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Gameplay Notes
Special Mechanics
- Average firepower, torpedo, ASW, HP and armour.
Kai Ni
- High firepower, torpedo, HP and armour.
- Average ASW.
Fit Bonuses
Hidden Fit Bonuses
- She has accuracy and firepower bonuses when equipped with certain medium guns. Please see Gun Fit Bonuses for mode details.
Important Information
- Required for A14.
- Required for unlocking the 3rd Fleet.
Voice Lines
Event | Japanese/English |
Introduction Play |
I'm the fleet's idol, Naka-chan. Nice to meet you~! |
艦隊のアイドル、那珂ちゃんだよー。よっろしくぅ~! | |
Introduction Play |
I'm the fleet's idol, Naka-chan! I'm always cute~! |
艦隊のアイドル、那珂ちゃんだよ!いつも可愛い〜! | |
Library Play |
I'm the centre of the 4th Torpedo Squadron, Naka![1]
I had to do a lot of work like escorting transports and doing transport runs southwards from Truk... Eh, what do you mean, that was just a regional tour? It's nothing like that![2] |
お仕事沢山入ってて、輸送船の護衛任務や、トラック島から南方への輸送任務とか…… え、地方巡業じゃんって?そんなことないしっ! | |
Secretary 1 Play |
Good morning~! |
おはようございまーす! | |
Secretary 1 Play |
Alright! Another day and I'm still cute! |
よし!那珂ちゃん今日もかわいい! | |
Secretary 2 Play |
Naka-chan Smile~! |
那珂ちゃんスマイルー! | |
Secretary 2 Play |
I'm in a good mood~ |
那珂ちゃんご機嫌〜 | |
Secretary 3 Play |
I belong to everyone, so you can't touch me like that~ |
那珂ちゃんは~、みんなのものなんだから~、そんなに触っちゃダメなんだよ~。 | |
Secretary Idle Play |
Ummm. Gotta go to the next location for work... Oh wait, today's my day off... Almost forgot... |
えっと。お仕事は、次の現場に行かなく、って…あっ、今日はオフなんですね…。そっか… | |
Wedding Play |
Thanks for always supporting me! I'll continue to do my very best for your sake, Admiral! *sparkle*☆ |
いっつも応援ありがとう!提督のためにもっともっとがんばるね!キラーン☆ | |
Player's Score Play |
You've got a message from work, Admiral. |
提督にお仕事のご連絡です。 | |
Player's Score Play |
Do you want to see the work schedule, Admiral? |
提督、お仕事のスケジュール見るの? | |
Joining the Fleet Play |
Time to work, gotcha! |
お仕事ですね! | |
Equipment 1 Play |
I've powered up! |
那珂ちゃん、パワーアーップ![3] | |
Equipment 1 Play |
My cuteness has gotten even more of a power up! |
那珂ちゃん、ますますかわいいっくパワー~アップ! | |
Equipment 2 Play |
Now I'm more charming than ever! OMG~ |
ますます魅力的になっちゃったぁ!きゃはっ? | |
Equipment 3[4] Play |
Thank you~! |
ありがとー![5] | |
Supply Play |
A location bento? Thanks for the meal~![6] |
ロケ弁ですね?いただきまーす! | |
Docking (Minor Damage) Play |
Don't peek into the backstage, okay?. |
舞台裏は見ないでね。 | |
Docking (Minor Damage) Play |
You definitely better not peek into the backstage, alright? |
舞台裏は絶対に見ないでね? | |
Docking (Major Damage) Play |
Gonna take some time off. Good night. |
ちょっと長めのオフいただきまぁーす。おやすみなさーい。 | |
Docking (Major Damage) Play |
I'm going to take some time off. Hmm... Maybe go to Hawaii?[7] |
長めのオフ頂きます。オフは…ワイハーかな? | |
Construction Play |
A new girl has joined. I'm so excited! |
