Anti-Submarine Warfare

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Submarines (SS, also including "Aircraft Carrying Submarines" SSV) are characterized by relatively low armor and HP. By contrast, they are difficult to handle using "normal setups", requiring instead specific Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) equipment and setups in order to be sunk.

During sorties, submarines are typically found at pre-boss nodes, but some can be boss themselves, see here.

Attack Behavior

Unlike regular surface ships, submarines:

  • Cannot be targeted by normal shelling attacks,
  • Are immune to air and torpedo attacks,
  • Cannot take more than scratch damage during night battle,
    • Therefore they cannot be sunk at night,
    • The exception to this rule is when a battle starts at night, or when attacking with a Combined Fleet.

ASW Shelling Conditions

Only certain ships meeting certain conditions can attack SS(V).

  • Most often, if a ship can attack a submarine, focusing it will take over any other target.

Here, Dive-bomber or Torpedo Bomber refers to any Dive Bomber/Torpedo Bomber.

Ship Conditions Day Battle Night Battle
Stats Equipment
Taiyou-class Kai NiTaiyou Kai Ni
Shinyou Kai Ni
Unyou Kai Ni

Kaga Kai Ni GoKaga Kai Ni Go
Not more than
moderately damaged (中破)
Dive-bomber or Torpedo Bomber with 1+Anti-Submarine Warfare[1][2] Prioritize SS Night Air Attack will prioritize surface target[3]
Night Shelling prioritize SS
Gambier Bay Mk.IIGambier Bay Mk.II Prioritize SS (with a special night air attack)
All other CVL Do not attack SS
Mogami-class Kou Kai NiSuzuya Kou Kai Ni
Kumano Kou Kai Ni
Prioritize surface target[4]
BBV, CAV, AV, LHA None Equipped with Seaplane BomberBomber, Rotorcraft, Liaison Aircraft, Large Flying Boat, or Dive-bomber or Torpedo Bomber with 1+Anti-Submarine Warfare[2] Prioritize SS
Fusou-class Kai NiFusou Kai Ni
Yamashiro Kai Ni

No.101 Transport ShipNo.101 Transport Ship
Equipped with Depth Charges Prioritize SS
Any CV, CVL, BBV, CAV, AV, LHA Not equipped with the above-mentioned equipment Do not attack SS
Hayasui KaiHayasui Kai
Yamashio Maru KaiYamashio Maru Kai
Equipped with Dive-bomber or Torpedo Bomber[2] Prioritize SS Do not attack SS
Not equipped with Dive-bomber or Torpedo Bomber Prioritize SS
All other ships At least 1 base Anti-Submarine Warfare ASW None
No base Anti-Submarine Warfare ASW Do not attack SS
  1. A 0Anti-Submarine Warfare attack plane paired with a Rotorcraft Rotorcraft or a Liaison Aircraft Liaison Aircraft do work
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 If all relevant aircraft are in zero plane slots, the ship cannot attack SS.
  3. In absence of surface target will do a night shelling against SS
  4. Can still attack SS
  • As Abyssals also follow those conditions, SS/V can be used as "Submarine Tanks" (Sub-tanking) on some maps to deviate attacks from the fleet to the submarine.

Damage Calculation

The stats used to calculate damage against submarines is the Anti-Submarine Warfare ASW.

  • When contributing to ASW power, Base Anti-Submarine Warfare ASW is square rooted, while equipment ASW is multiplied by 1.5.
    • Anti-submarine weaponry is therefore the primary source of ASW damage, with the base ship ASW playing a very minor role damage-wise.
    • However, base ship ASW is the primary determinant of whether a ship can reach 100 total ASW to perform "Opening ASW" (OASW) attacks.
  • Unlike sheeling, ASW damage is capped at 170.

