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Field Guide (図鑑表示) is a main menu function where information about ship girls and equipment can be viewed. It is better known as the Library, Gallery, or KancoDex. It is to be found under "Assets" for the English UI.

Note that some cards are still missing in both Libraries:

  • Most missing ship cards will eventually be added at some point as new ships or new remodel cards.
  • Some equipment cards were never introduced and may never be added, namely cards n° 321, 448, & 462. In addition, the card n° 337 corresponds to the Reppuu Kai Ni (CarDiv 1/Skilled)Reppuu Kai Ni (CarDiv 1/Skilled), a never-released equipment.

Menu Functions

Field Volume 5, a look at page 4 containing IDs 311-320. 314 (Sheffield) is missing here.
  • Field Guide Volumes - Allows to select a volume to view.
  • Pages - Allows to select a page to view. Ship girls and equipment are ordered by ID.
  • Ship/Equipment Toggle - Toggles between the ship girl library and equipment library.
  • Entry - Clicking on the entries will bring up more detailed information on the ship girl or equipment. Please see below for more details.
  • Marriage Indicator - Displays a ring on ship girls that have been married. The ring only appears on the remodel that was married.
  • Quantity of equipment possessed - Displays how many pieces of each unlocked equipment are currently possessed under their card.

Ship Girl Cards

Married Tashkent in the Library
  • ID - The ID of the ship girl's card,
    • Some cards are not displayed in the Library (usually lesser ones),
  • Name - The name of the girl,
  • Class - The class name and her position within the class,
    • Some ships have a displayed class different from their real class (see here), or different class number (see bellow),
  • Type - The ship type of the girl,
    • The type is also written in English on the background (see here),
    • Some ships have a displayed type different from their real type (see here).
  • Information - A short description of the ship girl,
  • Stats - Displays her base stats,
  • Cycle CG - Allows to cycle through all the CG unlocked for the girl,
  • Play Voice - Narrates the Information section,
  • Replay Marriage Cinematic - Replays the marriage cinematic (only available if that remodel has been married).
  • Play Voice SP/MD - Replay some special lines, notably Quest completion lines and Event lines (if any has been unlocked).

Class number exceptions
  • Some ships do not have their class number displayed, or have a different number than the real one:
Class N° Exceptions
Ships Class N° Exception Notes
Ise Kai Ni 1 No Class N° displayed Class number displayed on pre-Kai Ni
Hyuuga Kai Ni 2
Akagi Kai Ni
Akagi Kai Ni E
Kaga Kai Ni
Kaga Kai Ni E
Kaga Kai Ni Go
Kuma Kai Ni
Kuma Kai Ni D
Ryuuhou Kai Ni E
Ryuuhou Kai Ni
Yawata Maru 2 Kasuga Maru do have her class number displayed
Dan Yang 8 Class number displayed on the other remodels
I-401 2 I-400 do have her class number displayed
Maruyu 1 Is supposed to represent all the ships of her type
Souya (AGS/AGL/AGB) 3
Shinshuu Maru
Shinshuu Maru Kai
Akitsu Maru
Akitsu Maru Kai
Kumano Maru
Kumano Maru Kai
Umikaze Kai Ni 7 Class N° becomes 1st Represents the "Kai Shiratsuyu-class" ordering
Yamakaze Kai Ni
Yamakaze Kai Ni D
8 Class N° becomes 2nd
  • Unlike all other nations in the game, DD, DE, and SS from the USA do not have class numbers, but hull numbers next to their type instead.
    • This better reflects USN naming/coding scheme.
USN Hull N°
Hull N° Ships
Destroyer Escort DE-413 Samuel B. Roberts/Mk.II
Destroyer DD-445 Fletcher/Kai Mod.2/Mk.II
Destroyer DD-557 Johnston
Destroyer DD-663 Heywood L. Edwards
Submarine S1 Salmon
Submarine SS-182 Salmon Kai
Submarine SS-228 Drum
Submarine SS-277 Scamp