新しい子入ったよ~楽しみだね! | |
Returning from Sortie Play |
Work's done~. Good job. |
お仕事しゅ〜りょ〜。おつかれさまっ。 | |
Starting a Sortie Play |
I'm stepping on stage! |
那珂ちゃん、現場はいりまーす! | |
Starting a Battle Play |
Being on location ruins my skin. |
ロケ中はお肌が荒れちゃうなぁ。 | |
Starting a Battle Play |
Handshakes and pictures are fine, but please send gifts to the base, okay~♪ |
握手や写真はいいけど、贈り物は鎮守府に通してね〜♪ | |
Attack Play |
Kaboom! |
どっかぁーん! | |
Daytime Spotting/ Night Battle Attack Play |
Thanks as always~! |
いつもありがとー! | |
Night Battle Play |
Me at the centre is the best part of the show! |
那珂ちゃんセンター、一番の見せ場です! | |
MVP Play |
Please don't hate me even if the game gets too boring![8] |
ゲームがつまらなくっても、那珂ちゃんのことは、キライにならないでください! | |
Minor Damage 1 Play |
Kyaah~, not the face...[9] |
きゃあっ、顔はやめて… | |
Minor Damage 2 Play |
Ow...! Come on, I told you that hurt! |
いった…!痛いって言ってるじゃん! | |
Major Damage Play |
Even at a time like this I will never swerve from my path! |
こんなになっても、那珂ちゃんは絶対、路線変更しないんだから! | |
Sunk Play |
Eh? I'm sinking...? Sinking isn't... something an idol would do... |
ええ?那珂沈むの…?そんな…アイドルは沈まない設定じゃ… |
- ↑ 'Centre' in this case meaning the main singer at the forefront of an idol group. She was the flagship of DesRon4.
- ↑ Implying that her transport runs were her performing in rural areas. Big stars usually don't do that.
- ↑ Shared with Supply before Kai.
- ↑ This line is shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development.
- ↑ Shared with Secretary Married.
- ↑ A "rokebe" is a bento box eaten on location by media crews.
- ↑ "Waiha" (ワイハー) is slang used in the entertainment industry for Hawaii.
- ↑ She's implying that she's so strong she'll trivialise the game for you.
- ↑ Naka was hit by a bomb and a torpedo during Operation Hailstone that sheared off the front 50m of her hull.
Time | Japanese/English |
00:00 Play |
I'll be doing the hourly idol reports today! |
今日は那珂ちゃんがアイドル時報のお仕事入ります! | |
01:00 Play |
Naka-chan's 0100 smile~! Kyaha~ |
那珂ちゃん、マルヒトマルマルスマイル〜!きゃは〜 | |
02:00 Play |
Yes! This is my 0200 announcement~! |
はい!那珂ちゃんのマルフタマルマルアナウンス〜! | |
03:00 Play |
I'm continuing my job! 03... Eh, I'm too loud? |
那珂ちゃん、お仕事続くよ!マルサン・・・え、声大き? | |
04:00 Play |
It's 0400~! U-ummm, tea? Umm... Admiral you did order a catering service, right? |
マルヨンマルマルです〜!え、えっと、お茶ですか?えっと・・・提督、ケイタリングちゃんと入いてます? | |
05:00 Play |
0500. Admiral, I told you to order a catering service for my workplace... Ow! |
マルゴマルマル。提督、那珂ちゃんお仕事の現場にはちゃんとケイタリング入れてって言たじゃ・・・いた! | |
06:00 Play |
Everyone! 0600. It's morning! Here goes my wake-up call! |
艦隊の皆!マルロクマルマル。朝です!那珂ちゃんの総員起こし、行くよ! | |
07:00 Play |
0700! Where is my breakfast, Admiral? Idols need to a square meal in the morning. |
マルナナマルマル!きゃは〜提督、那珂ちゃんの朝ごはんは?アイドルは朝をちゃんと食べないと。 | |
08:00 Play |
Yes! It's my... 0800! |
はい!那珂ちゃんのぉ・・・マルハチマルマル! | |
