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Fall 2019 Event/E-6

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A Fierce Fight! The Third Battle of the Solomon Sea
No map name yet


  • Event Tag: Fall2019EventGoldTag.png Decisive Battle Squadron

(Phase 1 - Transport Phase):

  • Hard ():
  • Medium ():
  • Easy ():
  • Casual ():

Phase 2 - : Anti-Air Cruiser Princess

  • Hard ():
  • Medium ():
  • Easy ():
  • Casual ():

Key Rewards:

E-6 Branching Rules
Nodes Rules
  • Do not meet the requirements to go to C.
  • Single Fleet
  • Alternatively, meet ALL of the following requirements:
    • Carrier Task Force OR Transport Combined Fleet
    • Fast Fleet
    • Amount of CV(L/B) ≤ 3
    • No Slow DD (engines irrelevant)
  • Meet ALL of the following requirements:
    • Amount of (F)BB(V)+CV(L/B) ≤ 6
    • Amount of CV(L/B)+LHA ≤ 4 (Shinshuu Maru doesn't count)
    • And meet ANY of the following requirements:
      • Fast Fleet
      • Carrier Task Force AND amount of DE+DD ≥ 3
      • Surface Task Force AND amount of DE+DD ≥ 4
      • Amount of (F)BB(V) ≤ 2
      • Amount of (F)BB(V)+CV(L/B)+LHA ≤ 4
      • Amount of CV(L/B) ≤ 1
      • Fleet contains Shinshuu Maru
  • Do not meet the requirements to go to D.
  • Active branching
  • Do not meet the requirements to go to F.
  • Meet ALL of the following requirements:
    • Amount of DD ≥ 2
    • No CV(B)
    • If Transport Escort OR Single Fleet, no CV(L/B)
    • No SS(V)
    • If Single Fleet, amount of (F)BB(V) ≤ 2
    • If Combined Fleet, amount of (F)BB(V) ≤ 3
    • Meet ANY of the following to prevent random routing:
      • Fleet contains AV
      • Amount of ships equipped with Surface radars ≥ 4
  • Do not meet the requirements to go to I.
  • Meet ALL of the following requirements:
    • No SS(V)
    • No CV(L/B)
    • No LHA
    • Amount of (F)BB(V) ≤ 3
  • Do not meet the requirements to go to J.
  • Meet ALL of the following requirements:
    • Amount of CV(L/B) ≤ 3
    • Amount of CV(B) ≤ 2
    • Amount of (F)BB(V) ≤ 2
  • Not a Carrier Task Force
  • Carrier Task Force
  • Do not meet the requirements to go to either N or X.
  • Meet ALL of the following requirements:
    • Do not meet the requirements to go to X.
    • Fleet must contain CL
    • Amount of DD ≥ 2
    • Amount of (F)BB(V) ≤ 2
    • Fast Fleet OR Single Fleet
    • No CV(B) OR Single Fleet
  • Meet ALL of the following requirements:
    • Node X is unlocked.
    • Fleet contains Akashi Kai or Akitsushima Kai
    • Fleet must contain CL
    • Amount of DD ≥ 2
  • Pass the LoS check, but do not meet the requirements to go to R.
  • Meet ALL of the following requirements:
    • Pass the LoS check
    • Amount of CV(B) ≤ 2
    • Amount of (F)BB(V) ≤ 3
  • Do not meet the requirements to go to either Q or R.
  • Do not meet the requirements to go to S.
  • Meet ALL of the following requirements:
    • Node S is unlocked.
    • Surface Task Force
  • Do not meet the requirements to go to W.
  • Meet ALL of the following requirements:
    • Pass the LoS check.
    • Amount of ships equipped with Surface radars ≥ 3

Branching compositions were reported over the course of the event.


Branching rules

  • No branching rules known



If you have been following all preparations within the guide thoroughly up to this point and have enough historical ships preserved. You should have enough ships to be able to handle the final map. But be aware that this map will present the hardest challenge you will have to face as you will have to face up against insanely difficult enemies that may be hard to pass without the power of your historical fleet. Even on lower difficulties, where the battles and requirements will be easier, the overall fight will still be rather long and lengthy. So plan accordingly so you can be able to complete this map.

Below are the following options you should consider before partaking this map:

  1. Do you have Nelson?
  2. Do you have Hiei and Kirishima reserved for this map?
  3. Do you have some CAVs still reserved (mainly from the Tone-class and/or Suzuya and Kumano)? (at least 1)
  4. Do you have several TCI capable DDs that you can utilize in your fleet? (Namely Ayanami, Yukikaze, Shigure)
  5. Bonus: Do you have any luck modded historical DDs that can also help out? (A luck modded Yuudachi would be helpful here. But isn't entirely necessary)
  6. Do you have Kinugasa? (Optional, but recommended)
  7. Do you have have several ASW planes / Toukai?
  8. Can you achieve AS at your land base? (770 AP on Hard, 371 on Normal)
  9. Do you have a sparkled support fleet to help cover ground for both in-route and boss node?
  10. Do you have Akashi or Akitsushima available and at Kai?

If you have met most of the historical ship conditions (namely Hiei, Kirishima, the CAVs and the DDs) you should be able to bring a very strong fleet over the duration of the event. If you have Nelson, you should be able to clear out most of the enemy fleets are boss nodes (in some cases) at a successful rate.

If you have Akitsushima /Akashi reserved, you can take advantage of a short cut for part 2 of the operation. If you however locked or don't have either, it is highy recommended returning to E-1 and obtain another Akashi or Akitsushima and train them to Kai before you partake on this map!

If you know you have ASW planes you shouldn't have an issue with the submarines, and if you have your Land Base that can achieve 770 AP with some rocket interceptors then you should be able to clear the AS requirements easily.

However if you cannot achieve this, you may need to drop your difficulty in order to meet these conditions. Also as an alternative option, you can always wait till the release of Friend Fleets.

Historical Bonuses

On this map there will be a great number of ships that have a historical bonus that can take advantage of this map but only a few key ones will be able to deliver a significant amount of damage to the boss. So if you're careful enough you will have conserved most of your best historical heavy hitting ships that you can use towards this map as it'll be the final map.

Below is a list of all the ships with known historical bonuses, but due to the sheer complexity of this map, we have divided it up based on node specific bonuses based on current known information regarding the known ships are given bonuses based on their location:

Along with the ships noted in the Mapwide Bonus tab, the following ships have unique bonuses on the L and Q Node 1.2x Bonus

Along with the ships noted in the Mapwide Bonus tab, the following ships have unique bonuses on the V Node 1.26x Bonus

If you have managed to save most of your important ships up to this point you should difficulty arranging your fleet to meet your needs for the event's requirements as all historicals will be vital to help you clear this map, especially for the higher difficulty.

Step 1: Complete the Transport Operation

This phase of the Operation is a Transport Operation which will involve taking you transport supplies and then facing off against a boss fleet. You will need to deplete the TP gauge before you can complete the operation and move on to the next step.

During this phase, you will be facing various challenges along the way. Below are the following compositions that are most recommended for this phase.

Recommended Fleet

  • 2(F)BB(V), 1-2 CAV, 0-1 AV, 2 DD + 1 CL, 3 DD, 2 DD/CLT/CA (Fast Fleet)
  • A-B-D-I-K-N-O-P
  • This method is the most preferred method of tackling this phase.
  • Using this fleet will allow you to A/S rank more consistently, however your TP points may drain more slowly.
  • Depending on your fleet and LBAS situation, you may need to bring 1-3 OASW.
  • DDs in the main fleet should be equipped with Daihatsu and add additional drums / Daihatsu if possible where you can.
  • You need to bring at least one Seaplane fighter / Zuiun to get AS at the boss node.
  • In the Night Battle node, your escort fleet will be having their turn to attack. It's recommended to use Vanguard formation to attempt to bypass this node with little damage.
  • Alternatively, if you're bringing an inroute support fleet, you can also opt for Line ahead, but it can be possibly risky.

Recommended Fleet

  • TCF: 2 CA(V), 4DD + 1 CL, 3 DD, 2 CA (Fast Fleet)
  • C-F-I-K-N-O-P
  • While this method is more difficult to succeed with, it is possible to way more TP points from this method. Compared to doing the map through the STF approach.
  • Depending on your situation with your LBAS, you may need to deploy 1-3 ASW DDs to help you survive the trip through the sub node.
  • You need to bring at least one Seaplane fighter / Zuiun to get AS at the boss node.
  • In the Night Battle node, your escort fleet will be having their turn to attack. It's recommended to use Vanguard formation to attempt to bypass this node with little damage.
  • In route Support is highly recommended for this as your fleet's survival depends on how well your escort makes it through the battle.
  • Bringing a Fleet Command Facility may also be recommended

In addition to this, LBAS needs to be planned carefully in order to successfully complete this map as well. Below are the following methods that need to be considered for this phase:


  • 2-4 ASW Bombers
  • This LBAS will be designated mainly for clearing your way through the subs in either node B or F.
  • If using STF, set LBAS to B
  • If using TCF, set LBAS to F
  • If you lack in Toukai, you can consider developing Type 97 Torpedo Bombers into Type 97 Torpedo Bomber (931 Air Group)s to fulfill your ASW needs.
  • It is recommended to have at least 2 ASW bombers to make your run more successful, but you may need more ASW ships in your fleet to improve your survival chances depending on this node.

LBAS 1-3

  • 4 Land Base Bombers / Torpedo Bomber (Distance of 6 required)
  • This LBAS will be designated mainly for taking out most of the enemies at the boss node of P.
  • It's recommended to have 2 of the LBAS sent here, while the 3rd one is on ASW in B/F. But if you lack in ASW planes, you can opt for Node P.

The boss node will consist of a BattleShip Water Demon Kai, while strong, can be easily beaten with historical ships. Since she has no air power, it is easy to gain AS with just one Seaplane fighter / Zuiun, and with the combination of your LBAS and fleet's strength. It should be easy to earn a victory and deplete the TP gauge. Whichever method you choose to do so is entirely up to you. But in the end, you can eventually clear out the gauge with this method.

Once the TP gauge is clear, this method is considered complete and the path to the 2nd boss becomes open as well as a means to unlock a new passage.

If you have Akashi and/or Akitsushima it is recommend to look into completing Step 2 to open the shortcut to make everything more convenient. If you however locked or don't have either, it's highy recommend returning to E-1 and obtain another Akashi or Akitsushima and train them to Kai before you advance on this map!

Step 2: Open the path to the Repair Anchorage Node (Node X)

In this phase of the operation, you can choose to unlock a passage to a repair anchorage node that you can take advantage of to use as a shortcut for your fleet that will be engaging against the Anti-Air Cruiser Princess.

Depending on the difficulty the process will either be very simple or very complicated. Below are the main requirements needed to unlock the path.

  • S Rank node P once (Transport Combined Fleet or Single Fleet required)
  • S rank node N once (can be done while doing Node P)
  • A+ Rank node V Twice (Carrier Task Force Required)
  • Obtain AS on nodes E, H, and M one time each
  • Obtain AS on land base defense Twice

  • S Rank node P once (Transport Combined Fleet or Single Fleet required)
  • S rank node N once (can be done while doing Node P)
  • A+ Rank node V Twice (Carrier Task Force Required)
  • Obtain AS on nodes E and H one time each
  • Obtain AS on land base defense once

  • A+ Rank node P once (Transport Combined Fleet or Single Fleet required)
  • A+ rank node N once (can be done while doing Node P)
  • A+ Rank node V Once (Carrier Task Force Required)

  • A+ Rank node P once (Transport Combined Fleet or Single Fleet required)
  • A+ Rank node V Once (Carrier Task Force Required)

Below this the guide will go through all the necessary steps on the node requirements starting from the ones needed from all difficulties to the ones needed on only the higher difficulties.

Step 2a: A-S Ranking node P once

This node is required to be completed on all difficulties, however on Normal and above, you will need an S rank to secure the conditions.

In addition to this, with the new path unlocked, your surface task force will no longer have access to this path, meaning you will need to use a Single Fleet or Transport Combined Fleet to complete these conditions. Below are the two known methods that can be used for this Node:

Recommended Fleet

  • 2(F)BB(V), 1 CAV, 1 CL, 2 DD (Fast Fleet)
  • C-D-I-K-N-O-P
  • This method is the most preferred method of tackling this phase.
  • You can opt to bypass the sub nodes if you wish to reach to boss more safely.
  • You need to bring at least one Seaplane fighter / Zuiun to get AS at the boss node.
  • In the Night Battle node, your escort fleet will be having their turn to attack. It's recommended to use Vanguard formation to attempt to bypass this node with little damage.
  • Alternatively, if you're bringing an inroute support fleet, you can also opt for Line ahead, but it can be possibly risky.

Recommended Fleet

  • TCF: 2 CA(V), 4DD + 1 CL, 3 DD, 2 CA (Fast Fleet)
  • C-F-I-K-N-O-P
  • While this method is more difficult to succeed with due to the low combat strength your fleet will have.
  • Depending on your situation with your LBAS, you may need to deploy 1-3 ASW DDs to help you survive the trip through the sub node.
  • You need to bring at least one Seaplane fighter / Zuiun to get AS at the boss node.
  • In the Night Battle node, your escort fleet will be having their turn to attack. It's recommended to use Vanguard formation to attempt to bypass this node with little damage.
  • In route Support is highly recommended for this as your fleet's survival depends on how well your escort makes it through the battle.
  • Bringing a Fleet Command Facility may also be recommended
  • The most difficult parts of this map will involve battling the surface fleets (More specifically the one on Node N) as your main fleet is in greater danger during this segment.

LBAS should be the same as before hand in Step 1 so the method you use for here shouldn't be any different.

Once the condition is met, a ding sound will be heard once you have returned to port.

Step 2b: A Rank Node V Twice (Hard)/ Once (Normal)

In this phase you will need to use a Carrier Task Force make your way up to the northern part of the map to reach node V and face off against the Carrier Princess Kai. The following composition is the most recommended comp to use to reach node V efficiently.

Recommended Fleet

  • CTF: 2 FBB, 2 CV, 1 CVL, 1 CAV + 1 CL, 3 DD, 2 CLT/CA


  • C-F-G-J-L-R-V
  • As per usual, depending on your LBAS situation, 1-3 OASW ships may be needed in escort.
  • Air Raid will have considerably high Air Power so if necessary, bring AACI.
  • Node V will consist of an enemy combined fleet that is very similar to the E-5 Boss fleet. Prepare for a difficult battle.

Your LBAS should be armed in a fashion where you will either risk the ranks of your bombers for damage or strive to achieve AD with your LBAS to allow for an easier victory from your fleet. Since the fleet is more or less on par with the E-5 Boss fleet prepare for a similar difficult battle ahead as the same method from there can work here.

Recommended LBAS

  • LBAS 1: Mainly Fighters/with some Land Bombers if possible (Distance of 6 Required)
  • LBAS 2: Mainly Fighters/with some Land Bombers if possible (Distance of 6 Required)
  • Need to 151-193 AP for Normal, 166-210 on Hard
  • Will lower the air power requirements needed to get to AP or AS depending on the difficulties
  • May disable carriers if enough strong AD allows for AACI to wipe out the rest of the planes
LBAS 3 should remain for ASW duty for Node F if possible.

Recommended LBAS

  • LBAS 1: 4 Land Base Bombers (Distance of 6 Required)
  • LBAS 2: 4 Land Base Bombers (Distance of 6 Required)
  • Good for clearing out some enemy ships
  • Will however kill most of your bombers and ranks
  • Will make it hard to get AS.
LBAS 3 should remain for ASW duty for Node F if possible.

Overall, score an A rank on this node, should node be difficult, however, should you aim for an S rank, expect some difficult challenges ahead.

Once you complete this condition once or twice depending on the difficulty, you should hear a "ding" upon returning to port.

