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The Winter 2016 Event Sortie! Operation Rei-Go is planned to start on February 10th, 2016 at 1900 JST. The event will be based off of Operation Rei-Go, a one day battle that took place along Mindoro Island where the IJN counterattacked US forces staging a landing on December 26th, 1944.

The Event is composed of only three maps, and allows for difficulty selection like in previous events. The Hard difficulty will be more difficult compared to usual event maps.

The first two stages will be themed on Operation Rei-Go and the Final Stage will be an Extra Operation, a "What If" scenario focusing on an Interception Mission.

In addition, it will feature battles against land based air units and a new gimmick system in E-3 that will be different from the usual armor reduction gimmick.

It's also been noted that for the first two maps, fleet requirements will be flexible; this will vary depending on the difficulty setting.


New Ships

Currently, 3 new ships are slated to appear as part of the event. The ships we are aware of so far are:

  • An Akizuki Class destroyer that bravely sacrificed herself to protect some members of the Ozawa fleet, allowing them time to escape. She was commissioned and struck from the list during winter. It has been confirmed that this is Hatsuzuki and she is a reward for clearing E-2.
  • The February issue of Comtiq Magazine revealed that a Yuugumo-class destroyer would be added during the event. This ship fought in the same battle as Hatsuzuki and sunk soon afterwards. It turns out to be Okinami.
  • February's Comtiq Magazine also revealed that a foreign ship would be expected to appear in the extra operation map. This turns out to be the heavy cruiser Zara.

New Equipment

New Abyssals

New Abyssal Land Based planes: Abyssal Land Based Bomber and Abyssal Land Based Bomber Ace


Participation requirements

  • Must have a 75% sortie win ratio.
  • Must have 5 empty ship slots for new ships.
  • Must have 20 free equipment slots.

Special Mechanics

  1. The difficulty system first used in Spring 2015 Event returns: you can choose between Operation A (, Hard), Operation B (, Medium) or Operation C (, Easy).
    • Choosing A or B requires certain HQ Level (HQ Lv 35 for B / 80 for A in Spring 2015 Event).
  2. It's been noted that the Extra Operation will involve a use a new gimmick that will not be related to the armor reduction gimmick.
  3. There does not appear to be any shiplocking this event.

Special Quests and Expeditions

Sortie! Operation Rei-Go has a series of quests you need to complete as you play through the event. After completing the Operation Rei-Go maps, in order to gain access to the final map, you will need to complete two sets of quests along with a special expedition in order to unlock E-3: Operation Sho-Go 4

ID Prereq. Quest Name (Original)
Quest Name (Translated)
Description Rewards Note
Fuel Ammunition Steel Bauxite Other
SN11 水上反撃作戦【礼号作戦】を完遂せよ!
Carry out Counter-Attack Operation "Operation Rei-Go!"
Form an assault fleet at the Campan Gulf to carry out and launch a counter attack at "Operation "Rei-Go!"
  • Completion Condition: Clear E-2.
500 500 0 0 Present Box x1
Instant Repairs x5
If you clear E2 without having this quest checked, the quest will show up as 80% done, but if you check the quest after clearing e2, the quest will show up as done.
One time only.

SN12 SN11 親善艦参加観艦式を実施せよ!
Carry out a Friendly Ship Naval Review!
Partake in a Naval Review in the limited time waters to help make contact with ships from overseas.

Complete the Limited Time Expedition "Friendly Ship Naval Review"

  • You can use 6 ships of any kind
  • Foreign Ships like the Germans and the Italian Ships are not necessary.
100 100 300 100 203 mm / 53 cm Twin Gun Mount Gain Access to E-3
One time only.

