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Summer 2020 Event/E-7

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  • Event Tag: 3 Different Grey Tags (Hard Only)
    RainySeason2020EventGreyAdvanceTag.png Advance Unit
    RainySeason2020EventGreyVanguardTag.png Task Force Vanguard
    RainySeason2020EventGreyTaskForceTag.png Task Force

(Phase 1 - Boss Phase):

  • Hard (): 4080 HP (6 Kills)
  • Medium (): 3800 - 3840 HP
  • Easy (): 3450 - 3600 HP
  • Casual (): 3000 - 3600 HP

(Phase 2 - Boss Phase):

  • Hard (): 5280 HP
  • Medium (): 3840 HP
  • Easy (): 3200 - 3240 HP
  • Casual (): 3100 - 3240 HP

(Phase 3 - Boss Phase):

  • Hard (): 6612 HP
  • Medium (): 5772 HP
  • Easy (): 5772 HP
  • Casual (): 5772 HP

Key Rewards:

E-7 Branching Rules
Nodes Rules
  • Single Fleet
  • Surface Task Force OR Transport Combined Fleet
  • Meet ALL of the following requirements:
    • Carrier Task Force
    • Do not meet the requirements to start at 4.
  • Meet ALL of the following requirements:
    • Starting point 4 is unlocked.
    • Carrier Task Force
    • Amount of CV(L/B) ≤ 3
  • Do not meet the requirements to go to F.
  • Meet ALL of the following requirements:
    • Amount of (F)BB(V) ≤ 3
    • If amount of CV(L/B) ≥ 2, fleet must be Fast.
  • Active branching
  • Do not meet the requirements to go to H.
  • Fast Fleet
  • Alternatively, meet ALL of the following requirements:
    • Amount of (F)BB(V)+CV(L/B) ≤ 4
    • Amount of DD ≥ 4
  • Meet ALL of the following requirements:
    • Single Fleet
    • Amount of DD ≥ 2
    • No SS(V)
  • Do not meet the requirements to go to either G or I.
  • Meet ANY of the following requirements:
    • Single Fleet, but do not meet the requirements to go to G.
    • Fast Surface Task Force
    • Surface Task Force AND amount of (F)BB(V)+CV(L/B) ≤ 4
  • Meet ALL of the following requirements:
    • Surface Task Force
    • Pass the LoS check.
  • Do not meet the requirements to go to either I or V.
  • Meet ALL of the following requirements:
    • Route to node V is unlocked.
    • Carrier Task Force
    • Pass the LoS check.
  • Meet ALL of the following requirements:
    • Fast Fleet
    • Amount of (F)BB(V) ≤ 2
    • No CV(L/B)
  • Alternatively, use a Single Fleet.
  • Do not meet the requirements to go to K.
  • Do not meet the requirements to go to either N or O.
  • Meet ALL of the following requirements:
    • Fast Fleet
    • If Single Fleet, amount of ships with SURFACE radars ≥ 1
    • If Surface Task Force, meet ALL of the following requirements as well:
      • Amount of ships with SURFACE radars ≥ 4
      • Amount of DD ≥ 4
  • Meet ALL of the following requirements:
    • Single Fleet
    • Fast Fleet
    • Amount of DD ≥ 2
    • Amount of ships with SURFACE radars ≥ 4
  • Do not meet the requirements to go to R.
  • Meet ALL of the following requirements:
    • If Phase 1, no CVL allowed.
    • Amount of CVL ≤ 2
    • If amount of CVL ≤ 1, fleet must be Fast.
    • No CV(B)
    • Amount of (F)BB(V) ≤ 4
  • Pass the LoS check.
  • Fail the LoS check.
  • Do not meet the requirements to go to S.
  • Pass the LoS check, but do not meet the requirements to go to R.
  • Meet ALL of the following requirements:
    • Pass the LoS check.
    • You're not in Phase 1.
    • If Phase 2, meet ALL of the following requirements:
      • Difficulty is not Medium or Hard
      • Amount of CL ≤ 2
      • Amount of CAV ≤ 2
      • No CVL
      • If (F)BB(V) ≥ 4, fleet must contain CV(B).
    • If Phase 3, meet ANY of the following requirements:
      • Fleet contains CV(B)
      • Amount of (F)BB(V)+CV(L) ≤ 3
      • No CV(L/B)
  • Do not meet the requirements to go to either O or R.
  • Do not meet the requirements to go to V3.
  • Meet ALL of the following requirements:
    • Amount of (F)BB(V)+CV(L/B) ≤ 5
    • Amount of CV(B) ≤ 2
    • If Phase 2, meet ALL of the following requirements:
      • Fast Fleet
      • (F)BB(V) ≤ 2
    • If Phase 3, amount of CV(L/B) ≤ 3 OR Fast Fleet.
  • Meet ALL of the following requirements:
    • Route to node W is not unlocked.
    • Fast Fleet
    • Amount of DD ≥ 4
    • Amount of CV(L/B) ≤ 2
    • Amount of (F)BB(V)+CV(L/B) ≤ 4
  • Do not meet the requirements to go to either W or V4.
  • Meet ALL of the following requirements:
    • Route to node W is unlocked.
    • Fast Fleet
    • Amount of (F)BB(V) ≤ 2
    • Amount of CV(L/B) ≥ 3
  • Alternatively, use a fleet that contains AO after unlocking node W.
  • Carrier Task Force
  • Surface Task Force
  • Do not meet the requirements to go to either Y, V4 or V5.
  • Meet ALL of the following requirements:
    • Pass the LoS check.
    • Amount of (F)BB(V)+CV(L/B) ≤ 4
    • Amount of CV(B) ≤ 2
  • Pass the LoS check, but do not meet the requirements to go to Y or V4.
  • Meet ALL of the following requirements:
    • Pass the LoS check.
    • Amount of (F)BB(V)+CVL ≤ 3
    • No CV(B)
  • Fail the LoS check.
  • Pass the LoS check.
  • Meet ALL of the following requirements:
    • Fast Fleet
    • Amount of (F)BB(V) ≤ 2
    • Amount of CV(L/B) ≤ 2
  • Alternatively, use a Fast+ Fleet.
  • Do not meet the requirements to go to either W2 or Z3.
  • Meet ALL of the following requirements:
    • Do not meet the requirements to go to W2.
    • Amount of CV(B) ≤ 2
    • If amount of (F)BB(V) ≥ 3 OR amount of CV(L/B) ≥ 3, amount of DD ≥ 4
    • If Slow Fleet, meet ALL of the following requirements:
      • Amount of (F)BB(V) ≤ 2
      • Amount of CV(L/B) ≤ 2
  • Do not meet the requirements to go to W2.
  • Meet ALL of the following requirements:
    • Amount of DD ≥ 3
    • If Slow Fleet, amount of DD ≥ 4
    • Amount of CV(B) ≤ 2
  • Pass the LoS check, but do not meet the requirements to go to Z.
  • Fail the LoS check.
  • Meet ALL of the following requirements:
    • Pass the LoS check.
    • Amount of (F)BB(V) ≤ 2
    • Amount of CV(B) ≤ 2
    • Amount of CV(L/B) ≤ 3
  • Do not meet the requirements to go to Z.
  • Fast+ Fleet

Branching compositions were reported over the course of the event.


Branching rules

  • No branching rules known



E-7 is a complicated map that has multiple requirements across different phases, some of which are repeated across different phases, others which will require different set ups.

This preliminary guide is written with the assumption that the player is playing on Hard difficulty. Nevertheless, the ships used and options listed here are broadly applicable regardless of difficulty.

On Hard mode only, there are a total of three different shiplocks. (There are no ship locks on all other difficulties.)

These locks will consist of the following fleets that you must carefully plan out before launching into the map:

  • RainySeason2020EventGreyVanguardTag.png Task Force Vanguard (Surface Task Force/ Transport Combined Fleet)
  • RainySeason2020EventGreyAdvanceTag.png Advance Force (Single Fleet)
  • RainySeason2020EventGreyTaskForceTag.png Task Force (Carrier Task Force)

Due to the fact that you will need to split up 3 different ship groups to take on different parts of the map, it will be important to make sure you set up your fleet appropriately before you commence with the sortie.

Failure to do so may result in your ships being locked in the wrong group and can potentially result in your having to change your strategy or possibly forfeit hard mode difficulty.

In addition to this, it's recommended to use only a small team of historicals for the STF while reserving your main line of historical ships for the CTF fleet.

Each fleet starts at a different starting point, and there may be differences in routing depending on which phase of the map is currently active. Only a CTF can sortie from Start Point 4 once it has been unlocked.

As with shiplocks in general, you cannot sortie with ships from different locks in the same fleet. It is therefore even more important to be aware of what type of fleet you are sortieing before deploying to this map, to avoid accidentally locking ships to the wrong lock. This obviously does not apply to difficulties below Hard. Also, it is worth noting that E7 does not enforce its locks post-clear, should you want to farm the map for drops afterwards.

