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Nao Touyama dressed up in her New Year's Furisode Kimono

The following interview was conducted in the Comptiq Magazine February 2018 edition (released on January 10th, 2018) in which seiyuu Nao Touyama discusses her recent activities within KanColle.

In this 3 page article, Nao Touyama talks about her involvement with the 4th KanColle Naval Review along with her performance of "Our Bond with the Admiral". In addition, she discusses about her hope and expectations for Phase 2 along with her love for the ships she has voiced. And then finally talk about her upcoming performance at the Nippon Budoukan taking place in February.

Nao Touyama Interview

Turning "Our Bond with the Admiral" into an emotional song

Japanese English
Page 1

――――まず2017年の「艦これ」について改めて振り返ってお聞きします。 まずは9月に開催された、“第肆回「艦これ」観艦式”の感想を教えてください。

東山:会場が大きくなり、新しい仲間(艦娘)たちも増えて、 艦娘声優として初めてお会いする方も多かったので、 「1年の間にゲームとしてこれだけの変化があるんだな」と改めて感じました。

そんな変化はありますけど、ずっと“観艦式”に参加して応援し続けてくださっている 提督の皆さんもたくさんいらっしゃって。



東山:お手紙などでそうおっしゃってくれる提督さんも多くて、プレッシャーはあるんですけど、 私が“観艦式”で「提督との絆」を歌うことがひとつの風物詩のようなものになっているのだとしたら、 光栄に思います。

「提督との絆」はケッコンカッコカリをするときに流れるBGMを歌にしたもので、 金剛型四姉妹として、そして昨年までは“観艦式”アンコールでも斉唱させて頂きました。

金剛型四姉妹だけにとどまらず、提督の皆さんと私たち艦娘にとっての絆を表している、 深い意味合いのある曲になっていると思います。私も“観艦式”をはじめ、 何度も歌わせていただく機会があるのですが、そういうとても大切な曲だという想いをこめて、 気を引き締めて歌わせていただいています。


東山:そうですね。「提督との絆」という思い入れのある曲を、山車に乗って、 手を振りながら皆さんの近くを通って歌うという新たな試みは、とても意義深かったなと感じました。


--- Let us start with once again looking back on "KanColle" during the year 2017. Please share your thoughts on the "Fourth KanColle Naval Review" that was held in September.

Touyama: The venue was bigger, we had more newcomers (ship girls) and there were a lot more people I met for the first time as a ship girl voice actress, so I once again felt that "Oh wow, who would have thought that the game would change this much within a year?".

But I wasn't just impressed by such a change, but also because there are so many admirals who've participated in every single "Naval Review" and keep supporting me.

I could feel that "KanColle" keeps moving without stopping.

--- Your switching between the four Kongō-class sisters while singing "Our Bond with the Admiral" also was very delightful.

Touyama: There have been many admirals who told me so in letters etc., so I was under a lot of pressure, but I'd feel be honored if my performance of "Our Bond with the Admiral" became something that will forever be remembered as a part of the "Naval Reviews".

Since "Our Bond with the Admiral" is based on the BGM that plays during a tentative wedding, I sang it as the four Kongō-class sisters in unison, and until last year even at the "Naval Review" encore. I think it is a song that has a deep meaning not just for the four Kongō-class sisters but also portraits the bond between all the admirals out there and us ship girls.

Starting with the "[[KanColle Naval Review|Naval Review]s" I'll have many opportunities to perform the song, but I'd like to brace myself and express just how precious this song is while doing so.

--- This time you performed on a parade float.

Touyama: That's right. I felt it was very significant that I tried something new by singing a special song such as "Our Bond with the Admiral" on a parade float while waving at the admirals whom I was passing on it.

I think I could feel their warmth more than usual, and that it wasn't just theirs but also that of my singing voice.

Page 2


いつも皆さんにアットホームな空気をを作っていただいているのですが、 より安心しながら歌えたなって感じましたね。


東山:「艦これ」は私といろいろなものをつないでくれていて、 ほかの現場でも「艦これ」の話で盛り上がったりできるのもすごくうれしく思っています。

また、新しい艦娘も増えていますが、仲良しの役者さんが『今度「艦これ」に出ることになったんです』 って報告してくださるということがあって。

後から「実は出たんです」みたいに話を聞くことはあっても、 事前にそうして教えてもらう機会はそうそうないので、 それだけ「艦これ」に関わることは大きくて嬉しいことなんだなって。

以前から艦娘を演じている私たちも、新しく加わった子たちも、 そうして同じ気持ちを共有できているということがうれしく感じました。

――――春には“「艦これ」第二期”への移行も予定されています。 それも含め、2018年の抱負などがあればお聞かせください。


“観艦式”での告知があったとき、私たちは舞台裏のほうに引いていたので 皆さんと同じスクリーンでは見られなかったんですけど、 どんな発表があるのかみんなで舞台裏のモニターを食い入るように見ていました(笑)。

