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Difference between revisions of "Summer 2021 Event/Voice Lines"

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(Created page with "===Friend Fleet Voice Lines=== {{SeasonalHeaderOld}} {{SeasonalSubHeader|Destroyers}} {{SeasonalQuote|ship = Arashi Kai|friend = 2|event = Spring 2021 Event |origin = |transla...")
(12 intermediate revisions by 3 users not shown)
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{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Akebono Kai Ni|friend = 1|event = Spring 2019 Event
|origin =クソ提督、よく見てなさい。
|translation =You shitty Admiral, watch closely.
|notes =
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Arashi Kai|friend = 2|event = Spring 2021 Event
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Arashi Kai|friend = 2|event = Spring 2021 Event
|origin =
|origin =さあ、やってやるぜ!嵐、巻き起こせ!
|translation =
|translation =Right, let's get started! I'll tear this place up!
|notes = Attack.
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Ariake Kai|friend = 1
|origin =戦場海域に到達。これより突撃する!続け〜!行くぜ〜!
|translation = We've arrived on the battlefield. We'll now begin the attack! Follow meee! Let's goooo!
|notes =Returning line from [[Summer 2020 Event]].
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Ariake Kai|friend = 1|event = Rainy-Summer 2020 Event
|origin =有明、了解だ。ぶちかませ!
|translation =Ariake, acknowleging. Let them have it!
|notes = Returning line from [[Summer 2020 Event]].
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Grecale Kai|friend = 1|event = Summer 2019 Event
|origin =あぁー、みっけちゃった。みんないいかい?味方艦隊を援護するよ。Grecale隊、突入!続け!
|translation =Ah, we've found them. Everyone ready? We'll support the allied fleet. Grecale Squadron, charge! Forwards!
|notes =
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Grecale Kai|friend = 2|event = Summer 2019 Event
|origin =Va bene. Grecale、了解。増速、突撃!
|translation =Alright. Grecale, acknowledging. Increase speed, attack!
|notes =
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Janus Kai|friend = 1|event = Fall 2020 Event
|origin =Janus、前方に敵と交戦中の友軍を発見!我が艦隊はこれより援護する。続け!
|translation =Allied forces engaged with the enemy fleet spotted ahead! Our fleet will now provide support. Forwards!
|notes =
|notes =
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Ariake Kai|friend = 1|event = Rainy-Summer 2020 Event
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Janus Kai|friend = 1|event = Hinamatsuri 2020 Mini-Event
|origin =
|origin =Janus、了解。OK、任せて!
|translation =
|translation =Janus, acknowledging. OK, leave it to me!
|notes =
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Jervis Kai|friend = 1|event = Fall 2020 Event
|origin =Super lucky!あは!
|translation =Super lucky! Aha!
|notes =
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Johnston Kai|friend = 1|event = Spring 2019 Event
|origin =来たわ!Target in sight. みんな覚悟はいい?さあ、始めましょうか?Go!
|translation =We're here! Target in sight. Have all of you prepared yourselves? Then, let's get started. Go!
|notes =
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Kazagumo Kai Ni|friend = 2|event = Fall 2019 Event
|origin =第十駆逐隊、推参。秋雲、いい?夕雲姉、巻雲姉、よろしくおねがいします。
|translation =Destroyer Division 10, reporting in. Akigumo, ready? Yuugumo, Makigumo, let's do this.
|notes =
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Maestrale Kai|friend = 1|event = Early Fall 2018 Event
|origin =発:伊第十駆逐隊、Maestrale。宛:特務艦隊。我、友軍艦隊をこれより援護する。突入!
|translation =From: 10th Destroyer Division, Maestrale. To: Special Operations Fleet. We will now proceed to back you up. Attack!
|notes =
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Maestrale Kai|friend = 2|event = Summer 2019 Event
|origin =駆逐隊、Maestrale、瞭解!Libe、いい?付いてきて!
|translation =Maestrale Division, acknowledging! Got it, Libe? Follow me!
|notes =
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Makinami Kai|friend = 1|event = Spring 2021 Event
|origin =三一駆、巻波、了解!任せて、長波姉!
|translation =DesDiv31, Makinami, understood! Leave it to me, big sis Naganami!
|notes =
|notes =
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Matsu Kai|friend = 2|event = Fall 2020 Event
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Matsu Kai|friend = 2|event = Fall 2020 Event
|origin =
|origin =第四十三水雷戦隊、戦場海域に到達。これより突撃する!
