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==Gameplay Notes==
{{Category:Light Cruisers}}
{{Category:Torpedo Cruisers}}
===Special Mechanics===
;Kai Ni
* Becomes a [[CLT]].
===Equipability Exceptions===
{|class="wikitable" style="width:800px; text-align:center; margin:auto; font-weight:bold"
!colspan=3 style="font-size:15px"|Kiso Equipability Exceptions
!{{Ship/Banner|Kiso|small=true}}<br>Kiso (CL)
!{{Ship/Banner|Kiso/Kai|small=true}}<br>Kiso Kai/Ni (CL/CLT)
!Expansion Slot Exceptions
|Can Equip:<br>{{Equipment/Card|Elite Torpedo Squadron Command Facility|size=36px}}
|Can Equip:<br>{{Medium Armor}} {{Equipment/Card|Elite Torpedo Squadron Command Facility|size=36px}}
!Ship Exceptions
! -
|Can Equip:<br>{{Medium Armor}}
===Fit Bonuses===
{{/Equipment Bonuses}}
| 自己紹介=木曾だ、お前に最高の勝利を与えてやる。 <BR>(Kai2) まだ不安なのか?大丈夫だ、俺を信じろ。
| EN1=I'm Kiso. I'll bestow upon you the absolute best victory. <BR>(Kai2) You're still worried? It's fine, leave it to me.
;Hidden Fit Bonuses
| Note1=
* Has some hidden fit bonuses when equipped with certain equipment. Please see [[Hidden Fit Bonuses]] for more details.
| Library=5500トン型の軽巡洋艦、球磨型の木曾だ。よろしくな。やれ、滑走台だ、カタパルトだ、そんなもんはいらねえな。戦いは敵の懐に飛び込んでやるもんよ。なあ?
| EN0=5500 ton light cruiser, Kuma-class 'Kiso'. My regards. Runways and catapults, nah, I don't need those. Battle is all about bringing it right to the enemy! Right?
===Important Information===
| Note0=
* Required for quest:
| 秘書クリック会話①=なんだ?作戦か?
** Mandatory:
| EN2=What is it? An operation?
*** {{Q|A29}}, {{Q|A57}}
| Note2=
*** {{Q|B51}}
| 秘書クリック会話②=不安なのか?
| EN3=Are you uneasy?
==Drop Locations==
| Note3=
| 秘書クリック会話③=そうこなくっちゃな、スキンシップも大事だな
==Voice Lines==
(Kai 2) いいぜ!俺とお前の仲じゃないか!
| EN4=Now ya talking, skinship is important.
(Kai 2) Yes, of course! Count on me!
|scenario = Introduction
| Note4=
|origin = 木曾だ。お前に最高の勝利を与えてやる。
| 秘書放置時=いつかお前とは…いや、何でもない。俺らしくもないな…ふふっ
|translation = I'm Kiso. I'll grant you the greatest victories.
| EN4a=Someday together with you... No, nothing. It's so unlike me too. Heh.
|audio = Kiso-Introduction.ogg
| Note4a=
| 戦績表示時=通信だ。よく読んでおけ
| EN5=Correspondence. Read it carefully.
|scenario = Introduction
| Note5=
|kai2 = yes
| 編成選択時=俺に勝負を挑む馬鹿はどいつだ?
|origin = まだ不安なのか?大丈夫だ、俺を信じろ。
| EN6=Where's the fool that dares challenge me?
|translation = You're still uneasy? It'll be fun, just trust me.
| Note6=
|audio = KisoKai2-Introduction.ogg
| 装備時①=水上機?要らないねぇ、そんなものは
| EN7=Seaplanes? Don't need that sort of thing.
| Note7=Kiso was built with a seaplane hangar beneath her bridge, but it was never used particularly heavily.
|scenario = Library
| 装備時②=いいねえ、こういうの
|origin = 5500トン型の軽巡洋艦、球磨型の木曾だ。よろしくな。
| EN8=It's good, I like it.
| Note8=
| 装備時③=ありだな
|translation = I'm the 5500 tons light cruiser, Kuma-class, Kiso. Nice to meet you.
| EN9=Thanking 'ya.
I don't need things like launch rails or catapults.
| Note9=
You need to plunge right into the heart of the enemy when you're fighting. Right?
| 補給時=補給か、ありがたい。お前もちゃんと食えよ。
|audio = Kiso-Library.ogg
| EN24=Thank you for your supply. You ought to properly eat too.
| Note24=
| EN10=No helping it, I'm going.
|scenario = Secretary 1
| Note10=
|origin = なんだ?作戦か?
| EN11=Thanking 'ya.
|translation = What is it? An operation?
| Note11=
|audio = Kiso-Secretary_1.ogg
| 建造時=新造艦が出来たようだ
| EN12=Looks like a new ship has been constructed.
| Note12=
|scenario = Secretary 2
| 艦隊帰投時=艦隊が帰って来たな
|origin = 不安なのか?
| EN13=The fleet's back.
|translation = Are you uneasy?
| Note13=
|audio = Kiso-Secretary_2.ogg
| 出撃時=本当の戦闘ってやつを教えてやるよ
| EN14=I'll teach them the meaning of real battle!
| Note14=
|scenario = Secretary 3
| 戦闘開始時=弱すぎる!
|origin = そうこなくっちゃなぁ。スキンシップも大事だな。
| EN15=Too weak!
|translation = Now that's what I'm talking about. Skinship is important too.<ref>Skinship is a
| Note15=
| 航空戦開始時=
term for having a close physical relationship.</ref>
| EN15a=
|audio = Kiso-Secretary_3.ogg
| Note15a=
| 攻撃時=いいぞ
| EN16=Yeah!
|scenario = Secretary 3
| Note16=
|kai2 = yes
| 夜戦開始時=それで逃げたつもりなのかい?
|origin = いいぜ!俺とお前の仲じゃないか?
| EN17=Did you really think you could get away with that?
|translation = This is fine! Aren't we in a relationship?
| Note17=
|audio = KisoKai2-Secretary_3.ogg