ゲームでは「2」とかつくことはあっても、「第二期」という表現がされることは珍しいと思うので、 そこも驚きました。何か大きな変化がないとそういうような表現はしないと思うので、 いろんなことを期待しちゃいます。私にも何か力になれることがあれば、 ぜひ頑張りたいと思います。


東山:まだ改二になっていない子もいて、私の艦娘はまだまだ伸び代があると思うので、 お待ちしています(笑)。あと、「綾波」と「敷波」のデュエットなんかも歌ってみたいですね。

この2人が一緒にいるのがすごく好きなんです。なので、2017年の夏にローソンさんとのコラボで、 浴衣姿の2人が出てきたときはうれしかったです。それで思い出したんですが、 イラスト入りのクリアファイルがほしくて自分でローソンさんに行ったんですよ。


一生懸命「カンコレ! ファイル! キャンペーン!」って伝えたんですが、 「オワリマシタ」って言われてしまって。ガーン、しまったデース! と嘆いていました。 そこのお店では手に入れることはできませ

The fans are always trying to create a cozy atmosphere, but I think that this time I could feel even more at ease while singing.

--- Is there anything else about KanColle in 2017 that left an impression on you?

Touyama: "KanColle" helped me connect with many different people, and I really love that I can get excited about KanColle on other occasions as well.

Also, there have been cases of fellow actresses telling me "I got a role in KanColle this time" as the number of new ship girls increases.

Some of them even told me "Hey, I actually got a role" after the fact, but there haven't been that many opportunities for them to tell me in advance, so I was just so overjoyed by the fact that so many people are involved in "KanColle".

I'm simply glad that we who've voiced ship girls before and the newcomers can share the same feeling.

--- KanColle is planned to transition to "Phase 2" this spring. With that in mind, please tell us about your aspirations for 2018 if you have any.

Touyama: I honestly don't know what is awaiting us, but I'm looking forward to it anyway. *laughs* When it was announced at the "Naval Review" we had already returned to the backstage, so we couldn't see in on the same screen as everyone else, but we were eagerly watching everyone's reactions from the backstage monitor. *laughs*

Even if the game gets a "2" stuck next to it I still think that it's unusual to call it "Phase 2", so I was surprised by that.

I don't think you call it like that if there aren't going to be any major changes, so I'm expecting a lot. And if there's anything I myself can do to help, I'll gladly do so.

--- If there's anything in that regard you wish to try please tell us.

Touyama: I think my ship girls still leave much to be desired, especially since I still have some that aren't K2 yet, so I'll be waiting. *laughs*

Also, I'd really love to sing a duet as Ayanami and Shikinami. I just love seeing those two together.

That's why I was so happy when they got wear yukatas for the Summer 2017 Lawson collaboration. Now that I remember it, I wanted to get those clear file folders so much I went to a Lawson by myself. However, the shop assistant there was a foreigner, and didn't understand Japanese that well. I tried my hardest to get "KanColle! Clear file folder! Campaign!" across, only to be told they were already out of stock.

"Oh blimey!", I lamented. So I wasn't able to get them at that store, but now they're safe and sound in my possession!

Page 3

んでしたが、今は無事に手元にあります! 艦これの勢いを実感した印象的な出来事でしたね。

――――2018年といえば、2月に日本武道館で開催される東山さんのワンマンライブに、 「艦これ」運営鎮守府からの応援物資も登場すると聞いています。 ライブについて少しお話をお伺いさせていただきます。

東山:「艦これ」運営鎮守府さんから「お祝いできることがあれば」ということでお話があったと伺いまして、 そんな風に応援しようと思ってくださっていることがまず役者冥利に尽きますし、 とにかく驚いて泣きそうになってしまいました。「艦これ」の楽曲は歌わないのですが、 どんなお祝いの中身なのか、次のお知らせを楽しみにお待ちいただければと思います!

