Update Info
New Ships
New Equipment
New Quests
Quest Name (Original) Quest Name (Translated)
第二次SN作戦、初動作戦完了! Completing the First-Stage Operation for the Second Operation SN!
Crush the enemies deployed in front of the Solomon Seas and complete the first stage of the operation!
- Completion Condition: Clear E-2.
Present Box x1 Combat Rations x1
One time only.
「工廠」の整理整頓! Reorganize the "Factory"!
Scrap multiple equipment that you no longer need in order to organize the factory warehouse in preparation for the new equipment!
- Completion Condition: Scrap equipment 5 times.
Development material x2 Combat Rations x1
Requires SN01 completion One time only.
主力機動部隊の前路哨戒を実施せよ! Carry Out Patrol ahead of the Main Mobile Task Force!
Enemy has deployed more submarines. Eliminate a number of them in order to clear the way ahead of tour main mobile task force!
- Completion Condition: Sink a certain number of submarines (6?)
Unlocks E-3
Requires SN02 completion One time only.
「赤城」に艦攻「村田隊」を配属せよ! '
Combat Rations x3
ソロモン海方面の制空権を奪え! '
New Enemy Vessels
The Summer 2015 Event "Counterattack! The Second Operation SN" is slated to start on August 10, 2015, and will last for about 20 days. The event will be based on Operation SN, the Japanese plan to establish air bases in the southern Solomon Islands; however, there was no actual second Operation SN historically.
This will be a large-scale event that will contain combined fleet operations and ship locking mechanics. There will also be a new system introduced into the game that will be equipment related.
Patch Notes
Summer Event 2015: "Counter attack! The 2nd SN operation" has started and will last for twenty days.
Main part of the "Counter attack! The 2nd SN operation" event consists of four maps:
E-1 "Preparation, the 2nd SN Operation!"
E-2 "Combined Fleet, to the Solomon Sea!"
E-3 "Charge! The 2nd South Pacific Battles"
E-4 "To the Strait! Destroy the Enemy Airfield!"
Clearing the main part will award you with the following new ships:
Clearing E-2 will award DD "Kawakaze"
Clearing E-4 will award seaplane-carrying oiler "Hayasui"
E-2 and E-3 requires Combined Fleet.
The first fleet is the main and the second is the supporting fleet; you can drag the icon from 2 to 1 to create the Combined Fleet.
Item rewards 1/3
E-3 will award you with the new plane "Type 97 Torpedo Bomber (Murada squadron)"; finishing a quest will allow it to receive a plane upgrade.
Item rewards 2/3
Clearing the areas will award you with items and consumables including "Reinforcement Expansions", "Battle Rations", "On-Sea Resuppliers"
Item awards 3/3
Choosing different difficulties will reward different amounts of items:
You can get "Type 97 Torpedo Bomber (Murada squadron)" on all difficulties.
Participation requirements
- Must have a 75% sortie win ratio.
- Must have 5 empty ship slots for new ships.
- Must have 20 free equipment slots.
Special Mechanics
- The difficulty system first used in Spring 2015 Event returns: you can choose between Operation A (甲, Hard), Operation B (乙, Medium) or Operation C (丙, Easy).
- Choosing A or B requires certain HQ Level (HQ Lv 35 for B / 80 for A in Spring 2015 Event).
- With the exception of E-1, in order to choose Operation A, the previous map must be cleared on A or B.
- A new system will be introduced with the release of this event involving carrier-based planes.
- The Air Reconnaissance system introduced in 6-3 makes a reappearance in E-5, utilizing your recon planes equipped to your ships to gain more resources after winning at the boss node.
- The final boss of E-7 has been reported with multiple different armor values, and a default armor value that is incredibly high. Current theories report that winning sorties at the X nodes on E-3 and E-7 may be the key to lowering the boss armor and finishing the event.
Event Maps
Quick Info Table
Combined Fleet?
Color of Tag
Tag Condition & Deployment Restriction
Difficulty Restrictions
Main Operation
Preparation for Second Operation SN!
Tagging: Ships not already color-tagged will be tagged with the color associated with the map when deployed. This tag exists on all difficulties and is not reset on remodel, etc. Deployment Restriction: Normal or Hard: Must have either the same-colored tag or no tag. Easy: No restrictions.