Step 2c: A-S Ranking node N once

This step is required for Easy Difficulty or Higher

Overall, the process that was used for the Node P run should apply here as well, please review Step 2a for more details.

Step 2d: Obtain AS on node E

This requirement is for Normal Difficulty or above

Recommended Fleet

  • STF: 4 (F)BB(V), 2 CVL + 1 CL, 3 DD, 2 CLT/CA


  • A-B-E

Recommended LBAS

  • LBAS 1: Land Base Fighters/ Fighter (Distance of 3 Required)
  • LBAS 2: Land Base Fighters/ Fighter (Distance of 3 Required)

LBAS 3 can opt to stay as ASW focus to help pass Node B

For this part you will just need a heavy battleship fleet with some decent air power to reach Node E. As long as you bring a ship that can AACI along with decent air power, you can easily wipe out most of the Land Base Bombers nuking the air power from the air raid, making it easy to AS.

Once this condition is met, you should hear a "ding" upon returning to port.

Step 2e: Obtain AS on node H

This requirement is for Normal Difficulty or above

Recommended Fleet

  • CTF: 2 (F)BB(V), 3 CV, 1 CAV + 1 CL, 3 DD, 2 CLT/CA


  • C-F-G-H

Recommended LBAS

  • LBAS 1: Land Base Fighters/ Fighter (Distance of 4 Required)
  • LBAS 2: Land Base Fighters/ Fighter (Distance of 4 Required)

LBAS 3 can opt to stay as ASW focus to help pass Node F

For this part you will just need a heavy Carrier fleet with some decent air power to reach Node H. As long as you bring a ship that can AACI along with decent air power, you can easily wipe out most of the Land Base Bombers nuking the air power from the air raid, making it easy to AS.

Once this condition is met, you should hear a "ding" upon returning to port.

Step 2f: Obtain AS on node M

This requirement is for Hard Mode

Recommended Fleet

  • STF: 3 (F)BB(V), 3 CA(V)/AV + 1 CL, 3 DD, 2 CLT/CA (Slow Fleet)


  • A-B-D-I-K-M

Recommended LBAS

  • LBAS 1: Land Base Fighters/ Fighter (Distance of 5 Required)
  • LBAS 2: Land Base Fighters/ Fighter (Distance of 5 Required)

LBAS 3 can opt to stay as ASW focus to help pass Node B, otherwise if more Air power is needed, set up LBAS in the same way as the others

For this part you will just need a Surface Task Force with some decent air power coming from your CAVs, AVs, and BBVs you bring to reach Node M. If you have a BBV like Ise or Hyuuga in Kai Ni, this should make obtaining the air power more easy to do. As per usual, bringing an AACI ships will help make AS more possible.

If the conditions are met and you should head a "ding" upon returning to Port.

Step 2g: Obtain AS on a Land Base Air Strike Twice

This step is required for Normal Difficulty or Higher

In this phase you will need to defend your Land Base and obtain a suitable amount of air power on higher difficulties to get AS against Land Base Air raid, if you are playing higher difficulties, gaining access to suitable air power will require you to own a few rocket interceptors to available so you don't have your air power lowered significantly. Saiuns can work also as an alternative for boosting your air power if necessary.

Remember you will need to have and air power of at least 770 AP on Hard or 371 on Normal to clear the LBAS air air efficiently with an AS.

Below is the require LBAS needed to gain AS (mainly on hard)

LBAS 1-3: 3 Interceptors, 1 Rocket Interceptor/ Saiun

As for your fleet, it's recommended to deploy a single sub as they will not take damage at all before the land base strike commences.

Repeat twice and if you successfully gain AS on both run, the condition will be met and you should head a "ding" upon returning to Port.

Once all of the above noted conditions from Steps 2a - 2g are completed, the shortcut to Node X should become available.

Step 3: Battle the Anti-Air Cruiser Princess

In this phase of the operation, you will be taking your fleet to engage the Anti-Air Cruiser Princess, the battle against her will vary significantly upon difficulty but the trip to reach her will be notably difficult regardless of what difficulty you pick as Node S presents a big threat to your fleet in general. Below we will look at the most recommended comp which will likely allow you to survive the map.

Recommended Fleet

  • 3(F)BB(V), 2 CAV, Akashi Kai or Akitsushima Kai] + 1 CL, 3 DD, 2 DD/CLT/CA (3-4 Surface Radars depending on who you bring, see notes below)
  • A-B-D-I-K-X-S-W
  • This method is the most preferred method of tackling this phase.
  • If you bring Akashi, you will need 4 Surface Radars
  • If you bring Akitsushima, you will need 3 Surface Radars
  • Depending on your fleet and LBAS situation, you may need to bring 1-3 OASW.
  • You need to bring at least one Seaplane fighter / Zuiun to get AS at the boss node.
  • In the Night Battle node, your escort fleet will be having their turn to attack. It's recommended to use Vanguard formation to attempt to bypass this node with little damage.
  • Alternatively, if you're bringing an inroute support fleet, you can also opt for Line ahead, but it can be possibly risky.
  • Node S will present a very difficult challenge as there will be Ne-class Kai present on the node which will present a threat to your fleet. Note that they are present even on the lowest difficult. The only main difference between them is if you get the 144 Armored version of 255 armored version depending on difficulty.

Recommended Fleet

  • STF: 2 (F)BB , 3 CA(V), AV or XX + CL / 2 DD / 3 XX (AO Possible) (3 Surface Radars Needed) (Fast Fleet)
  • A-B-D-I-K-N-S-W
  • WARNING: This composition is highly dangerous to consider on higher difficulties if you lack in either Akashi Kai or Akitsushima Kai! As you will be losing out on much needed fuel and ammo needed to effectively damage the boss. If possible, return to E-1 to look for Akitsushima or Akashi and remodel them. This should only be used as a last resort.)
  • Depending on your fleet and LBAS situation, you may need to bring 1-3 OASW.
  • You need to bring at least one Seaplane fighter / Zuiun to get AS at the boss node.
  • In the Night Battle node, your escort fleet will be having their turn to attack. It's recommended to use Vanguard formation to attempt to bypass this node with little damage.
  • Alternatively, if you're bringing an inroute support fleet, you can also opt for Line ahead, but it can be possibly risky.
  • Node S will present a very difficult challenge as there will be Ne-class Kai present on the node which will present a threat to your fleet. Note that they are present even on the lowest difficult. The only main difference between them is if you get the 144 Armored version of 255 armored version depending on difficulty.

The LBAS will will also need to be properly assigned to tackle the boss node so below the following setup is recommended.


  • 2-4 ASW Bombers
  • This LBAS will be designated mainly for clearing your way through the subs in either node B or F.
  • If using STF, set LBAS to B
  • If using TCF, set LBAS to F
  • If you lack in Toukai, you can consider developing Type 97 Torpedo Bombers into Type 97 Torpedo Bomber (931 Air Group)s to fulfill your ASW needs.
  • It is recommended to have at least 2 ASW bombers to make your run more successful, but you may need more ASW ships in your fleet to improve your survival chances depending on this node.

LBAS 1-3

  • 4 Land Base Bombers / Torpedo Bomber (Distance of 7 required)
  • This LBAS will be designated mainly for taking out most of the enemies at the boss node of W.
  • It's recommended to have 2 of the LBAS sent here, while the 3rd one is on ASW in B. But if you lack in ASW planes, you can opt for Node P.
  • Be Warned: The Anti-Air Cruiser Princess has the potential to de-rank your planes due to her AACI and high AA.
  • If your playing on Hard Mode, you main objective with this LBAS will be to deliver as much damage to the main fleet along with taking out as many of the escorts ships as you can.

On most difficulties, getting to the boss will present the greater challenge due to Node S's Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class Kais that can potentially knock your fleet out, but if you remember to bring historical ships (Mainly Hiei andKirishima, you can also sink them relatively easily. But if you successfully pass them, you should be able to reach the boss without issue.

The Anti-Air Cruiser Princess will generally by tough on most difficulties, however on Hard mode, she starts off with 2 BattleShip Water Demon Kais, 2 Ne-class Heavy Cruiser Kai (255 Armor version), and flagship tier Tsu-class, He-class Kai and various Na-class DDs.

Tackling this boss will require you to focus extensively on not sinking the boss, but trying to do as much damage as possible to it. Given that you will be up against 4 additional enemies that are all heavily armored, this may make things very difficult to overcome. Using a combination of historical ships along with with Nelson, Hiei amd Kirishima along with the Nelson Touch can result in very lethal combination that can sometimes heavily damage, if not possibly sink some of the tougher enemies at times. Making it easier for your night battle fleet to take a shot at the princess.

The rest will boil down to how well you do in day battle along with whether or not your ships in the escort fleet aimr directly for the Anti-Air Cruiser Princess as you are likely to still have surviving ships present no matter what. Historical ships like Yuudachi, Ayanami, Shigure, Yukikaze and Fletcher are all especially vital for helping possibly score some serious damage if not possibly killing her during this phase. There is no way to know exactly who they will aim for, you can only hope that they target the boss at this point.

While the phase will be long on hard, other difficulties should be straight forward as long as you bring historicals much like on this difficulty. Once you get her to the final kill, carefully plan out if you want to do the debuff process to finish off the Princess as her armor will drastically increase. On Casual to Normal, it may be possible to consider by passing this debuff phase if you have enough historicals. However on hard, you may need the debuff just to successfully finish the boss off efficiently. So if needed please see Step 4. Otherwise please move on to step 5.

Step 4: Complete the Debuff for the Anti-Air Cruiser Princess on Final Kill

If you plan to do the debuff phase to reduce the Anti-Air Cruiser Princess's Armor you will need to complete a series of steps, that will vary depending on the difficulty. Be advised that the steps needed for hard are noted to be especially difficult. Just remember, the boss must be on the final kill before doing the debuff! Below are the listed requirements for each difficulty:

  • S Rank node S once (Surface Task Force required)
  • S Rank node V Once (Carrier Task Force Required)
  • AS on Node M once (Surface Task Force required)
  • S Rank node Q Once (Carrier Task Force Required)
  • Obtain AS on land base defense Twice

  • S Rank node S once (Surface Task Force required)
  • A+ Rank node V Once (Carrier Task Force Required)
  • AS on Node M once (Surface Task Force required)
  • Obtain AS on land base defense once

  • AS on Node M once (Surface Task Force required)
  • A+ Rank node S once (Surface Task Force required)
  • A+ Rank node V Once (Carrier Task Force Required)

  • A+ Rank node S once (Surface Task Force required)
  • A+ Rank node V Once (Carrier Task Force Required)

As like before the requirements will be required based on the difficulty needed for each.

Step 4a: A/S Rank Node S

Using the same Surface Task Force fleet form Step 3 should pretty much allow you to successfully complete this requirement easily.

However, you may opt to send your LBAS to Node S if you wish to aim for a better chance at S rank, even though in most cases it will not be necessary.

The Process should be easy enough to clear without much effort, once the conditions are met, the "ding" sound will play once you return to port.

Step 4b: A/S Rank Node V

For Composition and some LBAS requirements, please refer to Step 2b but below this we will use this section to explore more on how to successfully complete hard mode's requirement for S rank.

Scoring an S rank on Node V will require you to do extensive planning if not possibly take some necessary risks in order to pull off as possible AS on Node V.

The main issue you will likely face on Hard is being able to successfully successfully take out both the main and escort fleet in day battle cause if a ship survives in both fleet, your chances for an S rank are gone entirely.

So to improve your chances you will need to consider one of two possible things:

  1. Depend on getting AS on the 3 Carrier comp (166+ Air Power for AD) using 2 LBAS for V.
  2. Depend on sending all your LBAS to Node V to handle all existing comps (will need 210+ Air Power for AD)

Whichever method you choose, a lot of work will be required. To help make it more possible to score an S rank, it's recommended to use historical ships tied to the Battle of Santa Cruz (Node V) as they are viable for this node. Please refer to Historical Bonuses in the Node V for more details.

  • For option 1, you will mainly be depending on Santa Cruz historical ships and using a similar LBAS set up from the earlier phase. If possible, resort to LBAS Option 1 and get up to over 210 Air Power in your first LBAS and 180+ on the 2nd LBAS. Doing this should allow you to easily AS the 3 Carrier Composition while getting AP on the 4 Carrier Comp.
  • Odds are you will need to depend on your support fleet and ships to hit the right targets and hopefully wipe out most of the escort or the carrier princess. If you want an easier time, try to deploy a speed modded Nelson as flag along with Kongou/Haruna and a historical CAV to try to wipe out most enemy fleet. If you are fortunate enough, you will get one side eliminated so you can have your fleet in night battle wiped out the remaining surviving ships for the other fleet. If the Carrier Princess is one of the said survivors a well placed TCI from a historical ships should be enough to eliminate her.

  • If you plan to try to take on the other comp to score Air Superiority upon it you'll need to send all 3 LBAS to Node V which in this case you will need over 210 Air Power in your first LBAS and 180+ on the 2nd LBAS, and 150+ Air Power for the 3rd LBAS.
  • It should be possible to wipe out most of the fleet as you'll likely gain AS from this but you are likely to face complications from the sub node and other locations along the way. So prepare accordingly if you feel you need to improve your survival chances.
  • Outside of this, the rest rides on your fleet hopefully eliminating the entire fleet and scoring an S rank.

This may take many tries before you can successfully pull it off.

Once the conditions are met, the "ding" sound will play once you return to port.

Step 4c: AS Rank Node M

Required for Normal Difficulty or above

For this step, please refer to Step 2f as most of the details you need to know apply here as well. The process is pretty much the same

So once you obtain AS and return to port a "ding" sound will play indicating you completed the requirement.

Step 4d: A/S Rank Node Q

For this phase you will be bringing a more heavier Carrier fleet to meet the requirements to path to Node Q. Below is the following comp which is needed to reach the node:

Recommended Fleet

  • 2 (F)BB(V), 3 CV, 1 CVL, + 1 CL, 3DD, 2 CA


  • C-F-G-H-J-L-Q

Node Q mainly consist of a Light Carrier , some BBs, CLs, and DDs. Overall, it doesn't pose much of a threat so LBAS is almost not needed for this node. However you can still use them here if you need to quickly wipe them out.

Once the conditions are met, the "ding" sound will play once you return to port.

Step 4e: AS Land Base Air Defense

For this step, please refer to Step 2g as most of the details you need to know apply here as well. The process is pretty much the same.

A "ding" sound will play indicating you completed the requirement once you return to port.

Step 5: Deliver the final blow against the Anti-Air Cruiser Princess

If you have chosen to complete the debuff, then at this point you simply need to reassemble the fleet from Step 3 along with the LBAS in the same fashion, the only thing you can do at this point is hope for someone to aim for the boss to win the fight. As the boss is now filled with even tougher versions of all the ships and will be harder to overtake, but as long as your fleet can deliver damage and hopefully aim directly for the boss the rest should be easily winnable.

While this may or may not make much of a difference, you can also resort to sending your 3rd LBAS to W also with all 4 bombers, to add additional damage to the enemy fleets there if needed and are willing to risk the dangers of the subs in Node B. But otherwise be prepared as it could be problematic.

On lower difficulties, winning against the boss should take little to no effort to achieve. Once you successfully sink the Anti-Air Cruiser Princess the mission will be considered complete.

The event guides are to be constructed through the respective Event map page guide and reviewed by editor staff / collaboration committee before being approved here. Do not under any circumstance update the guides through this page or attempt to fix them through this page. Please only update guides through their respective sandbox pages.