Once again, be aware of your fleet type before sortieing, or risk ruining your entire map run.

Below are the following steps you must consider before you take on this map should you choose to do it on hard mode.

  • RainySeason2020EventGreyVanguardTag.pngTask Force Vanguard Questions
  1. Do you have 2 Fast BB that are still in reserve that are not historically related?
  2. Do you have at least 1 CAV or AV?
  3. Do you have at least 4 Seaplane fighters?
  4. Do you have enough Anti-installation gear to spread around among a team of CLs and DDs that will need to have for both main and escort fleet?
  5. Do you have an AACI ship that is not Atlanta?
  6. Do you have at still have 4 or more slot CLs like Ooyodo, Gotland, Italian CLs, or Yuubari Kai Ni Toku?
  7. Do you still have anti-installation DDs like Asashio-class DDs, Umikaze, Shiratsuyu, Murasame, and Kuroshio left over?
  8. Do you have 2 CVL in reserve that are or can be made fast that are not Zuihou or Junyou?

Due to the amount of questions, the solution will be left to the player to decide if they can truly take on this operation on hard. It is unknown how well you will be able to handle the map until you try for yourself. But we recommend that you meet up with at least 80-90% of the requirements listed before trying to challenge yourself in hard mode due to the sheer amount of planning that will be involved.


E-7 has three boss phases, as well as a number of unlocking/debuff phases:

  1. Phase 1: Destroy Lycoris Princess Again (Node X)
  2. Phase 2: Unlock path to Summer Carrier Princess
  3. Phase 3: Sink the Summer Carrier Princess (Node Y)
  4. Phase 4: Unlock path to the South Pacific Aircraft Carrier Princess
  5. Phase 5: Unlock the 4th Starting Point (Short cut)
  6. Phase 6: Battle the South Pacific Aircraft Carrier Princess (Node Z)
  7. Phase 7: Last Dance Debuff
  8. Phase 8: Sink the South Pacific Aircraft Carrier Princess

The following ships have bonuses on this map:

Ship Bonuses

Ship Damage Bonus
Mapwide Node O Node X (1st Boss) Node Y (2nd Boss) Node Z (3rd Boss)
Kongou, Haruna, Junyou, Maya, Atago,
Takao, Myoukou, Isuzu, Kuroshio, Kawakaze,
Umikaze, Naganami, Kagerou
1.1x 1.375x 1.375x 1.265x 1.21x
Hiei, Kirishima, Suzuya, Tone, Chikuma,
Nagara, Urakaze, Isokaze, Tanikaze, Kazagumo,
Yuugumo, Makigumo, Akigumo
1.1x 1.265x 1.265x 1.375x 1.265x
Shoukaku, Zuikaku, Zuihou, Kumano, Yukikaze,
Amatsukaze, Tokitsukaze, Teruzuki, Hamakaze
1.1x 1.1x 1.1x 1.21x 1.375x
Akagi, Kaga, Souryuu, Hiryuu, Saratoga,
South Dakota
1.1x 1.1x 1.1x 1.32x 1.265x

Unique Bonuses

Ship Damage Bonus
Node Z
Kazagumo, Makigumo 1.2x (1.1x * 1.15x * 1.2 = 1.58x )

Equipment Bonuses

Equipment Damage Bonus
Node X (1st Boss) Node Y (2nd boss) Node Z (3rd Boss)
AP Shells 1.1x - 1.17x
Type 3 Shells 1.25x - 1.12x
1.15x (Kumano only)
Murata Squadron Torpedo Bobmers - 1.2x 1.3x

Phase 1: Destroy Lycoris Princess Again (Node X)

This is arguably the most straightforward boss of the map; the battles along the route are more difficult to pass than the boss node itself.

While there are bonus ships for this phase, you probably want to save some of them for later parts of the map where they have higher utility; examples include Kongou and Haruna, as well as Myoukou and Naganami, and possibly Junyou, all of which are arguably better deployed in CTF instead for later parts of the map. However, ships such as Kawakaze, Umikaze, and Kuroshio are useful for this part because of their anti-installation capabilities.

Recommended Fleet: RainySeason2020EventGreyVanguardTag.png Task Force Vanguard/STF Fast:

  • 2FBB, 2-3DD, 1CL or 1AV or CAV, 0-1CA(V) + 1CL, 3-4DD,1-2CA
  • 2FBB, 2CA(V), 1CL , 1AV or CAV or DD + 1CL, 3-4DD,1-2CA
    • Make sure you have 4 surface radars total equipped to avoid off-routing.
    • Standard anti-installation doctrine applies. While FBBs can keep AP shells for APCI (for pass rate along route, amongst other things), CA(V)s should have T3 shells for bonus damage against installations. DDs in the main fleet should have anti-installation nuke set-ups to deal with the 3 Supply Princesses in the boss' main fleet.
    • Escort fleet should have Double-Attack set-ups for the night battle, such as 2 guns 1 Toku Daihatsu Landing Craft + 11th Tank Regiment / 1 WG42 / 1 Shipborne Model Type 4 20cm Anti-ground Rocket Launcher or concentrated variant. As above, CAs should use T3 shells. You do not really need recon seaplanes in escort as you will probably hit AP at best at the boss, but keep in mind the LoS check close to the boss node (and having artillery spotting can help with pass rate at nodes along the route in general).
    • At least 1 AACI DD is recommended as you will probably be encountering AP or even AD at the air battle nodes and the boss (depending on number of CA(V) and AV, as well as quality of SPF).
  • Route: F-I-K-N-O-X
    • The route nodes are more dangerous than the boss node, as there is a chance of encountering an Abyssal fleet in Vanguard formation at Nodes I and O. Air Battle Nodes F and N can also be dangerous as you will likely only manage AP or AD at these nodes. Nevertheless, you should generally be able to defeat the boss if you reach the boss node.
      • Boss gets slightly more difficult during LD as her escort fleet and the Supply Princesses are changed, and you will likely suffer from AD due to the increased FP, but clearing should not be too difficult compared to the pre-LD comp.
      • It may be worth swapping 1 FBB's position from main to escort for LD to help with clearing the escort fleet out to ensure that you engage the boss' main fleet during the night battle, if necessary.
  • LBAS: 6 waves of LBAS to boss, each base should have 1 Land-Based Fighter 3 Land-Based Bombers and be able to attain AD at the boss. Use a [| calculator] to figure out if requirements are met for AD.
    • May need to be adjusted for LD as the boss has slightly higher FP.
  • Support Expeditions: Boss Support Expedition is generally useful, especially in LD where the Abyssal DDs in the escort have Opening Torpedo capability. Node Support is debatable (since it is unlikely to be effective against the Vanguard comps mentioned above), but can help somewhat with pass rate assuming those comps are not encountered.

Phase 2: Unlock path to Summer Carrier Princess

This unlock phase is fairly straightforward, below is a guide which covers what is required for each difficulty:

Requirement Difficulty
Casual Easy Medium Hard
Node E X AS Once AS Once AS Once
Node F X X AS Once AS Once
Node H X X X AS Once
Reach J X X X Reach J
Node R X S Rank S Rank S Rank
LB Defense X AS Once AS Once AS Twice

The most optimal means of doing the requirements is as follows:

  • Recommended Fleet:RainySeason2020EventGreyAdvanceTag.png Advance Force/Single Fleet
  • Recommended Composition 1: 6 SS
  • Recommended Composition 2: 2 CV, 4 DE
  • Path: A-C-E
  • Recommended LBAS: LBAS 1-2: 4 Fighters: Distance 2 Required (Mostly recommended for Comp 1)
  • Subs will need to be loaded with around 6-12 seaplane fighter and have LBAS fighter support to score AS on E
  • Carriers will need all fighters while DEs provide ASW against the subs.
  • If using Comp 2, you can opt to bring additional CV/CVL over using an LBAS to conserve resources.
Once the condition is met, a ding sound will play upon returning to your homeport.

Once the conditions are all met, the path to Node Y will be open.

Phase 3: Sink the Summer Carrier Princess (Node Y)

In this phase, your fleet will be now making their way to attack the Aircraft Carrier Summer Princess. This phase will take you along a straight path where you'll face off against torpedo squadrons, Submarines, and air strikes along the way. Do note the boss will also have considerable air power, so do expect to bring a strong airpower to achieve AS against the princess.

