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*Air Power should be above '''410''' to ensure AS at all nodes.
*Air Power should be above '''410''' to ensure AS at all nodes.
*As the final node is a resource node, it is possible to continue the sortie even when being taiha on {{MapRoute|H|red}}.
*As the final node is a resource node, it is possible to continue the sortie even when being taiha on {{MapRoute|H|red}}.
*The uses of {{Amphibious Tank}} {{Equipment/Link|Special Type 4 Amphibious Tank|Special Type 4 Amphibious Tank Kai|text=Ka-Tsu tanks|link=Ka-Tsu}} and {{EquipmentLink|Toku Daihatsu Landing Craft}} are recommended in order to boost the {{ammo}} ammo gain on the final node. The best combination to use while keeping the clear rate high is 2 {{EquipmentLink|Toku Daihatsu Landing Craft}} + {{EquipmentLink|Special Type 4 Amphibious Tank Kai}} pairs, which will raise the base 50 gain to '''142''' (+1~10 gain when improved).
*The use of {{Amphibious Tank}} {{Equipment/Link|Special Type 4 Amphibious Tank|Special Type 4 Amphibious Tank Kai|text=Ka-Tsu tanks|link=Ka-Tsu}} and {{EquipmentLink|Toku Daihatsu Landing Craft}} are recommended in order to boost the {{ammo}} ammo gain on the final node. The best combination to use while keeping the clear rate high is 2 pairs of {{EquipmentLink|Toku Daihatsu Landing Craft}} + {{EquipmentLink|Special Type 4 Amphibious Tank Kai}}, which will raise the amount gained from a base of 50 to '''142''' (+1~10 gain when improved).

Latest revision as of 10:05, 12 January 2025

This article aims to provide advice on the better ways to farm for certain ships in order to use them as Modernization fodder. Those ships notably include:

  • Maruyu for luck modding
  • DE for HP/ASW/Luck modding


Maruyu Kai is the best way to reliably modernize the luck of any ship in the game.


Maruyu is a reliable LSC craft

  • She can be crafted by using the minimum resource amounts.
  • Her crafting rate can be improved by crafting with as few "free docks" as possible.
  • LSC attempts are advised only when reaching the resource caps in order to avoid wasting any resource gains.
FuelAmmunitionSteelBauxiteDevelopment materialNote
15001500200010001Recommended recipe
  • Unlike other recipes, the number of free docks should be minimum (ideally 1).


Dropping Maruyu is usually the best way to farm her as it is generally cheaper than the LSC cost.


3-5 is the best place to farm Maruyu, being relatively cheap and fast. The main downsides are the morale drain resulting from ending the sortie on an "off-route node" and the low amount of ranking points awarded.

  • It is important to first clear the map in order to have the proper drop rate.
Recommended Fleet
  • 1 (F)BB(V), 3 CVL, 2 CAV/AV
  • Route = B D H J
  • Fleet setup reference: [1]

Drop rate:

Enemy Compositions HQ ≥ 85 HQ ≤ 84
Enemy Banner Northern Princess III.pngEnemy Banner Floating Fortress.pngEnemy Banner Floating Fortress II.pngEnemy Banner Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class Flagship.pngEnemy Banner Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model.pngEnemy Banner Destroyer Ro-Class Late Model.png 1.4% 0%
Last Dance
All Other Enemy Compositions 0%
  • This means it is impossible to get her here if the HQ is 84 or lower.


4-5 has one of the cheapest comp to farm Maruyu and awards a large amount of ranking points relatively quickly. The main downside is the drop rate is reduced significantly when owning any copies of her.

Recommended Fleet

Drop rate:

Enemy Compositions 0 Maruyu 1+ Maruyu
Enemy Banner Harbour Princess II.pngEnemy Banner Floating Fortress.pngEnemy Banner Floating Fortress II.pngEnemy Banner Battleship Ru-Class Kai Flagship.pngEnemy Banner Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class Elite.pngEnemy Banner Transport Ship Wa-Class Flagship.png

Enemy Banner Harbour Princess II.pngEnemy Banner Floating Fortress II.pngEnemy Banner Battleship Ru-Class Kai Flagship.pngEnemy Banner Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class Elite.pngEnemy Banner Transport Ship Wa-Class Flagship.pngEnemy Banner Transport Ship Wa-Class Elite.png

3% 1.75%
All Other Enemy Compositions 2% 0.75%

Therefore, it's only recommended to farm Maruyu here if with 0 owned copies in the base.