Special Expediton

# Name Time HQ Ship Fuel.png Ammunition.png Steel.png Bauxite.png Rewards
175 親善艦参加観艦式
Friendly Ship Naval Review
00:15 40 40 30 50 Item Icon Furniture Box (Small).pngx1

Event Maps

Quick Info Table

Classification Map Name Combined Fleet? Tag Condition & Deployment Restriction Difficulty Restrictions Notes
Main Operation
Operation Rei-Go
E-1 Preparation for Operation Rei-Go No No restrictions. All difficulties OK
E-2 Sortie! Operation Rei-Go! In order to play these maps on hard, you must complete the previous map on either normal or hard.
(e.g., to do E-3 on hard, you must complete E-2 on normal or hard.)
Extra Operation E-3 Operation Shou-Go 4 Yes



Campan Gulf "Operation Rei-Go!" Preperation
No map name yet


  • Boss: Submarine Princess
  • 6-7 kills required on all difficulties (800 HP on hard)
  • FBBs, BBs, and CVs are not allowed on this map.
  • Ships tagged: None

Branching rules

Show/Hide Branching Rules
Branching Rules
STARTA 2+ DD (random) or Kasumi flagship
B <2 DD
DC LoS check (fail)
J LoS check (pass)
EF Active Branching
GActive Branching


  • Recommended fleet compositions:
    • 1 BBV plus 4DD/CL plus either CVL/CL
  • You can use Kasumi as flagship to take the northeast route.
    • Recommended fleet to accomplish this: Kasumi + 1 DD, 1 CLT, 1 CA, 1 BBV, 1 CVL
    • Note that node G and H are air raids: It is a single air battle phase, but you will not be able to inflict any damage. At these nodes, damage taken determines the victory rank (it is not an automatic loss). You will not be able to enter night battle at these nodes either.

Show/Hide Nodes and Enemy Encounters
Nodes and Enemy Encounters
NodePatternXpNode InfoFormAir
Pattern 160 Submarine Ka-Class eliteSubmarine Ka-ClassSubmarine Ka-Class
Pattern 2100 Submarine Ka-Class eliteSubmarine Ka-Class eliteSubmarine Ka-Class elite
Pattern 350 Submarine Ka-ClassSubmarine Ka-ClassSubmarine Ka-Class
Pattern 4? Submarine Ka-Class flagshipSubmarine Ka-Class eliteSubmarine Ka-Class elite
Pattern 1140 Submarine Ka-Class flagshipSubmarine Ka-Class eliteSubmarine Ka-Class eliteSubmarine Ka-Class elite
Pattern 2110 Submarine Ka-Class flagshipSubmarine Ka-Class eliteSubmarine Ka-ClassSubmarine Ka-Class
Pattern 395 Submarine Ka-Class eliteSubmarine Ka-Class eliteSubmarine Ka-ClassSubmarine Ka-Class
Pattern 1 Must be my imagination. (No combat)
Pattern 1140 Light Cruiser He-Class flagshipDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model
Pattern 2120 Light Cruiser He-Class flagshipDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-ClassDestroyer I-Class
Pattern 3100 Light Cruiser Ho-Class flagshipDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-ClassDestroyer I-ClassDestroyer I-Class
Pattern 1 Active Branching
Pattern 1140 Light Cruiser He-Class flagshipLight Cruiser Ho-Class flagshipDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-ClassDestroyer I-Class
Pattern 2120 Light Cruiser He-Class flagshipLight Cruiser Ho-Class eliteDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-ClassDestroyer I-ClassDestroyer I-Class
Pattern 3160 Light Cruiser He-Class flagshipLight Cruiser Ho-Class flagshipDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model
Air Raid
Pattern 1120 Airfield Princess
Air Raid
Pattern 1120 Airfield Princess
Pattern 1230 Seaplane Tender PrincessTransport Ship Wa-Class flagshipLight Cruiser Ho-Class flagshipDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model
Pattern 1200 Submarine PrincessSubmarine Ka-Class eliteSubmarine Ka-Class eliteDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model
Pattern 2200 Submarine PrincessSubmarine Ka-ClassSubmarine Ka-ClassLight Cruiser Ho-Class flagshipDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model
Pattern 3200 Submarine PrincessSubmarine Ka-ClassLight Cruiser He-Class flagshipDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model
Pattern 4
Final Form
250 Submarine PrincessSubmarine Ka-Class eliteSubmarine Ka-Class eliteLight Cruiser He-Class flagshipDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model