  • You will be facing CV Hime in this Phase and boss so bring a lot of air power to AS the boss.
  • Recommended Fleet: RainySeason2020EventGreyTaskForceTag.png Task Force/CTF
  • Recommended Fleet 1: 2 (F)BB 2 CV(B) 2 CA(V) + 1 CL 1-2 CA(V) 3-4 DD (Fast)
  • Recommended Fleet 2: 2 CV(B) 3 CA(V), 1 DD + 2 FBB 1 CL 3 DD (Fast)
  • Route: D-H-V-V1-V3-V4-Y
  • LBAS Recommendation:
    • Land Base 1: * Fighters, * Land Base Bombers, * Land Base Recon (Enough to get AD) (Node Y) (Distance 7)
    • Land Base 2-3: * Fighters, * Land Base Bombers, * Land Base Recon (Enough to get AD) (Node Y) (Distance 7)
  • Akagi and Saratoga are the most recommended CVs to use for this segment due to their high bonus.
  • Shoukaku and Zuikaku are weaker alternatives for this phase, but may benefit with the ability to use Jets to help score extra hits.
  • The Murata Squadron has a Bonus on Node Y but the bonus do not stack on top of each other
    • It is recommended that if you have 2 Murata Squadron, have 1 Murata on each CV(B) instead of having them both on.
  • Depend on the fleet comp you plan to use for this segment, do note that Kongou (Kai Ni C) and Haruna (Kai Ni) should be considered for Escort fleet for Fleet Comp 2 as their night battle special attack can allow them to gain an edge in battle
    • For these two the recommended set up is 2 Main Guns + AP Shell + Surface Radar to maximize the overall damage potential should their abilities trigger.
  • Alternatively, Nagato Kai Ni along with South Dakota can provide a powerful attack using the Nagato Broadside Special attack from the main fleet.
    • Nagato Kai Ni should be armed with a turbine + boiler, 46cm gun or larger, 1 AP shell and 1 Type 3 (assuming she has an expansion slot)
    • South Dakota should use the 2 Main Guns + AP Shell + Seaplane Scout set up.
  • 1 CAV should be a seaplane fighter mule.
  • The remaining CAVs in the fleet should use 2 Guns + Type 3 Shell + Seaplane scouts set up.
  • DDs should consider bringing TCI set up.
  • If need be, bring a DD that can OASW.
  • While not historically relevent, Atlanta with her AACI is highly recommended due to her high proc and shootdown rate which should allow you to survive almost all air attack nodes with little difficulty.
  • Node H, V1 and V4 are all air attack nodes, each being more powerful than the previous ones. Good Airpower and AACI is recommended.
  • Node V is a submarine Princess node. Bring ASW isn't entirely necessary, but can be recommended if she is giving your fleet trouble.
  • Node V3 is a surface fleet with a Nu flagship Kai and a Ru-class Battleship along with various CLs and DDs. Make sure your air strike knocks out most of the smaller ships to minimize possible damage and if necessary hopefully nutilize the Nu flagship kai from attacking.
  • If you use Fleet Comp 1, use Double Line against the boss.
  • If you use Fleet Comp 2, use Line Ahead against the boss.

The Aircraft Carrier Summer Princess will consist of a carrier combined fleet which will have at first 2 Nu-class Flagship Kai, 1 Summer Battleship Princess, 1 Ne-class Kai (Summer Mode), and 1 Tsu-class in the main fleet. While escort will have 1 He-class Flagship, 1 Tsu-class, and 4 Destroyers which on hard mode will consist of 2 Na-class Elites capable of launching and opening torpedo strike.

If you have set up your land base correctly, you should be able to have a chance to wipe out some of the enemy ships easily. And setting yourself up to deliver decent damage against the main fleet depending on the comp you chose. Nagato's Broadside attack can help wipe out certain large ships early on in the battle and leave night battle to pick off against the remaining survivors.

While using Kongou's Night Battle Special will have you banking on taking out some heavy units at night while your main fleet (with a little bit of luck) might be able to successfully destroy part of the enemy main fleet.

The rest will boil down to how well your fleet can launch TCIs against the boss and hit her with them, since she's somewhat vulnerable against TCI you may still need up to 2 direct hits to successfully take down the carrier princess.

On LD, the difficulty will ramp up as you will face a 2nd Carrier Princess, along with an escort fleet full of 4 Na-class Elites all capable of opening Torpedo Strike. While this is going to be challenging, as long as you can get air superiority, there will be a chance you can finish the boss if all goes well. Continue the battle until you successfully destroy the Carrier Princess Flagship.

Once you have defeated her you will then proceed to the next phase.

Phase 4: Unlock path to the South Pacific Aircraft Carrier Princess

For this phase, the steps to completing them are still straightforward, but will require use of a surface Task force and Carrier Task Force. The requirements for these are listed below:

Requirement Difficulty
Casual Easy Medium Hard
Node X X A Rank A Rank A Rank
Node H X AS Once AS Once AS Once
Node V1 X X AS Once AS Once
Node V4 X X X AS Once
LB Defense X X AS Once AS Twice

You will need to organize your fleet to do these steps and the guide below which fleets you'll need for each segment:

  • Recommended Fleet: RainySeason2020EventGreyTaskForceTag.png Task Force/CTF
  • Recommended Fleet 1: 2 (F)BB 2 CV(B) 2 CA(V) + 1 CL 1-2 CA(V) 3-4 DD (Fast)
  • Recommended Fleet 2: 2 CV(B) 3 CA(V), 1 DD + 2 FBB 1 CL 3 DD (Fast)
  • Route: D-H
  • Recommended LBAS: N/A (LBAS will likely be designated to V1 and V4, look in respective section.)
  • Can be done while completing V1 and V4 at the same time.
  • Carriers should be fighter mules
  • One CAV can consider being a seaplane fighter mule.
Once the requirement has been completed, a ding sound will play upon returning to Homeport.

It is possible to complete the entire run in two sorties if you are fortunate enough, otherwise it can be done as you complete the requirements individually.

Once all conditions are met, the 3rd boss (Node Z) node will be open.

Phase 5:Unlock the 4th Starting Point (Short cut)

After the final boss node has been unlocked, it becomes possible to unlock Start Point 4, which will then be the default starting point for a Carrier Task Force that meets the requirements listed in the branching rules and will serve as a shortcut to reaching the last boss of the map. This is where the requirements begin to get rather complicated (this statement remains applicable all the way through until LD debuff). The requirements for unlocking Start Point 4 are as follows:

Requirement Difficulty
Casual Easy Medium Hard
Node X A Rank 1x A Rank 1x A Rank 1x A Rank 2x
Node Y A Rank 1x A Rank 1x A Rank 1x A Rank 2x
Node V4 X X AS 2x AS 2x
Node W X X S Rank 2x S Rank 2x
Node Z A Rank 1x A Rank 2x A Rank 2x A Rank 3x

  • Fleet Requirements: RainySeason2020EventGreyTaskForceTag.png Task Force / CTF
  • Fleet Composition: Same as Phase 3
  • Land Base Recommendation: Same as Phase 4
The process to this step is the same as how you'd do in phase 4. Once the requirement has been completed, a ding sound will play upon returning to Homeport.

Once the requirements have all completed, the 4th starting point along with another path way will be revealed and from this point, your carrier task force will be taking their starting point form the 4th starting point.

Phase 6: Battle the South Pacific Aircraft Carrier Princess (Node Z)

With the 4th Starting Point 4 unlocked, it is significantly quicker and more consistent compared to beginning from the original CTF start point. As of this point you have more room for flexibility and can take a faster path to the boss node. Below are the following comps you will consider for this segment:

  • Recommended Fleet: RainySeason2020EventGreyTaskForceTag.png Task Force/CTF
  • Recommended Fleet 1: 2 (F)BB 2 CV(B), 2 CA(V) + 1 CL, CA(V), 4 DD (Fast)
  • Recommended Fleet 2: 2 (F)BB 2 CV(B), 1 CVL. 1 CA(V) + 1 CL, CA(V), 4 DD (Slow)
  • Recommended Fleet 3: 2 CV(B), 3 CA(V), 1 DD + 2 FBB 1 CL 3 DD (Fast)
  • Route 1 (Using Comp 1 and 3): Z2-W2-W4-Z
  • Route 1 (Using Comp 2): Z2-W1-W2-W4-Z
  • Recommended LBAS:
    • LBAS 1-2: * Land Base Fighter, * Land Base Bomber, * Land Base Recon/Flying Boat (Enough to get AD)(Node Z) (Distance 9)
    • LBAS 3: * Land Based Fighter, * Land Base Bomber, * Land Base Recon/Flying Boat (Enough to get AD) (Node Z) (Distance 9)
  • Both routes can be effective in reaching the boss depending on how you organize your fleet and knowing what you will be up against.
  • Shoukaku and Zuikaku are highly recommended as your CV.
  • If you have jets, consider equipping them as their extra line of attack can be useful.
    • The Murata Squadron has a Bonus on Node Z but the bonus do not stack on top of each other
    • It is recommended that if you have 2 Murata Squadron, have 1 Murata on each CV(B) instead of having them both on.
    • If you have a 3rd Murata Squadron you can consider bringing a CVL. Otherwise, avoid using the 2 CV + 1 CVL comp unless air power is a concern.
  • Depend on the fleet comp you plan to use for this segment, do note that Kongou (Kai Ni C) and Haruna (Kai Ni) should be considered for Escort fleet for Fleet Comp 2 as their night battle special attack can allow them to gain an edge in battle
    • For these two the recommended set up is 2 Main Guns + AP Shell + Surface Radar to maximize the overall damage potential should their abilities trigger.
  • Alternatively, Nagato Kai Ni along with South Dakota can provide a powerful attack using the Nagato Broadside Special attack from the main fleet.
    • Nagato Kai Ni should be armed with a turbine + boiler, 46cm gun or larger, 1 AP shell and 1 Type 3 (assuming she has an expansion slot)
    • South Dakota should use the 2 Main Guns + AP Shell + Seaplane Scout set up.
  • 1 CAV should be a seaplane fighter mule.
  • The remaining CAVs in the fleet should use 2 Guns + Type 3 Shell + Seaplane scout set up.
  • DDs should consider bringing TCI and/or Guitarsolo set up.
  • If need be, bring a DD that can OASW.
  • While not historically relevant, Atlanta with her AACI is highly recommended due to her high proc rate which should allow you to survive almost all air attack nodes with little difficulty.
  • Node Z2 consists of a surface fleet that can possibly appear in vanguard formation, but may be locked in line ahead on LD
  • Node Z1 will have a Submarine Summer Princess Flagship along with other submarines.
  • Node W4 will have an air battle node, bring strong air power and AACI.