|translation =
|translation =The 43rd Torpedo Squadron has arrived on the battlefield. We'll now begin the attack!
|notes =
|notes =
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Momo Kai|friend = 1|event = Spring 2021 Event
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Momo Kai|friend = 1|event = Spring 2021 Event
|origin =
|origin =三一戦隊、丁型のアイドル、桃、ステージに到着!今からオンステージ!見てて!
|translation =
|translation =31st Squadron, Idol of the D-types, Momo, taking the stage! I'll be performing now! Watch me!
|notes =
|notes =
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Momo Kai|friend = 2|event = Spring 2021 Event
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Momo Kai|friend = 2|event = Spring 2021 Event
|origin =
|origin =丁型駆逐艦のアイドル、桃、お仕事了解。キラキラ!
|translation =
|translation =Idol of the D-type destroyers, Momo, accepting this job. *sparkle*!
|notes =
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Scirocco Kai|friend = 1|event = Fall 2020 Event
|origin =Scirocco、了解!間に合ったもんねー。
|translation =Scirocco, acknowledging. I made it in time~.
|notes =
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Take Kai|friend = 1|event = Fall 2020 Event
|origin =第四十三駆逐隊、駆逐艦竹、戦場海域に到達だ。友軍艦隊を援護するぞ。続け。
|translation =43rd Destroyer Division, destroyer Take, has arrived on the battlefield. I'll now support the friendly fleet. Forwards.
|notes =
|notes =
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Take Kai|friend = 2|event = Fall 2020 Event
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Take Kai|friend = 2|event = Fall 2020 Event
|origin =
|origin =駆逐艦竹、了解だ。やってやるぜ!
|translation =
|translation =Destroyer Take, acknowledging. Let's do this!
|notes =
|notes =
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Verniy|friend = 1
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Verniy|friend = 1
|origin =
|origin =両舷いっぱい…Ура!
|translation =
|translation =Full speed ahead... Hurrah!
|notes =Returning line from [[Spring 2019 Event]]
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Yuudachi Kai Ni|friend = 1|event = Spring 2021 Event
|origin =ソロモンの悪夢、見せてあげる!
|translation =I'll show you why I'm the Nightmare of Solomon!
|notes =Kai Ni Starting A Battle
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Yuugumo Kai Ni|friend = 2|event = Spring 2021 Event
|origin =第十駆逐隊、戦場海域に到達。これより友軍を援護します。十駆、突入します!
|translation =The 10th Destroyer Division has arrived at the operation area. We'll now support the friendly forces. DesDiv10, charge!
|notes =
|notes =
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Z1 Zwei|friend = 1|event = Fall 2020 Event
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Z1 Zwei|friend = 1|event = Fall 2020 Event
|origin =
|origin =敵艦発見。攻撃開始。
|translation =
|translation =Enemy ships spotted. Begin the attack.
|notes =
|notes =
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Z3 Zwei|friend = 1|event = Fall 2020 Event
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Z3 Zwei|friend = 1|event = Fall 2020 Event
|origin =
|origin =敵艦を捕捉。攻撃開始。
|translation =
|translation =Take on the enemy ships. Begin the attack.
|notes =
|notes =
{{SeasonalSubHeader|Light Cruisers}}
{{SeasonalSubHeader|Light Cruisers}}
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Atlanta Kai|friend = 1|event = Spring 2021 Event
|origin =Roger. やるぞ、あたし。Fire!
|translation =Roger. I can do this. Fire!
|notes =
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Duca degli Abruzzi Kai|friend = 2|event = Summer 2019 Event
|origin =いい、Garibaldi?これより友軍を援護します。艦隊増速。私に続いてください!
|translation =Ready, Garibaldi? We'll now support the allied forces. Fleet, increase speed. Please follow me!
|notes =
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Giuseppe Garibaldi Kai|friend = 1
|origin =前方に友軍艦隊。交戦中。これより援護する。続け!
|translation =Friendly fleet ahead. Engaged in battle. We'll now support them. Forwards!
|notes =
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Giuseppe Garibaldi Kai|friend = 1|event = Summer 2019 Event
|origin =あぁ、悪くないね。やってやるぜ!
|translation =Ah, not bad. Let's do this!