| 夜戦攻撃時=お前らの指揮官は無能だな!
| EN18=That's one incompetent commander you got there!
| Note18=
|scenario = Secretary Idle
| MVP時=当然の結果だ、別に騒ぐことも無い
|kai2 = yes
| EN19=An inevitable result. No need to make a fuss about it.
|origin = いつかお前と・・・いや、なんでもない・・・。俺らしくもないな・・・ふふっ。
| Note19=
|translation = Someday we should... No, it's nothing... That's just not like me huh... Fufu~
| EN20=Aaa... I can take this much!!
|audio = Kiso-Idle.ogg
| Note20=
| EN21=Tch... not bad!
| Note21=
|scenario = Wedding
| EN22=Well, it's just gotten a bit cooler
|origin = こういっちゃ不謹慎だが、貴様の指揮での戦いはゾクゾクするよ、悪くない!
| Note22=Refer to her damaged and undamaged CGs.
|translation =Forgive my impudence but fighting under your command is thrilling. It's not bad!
| 撃沈時(反転)=この木曾を沈めたこと…誇るがいい
|audio = Kiso-Wedding.ogg
| EN23=To have been able to sink me, Kiso. Be proud of yourself
| Note23=|Wedding = こういっちゃ不謹慎だが、貴様の指揮での戦いはゾクゾクするよ、悪くない!
|EN26 = It's a bit impudent, but your directions in battle send shivers through me, it's not bad!|ドック入り(小破以下) = 仕方ねえ。出てやるか。
|scenario = Player's Score
|ドック入り(中破以上) = アリだな。
|origin = 通信だ。よぉく読んでおけ。
|小破① = これくらいっ!!
|translation = It's a message. Read it properly.
|小破② = チッ…やるじゃないか!
|audio = Kiso-Looking_At_Scores.ogg
|中破 = ちょっとばかし、涼しくなったぜ。
|Clip1 = {{Audio|file=Kiso-Introduction.ogg}}<br/>{{Audio|file=KisoKai2-Introduction.ogg}}
|Clip0 = {{Audio|file=Kiso-Library.ogg}}
|scenario = Joining the Fleet
|Clip2 = {{Audio|file=Kiso-Secretary_1.ogg}}
|origin = 俺に勝負を挑む馬鹿は何奴だぁ?
|Clip3 = {{Audio|file=Kiso-Secretary_2.ogg}}
|translation = Who is the fool that dares challenge me?
|Clip4a = {{Audio|file=Kiso-Idle.ogg}}
|audio = Kiso-Joining_A_Fleet.ogg
|Clip25 = {{Audio|file=Kiso-Wedding_Line.ogg}}
|Clip26 = {{Audio|file=Kiso-Wedding.ogg}}
|Clip5 = {{Audio|file=Kiso-Looking_At_Scores.ogg}}
|scenario = Equipment 1
|Clip7 = {{Audio|file=Kiso-Equipment_1.ogg}}
|origin = 水上機?…要らないねぇそんなモノは。
|Clip8 = {{Audio|file=Kiso-Equipment_2.ogg}}
|translation = A seaplane? ...I don't need something like that.
|Clip9 = {{Audio|file=Kiso-Equipment_3.ogg}}
|audio = Kiso-Equipment_1.ogg
|Clip24 = {{Audio|file=Kiso-Supply.ogg}}
|Clip10 = {{Audio|file=Kiso-Docking_Minor.ogg}}
|Clip11 = {{Audio|file=Kiso-Docking_Major.ogg}}
|scenario = Equipment 2
|Clip14 = {{Audio|file=Kiso-Starting_A_Sortie.ogg}}
|origin = いいねえ。こういうの。
|Clip15 = {{Audio|file=Kiso-Battle_Start.ogg}}
|translation = Nice. This is nice.
|Clip16 = {{Audio|file=Kiso-Attack.ogg}}
|audio = Kiso-Equipment_2.ogg
|Clip17 = {{Audio|file=Kiso-Night_Battle.ogg}}
|Clip18 = {{Audio|file=Kiso-Night_Attack.ogg}}
|Clip19 = {{Audio|file=Kiso-MVP.ogg}}
|scenario = Equipment 3
|Clip20 = {{Audio|file=Kiso-Minor_Damage_1.ogg}}
|origin = アリだな。<ref>Shared with Secretary Married and Docking Major.</ref>
|Clip21 = {{Audio|file=Kiso-Minor_Damage_2.ogg}}
|translation = This will do.
|Clip22 = {{Audio|file=Kiso-Major_Damage.ogg}}
|audio = Kiso-Equipment_3.ogg
|Clip23 = {{Audio|file=Kiso-Sunk.ogg}}
|Clip4 = {{Audio|file=Kiso-Secretary_3.ogg}}<br/>{{Audio|file=KisoKai2-Secretary_3.ogg}}
|Clip6 = {{Audio|file=Kiso-Joining_A_Fleet.ogg}}
|scenario = Supply
|Clip12 = {{Audio|file=Kiso-Construction.ogg}}
|kai2 = yes
|Clip13 = {{Audio|file=Kiso-Returning_From_Sortie.ogg}}
|origin = 補給か、ありがたい。お前もちゃんと食えよ。
|translation = Thanks for the supplies. You should eat properly too.
|audio = Kiso-Supply.ogg
|scenario = Docking (Minor Damage)
|origin = 仕方ねえ。出てやるか。
|translation = I guess I got no choice. I got to go.
|audio = Kiso-Docking_Minor.ogg
|scenario = Construction
|origin = 新造艦ができたようだ。
|translation = Looks like a new ship has been built.
|audio = Kiso-Construction.ogg
|scenario = Returning from Sortie
|origin = 艦隊が帰ってきたな。
|translation = The fleet has come back.
|audio = Kiso-Returning_From_Sortie.ogg
|scenario = Starting a Sortie
|origin = 本当の戦闘ってヤツを、教えてやるよ。
|translation = I'll teach those bastards what a real battle is.
|audio = Kiso-Starting_A_Sortie.ogg
|scenario = Starting a Battle
|origin = 弱すぎる!!
|translation = Too weak!!
|audio = Kiso-Battle_Start.ogg
|scenario = Attack
|origin = いいぞっ!
|translation = Come on!
|audio = Kiso-Attack.ogg
|scenario = Daytime Spotting/ Night Battle Attack
|origin = お前等の指揮官は無能だなぁ!