Enemy comps

E-6 AB
# Formation Air Raids AD/AP
AB Diamond
Lycoris Princess V (1683): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 157 APLycoris Princess V (1683): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 157 AP Airfield Princess XIII (1894): ? Armor, 500 HP, 273 APAirfield Princess XIII (1894): ? Armor, 500 HP, 273 APAirfield Princess XIII (1894): ? Armor, 500 HP, 273 AP Airfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 APAirfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 AP Anti-Air Cruiser Princess III (1911): 295 Armor, 777 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Flagship (1862): 108 Armor, 130 HP, 1 AP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Flagship (1862): 108 Armor, 130 HP, 1 AP
Lycoris Princess V (1683): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 157 APLycoris Princess V (1683): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 157 AP Airfield Princess XIII (1894): ? Armor, 500 HP, 273 APAirfield Princess XIII (1894): ? Armor, 500 HP, 273 APAirfield Princess XIII (1894): ? Armor, 500 HP, 273 AP Airfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 APAirfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 AP Airfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 APAirfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 AP Anti-Air Cruiser Princess III (1911): 295 Armor, 777 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Flagship (1862): 108 Armor, 130 HP, 1 AP
Lycoris Princess V (1683): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 157 APLycoris Princess V (1683): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 157 AP Airfield Princess XIII (1894): ? Armor, 500 HP, 273 APAirfield Princess XIII (1894): ? Armor, 500 HP, 273 APAirfield Princess XIII (1894): ? Armor, 500 HP, 273 AP Airfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 AP Airfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 APAirfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 AP Anti-Air Cruiser Princess III (1911): 295 Armor, 777 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Flagship (1862): 108 Armor, 130 HP, 1 AP
Lycoris Princess V (1683): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 157 APLycoris Princess V (1683): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 157 AP Airfield Princess XIII (1894): ? Armor, 500 HP, 273 APAirfield Princess XIII (1894): ? Armor, 500 HP, 273 APAirfield Princess XIII (1894): ? Armor, 500 HP, 273 AP Airfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 AP Airfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 APAirfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 AP Anti-Air Cruiser Princess Damaged III (1914): 355 Armor, 777 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Flagship (1862): 108 Armor, 130 HP, 1 AP
# Formation Air Raids AD/AP
E-6 A
# Empty Node
A 気のせいだった。

Must be my imagination.
Combined fleet, sortie! Be on high anti-submarine alert!
# Empty Node
E-6 B: 深海潜水艦隊 南方部隊 I群 (PoiDB)
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
B Echelon
New Submarine Princess Flagship III (1738): 47 Armor, 377 HPNew Submarine Princess Flagship III (1738): 47 Armor, 377 HP Submarine So-Class Elite (1571): 30 Armor, 45 HP Submarine So-Class Elite (1571): 30 Armor, 45 HP Submarine So-Class Elite (1571): 30 Armor, 45 HP Submarine So-Class Elite (1571): 30 Armor, 45 HP
New Submarine Princess Flagship III (1738): 47 Armor, 377 HPNew Submarine Princess Flagship III (1738): 47 Armor, 377 HP Submarine So-Class Flagship (1572): 42 Armor, 48 HP Submarine So-Class Elite (1571): 30 Armor, 45 HP Submarine So-Class Elite (1571): 30 Armor, 45 HP Submarine So-Class Elite (1571): 30 Armor, 45 HP
New Submarine Princess Flagship III (1738): 47 Armor, 377 HPNew Submarine Princess Flagship III (1738): 47 Armor, 377 HP Submarine So-Class Flagship (1572): 42 Armor, 48 HP Submarine So-Class Flagship (1572): 42 Armor, 48 HP Submarine So-Class Elite (1571): 30 Armor, 45 HP Submarine So-Class Elite (1571): 30 Armor, 45 HP
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
E-6 C
# Selection Node
C 艦隊の針路を選択できます。提督、どちらの針路をとられますか?
You can decide the fleet's course. Admiral, which heading should we take?
# Selection Node
E-6 D: 深海鉄底海峡艦隊 ピケット部隊 (PoiDB)
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
D Line Ahead
Double Line
Light Cruiser He-Class Kai Flagship II (1905): 89 Armor, 150 HPLight Cruiser He-Class Kai Flagship II (1905): 89 Armor, 150 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Flagship (1862): 108 Armor, 130 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Elite (1592): 68 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Ni-Class Late Model (1578): 33 Armor, 40 HP Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model (1577): 29 Armor, 38 HP Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model (1577): 29 Armor, 38 HP
Line Ahead
Double Line
Light Cruiser He-Class Kai Flagship II (1905): 89 Armor, 150 HPLight Cruiser He-Class Kai Flagship II (1905): 89 Armor, 150 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Flagship (1862): 108 Armor, 130 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Flagship (1862): 108 Armor, 130 HP Destroyer Ni-Class Late Model (1578): 33 Armor, 40 HP Destroyer Ni-Class Late Model (1578): 33 Armor, 40 HP Destroyer Ni-Class Late Model (1578): 33 Armor, 40 HP
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
E-6 E: 深海鉄底海峡 リコリス航空隊 (PoiDB)
# Formation Air Defense Node AD/AP
E Diamond
Lycoris Princess V (1683): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 157 APLycoris Princess V (1683): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 157 AP Airfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 APAirfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 AP Airfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 APAirfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 AP Airfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 APAirfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 AP Anti-Air Cruiser Princess III (1911): 295 Armor, 777 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Flagship (1862): 108 Armor, 130 HP
Lycoris Princess V (1683): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 157 APLycoris Princess V (1683): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 157 AP Airfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 AP Airfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 APAirfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 AP Airfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 APAirfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 AP Anti-Air Cruiser Princess III (1911): 295 Armor, 777 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Flagship (1862): 108 Armor, 130 HP
Lycoris Princess V (1683): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 157 APLycoris Princess V (1683): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 157 AP Airfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 APAirfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 APAirfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 AP Airfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 APAirfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 AP Airfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 APAirfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 AP Anti-Air Cruiser Princess Damaged III (1914): 355 Armor, 777 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Flagship (1862): 108 Armor, 130 HP
# Formation Air Defense Node AD/AP
E-6 F: 深海潜水艦隊 南方部隊 II群 (PoiDB)
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
F Echelon
New Submarine Princess Flagship III (1738): 47 Armor, 377 HPNew Submarine Princess Flagship III (1738): 47 Armor, 377 HP Submarine So-Class Elite (1571): 30 Armor, 45 HP Submarine So-Class Elite (1571): 30 Armor, 45 HP Submarine So-Class Elite (1571): 30 Armor, 45 HP Submarine So-Class Elite (1571): 30 Armor, 45 HP
New Submarine Princess Flagship III (1738): 47 Armor, 377 HPNew Submarine Princess Flagship III (1738): 47 Armor, 377 HP Submarine So-Class Flagship (1572): 42 Armor, 48 HP Submarine So-Class Elite (1571): 30 Armor, 45 HP Submarine So-Class Elite (1571): 30 Armor, 45 HP Submarine So-Class Elite (1571): 30 Armor, 45 HP
New Submarine Princess Flagship III (1738): 47 Armor, 377 HPNew Submarine Princess Flagship III (1738): 47 Armor, 377 HP Submarine So-Class Flagship (1572): 42 Armor, 48 HP Submarine So-Class Flagship (1572): 42 Armor, 48 HP Submarine So-Class Elite (1571): 30 Armor, 45 HP Submarine So-Class Elite (1571): 30 Armor, 45 HP
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
E-6 G
# Empty Node
G 気のせいだった。

Must be my imagination.
Enemy recon spotted! Watch for air raids. Be on high anti-air alert!
# Empty Node
E-6 H: 深海鉄底海峡 リコリス航空隊 (PoiDB)
# Formation Air Defense Node AD/AP
H Diamond
Lycoris Princess V (1683): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 157 APLycoris Princess V (1683): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 157 AP Airfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 AP Airfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 APAirfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 AP Airfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 APAirfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 AP Anti-Air Cruiser Princess III (1911): 295 Armor, 777 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Flagship (1862): 108 Armor, 130 HP
Lycoris Princess V (1683): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 157 APLycoris Princess V (1683): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 157 AP Airfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 AP Airfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 AP Airfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 APAirfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 AP Anti-Air Cruiser Princess III (1911): 295 Armor, 777 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Flagship (1862): 108 Armor, 130 HP
Lycoris Princess V (1683): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 157 APLycoris Princess V (1683): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 157 AP Airfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 APAirfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 APAirfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 AP Airfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 AP Airfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 APAirfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 AP Anti-Air Cruiser Princess Damaged III (1914): 355 Armor, 777 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Flagship (1862): 108 Armor, 130 HP
# Formation Air Defense Node AD/AP
E-6 I
# Empty Node
I 気のせいだった。

Must be my imagination.
Our fleet will now break through Ironbottom Sound!
# Empty Node
E-6 J: 深海任務部隊 艦載機群 (PoiDB)
# Formation Air Defense Node AD/AP
J Diamond
Aircraft Carrier Princess Kai III (1908): 270 Armor, 600 HP, 197 APAircraft Carrier Princess Kai III (1908): 270 Armor, 600 HP, 197 AP Standard Carrier Wo-Class Kai Flagship IV (1618): 120 Armor, 160 HP, 132 APStandard Carrier Wo-Class Kai Flagship IV (1618): 120 Armor, 160 HP, 132 APStandard Carrier Wo-Class Kai Flagship IV (1618): 120 Armor, 160 HP, 132 AP Light Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship IV (1780): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 150 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship IV (1780): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 150 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship IV (1780): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 150 AP Light Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship IV (1780): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 150 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship IV (1780): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 150 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship IV (1780): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 150 AP Battleship Ta-Class Flagship (1543): 96 Armor, 90 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Flagship (1862): 108 Armor, 130 HP
Aircraft Carrier Princess Kai III (1908): 270 Armor, 600 HP, 197 APAircraft Carrier Princess Kai III (1908): 270 Armor, 600 HP, 197 AP Light Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship IV (1780): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 150 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship IV (1780): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 150 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship IV (1780): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 150 AP Light Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship IV (1780): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 150 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship IV (1780): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 150 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship IV (1780): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 150 AP Battleship Ta-Class Flagship (1543): 96 Armor, 90 HP Battleship Ta-Class Flagship (1543): 96 Armor, 90 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Flagship (1862): 108 Armor, 130 HP
# Formation Air Defense Node AD/AP
E-6 K: 深海鉄底海峡艦隊 前衛水雷戦隊 (PoiDB)
# Formation Night Battle Node AD/AP
K Line Ahead
Double Line
Light Cruiser He-Class Kai Flagship II (1905): 89 Armor, 150 HPLight Cruiser He-Class Kai Flagship II (1905): 89 Armor, 150 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Flagship (1862): 108 Armor, 130 HP Destroyer Ni-Class Late Model Elite (1624): 48 Armor, 49 HP Destroyer Ni-Class Late Model Elite (1624): 48 Armor, 49 HP Destroyer Ni-Class Late Model (1578): 33 Armor, 40 HP Destroyer Ni-Class Late Model (1578): 33 Armor, 40 HP
# Formation Night Battle Node AD/AP
E-6 L: 深海任務部隊 空母集団 II群 (PoiDB)
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
L Diamond
Standard Carrier Wo-Class Kai Flagship III (1617): 120 Armor, 160 HP, 126 APStandard Carrier Wo-Class Kai Flagship III (1617): 120 Armor, 160 HP, 126 APStandard Carrier Wo-Class Kai Flagship III (1617): 120 Armor, 160 HP, 126 APStandard Carrier Wo-Class Kai Flagship III (1617): 120 Armor, 160 HP, 126 AP Battleship Ta-Class Flagship (1543): 96 Armor, 90 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Elite (1592): 68 Armor, 66 HP Light Carrier Nu-Class Kai Elite II (1765): 73 Armor, 88 HP, 106 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Elite II (1765): 73 Armor, 88 HP, 106 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Elite II (1765): 73 Armor, 88 HP, 106 AP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model Elite (1743): 63 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model Elite (1743): 63 Armor, 66 HP
Standard Carrier Wo-Class Kai Flagship IV (1618): 120 Armor, 160 HP, 132 APStandard Carrier Wo-Class Kai Flagship IV (1618): 120 Armor, 160 HP, 132 APStandard Carrier Wo-Class Kai Flagship IV (1618): 120 Armor, 160 HP, 132 APStandard Carrier Wo-Class Kai Flagship IV (1618): 120 Armor, 160 HP, 132 AP Battleship Ta-Class Flagship (1543): 96 Armor, 90 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Elite (1592): 68 Armor, 66 HP Light Carrier Nu-Class Kai Elite II (1765): 73 Armor, 88 HP, 106 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Elite II (1765): 73 Armor, 88 HP, 106 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Elite II (1765): 73 Armor, 88 HP, 106 AP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model Elite (1743): 63 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model Elite (1743): 63 Armor, 66 HP
Standard Carrier Wo-Class Kai Flagship IV (1618): 120 Armor, 160 HP, 132 APStandard Carrier Wo-Class Kai Flagship IV (1618): 120 Armor, 160 HP, 132 APStandard Carrier Wo-Class Kai Flagship IV (1618): 120 Armor, 160 HP, 132 APStandard Carrier Wo-Class Kai Flagship IV (1618): 120 Armor, 160 HP, 132 AP Battleship Ta-Class Flagship (1543): 96 Armor, 90 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Flagship (1862): 108 Armor, 130 HP Light Carrier Nu-Class Kai Elite II (1765): 73 Armor, 88 HP, 106 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Elite II (1765): 73 Armor, 88 HP, 106 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Elite II (1765): 73 Armor, 88 HP, 106 AP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model Elite (1743): 63 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model Elite (1743): 63 Armor, 66 HP
Standard Carrier Wo-Class Kai Flagship IV (1618): 120 Armor, 160 HP, 132 APStandard Carrier Wo-Class Kai Flagship IV (1618): 120 Armor, 160 HP, 132 APStandard Carrier Wo-Class Kai Flagship IV (1618): 120 Armor, 160 HP, 132 APStandard Carrier Wo-Class Kai Flagship IV (1618): 120 Armor, 160 HP, 132 AP Battleship Ta-Class Flagship (1543): 96 Armor, 90 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Flagship (1862): 108 Armor, 130 HP Light Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship II (1766): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 132 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship II (1766): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 132 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship II (1766): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 132 AP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model Elite (1743): 63 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model Elite (1743): 63 Armor, 66 HP
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
E-6 M: 深海鉄底海峡 リコリス航空隊 (PoiDB)
# Formation Air Defense Node AD/AP
M Diamond
Lycoris Princess V (1683): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 157 APLycoris Princess V (1683): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 157 AP Airfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 AP Airfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 AP Airfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 APAirfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 AP Anti-Air Cruiser Princess III (1911): 295 Armor, 777 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Flagship (1862): 108 Armor, 130 HP
Lycoris Princess V (1683): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 157 APLycoris Princess V (1683): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 157 AP Airfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 APAirfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 APAirfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 AP Airfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 AP Airfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 APAirfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 AP Anti-Air Cruiser Princess III (1911): 295 Armor, 777 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Flagship (1862): 108 Armor, 130 HP
Lycoris Princess V (1683): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 157 APLycoris Princess V (1683): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 157 AP Airfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 APAirfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 APAirfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 AP Airfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 APAirfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 APAirfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 AP Airfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 APAirfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 AP Anti-Air Cruiser Princess Damaged III (1914): 355 Armor, 777 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Flagship (1862): 108 Armor, 130 HP
# Formation Air Defense Node AD/AP
E-6 N: 深海鉄底海峡艦隊 水上打撃群 (PoiDB)
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
N Line Ahead
Double Line
Battleship Ta-Class Flagship (1543): 96 Armor, 90 HPBattleship Ta-Class Flagship (1543): 96 Armor, 90 HP Battleship Ta-Class Flagship (1543): 96 Armor, 90 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Elite (1592): 68 Armor, 66 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Elite (1592): 68 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model Elite (1743): 63 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model Elite (1743): 63 Armor, 66 HP
Line Ahead
Double Line
Battleship Ta-Class Flagship (1543): 96 Armor, 90 HPBattleship Ta-Class Flagship (1543): 96 Armor, 90 HP Battleship Ta-Class Flagship (1543): 96 Armor, 90 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Flagship (1862): 108 Armor, 130 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Flagship (1862): 108 Armor, 130 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model Flagship (1744): 69 Armor, 69 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model Flagship (1744): 69 Armor, 69 HP
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
E-6 O
# Landing Node
# Landing Node
E-6 P: 深海鉄底海峡艦隊 遊弋部隊 (PoiDB)
# Formation Boss Battle Node AD/AP
P Cruising Formation 4
Battleship Water Demon Kai III (1795): 270 Armor, 800 HPBattleship Water Demon Kai III (1795): 270 Armor, 800 HP Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class Flagship (1527): 70 Armor, 76 HP Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class Flagship (1527): 70 Armor, 76 HP Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class Elite (1595): 89 Armor, 88 HP Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class Elite (1595): 89 Armor, 88 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Elite (1592): 68 Armor, 66 HP
Light Cruiser He-Class Kai Flagship II (1905): 89 Armor, 150 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Elite (1592): 68 Armor, 66 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Elite (1592): 68 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model Elite (1743): 63 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model Elite (1743): 63 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model Elite (1743): 63 Armor, 66 HP
Cruising Formation 4
Battleship Water Demon Kai Damaged III (1798): 290 Armor, 800 HPBattleship Water Demon Kai Damaged III (1798): 290 Armor, 800 HP Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class Flagship (1527): 70 Armor, 76 HP Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class Flagship (1527): 70 Armor, 76 HP Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class Elite (1595): 89 Armor, 88 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Elite (1592): 68 Armor, 66 HP Transport Ship Wa-Class Elite (1526): 35 Armor, 80 HP
Light Cruiser He-Class Kai Flagship II (1905): 89 Armor, 150 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Elite (1592): 68 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model Elite (1743): 63 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model Elite (1743): 63 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model Elite (1743): 63 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model Elite (1743): 63 Armor, 66 HP
# Formation Boss Battle Node AD/AP
E-6 Q: 深海任務部隊 空母集団 III群 (PoiDB)
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
Q Diamond
Light Carrier Nu-Class Kai Elite III (1778): 73 Armor, 88 HP, 132 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Elite III (1778): 73 Armor, 88 HP, 132 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Elite III (1778): 73 Armor, 88 HP, 132 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Elite III (1778): 73 Armor, 88 HP, 132 AP Light Carrier Nu-Class Elite II (1762): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 69 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Elite II (1762): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 69 AP Battleship Ta-Class Elite (1542): 88 Armor, 88 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Elite (1592): 68 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model Elite (1743): 63 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model Elite (1743): 63 Armor, 66 HP
Light Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship IV (1780): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 150 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship IV (1780): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 150 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship IV (1780): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 150 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship IV (1780): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 150 AP Light Carrier Nu-Class Kai Elite II (1765): 73 Armor, 88 HP, 106 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Elite II (1765): 73 Armor, 88 HP, 106 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Elite II (1765): 73 Armor, 88 HP, 106 AP Battleship Ta-Class Elite (1542): 88 Armor, 88 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Elite (1592): 68 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model Elite (1743): 63 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model Elite (1743): 63 Armor, 66 HP
Light Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship IV (1780): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 150 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship IV (1780): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 150 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship IV (1780): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 150 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship IV (1780): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 150 AP Light Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship II (1766): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 132 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship II (1766): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 132 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship II (1766): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 132 AP Battleship Ta-Class Flagship (1543): 96 Armor, 90 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Flagship (1862): 108 Armor, 130 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model Flagship (1744): 69 Armor, 69 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model Flagship (1744): 69 Armor, 69 HP
Light Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship IV (1780): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 150 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship IV (1780): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 150 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship IV (1780): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 150 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship IV (1780): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 150 AP Light Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship III (1779): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 107 AP Battleship Ta-Class Flagship (1543): 96 Armor, 90 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Flagship (1862): 108 Armor, 130 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model Flagship (1744): 69 Armor, 69 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model Flagship (1744): 69 Armor, 69 HP
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
E-6 R
# Empty Node
R 気のせいだった。

