Revision as of 01:42, 6 January 2022 by Chocolatecravinghobo (talk | contribs)
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Gameplay Notes
Special Mechanics
- Able to equip Daihatsu Landing Craft and Ka-Mi tanks at Kai Ni.
- Able to perform AACI at Kai Ni. Please see Anti-Air Cut-In for more details.
- Possesses an innate 5% expedition resource bonus at Kai Ni.
- Average firepower, torpedo, ASW, HP and armour.
Kai Ni
- Average firepower, torpedo and HP.
- High ASW and armour.
Fit Bonuses
Hidden Fit Bonuses
- She has accuracy and firepower bonuses when equipped with certain medium guns. Please see Gun Fit Bonuses for mode details.
Important Information
Voice Lines
Event | Japanese/English |
Introduction Play |
I"m heeeeereeee! I've finally arrived![1] |
来た来たぁ!鬼怒、到着しましたよ! | |
Introduction Play |
Light Cruiser, Kinu, Admiral! Let's do this! |
軽巡鬼怒、提督!いっちょやったりますよ! | |
Library Play |
I'm Kinu who was born in Kobe! I did my best in training at the Maizuru School.[2]
After lots of dangerous things happened, I did my best in the Southwest...[3] Yeah, it was really tough. Kuma-chan helped me out a lot. But... Panay Island was the only place that was really horrible![4] Yes, I'll do my best! |
色々と大変になってきた後は、南西方面で頑張ったよ…いやぁ、大変だったなあ。球磨ちゃんには随分と助けてもらったんだ。でも…パナイ島だけはマジパナイ! はいっ、頑張ります! | |
Library Play |
I'm Kinu who was born in Kobe! I did my best in training at the Maizuru School.
After lots of dangerous things happened, I did my best in the Southwest... Yeah, it was really tough. Kuma-chan helped me out a lot. But... Panay Island was the only place that was really horrible! I'll show you how amazingly impressive the appeal of the remodelled me is! |
色々と大変になってきた後は、南西方面で頑張ったよ…いやぁ、大変だったなあ。球磨ちゃんには随分と助けてもらったんだ。でも…パナイ島だけはマジパナイ! 改装された鬼怒の魅力もマジパナイ! | |
Secretary 1 Play |
I get motivated when I look at your face, Admiral~ |
提督の顔見ると、やる気が出てくるな~ | |
Secretary 1 Play |
Hmm? What is it? Oh it's just you, Admiral. |
ん?なんだなんだぁ~?なぁんだ提督かぁ。 | |
Secretary 2 Play |
I'll work hard everyday! |
今日も一日、頑張ろうね! | |
Secretary 3 Play |
Hm, what's up? Shall we sweat it out together? |
ん、どうしたの?一緒に汗かいちゃう? | |
Secretary 3 Play |
Kehahahyu...Not there! That's my weak point! |
けっひゃひゃひゅ…そこ!弱いんだって! | |
Secretary Idle Play |
Admiral~ Shouldn't we do some training soon? |
提督ぅ~そろそろ訓練とかしないの? | |
Secretary (Married) Play |
Admiral! Shall I massage your shoulders? Or should we go training? |
提督ー!肩揉んであげようか? それとも訓練する?。 | |
Secretary (Married) Play |
Whoa! Oh, Admiral! Please don't suddenly get close and pin me to the wall~!... Ugh... |
うわ!っ、提督!ドーンとか壁に手ぇ突いて近づかないでくださいよぉ!…うぅ。 | |
Wedding Play |
Admiral! We're always just training together, maybe that's a sign that we should probably spend some more time together... *sigh*... Eh?! No, I didn't mean it in that way, I mean that I should protect you since I'm closest to you... I want to... Y-yeah... Ah, whatever! |
提督!いつも一緒に訓練ばかりしてたのは、もっと一緒にいたいっていう暗号だったんだ、けど…はぁ…っえ?!いや、そういう意味じゃなくて、一番近くでお守りしますっていうか…したいっていうか…ぅ、ぅうん、もういいっ! | |
Player's Score Play |
What's in the report?? Let me have a look! |
なになに報告書ー?どれどれ! | |
Joining the Fleet Play |
Light cruiser Kinu, sortieing! |
軽巡鬼怒、出撃します! | |