Otoro Island Marmalade Gulf "Operation Rei-go"
No map name yet


  • Boss: Supply Depot Princess
  • 5 kills required on all difficulties (Hard: 3000 HP)
    • Because the boss's health drops in Last Dance, it may be required to repeat Last Dance twice.
  • Ships tagged None
  • Rewards upon clearance: Hatsuzuki
    • Clearing on Hard (甲): 8x Improvement materials, 2x Maritime Resupply, Skilled Pilot, Medal
    • Clearing on Medium (乙): 3x Improvement materials, 1 Medal
    • Clearing on Easy (丙):

Branching rules

Show/Hide Branching Rules
Branching Rules
STARTA Only 1 CA, CAV, or CL. 3+ DDs
C 2+ CA, CAV, CL or any BB, CV(L), AX. <3 DDs
CD2 CV, CA, BB (?)
EFActive Branching
IActive Branching
KL  <2 DD
N 2+ DD (?)


  • Umikaze does not drop on Easy.
  • Recommended fleet compositions:
    • North: Rei-Go Fleet (Kasumi, Ooyodo, Ashigara, Kiyoshimo, Asashimo) + 1 CAV. It is possible to have the same ship class from Rei-Go and still go to the North Route (3 DD, 1 CL, 1 CA). In addition, only two of the DDs are needed.
  • There are two different routes you can take depending on your fleet.
    • North Route cannot have CVs or BBs or else you will start at south.
  • Supply Depot Princess is an installation type boss, so Type 3 Shells and WG42 are highly recommended.
  • The southern route allows for much more firepower, and more type 3 shells.
    • 4BB 2CV or 2BB 2CA 2CV allows for maximum firepower, but takes a very roundabout route (CDGKLMO).
    • 1fBB 2CA(v) 2DD 1CV allows for the much shorter CGKN route. AACI is recommended for one of the DDs since Type 3 Shells is needed for the CAs and BBs
  • Nodes D and K in South Route and Nodes F, H, and I in North Route are Single Aerial battles. Consider using Diamond formation or bring an AACI setup.

Show/Hide Nodes and Enemy Encounters
Nodes and Enemy Encounters
NodePatternXpNode InfoFormAir
陸上爆撃機隊 第3飛行中隊
Pattern 1 Submarine Ka-Class eliteSubmarine Ka-ClassSubmarine Ka-Class
Pattern 2100 Submarine Ka-Class eliteSubmarine Ka-Class eliteSubmarine Ka-Class elite
Pattern 3 Submarine Ka-Class flagshipSubmarine Ka-Class eliteSubmarine Ka-Class elite
Pattern 1 Submarine Ka-Class eliteSubmarine Ka-ClassSubmarine Ka-ClassSubmarine Ka-Class
Pattern 2 Submarine Ka-Class flagshipSubmarine Ka-Class eliteSubmarine Ka-ClassSubmarine Ka-Class
Pattern 3 Submarine Ka-Class flagshipSubmarine Ka-Class eliteSubmarine Ka-Class eliteSubmarine Ka-Class elite
潜水艦哨戒線 Cライン
Pattern 1180 Submarine Ka-Class flagshipSubmarine Ka-Class flagshipSubmarine Ka-Class eliteSubmarine Ka-Class elite
Pattern 2145 Submarine Ka-Class flagshipSubmarine Ka-Class eliteSubmarine Ka-Class eliteSubmarine Ka-Class
Pattern 3 Submarine Ka-Class eliteSubmarine Ka-Class eliteSubmarine Ka-ClassSubmarine Ka-Class
Air battle
Pattern 1175 Airfield PrincessAirfield Princess
Pattern 1 Active Branching
Air Battle
Pattern 1 Airfield Princess
Pattern 1250 Battleship Ta-Class flagshipBattleship Ta-Class flagshipLight Cruiser Tsu-Class eliteLight Cruiser Tsu-Class eliteDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model
Pattern 2250 Standard Carrier Wo-Class Kai flagshipBattleship Ta-Class flagshipLight Cruiser Tsu-Class eliteLight Cruiser Tsu-Class eliteDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model
Air Battle
Pattern 1 Airfield Princess
Air Battle
Pattern 1140 Airfield Princess
深海船団 間接護衛隊
Pattern 1 Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class flagshipLight Cruiser Ho-Class flagshipLight Cruiser Ho-Class flagshipDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model
Pattern 2180 Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class flagshipLight Cruiser Ho-Class flagshipLight Cruiser Ho-Class flagshipDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-ClassDestroyer I-Class
Air Battle
Pattern 1170 Airfield PrincessAirfield Princess
LPattern 1220 Light Cruiser He-Class flagshipLight Cruiser Tsu-Class eliteDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late ModelPT Imp GroupPT Imp Group
警戒魚雷艇戦隊 I群
Pattern 1 PT Imp GroupPT Imp GroupPT Imp GroupPT Imp GroupPT Imp Group
Pattern 1 PT Imp GroupPT Imp GroupPT Imp GroupPT Imp GroupPT Imp GroupPT Imp Group
Pattern 1 Supply Depot PrincessTransport Ship Wa-Class flagshipTransport Ship Wa-Class eliteTransport Ship Wa-Class elitePT Imp GroupPT Imp Group
Pattern 2 Supply Depot PrincessTransport Ship Wa-Class flagshipTransport Ship Wa-Class flagshipPT Imp GroupPT Imp GroupPT Imp Group
Pattern 3
Final Form
500 Supply Depot PrincessTransport Ship Wa-Class flagshipTransport Ship Wa-Class flagshipPT Imp GroupPT Imp GroupPT Imp Group