|translation = Your commander is incompetent!
|audio = Kiso-Night_Attack.ogg
|scenario = Night Battle
|origin = それで逃げたつもりなのかい?
|translation = Did you think you can escape?
|audio = Kiso-Night_Battle.ogg
|scenario = MVP
|origin = 当然の結果だ。別に騒ぐほどのこともない。
|translation = This is the obvious result. It's nothing to make a fuss about.
|audio = Kiso-MVP.ogg
|scenario = Minor Damage 1
|origin = これくらいっ!!
|translation = This is just!!
|audio = Kiso-Minor_Damage_1.ogg
|scenario = Minor Damage 2
|origin = チッ…やるじゃないか!
|translation = Tch... Not bad!
|audio = Kiso-Minor_Damage_2.ogg
|scenario = Major Damage
|origin = ちょっとばかし、涼しくなったぜ。
|translation = It just got a bit cooler.
|audio = Kiso-Major_Damage.ogg
|scenario = Sunk
|origin = この木曾を沈めたこと…誇るがいい…
|translation = To be able to sink me... you should be proud...
|audio = Kiso-Sunk.ogg
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Christmas_2013|Christmas 2013]]
|origin =クリスマスだと……ま、悪くはないな。
|translation = Christmas...... Well, it's not bad.
|audio = Kiso_Christmas_2015_Sec1.ogg
|notes = Secretary 1
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Christmas_2014|Christmas 2014]]
|origin =クリスマスケーキ…ふっ、こんなに甘くていいのか!?甘すぎる!!
|translation = Christmas cake… Urgh, should it be so sweet!? It’s too sweet!!
|audio =Kiso_Christmas_2015_Sec3.ogg
|notes = Secretary 3
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Rainy_Season_2015|Rainy Season 2015]]
|origin = 雨の季節は、体の傷が疼く。早く早くとけしかけてくるようだ…いや、気にする。
|translation = The rainy season makes my wounds ache. It’s telling me to hurry up… No, don’t worry about it.
|audio = Kiso_Rainy_Secretary_1.ogg
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Mid_Summer_Season_Update|Midsummer 2015]]
|origin = 夏か。この季節、悪くはない。お前も海に行くか?なぁ?
|translation = It’s summer. This season is not bad. Are you going to the sea too? Well?
|audio = Kiso_Mid_Summer.ogg
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/End_of_Year_2015|End of Year 2015]]
|origin = 艦娘対抗歌合戦だと…えぇ、いや。そんなもの俺は出ないぞ。で、出ないといっている!おい!
|translation = The Ship Girl Singing Contest… Eh, no. I’m not going to take part in that. I-I said I won’t! Oi!
|audio = Kiso_Year_End_2015_Sec1.ogg
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/New_Year_2016|New Year 2016]]
|origin = 謹賀新年だ!お前とこうして新しい年に迎えられて、よかった。今年も頼むぞ!
|translation = Happy New Year! I’m glad I could greet the New Year with you. I’m counting on you again this year!
|audio = Kiso_New_Years_Day_2016.ogg
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Valentine%27s_Day_2016|Valentine’s Day 2016]]
|origin = こういうのは柄じゃないんだが…まぁ、戦友としての気持ちだ。取っておけ。
|translation = I don’t usually do this but… Well, it’s from one comrade in arms too another. Take it.
|audio = Kiso_Valentine_Sec1.ogg
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Third_Anniversary|3rd Anniversary]]
|origin = 三周年、と言うわけか?お前とわれも長い付き合いになったな?いや悪くはないさ。
|translation = It’s the 3rd Anniversary you say? We’ve known each other for a long time now huh? No, it’s not a bad thing.
|audio = Kiso_3rd_Anniversary_Sec1.mp3
|notes =  
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Setsubun_2017|Setsubun 2017]]
|origin = 何だその豆は?まさか、この木曽を鬼に見立てて投げるってわけじゃないよな?なぇ?
|translation = What are those beans for? You couldn’t be thinking that I’m the Oni and throwing them at me right? Right?
|audio = Kiso_Setsubun_2017.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Saury_2017|Saury Festival 2017]]
|origin = 秋刀魚漁?あぁ、北方の漁場なら、俺が守るぜ。第五艦隊の切り込み隊長を信じろ!行くぜ!
|translation = Saury fishing? Ah, I’ll protect the northern fishing grounds. Believe in the 5th Fleet’s raid leader! Let’s go!
|audio = Kiso_Sec1_Saury_2017.mp3
|notes =  
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Coming_of_Spring_2018|Coming of Spring 2018]]
|origin = あぁ、多摩よ、また寝てるな。第五艦隊の連中で花見をやるぞ。酒と料理を運べ。えぇ、途中で食うな、途中で!
|translation = Ah, you’re sleeping again, Tama. The 5th Fleet is having a cherry blossom viewing. We packed alcohol and food. Eh, don’t eat everything on the way there!
|audio = Kiso_Spring_2018_Sec1.mp3
|notes =  
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Fifth_Anniversary|5th Anniversary]]
|origin = 五周年ったちょいっとビビるな。お前と俺も長い付き合いになったな。悪くはない。なぁ?