Must be my imagination.
Enemy Carrier Task Force spotted! All fleets, battle stations!
# Empty Node
E-6 S: 深海鉄底海峡艦隊 巡洋艦部隊 (PoiDB)
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
S Line Ahead
Double Line
Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class Kai II (1896): 222 Armor, 360 HPHeavy Cruiser Ne-Class Kai II (1896): 222 Armor, 360 HP Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class Kai II (1896): 222 Armor, 360 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Elite (1592): 68 Armor, 66 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Elite (1592): 68 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model Elite (1743): 63 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model Elite (1743): 63 Armor, 66 HP
Line Ahead
Double Line
Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class Kai III (1897): 255 Armor, 390 HPHeavy Cruiser Ne-Class Kai III (1897): 255 Armor, 390 HP Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class Kai III (1897): 255 Armor, 390 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Flagship (1862): 108 Armor, 130 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Elite (1592): 68 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model Elite (1743): 63 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model Elite (1743): 63 Armor, 66 HP
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
E-6 T
# Empty Node
T 敵影を見ず。

No enemy spotted.
Enemy recon spotted! Watch for air raids. Be on high anti-air alert!
# Empty Node
E-6 U
# Empty Node
U 敵影を見ず。

No enemy spotted.
Our fleet will now break through Ironbottom Sound!
# Empty Node
E-6 V: 深海任務部隊 空母集団 I群 (PoiDB)
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
V Cruising Formation 4
Aircraft Carrier Princess Kai III (1908): 270 Armor, 600 HP, 197 APAircraft Carrier Princess Kai III (1908): 270 Armor, 600 HP, 197 AP Standard Carrier Wo-Class Kai Flagship IV (1618): 120 Armor, 160 HP, 132 APStandard Carrier Wo-Class Kai Flagship IV (1618): 120 Armor, 160 HP, 132 APStandard Carrier Wo-Class Kai Flagship IV (1618): 120 Armor, 160 HP, 132 AP Light Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship IV (1780): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 150 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship IV (1780): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 150 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship IV (1780): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 150 AP Light Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship IV (1780): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 150 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship IV (1780): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 150 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship IV (1780): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 150 AP Battleship Ta-Class Flagship (1543): 96 Armor, 90 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Flagship (1862): 108 Armor, 130 HP
Light Cruiser He-Class Kai Flagship II (1905): 89 Armor, 150 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Flagship (1862): 108 Armor, 130 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model Flagship (1744): 69 Armor, 69 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model Flagship (1744): 69 Armor, 69 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model Elite (1743): 63 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model Elite (1743): 63 Armor, 66 HP
Cruising Formation 4
Aircraft Carrier Princess Kai III (1908): 270 Armor, 600 HP, 197 APAircraft Carrier Princess Kai III (1908): 270 Armor, 600 HP, 197 AP Light Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship IV (1780): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 150 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship IV (1780): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 150 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship IV (1780): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 150 AP Light Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship IV (1780): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 150 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship IV (1780): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 150 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship IV (1780): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 150 AP Battleship Ta-Class Flagship (1543): 96 Armor, 90 HP Battleship Ta-Class Flagship (1543): 96 Armor, 90 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Flagship (1862): 108 Armor, 130 HP
Light Cruiser He-Class Kai Flagship II (1905): 89 Armor, 150 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Flagship (1862): 108 Armor, 130 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model Flagship (1744): 69 Armor, 69 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model Flagship (1744): 69 Armor, 69 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model Elite (1743): 63 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model Elite (1743): 63 Armor, 66 HP
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
E-6 W: 深海鉄底海峡艦隊 主力部隊旗艦 (PoiDB)
# Formation Boss Battle Node AD/AP
W Cruising Formation 4
Anti-Air Cruiser Princess III (1911): 295 Armor, 777 HPAnti-Air Cruiser Princess III (1911): 295 Armor, 777 HP Battleship Water Demon Kai II (1794): 230 Armor, 800 HP Battleship Water Demon Kai II (1794): 230 Armor, 800 HP Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class Kai III (1897): 255 Armor, 390 HP Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class Kai III (1897): 255 Armor, 390 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Flagship (1862): 108 Armor, 130 HP
Light Cruiser He-Class Kai Flagship II (1905): 89 Armor, 150 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model Flagship (1744): 69 Armor, 69 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model Flagship (1744): 69 Armor, 69 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model Elite (1743): 63 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model Elite (1743): 63 Armor, 66 HP PT Imp Pack III (1639): 29 Armor, 15 HP
Cruising Formation 4
Anti-Air Cruiser Princess Damaged III (1914): 355 Armor, 777 HPAnti-Air Cruiser Princess Damaged III (1914): 355 Armor, 777 HP Battleship Water Demon Kai Damaged II (1797): 250 Armor, 800 HP Battleship Water Demon Kai Damaged II (1797): 250 Armor, 800 HP Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class Kai III (1897): 255 Armor, 390 HP Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class Kai III (1897): 255 Armor, 390 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Flagship (1862): 108 Armor, 130 HP
Light Cruiser He-Class Kai Flagship II (1905): 89 Armor, 150 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Flagship (1862): 108 Armor, 130 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model Flagship (1744): 69 Armor, 69 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model Flagship (1744): 69 Armor, 69 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model Flagship (1744): 69 Armor, 69 HP PT Imp Pack IV (1640): 39 Armor, 18 HP
# Formation Boss Battle Node AD/AP
E-6 X
# Repair Node
# Repair Node

E-6 AB
# Formation Air Raids AD/AP
AB Diamond
Lycoris Princess IV (1682): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 130 APLycoris Princess IV (1682): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 130 AP Airfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 AP Airfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 APAirfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 AP Anti-Air Cruiser Princess (1909): 195 Armor, 733 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP, 1 AP
Lycoris Princess IV (1682): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 130 APLycoris Princess IV (1682): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 130 AP Airfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 APAirfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 AP Airfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 APAirfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 AP Airfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 APAirfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 AP Anti-Air Cruiser Princess II (1910): 255 Armor, 755 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP, 1 AP
Lycoris Princess IV (1682): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 130 APLycoris Princess IV (1682): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 130 AP Airfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 AP Airfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 APAirfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 AP Airfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 APAirfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 AP Anti-Air Cruiser Princess Damaged II (1913): 315 Armor, 755 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Elite (1592): 68 Armor, 66 HP, 1 AP
# Formation Air Raids AD/AP
E-6 A
# Empty Node
A 気のせいだった。

Must be my imagination.
Combined fleet, sortie! Be on high anti-submarine alert!
# Empty Node
E-6 B: 深海潜水艦隊 南方部隊 I群 (PoiDB)
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
B Echelon
New Submarine Princess Flagship (1736): 37 Armor, 177 HPNew Submarine Princess Flagship (1736): 37 Armor, 177 HP Submarine So-Class Elite (1571): 30 Armor, 45 HP Submarine Yo-Class (1531): 9 Armor, 24 HP Submarine Yo-Class (1531): 9 Armor, 24 HP Submarine Yo-Class (1531): 9 Armor, 24 HP
New Submarine Princess Flagship II (1737): 42 Armor, 277 HPNew Submarine Princess Flagship II (1737): 42 Armor, 277 HP Submarine So-Class Elite (1571): 30 Armor, 45 HP Submarine So-Class Elite (1571): 30 Armor, 45 HP Submarine Yo-Class (1531): 9 Armor, 24 HP Submarine Yo-Class (1531): 9 Armor, 24 HP
New Submarine Princess Flagship II (1737): 42 Armor, 277 HPNew Submarine Princess Flagship II (1737): 42 Armor, 277 HP Submarine So-Class Elite (1571): 30 Armor, 45 HP Submarine So-Class Elite (1571): 30 Armor, 45 HP Submarine So-Class Elite (1571): 30 Armor, 45 HP Submarine Yo-Class (1531): 9 Armor, 24 HP
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
E-6 C
# Selection Node
C 艦隊の針路を選択できます。提督、どちらの針路をとられますか?
You can decide the fleet's course. Admiral, which heading should we take?
# Selection Node
E-6 D: 深海鉄底海峡艦隊 ピケット部隊 (PoiDB)
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
D Line Ahead
Double Line
Light Cruiser He-Class Kai Flagship (1904): 69 Armor, 115 HPLight Cruiser He-Class Kai Flagship (1904): 69 Armor, 115 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Elite (1592): 68 Armor, 66 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Elite (1592): 68 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model (1577): 29 Armor, 38 HP Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model (1577): 29 Armor, 38 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP
Line Ahead
Double Line
Light Cruiser He-Class Kai Flagship II (1905): 89 Armor, 150 HPLight Cruiser He-Class Kai Flagship II (1905): 89 Armor, 150 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Flagship (1862): 108 Armor, 130 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Elite (1592): 68 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Ni-Class Late Model (1578): 33 Armor, 40 HP Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model (1577): 29 Armor, 38 HP Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model (1577): 29 Armor, 38 HP
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
E-6 E: 深海鉄底海峡 リコリス航空隊 (PoiDB)
# Formation Air Defense Node AD/AP
E Diamond
Lycoris Princess IV (1682): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 130 APLycoris Princess IV (1682): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 130 AP Airfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 AP Anti-Air Cruiser Princess (1909): 195 Armor, 733 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP
Lycoris Princess IV (1682): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 130 APLycoris Princess IV (1682): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 130 AP Airfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 APAirfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 AP Airfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 APAirfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 AP Anti-Air Cruiser Princess (1909): 195 Armor, 733 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP
Lycoris Princess IV (1682): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 130 APLycoris Princess IV (1682): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 130 AP Airfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 AP Airfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 APAirfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 AP Anti-Air Cruiser Princess II (1910): 255 Armor, 755 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Elite (1592): 68 Armor, 66 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Elite (1592): 68 Armor, 66 HP
Lycoris Princess IV (1682): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 130 APLycoris Princess IV (1682): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 130 AP Airfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 APAirfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 AP Airfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 APAirfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 AP Airfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 APAirfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 AP Anti-Air Cruiser Princess Damaged II (1913): 315 Armor, 755 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Elite (1592): 68 Armor, 66 HP
# Formation Air Defense Node AD/AP
E-6 F: 深海潜水艦隊 南方部隊 II群 (PoiDB)
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
F Echelon
New Submarine Princess Flagship (1736): 37 Armor, 177 HPNew Submarine Princess Flagship (1736): 37 Armor, 177 HP Submarine So-Class Elite (1571): 30 Armor, 45 HP Submarine Yo-Class (1531): 9 Armor, 24 HP Submarine Yo-Class (1531): 9 Armor, 24 HP Submarine Yo-Class (1531): 9 Armor, 24 HP
New Submarine Princess Flagship II (1737): 42 Armor, 277 HPNew Submarine Princess Flagship II (1737): 42 Armor, 277 HP Submarine So-Class Elite (1571): 30 Armor, 45 HP Submarine So-Class Elite (1571): 30 Armor, 45 HP Submarine Yo-Class (1531): 9 Armor, 24 HP Submarine Yo-Class (1531): 9 Armor, 24 HP
New Submarine Princess Flagship II (1737): 42 Armor, 277 HPNew Submarine Princess Flagship II (1737): 42 Armor, 277 HP Submarine So-Class Elite (1571): 30 Armor, 45 HP Submarine So-Class Elite (1571): 30 Armor, 45 HP Submarine So-Class Elite (1571): 30 Armor, 45 HP Submarine Yo-Class (1531): 9 Armor, 24 HP
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
E-6 G
# Empty Node
G 気のせいだった。