|notes =
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Kuma Kai Ni D|friend = 1
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Kuma Kai Ni D|friend = 1
|origin =
|origin =球磨が来たクマ。もう安心クマ。
|translation =
|translation =I'm here-kuma. There's nothing to worry about now-kuma.
|notes =
|notes =
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Noshiro Kai Ni|friend = 1|event = Spring 2019 Event
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Noshiro Kai Ni|friend = 1|event = Spring 2019 Event
|origin =
|origin =各艦隊、艦隊陣形確認。よろしくどうぞ。
|translation =
|translation =All fleets, please check your formations.
|notes =
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Noshiro Kai Ni|friend = 1|event = Spring 2021 Event
|origin =二水戦、突撃します。
|translation =DesRon2, attack.
|notes =
|notes =
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Ooyodo Kai|friend = 1
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Ooyodo Kai|friend = 1
|origin =
|origin =敵艦隊見ゆ。砲戦、用意。お願いします。
|translation =
|translation =Enemy fleet spotted. Prepare for battle. Please!
|notes = Starting a Battle
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Sheffield Kai|friend = 1
|origin =HMS Sheffield、戦場に到達した。これより、友軍を援護する。突入。
|translation =HMS Sheffield has arrived on the battlefield. I'll now support the allied forces. Charge.
|notes = Returning line from [[Fall 2020 Event]].
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Sheffield Kai|friend = 2
|origin =HMS Sheffield, 了解。
|translation =HMS Sheffield, acknowledging.
|notes =
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Yahagi Kai Ni|friend = 1|event = Spring 2019 Event
|origin =艦隊、単縦陣。行くぞ。矢矧水雷戦隊、押して参る!
|translation =Fleet, line ahead. Let's go. Yahagi Torpedo Squadron, charging in!
|notes =
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Yura Kai Ni|friend = 1|event = Spring 2021 Event
|origin =提督さん、由良が作戦の開始時刻をお知らせします…三…二…一…今。提督さん、作戦開始です。
|translation =Admiral, I'll begin the countdown for starting the operation... 3... 2... 1... now. Admiral, the operation has begun.
|notes =
|notes =
{{SeasonalSubHeader|Heavy Cruisers}}
{{SeasonalSubHeader|Heavy Cruisers}}
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Houston Kai|friend = 1|event = Fall 2019 Event
|origin =Houston、了解。増速。Fire!
|translation =Houston, acknowledging. Increase speed. Fire!
|notes =
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Houston Kai|friend = 2|event = Fall 2019 Event
|origin =Houston、戦場海域に到達。友軍艦隊、発見。これより、友軍を援護します。突入!
|translation =Houston has arrived at the operation area. Friendly fleet spotted. We'll now support the friendly forces. Charge!
|notes =
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Northampton Kai|friend = 1
|origin =USS Northampton, 了解。Open fire!
|translation =USS Northampton, acknowledging. Open fire!
|notes =
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Prinz Eugen Kai|friend = 1
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Prinz Eugen Kai|friend = 1
|origin =
|origin =Feuer!
|translation =
|translation =Fire!
|notes =Returning line from [[Summer 2019 Event]].
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Prinz Eugen Kai|friend = 1|event = Fall 2020 Event
|origin =Prinz Eugen、戦場海域に到達。これより、友軍艦隊を援護します。Feuer!
|translation =Prinz Eugen has arrived on the battlefield. I'll now support the allied fleet. Fire!
|notes =
|notes =
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Prinz Eugen Kai|friend = 1|event = Fall 2020 Event
{{SeasonalSubHeader|Light Carriers}}
|origin =
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Ryuuhou Kai Ni|friend = 1
|translation =
|origin =龍鳳攻撃隊、発艦!お願い致します。
|translation =Ryuuhou Attack Squadron, take off! I'm counting on you.
|notes =Kai Ni E Night Attack
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Zuihou Kai Ni B|friend = 1
|origin =カタパルト、連続発艦、始め!
|translation =Catapult, ready for successive take-offs!
|notes =
|notes =
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Bismarck Drei|friend = 1
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Bismarck Drei|friend = 1
|origin =
|origin =もう…!あの忌々しい複葉機を思い出すわね…!
|translation =
|translation =Jeez...! This reminds me of those annoying biplanes...!
|notes = Zwei Minor Damage 1
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Bismarck Drei|friend = 2
|origin =へぇ〜、らしくなってきたじゃない?
|translation =Hmmm, we're back here again?
