
Play この魚雷…えっと…これ魚雷じゃなくてあの…大井さん?あぁ、はい!了解です!補給いたします! This torpedo... urmm... It's not a torpedo, uhm... Ooi-san? Ah, yes! Roger that! Resupplying! Secretary 2
Kamoi Play あの、一応、これを…その…ホワイトチョコレットで作りました。白い…あの、美味しいです、から。 Umm, I tried making... some... white chocolate. It's white... ummm... It's delicious, so...


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2015 Lines
Mamiya Play 特製チョコレートケーキを焼きました。甘くって、美味しいですよ?うふふっ♪ I baked a special chocolate cake. It's very sweet and delicious. Involves adding chocolate into their cakes
Irako Play バレンタイン… やっぱり、チョコですよね!最中の中、チョコアイスにしてみました! Valentine's of course means chocolate doesn't it? I added some chocolate ice cream as the filling to the Monaka. Involves adding chocolate into their cakes