|translation = It’s a bit surprising that it’s the 5th Anniversary. We’ve been with each other for such a long time. Not bad. Right?
|audio = Kiso_5th_Anniversary_Sec1.mp3
|notes =  
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Sixth_Anniversary|6th Anniversary]]
|origin = えへぇ、六周年だと?ちょっと笑うな。悪い悪い、お前と俺もずいぶん長い付き合いになったな。なぁ?
|translation = Heh, the 6th Anniversary? That just makes me want to laugh. Sorry about that, we've known each other for quite a while. Right?
|audio = Kiso_6th_Anniversary_Sec2.mp3
|notes = Secretary 2
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Seventh_Anniversary|7th Anniversary]]
|origin = まさかの七周年だと?ありえんな。まあ、いい。お前と俺もずいぶん長い付き合えになったな。うん。
|translation = Is it seriously the 7th Anniversary? I don't believe it. Well anyway, we've known each other for quite a long time now. Yep.
|audio = Kiso_7th_Anniversary_Secretary_2.mp3
|notes = Secretary 2
===Misc Lines===
|scenario = [[Spring 2019 Event]]
|origin = 木曽隊、これより突入する。行くぜ!
|translation = Kiso Squad, we're charging in now. Let's go!
|audio = KisoKai2-Friend_Fleet_1.mp3
|notes = Friend Fleet Line
|scenario = [[Spring 2019 Event]]
|origin = 木曽、突入する。おら、おら、道を開けろ!
|translation = Kiso, charging in. Come on, come on, make way!
|audio = KisoKai2-Friend_Fleet_2.mp3
|notes = Friend Fleet Line
== Drop Locations ==
{|class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" width=100%
Ship Full Kiso.png|Base
Ship Full Kiso Damaged.png|Base Damaged
Ship Full Kiso Kai Ni.png|Kai Ni
Ship Full Kiso Kai Ni Damaged.png|Kai Ni Damaged
{|class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" width=100%
Kiso Full Saury 2022.png|[[Seasonal/Autumn 2022|Saury 2022]]
Kiso Full Saury 2022 Damaged.png|[[Seasonal/Autumn 2022|Saury 2022 Damaged]]
Kiso Kai Ni Full Saury 2022.png|[[Seasonal/Autumn 2022|Kai Ni Saury 2022]]
Kiso Kai Ni Full Saury 2022 Damaged.png|[[Seasonal/Autumn 2022|Kai Ni Saury 2022 Damaged]]
*Bears an uncanny resemblance to [http://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Minamitsu_Murasa Minamitsu Murasa] from ''Touhou Project''.  
;General Information
*After being remodeled into a torpedo cruiser, just like Kitakami and Ooi, she can equip [[Type A Ko-hyoteki]] to fire opening torpedoes before shelling phase.
* She is named after the [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kiso_River Kiso River].
*Her 2nd Upgrade art camo is based on her historical duty while she, along with [[Tama]], were assigned in the "Northern Waters" mostly patrolling the Kurile Islands.
* She was launched on the 14th of December 1920.
* Received her Kai Ni on 11/12/2013.
* Sunk by USN aircraft off [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cavite Cavite], Philippines [http://tools.wmflabs.org/geohack/geohack.php?pagename=Japanese_cruiser_Kiso&params=14_35_N_120_50_E_ 14°35′N 120°50′E].
*Sunk by [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USN USN] aircraft off [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cavite Cavite], [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philippines Philippines] [http://tools.wmflabs.org/geohack/geohack.php?pagename=Japanese_cruiser_Kiso&params=14_35_N_120_50_E_ 14°35′N 120°50′E].
* Wreck was raised on the 15th of December 1955, towed into Manila Harbor, and scrapped.
*She is required for [[Quests#A29|quest A29]].
;Update History
* She was part of the original game's launch when the game was released on the 23rd of April 2013.
* She got her Kai Ni on the 11th of December 2013.
* Bears an uncanny resemblance to [http://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Minamitsu_Murasa Minamitsu Murasa] from ''Touhou Project''.
* The camouflage she wears in her Kai Ni art is based on her historical painting where she, along with [[Tama]], was assigned in the "Northern Waters" mostly patrolling the Kurile Islands.
==See Also==
==See Also==
*[[{{PAGENAME}}/Gallery|View {{PAGENAME}} CG]]
*[[EliteCL|List of Light Cruisers]]
*[[wikipedia:Japanese_cruiser_Kiso|Wikipedia entry on cruiser Kiso]]
*[[wikipedia:Japanese_cruiser_Kiso|Wikipedia entry on cruiser Kiso]]
[[Category:Kuma Class]]
[[Category:Light Cruisers]]
[[Category:Torpedo Cruisers]]