|notes =
|notes =
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Gangut Dva|friend = 1|event = Spring 2019 Event
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Gangut Dva|friend = 1|event = Spring 2019 Event
|origin =
|origin =よろしい!わが全力を叩きつけるのは今だ!
|translation =
|translation =Great! Now it's time for me to crush them!
|notes =
|notes =
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Gangut Dva|friend = 1|event = Winter 2018 Event
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Gangut Dva|friend = 1|event = Winter 2018 Event
|origin =
|origin =そうか、いよいよ艦隊決戦だな。よし、この私に任せておけ!キサマ、ともに行くぞ!遅れるな!
|translation =
|translation =I see, it’s finally time for the final battle. Alright, just leave it to me! Come with me, everyone! Don’t fall behind!
|notes =
|notes =
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Hiei Kai Ni C|friend = 1|event = Spring 2021 Event
|origin =はい、比叡にお任せあれ!
|translation =Yes, just leave it all to me!
|notes =Kai Ni C Secretary 1
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Kongou Kai Ni C|friend = 1|event = Spring 2021 Event
|origin =食らいついたら離さないって…言ったデース!
|translation =I told you... I won't let you go once I've got you!
|notes =Kai Ni C Night Battle
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Richelieu Kai|friend = 1
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Richelieu Kai|friend = 1
|origin =
|origin =戦艦Richelieuの火力、見せるのは今。圧倒しなさい!
|translation =
|translation =I'll show you the power of the battleship Richelieu. We'll crush them!
|notes =
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = South Dakota Kai|friend = 1|event = Rainy-Summer 2020 Event
|origin =USS South Dakota, 了解。突入だ!
|translation =USS South Dakota, acknowledging. ATTACK!
|notes =Returning line from [[Summer 2020 Event]].
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Warspite Kai|friend = 1|event = Summer 2019 Event
|origin =European Combined Grand Fleet、旗艦Warspite、戦場海域に到着。これよりfriend fleetを援護します!全艦、突撃!
|translation =European Combined Grand Fleet, flagship Warspite, has arrived on the battlefield. We’ll now support the friend fleet! All ships, attack!
|notes =
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Washington Kai|friend = 1|event = Fall 2020 Event
|origin =USS battleship, Washington, 戦場海域に到達。さあ、やるわ。Open fire! 各艦、続いて。
|translation =USS battleship, Washington, has arrived on the battlefield. Now, let's do this. Open fire! All ships, follow me.
|notes =
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Yamato Kai|friend = 1|event = Winter 2018 Event
|origin =主砲、諸元修正急いで下さい。戦艦大和、全主砲、全力射撃、行きます。ってー!
|translation =Main guns, please hurry up with a firing solution. Battleship Yamato, opening fire with all guns. Fire!
|notes =
|notes =
{{SeasonalSubHeader|Standard Aircraft Carriers}}
{{SeasonalSubHeader|Standard Aircraft Carriers}}
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Akagi Kai Ni|friend = 1|event = Spring 2019 Event
|origin =第一航空戦隊、攻撃隊、全機発艦!頼みますね。
|translation =1st Carrier Division, attack squadrons, launch all planes! We're counting on you.
|notes =
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Ark Royal Kai|friend = 1|event = Hinamatsuri 2020 Mini-Event
|origin =了解だ!Swordfish squadron発艦初め!
|translation =Roger! Swordfish squadrons, begin takeoff!
|notes =
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Graf Zeppelin Kai|friend = 1
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Graf Zeppelin Kai|friend = 1
|origin =
|origin =敵艦隊発見か。よろしい。攻撃隊、発艦始め! 蹴散らすぞ!
|translation =
|translation =Enemy fleet spotted. Good. Attack squadron, begin takeoff! Rout them!
|notes =Starting A Battle
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Graf Zeppelin Kai|friend = 2
|origin =稼働機は全部出せ! ハハッ、痛快だな。
|translation =Launch all operational planes! Haha~ this is thrilling.
|notes =Attack
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Hiryuu Kai Ni|friend = 1|event = Rainy-Summer 2020 Event
|origin =発:第二航空戦隊。宛:全艦隊。我、これより航空戦の指揮をとる!攻撃隊、全機発艦!
|translation =From: 2nd Carrier Division. To: All Fleets. We will now take charge of aerial combat! All attack squadrons, take off!
|notes =Returning line from [[Summer 2020 Event]].