The main differences between the two routes are 1) The additional submarine node; and 2) More restrictive speed and large ship limitations for the shorter route. Generally, taking the shortest route should suffice for chipping pre-LD, especially with Friend Fleets now available. Taking the shorter route also allows for all 3 LBAS to be committed to the boss node, while the longer route may need 1 base of Toukai/ASW planes for consistent pass rate at Z1. Node Support is optional; Boss Support may be useful even pre-LD to help with clearing the Escort Fleet prior to the Opening Torpedo phase.

As for the boss itself, the South Pacific Aircraft Carrier Princess will come with a team of Nu-class Flagship kai, a Battleship Princess, a Ne-class Summer Mode, a Tsu Flagship, along with another He-class flagship, 2 Tsu-class Elites, and 3 Na-class Flagships. Once again a strong round from your LBAS and having your fleet proc their special attacks is the key to success. Overall, chipping the boss down should be a breeze to the end as long as you score AS against the boss.

Once you are within LD range, the debuff specific to the boss ship (South Pacific Aircraft Carrier Princess) becomes available.

Phase 7: Last Dance Debuff

In this phase, you will need to complete a massive load of requirements (assuming you're doing hard mode) where you'll need to revisit many of the nodes you've been to in the past and some you haven't visited beforehand. Overall, your fleet will need to complete up to at most 11 steps to meet the requirements.

Below is a list of the tasks that will need to be completed based upon difficulty.

Requirement Difficulty
Casual Easy Medium Hard
Node X A Rank 1x A Rank 1x A Rank 1x A Rank 2x
Node Y A Rank 1x A Rank 1x A Rank 1x A Rank 2x
Node Z2 X X S Rank 1x S Rank 1x
Node Z3 S Rank 1x S Rank 1x S Rank 1x S Rank 1x
Node W3 X X X S Rank 1x
Node N X X X AS 1x
Node Q X X AS 1x AS 1x
Node V1 X AS 1x AS 1x AS 1x
Node V4 X X AS 1x AS 1x

And from here a list that will be composed to explain the steps and what you'll need to do. For some of them, please refer to the previous steps for details:

  • Fleet Requirements: RainySeason2020EventGreyVanguardTag.png Task Force Vanguard/ STF
  • Fleet Composition: Same as Phase 1
  • Land Base Recommendation:
  • Land Base 1-3: 4 Land Base Fighters (Node N) (Distance 5)
  • Can be done alongside Node X
  • CAV should have all Seaplane Fighters, if need be use additional ships that can bring in seaplane fighters to improve your chances to AS.
Once the requirement has been completed, a ding sound will play upon returning to Homeport.

Once all the conditions are met, the South Pacific Aircraft Carrier Princess should be debuffed with a slight change to her graphics. She will at this point take 1.1x -1.18x more damage than usual.

Phase 8: Sink the South Pacific Aircraft Carrier Princess

  • Recommended Fleet: RainySeason2020EventGreyTaskForceTag.png Task Force/CTF
  • Recommended Fleet: Same as Phase 6 (Please read section for details)
  • Recommended LBAS: Same as Phase 6 (Please read section for details)

Some things to keep in mind for LD:

  • Ultimately, you're rolling for critical hits against the boss fleet, and any engagement less optimal than Parallel is less likely to clear due to the multipliers involved.
  • Use of the Nagato/Mutsu special attack is recommended.
    • Tsuba has run the numbers for Nagato's special attack and reached the following conclusions:
      • A Nagato/Mutsu pair has higher damage output when the special attack triggers, but does significantly less damage outside of the special attack.
      • A Nagato/SoDak pair has lower damage output when the special attack triggers, but unlike the above, SoDak still has the potential to cause significant damage outside of the special attack.
    • Both options are viable, up to player here
  • ASW Node support is effectively mandatory, ASW to help with pass rate at the sub node (you're almost definitely going heavy for LD, so you eat the extra sub node).
    • Unless you don't have 3 Murata TBs, then might need to consider alternatives.

In this phase, with the debuff finally active, it is time to finish off the South Pacific Aircraft Carrier Princess the route along the way is the same, but the boss herself is now ramped up as she now has 2 Summer Carrier Princesses in her main fleet in place of the Nu Flagship Kais, and her escort now he a He Flagship Kai and a 2 Tsu-Class Flagships, and 3 Na-class Late models capable of launching an opening Torpedo strike. The combination of new air power along with the powered up escort fleet will make it difficult to deliver the final blow, but as before, if you organize your land base so your can get AS, your land base score the necessary hits, and your manage to wipe out some of the enemy ships early on, it should be possible to depend on the rest of your ships in night battle to deliver the killing blow.

If for some reason you know you will not land the killing blow, you can consider refreshing the game to reserve your LBAS rank if necessary.

Once you are able to defeat the South Pacific Aircraft Carrier Princess the event is considered complete.

Regarding Friend Fleets

Most Friend Fleets should prove to be useful here, but it is possible to rig up your friend fleets to improve your odds of getting a better friend fleet comp.

It may be worth using South Dakota here to avoid potentially rolling some of the weaker FFs. You may also consider avoiding Makigumo and Akigumo to allow for one of the very powerful friend fleet comps to possible appear.

Most variants of the Hiryuu/Souryuu and Akagi/Kaga (added in 7 August patch) FF are very strong here as they are equipped with Murata TBs and NCVCI capability.

The event guides are to be constructed through the respective Event map page guide and reviewed by editor staff / collaboration committee before being approved here. Do not under any circumstance update the guides through this page or attempt to fix them through this page. Please only update guides through their respective sandbox pages.

Enemy comps

E-7 AB
# Formation High Altitude Air Raids AD/AP
AB Diamond
Lycoris Princess V (1683): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 157 APLycoris Princess V (1683): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 157 AP Airfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 AP Airfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 AP
Lycoris Princess V (1683): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 157 APLycoris Princess V (1683): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 157 AP Airfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 APAirfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 APAirfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 AP Airfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 AP
Lycoris Princess V (1683): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 157 APLycoris Princess V (1683): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 157 AP Airfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 APAirfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 APAirfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 AP Airfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 APAirfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 APAirfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 AP
Lycoris Princess V (1683): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 157 APLycoris Princess V (1683): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 157 AP Airfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 AP Airfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 AP Airfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 AP
Lycoris Princess V (1683): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 157 APLycoris Princess V (1683): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 157 AP Airfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 APAirfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 APAirfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 AP Airfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 AP Airfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 AP
Lycoris Princess V (1683): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 157 APLycoris Princess V (1683): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 157 AP Airfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 APAirfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 APAirfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 AP Airfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 APAirfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 APAirfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 AP Airfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 AP
# Formation High Altitude Air Raids AD/AP
E-7 A
# Selection Node
A 艦隊の針路を選択できます。提督、どちらの針路をとられますか?
You can decide the fleet's course. Admiral, which heading should we take?
# Selection Node
E-7 B: ソロモン戦域 前方哨戒潜水艦 B群 (PoiDB)
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
B Echelon
Line Abreast
Submarine So-Class Elite (1571): 30 Armor, 45 HPSubmarine So-Class Elite (1571): 30 Armor, 45 HP Submarine So-Class Elite (1571): 30 Armor, 45 HP Submarine So-Class Elite (1571): 30 Armor, 45 HP Submarine Yo-Class (1531): 9 Armor, 24 HP
Line Abreast
Submarine So-Class Flagship (1572): 42 Armor, 48 HPSubmarine So-Class Flagship (1572): 42 Armor, 48 HP Submarine So-Class Elite (1571): 30 Armor, 45 HP Submarine So-Class Elite (1571): 30 Armor, 45 HP Submarine Yo-Class (1531): 9 Armor, 24 HP
Line Abreast
Submarine So-Class Flagship (1572): 42 Armor, 48 HPSubmarine So-Class Flagship (1572): 42 Armor, 48 HP Submarine So-Class Elite (1571): 30 Armor, 45 HP Submarine So-Class Elite (1571): 30 Armor, 45 HP Submarine So-Class Elite (1571): 30 Armor, 45 HP
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
E-7 C: ソロモン戦域 前方哨戒潜水艦 A群 (PoiDB)
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
C Echelon
Line Abreast
Submarine So-Class Elite (1571): 30 Armor, 45 HPSubmarine So-Class Elite (1571): 30 Armor, 45 HP Submarine So-Class Elite (1571): 30 Armor, 45 HP Submarine So-Class Elite (1571): 30 Armor, 45 HP
Line Abreast
Submarine So-Class Flagship (1572): 42 Armor, 48 HPSubmarine So-Class Flagship (1572): 42 Armor, 48 HP Submarine So-Class Elite (1571): 30 Armor, 45 HP Submarine So-Class Elite (1571): 30 Armor, 45 HP
Line Abreast
Submarine So-Class Flagship (1572): 42 Armor, 48 HPSubmarine So-Class Flagship (1572): 42 Armor, 48 HP Submarine So-Class Elite (1571): 30 Armor, 45 HP Submarine So-Class Elite (1571): 30 Armor, 45 HP Submarine So-Class Elite (1571): 30 Armor, 45 HP
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
E-7 D
# Empty Node
D 気のせいだった。