09:00 Play |
Listen up, DesRon4, call out after me! One two~ 09! 00! 00! 00! |
いい、四水戦みんなでコールしちゃうよ!せいの〜マルキュウ!マルマル!マルマル!マルマル! | |
10:00 Play |
Eh, I should say it normally? That's boring... 1000. |
え、普通でいいの?つまんない・・・ヒトマルマルマル。 | |
11:00 Play |
Ummm, it's 1100. I'm hungry, Admiral. Today I want to have curry for lunch! |
えっと、ヒトヒトマルマルだよ。提督、那珂ちゃんお腹空いた。今日のお昼は、那珂ちゃんカレー食べたい! | |
12:00 Play |
1200! Yay! They also have curry bentos! Time to dig in! These guys' curry is delicious too! |
ヒトフタマルマル!やった!ロケ弁にカレーもある!那珂ちゃんカレーいただき!ここのカレーも美味しい! | |
13:00 Play |
I've gotten a bit sleepy now that I'm full. *yaaawn* Oh right, the time. Now it's 1300. |
那珂ちゃんお腹いっぱいでちょっと眠くなちゃった。はううう〜あ、時間はね、ヒトサンマルマルだよ。 | |
14:00 Play |
1400. Time for a short nap. I'll leave fixing the schedule to you, admiral. Okay? Well, good night~ |
ヒトヨンマルマル。那珂ちゃんちょっとお昼タイム。提督、スケジュール調整お願いね?じゃ、おやすみ〜 | |
15:00 Play |
15... Ah, Agano! Yes, good morning! Yup, I'm doing fine. You're looking cute today too, Agano. |
ヒトゴマ・・・あ、阿賀野!はい、おはよです!うん、那珂ちゃん元気だよ。阿賀野今日もかわいい。 | |
16:00 Play |
It's 1600. I'd really like some time off, but no can do when you're a superstar like me. Just a little bit.[1] |
ヒトロクマルマルだよ。売れっ子だからしょうがないけど、那珂ちゃんちょっとオフがほしいな。短いほうな。 | |
17:00 Play |
It's my 1700! It's sunset time~! Today there's nothing cuter than me during a sunset, kyaha~,![2] |
那珂ちゃんのヒトナナマルマル!夕焼けタイム〜!夕焼那珂ちゃん、きゃは〜那珂ちゃん今日の最かわは! | |
18:00 Play |
It's 1800. What's for dinner, Admiral? Eh, I'm the one making it? Why me? And how? |
ヒトハチマルマルだよ。提督、夜ご飯は?え、那珂ちゃんがつくるの?なんで?どうやって? | |
19:00 Play |
It's 1900. I really love your homemade cooking, admiral! Thanks for the meal! *nom*... Mmm, yummy! |
ヒトキュウマルマルだよ。提督手作りのご飯、那珂ちゃん大好き!いただきます!ハム・・・ん、美味しい! | |
20:00 Play |
It's 2000. I'll do some voice training after eating! Eh, voice training is important, you know. One two~ |
フタマルマルマルだよ。那珂ちゃん食後のボイトレ、行きます!え、ボイトレは大事だよ。せいの〜 | |
21:00 Play |
2100. AIUEOAO, Naka-chan is cute, AIUEOAO! |
フタヒトマルマル。あいうえおあお、なかちゃんかわいい、あいうえおあお! | |
22:00 Play |
2200. Ah, sorry, was I too loud? Oh, I wasn't? But I still can't go on? Aww...*sniffle* |
フタフタマルマル。あ、ごめん、那珂ちゃんうるさかった?あ、そうでもない?あ、ダメ?そうか・・・グスン〜 | |
23:00 Play |
It's 2300. DesRon3 is back too, huh? Tomorrow is another day for us to work hard, Admiral! Yaaaaay! |
フタサンマルマルだよ。三水戦も帰ってきたね?提督、明日も那珂ちゃんのお仕事、頑張ろう!おおおう! |
Ship | Japanese/English | Notes |
Christmas 2013 Play |
It's a Merry Christmas with Naka-chan~! Kya-ha♡ | Secretary 1 |
那珂ちゃんとメリークリスマスだよ!きゃは☆ | ||
Christmas 2014 Play |
Turkey and Christmas cake are both delicious! | Secretary 2 |
七面鳥もクリスマスケーキもおいしいね! | ||
Rainy Season 2015 Play |
Of course I’m still be the centre during the rainy season! My teruterubouzu will be the centre as well. | |
梅雨の季節も、那珂ちゃんはもちろんセンター!那珂ちゃんてるてる坊主も、もちろんセンターでぇす。 | ||
Early Summer 2015 Play |