Must be my imagination.
Enemy recon spotted! Watch for air raids. Be on high anti-air alert!
# Empty Node
E-6 H: 深海鉄底海峡 リコリス航空隊 (PoiDB)
# Formation Air Defense Node AD/AP
H Diamond
Lycoris Princess IV (1682): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 130 APLycoris Princess IV (1682): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 130 AP Airfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 APAirfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 AP Airfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 APAirfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 AP Anti-Air Cruiser Princess (1909): 195 Armor, 733 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP
Lycoris Princess IV (1682): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 130 APLycoris Princess IV (1682): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 130 AP Airfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 AP Airfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 APAirfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 AP Anti-Air Cruiser Princess (1909): 195 Armor, 733 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP
Lycoris Princess IV (1682): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 130 APLycoris Princess IV (1682): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 130 AP Airfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 APAirfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 AP Airfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 APAirfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 AP Airfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 APAirfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 AP Anti-Air Cruiser Princess II (1910): 255 Armor, 755 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Elite (1592): 68 Armor, 66 HP
Lycoris Princess IV (1682): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 130 APLycoris Princess IV (1682): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 130 AP Airfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 AP Airfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 APAirfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 AP Airfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 APAirfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 AP Anti-Air Cruiser Princess Damaged II (1913): 315 Armor, 755 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Elite (1592): 68 Armor, 66 HP
# Formation Air Defense Node AD/AP
E-6 I
# Empty Node
I 気のせいだった。

Must be my imagination.
Our fleet will now break through Ironbottom Sound!
# Empty Node
E-6 J: 深海任務部隊 艦載機群 (PoiDB)
# Formation Air Defense Node AD/AP
J Diamond
Aircraft Carrier Princess Kai (1906): 220 Armor, 500 HP, 148 APAircraft Carrier Princess Kai (1906): 220 Armor, 500 HP, 148 AP Standard Carrier Wo-Class Kai Flagship II (1616): 120 Armor, 160 HP, 108 APStandard Carrier Wo-Class Kai Flagship II (1616): 120 Armor, 160 HP, 108 AP Light Carrier Nu-Class Elite IV (1777): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 107 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Elite IV (1777): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 107 AP Light Carrier Nu-Class Elite IV (1777): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 107 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Elite IV (1777): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 107 AP Battleship Ta-Class (1541): 80 Armor, 84 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP
Aircraft Carrier Princess Kai II (1907): 240 Armor, 550 HP, 186 APAircraft Carrier Princess Kai II (1907): 240 Armor, 550 HP, 186 AP Standard Carrier Wo-Class Kai Flagship III (1617): 120 Armor, 160 HP, 126 APStandard Carrier Wo-Class Kai Flagship III (1617): 120 Armor, 160 HP, 126 APStandard Carrier Wo-Class Kai Flagship III (1617): 120 Armor, 160 HP, 126 AP Light Carrier Nu-Class Kai Elite III (1778): 73 Armor, 88 HP, 132 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Elite III (1778): 73 Armor, 88 HP, 132 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Elite III (1778): 73 Armor, 88 HP, 132 AP Light Carrier Nu-Class Kai Elite III (1778): 73 Armor, 88 HP, 132 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Elite III (1778): 73 Armor, 88 HP, 132 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Elite III (1778): 73 Armor, 88 HP, 132 AP Battleship Ta-Class Elite (1542): 88 Armor, 88 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Elite (1592): 68 Armor, 66 HP
Aircraft Carrier Princess Kai (1906): 220 Armor, 500 HP, 148 APAircraft Carrier Princess Kai (1906): 220 Armor, 500 HP, 148 AP Light Carrier Nu-Class Elite IV (1777): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 107 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Elite IV (1777): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 107 AP Light Carrier Nu-Class Elite IV (1777): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 107 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Elite IV (1777): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 107 AP Battleship Ta-Class (1541): 80 Armor, 84 HP Battleship Ta-Class (1541): 80 Armor, 84 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP
Aircraft Carrier Princess Kai II (1907): 240 Armor, 550 HP, 186 APAircraft Carrier Princess Kai II (1907): 240 Armor, 550 HP, 186 AP Light Carrier Nu-Class Kai Elite III (1778): 73 Armor, 88 HP, 132 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Elite III (1778): 73 Armor, 88 HP, 132 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Elite III (1778): 73 Armor, 88 HP, 132 AP Light Carrier Nu-Class Kai Elite III (1778): 73 Armor, 88 HP, 132 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Elite III (1778): 73 Armor, 88 HP, 132 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Elite III (1778): 73 Armor, 88 HP, 132 AP Battleship Ta-Class Elite (1542): 88 Armor, 88 HP Battleship Ta-Class Elite (1542): 88 Armor, 88 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Elite (1592): 68 Armor, 66 HP
# Formation Air Defense Node AD/AP
E-6 K: 深海鉄底海峡艦隊 前衛水雷戦隊 (PoiDB)
# Formation Night Battle Node AD/AP
K Line Ahead
Double Line
Light Cruiser He-Class Kai Flagship (1904): 69 Armor, 115 HPLight Cruiser He-Class Kai Flagship (1904): 69 Armor, 115 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Elite (1592): 68 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model (1577): 29 Armor, 38 HP Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model (1577): 29 Armor, 38 HP Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model (1577): 29 Armor, 38 HP Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model (1577): 29 Armor, 38 HP
Line Ahead
Double Line
Light Cruiser He-Class Kai Flagship (1904): 69 Armor, 115 HPLight Cruiser He-Class Kai Flagship (1904): 69 Armor, 115 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Elite (1592): 68 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Ni-Class Late Model Elite (1624): 48 Armor, 49 HP Destroyer Ni-Class Late Model (1578): 33 Armor, 40 HP Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model (1577): 29 Armor, 38 HP Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model (1577): 29 Armor, 38 HP
# Formation Night Battle Node AD/AP
E-6 L: 深海任務部隊 空母集団 II群 (PoiDB)
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
L Diamond
Standard Carrier Wo-Class Kai Flagship II (1616): 120 Armor, 160 HP, 108 APStandard Carrier Wo-Class Kai Flagship II (1616): 120 Armor, 160 HP, 108 APStandard Carrier Wo-Class Kai Flagship II (1616): 120 Armor, 160 HP, 108 AP Battleship Ta-Class Elite (1542): 88 Armor, 88 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP Light Carrier Nu-Class Elite III (1776): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 126 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Elite III (1776): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 126 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Elite III (1776): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 126 AP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model (1742): 59 Armor, 63 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model (1742): 59 Armor, 63 HP
Standard Carrier Wo-Class Kai Flagship III (1617): 120 Armor, 160 HP, 126 APStandard Carrier Wo-Class Kai Flagship III (1617): 120 Armor, 160 HP, 126 APStandard Carrier Wo-Class Kai Flagship III (1617): 120 Armor, 160 HP, 126 APStandard Carrier Wo-Class Kai Flagship III (1617): 120 Armor, 160 HP, 126 AP Battleship Ta-Class Elite (1542): 88 Armor, 88 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Elite (1592): 68 Armor, 66 HP Light Carrier Nu-Class Kai Elite II (1765): 73 Armor, 88 HP, 106 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Elite II (1765): 73 Armor, 88 HP, 106 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Elite II (1765): 73 Armor, 88 HP, 106 AP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model (1742): 59 Armor, 63 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model (1742): 59 Armor, 63 HP
Standard Carrier Wo-Class Kai Flagship III (1617): 120 Armor, 160 HP, 126 APStandard Carrier Wo-Class Kai Flagship III (1617): 120 Armor, 160 HP, 126 APStandard Carrier Wo-Class Kai Flagship III (1617): 120 Armor, 160 HP, 126 APStandard Carrier Wo-Class Kai Flagship III (1617): 120 Armor, 160 HP, 126 AP Battleship Ta-Class Elite (1542): 88 Armor, 88 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Elite (1592): 68 Armor, 66 HP Light Carrier Nu-Class Kai Elite II (1765): 73 Armor, 88 HP, 106 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Elite II (1765): 73 Armor, 88 HP, 106 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Elite II (1765): 73 Armor, 88 HP, 106 AP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model Elite (1743): 63 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model Elite (1743): 63 Armor, 66 HP
Standard Carrier Wo-Class Kai Flagship III (1617): 120 Armor, 160 HP, 126 APStandard Carrier Wo-Class Kai Flagship III (1617): 120 Armor, 160 HP, 126 APStandard Carrier Wo-Class Kai Flagship III (1617): 120 Armor, 160 HP, 126 APStandard Carrier Wo-Class Kai Flagship III (1617): 120 Armor, 160 HP, 126 AP Battleship Ta-Class Flagship (1543): 96 Armor, 90 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Elite (1592): 68 Armor, 66 HP Light Carrier Nu-Class Kai Elite II (1765): 73 Armor, 88 HP, 106 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Elite II (1765): 73 Armor, 88 HP, 106 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Elite II (1765): 73 Armor, 88 HP, 106 AP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model Elite (1743): 63 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model Elite (1743): 63 Armor, 66 HP
Standard Carrier Wo-Class Kai Flagship IV (1618): 120 Armor, 160 HP, 132 APStandard Carrier Wo-Class Kai Flagship IV (1618): 120 Armor, 160 HP, 132 APStandard Carrier Wo-Class Kai Flagship IV (1618): 120 Armor, 160 HP, 132 APStandard Carrier Wo-Class Kai Flagship IV (1618): 120 Armor, 160 HP, 132 AP Battleship Ta-Class Flagship (1543): 96 Armor, 90 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Elite (1592): 68 Armor, 66 HP Light Carrier Nu-Class Kai Elite II (1765): 73 Armor, 88 HP, 106 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Elite II (1765): 73 Armor, 88 HP, 106 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Elite II (1765): 73 Armor, 88 HP, 106 AP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model Elite (1743): 63 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model Elite (1743): 63 Armor, 66 HP
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
E-6 M: 深海鉄底海峡 リコリス航空隊 (PoiDB)
# Formation Air Defense Node AD/AP
M Diamond
Lycoris Princess IV (1682): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 130 APLycoris Princess IV (1682): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 130 AP Airfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 AP Airfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 APAirfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 AP Anti-Air Cruiser Princess (1909): 195 Armor, 733 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP
Lycoris Princess IV (1682): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 130 APLycoris Princess IV (1682): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 130 AP Airfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 APAirfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 AP Airfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 APAirfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 AP Airfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 APAirfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 AP Anti-Air Cruiser Princess II (1910): 255 Armor, 755 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP
Lycoris Princess IV (1682): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 130 APLycoris Princess IV (1682): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 130 AP Airfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 AP Airfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 APAirfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 AP Airfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 APAirfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 AP Anti-Air Cruiser Princess II (1910): 255 Armor, 755 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Elite (1592): 68 Armor, 66 HP
Lycoris Princess IV (1682): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 130 APLycoris Princess IV (1682): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 130 AP Airfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 APAirfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 APAirfield Princess VII (1652): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 68 AP Airfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 APAirfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 AP Airfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 APAirfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 AP Anti-Air Cruiser Princess Damaged II (1913): 315 Armor, 755 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Elite (1592): 68 Armor, 66 HP
# Formation Air Defense Node AD/AP
E-6 N: 深海鉄底海峡艦隊 水上打撃群 (PoiDB)
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
N Line Ahead
Double Line
Battleship Ta-Class Flagship (1543): 96 Armor, 90 HPBattleship Ta-Class Flagship (1543): 96 Armor, 90 HP Battleship Ta-Class Elite (1542): 88 Armor, 88 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Elite (1592): 68 Armor, 66 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Elite (1592): 68 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Na-Class Elite (1740): 55 Armor, 63 HP Destroyer Na-Class Elite (1740): 55 Armor, 63 HP
Line Ahead
Double Line
Battleship Ta-Class Flagship (1543): 96 Armor, 90 HPBattleship Ta-Class Flagship (1543): 96 Armor, 90 HP Battleship Ta-Class Flagship (1543): 96 Armor, 90 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Elite (1592): 68 Armor, 66 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Elite (1592): 68 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model Elite (1743): 63 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model Elite (1743): 63 Armor, 66 HP
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
E-6 O
# Landing Node
# Landing Node
E-6 P: 深海鉄底海峡艦隊 遊弋部隊 (PoiDB)
# Formation Boss Battle Node AD/AP
P Cruising Formation 4
Battleship Water Demon Kai II (1794): 230 Armor, 800 HPBattleship Water Demon Kai II (1794): 230 Armor, 800 HP Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class Flagship (1527): 70 Armor, 76 HP Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class Flagship (1527): 70 Armor, 76 HP Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class Elite (1595): 89 Armor, 88 HP Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class Elite (1595): 89 Armor, 88 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Elite (1592): 68 Armor, 66 HP
Light Cruiser He-Class Kai Flagship (1904): 69 Armor, 115 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model (1742): 59 Armor, 63 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model (1742): 59 Armor, 63 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP
Cruising Formation 4
Battleship Water Demon Kai Damaged II (1797): 250 Armor, 800 HPBattleship Water Demon Kai Damaged II (1797): 250 Armor, 800 HP Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class Flagship (1527): 70 Armor, 76 HP Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class Flagship (1527): 70 Armor, 76 HP Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class Elite (1595): 89 Armor, 88 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Elite (1592): 68 Armor, 66 HP Transport Ship Wa-Class Elite (1526): 35 Armor, 80 HP
Light Cruiser He-Class Kai Flagship (1904): 69 Armor, 115 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model (1742): 59 Armor, 63 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model (1742): 59 Armor, 63 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP
# Formation Boss Battle Node AD/AP
E-6 Q: 深海任務部隊 空母集団 III群 (PoiDB)
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
Q Diamond
Light Carrier Nu-Class Elite IV (1777): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 107 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Elite IV (1777): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 107 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Elite IV (1777): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 107 AP Light Carrier Nu-Class Elite III (1776): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 126 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Elite III (1776): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 126 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Elite III (1776): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 126 AP Battleship Ta-Class (1541): 80 Armor, 84 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model (1742): 59 Armor, 63 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model (1742): 59 Armor, 63 HP
Light Carrier Nu-Class Elite IV (1777): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 107 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Elite IV (1777): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 107 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Elite IV (1777): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 107 AP Light Carrier Nu-Class Elite II (1762): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 69 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Elite II (1762): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 69 AP Battleship Ta-Class Elite (1542): 88 Armor, 88 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model (1742): 59 Armor, 63 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model (1742): 59 Armor, 63 HP
Light Carrier Nu-Class Kai Elite III (1778): 73 Armor, 88 HP, 132 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Elite III (1778): 73 Armor, 88 HP, 132 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Elite III (1778): 73 Armor, 88 HP, 132 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Elite III (1778): 73 Armor, 88 HP, 132 AP Light Carrier Nu-Class Elite III (1776): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 126 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Elite III (1776): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 126 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Elite III (1776): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 126 AP Battleship Ta-Class Elite (1542): 88 Armor, 88 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Elite (1592): 68 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model (1742): 59 Armor, 63 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model (1742): 59 Armor, 63 HP
Light Carrier Nu-Class Kai Elite III (1778): 73 Armor, 88 HP, 132 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Elite III (1778): 73 Armor, 88 HP, 132 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Elite III (1778): 73 Armor, 88 HP, 132 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Elite III (1778): 73 Armor, 88 HP, 132 AP Light Carrier Nu-Class Elite II (1762): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 69 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Elite II (1762): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 69 AP Battleship Ta-Class Elite (1542): 88 Armor, 88 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Elite (1592): 68 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model Elite (1743): 63 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model Elite (1743): 63 Armor, 66 HP
Light Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship IV (1780): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 150 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship IV (1780): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 150 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship IV (1780): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 150 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Flagship IV (1780): 93 Armor, 118 HP, 150 AP Light Carrier Nu-Class Kai Elite II (1765): 73 Armor, 88 HP, 106 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Elite II (1765): 73 Armor, 88 HP, 106 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Elite II (1765): 73 Armor, 88 HP, 106 AP Battleship Ta-Class Elite (1542): 88 Armor, 88 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Elite (1592): 68 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model Elite (1743): 63 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model Elite (1743): 63 Armor, 66 HP
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
E-6 R
# Empty Node
R 気のせいだった。