Must be my imagination.
Task force, sortie! Find the enemy and destroy them!
# Empty Node
E-7 E: 深海南方部隊 リコリス基地航空隊 (PoiDB)
# Formation Air Defense Node AD/AP
E Diamond
Lycoris Princess V (1683): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 157 APLycoris Princess V (1683): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 157 AP Airfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 AP Airfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 AP
Lycoris Princess V (1683): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 157 APLycoris Princess V (1683): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 157 AP Airfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 APAirfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 APAirfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 AP Airfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 AP
Lycoris Princess V (1683): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 157 APLycoris Princess V (1683): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 157 AP Airfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 APAirfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 APAirfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 AP Airfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 APAirfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 APAirfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 AP
Lycoris Princess V (1683): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 157 APLycoris Princess V (1683): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 157 AP Airfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 AP Airfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 AP Airfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 AP
Lycoris Princess V (1683): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 157 APLycoris Princess V (1683): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 157 AP Airfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 APAirfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 APAirfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 AP Airfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 AP Airfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 AP
Lycoris Princess V (1683): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 157 APLycoris Princess V (1683): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 157 AP Airfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 APAirfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 APAirfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 AP Airfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 APAirfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 APAirfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 AP Airfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 AP
# Formation Air Defense Node AD/AP
E-7 F: 深海南方部隊 リコリス基地航空隊 (PoiDB)
# Formation Air Defense Node AD/AP
F Diamond
Lycoris Princess V (1683): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 157 APLycoris Princess V (1683): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 157 AP Airfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 AP Airfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 AP
Lycoris Princess V (1683): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 157 APLycoris Princess V (1683): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 157 AP Airfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 APAirfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 APAirfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 AP Airfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 AP
Lycoris Princess V (1683): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 157 APLycoris Princess V (1683): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 157 AP Airfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 APAirfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 APAirfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 AP Airfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 APAirfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 APAirfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 AP
Lycoris Princess V (1683): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 157 APLycoris Princess V (1683): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 157 AP Airfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 AP Airfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 AP Airfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 AP
Lycoris Princess V (1683): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 157 APLycoris Princess V (1683): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 157 AP Airfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 APAirfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 APAirfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 AP Airfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 AP Airfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 AP
Lycoris Princess V (1683): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 157 APLycoris Princess V (1683): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 157 AP Airfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 APAirfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 APAirfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 AP Airfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 APAirfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 APAirfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 AP Airfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 AP
# Formation Air Defense Node AD/AP
E-7 G: 深海任務部隊 ソロモン哨戒線 II群 (PoiDB)
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
G Line Ahead
Light Cruiser He-Class Flagship (1555): 39 Armor, 57 HPLight Cruiser He-Class Flagship (1555): 39 Armor, 57 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Flagship (1862): 108 Armor, 130 HP Destroyer Ni-Class Late Model (1578): 33 Armor, 40 HP Destroyer Ni-Class Late Model (1578): 33 Armor, 40 HP Destroyer Ni-Class Late Model (1578): 33 Armor, 40 HP Destroyer Ni-Class Late Model (1578): 33 Armor, 40 HP
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
E-7 H: 深海南方部隊 リコリス基地航空隊 (PoiDB)
# Formation Air Defense Node AD/AP
H Diamond
Lycoris Princess V (1683): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 157 APLycoris Princess V (1683): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 157 AP Airfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 AP Airfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 AP
Lycoris Princess V (1683): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 157 APLycoris Princess V (1683): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 157 AP Airfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 APAirfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 APAirfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 AP Airfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 AP
Lycoris Princess V (1683): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 157 APLycoris Princess V (1683): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 157 AP Airfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 APAirfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 APAirfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 AP Airfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 APAirfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 APAirfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 AP
Lycoris Princess V (1683): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 157 APLycoris Princess V (1683): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 157 AP Airfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 AP Airfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 AP Airfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 AP
Lycoris Princess V (1683): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 157 APLycoris Princess V (1683): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 157 AP Airfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 APAirfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 APAirfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 AP Airfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 AP Airfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 AP
Lycoris Princess V (1683): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 157 APLycoris Princess V (1683): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 157 AP Airfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 APAirfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 APAirfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 AP Airfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 APAirfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 APAirfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 AP Airfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 AP
# Formation Air Defense Node AD/AP
E-7 I: 深海任務部隊 ソロモン哨戒線 I群 (PoiDB)
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
I Line Ahead
Double Line
Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class Flagship (1527): 70 Armor, 76 HPHeavy Cruiser Ri-Class Flagship (1527): 70 Armor, 76 HP Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class Flagship (1527): 70 Armor, 76 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Flagship (1862): 108 Armor, 130 HP Destroyer Ni-Class Late Model Elite (1624): 48 Armor, 49 HP Destroyer Ni-Class Late Model (1578): 33 Armor, 40 HP Destroyer Ni-Class Late Model (1578): 33 Armor, 40 HP
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
E-7 J
# Empty Node
J 気のせいだった。

Must be my imagination.
We couldn't find the enemy fleet... We need to increase reconnaissance.
# Empty Node
E-7 K
# Empty Node
K 気のせいだった。

Must be my imagination.
Stop the enemy repairing their airfields! Charge!
# Empty Node
E-7 L: 深海任務部隊 ソロモン遊撃戦隊 (PoiDB)
# Formation Night Battle Node AD/AP
L Line Ahead
Light Cruiser Ho-Class Flagship (1554): 36 Armor, 53 HPLight Cruiser Ho-Class Flagship (1554): 36 Armor, 53 HP Torpedo Cruiser Chi-Class Flagship (1559): 60 Armor, 70 HP Torpedo Cruiser Chi-Class Flagship (1559): 60 Armor, 70 HP Destroyer Ni-Class Late Model (1578): 33 Armor, 40 HP Destroyer Ni-Class Late Model (1578): 33 Armor, 40 HP PT Imp Pack IV (1640): 39 Armor, 18 HP
# Formation Night Battle Node AD/AP
E-7 M: 深海機動部隊 前衛警戒潜水艦群 (PoiDB)
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
M Echelon
Line Abreast
New Submarine Princess Vacation Mode Flagship III (1807): 42 Armor, 288 HPNew Submarine Princess Vacation Mode Flagship III (1807): 42 Armor, 288 HP Submarine So-Class Elite (1571): 30 Armor, 45 HP Submarine So-Class Elite (1571): 30 Armor, 45 HP
Line Abreast
New Submarine Princess Vacation Mode Flagship III (1807): 42 Armor, 288 HPNew Submarine Princess Vacation Mode Flagship III (1807): 42 Armor, 288 HP Submarine So-Class Flagship (1572): 42 Armor, 48 HP Submarine So-Class Flagship (1572): 42 Armor, 48 HP
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
E-7 N: 深海南方部隊 リコリス基地航空隊 (PoiDB)
# Formation Air Defense Node AD/AP
N Diamond
Lycoris Princess V (1683): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 157 APLycoris Princess V (1683): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 157 AP Airfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 AP Airfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 AP
Lycoris Princess V (1683): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 157 APLycoris Princess V (1683): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 157 AP Airfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 APAirfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 APAirfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 AP Airfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 AP
Lycoris Princess V (1683): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 157 APLycoris Princess V (1683): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 157 AP Airfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 APAirfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 APAirfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 AP Airfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 APAirfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 APAirfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 AP
Lycoris Princess V (1683): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 157 APLycoris Princess V (1683): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 157 AP Airfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 AP Airfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 AP Airfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 AP
Lycoris Princess V (1683): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 157 APLycoris Princess V (1683): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 157 AP Airfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 APAirfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 APAirfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 AP Airfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 AP Airfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 AP
Lycoris Princess V (1683): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 157 APLycoris Princess V (1683): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 157 AP Airfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 APAirfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 APAirfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 AP Airfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 APAirfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 APAirfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 AP Airfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 AP
# Formation Air Defense Node AD/AP
E-7 O: 深海任務部隊 リコリス防衛艦隊 (PoiDB)
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
O Line Ahead
Double Line
Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class Flagship (1527): 70 Armor, 76 HPHeavy Cruiser Ri-Class Flagship (1527): 70 Armor, 76 HP Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class Flagship (1527): 70 Armor, 76 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Elite (1592): 68 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Ni-Class Late Model Elite (1624): 48 Armor, 49 HP Destroyer Ni-Class Late Model (1578): 33 Armor, 40 HP Destroyer Ni-Class Late Model (1578): 33 Armor, 40 HP
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
E-7 P
# Empty Node
P 敵影を見ず。