ASW attacks have different modifiers gained from Formations,

Anti-Submarine Formula
[math]\displaystyle{ \text{Atk}_\text{base ASW} = \left( 2\sqrt{\text{ASW}_\text{ship} } + 1.5\text{ASW}_\text{equip} + \bigstar + \text{Type}_\text{ship} \right) \times \text{Mod}_\text{synergy} }[/math]
  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{Type}_\text{ship} }[/math] a constant depending on the type of the ship performing the attack. See below for details.
Ship Type Constant
Ship Types [math]\displaystyle{ \text{Type}_\text{ship} }[/math]
Coastal Defence Ships (DE)
Destroyers (DD)
Light Cruisers (CL/CT)
Oilers (AO) (without carrier bomber)
Aviation Cruisers (CAV)
Aviation Battleships (BBV)
Seaplane Tenders (AV)
Light Carriers (CVL)
Landing Ships (LHA)
Oilers (AO) (with carrier bomber)
  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{Mod}_\text{synergy} }[/math] the synergy multiplier bonus from using certain combinations of ASW equips (see below).
  • The bonuses do not stack, meaning only the highest possible bonus applies.
    • The exception is the depth charge penetration detailed above.
  • Multiple equipments of the same type still only apply the bonus once.
  • There is an accuracy bonus as well but it is small. Stacking sonars will give a bigger accuracy bonus.
ASW Damage Synergy
Small SONARSmall Small Sonars
Equipment Card Type 93 Passive Sonar.png
Type 93 Passive Sonar
Equipment Card Type 4 Passive Sonar.png
Type 4 Passive Sonar
Equipment Card Type 3 Active Sonar.png
Type 3 Active Sonar
Equipment Card Type 3 Active Sonar Kai.png
Type 3 Active Sonar Kai
Equipment Card Type124 ASDIC.png
Type124 ASDIC
Equipment Card Type144 147 ASDIC.png
Type144/147 ASDIC
Equipment Card HF DF + Type144 147 ASDIC.png
HF/DF + Type144/147 ASDIC
Large SONARLarge Large Sonars
Equipment Card Type 0 Passive Sonar.png
Type 0 Passive Sonar
Depth Charge ProjectorDCP Depth Charge Projectors (DCP)
Equipment Card Type 94 Depth Charge Projector.png
Type 94 Depth Charge Projector
Equipment Card Type 3 Depth Charge Projector.png
Type 3 Depth Charge Projector
Equipment Card Type 3 Depth Charge Projector (Concentrated Deployment).png
Type 3 Depth Charge Projector (Concentrated Deployment)
Equipment Card Prototype 15cm 9-tube ASW Rocket Launcher.png
Prototype 15cm 9-tube ASW Rocket Launcher
Equipment Card RUR-4A Weapon Alpha Kai.png
RUR-4A Weapon Alpha Kai
Equipment Card Mk.32 ASW Torpedo (Mk.2 Thrower).png
Mk.32 ASW Torpedo (Mk.2 Thrower)
Depth Charge RacksDCR Depth Charge (Racks) (DCR)
Equipment Card Type 95 Depth Charge.png
Type 95 Depth Charge
Equipment Card Type 2 Depth Charge.png
Type 2 Depth Charge
Equipment Card Lightweight ASW Torpedo (Initial Test Model).png
Lightweight ASW Torpedo (Initial Test Model)
Equipment Card Hedgehog (Initial Model).png
Hedgehog (Initial Model)
Equipment Card Type 2 Depth Charge Kai 2.png
Type 2 Depth Charge Kai Ni
ASW MortarOther ASW Mortars
Equipment Card Type 2 12cm Mortar Kai.png
Type 2 12cm Mortar Kai
Equipment Card Type 2 12cm Mortar Kai (Concentrated Deployment).png
Type 2 12cm Mortar Kai (Concentrated Deployment)
ASW Damage Modifiers: [math]\displaystyle{ \text{Mod}_\text{synergy} = {Mod}_\text{1} \times {Mod}_\text{2} }[/math]
[math]\displaystyle{ {Mod}_\text{1} }[/math] SONAR + Depth Charges
(Any Sonar + Any Depth Charge)
[math]\displaystyle{ {Mod}_\text{2} }[/math] Depth Charge ProjectorDCP + Depth Charge RacksDCR and NO Small SONARSmall 1.1
Small SONARSmall + Depth Charge ProjectorDCP + Depth Charge RacksDCR 1.25
[math]\displaystyle{ \text{Mod}_\text{synergy} }[/math] Small SONARSmall + Depth Charge ProjectorDCP + Depth Charge RacksDCR 1.4375[math]\displaystyle{ 1.15 \times 1.25 }[/math]
Large SONARLarge + Depth Charge ProjectorDCP + Depth Charge RacksDCR 1.265[math]\displaystyle{ 1.15 \times 1.1 }[/math]
Armor Penetration
Indepentant of synergies, some equipment provides additional armor penetration to ASW attacks.