Must be my imagination.
Enemy Carrier Task Force spotted! All fleets, battle stations!
# Empty Node
E-6 S: 深海鉄底海峡艦隊 巡洋艦部隊 (PoiDB)
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
S Line Ahead
Double Line
Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class Kai II (1896): 222 Armor, 360 HPHeavy Cruiser Ne-Class Kai II (1896): 222 Armor, 360 HP Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class Kai (1895): 144 Armor, 330 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Elite (1592): 68 Armor, 66 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model (1742): 59 Armor, 63 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model (1742): 59 Armor, 63 HP
Line Ahead
Double Line
Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class Kai II (1896): 222 Armor, 360 HPHeavy Cruiser Ne-Class Kai II (1896): 222 Armor, 360 HP Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class Kai II (1896): 222 Armor, 360 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Elite (1592): 68 Armor, 66 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Elite (1592): 68 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model Elite (1743): 63 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model Elite (1743): 63 Armor, 66 HP
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
E-6 T
# Empty Node
T 敵影を見ず。

No enemy spotted.
Enemy recon spotted! Watch for air raids. Be on high anti-air alert!
# Empty Node
E-6 U
# Empty Node
U 敵影を見ず。

No enemy spotted.
Our fleet will now break through Ironbottom Sound!
# Empty Node
E-6 V: 深海任務部隊 空母集団 I群 (PoiDB)
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
V Cruising Formation 4
Aircraft Carrier Princess Kai II (1907): 240 Armor, 550 HP, 186 APAircraft Carrier Princess Kai II (1907): 240 Armor, 550 HP, 186 AP Standard Carrier Wo-Class Kai Flagship III (1617): 120 Armor, 160 HP, 126 APStandard Carrier Wo-Class Kai Flagship III (1617): 120 Armor, 160 HP, 126 APStandard Carrier Wo-Class Kai Flagship III (1617): 120 Armor, 160 HP, 126 AP Light Carrier Nu-Class Kai Elite III (1778): 73 Armor, 88 HP, 132 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Elite III (1778): 73 Armor, 88 HP, 132 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Elite III (1778): 73 Armor, 88 HP, 132 AP Light Carrier Nu-Class Kai Elite III (1778): 73 Armor, 88 HP, 132 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Elite III (1778): 73 Armor, 88 HP, 132 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Elite III (1778): 73 Armor, 88 HP, 132 AP Battleship Ta-Class Elite (1542): 88 Armor, 88 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Elite (1592): 68 Armor, 66 HP
Light Cruiser He-Class Kai Flagship (1904): 69 Armor, 115 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Elite (1592): 68 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model Elite (1743): 63 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model Elite (1743): 63 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model (1742): 59 Armor, 63 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model (1742): 59 Armor, 63 HP
Cruising Formation 4
Aircraft Carrier Princess Kai II (1907): 240 Armor, 550 HP, 186 APAircraft Carrier Princess Kai II (1907): 240 Armor, 550 HP, 186 AP Light Carrier Nu-Class Kai Elite III (1778): 73 Armor, 88 HP, 132 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Elite III (1778): 73 Armor, 88 HP, 132 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Elite III (1778): 73 Armor, 88 HP, 132 AP Light Carrier Nu-Class Kai Elite III (1778): 73 Armor, 88 HP, 132 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Elite III (1778): 73 Armor, 88 HP, 132 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Elite III (1778): 73 Armor, 88 HP, 132 AP Battleship Ta-Class Elite (1542): 88 Armor, 88 HP Battleship Ta-Class Elite (1542): 88 Armor, 88 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Elite (1592): 68 Armor, 66 HP
Light Cruiser He-Class Kai Flagship (1904): 69 Armor, 115 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Elite (1592): 68 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model Elite (1743): 63 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model Elite (1743): 63 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model (1742): 59 Armor, 63 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model (1742): 59 Armor, 63 HP
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
E-6 W: 深海鉄底海峡艦隊 主力部隊旗艦 (PoiDB)
# Formation Boss Battle Node AD/AP
W Cruising Formation 4
Anti-Air Cruiser Princess II (1910): 255 Armor, 755 HPAnti-Air Cruiser Princess II (1910): 255 Armor, 755 HP Battleship Ta-Class Elite (1542): 88 Armor, 88 HP Battleship Ta-Class Elite (1542): 88 Armor, 88 HP Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class Kai II (1896): 222 Armor, 360 HP Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class Kai II (1896): 222 Armor, 360 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Elite (1592): 68 Armor, 66 HP
Light Cruiser He-Class Kai Flagship (1904): 69 Armor, 115 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model Elite (1743): 63 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model Elite (1743): 63 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Na-Class (1739): 51 Armor, 60 HP Destroyer Na-Class (1739): 51 Armor, 60 HP PT Imp Pack II (1638): 29 Armor, 9 HP
Cruising Formation 4
Anti-Air Cruiser Princess Damaged II (1913): 315 Armor, 755 HPAnti-Air Cruiser Princess Damaged II (1913): 315 Armor, 755 HP Battleship Ta-Class Elite (1542): 88 Armor, 88 HP Battleship Ta-Class Elite (1542): 88 Armor, 88 HP Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class Kai II (1896): 222 Armor, 360 HP Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class Kai II (1896): 222 Armor, 360 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Elite (1592): 68 Armor, 66 HP
Light Cruiser He-Class Kai Flagship II (1905): 89 Armor, 150 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Elite (1592): 68 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model Elite (1743): 63 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model Elite (1743): 63 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model Elite (1743): 63 Armor, 66 HP PT Imp Pack III (1639): 29 Armor, 15 HP
# Formation Boss Battle Node AD/AP
E-6 X
# Repair Node
# Repair Node

E-6 AB
# Formation Air Raids AD/AP
AB Diamond
Lycoris Princess IV (1682): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 130 APLycoris Princess IV (1682): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 130 AP Airfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 APAirfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 AP Anti-Air Cruiser Princess (1909): 195 Armor, 733 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP, 1 AP
Lycoris Princess IV (1682): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 130 APLycoris Princess IV (1682): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 130 AP Airfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 APAirfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 AP Airfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 APAirfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 AP Anti-Air Cruiser Princess (1909): 195 Armor, 733 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP, 1 AP
Lycoris Princess IV (1682): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 130 APLycoris Princess IV (1682): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 130 AP Airfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 AP Airfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 APAirfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 AP Anti-Air Cruiser Princess (1909): 195 Armor, 733 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP, 1 AP
# Formation Air Raids AD/AP
E-6 A
# Empty Node
A 気のせいだった。

Must be my imagination.
Combined fleet, sortie! Be on high anti-submarine alert!
# Empty Node
E-6 B: 深海潜水艦隊 南方部隊 I群 (PoiDB)
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
B Echelon
New Submarine Princess Flagship (1736): 37 Armor, 177 HPNew Submarine Princess Flagship (1736): 37 Armor, 177 HP Submarine Yo-Class (1531): 9 Armor, 24 HP Submarine Yo-Class (1531): 9 Armor, 24 HP
New Submarine Princess Flagship (1736): 37 Armor, 177 HPNew Submarine Princess Flagship (1736): 37 Armor, 177 HP Submarine So-Class (1570): 15 Armor, 33 HP Submarine Yo-Class (1531): 9 Armor, 24 HP Submarine Yo-Class (1531): 9 Armor, 24 HP
New Submarine Princess Flagship (1736): 37 Armor, 177 HPNew Submarine Princess Flagship (1736): 37 Armor, 177 HP Submarine So-Class Elite (1571): 30 Armor, 45 HP Submarine Yo-Class (1531): 9 Armor, 24 HP Submarine Yo-Class (1531): 9 Armor, 24 HP
New Submarine Princess Flagship (1736): 37 Armor, 177 HPNew Submarine Princess Flagship (1736): 37 Armor, 177 HP Submarine So-Class Elite (1571): 30 Armor, 45 HP Submarine Yo-Class (1531): 9 Armor, 24 HP Submarine Yo-Class (1531): 9 Armor, 24 HP Submarine Yo-Class (1531): 9 Armor, 24 HP
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
E-6 C
# Selection Node
C 艦隊の針路を選択できます。提督、どちらの針路をとられますか?
You can decide the fleet's course. Admiral, which heading should we take?
# Selection Node
E-6 D: 深海鉄底海峡艦隊 ピケット部隊 (PoiDB)
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
D Line Ahead
Light Cruiser He-Class Flagship (1555): 39 Armor, 57 HPLight Cruiser He-Class Flagship (1555): 39 Armor, 57 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model (1577): 29 Armor, 38 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP
Line Ahead
Double Line
Light Cruiser He-Class Flagship (1555): 39 Armor, 57 HPLight Cruiser He-Class Flagship (1555): 39 Armor, 57 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model (1577): 29 Armor, 38 HP Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model (1577): 29 Armor, 38 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP
Line Ahead
Double Line
Light Cruiser He-Class Kai Flagship (1904): 69 Armor, 115 HPLight Cruiser He-Class Kai Flagship (1904): 69 Armor, 115 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Elite (1592): 68 Armor, 66 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Elite (1592): 68 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model (1577): 29 Armor, 38 HP Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model (1577): 29 Armor, 38 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
E-6 E: 深海鉄底海峡 リコリス航空隊 (PoiDB)
# Formation Air Defense Node AD/AP
E Diamond
Lycoris Princess IV (1682): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 130 APLycoris Princess IV (1682): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 130 AP Anti-Air Cruiser Princess (1909): 195 Armor, 733 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP
Lycoris Princess IV (1682): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 130 APLycoris Princess IV (1682): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 130 AP Airfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 APAirfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 AP Anti-Air Cruiser Princess (1909): 195 Armor, 733 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP
Lycoris Princess IV (1682): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 130 APLycoris Princess IV (1682): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 130 AP Airfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 AP Anti-Air Cruiser Princess (1909): 195 Armor, 733 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP
# Formation Air Defense Node AD/AP
E-6 F: 深海潜水艦隊 南方部隊 II群 (PoiDB)
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
F Echelon
New Submarine Princess Flagship (1736): 37 Armor, 177 HPNew Submarine Princess Flagship (1736): 37 Armor, 177 HP Submarine Yo-Class (1531): 9 Armor, 24 HP Submarine Yo-Class (1531): 9 Armor, 24 HP
New Submarine Princess Flagship (1736): 37 Armor, 177 HPNew Submarine Princess Flagship (1736): 37 Armor, 177 HP Submarine So-Class (1570): 15 Armor, 33 HP Submarine Yo-Class (1531): 9 Armor, 24 HP Submarine Yo-Class (1531): 9 Armor, 24 HP
New Submarine Princess Flagship (1736): 37 Armor, 177 HPNew Submarine Princess Flagship (1736): 37 Armor, 177 HP Submarine So-Class Elite (1571): 30 Armor, 45 HP Submarine Yo-Class (1531): 9 Armor, 24 HP Submarine Yo-Class (1531): 9 Armor, 24 HP
New Submarine Princess Flagship (1736): 37 Armor, 177 HPNew Submarine Princess Flagship (1736): 37 Armor, 177 HP Submarine So-Class Elite (1571): 30 Armor, 45 HP Submarine Yo-Class (1531): 9 Armor, 24 HP Submarine Yo-Class (1531): 9 Armor, 24 HP Submarine Yo-Class (1531): 9 Armor, 24 HP
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
E-6 G
# Empty Node
G 気のせいだった。

Must be my imagination.
Enemy recon spotted! Watch for air raids. Be on high anti-air alert!
# Empty Node
E-6 H: 深海鉄底海峡 リコリス航空隊 (PoiDB)
# Formation Air Defense Node AD/AP
H Diamond
Lycoris Princess IV (1682): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 130 APLycoris Princess IV (1682): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 130 AP Anti-Air Cruiser Princess (1909): 195 Armor, 733 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP
Lycoris Princess IV (1682): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 130 APLycoris Princess IV (1682): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 130 AP Airfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 APAirfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 AP Anti-Air Cruiser Princess (1909): 195 Armor, 733 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP
Lycoris Princess IV (1682): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 130 APLycoris Princess IV (1682): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 130 AP Airfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 APAirfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 AP Airfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 APAirfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 AP Anti-Air Cruiser Princess (1909): 195 Armor, 733 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP
# Formation Air Defense Node AD/AP
E-6 I
# Empty Node
I 気のせいだった。