No enemy spotted.
Stop the enemy repairing their airfields! Charge!
# Empty Node
E-7 Q: 深海機動部隊前衛集団 艦載機群 (PoiDB)
# Formation Air Defense Node AD/AP
Q Diamond
Aircraft Carrier Summer Princess B (1964): 239 Armor, 880 HP, 138 APAircraft Carrier Summer Princess B (1964): 239 Armor, 880 HP, 138 AP Light Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 AP Light Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 AP Battleship Summer Princess III (1698): 168 Armor, 530 HP Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class Kai B Summer Mode (1956): 244 Armor, 470 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Flagship (1862): 108 Armor, 130 HP
Aircraft Carrier Summer Princess B (1964): 239 Armor, 880 HP, 138 APAircraft Carrier Summer Princess B (1964): 239 Armor, 880 HP, 138 AP Aircraft Carrier Summer Princess B (1964): 239 Armor, 880 HP, 138 AP Light Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 AP Battleship Summer Princess III (1698): 168 Armor, 530 HP Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class Kai B Summer Mode (1956): 244 Armor, 470 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Flagship (1862): 108 Armor, 130 HP
Aircraft Carrier Summer Princess B (1964): 239 Armor, 880 HP, 138 APAircraft Carrier Summer Princess B (1964): 239 Armor, 880 HP, 138 AP Aircraft Carrier Summer Princess B (1964): 239 Armor, 880 HP, 138 AP Light Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 AP Light Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 AP Battleship Summer Princess III (1698): 168 Armor, 530 HP Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class Kai B Summer Mode (1956): 244 Armor, 470 HP
# Formation Air Defense Node AD/AP
E-7 R: 深海南方部隊 火力支援集団 A群 (PoiDB)
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
R Line Ahead
Double Line
Battleship Ru-Class Flagship (1529): 99 Armor, 98 HPBattleship Ru-Class Flagship (1529): 99 Armor, 98 HP Battleship Ru-Class Flagship (1529): 99 Armor, 98 HP Light Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship II (1766): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 132 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship II (1766): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 132 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship II (1766): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 132 AP Light Cruiser Ho-Class Flagship (1554): 36 Armor, 53 HP Destroyer Ni-Class Late Model (1578): 33 Armor, 40 HP Destroyer Ni-Class Late Model (1578): 33 Armor, 40 HP
Light Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship II (1766): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 132 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship II (1766): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 132 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship II (1766): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 132 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship II (1766): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 132 AP Battleship Ru-Class Flagship (1529): 99 Armor, 98 HP Battleship Ru-Class Flagship (1529): 99 Armor, 98 HP Light Cruiser Ho-Class Flagship (1554): 36 Armor, 53 HP Destroyer Ni-Class Late Model (1578): 33 Armor, 40 HP Destroyer Ni-Class Late Model (1578): 33 Armor, 40 HP
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
E-7 S
# Repair Node
# Repair Node
E-7 T
# Empty Node
T 敵影を見ず。
No enemy spotted.
# Empty Node
E-7 U
# Empty Node
U 気のせいだった。

Must be my imagination.
Look for signs of the enemy fleet. Step up reconnaissance!
# Empty Node
E-7 V: 深海潜水部隊 艦隊前衛哨戒 I群 (PoiDB)
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
V Echelon
Line Abreast
Submarine Summer Princess B Flagship II (1978): 39 Armor, 198 HPSubmarine Summer Princess B Flagship II (1978): 39 Armor, 198 HP Submarine So-Class Elite (1571): 30 Armor, 45 HP Submarine So-Class Elite (1571): 30 Armor, 45 HP Submarine So-Class Elite (1571): 30 Armor, 45 HP
Line Abreast
Submarine Summer Princess B Flagship II (1978): 39 Armor, 198 HPSubmarine Summer Princess B Flagship II (1978): 39 Armor, 198 HP Submarine So-Class Flagship (1572): 42 Armor, 48 HP Submarine So-Class Elite (1571): 30 Armor, 45 HP Submarine So-Class Elite (1571): 30 Armor, 45 HP
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
E-7 V1: 深海機動部隊前衛集団 艦載機群 (PoiDB)
# Formation Air Defense Node AD/AP
V1 Diamond
Aircraft Carrier Summer Princess B (1964): 239 Armor, 880 HP, 138 APAircraft Carrier Summer Princess B (1964): 239 Armor, 880 HP, 138 AP Light Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 AP Light Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 AP Battleship Summer Princess III (1698): 168 Armor, 530 HP Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class Kai B Summer Mode (1956): 244 Armor, 470 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Flagship (1862): 108 Armor, 130 HP
Aircraft Carrier Summer Princess B (1964): 239 Armor, 880 HP, 138 APAircraft Carrier Summer Princess B (1964): 239 Armor, 880 HP, 138 AP Aircraft Carrier Summer Princess B (1964): 239 Armor, 880 HP, 138 AP Light Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 AP Battleship Summer Princess III (1698): 168 Armor, 530 HP Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class Kai B Summer Mode (1956): 244 Armor, 470 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Flagship (1862): 108 Armor, 130 HP
Aircraft Carrier Summer Princess B (1964): 239 Armor, 880 HP, 138 APAircraft Carrier Summer Princess B (1964): 239 Armor, 880 HP, 138 AP Aircraft Carrier Summer Princess B (1964): 239 Armor, 880 HP, 138 AP Light Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 AP Light Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 AP Battleship Summer Princess III (1698): 168 Armor, 530 HP Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class Kai B Summer Mode (1956): 244 Armor, 470 HP
# Formation Air Defense Node AD/AP
E-7 V2: 深海機動部隊 前衛巡洋艦戦隊 (PoiDB)
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
V2 Line Ahead
Double Line
Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class Flagship (1527): 70 Armor, 76 HPHeavy Cruiser Ri-Class Flagship (1527): 70 Armor, 76 HP Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class Flagship (1527): 70 Armor, 76 HP Light Cruiser He-Class Flagship (1555): 39 Armor, 57 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Flagship (1862): 108 Armor, 130 HP Destroyer Ni-Class Late Model (1578): 33 Armor, 40 HP Destroyer Ni-Class Late Model (1578): 33 Armor, 40 HP
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
E-7 V3: 深海南方部隊 火力支援集団 B群 (PoiDB)
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
V3 Line Ahead
Double Line
Battleship Ru-Class Flagship (1529): 99 Armor, 98 HPBattleship Ru-Class Flagship (1529): 99 Armor, 98 HP Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class Flagship (1527): 70 Armor, 76 HP Light Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship II (1766): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 132 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship II (1766): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 132 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship II (1766): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 132 AP Light Cruiser Ho-Class Flagship (1554): 36 Armor, 53 HP Destroyer Ni-Class Late Model (1578): 33 Armor, 40 HP Destroyer Ni-Class Late Model (1578): 33 Armor, 40 HP
Light Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship II (1766): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 132 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship II (1766): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 132 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship II (1766): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 132 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship II (1766): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 132 AP Battleship Ru-Class Flagship (1529): 99 Armor, 98 HP Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class Flagship (1527): 70 Armor, 76 HP Light Cruiser Ho-Class Flagship (1554): 36 Armor, 53 HP Destroyer Ni-Class Late Model (1578): 33 Armor, 40 HP Destroyer Ni-Class Late Model (1578): 33 Armor, 40 HP
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
E-7 V4: 深海機動部隊前衛集団 艦載機群 (PoiDB)
# Formation Air Defense Node AD/AP
V4 Diamond
Aircraft Carrier Summer Princess B (1964): 239 Armor, 880 HP, 138 APAircraft Carrier Summer Princess B (1964): 239 Armor, 880 HP, 138 AP Light Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 AP Light Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 AP Battleship Summer Princess III (1698): 168 Armor, 530 HP Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class Kai B Summer Mode (1956): 244 Armor, 470 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Flagship (1862): 108 Armor, 130 HP
Aircraft Carrier Summer Princess B (1964): 239 Armor, 880 HP, 138 APAircraft Carrier Summer Princess B (1964): 239 Armor, 880 HP, 138 AP Aircraft Carrier Summer Princess B (1964): 239 Armor, 880 HP, 138 AP Light Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 AP Battleship Summer Princess III (1698): 168 Armor, 530 HP Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class Kai B Summer Mode (1956): 244 Armor, 470 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Flagship (1862): 108 Armor, 130 HP
Aircraft Carrier Summer Princess B (1964): 239 Armor, 880 HP, 138 APAircraft Carrier Summer Princess B (1964): 239 Armor, 880 HP, 138 AP Aircraft Carrier Summer Princess B (1964): 239 Armor, 880 HP, 138 AP Light Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 AP Light Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 AP Battleship Summer Princess III (1698): 168 Armor, 530 HP Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class Kai B Summer Mode (1956): 244 Armor, 470 HP
# Formation Air Defense Node AD/AP
E-7 V5: 深海機動部隊 前衛集団護衛艦艇 (PoiDB)
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
V5 Line Ahead
Double Line
Light Cruiser He-Class Flagship (1555): 39 Armor, 57 HPLight Cruiser He-Class Flagship (1555): 39 Armor, 57 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Elite (1592): 68 Armor, 66 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Elite (1592): 68 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Na-Class Elite (1740): 55 Armor, 63 HP Destroyer Na-Class Elite (1740): 55 Armor, 63 HP Destroyer Na-Class Elite (1740): 55 Armor, 63 HP
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
E-7 W: 深海機動部隊 前衛集団残存部隊 (PoiDB)
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
W Line Ahead
Double Line
Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class Flagship (1527): 70 Armor, 76 HPHeavy Cruiser Ri-Class Flagship (1527): 70 Armor, 76 HP Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class Flagship (1527): 70 Armor, 76 HP Light Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 AP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Flagship (1862): 108 Armor, 130 HP Destroyer Ni-Class Late Model (1578): 33 Armor, 40 HP Destroyer Ni-Class Late Model (1578): 33 Armor, 40 HP
Light Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 AP Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class Flagship (1527): 70 Armor, 76 HP Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class Flagship (1527): 70 Armor, 76 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Flagship (1862): 108 Armor, 130 HP Destroyer Ni-Class Late Model (1578): 33 Armor, 40 HP Destroyer Ni-Class Late Model (1578): 33 Armor, 40 HP
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
E-7 W1: 深海機動部隊旗艦集団 艦載機群 (PoiDB)
# Formation Air Defense Node AD/AP
W1 Diamond
South Pacific Aircraft Carrier Princess III (1973): 318 Armor, 888 HP, 118 APSouth Pacific Aircraft Carrier Princess III (1973): 318 Armor, 888 HP, 118 AP Light Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 AP Light Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 AP Battleship Summer Princess III (1698): 168 Armor, 530 HP Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class Kai B Summer Mode (1956): 244 Armor, 470 HP Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class Kai B Summer Mode (1956): 244 Armor, 470 HP
South Pacific Aircraft Carrier Princess III (1973): 318 Armor, 888 HP, 118 APSouth Pacific Aircraft Carrier Princess III (1973): 318 Armor, 888 HP, 118 AP Aircraft Carrier Summer Princess B (1964): 239 Armor, 880 HP, 138 AP Light Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 AP Battleship Summer Princess III (1698): 168 Armor, 530 HP Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class Kai B Summer Mode (1956): 244 Armor, 470 HP Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class Kai B Summer Mode (1956): 244 Armor, 470 HP
South Pacific Aircraft Carrier Princess Damaged III (1976): 388 Armor, 888 HP, 155 APSouth Pacific Aircraft Carrier Princess Damaged III (1976): 388 Armor, 888 HP, 155 AP Aircraft Carrier Summer Princess B (1964): 239 Armor, 880 HP, 138 AP Aircraft Carrier Summer Princess B (1964): 239 Armor, 880 HP, 138 AP Battleship Summer Princess III (1698): 168 Armor, 530 HP Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class Kai B Summer Mode (1956): 244 Armor, 470 HP Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class Kai B Summer Mode (1956): 244 Armor, 470 HP
# Formation Air Defense Node AD/AP
E-7 W2
# Empty Node
W2 気のせいだった。