The flat armor penetration value is calculated as follows:

[math]\displaystyle{ \text{Pen} = \sum\limits_{\text{Equipment}} \Big( \sqrt{\text{ASW}_\text{Equipment} - 2} + \text{Mod}_\text{ship} \Big) }[/math]
  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{ASW}_\text{Equipment} }[/math] the base ASW Anti-Submarine Warfare stat of the applicable equipment,
  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{Mod}_\text{ship} }[/math] being 1 for DE, 0 otherwise,
  • Armor penetration from equipment stacks,
  • The final armor of the targetted submarine cannot go below 1.

Opening ASW Shelling (OASW)

Commonly referred to as OASW (opening ASW). All eligible ships will perform a regular ASW Shelling attack, following range order in the same fashion as the First Shelling Phase. As these opening attacks happen before the Opening Torpedo Salvo, they may disable or even sink enemy submarines before they have a chance to attack.

OASW has the following trigger conditions:

  • Only ships listed below can trigger an OASW,
    • The ship is not required to be able to perform any ASW Shelling.
  • They must meet their specific ASW stat threshold and requirements, listed below,
OASW Ship ASW Stat Required[1] Equipment Required[2][3][4]
Any DD, CL, CLT, CT, AO[5] 100+ ASW SONAR 1 Sonar Equipped
Ship Banner Yamato Kai Ni Juu.pngKai Ni Juu
Ship Banner Shinshuu Maru Kai.png
Ship Banner Kumano Maru Kai.png
SONAR + Seaplane BomberBomber / Rotorcraft / Liaison Aircraft / Dive Bomber
Sonar + Any Seaplane Bomber, or Rotorcraft, or Liaison Aircraft, or Dive Bomber, with 1+ ASW
Ship Banner Fusou Kai Ni.png
Ship Banner Yamashiro Kai Ni.png
SONAR + Seaplane BomberBomber / Rotorcraft / Depth Charges
Sonar + Seaplane Bomber, or Rotorcraft, or Depth Charge
Any CVL[6][7] SONAR + Dive Bomber / Torpedo Bomber / Liaison Aircraft / Rotorcraft
Sonar + Any with 1+ ASW
50+ ASW SONAR + Torpedo Bomber / Liaison Aircraft / Rotorcraft
Sonar + Any with 7+ ASW
65+ ASW Torpedo Bomber / Liaison Aircraft / Rotorcraft
Any with 7+ ASW
Any DE 60+ ASW SONAR 1 Sonar Equipped
75+ ASW Total of 4+ ASW from equipment
Ship Banner Tatsuta Kai Ni.png
Ship Banner Yuubari Kai Ni D.pngKai Ni D
Ship Banner Isuzu Kai Ni.png
John C. Butler-class Kai/Mk.II
J-class Kai
Can OASW innately
Ship Banner Taiyou Kai.png
Ship Banner Unyou Kai.png
Ship Banner Shinyou Kai.png
Ship Banner Kaga Kai Ni Go.pngKai Ni Go
N/A Dive Bomber / Torpedo Bomber / Liaison Aircraft / Rotorcraft
Any with 1+ ASW
Ship Banner Hyuuga Kai Ni.png N/A RotorcraftRotorcraft2 AutogyrosKa Type Observation Autogyro
O Type Observation Autogyro Kai
O Type Observation Autogyro Kai Ni

Rotorcraft1 HelicopterS-51J
S-51J Kai
  1. The Required ASW Stat does include Visible Bonuses, but does not include Improvements.
  2. Visible Bonuses or Improvements do not count as equipment ASW (e.g. a +6 ASW equipment with +1 ASW bonus does not count as a +7 equipment but just as a +6 one).
  3. When applicable, if all relevant ASW aircraft are in zero plane slots, and no bomber Dive Bomber/Torpedo Bomber with 1+ Anti-Submarine Warfare are present in non-zero plane slot, the ship cannot OASW.
  4. Regardless of their ASW stat, FighterNight Fighter Fighters or Reconnaissance Aircraft Carrier Recons cannot trigger any OASW.
  5. Other ASW Shelling capable ships may be able to OASW, but cannot reach 100 ASW Anti-Submarine Warfare using currently available equipment.
  6. The Mogami-class Kou Kai Ni cannot perform any OASW [1]
  7. CVE should be used, as they are the only CVL with base ASW Anti-Submarine Warfare stat.
  8. Kai only for Heywood L. Edwards.