Must be my imagination.
Our fleet will now break through Ironbottom Sound!
# Empty Node
E-6 J: 深海任務部隊 艦載機群 (PoiDB)
# Formation Air Defense Node AD/AP
J Diamond
Aircraft Carrier Princess Kai (1906): 220 Armor, 500 HP, 148 APAircraft Carrier Princess Kai (1906): 220 Armor, 500 HP, 148 AP Light Carrier Nu-Class Elite (1523): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 24 AP Battleship Ta-Class (1541): 80 Armor, 84 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP Destroyer Na-Class (1739): 51 Armor, 60 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP
Aircraft Carrier Princess Kai (1906): 220 Armor, 500 HP, 148 APAircraft Carrier Princess Kai (1906): 220 Armor, 500 HP, 148 AP Light Carrier Nu-Class Elite IV (1777): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 107 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Elite IV (1777): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 107 AP Battleship Ta-Class (1541): 80 Armor, 84 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP Destroyer Na-Class (1739): 51 Armor, 60 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP
Aircraft Carrier Princess Kai (1906): 220 Armor, 500 HP, 148 APAircraft Carrier Princess Kai (1906): 220 Armor, 500 HP, 148 AP Light Carrier Nu-Class Elite IV (1777): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 107 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Elite IV (1777): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 107 AP Light Carrier Nu-Class Elite (1523): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 24 AP Battleship Ta-Class (1541): 80 Armor, 84 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP Destroyer Na-Class (1739): 51 Armor, 60 HP
Aircraft Carrier Princess Kai (1906): 220 Armor, 500 HP, 148 APAircraft Carrier Princess Kai (1906): 220 Armor, 500 HP, 148 AP Standard Carrier Wo-Class Kai Flagship II (1616): 120 Armor, 160 HP, 108 APStandard Carrier Wo-Class Kai Flagship II (1616): 120 Armor, 160 HP, 108 AP Light Carrier Nu-Class Elite IV (1777): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 107 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Elite IV (1777): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 107 AP Light Carrier Nu-Class Elite IV (1777): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 107 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Elite IV (1777): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 107 AP Battleship Ta-Class (1541): 80 Armor, 84 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP
Aircraft Carrier Princess Kai (1906): 220 Armor, 500 HP, 148 APAircraft Carrier Princess Kai (1906): 220 Armor, 500 HP, 148 AP Light Carrier Nu-Class Elite IV (1777): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 107 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Elite IV (1777): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 107 AP Light Carrier Nu-Class Elite IV (1777): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 107 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Elite IV (1777): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 107 AP Battleship Ta-Class (1541): 80 Armor, 84 HP Battleship Ta-Class (1541): 80 Armor, 84 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP
# Formation Air Defense Node AD/AP
E-6 K: 深海鉄底海峡艦隊 前衛水雷戦隊 (PoiDB)
# Formation Night Battle Node AD/AP
K Line Ahead
Double Line
Light Cruiser He-Class Flagship (1555): 39 Armor, 57 HPLight Cruiser He-Class Flagship (1555): 39 Armor, 57 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model (1577): 29 Armor, 38 HP Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model (1577): 29 Armor, 38 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP
Line Ahead
Double Line
Light Cruiser He-Class Kai Flagship (1904): 69 Armor, 115 HPLight Cruiser He-Class Kai Flagship (1904): 69 Armor, 115 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Elite (1592): 68 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model (1577): 29 Armor, 38 HP Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model (1577): 29 Armor, 38 HP Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model (1577): 29 Armor, 38 HP Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model (1577): 29 Armor, 38 HP
# Formation Night Battle Node AD/AP
E-6 L: 深海任務部隊 空母集団 II群 (PoiDB)
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
L Diamond
Standard Carrier Wo-Class Flagship III (1614): 80 Armor, 96 HP, 100 APStandard Carrier Wo-Class Flagship III (1614): 80 Armor, 96 HP, 100 APStandard Carrier Wo-Class Flagship III (1614): 80 Armor, 96 HP, 100 APStandard Carrier Wo-Class Flagship III (1614): 80 Armor, 96 HP, 100 AP Battleship Ta-Class (1541): 80 Armor, 84 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP Light Carrier Nu-Class Elite (1523): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 24 AP Destroyer Na-Class (1739): 51 Armor, 60 HP Destroyer Na-Class (1739): 51 Armor, 60 HP
Standard Carrier Wo-Class Kai Flagship II (1616): 120 Armor, 160 HP, 108 APStandard Carrier Wo-Class Kai Flagship II (1616): 120 Armor, 160 HP, 108 APStandard Carrier Wo-Class Kai Flagship II (1616): 120 Armor, 160 HP, 108 AP Battleship Ta-Class (1541): 80 Armor, 84 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP Light Carrier Nu-Class Elite III (1776): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 126 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Elite III (1776): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 126 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Elite III (1776): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 126 AP Destroyer Na-Class (1739): 51 Armor, 60 HP Destroyer Na-Class (1739): 51 Armor, 60 HP
Standard Carrier Wo-Class Kai Flagship II (1616): 120 Armor, 160 HP, 108 APStandard Carrier Wo-Class Kai Flagship II (1616): 120 Armor, 160 HP, 108 APStandard Carrier Wo-Class Kai Flagship II (1616): 120 Armor, 160 HP, 108 AP Battleship Ta-Class Elite (1542): 88 Armor, 88 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP Light Carrier Nu-Class Elite III (1776): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 126 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Elite III (1776): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 126 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Elite III (1776): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 126 AP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model (1742): 59 Armor, 63 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model (1742): 59 Armor, 63 HP
Standard Carrier Wo-Class Kai Flagship III (1617): 120 Armor, 160 HP, 126 APStandard Carrier Wo-Class Kai Flagship III (1617): 120 Armor, 160 HP, 126 APStandard Carrier Wo-Class Kai Flagship III (1617): 120 Armor, 160 HP, 126 APStandard Carrier Wo-Class Kai Flagship III (1617): 120 Armor, 160 HP, 126 AP Battleship Ta-Class Elite (1542): 88 Armor, 88 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Elite (1592): 68 Armor, 66 HP Light Carrier Nu-Class Kai Elite II (1765): 73 Armor, 88 HP, 106 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Elite II (1765): 73 Armor, 88 HP, 106 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Kai Elite II (1765): 73 Armor, 88 HP, 106 AP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model (1742): 59 Armor, 63 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model (1742): 59 Armor, 63 HP
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
E-6 M: 深海鉄底海峡 リコリス航空隊 (PoiDB)
# Formation Air Defense Node AD/AP
M Diamond
Lycoris Princess IV (1682): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 130 APLycoris Princess IV (1682): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 130 AP Airfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 APAirfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 AP Anti-Air Cruiser Princess (1909): 195 Armor, 733 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP
Lycoris Princess IV (1682): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 130 APLycoris Princess IV (1682): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 130 AP Airfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 APAirfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 AP Airfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 APAirfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 AP Anti-Air Cruiser Princess (1909): 195 Armor, 733 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP
Lycoris Princess IV (1682): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 130 APLycoris Princess IV (1682): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 130 AP Airfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 APAirfield Princess VI (1651): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 48 AP Airfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 APAirfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 AP Anti-Air Cruiser Princess (1909): 195 Armor, 733 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP
# Formation Air Defense Node AD/AP
E-6 N: 深海鉄底海峡艦隊 水上打撃群 (PoiDB)
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
N Line Ahead
Double Line
Battleship Ta-Class Elite (1542): 88 Armor, 88 HPBattleship Ta-Class Elite (1542): 88 Armor, 88 HP Battleship Ta-Class Elite (1542): 88 Armor, 88 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Elite (1592): 68 Armor, 66 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP Destroyer Na-Class (1739): 51 Armor, 60 HP Destroyer Na-Class (1739): 51 Armor, 60 HP
Line Ahead
Double Line
Battleship Ta-Class Flagship (1543): 96 Armor, 90 HPBattleship Ta-Class Flagship (1543): 96 Armor, 90 HP Battleship Ta-Class Elite (1542): 88 Armor, 88 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Elite (1592): 68 Armor, 66 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Elite (1592): 68 Armor, 66 HP Destroyer Na-Class Elite (1740): 55 Armor, 63 HP Destroyer Na-Class Elite (1740): 55 Armor, 63 HP
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
E-6 O
# Landing Node
# Landing Node
E-6 P: 深海鉄底海峡艦隊 遊弋部隊 (PoiDB)
# Formation Boss Battle Node AD/AP
P Cruising Formation 4
Battleship Water Demon Kai (1793): 200 Armor, 800 HPBattleship Water Demon Kai (1793): 200 Armor, 800 HP Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class Flagship (1527): 70 Armor, 76 HP Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class Flagship (1527): 70 Armor, 76 HP Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class (1594): 82 Armor, 80 HP Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class (1594): 82 Armor, 80 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP
Light Cruiser He-Class Flagship (1555): 39 Armor, 57 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP Destroyer Na-Class (1739): 51 Armor, 60 HP Destroyer Na-Class (1739): 51 Armor, 60 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP
Cruising Formation 4
Battleship Water Demon Kai Damaged (1796): 220 Armor, 800 HPBattleship Water Demon Kai Damaged (1796): 220 Armor, 800 HP Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class Flagship (1527): 70 Armor, 76 HP Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class Flagship (1527): 70 Armor, 76 HP Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class Elite (1595): 89 Armor, 88 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP Transport Ship Wa-Class (1513): 10 Armor, 70 HP
Light Cruiser He-Class Flagship (1555): 39 Armor, 57 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP Destroyer Na-Class (1739): 51 Armor, 60 HP Destroyer Na-Class (1739): 51 Armor, 60 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP
# Formation Boss Battle Node AD/AP
E-6 Q: 深海任務部隊 空母集団 III群 (PoiDB)
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
Q Diamond
Light Carrier Nu-Class Elite II (1762): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 69 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Elite II (1762): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 69 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Elite II (1762): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 69 AP Light Carrier Nu-Class Elite (1523): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 24 AP Battleship Ta-Class (1541): 80 Armor, 84 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP Destroyer Na-Class (1739): 51 Armor, 60 HP Destroyer Na-Class (1739): 51 Armor, 60 HP
Light Carrier Nu-Class Elite III (1776): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 126 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Elite III (1776): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 126 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Elite III (1776): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 126 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Elite III (1776): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 126 AP Light Carrier Nu-Class Elite (1523): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 24 AP Battleship Ta-Class (1541): 80 Armor, 84 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP Destroyer Na-Class (1739): 51 Armor, 60 HP Destroyer Na-Class (1739): 51 Armor, 60 HP
Light Carrier Nu-Class Elite IV (1777): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 107 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Elite IV (1777): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 107 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Elite IV (1777): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 107 AP Light Carrier Nu-Class Elite III (1776): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 126 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Elite III (1776): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 126 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Elite III (1776): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 126 AP Battleship Ta-Class (1541): 80 Armor, 84 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model (1742): 59 Armor, 63 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model (1742): 59 Armor, 63 HP
Light Carrier Nu-Class Elite IV (1777): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 107 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Elite IV (1777): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 107 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Elite IV (1777): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 107 AP Light Carrier Nu-Class Elite II (1762): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 69 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Elite II (1762): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 69 AP Battleship Ta-Class Elite (1542): 88 Armor, 88 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model (1742): 59 Armor, 63 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model (1742): 59 Armor, 63 HP
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
E-6 R
# Empty Node
R 気のせいだった。

Must be my imagination.
Enemy Carrier Task Force spotted! All fleets, battle stations!
# Empty Node
E-6 S: 深海鉄底海峡艦隊 巡洋艦部隊 (PoiDB)
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
S Line Ahead
Double Line
Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class Kai (1895): 144 Armor, 330 HPHeavy Cruiser Ne-Class Kai (1895): 144 Armor, 330 HP Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class Kai (1895): 144 Armor, 330 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model (1742): 59 Armor, 63 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model (1742): 59 Armor, 63 HP
Line Ahead
Double Line
Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class Kai II (1896): 222 Armor, 360 HPHeavy Cruiser Ne-Class Kai II (1896): 222 Armor, 360 HP Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class Kai (1895): 144 Armor, 330 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Elite (1592): 68 Armor, 66 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model (1742): 59 Armor, 63 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model (1742): 59 Armor, 63 HP
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
E-6 T
# Empty Node
T 敵影を見ず。

No enemy spotted.
Enemy recon spotted! Watch for air raids. Be on high anti-air alert!
# Empty Node
E-6 U
# Empty Node
U 敵影を見ず。

No enemy spotted.
Our fleet will now break through Ironbottom Sound!
# Empty Node
E-6 V: 深海任務部隊 空母集団 I群 (PoiDB)
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
V Cruising Formation 4
Aircraft Carrier Princess Kai (1906): 220 Armor, 500 HP, 148 APAircraft Carrier Princess Kai (1906): 220 Armor, 500 HP, 148 AP Standard Carrier Wo-Class Kai Flagship II (1616): 120 Armor, 160 HP, 108 APStandard Carrier Wo-Class Kai Flagship II (1616): 120 Armor, 160 HP, 108 AP Light Carrier Nu-Class Elite IV (1777): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 107 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Elite IV (1777): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 107 AP Light Carrier Nu-Class Elite IV (1777): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 107 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Elite IV (1777): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 107 AP Battleship Ta-Class (1541): 80 Armor, 84 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP
Light Cruiser He-Class Flagship (1555): 39 Armor, 57 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model (1742): 59 Armor, 63 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model (1742): 59 Armor, 63 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP
Cruising Formation 4
Aircraft Carrier Princess Kai (1906): 220 Armor, 500 HP, 148 APAircraft Carrier Princess Kai (1906): 220 Armor, 500 HP, 148 AP Light Carrier Nu-Class Elite IV (1777): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 107 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Elite IV (1777): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 107 AP Light Carrier Nu-Class Elite IV (1777): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 107 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Elite IV (1777): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 107 AP Battleship Ta-Class (1541): 80 Armor, 84 HP Battleship Ta-Class (1541): 80 Armor, 84 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP
Light Cruiser He-Class Flagship (1555): 39 Armor, 57 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model (1742): 59 Armor, 63 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model (1742): 59 Armor, 63 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
E-6 W: 深海鉄底海峡艦隊 主力部隊旗艦 (PoiDB)
# Formation Boss Battle Node AD/AP
W Cruising Formation 4
Anti-Air Cruiser Princess (1909): 195 Armor, 733 HPAnti-Air Cruiser Princess (1909): 195 Armor, 733 HP Battleship Ta-Class (1541): 80 Armor, 84 HP Battleship Ta-Class (1541): 80 Armor, 84 HP Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class Elite (1595): 89 Armor, 88 HP Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class Elite (1595): 89 Armor, 88 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP
Light Cruiser He-Class Flagship (1555): 39 Armor, 57 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP Destroyer Na-Class (1739): 51 Armor, 60 HP Destroyer Na-Class (1739): 51 Armor, 60 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP PT Imp Pack (1637): 19 Armor, 9 HP
Cruising Formation 4
Anti-Air Cruiser Princess Damaged (1912): 255 Armor, 733 HPAnti-Air Cruiser Princess Damaged (1912): 255 Armor, 733 HP Battleship Ta-Class (1541): 80 Armor, 84 HP Battleship Ta-Class (1541): 80 Armor, 84 HP Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class Kai (1895): 144 Armor, 330 HP Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class Kai (1895): 144 Armor, 330 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP
Light Cruiser He-Class Flagship (1555): 39 Armor, 57 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP Destroyer Na-Class (1739): 51 Armor, 60 HP Destroyer Na-Class (1739): 51 Armor, 60 HP Destroyer Na-Class (1739): 51 Armor, 60 HP PT Imp Pack II (1638): 29 Armor, 9 HP
# Formation Boss Battle Node AD/AP
E-6 X
# Repair Node
# Repair Node

E-6 AB
# Formation Air Raids AD/AP
AB Diamond
Lycoris Princess IV (1682): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 130 APLycoris Princess IV (1682): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 130 AP Airfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 APAirfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 AP Anti-Air Cruiser Princess (1909): 195 Armor, 733 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP, 1 AP
Lycoris Princess IV (1682): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 130 APLycoris Princess IV (1682): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 130 AP Airfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 APAirfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 AP Airfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 APAirfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 AP Anti-Air Cruiser Princess (1909): 195 Armor, 733 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP, 1 AP
# Formation Air Raids AD/AP
E-6 A
# Empty Node
A 気のせいだった。

Must be my imagination.
Combined fleet, sortie! Be on high anti-submarine alert!
# Empty Node
E-6 B: 深海潜水艦隊 南方部隊 I群 (PoiDB)
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
B Echelon
New Submarine Princess Flagship (1736): 37 Armor, 177 HPNew Submarine Princess Flagship (1736): 37 Armor, 177 HP Submarine Yo-Class (1531): 9 Armor, 24 HP Submarine Yo-Class (1531): 9 Armor, 24 HP
New Submarine Princess Flagship (1736): 37 Armor, 177 HPNew Submarine Princess Flagship (1736): 37 Armor, 177 HP Submarine So-Class (1570): 15 Armor, 33 HP Submarine Yo-Class (1531): 9 Armor, 24 HP Submarine Yo-Class (1531): 9 Armor, 24 HP
New Submarine Princess Flagship (1736): 37 Armor, 177 HPNew Submarine Princess Flagship (1736): 37 Armor, 177 HP Submarine So-Class Elite (1571): 30 Armor, 45 HP Submarine Yo-Class (1531): 9 Armor, 24 HP Submarine Yo-Class (1531): 9 Armor, 24 HP
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
E-6 C
# Selection Node
C 艦隊の針路を選択できます。提督、どちらの針路をとられますか?
You can decide the fleet's course. Admiral, which heading should we take?
# Selection Node
E-6 D: 深海鉄底海峡艦隊 ピケット部隊 (PoiDB)
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
D Line Ahead
Light Cruiser He-Class Flagship (1555): 39 Armor, 57 HPLight Cruiser He-Class Flagship (1555): 39 Armor, 57 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model (1577): 29 Armor, 38 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP
Line Ahead
Double Line
Light Cruiser He-Class Flagship (1555): 39 Armor, 57 HPLight Cruiser He-Class Flagship (1555): 39 Armor, 57 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model (1577): 29 Armor, 38 HP Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model (1577): 29 Armor, 38 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
E-6 E: 深海鉄底海峡 リコリス航空隊 (PoiDB)
# Formation Air Defense Node AD/AP
E Diamond
Lycoris Princess IV (1682): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 130 APLycoris Princess IV (1682): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 130 AP Anti-Air Cruiser Princess (1909): 195 Armor, 733 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP
Lycoris Princess IV (1682): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 130 APLycoris Princess IV (1682): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 130 AP Airfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 APAirfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 AP Anti-Air Cruiser Princess (1909): 195 Armor, 733 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP
# Formation Air Defense Node AD/AP
E-6 F: 深海潜水艦隊 南方部隊 II群 (PoiDB)
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
F Echelon
New Submarine Princess Flagship (1736): 37 Armor, 177 HPNew Submarine Princess Flagship (1736): 37 Armor, 177 HP Submarine Yo-Class (1531): 9 Armor, 24 HP Submarine Yo-Class (1531): 9 Armor, 24 HP
New Submarine Princess Flagship (1736): 37 Armor, 177 HPNew Submarine Princess Flagship (1736): 37 Armor, 177 HP Submarine So-Class (1570): 15 Armor, 33 HP Submarine Yo-Class (1531): 9 Armor, 24 HP Submarine Yo-Class (1531): 9 Armor, 24 HP
New Submarine Princess Flagship (1736): 37 Armor, 177 HPNew Submarine Princess Flagship (1736): 37 Armor, 177 HP Submarine So-Class Elite (1571): 30 Armor, 45 HP Submarine Yo-Class (1531): 9 Armor, 24 HP Submarine Yo-Class (1531): 9 Armor, 24 HP
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
E-6 G
# Empty Node
G 気のせいだった。