Latest revision as of 07:11, 31 March 2024


木曾 (きそ) Kiso
Kuma Class Light Cruiser

HP  2529FP  14→39
ARM  10→29TORP 24→79
EVA  36→69AA  13→49
PLA  2ASW  19→59
SPD  FastLOS  8→39
RGE  MediumLUK  10→49
114cm Single Gun Mount
Modernization  0   1   0   1
Build Time1:00 (Normal)Remodel Req
Consumption  25   25Dismantle  2   2   10   0
IllustratorUGUMESeiyuuSakura Ayane
木曾 (きそかい) Kiso Kai
Kuma Class Light Cruiser

HP  4248FP  20→59
ARM  29→59TORP 24→79
EVA  40→79AA  15→59
PLA  3ASW  24→79
SPD  FastLOS  10→49
RGE  MediumLUK  12→59
114cm Single Gun Mount
161cm Quadruple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount
125mm Single Autocannon Mount
Modernization  1   1   1   2
Remodel Level20Remodel Req  200   200
Consumption  25   30Dismantle  2   2   10   0
IllustratorUGUMESeiyuuSakura Ayane
木曾改二 (きそかいに) Kiso Kai Ni
Kuma Class Torpedo Cruiser

HP  4450FP  18→65
ARM  24→65TORP 80→111
EVA  45→85AA  24→72
PLA  0ASW  32→82
SPD  FastLOS  13→49
RGE  MediumLUK  13→69
061cm Quintuple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount
0Type 13 Air Radar
025mm Triple Autocannon Mount
Modernization  1   5   0   1
Remodel Level65Remodel Req  750   400
Consumption  25   50Dismantle  2   6   9   0
IllustratorUGUMESeiyuuSakura Ayane

Gameplay Notes

Light Cruisers (CL) are very flexible, utilizing   Medium Caliber Main Guns,   Torpedoes,  Recon Seaplane Recons, and    ASW equipment, and having strong torpedo  , ASW  , and "night attack power  " stats.

Torpedo Cruisers (CLT) have a very high torpedo   stat, having the strongest "night attack power  " in the game. They:

Special Mechanics

Kai Ni

Equipability Exceptions

CL Default equipment compatibility
✔️ Can Equip ❌ Cannot Equip
 Recon            Sp  Bomber            
               Small  Small  Large    Sp  Sp_Sec  Sub  Minisub  Large  Sp  
                         Medium  Large  Large          
Equipability notes:  =  ;  =  ;  =  ;   = Recon ;   = Bomber ;  Small=  ;  Medium=  ;  Sec=  ;  = 
CLT Default equipment compatibility
✔️ Can Equip ❌ Cannot Equip
           Sp  Recon  Bomber            
             Minisub    Small  Small    Sp  Sp_Sec  Sub  Large  Large  Sp  
                   Medium  Large    Large              
Equipability notes:  =  ;  =  ;  =  ;   = Recon ;   = Bomber ;  Small=  ;  Medium=  ;  Sec=  ;  = 