Equipment 1 Play |
Anti-aircraft weaponry is very important you know? |
対抗兵装って大事だよねぇー? | |
Equipment 1 Play |
Anti-air really is important you know~♪ It's the age of anti-air! It's really awesome! |
やっぱ対空は大事だよね~♪時代は対空!マジパナイ! | |
Equipment 2 Play |
Yup, this is perfect! |
よし、万全だね! | |
Equipment 3[5] Play |
All you can do is train! |
訓練あるのみ! | |
Equipment 3[6] Play |
This is...seriously awesome. |
こりゃぁ~マジパナイ。 | |
Supply Play |
I can keep working hard with this. |
これでまた頑張れるよ。 | |
Docking (Minor Damage) Play |
You gotta have a bath after a battle~! |
戦闘のあとはお風呂だよねっ! | |
Docking (Major Damage) Play |
Ah, I got beat... I'm going to take a short rest~! |
やられちゃったぁ…ちょっち休憩しまーす! | |
Construction Play |
A new comrade! I'm happy! |
新しい仲間だ!嬉しいね! | |
Construction Play |
Admiral! It's another new girl again! You sure are popular huh~ You playa~♪ |
提督!また新しい子だね!人気者だね~このこの~♪この~♪ | |
Returning from Sortie Play |
Oooi, Admiral~! The fleet has returned~ |
お~い、提督ぅ~!艦隊戻りましたぁ~ | |
Starting a Sortie Play |
Alright, I'll show you the results of my training. |
よし、訓練の成果を見せたげる。 | |
Starting a Sortie Play |
This remodel isn't just for show! It's a brand new me! I'll show you! |
改装は伊達じゃないんだよぉ!新しい鬼怒っ!見参しちゃうよぉ! | |
Starting a Battle Play |
Adapt to changes while maintaining formation. Let's go! |
陣形を保ちつつ、臨機応変に。いくよ! | |
Attack Play |
Open fire~! |
撃ち方、始めー! | |
Attack Play |
Come on Come on~ Come at me however you like~♪ |
ほらほら~どっからでもかかっておいで~♪ | |
Daytime Spotting/ Night Battle Attack Play |
Take out the enemy ships to port! |
左舷の敵艦、もらっちゃえ! | |
Daytime Spotting/ Night Battle Attack Play |
I'm over here, Oni-san! Come to the sound of my clapping![7] |
オッニさんこっちらっ!手の鳴る方はこっちだよっ!! | |
Night Battle Play |
Alright~, let's begin the pursuit! |
さぁ~て、追撃戦いっちゃいますか! | |
MVP Play |
This victory is the fruit of my training, yup! I will continue to work hard, Admiral! |
この勝利は訓練の賜物だよね、うん!また頑張ろうね、提督! | |
Minor Damage 1 Play |
Gunya!? I'm not done yet! |
ぐにゃっ!?まだまだ! | |
Minor Damage 2 Play |
Gah! This is nothing! |
ぐぅっ!この程度はっ! | |
Minor Damage 2 Play |
O~ni~o~ko~! Hmph! [8] |
お~に~お~こぉ~!ぷんぷん! | |
Major Damage Play |
I won't sink from something like this! |
このくらいじゃ、鬼怒は沈まないよ! | |
Sunk Play |
Sorry, Admiral. Looks like this is it for me.... Please withdraw the other girls... |
提督、すみません、鬼怒はここまでのようです…他の子達の撤退をおねが… |
- ↑ A year after commissioning, she had to return to the shipyards for an overhaul because of an engine failure.
- ↑ From 1934 to 1935, she was used as a training ship at the Naval Engineering School in Maizuru.
- ↑ She was assigned to SubRon4 and participated in operations all over South East Asia.
- ↑ 'Panai' is a slang term meaning 'something big'. In Kinu's case, she was sunk at Panay Island.
- ↑ This line is shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development.
- ↑ This line is shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development.
- ↑ Kinu is apparently playing an elaborate game of "Catch me Oni-san", a Japanese children's game equivalent to Hide and Seek and Tag put together.
- ↑ Oni Oko is a word play on the name of Kinu by separating the two Kanji into separate words 鬼= Oni 怒 =Oko.