Operation Sho-Go 4
No map name yet


Transport Gauge: 500 TP (Hard)

  • x kills required on all difficulties (Hard: 2100 HP)
  • Rewards upon clearance: Zara
    • Clearing on Hard (甲): Medal x2, Ro.43 Recon Seaplane, Hard Medal
    • Clearing on Medium (乙):
    • Clearing on Easy (丙):

Branching rules

Show/Hide Branching Rules
Branching Rules
STARTATransport Escort Fleet
JSurface Task Force
JKActive Branching
MActive Branching

Transport Phase

  • Recommended fleet compositions:
    • Transport Fleet: 2BBV and 4DD (1st Fleet) and 1CL (Abukuma Kai Ni preferred), 2CA(V), and 3DD (2nd Fleet)
      • While this will take you to the Airfield Hime node, this in turn will give your fleet a better chance at S-ranking to boss node to maximize the TP gained upon completing the run.
  • DD in the first fleet should be fully equipped with drums. Abukuma and Kasumi at Kai Ni can use 1-2 Daihatsu. If you use a CAV consider bringing 1 drum for them. Everyone else needs to be armed to battle.
  • Transport Boss is the Destroyer Princess
  • Set up mentioned above should easily make short work of the enemy fleet with little issue.

Battle Phase

  • Recommended fleet compositions:
    • Surface Task Force: 4BB and 2 CVL (1st Fleet) and 1CL (Abukuma Kai Ni preferred), 2-3 CLT, 0-1 FBB, 2DD (2nd Fleet).
      • Fleet has the option to go east or south at first intersection. It's recommended to go east as it is easier to reach the boss node, the south route will have you fight BB himes along the way, but is however the shorter route and is also recommend for the final part of the fight.
  • Heavy Cruiser Princess will usually have a pair of Battleship Princesses with her. But can occasionally have a Standard Aircraft Carrier Hime on in place of the Tsu-Class Elite (On Hard mode).
  • Boss Fleet Support is highly recommended
    • In-Route Support is recommended if you have trouble making your way on the final kill.

