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The following interview was conducted in the Comptiq Magazine February 2018 edition (released on January 10th, 2018) in which seiyuu Saki Fujita discusses her involvement with KanColle. | The following interview was conducted in the Comptiq Magazine February 2018 edition (released on January 10th, 2018) in which seiyuu Saki Fujita discusses her involvement with KanColle. | ||
− | In this 3 page article, Saki Fujita talks | + | In this 3 page article, Saki Fujita talks about her experience with KanColle both in game, thought it's production, and through live events back in 2017. Then follows up with what she expects to be looking forward into the year of 2018. |
In addition, she talks briefly about her expectations of the [[Winter 2018 Event]], mentions of the [[Friend Fleet]] System along with her expectations of [[Phase 2]]. | In addition, she talks briefly about her expectations of the [[Winter 2018 Event]], mentions of the [[Friend Fleet]] System along with her expectations of [[Phase 2]]. |
Latest revision as of 17:20, 23 January 2018
The following interview was conducted in the Comptiq Magazine February 2018 edition (released on January 10th, 2018) in which seiyuu Saki Fujita discusses her involvement with KanColle.
In this 3 page article, Saki Fujita talks about her experience with KanColle both in game, thought it's production, and through live events back in 2017. Then follows up with what she expects to be looking forward into the year of 2018.
In addition, she talks briefly about her expectations of the Winter 2018 Event, mentions of the Friend Fleet System along with her expectations of Phase 2.
Saki Fujita Interview
2017, A Year Spent Together as an Admiral and as a Seiyuu
Japanese | English |
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ーまずは新年ということで改めて2017年の「艦これ」について振り返りたいと思います。「艦これ」らしい独特のイベントやコラボが開催されましたが、実際に参加されてみていかがでしたか? 藤田:2016年に〝「艦これ」鎮守府秋刀魚祭りin横浜泊地″というイベントが開催されたのですが、そのときに提督の皆さんが生み出す力を改めて実感したんです。そして2017年の〝「艦これ」鎮守府瑞雲祭りin富士急ハイランド泊地″ではその力がさらに増やしているように感じられましたね。皆さんの積み重ねというか、集大成のようなものを「艦娘音頭」の踊りで感じるという貴重な体験をさせていただきました(笑)。もうひとつ印象深いのは、そのステージで提督の皆さんと夏イベント「西方再打通!欧州救援作戦」に向けての決起を行えたことです。そして〝第肆回「艦これ」観艦式″でみんな頑張ったねってと掛け声をかけて終わるという流れになりまして...それから秋イベントでは「扶桑」や「山城」などが活躍することとなって、本当に皆さんに支えられながらの1年だったなと。提督のみなさんと生でお会いできるというのは私にとってとても大切な機会だな、ということを改めて感じましたね。 ー提督としてプレイされてきた中で、2017年の更新やイベントで印象深いかったものを幾つか教えてください。 藤田:全体としては、海防艦とか、新しい特徴がある艦が増えたなって印象がありました。そして秋イベも気合を入れて取り込みました。というのもまず「月夜海」の試製版の収録があり、その流れから「観艦式」で「涼月」が実装されます、私が演じさせていた来ます、と発表できて、提督の皆さんからもすごい歓声や反響もいただけたこと。さらにそこからレイテ関連の新ボイスを収録に臨みまして、「涼月」もそうだったのですが、レイテ沖海戦についても史実を調べて、思い入れをさらに濃くしてボイスを収録することができました。そんないろいろなことがありつつの秋イベントだったので、感慨もひとしおでしたね。自分のことになってしまうんですけども、2017年最後の山場ということまあって、やはり強く思ってしまいます。 ー秋イベントはゲーム面でもいろいろな仕掛けがありましたね。 藤田:そうですね。新しい陣形の「警戒陣」や「単艦退避」ですとか、ゲームの要素も増えて、おもしろいなって思いました。7隻で出撃というのも画期的でしたね。連合艦隊で出撃するときもすごく燃えたんですけど、それと同じくらい気分が高揚しました(笑)。7隻全艦そろってこその西村艦隊というのもありましたし、提督の皆さんとお会いできるイベントなんかでも以前から西村艦隊を推していたので、「やっと来たか!」という気持ちでしたね。 ーこうして振り返ると2017年は扶桑型姉妹にもかなりスポットが当てられた年となりました。その点はいかがでしたか? 藤田:「扶桑」、「山城」は演じた中で初めて改二になった艦娘ということもあって思い入れがありますし、こうしてスポットが当たるのはありがたいですね。そうして艦娘としてはもちろんなのですが、艦隊の戦力としても皆さんに愛してもらえていると思っていたので、この子たちを擁してイベントに挑んでもらえているというのもうれしい気持ちでした。 |
- First off, as it's New Year's, I'd like to start off by looking back on 2017 with regard to KanColle. As is typical of KanColle, many unique events and collaborations were held, but what did you think of the ones you participated in? Fujita: The event "KanColle Naval District Saury Festival in Yokohama Anchorage" was held in 2016, but this year I again experienced that same energy admirals displayed back then coming to life. I felt it was actually even greater than before during 2017's "KanColle Naval District Zuiun Festival in Fuji-Q Highland Anchorage". Perhaps