Time | Japanese/English |
00:00 Play |
This is my midnight announcement~! |
鬼怒が!深夜0時をお知らせしまーす! | |
01:00 Play |
It's 1 o'clock!. I'm going to sleep soon alright? G'night~ |
1時だよ。鬼怒もそろそろ寝るよー?おやすみー | |
02:00 Play |
It's 2 o'clock. They call this the Hour of the Ox, how scary~! [1] |
2時です。丑三つ時ってやつだね、怖いよぉ~! | |
03:00 Play |
It's 3 o'clock... I really want to go to sleep but.... |
3時です…。鬼怒もう寝たいんだけど…。 | |
04:00 Play |
4 o'clo..... 4 o'clo... zzz.... |
4時・・・4時・・・うぅ~・・・ | |
05:00 Play |
It's 5 o'clo~ck! Gonna get up? Gonna sleep? |
5時でーす 起きるの?寝るの? | |
06:00 Play |
It's 6 o'clock. Let's do our best today too! |
6時だよ。今日も一日頑張ろっ! | |
07:00 Play |
It's 7 o'clo~ck! What do you want for breakfast? |
7時で~す。朝ごはんどうしようか? | |
08:00 Play |
8 o'clock announcement~! |
8時をお知らせしまーす! | |
09:00 Play |
It's 9 o'clock! Where are you going? Take me with you~♪ |
9時です!どっか行くの?鬼怒も連れてって~♪ | |
10:00 Play |
It's 10 o'clock now, I'm sleepy for some reason. |
10時になりました、なぜか眠い。 | |
11:00 Play |
It's 11 o'clock! ...What do you want for lunch? |
11時だよ。……お昼何にしようかな? | |
12:00 Play |
It's 12 o'clock now! What are you eating? |
12時になったよ!何食べよっか? | |
13:00 Play |
It's 1 o'clock. Let's take it a bit slower~ |
13時です。もうちょっとゆっくりしようよ~ | |
14:00 Play |
It's 2 o'clock~. Let's get revved up! |
14時で~っす!張り切っていこう! | |
15:00 Play |
3 o'clock... Sorry! I dozed off! |
15時・・・ごめん!うとうとしてた! | |
16:00 Play |
It's 4 o'clock. Almost time to hustle? |
6時です。そろそろハッスルしちゃう~? | |
17:00 Play |
It's the 5 o'clock announcement~. Don't get careless, Admiral! |
17時をお知らせするよー。提督油断しちゃダメ! | |
18:00 Play |
It's 6 o'clock. ♪~ *whistling* |
18時です。♪~(鼻歌) | |
19:00 Play |
It's 7 o'clock! Right, it's almost time! |
19時です!さーて、そろそろねっ! | |
20:00 Play |
It's 8 o'clock! All hands.... I didn't, I didn't say anything![2] |
8時だョ!全員・・・なんでも、何にも言ってないから! | |
21:00 Play |
9 o'clock huh... Is it okay if I go in the bath first? |
21時かぁ…先にお風呂入ってきていい? | |
22:00 Play |
It's 10 o'clock. It's Kancolle time, right? Yup, yup! |
22時です。艦これタイムだよねぇ、うんうん 。 | |
23:00 Play |
It's 11 o'clock. Honestly, that Sendai is really noisy! |
23時です。正直川内さんがすっごくうるさいんだけど! |
- ↑ 丑三つ時 in traditional Japanese time keeping refers to the time period between 0200 and 0300.
- ↑ A reference to the variety show It's 8 o'clock! All hands assemble
Ship | Japanese/English | Notes |
2nd Anniversary Play |
Weeeeeeeee diiiiid iiiiiiiit!!!! It’s the 2nd anniversary!!! You know I’m! I’m Really happy!! Cheers to you and the fleet, Admiral! | |
いぃぃぃぃやったぁぁぁぁぁ!!!!二周年!!!鬼怒はねぇ!嬉しいよぉ!!艦隊と提督に乾杯! | ||
Rainy Season 2015 Play |
There are so many rainy days during the rainy season. Ah, I’m bored so let’s play shiritori! Ummm, teitoku, ku… kuchikukan! …Ah, I lost. | Shiritori is a word game where you need to chain words together using the last character of the preceeding word. You lose by either being unable to think of a new word or using a word that ends in ‘n’ since there are no words that begins with that character. |
梅雨の季節、雨の日多いよね~。あっ、退屈だからしりとりしよっか!えっと、提督、く…駆逐艦!…あっ、終わりじゃん。 | ||
Early Summer 2015 Play |
…It’s so hot. It’s already summer… Buzz buzz buzz… Ah, stop it? | |
……あっついなあ。もう夏かあ……初夏……みーんみんみーん……あ、ダメ? | ||
Midsummer 2015 Play |
Summer is definitely the time for festivals; the Naval Base Summer Festival! I need to finish my work quickly and go get ready! | |