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Intrepid Kai|friend = 1|event = Early Fall 2018 Event
|origin =全力出撃で行きましょうか?
|translation = Shall we attack at full force?
|notes =
|notes =
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Graf Zeppelin Kai|friend = 2
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Kaga Kai Ni|friend = 1|event = Spring 2019 Event
|origin =
|origin =良い判断です。
|translation =
|translation =A wise decision.
|notes =
|notes =
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Hiryuu Kai Ni|friend = 1|event = Rainy-Summer 2020 Event
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Saratoga Mk.II|friend = 1|event = Spring 2019 Event
|origin =
|origin =Saratoga攻撃隊、全機、攻撃開始。Attack!
|translation =
|translation =Saratoga attack squadrons, all planes, begin the assault. Attack!
|notes =
|notes =
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Souryuu Kai Ni|friend = 1
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Souryuu Kai Ni|friend = 1
|origin =
|origin =二航戦、蒼龍!参ります!
|translation =
|translation =CarDiv2, Souryuu! Heading out!
|notes =
|notes =Kai Ni Secretary 2
{{SeasonalSubHeader|Seaplane Tenders}}
{{SeasonalSubHeader|Seaplane Tenders}}
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Commandant Teste Kai|friend = 1
|origin =Merci。私も、戦場海域に到著できました。攻撃開始。
|translation =Thank you. Even I have managed to make it to the battlefield. Begin the attack.
|notes =Returning line from [[Early Fall 2018 Event]].
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Commandant Teste Kai|friend = 1|event = Early Fall 2018 Event
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Commandant Teste Kai|friend = 1|event = Early Fall 2018 Event
|origin =
|origin =私も微力ながら、援護いたします。Feu!
|translation =
|translation =I'll support you even though I'm not that capable. Fire!
|notes =
|notes =
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Nisshin A|friend = 1|event = Winter 2019 Event
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Nisshin A|friend = 1|event = Winter 2019 Event
|origin =
|origin =日進隊、戦場海域に到達!これより突入を開始じゃあ!甲標的隊、発艦始め!
|translation =
|translation =Nisshin squadron, arriving on the field of battle! The time to strike is upon us! Midget submarine squadron, alight!
|notes =
|notes =
{{SeasonalSubHeader|Amphibious Assault Ships}}
{{SeasonalSubHeader|Amphibious Assault Ships}}
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Shinshuu Maru Kai|friend = 1
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Shinshuu Maru Kai|friend = 1
|origin =
|origin =輸送船団、神州丸、見参!上陸部隊、発進。続け!
|translation =
|translation =Transport convoy, Shinshuu-maru, is here! Landing force, launch. Forwards!
|notes =
{{SeasonalSubHeader|Armored Carriers}}
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Shoukaku Kai Ni A|friend = 1
|origin =いい、瑞鶴?遅れないで。
|translation =Alright, Zuikaku? Don't fall behind.
|notes =
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Shoukaku Kai Ni A|friend = 2
|origin =翔鶴航空隊、発艦!
|translation =Air wing, take-off!
|notes =
|notes =
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Zuikaku Kai Ni A|friend = 1
|origin =翔鶴姉、もちのろん!一航戦にも遅れは取らない!
|translation =Of course, Shoukaku! We won't fall behind CarDiv1!
|notes =
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Zuikaku Kai Ni A|friend = 2
|origin =さぁ、始めるわ!ほんとにアウトレンジしてあげるんだから!攻撃隊、全機発艦!
|translation =Now, let's get started! We really do outrange them! All Attack Squadrons, take off!
|notes =Kai Ni A Attack
{{SeasonalSubHeader|Fleet Oilers}}
{{SeasonalSubHeader|Fleet Oilers}}
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Hayasui Kai|friend = 1
|origin =航空甲板、大丈夫?航空隊発艦!
|translation =Flight deck, all green? Air wing take off!
|notes =Attack
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Hayasui Kai|friend = 2
|origin =速吸航空隊、順次発艦! かかれ!
|translation =Hayasui Air Wing, launch in order! Start up!
|notes =Kai Attack
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Kamoi Kai Bo|friend = 1
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Kamoi Kai Bo|friend = 1
|origin =
|origin =攻撃しましょう。始めてください。
|translation =
|translation =We need to attack. Please get started.
|notes =
|notes =Kai Attack
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Souya (AGS)|friend = 1
{{SeasonalQuote|ship = Souya (AGS)|friend = 1
|origin =
|origin =「不可能を可能にする船」?いえ、精一杯頑張るだけです。
|translation =
|translation ="The ship that makes the impossible, possible"? No, all I did was do the best I could.
|notes =
|notes = AGB Secretary 2

Latest revision as of 03:51, 28 September 2021

Friend Fleet Voice Lines

Ship Japanese/English Notes
Akebono Kai Ni
Friend Fleet 1
You shitty Admiral, watch closely. Returning line from Spring 2019 Event.