Equipment Cards

  • ID - The ID of the equipment,
  • Name - The name of the equipment,
  • Information - A short description of the equipment,
  • Type - The equipment's type, with the type also being displayed in English in the background,
    • Those types are not always exact, and may not be literally translated on the wiki (see the table below).
  • Stats - Displays the equipment's stats,
  • Ship Type - Displays the broad ship types that can equip the equipment,
    • Only DD, CL, CA, BB, CVL, CV, AV, and BBV types are displayed here.
  • Cycle CG - Allows to cycle through the equipment's full card / equipment only / equipment+fairy only / fairy only,
  • Amount Held - Shows how many of the equipment is held in the inventory.
Library Equipment Types
"Real" Type Icon Library Japanese Type Library English Type
Main Exact Kanji English
Main Gun Small Caliber Main Gun     小口径主砲 Small Caliber Main Gun Primary Armament
Medium Caliber Main Gun     中口径主砲 Medium Caliber Main Gun
Large Caliber Main Gun   大口径主砲 Large Caliber Main Gun
Very Large Caliber Main Gun
Secondary Gun Secondary Gun    副砲 Secondary Gun Secondary Armament
Large Secondary Gun
Torpedo Surface Torpedo   魚雷 Torpedo Torpedo
Submarine Torpedo 潜水艦魚雷 Submarine Torpedo
Midget Submarine 特殊潜航艇 Special Submarine Midget Submarine
Anti-Aircraft Gun   対空機銃 Anti-Aircraft Machine Gun AA Gun
AA Rocket
Anti-Aircraft Fire Director   高射装置 Anti-Aircraft Equipment AA Director
Carrier-based Fighter Carrier-based Fighter
Carrier-based Night Fighter
    艦上戦闘機 Carrier-based Fighter Carrier-based Aircraft
Carrier-based Dive Bomber   艦上爆撃機 Carrier-based Bomber
Carrier-based Torpedo Bomber Carrier-based Torpedo Bomber
Carrier-based Night Torpedo Bomber
    艦上攻撃機 Carrier-based Attacker
Jet-powered Fighter-Bomber     噴式戦闘爆撃機 Jet Fighter-Bomber Jet Fighting Bomber
Land-based Bomber Land-based Heavy Bomber   大型陸上機 Large Land Plane Heavy Bomber

Land-based Attacker

    陸上攻撃機 Land Attacker Land Attacker
Land-based Fighter 陸軍戦闘機 Army Fighter
    局地戦闘機 Local Fighter
Carrier-based Reconnaissance Aircraft Carrier-based Reconnaissance Aircraft   艦上偵察機 Carrier-based Reconnaissance Plane Reconnaissance
Large Carrier-based Reconnaissance Aircraft
Land-based Reconnaissance Aircraft 陸上偵察機 Land Reconnaissance Plane
Seaplane Reconnaissance Seaplane
Night Reconnaissance Seaplane
   水上偵察機 Reconnaissance Seaplane
Seaplane Bomber
Night Seaplane Bomber
   多用途水上機/水上爆撃機 Multipurpose Seaplane/Seaplane Bomber Multi-Purpose Seaplane
Seaplane Fighter   水上戦闘機 Seaplane Fighter Fighter Seaplane
Large Flying Boat   大型飛行艇 Large Flying Boat Flying Boat
Rotorcraft   回転翼機 Rotorcraft Autogyro
Liaison Aircraft   対潜哨戒機 Anti-submarine Patrol Plane Antisubmarine Patrol
Radar Small Radar   小型電探 Small Radar Radar
Large Radar 大型電探 Large Radar
Very Large Radar
Depth Charge   爆雷 Depth Charge Depth Charge
Sonar Small Sonar   ソナー Sonar Sonar
Large Sonar 大型ソナー Large Sonar
Submarine Equipment   潜水艦装備 Submarine Equipment Submarine Equipment
Surface Ship Equipment Smoke Generator   艦載発煙装置 Ship-borne Smoke Generator Smoke Generator
Barrage Balloon   防空気球 Air Barrage Balloon Barrage Balloon
Extra Armor Extra Armor (Medium)   増設バルジ(中型艦) Expansion Bulge (Medium Ship) Extension Armor
Extra Armor (Large) 増設バルジ(大型艦) Expansion Bulge (Large Ship)
Anti-Ground Rocket   対地装備 Anti-Ground Equipment Rocket Artillery
Surface Ship Personnel   水上艦要員 Surface Ship Crew Picket Crew
Searchlight Small Searchlight   探照灯 Searchlight Search Light
Large Searchlight 大型探照灯 Large Searchlight
Star Shell   照明弾 Star Shell Flare
Landing Craft   上陸用舟艇 Landing Craft Landing Craft
Armed Boat
Amphibious Vehicle   特型内火艇 Special Amphibious Tank Amphibious Vehicle
Landing Force   陸戦部隊 Landing Force Army Units
Anti-Aircraft Shell   対空強化弾 Anti-Aircraft Shell AA Shell
Armor Piercing Shell   対艦強化弾 Anti-ship Reinforced Shell AP Shell
Engine Improvement   機関部強化 Engine Upgrades Engine Upgrades
Ship Repair Facilities   艦艇修理施設 Ship Repair Facility Machine Tools
Aviation Personnel   航空要員 Aviation Personnel Maintenance Team
Command Facility   司令部施設 Command Facility Fleet Command
Transportation Material   輸送機材 Transportation Equipment Transportation Materials
Supply Transport Container   簡易輸送部材 Simple Transportation Components Supply
Consumable Supply   補給物資 Supplies
Emergency Repair Personnel   応急修理要員 Emergency Repair Personnel Damage Control
Combat Ration   戦闘糧食 Combat Rations Ration

See Also