Kiso Equipability Exceptions
Kiso (CL)
Kiso Kai/Ni (CL/CLT)
Expansion Slot Exceptions Can Equip:
Can Equip:
Ship Exceptions - Can Equip:

Fit Bonuses

[edit]Kiso Kai Ni Equipment Bonuses
Equipment Extra Requirement                 Note
 12.7cm Single High-angle Gun Mount Kai 2  (1st equipped) +2 +2 One-time
+ Surface Radar +2 +3 One-time
 12.7cm Twin High-angle Gun Mount Kai 2  (1st equipped) +2 +2 One-time
+ Surface Radar +3 +4 One-time
 Bofors 15.2cm Twin Gun Mount Model 1930  +1 +1
 5inch Twin Dual-purpose Gun Mount (Concentrated Deployment) 
OR  GFCS Mk.37 + 5inch Twin Dual-purpose Gun Mount (Concentrated Deployment) 
-3 -2 -6
 Arctic Camouflage (+ Arctic Equipment)  (1st equipped) +2 +7 One-time
 Elite Torpedo Squadron Command Facility  (1st equipped) +5 +4 +4 One-time
 Skilled Lookouts  +1 +2 +3 +2
 Torpedo Squadron Skilled Lookouts  +3 +2
(1st equipped) (★0-3) +3 +3 One-time
(1st equipped) (★4-7) +4 +3 One-time
(1st equipped) (★8-MAX) +4 +4 One-time
Ship-Type Bonuses
 12.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model C Kai 3 H  + Air Radar +2 +2 One-time
(2nd equipped) + Air Radar +2 One-time
(3rd equipped) + Air Radar +2 One-time
 12cm Single High-angle Gun Mount Model E Kai  (★2-3) +1
(★4-5) +1 +2
(★6-7) +1 +1 +2
(★8-9) +1 +2 +2
(★MAX) +1 +2 +1 +2
(★2-MAX) + Surface Radar +1 +1 One-time
(★2-MAX) + Air Radar +2 +1 One-time
 61cm Quintuple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount  +1
 53cm Bow (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount  -5
 Passive Radiolocator (E27) + Type 22 Surface Radar Kai 4 (Calibrated Late Model)  (1st equipped) (★7) +1 One-time
(1st equipped) (★8) +1 +1 One-time
(1st equipped) (★9) +1 +1 +1 One-time
(1st equipped) (★MAX) +1 +2 +1 One-time
+ ★3+ 12.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model D Kai 2  OR ★3+ 12.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model D Kai 3  +1 +1 One-time
+ ★4+ Type 13 Air Radar Kai (Late Model)  +1 +4 +1 +3 One-time
 Type 42 Air Radar Kai 2  -7
 Type 2 Depth Charge  (★8-9) +1
(★MAX) +2
 2cm Flakvierling 38  (★4-6) +1 +1
(★7-9) +1 +2 +1
(★MAX) +1 +3 +2
(★4-MAX) + Air Radar +1 One-time
 3.7cm FlaK M42  (★6-7) +1 +1
(★8-9) +1 +1 +1
(★MAX) +1 +1 +1 +2
(★6-MAX) + Air Radar +2 One-time
 25mm Anti-aircraft Autocannon Mount & Machine Guns  +1 +2
 Type D Kouhyouteki Kai (Kouryuu Kai)  -1 -7
 Fleet Communication Antenna  (★4) +1
(★5) +1 +1
(★6) +1 +1 +1
(★7) +1 +2 +1
(★8) +2 +2 +1
(★9) +2 +2 +2
(★MAX) +2 +3 +2
[edit]Kiso Kai Equipment Bonuses
Equipment Extra Requirement                 Note
 Bofors 15.2cm Twin Gun Mount Model 1930  +1 +1
 5inch Twin Dual-purpose Gun Mount (Concentrated Deployment) 
OR  GFCS Mk.37 + 5inch Twin Dual-purpose Gun Mount (Concentrated Deployment) 
-3 -2 -6
 S9 Osprey  +1 +1 +1
 Arctic Camouflage (+ Arctic Equipment)  (1st equipped) +2 +7 One-time
 Elite Torpedo Squadron Command Facility  (1st equipped) +5 +4 +4 One-time
 Skilled Lookouts  +1 +2 +3 +2
 Torpedo Squadron Skilled Lookouts  +3 +2
(1st equipped) (★0-3) +3 +3 One-time
(1st equipped) (★4-7) +4 +3 One-time
(1st equipped) (★8-MAX) +4 +4 One-time
Ship-Type Bonuses
 12.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model C Kai 3 H  + Air Radar +2 +2 One-time
(2nd equipped) + Air Radar +2 One-time
(3rd equipped) + Air Radar +2 One-time
 12.7cm Single High-angle Gun Mount Kai 2  + Surface Radar +1 +2 One-time
 12.7cm Twin High-angle Gun Mount Kai 2  + Surface Radar +2 +1 One-time
 12cm Single High-angle Gun Mount Model E Kai  (★2-3) +1