it was because everyone was brought together, or because of that sense things had come together in the "Kanmusu Ondo" dance, but it ended up becoming this valuable experience for me. (laugh) Another experience that really stuck with me was how all the admirals jumped for joy as I announced the summer event, "Second Western Breakthrough! European Relief Operation", on that stage. Then at the "Fourth KanColle Naval Review", I teared up as everyone cried out, "Great job!" as it ended... And in the fall event, where Fusou, Yamashiro, and the rest played a huge part - I really think that this past year has been thanks to everyone's support. I really treasured those opportunities to meet all the admirals in person. -Tell us about some of the changes and events in 2017 that you felt had a deep impact on you during your playtime as an admiral. Fujita: As a whole, the increase in coastal defense ships and other ships with new characteristics left an impression on me. And I really put a lot of energy into grappling with the fall event. First of all there was the preliminary recording for Tsukiyomi; followed by the announcement at the Naval Review that Suzutsuki was being implemented and that I would voice her; and finally the resounding response and cheers from all the admirals. All of this was in the background as the fall event arrived, making it all the more emotional, you know? I don't mean to make this all about me, but 2017 felt like it had these turning points and really left me with these strong emotions. -There quite a few mechanics on the game's end for the fall event, weren't there? Fujita: There were. The new "Vanguard Formation" and "Single Ship Withdrawal" increased the number of elements to the game, and I thought they were pretty interesting. Being able to sortie with seven ships was pretty revolutionary. While I did get fired up while sortieing combined fleets, that got me about as excited. (laugh) You were able to bring together all seven of the Nishimura Fleet ships, and at the live events with all the admirals I had already long suspected the Nishimura Fleet would come, so it felt like, "It's finally time!" -Looking back in that way, the Fusou-class sisters really stole the limelight in 2017. What did you think of that? Fujita: Fusou and Yamashiro were the first of my shipgirls to get Kai Ni, so I was really thankful they got to be in the limelight. That was a given in their role as shipgirls, of course, but I thought everyone also loved them for their strength in the fleet. I'm really happy to have been able to take on an event lead by these two girls. |
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ー「瑞雲祭り」では瑞雲modeなんかも実装されましたね。 藤田:「瑞雲祭り」では私も法被を着させていただきました(笑)。前回「不知火」についても触れさせていただきましたが、自分の艦のグラフィックがふえるのはやっぱりうれしいですね。 ー秋イベントはクリア時の特殊ボイスもありました。こちらの収録についてはどんな思いで臨みましたか? 藤田:彼女たちのスリガオ海峡突破にかける想いを知って、その気持ちを汲んで演じてあげたいなと。「扶桑」、「山城」はあまり外側に気持ちを向けるタイプの子じゃないと思うんですけど、自分たちが沈んでしまった戦いで、「今度こそ突破する」という気持ちを出しています。「山城」も戦闘では感情を強く出すようにはしていたんですけども、「姉さまを救う」、「西村艦隊を護る」っていう旗艦としての鬼気迫る想いを伝えられたらいいなと思っていましたし、「扶桑」姉さまも姉さまらしく「運命を超えていくんだ」という気持ちが伝わるといいなと思って演じていました。そしてクリアしたときには、そんな今までの過去を吹っ切って、未来が拓けたようになるといいなと思って収録に臨みました。「扶桑」と「山城」のかけあいはつなげて録らせていただいてるのですが、最後のあたりは同時にはしゃべれないのであとから重ねていただいてまして、それを少しだけずらしている、というのがまた扶桑姉妹らしくていいなあと思いました。ぐっときますね。 ーちなみにさっきぃ提督としても見事スリガオ海峡を突破されたそうですが、改めてクリアの感想をお願いします。 藤田:防空ちゃんの最後のセリフからの、時雨を含めた突破ボイスは感動しました。ああ、レイテを突破したんだなぁって。今まで以上に史実を盛り込んだ素敵なイベントだったなと心がじんわりしました。ちなみにフィニシャーは姉さまでした。 ー涼月に出会ってみていかがですか? 藤田:海峡夜棲姫が堅くて堅くて、本当に抜けられないじゃないかと思ってたので会えたときはほっとしました。新たに聴けるようになった「月夜海」の涼月modeと合わせると破壊力すごいです! ー2017年もとても忙しい1年だったと思いますが、そんな中で提督を続けるコツのようなものがあれば教えてください。 藤田:これは提督の皆さんとお会いするっていうことですね(笑)。たぶん、提督のみなさんも「観艦式」や「瑞雲祭り」に参加されてこんなに多くの提督が「艦これを応援しているんだ、一緒に頑張っているんだという思いを共有して気持ちを高めていると思うので。みんなで決起して、モチベーションを上げるというところですね。