Show/Hide Nodes and Enemy Encounters
Nodes and Enemy Encounters
NodePatternXpNode InfoFormAir
通商破壊潜水艦隊 A群
sub node
Pattern 1150 Submarine So-Class flagshipSubmarine Ka-Class eliteSubmarine Ka-Class eliteSubmarine Ka-ClassSubmarine Ka-Class
Pattern 2150 Submarine So-Class flagshipSubmarine Ka-Class eliteSubmarine Ka-ClassSubmarine Ka-ClassSubmarine Ka-Class
先行侵入 通商破壊部隊
Pattern 1180 Light Cruiser He-Class flagshipHeavy Cruiser Ri-Class flagshipHeavy Cruiser Ri-Class flagshipLight Cruiser Tsu-Class eliteDestroyer I-Class Late Model eliteDestroyer I-Class Late Model elite
Pattern 2180 Light Cruiser He-Class flagshipHeavy Cruiser Ri-Class flagshipHeavy Cruiser Ri-Class flagshipLight Cruiser Tsu-Class eliteDestroyer I-Class Late ModelDestroyer I-Class Late Model
Air Battle
Pattern 1155 Airfield PrincessAirfield Princess
Pattern 2140 Airfield Princess
通商破壊潜水艦隊 B群
sub node
Pattern 1 Submarine So-Class flagshipSubmarine So-Class eliteSubmarine So-Class eliteSubmarine Ka-ClassSubmarine Ka-Class
Pattern 2170 Submarine So-Class flagshipSubmarine So-Class eliteSubmarine Ka-ClassSubmarine Ka-ClassSubmarine Ka-Class
Pattern 1
Pattern 2
Pattern 1
Pattern 1 Supply Node
Pattern 1
Pattern 2
Pattern 1
Pattern 1 Active Branching
陸上爆撃機隊 戦爆連合
Pattern 1 Battleship PrincessBattleship PrincessLight Cruiser He-Class flagshipLight Cruiser Tsu-Class eliteDestroyer Ro-Class Late Model eliteDestroyer Ro-Class Late Model elite
Pattern 2 Battleship PrincessBattleship Ru-Class flagshipBattleship Ru-Class flagshipLight Cruiser Tsu-Class eliteDestroyer I-Class Late Model eliteDestroyer I-Class Late Model elite
侵攻部隊 攻略部隊
Pattern 1 Battleship Ru-Class Kai flagshipBattleship Ru-Class flagshipTransport Ship Wa-Class flagshipTransport Ship Wa-Class flagshipDestroyer Ro-Class Late Model eliteDestroyer Ro-Class Late Model elite
Pattern 2 Battleship Ru-Class flagshipBattleship Ru-Class flagshipTransport Ship Wa-Class flagshipTransport Ship Wa-Class flagshipDestroyer Ro-Class Late Model eliteDestroyer Ro-Class Late Model elite
Pattern 3 Battleship Ru-Class Kai flagshipBattleship Ru-Class Kai flagshipTransport Ship Wa-Class flagshipTransport Ship Wa-Class flagshipDestroyer Ro-Class Late Model eliteDestroyer Ro-Class Late Model elite
Pattern 4 Battleship Ru-Class flagshipBattleship Ru-Class flagshipTransport Ship Wa-Class flagshipTransport Ship Wa-Class flagshipDestroyer I-Class Late Model eliteDestroyer I-Class Late Model elite
Pattern 1
Pattern 1
Pattern 1
Pattern 1
Pattern 1
Pattern 1
侵攻先遣部隊 本隊
Pattern 1280 Destroyer PrincessTorpedo Cruiser Chi-Class flagshipTorpedo Cruiser Chi-Class flagshipLight Carrier Nu-Class flagshipDestroyer Ha-Class Late Model eliteDestroyer Ha-Class Late Model elite
Pattern 2280 Destroyer PrincessTorpedo Cruiser Chi-Class flagshipTorpedo Cruiser Chi-Class flagshipLight Carrier Nu-Class flagshipDestroyer Ro-Class Late Model eliteDestroyer Ro-Class Late Model elite
侵攻部隊 旗艦艦隊
Pattern 1 Heavy Cruiser PrincessBattleship PrincessBattleship PrincessAircraft Carrier PrincessDestroyer Ha-Class Late Model eliteDestroyer Ha-Class Late Model elite
Pattern 2 Heavy Cruiser PrincessBattleship PrincessBattleship PrincessLight Cruiser Tsu-Class eliteDestroyer Ha-Class Late Model eliteDestroyer Ha-Class Late Model elite
Pattern 3
Final Form
Heavy Cruiser PrincessBattleship PrincessBattleship PrincessAircraft Carrier PrincessDestroyer Ni-Class Late Model eliteDestroyer Ni-Class Late Model elite