Must be my imagination.
We've spotted the main body of the enemy task force! High anti-air alert!
# Empty Node
E-7 W3: 深海機動部隊 旗艦集団護衛艦艇 (PoiDB)
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
W3 Line Ahead
Double Line
Light Cruiser He-Class Flagship (1555): 39 Armor, 57 HPLight Cruiser He-Class Flagship (1555): 39 Armor, 57 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Flagship (1862): 108 Armor, 130 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model II Flagship (1952): 79 Armor, 69 HP Destroyer Na-Class Flagship (1741): 59 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Na-Class Flagship (1741): 59 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Na-Class Flagship (1741): 59 Armor, 66 HP
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
E-7 W4: 深海機動部隊旗艦集団 艦載機群 (PoiDB)
# Formation Air Defense Node AD/AP
W4 Diamond
South Pacific Aircraft Carrier Princess III (1973): 318 Armor, 888 HP, 118 APSouth Pacific Aircraft Carrier Princess III (1973): 318 Armor, 888 HP, 118 AP Light Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 AP Light Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 AP Battleship Summer Princess III (1698): 168 Armor, 530 HP Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class Kai B Summer Mode (1956): 244 Armor, 470 HP Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class Kai B Summer Mode (1956): 244 Armor, 470 HP
South Pacific Aircraft Carrier Princess III (1973): 318 Armor, 888 HP, 118 APSouth Pacific Aircraft Carrier Princess III (1973): 318 Armor, 888 HP, 118 AP Aircraft Carrier Summer Princess B (1964): 239 Armor, 880 HP, 138 AP Light Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 AP Battleship Summer Princess III (1698): 168 Armor, 530 HP Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class Kai B Summer Mode (1956): 244 Armor, 470 HP Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class Kai B Summer Mode (1956): 244 Armor, 470 HP
South Pacific Aircraft Carrier Princess Damaged III (1976): 388 Armor, 888 HP, 155 APSouth Pacific Aircraft Carrier Princess Damaged III (1976): 388 Armor, 888 HP, 155 AP Aircraft Carrier Summer Princess B (1964): 239 Armor, 880 HP, 138 AP Aircraft Carrier Summer Princess B (1964): 239 Armor, 880 HP, 138 AP Battleship Summer Princess III (1698): 168 Armor, 530 HP Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class Kai B Summer Mode (1956): 244 Armor, 470 HP Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class Kai B Summer Mode (1956): 244 Armor, 470 HP
# Formation Air Defense Node AD/AP
E-7 W5
# Empty Node
W5 気のせいだった。