(★4-5) +1 +2
(★6-7) +1 +1 +2
(★8-9) +1 +2 +2
(★MAX) +1 +2 +1 +2
(★2-MAX) + Surface Radar +1 +1 One-time
(★2-MAX) + Air Radar +2 +1 One-time
 53cm Bow (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount  -5
 Passive Radiolocator (E27) + Type 22 Surface Radar Kai 4 (Calibrated Late Model)  (1st equipped) (★7) +1 One-time
(1st equipped) (★8) +1 +1 One-time
(1st equipped) (★9) +1 +1 +1 One-time
(1st equipped) (★MAX) +1 +2 +1 One-time
+ ★3+ 12.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model D Kai 2  OR ★3+ 12.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model D Kai 3  +1 +1 One-time
+ ★4+ Type 13 Air Radar Kai (Late Model)  +1 +4 +1 +3 One-time
 Type 42 Air Radar Kai 2  -7
 Type 2 Depth Charge  (★8-9) +1
(★MAX) +2
 Hedgehog (Initial Model)  (1st equipped) +1 +1 One-time
 2cm Flakvierling 38  (★4-6) +1 +1
(★7-9) +1 +2 +1
(★MAX) +1 +3 +2
(★4-MAX) + Air Radar +1 One-time
 3.7cm FlaK M42  (★6-7) +1 +1
(★8-9) +1 +1 +1
(★MAX) +1 +1 +1 +2
(★6-MAX) + Air Radar +2 One-time
 25mm Anti-aircraft Autocannon Mount & Machine Guns  +1 +2
 Fleet Communication Antenna  (★4) +1
(★5) +1 +1
(★6) +1 +1 +1
(★7) +1 +2 +1
(★8) +2 +2 +1
(★9) +2 +2 +2
(★MAX) +2 +3 +2
[edit]Kiso Equipment Bonuses
Equipment Extra Requirement                 Note
 Bofors 15.2cm Twin Gun Mount Model 1930  +1 +1
 5inch Twin Dual-purpose Gun Mount (Concentrated Deployment) 
OR  GFCS Mk.37 + 5inch Twin Dual-purpose Gun Mount (Concentrated Deployment) 
-3 -2 -6
 S9 Osprey  +1 +1 +1
 Elite Torpedo Squadron Command Facility  (1st equipped) +5 +4 +4 One-time
 Skilled Lookouts  +1 +2 +3 +2
 Torpedo Squadron Skilled Lookouts  +3 +2
(1st equipped) (★0-3) +3 +3 One-time
(1st equipped) (★4-7) +4 +3 One-time
(1st equipped) (★8-MAX) +4 +4 One-time
Ship-Type Bonuses
 12.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model C Kai 3 H  + Air Radar +2 +2 One-time
(2nd equipped) + Air Radar +2 One-time
(3rd equipped) + Air Radar +2 One-time
 12.7cm Single High-angle Gun Mount Kai 2  + Surface Radar +1 +2 One-time
 12.7cm Twin High-angle Gun Mount Kai 2  + Surface Radar +2 +1 One-time
 12cm Single High-angle Gun Mount Model E Kai  (★2-3) +1
(★4-5) +1 +2
(★6-7) +1 +1 +2
(★8-9) +1 +2 +2
(★MAX) +1 +2 +1 +2
(★2-MAX) + Surface Radar +1 +1 One-time
(★2-MAX) + Air Radar +2 +1 One-time
 53cm Bow (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount  -5
 Passive Radiolocator (E27) + Type 22 Surface Radar Kai 4 (Calibrated Late Model)  (1st equipped) (★7) +1 One-time
(1st equipped) (★8) +1 +1 One-time
(1st equipped) (★9) +1 +1 +1 One-time
(1st equipped) (★MAX) +1 +2 +1 One-time
+ ★3+ 12.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model D Kai 2  OR ★3+ 12.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model D Kai 3  +1 +1 One-time
+ ★4+ Type 13 Air Radar Kai (Late Model)  +1 +4 +1 +3 One-time
 Type 42 Air Radar Kai 2  -7
 Type 2 Depth Charge  (★8-9) +1
(★MAX) +2
 Hedgehog (Initial Model)  (1st equipped) +1 +1 One-time
 2cm Flakvierling 38  (★4-6) +1 +1
(★7-9) +1 +2 +1
(★MAX) +1 +3 +2
(★4-MAX) + Air Radar +1 One-time
 3.7cm FlaK M42  (★6-7) +1 +1
(★8-9) +1 +1 +1
(★MAX) +1 +1 +1 +2
(★6-MAX) + Air Radar +2 One-time
 25mm Anti-aircraft Autocannon Mount & Machine Guns  +1 +2
 Fleet Communication Antenna  (★4) +1
(★5) +1 +1
(★6) +1 +1 +1
(★7) +1 +2 +1
(★8) +2 +2 +1
(★9) +2 +2 +2
(★MAX) +2 +3 +2
Hidden Fit Bonuses
  • Has some hidden fit bonuses when equipped with certain equipment. Please see Hidden Fit Bonuses for more details.