See the list of Anti-submarine Weaponry and ASW Aircraft to better see what can help achieve OASW on a given ship.


Abyssal ships do not follow these rules. The following may perform OASW unconditionally:

Other abyssals cannot perform OASW.

Equipment Setups

Are listed here some recommended equipment setups for ASW duties. The equipment order is illustrative and does not reasonably matter. As general rules:

  • The first priority is to have OASW, even at the expense of synergy:
    • DE can OASW more easily than DD,
    • Because   increase with levels using high-level ships can help,
    • Take note that DEs have bonus armor penetration from Depth Charges.
  • To further maximize ASW effectiveness, regardless if an OASW is triggered or not, it is recommended to use:
  • When using carriers, it is recommended to use CVE, as they have a base   stat.
Equipment Notes
 Small  DCP  DCR  This ASW setup maximizes the ASW by taking advantage of the synergy. One of the depth charges needs to be a Depth Charge Projector while the other needs to be a Depth Charge (Racks). Take note that reaching the OASW threshold takes precedence over everything. In this case, just replace depth charges with equipment that has a higher ASW.
CVL/Kaga Kai Ni Go
 / / / / /  ASW Aircraft or just planes with good ASW should be prioritized. It is possible to maintain some surface combat capabilities, by doing a normal CVCI with high ASW panes, or by stacking  .
Unique setup
       The   must be an Helicopter 
, and should be placed in the smaller plane slot when other planes are used.

Setup unique to Hyuuga Kai Ni  which allows her to do an OASW with a decent base ASW, while keeping some surface combat capabilities like Artillery Spotting.


See the Land-Based Air Squadron page

  • Only ASW Planes (7+   ASW) can attack submarine during this phase.
    • If submarines are present, those planes will prioritize attacking submarines, while other attackers will only be able to attack surface targets.

ASW Aircraft
 Rotorcraft Autogyros 
Ka Type Observation Autogyro
O Type Observation Autogyro Kai
O Type Observation Autogyro Kai Ni
S-51J Kai
 Liaison Aircraft
Type 3 Command Liaison Aircraft (ASW)
Type 3 Command Liaison Aircraft Kai
Type 1 Fighter Hayabusa Model II Kai (20th Squadron)
Type 1 Fighter Hayabusa Model III Kai (Skilled/20th Squadron)
Type 3 Command Liaison Aircraft Kai 2
 Land-based Patrol Aircraft 
Prototype Toukai
Toukai (901 Air Group)
+7 ASW   Torpedo Bombers
Type 97 Torpedo Bomber (931 Air Group)
Type 97 Torpedo Bomber (931 Air Group/Skilled)
Tenzan (931 Air Group)
Prototype Type 97 Torpedo Bomber Kai (Skilled) No. 3 Model E (w/ Type 6 Airborne Radar Kai)
Tenzan Model 12A Kai (Skilled w/ Type 6 Airborne Radar Kai)

Ryuusei Kai (CarDiv 1/Skilled)
Swordfish Mk.III (Skilled)
Barracuda Mk.III
Tenzan Model 12A Kai 2 (Murata Squadron w/ Radar)
+7 ASW  Dive Bombers
Ju 87C Kai Ni (w/ KMX)
Ju 87C Kai Ni (w/ KMX/Skilled)
Type 0 Fighter Model 64 (Two-seat w/ KMX)
+7 ASW  Seaplanes Recons
Type 0 Reconnaissance Seaplane Model 11B
Type 0 Reconnaissance Seaplane Model 11B (Skilled)
Swordfish Mk.III Kai (Seaplane Model)
Swordfish Mk.III Kai (Seaplane Model/Skilled)
Zuiun Kai Ni (634 Air Group/Skilled)

ASW Support Expedition

See ASW Support Expedition

  • If a CVL is present, aircraft with   ASW will attack submarines regardless of the ship on which it's equipped.

See Also