武道館は本当にすごい舞台で、歌手としての私だけではなくて、 声優として頑張ってきた私のすべてで臨みたいと思っています。

また、そんな私にステージを任せてみようと信頼してくださった方々、 ずっと背中を押してくださってきた皆さんがいなければ立たせていただけない場所だと思います。

そんな皆さんの信頼や応援に応えられるような時間にできたらいいなと思いますし、 タイトルの「Rainbow」も皆さんと私の絆を示す、 デビュー当初からアーティストロゴなどにも用いている大切なモチーフなので、 皆さんとの絆を感じながら、大きな虹をかけられる日にできたらなと思います。


東山:めっちゃ楽しかったです! (笑)

着物を選ぶところから始まって、自分の中のこだわりとしては、 最初は「金剛」のイメージで黄色をベースにしようかなというご提案もあったんですけど、 たくさんの艦娘を演じているので、できるだけみんなを、 せめて金剛型四姉妹のカラーを全部取り入れられたらうれしいなと思って、 なるべくいろいろなカラーが入っている着物を選びました。

じつは着物の重ね衿のところが「金剛」の黄色、「比叡」の緑、「榛名」の赤、 「霧島」の黒と全員のカラーが入ってまして、手に取ったときは 「すごいの見つけちゃった!」って一気にテンションが上がりました。 着物に黒を使うのは年齢が上がって見えちゃったりして難しいらしいんですけど、 帯留めのところに赤と黒で使ってみたりとか、帯のあたりに黄色や金色をあしらったり、 結構こだわり抜いてやらせていただきました。めっちゃめちゃ締め付けられて苦しかったんですけど(笑)、 それを忘れるくらい撮影も楽しかったですね。



東山:新年明けましておめでとうございます! 皆さんとは艦娘を通して長い長いお付き合いをさせていただいておりますけども、 これだけ長く関わっていける作品やキャラクターがあるということがとてもうれしく思っています。 私の声優としての活動のなかにも「艦これ」という作品は密着していて、 本当に素敵な出会いをいただけたなって、いつもいつも感謝しています。

艦娘たちはみんなとても魅力的で、セリフを見るだけで声がなくても誰がしゃべっているのか わかるくらい個性がしっかりしているので、私も演じさせていただくのをいつも楽しみにしているんです。

新しい年も、新しくボイスをつけさせていただいたり、 ステージに立たせていただいたりする機会があればうれしいです。

提督の皆さんともまたいっぱい「艦これ」への愛を語り合えたらいいなと思いますので、 “「艦これ」第二期”にも期待していただきつつ、本年もよろしくお願いいたします!

It certainly left an impression that I had to experience the force that is KanColle first-hand.

--- Speaking of 2018, we heard that "support supplies" you received from the KanColle development team will make an appearance at your live show at the Nippon Budōkan in February. Could you tell us a little bit about that show?

Touyama: When I heard that the KanColle development team was asking if they could do anything to celebrate my debut at the Budōkan, I was so surprised I almost cried because I thought that I had used up all my celebrity luck receiving support in such a manner.

I'm not even going to sing any KanColle songs, but I can't help but look forward to their next notification to tell me what they have in store for me!

The Budōkan is such an impressive stage, and now that I've come this far I want to give it all I've got. Not just as a singer, but also as a voice actress.

I also think that I wouldn't be able to stand up there if it wasn't for those who entrusted me with that stage and everyone who kept pushing me forward.

I want the time my fans spend at the show to live up to the trust and support they've been giving me. "Rainbow", the show's title, symbolises this bond between them and me, and it's an important motif that has been used as my artist logo among others things ever since my debut, so I want that day to be one where it really is all sunshine and rainbows and I can feel the bond I share with my fans.

--- For this New Year you took part in a photo shoot while wearing a long-sleeved kimono. What was it like?

Touyama: It was really fun! *laughs*

When picking which kimono to wear I initally suggested one based on Kongō with yellow as the base colour, but since I'm voicing several ship girls I wanted to include everyone if possible, or at the very least I would have been glad to include the colours of all four Kongō-class sisters, so I picked a kimono with as many different colours as possible. The multi-layered collar actually includes Kongō's yellow, Hiei's green, Haruna's red and Kirishima's black. When I was holding it in my hands I was like "Oh my god, this is great!" and got really excited.

Using black for kimonos seems to be rather difficult because it makes you look old among other things, but I wasn't having any of it and used red and black near the sash clip anyway and yellow and gold near the sash.

It was so tight it hurt, *laughs* but the photo shoot was so much fun I forgot about it.

When I took the kimono off again I felt like I got thinner. *laughs* Oh, and the cake was delicious!

--- And to round this interview off, a New Year greeting to our admirals if you please.

Touyama: Happy new year, everyone!

I know you've been accompanying me through my ship girls for a long long time now, and it just fills me with joy that there are works and characters that can influence us for such a long time.

Out of all the works I was part of as voice actress KanColle just keeps sticking to me and allowed me to meet many lovely people, for which I am really really grateful.

The ship girls are all very charming and are so unique that you can tell which line belongs to who by just reading them without having to hear their voices, so I'm always looking forward to voicing my girls.

I hope that this year will once again give me many opportunities to provide new voice lines and perform on stages. And I hope that I'll once again be able to keep sharing my love for KanColle with all the admirals out there. With that said, let's look forward to "KanColle Phase 2", and see you this year!