It’s summer now! It’s the summer of my Summer Live! Alright, I’m going to sing! Where’s my outfit♪ | |
夏だよ、夏!那珂ちゃんサマーライブの夏だよぉ!よーし歌うよ~!衣装衣装♪ | ||
3rd Anniversary Play |
Yeeees, it’s Naka-chan! Today is a special day, Admiral. I’m happy! | |
はーい、那珂ちゃんだよ!提督、今日はスペシャルの日。那珂ちゃんも嬉しい! | ||
Saury Festival 2017 Play |
Of course I’ll be the centre for saury fishing too! I’ll work hard as the idol of the fishing grounds! | |
秋刀魚漁も那珂ちゃん、もちろんセンター!漁場のアイドル那珂ちゃん、お仕事頑張ります! | ||
Christmas 2017 Play |
Welcome to Naka-chan’s Christmas Live, everyone! I’m going to sing my heart out on this Christmas Eve night! *Deep breath* | |
みんなぁ、那珂ちゃんクリスマスライブにようこそ!聖夜の夜に那珂ちゃん、張り切って歌うよぉ!はぁー。 | ||
End of Year 2017 Play |
Eeeh, this isn’t the sort of work an idol should do! I hate spring cleaning! Swap with me, Admiral! | |
えぇ、こんなのアイドルのお仕事じゃない!那珂ちゃん、大掃除嫌い!提督、変わって! | ||
New Year 2018 Play |
Alriiiight, I’m as cute as ever in the New Year. Please continue to support me this year too, Admiral. | |
よーし、那珂ちゃん新年も可愛いー。提督、新年も那珂ちゃんご贔屓にどうぞよろしく、です。 | ||
Valentine’s Day 2018 Play |
Of course this is just obligatory chocolate since I’m an idol. But I’ll give this to you. Aha! | |
那珂ちゃんはアイドルだから、もちろん、ギリチョコなんだけど、でも、これ上げるね。あはぁ! | ||
White Day 2018 Play |
What’s this, Admiral? A present from a fan? Ah, it’s from you? Thank you. I’ll eat it in my dressing room. | |
提督、これは?ファンの贈り物?あぁ、提督の?ありがとう。楽屋に食べるね。 | ||
5th Anniversary Play |
Yeeees, it’s Naka-chan. It’s the 5th Anniversary of my debut. I’m happy! | |
はぁいー、那珂ちゃんだよ。那珂ちゃんなんとデビュー五周年。那珂ちゃん嬉しい! | ||
Setsubun 2019 Play |
I'm an idol so I don't do things like play the Oni. Ow! I told you I don't do that! Ouch! Why!? | |
那珂ちゃんはアイドルだから、鬼役とかはしないだよ。いた!だから違うって!いたい!なんで!? | ||
6th Anniversary Play |
Heeey, it's Naka-chan! It's the 6th Anniversary of my debut. I'm still getting cuter even after 7 years! | |
はーい、那珂ちゃんだよ!那珂ちゃんデビュー六周年です。七年目もますます可愛い! | ||
7th Anniversary Play |
Hellooo! I'm Naka! It's the 7th Anniversary of my debut. I'm keep getting cuter and cuter everyday! | |
はーい!那珂ちゃんだよ!那珂ちゃん、なんとデビュー七周年です。ますます超かわいい! |
Regular |
Seasonal |
Drop Locations
- She was implemented within the game's inital release in April, 23rd, 2013
- She is named after the Naka River.
- Her characterisation as an idol is due to her card number being 48; a reference to AKB48.
- Sunk on 18 February 1944 by USN carrier aircraft near Truk 07°15′N 151°15′E.
- She received her Kai Ni on 15/01/2014
- This was implemented after her song release for karaoke.
Appearances in derivative works
- Naka appears in the anime adaptation of Kantai Collection as a part of Torpedo Squad 3 alongside her sister ships, Sendai and Jintsuu as well as destroyers, Yuudachi, Mutsuki and eventually, Fubuki. Along with the rest of Torpedo Squadron 3, she helps welcome Fubuki to her new life in the naval base.