Arashi Kai
Friend Fleet 2
Right, let's get started! I'll tear this place up! Returning line from Spring 2021 Event.
Ariake Kai
Friend Fleet 1
We've arrived on the battlefield. We'll now begin the attack! Follow meee! Let's goooo! Returning line from Summer 2020 Event.
Ariake Kai
Friend Fleet 1
Ariake, acknowleging. Let them have it! Returning line from Rainy-Summer 2020 Event.
Returning line from Summer 2020 Event.
Grecale Kai
Friend Fleet 1
Ah, we've found them. Everyone ready? We'll support the allied fleet. Grecale Squadron, charge! Forwards! Returning line from Summer 2019 Event.
Grecale Kai
Friend Fleet 2
Alright. Grecale, acknowledging. Increase speed, attack! Returning line from Summer 2019 Event.
Va bene. Grecale、了解。増速、突撃!
Janus Kai
Friend Fleet 1
Allied forces engaged with the enemy fleet spotted ahead! Our fleet will now provide support. Forwards! Returning line from Fall 2020 Event.
Janus Kai
Friend Fleet 1
Janus, acknowledging. OK, leave it to me! Returning line from Hinamatsuri 2020 Mini-Event.
Jervis Kai
Friend Fleet 1
Super lucky! Aha! Returning line from Fall 2020 Event.
Super lucky!あは!
Johnston Kai
Friend Fleet 1
We're here! Target in sight. Have all of you prepared yourselves? Then, let's get started. Go! Returning line from Spring 2019 Event.
来たわ!Target in sight. みんな覚悟はいい?さあ、始めましょうか?Go!
Kazagumo Kai Ni
Friend Fleet 2
Destroyer Division 10, reporting in. Akigumo, ready? Yuugumo, Makigumo, let's do this. Returning line from Fall 2019 Event.
Maestrale Kai
Friend Fleet 1
From: 10th Destroyer Division, Maestrale. To: Special Operations Fleet. We will now proceed to back you up. Attack! Returning line from Early Fall 2018 Event.
Maestrale Kai
Friend Fleet 2
Maestrale Division, acknowledging! Got it, Libe? Follow me! Returning line from Summer 2019 Event.
Makinami Kai
Friend Fleet 1
DesDiv31, Makinami, understood! Leave it to me, big sis Naganami! Returning line from Spring 2021 Event.
Matsu Kai
Friend Fleet 2
The 43rd Torpedo Squadron has arrived on the battlefield. We'll now begin the attack! Returning line from Fall 2020 Event.
Momo Kai
Friend Fleet 1
31st Squadron, Idol of the D-types, Momo, taking the stage! I'll be performing now! Watch me! Returning line from Spring 2021 Event.
Momo Kai
Friend Fleet 2
Idol of the D-type destroyers, Momo, accepting this job. *sparkle*! Returning line from Spring 2021 Event.
Scirocco Kai
Friend Fleet 1
Scirocco, acknowledging. I made it in time~. Returning line from Fall 2020 Event.
Take Kai
Friend Fleet 1
43rd Destroyer Division, destroyer Take, has arrived on the battlefield. I'll now support the friendly fleet. Forwards. Returning line from Fall 2020 Event.
Take Kai
Friend Fleet 2
Destroyer Take, acknowledging. Let's do this! Returning line from Fall 2020 Event.
Friend Fleet 1
Full speed ahead... Hurrah! Returning line from Spring 2019 Event
Yuudachi Kai Ni
Friend Fleet 1
I'll show you why I'm the Nightmare of Solomon! Returning line from Spring 2021 Event.
Kai Ni Starting A Battle
Yuugumo Kai Ni
Friend Fleet 2
The 10th Destroyer Division has arrived at the operation area. We'll now support the friendly forces. DesDiv10, charge! Returning line from Spring 2021 Event.