Must be my imagination.
The enemy main force is in the area! Step up reconnaissance to find them!
# Empty Node
E-7 X: 深海南方部隊 復旧リコリス基地 (PoiDB)
# Formation Boss Battle Node AD/AP
X Cruising Formation 4
Lycoris Princess III (1681): 140 Armor, 680 HP, 174 APLycoris Princess III (1681): 140 Armor, 680 HP, 174 AP Supply Depot Princess B III (1923): 180 Armor, 990 HP, 74 AP Supply Depot Princess B II (1922): 130 Armor, 660 HP, 47 AP Supply Depot Princess B II (1922): 130 Armor, 660 HP, 47 AP Artillery Imp III (1667): 100 Armor, 130 HP Transport Ship Wa-Class Elite (1526): 35 Armor, 80 HP
Light Cruiser He-Class Flagship (1555): 39 Armor, 57 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Elite (1592): 68 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Ni-Class Late Model Elite (1624): 48 Armor, 49 HP Destroyer Ni-Class Late Model Elite (1624): 48 Armor, 49 HP Transport Ship Wa-Class Elite (1526): 35 Armor, 80 HP Transport Ship Wa-Class Elite (1526): 35 Armor, 80 HP
Cruising Formation 4
Lycoris Princess III (1681): 140 Armor, 680 HP, 174 APLycoris Princess III (1681): 140 Armor, 680 HP, 174 AP Supply Depot Princess B Damaged III (1926): 240 Armor, 990 HP, 90 AP Supply Depot Princess B Damaged II (1925): 170 Armor, 660 HP, 66 AP Supply Depot Princess B Damaged II (1925): 170 Armor, 660 HP, 66 AP Artillery Imp III (1667): 100 Armor, 130 HP Transport Ship Wa-Class Elite (1526): 35 Armor, 80 HP
Light Cruiser He-Class Kai Flagship II (1905): 89 Armor, 150 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Flagship (1862): 108 Armor, 130 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model II Elite (1951): 69 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model II Elite (1951): 69 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model II Elite (1951): 69 Armor, 66 HP Transport Ship Wa-Class Elite (1526): 35 Armor, 80 HP
# Formation Boss Battle Node AD/AP
E-7 Y: 深海機動部隊 前衛集団 (PoiDB)
# Formation Boss Battle Node AD/AP
Y Cruising Formation 4
Aircraft Carrier Summer Princess B (1964): 239 Armor, 880 HP, 138 APAircraft Carrier Summer Princess B (1964): 239 Armor, 880 HP, 138 AP Light Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 AP Light Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 AP Battleship Summer Princess III (1698): 168 Armor, 530 HP Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class Kai B Summer Mode (1956): 244 Armor, 470 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Flagship (1862): 108 Armor, 130 HP
Light Cruiser He-Class Flagship (1555): 39 Armor, 57 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Elite (1592): 68 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model II Elite (1951): 69 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model II Elite (1951): 69 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Na-Class Elite (1740): 55 Armor, 63 HP Destroyer Na-Class Elite (1740): 55 Armor, 63 HP
Cruising Formation 4
Aircraft Carrier Summer Princess B (1964): 239 Armor, 880 HP, 138 APAircraft Carrier Summer Princess B (1964): 239 Armor, 880 HP, 138 AP Aircraft Carrier Summer Princess B (1964): 239 Armor, 880 HP, 138 AP Light Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 AP Battleship Summer Princess III (1698): 168 Armor, 530 HP Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class Kai B Summer Mode (1956): 244 Armor, 470 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Flagship (1862): 108 Armor, 130 HP
Light Cruiser He-Class Kai Flagship II (1905): 89 Armor, 150 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Elite (1592): 68 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model II Elite (1951): 69 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model II Elite (1951): 69 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model II Elite (1951): 69 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model II Elite (1951): 69 Armor, 66 HP
# Formation Boss Battle Node AD/AP
E-7 Z: 深海機動部隊 南太平洋旗艦集団 (PoiDB)
# Formation Boss Battle Node AD/AP
Z Cruising Formation 4
South Pacific Aircraft Carrier Princess III (1973): 318 Armor, 888 HP, 118 APSouth Pacific Aircraft Carrier Princess III (1973): 318 Armor, 888 HP, 118 AP Light Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 AP Light Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 AP Battleship Summer Princess III (1698): 168 Armor, 530 HP Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class Kai B Summer Mode (1956): 244 Armor, 470 HP Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class Kai B Summer Mode (1956): 244 Armor, 470 HP
Light Cruiser He-Class Flagship (1555): 39 Armor, 57 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Flagship (1862): 108 Armor, 130 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model II Flagship (1952): 79 Armor, 69 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model II Flagship (1952): 79 Armor, 69 HP Destroyer Na-Class Flagship (1741): 59 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Na-Class Flagship (1741): 59 Armor, 66 HP
Cruising Formation 4
South Pacific Aircraft Carrier Princess Damaged III (1976): 388 Armor, 888 HP, 155 APSouth Pacific Aircraft Carrier Princess Damaged III (1976): 388 Armor, 888 HP, 155 AP Aircraft Carrier Summer Princess B (1964): 239 Armor, 880 HP, 138 AP Aircraft Carrier Summer Princess B (1964): 239 Armor, 880 HP, 138 AP Battleship Summer Princess III (1698): 168 Armor, 530 HP Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class Kai B Summer Mode (1956): 244 Armor, 470 HP Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class Kai B Summer Mode (1956): 244 Armor, 470 HP
Light Cruiser He-Class Kai Flagship II (1905): 89 Armor, 150 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Flagship (1862): 108 Armor, 130 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Flagship (1862): 108 Armor, 130 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model II Flagship (1952): 79 Armor, 69 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model II Flagship (1952): 79 Armor, 69 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model II Flagship (1952): 79 Armor, 69 HP
# Formation Boss Battle Node AD/AP
E-7 Z1: 深海潜水部隊 艦隊前衛哨戒 II群 (PoiDB)
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
Z1 Echelon
Line Abreast
Submarine Summer Princess B Flagship II (1978): 39 Armor, 198 HPSubmarine Summer Princess B Flagship II (1978): 39 Armor, 198 HP Submarine So-Class Elite (1571): 30 Armor, 45 HP Submarine So-Class Elite (1571): 30 Armor, 45 HP Submarine So-Class Elite (1571): 30 Armor, 45 HP
Line Abreast
Submarine Summer Princess B Flagship II (1978): 39 Armor, 198 HPSubmarine Summer Princess B Flagship II (1978): 39 Armor, 198 HP Submarine So-Class Flagship (1572): 42 Armor, 48 HP Submarine So-Class Elite (1571): 30 Armor, 45 HP Submarine So-Class Elite (1571): 30 Armor, 45 HP
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
E-7 Z2: 深海機動部隊 旗艦集団警戒艦隊 (PoiDB)
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
Z2 Line Ahead
Double Line
Light Cruiser He-Class Flagship (1555): 39 Armor, 57 HPLight Cruiser He-Class Flagship (1555): 39 Armor, 57 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Flagship (1862): 108 Armor, 130 HP Destroyer Na-Class Flagship (1741): 59 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Na-Class Flagship (1741): 59 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Ni-Class Late Model (1578): 33 Armor, 40 HP Destroyer Ni-Class Late Model (1578): 33 Armor, 40 HP
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
E-7 Z3: 深海機動部隊 警戒航空集団 (PoiDB)
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
Z3 Diamond
Light Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship II (1766): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 132 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship II (1766): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 132 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship II (1766): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 132 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship II (1766): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 132 AP Battleship Ta-Class Flagship (1543): 96 Armor, 90 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Flagship (1862): 108 Armor, 130 HP Destroyer Na-Class Flagship (1741): 59 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Ni-Class Late Model (1578): 33 Armor, 40 HP Destroyer Ni-Class Late Model (1578): 33 Armor, 40 HP
Light Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 AP Battleship Ta-Class Flagship (1543): 96 Armor, 90 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Flagship (1862): 108 Armor, 130 HP Destroyer Na-Class Flagship (1741): 59 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Ni-Class Late Model (1578): 33 Armor, 40 HP Destroyer Ni-Class Late Model (1578): 33 Armor, 40 HP
Light Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship IV (1780): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 150 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship IV (1780): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 150 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship IV (1780): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 150 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship IV (1780): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 150 AP Battleship Ta-Class Flagship (1543): 96 Armor, 90 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Flagship (1862): 108 Armor, 130 HP Destroyer Na-Class Flagship (1741): 59 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Ni-Class Late Model (1578): 33 Armor, 40 HP Destroyer Ni-Class Late Model (1578): 33 Armor, 40 HP
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP

Ship drops

Ship drops
Type Ship O V5 W W3 X Y Z Z3
DE Daitou Casual+ Casual+
DE Hiburi Medium+ Casual+
DE Yashiro Casual+ Casual+
DD Akishimo Hard+ Casual+
DD Amatsukaze Casual+
DD Arashi Medium+ Casual+
DD Harusame Casual+ Casual+ Casual+ Casual+ Casual+ Casual+
DD Hatsukaze Medium+ Casual+
DD Isokaze Casual+ Casual+ Medium+
DD Kazagumo Easy+ Casual+
DD Maikaze Easy+ Casual+ Hard+
DD Nowaki Casual+ Easy+ Easy+ Casual+ Casual+ Casual+
DD Takanami Casual+ Casual+
DD Tanikaze Medium+ Hard+ Hard+ Easy+ Casual+ Easy+
DD Tokitsukaze Casual+
CA Houston Easy+ Casual+
CVL Gambier Bay Casual+
CV Ark Royal Casual+
CV Graf Zeppelin Medium+ Casual+
CVB Taihou Medium+ Casual+
DD Hamakaze Hard+ Casual+ Casual+ Casual+ Casual+ Medium+
DD Makigumo Casual+ Casual+
DD Naganami Casual+ Casual+
DD Urakaze Easy+ Medium+ Medium+ Casual+ Casual+ Casual+
DD Yuugumo Casual+ Casual+
CL Nagara Casual+ Casual+ Casual+ Casual+ Casual+ Casual+ Casual+ Casual+
CL Sendai Casual+ Casual+ Casual+ Casual+ Casual+ Casual+ Casual+ Casual+
CA Atago Casual+ Casual+
CA Chikuma Casual+ Casual+
CA Kumano Casual+ Casual+ Casual+ Easy+ Casual+ Casual+ Casual+ Casual+
CA Myoukou Casual+ Casual+
CA Suzuya Casual+ Casual+
CA Tone Casual+ Casual+
CVL Junyou Casual+ Casual+ Casual+
CVL Zuihou Easy+ Casual+ Medium+ Casual+
FBB Haruna Easy+ Casual+
FBB Hiei Casual+ Casual+
FBB Kirishima Casual+ Casual+
FBB Kongou Casual+ Casual+
CV Akagi Casual+
CV Hiryuu Casual+
CV Kaga Casual+
CV Shoukaku Casual+ Casual+
CV Souryuu Casual+
CV Zuikaku Medium+ Casual+

E-5 Clear Message