Must be my imagination.
Enemy recon spotted! Watch for air raids. Be on high anti-air alert!
# Empty Node
E-6 H: 深海鉄底海峡 リコリス航空隊 (PoiDB)
# Formation Air Defense Node AD/AP
H Diamond
Lycoris Princess IV (1682): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 130 APLycoris Princess IV (1682): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 130 AP Anti-Air Cruiser Princess (1909): 195 Armor, 733 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP
Lycoris Princess IV (1682): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 130 APLycoris Princess IV (1682): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 130 AP Airfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 APAirfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 AP Anti-Air Cruiser Princess (1909): 195 Armor, 733 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP
# Formation Air Defense Node AD/AP
E-6 I
# Empty Node
I 気のせいだった。

Must be my imagination.
Our fleet will now break through Ironbottom Sound!
# Empty Node
E-6 J: 深海任務部隊 艦載機群 (PoiDB)
# Formation Air Defense Node AD/AP
J Diamond
Aircraft Carrier Princess Kai (1906): 220 Armor, 500 HP, 148 APAircraft Carrier Princess Kai (1906): 220 Armor, 500 HP, 148 AP Light Carrier Nu-Class Elite (1523): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 24 AP Battleship Ta-Class (1541): 80 Armor, 84 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP Destroyer Na-Class (1739): 51 Armor, 60 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP
Aircraft Carrier Princess Kai (1906): 220 Armor, 500 HP, 148 APAircraft Carrier Princess Kai (1906): 220 Armor, 500 HP, 148 AP Light Carrier Nu-Class Elite IV (1777): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 107 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Elite IV (1777): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 107 AP Battleship Ta-Class (1541): 80 Armor, 84 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP Destroyer Na-Class (1739): 51 Armor, 60 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP
Aircraft Carrier Princess Kai (1906): 220 Armor, 500 HP, 148 APAircraft Carrier Princess Kai (1906): 220 Armor, 500 HP, 148 AP Light Carrier Nu-Class Elite IV (1777): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 107 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Elite IV (1777): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 107 AP Light Carrier Nu-Class Elite (1523): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 24 AP Battleship Ta-Class (1541): 80 Armor, 84 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP Destroyer Na-Class (1739): 51 Armor, 60 HP
# Formation Air Defense Node AD/AP
E-6 K: 深海鉄底海峡艦隊 前衛水雷戦隊 (PoiDB)
# Formation Night Battle Node AD/AP
K Line Ahead
Light Cruiser He-Class Flagship (1555): 39 Armor, 57 HPLight Cruiser He-Class Flagship (1555): 39 Armor, 57 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model (1577): 29 Armor, 38 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP
Line Ahead
Double Line
Light Cruiser He-Class Flagship (1555): 39 Armor, 57 HPLight Cruiser He-Class Flagship (1555): 39 Armor, 57 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model (1577): 29 Armor, 38 HP Destroyer Ha-Class Late Model (1577): 29 Armor, 38 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP
# Formation Night Battle Node AD/AP
E-6 L: 深海任務部隊 空母集団 II群 (PoiDB)
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
L Diamond
Standard Carrier Wo-Class Flagship III (1614): 80 Armor, 96 HP, 100 APStandard Carrier Wo-Class Flagship III (1614): 80 Armor, 96 HP, 100 APStandard Carrier Wo-Class Flagship III (1614): 80 Armor, 96 HP, 100 APStandard Carrier Wo-Class Flagship III (1614): 80 Armor, 96 HP, 100 AP Battleship Ta-Class (1541): 80 Armor, 84 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP Light Carrier Nu-Class Elite (1523): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 24 AP Destroyer Na-Class (1739): 51 Armor, 60 HP Destroyer Na-Class (1739): 51 Armor, 60 HP
Standard Carrier Wo-Class Kai Flagship II (1616): 120 Armor, 160 HP, 108 APStandard Carrier Wo-Class Kai Flagship II (1616): 120 Armor, 160 HP, 108 APStandard Carrier Wo-Class Kai Flagship II (1616): 120 Armor, 160 HP, 108 AP Battleship Ta-Class (1541): 80 Armor, 84 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP Light Carrier Nu-Class Elite III (1776): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 126 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Elite III (1776): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 126 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Elite III (1776): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 126 AP Destroyer Na-Class (1739): 51 Armor, 60 HP Destroyer Na-Class (1739): 51 Armor, 60 HP
Standard Carrier Wo-Class Kai Flagship II (1616): 120 Armor, 160 HP, 108 APStandard Carrier Wo-Class Kai Flagship II (1616): 120 Armor, 160 HP, 108 APStandard Carrier Wo-Class Kai Flagship II (1616): 120 Armor, 160 HP, 108 AP Battleship Ta-Class Elite (1542): 88 Armor, 88 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP Light Carrier Nu-Class Elite III (1776): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 126 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Elite III (1776): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 126 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Elite III (1776): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 126 AP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model (1742): 59 Armor, 63 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model (1742): 59 Armor, 63 HP
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
E-6 M: 深海鉄底海峡 リコリス航空隊 (PoiDB)
# Formation Air Defense Node AD/AP
M Diamond
Lycoris Princess IV (1682): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 130 APLycoris Princess IV (1682): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 130 AP Airfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 APAirfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 AP Anti-Air Cruiser Princess (1909): 195 Armor, 733 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP
Lycoris Princess IV (1682): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 130 APLycoris Princess IV (1682): 100 Armor, 600 HP, 130 AP Airfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 APAirfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 AP Airfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 APAirfield Princess V (1650): 140 Armor, 500 HP, 34 AP Anti-Air Cruiser Princess (1909): 195 Armor, 733 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP
# Formation Air Defense Node AD/AP
E-6 N: 深海鉄底海峡艦隊 水上打撃群 (PoiDB)
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
N Line Ahead
Battleship Ta-Class Elite (1542): 88 Armor, 88 HPBattleship Ta-Class Elite (1542): 88 Armor, 88 HP Battleship Ta-Class Elite (1542): 88 Armor, 88 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP Destroyer Na-Class (1739): 51 Armor, 60 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP
Line Ahead
Double Line
Battleship Ta-Class Elite (1542): 88 Armor, 88 HPBattleship Ta-Class Elite (1542): 88 Armor, 88 HP Battleship Ta-Class Elite (1542): 88 Armor, 88 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class Elite (1592): 68 Armor, 66 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP Destroyer Na-Class (1739): 51 Armor, 60 HP Destroyer Na-Class (1739): 51 Armor, 60 HP
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
E-6 O
# Landing Node
# Landing Node
E-6 P: 深海鉄底海峡艦隊 遊弋部隊 (PoiDB)
# Formation Boss Battle Node AD/AP
P Cruising Formation 4
Battleship Water Demon Kai (1793): 200 Armor, 800 HPBattleship Water Demon Kai (1793): 200 Armor, 800 HP Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class Flagship (1527): 70 Armor, 76 HP Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class Flagship (1527): 70 Armor, 76 HP Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class (1594): 82 Armor, 80 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP Transport Ship Wa-Class (1513): 10 Armor, 70 HP
Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP Destroyer Na-Class (1739): 51 Armor, 60 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP
Cruising Formation 4
Battleship Water Demon Kai Damaged (1796): 220 Armor, 800 HPBattleship Water Demon Kai Damaged (1796): 220 Armor, 800 HP Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class Flagship (1527): 70 Armor, 76 HP Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class Flagship (1527): 70 Armor, 76 HP Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class (1594): 82 Armor, 80 HP Transport Ship Wa-Class (1513): 10 Armor, 70 HP Transport Ship Wa-Class (1513): 10 Armor, 70 HP
Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP Destroyer Na-Class (1739): 51 Armor, 60 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP
# Formation Boss Battle Node AD/AP
E-6 Q: 深海任務部隊 空母集団 III群 (PoiDB)
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
Q Diamond
Light Carrier Nu-Class Elite II (1762): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 69 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Elite II (1762): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 69 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Elite II (1762): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 69 AP Light Carrier Nu-Class Elite (1523): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 24 AP Battleship Ta-Class (1541): 80 Armor, 84 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP Destroyer Na-Class (1739): 51 Armor, 60 HP Destroyer Na-Class (1739): 51 Armor, 60 HP
Light Carrier Nu-Class Elite III (1776): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 126 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Elite III (1776): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 126 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Elite III (1776): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 126 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Elite III (1776): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 126 AP Light Carrier Nu-Class Elite (1523): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 24 AP Battleship Ta-Class (1541): 80 Armor, 84 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP Destroyer Na-Class (1739): 51 Armor, 60 HP Destroyer Na-Class (1739): 51 Armor, 60 HP
Light Carrier Nu-Class Elite IV (1777): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 107 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Elite IV (1777): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 107 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Elite IV (1777): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 107 AP Light Carrier Nu-Class Elite III (1776): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 126 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Elite III (1776): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 126 APLight Carrier Nu-Class Elite III (1776): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 126 AP Battleship Ta-Class (1541): 80 Armor, 84 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model (1742): 59 Armor, 63 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model (1742): 59 Armor, 63 HP
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
E-6 R
# Empty Node
R 気のせいだった。

Must be my imagination.
Enemy Carrier Task Force spotted! All fleets, battle stations!
# Empty Node
E-6 S: 深海鉄底海峡艦隊 巡洋艦部隊 (PoiDB)
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
S Line Ahead
Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class Kai (1895): 144 Armor, 330 HPHeavy Cruiser Ne-Class Kai (1895): 144 Armor, 330 HP Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class Kai (1895): 144 Armor, 330 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model (1742): 59 Armor, 63 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP
Line Ahead
Double Line
Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class Kai (1895): 144 Armor, 330 HPHeavy Cruiser Ne-Class Kai (1895): 144 Armor, 330 HP Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class Kai (1895): 144 Armor, 330 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model (1742): 59 Armor, 63 HP Destroyer Na-Class Late Model (1742): 59 Armor, 63 HP
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
E-6 T
# Empty Node
T 敵影を見ず。

No enemy spotted.
Enemy recon spotted! Watch for air raids. Be on high anti-air alert!
# Empty Node
E-6 U
# Empty Node
U 敵影を見ず。

No enemy spotted.
Our fleet will now break through Ironbottom Sound!
# Empty Node
E-6 V: 深海任務部隊 空母集団 I群 (PoiDB)
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
V Cruising Formation 4
Aircraft Carrier Princess Kai (1906): 220 Armor, 500 HP, 148 APAircraft Carrier Princess Kai (1906): 220 Armor, 500 HP, 148 AP Battleship Ta-Class (1541): 80 Armor, 84 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP Destroyer Na-Class (1739): 51 Armor, 60 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP
Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP Destroyer Na-Class (1739): 51 Armor, 60 HP Destroyer Na-Class (1739): 51 Armor, 60 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP
Cruising Formation 4
Aircraft Carrier Princess Kai (1906): 220 Armor, 500 HP, 148 APAircraft Carrier Princess Kai (1906): 220 Armor, 500 HP, 148 AP Light Carrier Nu-Class Elite (1523): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 24 AP Light Carrier Nu-Class Elite (1523): 35 Armor, 70 HP, 24 AP Battleship Ta-Class (1541): 80 Armor, 84 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP Destroyer Na-Class (1739): 51 Armor, 60 HP
Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP Destroyer Na-Class (1739): 51 Armor, 60 HP Destroyer Na-Class (1739): 51 Armor, 60 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP
# Formation Normal Battle Node AD/AP
E-6 W: 深海鉄底海峡艦隊 主力部隊旗艦 (PoiDB)
# Formation Boss Battle Node AD/AP
W Cruising Formation 4
Anti-Air Cruiser Princess (1909): 195 Armor, 733 HPAnti-Air Cruiser Princess (1909): 195 Armor, 733 HP Battleship Ta-Class (1541): 80 Armor, 84 HP Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class (1594): 82 Armor, 80 HP Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class (1594): 82 Armor, 80 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP Destroyer Na-Class (1739): 51 Armor, 60 HP
Light Cruiser He-Class Flagship (1555): 39 Armor, 57 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP PT Imp Pack (1637): 19 Armor, 9 HP
Cruising Formation 4
Anti-Air Cruiser Princess Damaged (1912): 255 Armor, 733 HPAnti-Air Cruiser Princess Damaged (1912): 255 Armor, 733 HP Battleship Ta-Class (1541): 80 Armor, 84 HP Battleship Ta-Class (1541): 80 Armor, 84 HP Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class (1594): 82 Armor, 80 HP Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class (1594): 82 Armor, 80 HP Light Cruiser Tsu-Class (1591): 55 Armor, 48 HP
Light Cruiser He-Class Flagship (1555): 39 Armor, 57 HP Destroyer Na-Class (1739): 51 Armor, 60 HP Destroyer Na-Class (1739): 51 Armor, 60 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP Destroyer I-Class (1501): 5 Armor, 20 HP PT Imp Pack (1637): 19 Armor, 9 HP
# Formation Boss Battle Node AD/AP
E-6 X
# Repair Node
# Repair Node

Ship drops

Ship drops
Type Ship L N P Q S V W
DE Fukae Casual+
DE Kunashiri Casual+ Casual+ Medium+
DD Amatsukaze Casual+ Easy+ Casual+ Medium+ Easy+ Casual+
DD Arashi Medium+ Casual+ Medium+ Easy+
DD Fujinami Casual+
DD Hamanami Casual+
DD Harusame Casual+ Casual+ Casual+ Easy+ Casual+ Casual+
DD Hatsukaze Casual+ Casual+ Easy+ Easy+
DD Hayanami Casual+
DD Isokaze Casual+ Casual+ Casual+ Medium+ Casual+ Casual+
DD Kishinami Casual+
DD Maikaze Casual+ Hard+ Casual+ Easy+ Hard+ Casual+
DD Tanikaze Casual+ Casual+ Casual+ Easy+ Casual+ Casual+
DD Teruzuki Casual+
DD Tokitsukaze Casual+ Medium+ Casual+ Casual+ Medium+ Casual+
DD Uranami Casual+
CV Saratoga Casual+
SSV I-401 Medium+ Hard+
AV Akitsushima Medium+ Casual+ Easy+ Easy+
DD Akigumo Casual+ Casual+ Casual+ Easy+ Casual+ Casual+
DD Hamakaze Casual+ Casual+ Casual+ Casual+ Casual+ Casual+
DD Urakaze Casual+ Casual+ Casual+ Easy+ Casual+ Casual+
CL Kinu Casual+ Casual+ Casual+ Medium+ Casual+ Casual+
CL Nagara Casual+ Casual+ Casual+ Easy+ Casual+ Casual+ Casual+
CL Sendai Casual+ Casual+ Casual+ Medium+ Casual+ Casual+ Casual+
CL Yuubari Casual+ Casual+ Casual+ Medium+ Casual+ Casual+
CA Atago Casual+
CA Chikuma Casual+
CA Kinugasa Casual+ Casual+ Casual+ Hard+ Casual+ Casual+ Casual+
CA Kumano Casual+
CA Mogami Casual+
CA Myoukou Casual+
CA Suzuya Casual+
CA Tone Casual+
CVL Hiyou Casual+ Casual+ Casual+ Casual+ Casual+ Casual+
CVL Junyou Casual+ Casual+ Casual+ Easy+ Casual+ Casual+
CVL Zuihou Casual+
FBB Haruna Casual+
FBB Hiei Casual+
FBB Kirishima Casual+
FBB Kongou Casual+
BB Hyuuga Casual+
BB Ise Casual+
CV Shoukaku Casual+
CV Zuikaku Casual+