Z1 Zwei
Friend Fleet 1
Enemy ships spotted. Begin the attack. Returning line from Fall 2020 Event.
Z3 Zwei
Friend Fleet 1
Take on the enemy ships. Begin the attack. Returning line from Fall 2020 Event.
Light Cruisers
Atlanta Kai
Friend Fleet 1
Roger. I can do this. Fire! Returning line from Spring 2021 Event.
Roger. やるぞ、あたし。Fire!
Duca degli Abruzzi Kai
Friend Fleet 2
Ready, Garibaldi? We'll now support the allied forces. Fleet, increase speed. Please follow me! Returning line from Summer 2019 Event.
Giuseppe Garibaldi Kai
Friend Fleet 1
Friendly fleet ahead. Engaged in battle. We'll now support them. Forwards!
Giuseppe Garibaldi Kai
Friend Fleet 1
Ah, not bad. Let's do this! Returning line from Summer 2019 Event.
Kuma Kai Ni D
Friend Fleet 1
I'm here-kuma. There's nothing to worry about now-kuma.
Noshiro Kai Ni
Friend Fleet 1
All fleets, please check your formations. Returning line from Spring 2019 Event.
Noshiro Kai Ni
Friend Fleet 1
DesRon2, attack. Returning line from Spring 2021 Event.
Ooyodo Kai
Friend Fleet 1
Enemy fleet spotted. Prepare for battle. Please! Starting a Battle
Sheffield Kai
Friend Fleet 1
HMS Sheffield has arrived on the battlefield. I'll now support the allied forces. Charge. Returning line from Fall 2020 Event.
HMS Sheffield、戦場に到達した。これより、友軍を援護する。突入。
Sheffield Kai
Friend Fleet 2
HMS Sheffield, acknowledging.
HMS Sheffield, 了解。
Yahagi Kai Ni
Friend Fleet 1
Fleet, line ahead. Let's go. Yahagi Torpedo Squadron, charging in! Returning line from Spring 2019 Event.
Yura Kai Ni
Friend Fleet 1
Admiral, I'll begin the countdown for starting the operation... 3... 2... 1... now. Admiral, the operation has begun. Returning line from Spring 2021 Event.
Heavy Cruisers
Houston Kai
Friend Fleet 1
Houston, acknowledging. Increase speed. Fire! Returning line from Fall 2019 Event.
Houston Kai
Friend Fleet 2
Houston has arrived at the operation area. Friendly fleet spotted. We'll now support the friendly forces. Charge! Returning line from Fall 2019 Event.
Northampton Kai
Friend Fleet 1
USS Northampton, acknowledging. Open fire!
USS Northampton, 了解。Open fire!
Prinz Eugen Kai
Friend Fleet 1
Fire! Returning line from Summer 2019 Event.
Prinz Eugen Kai
Friend Fleet 1
Prinz Eugen has arrived on the battlefield. I'll now support the allied fleet. Fire! Returning line from Fall 2020 Event.
Prinz Eugen、戦場海域に到達。これより、友軍艦隊を援護します。Feuer!
Light Carriers
Ryuuhou Kai Ni
Friend Fleet 1
Ryuuhou Attack Squadron, take off! I'm counting on you. Kai Ni E Night Attack
Zuihou Kai Ni B
Friend Fleet 1
Catapult, ready for successive take-offs!
Bismarck Drei
Friend Fleet 1
Jeez...! This reminds me of those annoying biplanes...! Zwei Minor Damage 1
Bismarck Drei
Friend Fleet 2
Hmmm, we're back here again?
Gangut Dva
Friend Fleet 1
Great! Now it's time for me to crush them! Returning line from Spring 2019 Event.
Gangut Dva
Friend Fleet 1
I see, it’s finally time for the final battle. Alright, just leave it to me! Come with me, everyone! Don’t fall behind! Returning line from Winter 2018 Event.
Hiei Kai Ni C
Friend Fleet 1
Yes, just leave it all to me! Returning line from Spring 2021 Event.
Kai Ni C Secretary 1
Kongou Kai Ni C
Friend Fleet 1
I told you... I won't let you go once I've got you! Returning line from Spring 2021 Event.
Kai Ni C Night Battle
Richelieu Kai
Friend Fleet 1
I'll show you the power of the battleship Richelieu. We'll crush them!