-They had Zuiun seasonals and such during the Zuiun Festival too, right? Fujita: Even I wore a happi coat during the Zuiun festival. (laugh) We touched on Shiranui last interview as well. Of course I'm glad to see my own ships get more seasonals. -There were special voice lines when the fall event was cleared. What kind of thoughts went through your head as you took on that recording? Fujita: I thought that I knew how these girls felt breaking through Surigao Strait and had to express that in my performance. Fusou and Yamashiro aren't really the types to outwardly convey their emotions, I believe, but in this battle where they had sunk before the sense that "this time, we'll break through" emerges. Yamashiro had also expressed very strong feelings in combat, but I had also hoped to express her chillingly powerful urge as the flagship to "save neesama" and "protect the Nishimura fleet" and to convey Fusou-neesama's feeling of "overcoming fate", as befitting a neesama. For the clear lines, I took it upon myself to show in the recording a sense of breaking through the past and opening a path toward the future. The dialogue between Fusou and Yamashiro was recorded as a continuous sequence, but it's impossible to perform the part where they all spoke at the same time, so that part was layered together afterward. It's just a little unsynchronized, but I thought that was just like the Fusou sisters as well and was a good thing. It was moving, wasn't it? -By the way, I heard that as Admiral Sakki[1] you also made a fine break through Surigao Strait. Could you once again tell us how it felt to clear? Fujita: Starting with Air Defense-chan's last line, all the breakthrough lines including Shigure's really moved me. "Ahh, I managed to break into Leyte," I thought. In my heart I gradually began to realize that, compared to all the events before, this was the one with the most historical elements packed within. By the way, my finisher was neesama. -How'd you feel about meeting Suzutsuki? Fujita: The Night Strait Princesses were tough, so tough that I thought, "I'm not going to make it through, am I?" I was really relieved when I got to meet her. Putting together getting her with listening to "Tsukiyomi" anew with the Suzutsuki version has quite the destructive power! -2017 was probably quite a busy year for you. Please tell us if you have any tricks to being able to continue as an admiral through all that. Fujita: The answer's obviously meeting the admirals, right? (laugh) I think it's probably because so many admirals also participated in the KanColle Naval Review and Zuiun Festival. It really strengthened this feeling I had that admirals are supporting KanColle and doing their best together with me. Everyone's resounding responses really gets you motivated. |
The Winter Event and Toward a New KanColle
Japanese | English |
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ー続く冬イベントではレイテ沖海戦の「後篇」が予定されています。どんなイベントだと思いますか? 藤田:今回は志摩艦隊、西村艦隊が活躍したので、引き続きみんなを活躍させたいですね。史実やそれら連なる想いを大切にしていることが「艦これ」最大の魅力だと思いますが、今回のような胸熱なイベント展開やif作戦展開も楽しみですね。そこは大切にしながらいろいろな艦娘の魅力や悲しみに触れつつ、作戦に挑みたいと思います。「涼月」新艦ですが、きっと役立ってくれる子だと思うので出会えた提督の皆さんは後篇までに育てて、活躍させていただけたらうれしいです。 ー春には、「艦これ」第二期も予定されています。「艦これ」、2018年の抱負をお聞かせください。 藤田:そうですね...新しいグラフィックをもっと見たいなって思います(笑)。艦娘ももちろん増えてきて、初期から提督と一緒に頑張ってきた娘たちにはみなさんも思い入れがあると思うので、そういう娘たちにもまた光が当たっていけばいいなって思います。また「第二期」ということで、新しい「艦これ」の姿にも期待してしまいます。例えば「友軍艦隊」が実際されるということが発表されていましたよね。「観艦式」のドラマシークエンスでも友軍っぽい演出が少しありましたが、あんな展開がゲームでもあると、また胸熱なシーンが生まれたりしてくれるんじゃないかと楽しみです。まだあまり艦隊が育っていない提督さんたちも、友軍の力を借りて難しい海域を突破できるようになっていたり、それでまた提督の輪が広がっていったりするといいなと思います。 ーその中で、「こんなことをやりたい」などの希望があればお聞かせください。 藤田:やはり提督の皆さんと触れ合える機会を増やしていけたら、というのが一番ですね。なので、定期的にそうしたイベントを開催してほしいです(笑)。例えばラジオや、ほかの何かの形でも、皆さんと一緒に「やるぞー!」って声を上げたいですね。そうなることで、みんな同じ気持ちでイベントに向かっていけるんじゃないかなって思います。また2017年は「涼月」を演じるという新たな驚きをいただけたので、もし任せていただけるのであれば、まだまだいろいろな感を演じて「藤田艦隊」を事実させたいですね(笑)。 ー新春ということで、今回は振り袖での撮影となりました。 藤田:なかなかこういう、お着物を着る機会もなかったので、ありがたい機会をいただけたと思っています。やはり着物を着ると身が引きしまるといいますか、すごく神聖な気持ちになれました。艦娘のみんなも「晴れ着mode」などでお着物を着ている子が多いので、もっともっとそういう姿や、私たちもこういうかっこをできる機会が増えると楽しいだろうなと思います。それと同時に歩き方とか姿勢とかも大変だろうなというのを感じています(笑) ー提督へ新年のご挨拶をお願いします! 藤田:提督の皆様、新年明けましておめでとうございます!「艦これ」も4月で五周年を迎え6年目に突入します。第二期も始まることが決定していますし、引き続き艦娘たちを愛でるのと同時に、提督業に邁進していけたらと思いますので、皆さんと一緒に頑張っていけたらうれしいです。2018年もよろしくお願いします! |