Important Information

Drop Locations

ShipRarityTypeNo.World 1World 2World 3World 7World 4World 5World 6Remarks
KisoVery CommonCL041✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️Buildable (no LSC)

Voice Lines


Event Japanese/English
I'm Kiso. I'll grant you the greatest victories.
You're still uneasy? It'll be fun, just trust me.
I'm the 5500 tons light cruiser, Kuma-class, Kiso. Nice to meet you.

I don't need things like launch rails or catapults. You need to plunge right into the heart of the enemy when you're fighting. Right?


やれ、滑走台だ、カタパルトだ、そんなもんはいらねえな。 戦いは敵の懐に飛び込んでやるもんよ。なあ?

Secretary 1
What is it? An operation?
Secretary 2
Are you uneasy?
Secretary 3
Now that's what I'm talking about. Skinship is important too.[1]
Secretary 3
This is fine! Aren't we in a relationship?
Secretary Idle
Someday we should... No, it's nothing... That's just not like me huh... Fufu~
Forgive my impudence but fighting under your command is thrilling. It's not bad!
Player's Score
It's a message. Read it properly.
Joining the Fleet
Who is the fool that dares challenge me?
Equipment 1
A seaplane? ...I don't need something like that.
Equipment 2
Nice. This is nice.
Equipment 3[2]
This will do.
Thanks for the supplies. You should eat properly too.
Docking (Minor Damage)
I guess I got no choice. I got to go.
Looks like a new ship has been built.
Returning from Sortie
The fleet has come back.
Starting a Sortie
I'll teach those bastards what a real battle is.
Starting a Battle
Too weak!!
Come on!
Daytime Spotting/ Night Battle Attack
Your commander is incompetent!
Night Battle
Did you think you can escape?
This is the obvious result. It's nothing to make a fuss about.
Minor Damage 1
This is just!!
Minor Damage 2
Tch... Not bad!
Major Damage
It just got a bit cooler.
To be able to sink me... you should be proud...
  1. Skinship is a term for having a close physical relationship.
  2. This line is shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development.
  3. Shared with Secretary Married and Docking Major.


Ship Japanese/English Notes
Christmas 2013
Christmas...... Well, it's not bad. Secretary 1
Christmas 2014
Christmas cake… Urgh, should it be so sweet!? It’s too sweet!! Secretary 3
Rainy Season 2015
The rainy season makes my wounds ache. It’s telling me to hurry up… No, don’t worry about it.
Midsummer 2015
It’s summer. This season is not bad. Are you going to the sea too? Well?
End of Year 2015
The Ship Girl Singing Contest… Eh, no. I’m not going to take part in that. I-I said I won’t! Oi!
New Year 2016
Happy New Year! I’m glad I could greet the New Year with you. I’m counting on you again this year!
Valentine’s Day 2016
I don’t usually do this but… Well, it’s from one comrade in arms too another. Take it.
3rd Anniversary
It’s the 3rd Anniversary you say? We’ve known each other for a long time now huh? No, it’s not a bad thing.
Setsubun 2017
What are those beans for? You couldn’t be thinking that I’m the Oni and throwing them at me right? Right?
Saury Festival 2017
Saury fishing? Ah, I’ll protect the northern fishing grounds. Believe in the 5th Fleet’s raid leader! Let’s go!
Coming of Spring 2018
Ah, you’re sleeping again, Tama. The 5th Fleet is having a cherry blossom viewing. We packed alcohol and food. Eh, don’t eat everything on the way there!
5th Anniversary
It’s a bit surprising that it’s the 5th Anniversary. We’ve been with each other for such a long time. Not bad. Right?
6th Anniversary
Heh, the 6th Anniversary? That just makes me want to laugh. Sorry about that, we've known each other for quite a while. Right? Secretary 2
7th Anniversary
Is it seriously the 7th Anniversary? I don't believe it. Well anyway, we've known each other for quite a long time now. Yep. Secretary 2

Misc Lines

Ship Japanese/English Notes
Spring 2019 Event
Kiso Squad, we're charging in now. Let's go! Friend Fleet Line
Spring 2019 Event
Kiso, charging in. Come on, come on, make way! Friend Fleet Line




General Information
  • She is named after the Kiso River.
  • She was launched on the 14th of December 1920.
  • Sunk by USN aircraft off Cavite, Philippines 14°35′N 120°50′E.
  • Wreck was raised on the 15th of December 1955, towed into Manila Harbor, and scrapped.
Update History
  • She was part of the original game's launch when the game was released on the 23rd of April 2013.
  • She got her Kai Ni on the 11th of December 2013.
  • Bears an uncanny resemblance to Minamitsu Murasa from Touhou Project.
  • The camouflage she wears in her Kai Ni art is based on her historical painting where she, along with Tama, was assigned in the "Northern Waters" mostly patrolling the Kurile Islands.

See Also