夏はやっぱりお祭りだよねー、鎮守府夏祭り!早く仕事終わらせて、準備しよ! | ||
Early Autumn 2015 Play |
Everyone experiences autumn differently. How do you experience it, Admiral? For me, autumn is when I make people laugh with jokes! Ah, what’s that look for. | |
人によっていろんな秋があるよね。提督の秋は?鬼怒はねー、人を楽しませるネタをたーくさん仕込む秋かな!あぁ、何その顔。 | ||
Christmas 2015 Play |
Eh… A poem: Christmas; Spending time; With the Admiral. Just kidding! That wasn’t funny? At all??[1] | |
えぇ…ここで一句:クリスマス・提督と一緒に・暮らします。なんちゃって!面白くない?ない?? | ||
End of Year 2015 Play |
A lot of things happened this year. You were a good Admiral this year! Keep it up next year too! | |
今年もいろいろあったよね。今年の提督もよかったよ!来年もいい提督でいてね! | ||
New Year 2016 Play |
Happy New Year! The New Year is really awesome, Admiral![2] | |
あけましておめでとうございます!提督、新年早々マジパナイ! | ||
Setsubun 2016 Play |
Whoaaaa!? What!? Why are all of you throwing beans at me!? OW! Owowowowowowow! | |
うおぉー!?なんなの!?何でみんな鬼怒に豆投げんのよ!?あ痛っ!いたたたたたたっ! | ||
Valentine’s Day 2016 Play |
I made these truffles. Try some, Admiral! Ehehehe~ Well? Is it spicy? Sweet? It’s Russian Roulette Chocolate where only one is sweet! | |
このトリュフ作ったんだ。提督、食べて!えへへへへ、どう?辛い?甘い?ひとつだけ甘い、ロシアンチョコ仕様なのだ! | ||
White Day 2016 Play |
Are these cookies for me, Admiral? Yaaay! Thank yo…. Urrgh!!?? It’s spicy… Eh, a return gift? Seriously, goddamniiiiit!!! | |
提督、このクッキーくれるの?わーい!ありがと…うぅ!!??辛いよこれ…えぇ、チョコのお返し?くっそぉ~、マジパナイィ!! | ||
Spring 2016 Play |
Whoaaaaa! What’s this amazing breeze? The first of spring? Ah, it’s already spring~ | |
ぐにゃぁ!なに、なにこのパナイ風?春一番ってやつ?あぁ、もう春なんだね~。 | ||
3rd Anniversary Play |
Kuuuuuiiii… Hooray ay ay! It’s the 3rd Anniversary! I’m really, really happy. Cheers to you and the fleet, Admiral! Three cheers! | |
くうぅいぃ…やったははぁ!三周年です!鬼怒はね、鬼怒はね本当に嬉しいよ。艦隊と提督にかんぱい!ばんざい! | ||
Setsubun 2018 Play |
Arrrrrggggh! I’m going to get you back! You’re first, Abu. Alright, direct hit! Next is… Yura-nee! Prepare yourself! Fire! | Secretary 2 |
くぅうぅー!反撃してやる!まずはアブ、あんたからだ。よし、初弾命中!次は...由良姉!覚悟!ってー! | ||
5th Anniversary Play |
Yyyyyyyeeeeeesssss! It’s the 5th Anniversary! You know, I’m really, really happy! Cheers to you and the fleet, Admiral! Hooray! | |
うううぅ、やった!五周年!鬼怒は、鬼怒はね、本当に嬉しいよ!艦隊と提督に乾杯!万歳! | ||
7th Anniversary Play |
It's well and truly the 7th Anniversary! You know, I'm seriously mega happy! A with the fleet and you for everything, Admiral! | Secretary 2 |
ついに七周年、マジパナイ!鬼怒はねぇ、鬼怒はねぇ、嬉しいさマジパナイ!艦隊と提督と、全てに乾杯だ! | ||
8th Anniversary Play |
Nnnnn, yaaay! It's the 8th Anniversary! You know, you know, I'm super happy about this! I can't believe it's the 8th Anniversary! I really can't! Cheers to the fleet and the Admiral! Hooray! | |
うううう、やった!八周年!鬼怒は、鬼怒はね、本当に嬉しいよ!まさかの八周年だも!八周年!艦隊と提督に、乾杯!万歳! |
Misc Lines
Ship | Japanese/English | Notes |
Homecoming 2018 Play |
A poem: "Admiral and I; The Final Battle; Have totally finished it". Huh, there's no punch line. But, I feel so refreshed! | |
ここで一句「鬼怒と提督、捷号決戦、やり遂げましたまじぱない」。あれ、オチがなかったよ。でも、気分爽快だ! |
Regular |
Seasonal |
Drop Locations
- Sunk 26 October 1944 bombed by USN aircraft SW of Masbate, Sibuyan Sea 11°45′N 123°11′E
- Though the origin of her name is the Kinu River, 鬼怒 literally means "angry goblin", and this accounts for her unique pose and character.