-Continuing on, the winter event will serve as part 2 of the Battle of Leyte Gulf. What kind of event do you think it will be? Fujita: This time around it was the Shima and Nishimura Fleets, so going forward I'd like everyone to play a big part. Treasuring history and the feelings that come with it is the most appealing part of KanColle in my opinion, but I'm warmly looking forward to an emotional event like this time's or a hypothetical "if" one as well. I think I'd like to treasure that while touching on many shipgirls' appeal and sense of loss as I take on the operation. Suzutsuki is a new ship, but I'm sure she'll serve well. I'd be glad if all the admirals who met her would continue to raise her and allow her to play a role in the part 2. -KanColle also begins to enter Phase 2 this spring. What kind of hopes do you have for KanColle in 2018? Fujita: Let's see... I would like to see even more seasonals. (laugh) More shipgirls, of course. I think all the admirals have feelings for the shipgirls that have worked hard by their sides from the beginning, so I think it'd be great if the light could shine on those girls again as well. As for Phase 2, I also look forward to the new KanColle's form. For example, they announced that "Friend Fleets" would become a reality, right? We had something like an ally acted out during the drama portion of the KanColle Naval Reivew. I can't wait for the emotional scenes that might be born from a development like that in the game. Allies lending admirals with underdeveloped fleets the strength to break through difficult maps, the further growth of admirals' circles - that'd be great. -Of those hopes, what kind of things do you wish you could do yourself? Fujita: What I'd love the most is still more opportunities to meet the admirals after all. So I'd like to hold events that allow that regularly. (laugh) For example, a radio show or some other format that allows the admirals and I to go "Let's do it!" together. I think in that way we can all share the same feelings as we face down events, right? Also, in 2017 had a new surprise in the form of getting to voice Suzutsuki, so if they'd like to, I'd love to convey more and more emotions and make the Fujita Fleet a reality, (laugh) -You were in furisode for the photos, as it's New Year's. Fujita: I don't get the opportunity to wear this kind of kimono very often, so I'm pretty thankful for it. Wearing a kimono really does make you feel kind of tense, and it makes me feel quite clean. Quite a few of the shipgirls themselves are in their New Year's best kimono - I think it'd be pretty fun for there to be more and more of them like that and more opportunities like this for us as well. But at the same time, it does feel like this makes walking and standing pretty tough. (laugh) -Greet the admirals for the new year, if you please! Fujtia: To all the admirals, happy New Year! In April, KanColle will celebrate its fifth anniversary and enter its sixth year. Phase 2 has been decided upon as well. I'll continue to cherish the shipgirls while striving on in the field of admiral, so I'd be happy if we could all continue to work hard together! Please continue to support us in 2018! |
- ↑ Admiral Sakki is Sakki Fujita's playname when she plays the KanColle Browser game