South Dakota Kai
Friend Fleet 1
USS South Dakota, acknowledging. ATTACK! Returning line from Rainy-Summer 2020 Event.
Returning line from Summer 2020 Event.
USS South Dakota, 了解。突入だ!
Warspite Kai
Friend Fleet 1
European Combined Grand Fleet, flagship Warspite, has arrived on the battlefield. We’ll now support the friend fleet! All ships, attack! Returning line from Summer 2019 Event.
European Combined Grand Fleet、旗艦Warspite、戦場海域に到着。これよりfriend fleetを援護します!全艦、突撃!
Washington Kai
Friend Fleet 1
USS battleship, Washington, has arrived on the battlefield. Now, let's do this. Open fire! All ships, follow me. Returning line from Fall 2020 Event.
USS battleship, Washington, 戦場海域に到達。さあ、やるわ。Open fire! 各艦、続いて。
Yamato Kai
Friend Fleet 1
Main guns, please hurry up with a firing solution. Battleship Yamato, opening fire with all guns. Fire! Returning line from Winter 2018 Event.
Standard Aircraft Carriers
Akagi Kai Ni
Friend Fleet 1
1st Carrier Division, attack squadrons, launch all planes! We're counting on you. Returning line from Spring 2019 Event.
Ark Royal Kai
Friend Fleet 1
Roger! Swordfish squadrons, begin takeoff! Returning line from Hinamatsuri 2020 Mini-Event.
了解だ!Swordfish squadron発艦初め!
Graf Zeppelin Kai
Friend Fleet 1
Enemy fleet spotted. Good. Attack squadron, begin takeoff! Rout them! Starting A Battle
敵艦隊発見か。よろしい。攻撃隊、発艦始め! 蹴散らすぞ!
Graf Zeppelin Kai
Friend Fleet 2
Launch all operational planes! Haha~ this is thrilling. Attack
稼働機は全部出せ! ハハッ、痛快だな。
Hiryuu Kai Ni
Friend Fleet 1
From: 2nd Carrier Division. To: All Fleets. We will now take charge of aerial combat! All attack squadrons, take off! Returning line from Rainy-Summer 2020 Event.
Returning line from Summer 2020 Event.
Intrepid Kai
Friend Fleet 1
Shall we attack at full force? Returning line from Early Fall 2018 Event.
Kaga Kai Ni
Friend Fleet 1
A wise decision. Returning line from Spring 2019 Event.
Saratoga Mk.II
Friend Fleet 1
Saratoga attack squadrons, all planes, begin the assault. Attack! Returning line from Spring 2019 Event.
Souryuu Kai Ni
Friend Fleet 1
CarDiv2, Souryuu! Heading out! Kai Ni Secretary 2
Seaplane Tenders
Commandant Teste Kai
Friend Fleet 1
Thank you. Even I have managed to make it to the battlefield. Begin the attack. Returning line from Early Fall 2018 Event.
Commandant Teste Kai
Friend Fleet 1
I'll support you even though I'm not that capable. Fire! Returning line from Early Fall 2018 Event.
Nisshin A
Friend Fleet 1
Nisshin squadron, arriving on the field of battle! The time to strike is upon us! Midget submarine squadron, alight! Returning line from Winter 2019 Event.
Amphibious Assault Ships
Shinshuu Maru Kai
Friend Fleet 1
Transport convoy, Shinshuu-maru, is here! Landing force, launch. Forwards!
Armored Carriers
Shoukaku Kai Ni A
Friend Fleet 1
Alright, Zuikaku? Don't fall behind.
Shoukaku Kai Ni A
Friend Fleet 2
Air wing, take-off!
Zuikaku Kai Ni A
Friend Fleet 1
Of course, Shoukaku! We won't fall behind CarDiv1!
Zuikaku Kai Ni A
Friend Fleet 2
Now, let's get started! We really do outrange them! All Attack Squadrons, take off! Kai Ni A Attack
Fleet Oilers
Hayasui Kai
Friend Fleet 1
Flight deck, all green? Air wing take off! Attack
Hayasui Kai
Friend Fleet 2
Hayasui Air Wing, launch in order! Start up! Kai Attack
速吸航空隊、順次発艦! かかれ!
Kamoi Kai Bo
Friend Fleet 1
We need to attack. Please get started. Kai Attack
Souya (AGS)
Friend Fleet 1
"The ship that makes the impossible, possible"? No, all I did was do the best I could. AGB Secretary 2