  • Node T flagship is a soft-skin installation Harbour PrincessHarbour Princess
    Harbour Princess II
    , requiring equipment such as Anti-Aircraft Shell AA Shells and Landing CraftAmphibious Vehicle Landing Equipment to deal with her.
  • 2 DDs should be capable of carrying Landing Craft/Amphibious Vehicle and Armor Armor Bulges to increase the pass rate. They should also be able to do decent OASW damage to deal with submarines. Therefore, the best setup for them should be a strong special DLC/Tank + SONARSonar + 2 Bulges (One bulge in RE).
  • The last DD should be the one doing AACI duty, preferably Hatsuzuki Kai NiHatsuzuki Kai Ni as she has an extra slot to bring along an extra WG42 as well.
    • If she is married and is a high enough level, she can also OASW with 1 sonar and help with the sub node.
  • For the comp using Nelson-class, it's best to utilize her touch at node H.
    • As a result of using only one carrier filled with Jets, AS/AS+ isn't possible, so it's best to settle with AP (approximately 120-130 air power).
  • All the comps listed above have some of the upsides and downsides mainly because of the Jets usage, so it's up to players to decide which comp is better:
    • The comp with 3-4 Jets generally have more passing rate, which also helps reduce the chance of taking damage, and lower the Fuel, Ammo and Bauxite usage in general. But in exchange, you have to spend 50% more Steel compared to the steel cost from min LSC.
      • This is generally not a problem for the players who spam Tokyo Expedition a lot. Furthermore, steel isn't used much over time anyway.
    • On another hand, the comp without Jets are more efficient for all resource in a long run as you will spend less of them for the same rate of Maruyu in min LSC (Assuming you don't own any copies of her when farming here, as having her copy would reduce her rate a lot). But the passing rate for these comps are also lower.


Recommended Fleet
  • 1 (F)BB(V), CV(B), 2 CAV/AV, 2 DD
  • Route = C E J K
  • Fleet setup reference: [5]

Drop rate: 2.0 %

  • It is advised to bring a Nelson-class to utilize her touch at node J.
  • The recommended CAV/AV are Mogami-class Kai Ni TokuMogami Kai Ni Toku
    Mikuma Kai Ni Toku
    for opening torp and Night Zuiun attack.
  • This map is pretty simple and straight forward as you get better passing rate if your ships have higher armor, so for DDs, just stack all the bulges on them.


DE are the best way to modernize the HP of any ship in the game, as well as the only way to modernize ASW and a good way to modernize Luck.


  • DE can only be obtained via drops, and only limited time drops so far. Thus, there is almost no truly reliable way to farm them.
  • Unlike any other ship type in the game, DE are subject to unique drop cap behavior, similar to overfishing.
    • To farm for them efficiently, knowing how their drop mechanic works is important.
      • Having more than 3 duplicates of a certain DE will decrease its drop rate on all maps.
      • Using an individual DE as fodder 10+ times will start decreasing its drop rate on all maps, as seen in map 1-3. It's safe to assume the same counter is applied for map 7-4.


So far, only 7-4 has a constant set of DE drops, making it a reliable farming location.

Recommended Fleet

Drop rate:

  • The drop rate of all DE here depends on the above-mentioned drop behaviors, as well as the current limited drop pool.
  • To check their drop rate, please refer to KcNav or PoiDB.
  • 4 OASW (with 3 strongs) is the absolute minimum requirement to stabilize the route. Fewer than 4 will increase the retreat rate.
    • A "strong OASW" is defined as a setup utilizing ASW Synergy (Small Sonar + Depth Charge). For Hyuuga Kai NiHyuuga Kai Ni, Helicopter + Zuiun (Kai Ni) + Sonar will also work.
    • It is important to keep in mind that most retreats here are due to submarines. Especially at HQ 120 where 7-4 is mutated into its last scaling stage, node J always has 3 So-Class FlagshipSubmarine So-Class Flagship, the boss gains more armor, and the boss node in LD always has a So-Class Flagship as well, making farming more difficult if lacking enough strong OASW.
  • CVE should be either Zuihou or Ryuuhou for OASW. While not as strong as the strong OASW setup above, they can still sink some weaker submarines on the way.
  • Hyuuga Kai NiHyuuga Kai Ni should not have the usual 2 gun setup as it does not work well there, reducing the clear rate. It is better to give her 2 fighters to carry air power, along with 3 other equipment that can deal with submarines as mentioned above.
  • All DE have damage, accuracy, and evasion bonuses here, so they can be a good option to bring along. One of them can be used as flagship to get as much EXP as possible, making this map one of the best options to grind them.
  • Shigure also has great accuracy and evasion bonuses (but no damage bonus), being the only DD with any bonus here, making her a great DD pick when paired with her above mentioned RE capability.
  • For LBAS:
    • 4 fighters that will never be pulled out of this LBAS and never resupplied. Their slots will never go below 3 and can continue sortieing to keep the cost cheap.
    • In this map, split the attacks and target both node E and the boss node P for the best efficiency.



See Also