No restrictions. All difficulties OK
Combined Fleet, to the Solomon Sea!
In order to play these maps on hard, you must complete the previous map on either normal or hard. (e.g., to do E-4 on hard, you must complete E-3 on normal or hard.)
Confrontation! Second Southern Pacific Ocean Battle
Requires E-2 completion and Quests SN01, SN02, and SN03 completion to unlock
Charge into the Strait! Destroy the Enemy Airfield!
Extra Operation
Hard Battle! Fleet Deployed to the West
Counterattack! Enter the FS Region
Operation FS
No tag
Deployment Restriction: Normal or Hard: Cannot have the ORANGE tag. Easy: No restrictions.
Preparation for Second Operation SN!
- Boss: Destroyer Princess
- (Kills required) 5 (All difficulties)
- At least 1 CL and 2 DD required.
- Ships tagged BLUE
- Rewards upon clearance: Furniture Fairy
Branching rules
Show/Hide Branching Rules
Branching Rules |
Node | Split | Condition |
A | B | SS in fleet, or random with D if no SS or CV | C | CV in fleet | D | Kikuzuki in fleet, or random with B if no SS or CV | F | If fleet doesn't pass LoS Check (higher priority than the rest) |
- South route seems to have success with 2CL 4DD
- If going north, 1CL 2CVL 3DD seems to work. Note however that you go through a sub node and preboss has a Ri-class CA so this might not be worth the shiplocks.
- Since the tagging is shared with E-2, it may be worthwhile to use BBV / CAV / AV in the fleet, as the A - D - Z route has no enemy air power and this can guarantee air superiority.
Combined Fleet, to the Solomon Sea!
- Boss: Light Cruiser Demon
- (Kills required) 4 on Hard and 5 on Normal/Easy
- Unryuu confirmed drop even on easy.
- Ships tagged BLUE
Branching rules
Show/Hide Branching Rules
Branching Rules |
Node | Split | Condition |
A | B | Surface Task Force | C | Carrier Task Force | C | F | Active Branching | I | Active Branching | H | Z | LoS Check |
- Node B is a submarine node; it will not consume ammo.
- Going south route with a Surface Task Force will conserve bauxite but cost more ammo and fuel. There is no enemy air power, but there are a few ships with decent anti-air capability.
- Having a BBV or CAV is reccomended to gain air superiority. Adding in a single CVL full of bombers and a Saiun may also be advantageous.
- 3BB 1BBV 1CA 1CVL + 1CL 1CLT 4DD seems to guarantee ABEGZ.
- Going north route with a Carrier Task Force will conserve a bit more fuel but has much higher bauxite costs. There are three aerial battles. Nodes F and H have fs kai Wo-class with takoyakis.
Confrontation! Second Southern Pacific Ocean Battle
Branching rules
Show/Hide Branching Rules
Branching Rules |
Node | Split | Condition |
A | B | Active Branching | C | Active Branching | C | D | CV>=3 or CLT>=2 or Surface Task Force | E | If not sent D | D | E | CV>=3 or CLT>=2 | F | If not sent to E or X | X | Surface Task Force(?) | F | G | Active Branching | I | Active Branching |
- In order to unlock E3 you have to get the sortie quest for clearing E2, hand it in, grab the new equipment quest and scrap 5 equipments, hand it in, then grab the new sortie quest and sink 6 subs. Handing in the third quest will unlock E3 as a completion reward
- Nodes D and E are aerial combat nodes.
- Carrier Task Force must be used, as Surface Task Force seems to end up at X.
- One can use no more than 1 CLT and 2 CVs to avoid being sent to an additional aerial combat node.
- Consider fitting AP shells on your battleships for the boss node.
- Node C is considered much better with the CTF.
- 380-390 AS is required AT boss node on Hard to get AS. Expected to be about 100 or 150 lower for normal.
Show/Hide Nodes and Enemy Encounters
Nodes and Enemy Encounters |
Node | Pattern |
Show/Hide Nodes and Enemy Encounters
Nodes and Enemy Encounters |
Node | Pattern |
Show/Hide Nodes and Enemy Encounters
Nodes and Enemy Encounters |
Node | Pattern |
Charge into the Strait! Destroy the Enemy Airfield!
- Boss: Airfield Hime
- (Kills required)
- Ships tagged YELLOW
Branching rules
Show/Hide Branching Rules
Branching Rules |
Node | Split | Condition |
- FBBx2 CA(V)x2 DDx2
- Node E and G are night battles
Show/Hide Nodes and Enemy Encounters
Nodes and Enemy Encounters |
Node | Pattern |
Show/Hide Nodes and Enemy Encounters
Nodes and Enemy Encounters |
Node | Pattern |
Show/Hide Nodes and Enemy Encounters
Nodes and Enemy Encounters |
Node | Pattern |
Hard Battle! Fleet Deployed to the West
No map name yet
- Boss:
- (Kills required)
- Ships tagged ORANGE
Branching rules
Show/Hide Branching Rules
Branching Rules |
Node | Split | Condition |
- 1AV 1CL 2CA(V) 2DD
- 1AV 1CL 4DD
- Akitsushima guarantees Node B
Show/Hide Nodes and Enemy Encounters
Nodes and Enemy Encounters |
Node | Pattern |
Show/Hide Nodes and Enemy Encounters
Nodes and Enemy Encounters |
Node | Pattern |
Show/Hide Nodes and Enemy Encounters
Nodes and Enemy Encounters |
Node | Pattern |
Counterattack! Enter the FS Region
No map name yet
- Boss:
- (Kills required)
- Ships tagged GREEN
- Rewards upon clearance:
- Clearing on Hard (甲):
- Clearing on Medium (乙):
- Clearing on Easy (丙):
Branching rules
Show/Hide Branching Rules
Branching Rules |
Node | Split | Condition |
- Carrier task force.
- 4CV 2BB + 11CL DD 2CA 1BB
- North Route
Show/Hide Nodes and Enemy Encounters
Nodes and Enemy Encounters |
Node | Pattern |
Show/Hide Nodes and Enemy Encounters
Nodes and Enemy Encounters |
Node | Pattern |
Show/Hide Nodes and Enemy Encounters
Nodes and Enemy Encounters |
Node | Pattern |
Operation FS
No map name yet
- Boss:
- (Kills required)
- Can use any tagged or untagged ships, except ships tagged with ORANGE tag
- Rewards upon clearance:
- Clearing on Hard (甲):
- Clearing on Medium (乙):
- Clearing on Easy (丙):
Branching rules
Show/Hide Branching Rules
Branching Rules |
Node | Split | Condition |
- No CLTs
- Though waiting on further intel, boss is known to have armor in the range of ~350.
- Many frontliners looking into theory of making boss node easier utilizing node X on E3 and E7. No confirmations.
Show/Hide Nodes and Enemy Encounters
Nodes and Enemy Encounters |
Node | Pattern |
Show/Hide Nodes and Enemy Encounters
Nodes and Enemy Encounters |
Node | Pattern |
Show/Hide Nodes and Enemy Encounters
Nodes and Enemy Encounters |
Node | Pattern |
Event-related tweets
@KanColle_STAFF |
[1] |
#艦これ |
Summer is approaching; the summer event is coming and will be starting in early August! Prepare your fleet and equipment! |
@KanColle_STAFF |
[2] |
#艦これ |
Summer is approaching; the summer event is coming and will be starting in early August! Prepare your carrier fleet for the coming maps! |
@KanColle_STAFF |
[3] |
#艦これ |
The summer 2015 event is in its production and will be starting in early August; it will be a large scale event. (The event is not based on the Marianas campaign) |
@KanColle_STAFF |
[4] |
#艦これ |
The summer 2015 event is in its production and will be starting in early August; it will be a large scale event based around the Solomon Islands. |
@KanColle_STAFF |
[5] |
#艦これ |
The summer 2015 event [Counterattack! The 2nd Operation SN] is in preparation and will start in [early August]. This will be a [large scale event]. Please prepare yourself for the upcoming event! |
@KanColle_STAFF |
[6] |
現在「艦これ」運営鎮守府では、今夏作戦展開予定の「艦これ」夏イベント2015:期間限定海域【反撃!第二次SN作戦】の実装準備を進めています。同作戦では、歴戦の提督方は難易度選択が可能です。最大「甲作戦」「乙作戦」「丙作戦」の三種類からの選択が可能となる予定です。#艦これ |
The summer 2015 event [Counterattack! The 2nd Operation SN] is in preparation and will start in [early August]. This will be a [large scale event]. You can choose from difficulties [A], [B], and [C] when playing the event maps. |
@KanColle_STAFF |
[7] |
現在「艦これ」運営鎮守府では、来月作戦展開予定の「艦これ」夏イベント2015:期間限定海域【反撃!第二次SN作戦】の実装準備を進めています。同作戦を攻略することで、その就役直後からソロモン海の最前線で奮戦した【防空駆逐艦2番艦】との邂逅が可能となる予定です。お楽しみに!。#艦これ |
The summer 2015 event [Counterattack! The 2nd Operation SN] is in preparation and will start in [early August]. By completing the operation you will get a chance to encounter the [second air defense destroyer] who was sent to the Solomon Seas right after being launched! Look forward to it! |
@KanColle_STAFF |
[8] |
現在「艦これ」運営鎮守府では、「艦これ」夏イベント2015:期間限定海域【反撃!第二次SN作戦】の実装準備を進めています。同夏イベでは、就役直後から最前線のソロモン海で奮戦した防空駆逐艦2番艦をはじめ、最大5隻以上の【新艦娘】達との邂逅が可能となる予定です。お楽しみに!。#艦これ |
The summer 2015 event [Counterattack! The 2nd Operation SN] is in preparation and will start in [early August]. During the event, along with encountering the [second air defense destroyer] who was sent to the Solomon Seas right after being launched, you will have the chance to obtain five new Kanmusu. Look forward to it! |
@KanColle_STAFF |
[9] |
現在「艦これ」運営鎮守府では、「艦これ」夏イベント2015:期間限定海域【反撃!第二次SN作戦】の開発/実装準備を進めています。同夏イベの作戦開始は、来月【8/10】予定です。作戦参加予定の提督方は、精強な空母機動部隊を含む層の厚い艦隊戦力を整備して頂けますと幸いです。 #艦これ |
We are currently preparing for the summer 2015 event [Counterattack! The 2nd Operation SN]. We are planning on starting this event on the 10th of August. For those participating in the event, it will be carrier heavy, so be sure to train your carriers for this event. |
@KanColle_STAFF |
[10] |
「艦これ」では来月【8/10】より、夏イベント2015:期間限定海域【反撃!第二次SN作戦】を展開予定です。夏イベの作戦期間は、約20日間を予定しています。同作戦参加予定の提督方は、各艦隊の練度向上、戦備の充実をよろしくお願い致します。#艦これ |
We are currently preparing for the summer 2015 event [Counterattack! The 2nd Operation SN] for August, 10th. We are planning for the summer event to last about 20 days. For those admirals planning to participate, be sure to round out your battle preparations. |
@KanColle_STAFF |
[11] |
現在「艦これ」運営鎮守府では、来週【8/10】より展開予定の、夏イベント2015:期間限定海域【反撃!第二次SN作戦】を開発/準備中です。同作戦は、夏季恒例の多段階【大規模作戦】です。※「甲作戦」及び「乙作戦」では、各作戦段階にそれぞれ艦隊戦力を投入する必要があります。 |
We are currently preparing for the summer 2015 event [Counterattack! The 2nd Operation SN] for August, 10th. This event will be in multiple stage format. *Hard along with Normal will require seperate ships per stage. |
@KanColle_STAFF |
[12] |
今夏の「艦これ」夏イベ、その第一作戦海域は「通常艦隊」、続く第二作戦海域では「連合艦隊」編成での出撃が予定されています。空母機動部隊編成の「連合艦隊」では、第一艦隊に精強な航空母艦及び同直掩戦力、第二艦隊に水雷戦隊を中核とした随伴護衛艦隊が必要となります。 #艦これ |
This summer event is planned as the following: the first part of the event will use a "normal fleet" and the second part will use a " combined fleet". In a quick response task force, the 1st fleet will be composed by strong carriers. The 2nd fleet will be centered around a torpedo squadron escort. |
@KanColle_STAFF |
[13] |
「艦これ」次回全サーバ群共通メンテナンス&アップデートは【8/10】を予定しています。同アップデート完了を以て、夏イベント2015:期間限定海域【反撃!第二次SN作戦】を開始させて頂く予定です。同夏イベでは、複数の新艦娘達、そして装備関連の新たなシステムも実装予定です。#艦これ |
We are currently preparing for the summer 2015 event [Counterattack! The 2nd Operation SN] on August 10th. This event will introduce several new ship girls. There are also plans to introduce a new equipment-related system. |
@KanColle_STAFF |
[14] |
現在「艦これ」運営鎮守府では、来週より展開予定の夏イベ:期間限定海域【反撃!第二次SN作戦】の開発実装を両舷一杯で進めています。現在複数の新艦娘の実装と共に、「艦載機」関連の新システムの実装を進めています。練成と運用によっては強力な航空打撃力の発揮も可能となる予定です! #艦これ |
Currently, we are preparing for the event coming up next week, "Summer 2015 event [Counterattack! The 2nd Operation SN]." We are adding new kanmusus, and adding a new battle system. By using this new battle system, you will be able to increase your firepower on your carriers! |
@KanColle_STAFF |
[15] |
来週より作戦開始予定の夏イベ:期間限定海域【反撃!第二次SN作戦】は多段階の【大規模作戦】です。作戦海域は、拡張作戦を含めると最大7海域に及びます。まだ艦隊戦力が十分整っていない提督方は、通常海域攻略も並行しつつ、第2~第4作戦海域の攻略を目標として頂けますと幸いです。 #艦これ |
Next week will start our "Summer 2015 event [Counterattack! The 2nd Operation SN]," and will be a large scale event. There will be a total of 7 maps. For the admirals who are not ready, please be sure to finish your regular maps, including worlds 2 through 4. |
@KanColle_STAFF |
[16] |
第4海域【海峡突入!敵飛行場を撃滅せよ!】 #艦これ |
For the "Summer 2015 event [Counterattack! The 2nd Operation SN]," these are the first 4 upcoming maps:
Map 1 [Prepare for deployment, the 2nd Operation SN!]
Map 2 [Combined Fleet, to the seas of Solomon!]
Map 3 [Attack! Second Battle of the Santa Cruz Islands]
Map 4 [Charge into the strait! Destroy the enemy airfield!] |
@KanColle_STAFF |
[17] |
夏イベ:期間限定海域【反撃!第二次SN作戦】の前段作戦(主作戦)を攻略完遂することで、「艦これ」初登場となる【補助艦艇の新艦娘】と邂逅し、彼女を艦隊に加えることが可能となります。史実では活躍することが叶わなかった、ユニークな存在の艦隊随伴型の新艦娘…ぜひお楽しみに! #艦これ |
By clearing the first half of "Summer 2015 event [Counterattack! The 2nd Operation SN]," we will be introducing a new ship type, an auxiliary ship. This ship has never actually entered combat in the old days, but we will be adding her, and she too has a unique feature in game...please stay tuned! |
@KanColle_STAFF |
[18] |
今日は月曜日!昨日横浜で開催された第弐回「艦これ」観艦式に来場頂いた提督の皆さん、ありがとうございました!お礼申し上げます。本日はいよいよ今年の夏イベ期間限定海域、作戦開始予定です!本日も頑張ってまいりましょう! |
@KanColle_STAFF |
[19] |
本日この後【AM11:00】より、「艦これ」稼働全サーバ群は、メンテナンス&大規模アップデートに入ります。同作業完了予定は、先にお知らせした時間より押してしまって申し訳ありません、現在【20:00】を予定しています。何卒ご協力頂けますと幸いです。 |
See Also
Japanese Army in World War II, The South Pacific and New Guinea, 1942-43, contains information regarding Operation SN and a summary of the plans behind it.
- IRC Channel: #kancolle
- Talk:Summer 2015 Event, no inanity, please. Feel free, however, to report significant branching rules, identify content that is missing, and propose changes to the article's layout. Thank you for your compliance.
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