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This article aims to provide you with a list of the most efficient places to quickly level your ship girls. It will only cover sorties. Generally Exercises are the most efficient way to level but are severely limited.

Experience (XP) increases the level of ships, being crucial to many mechanics (see here). It also increases the Admiral HQ to some extent.

Map Bucket Usage Low Morale? Subtank? Target Types Notes
1-5 Low No No CL, DD, DE, CVL, BBV Enemy SS only
2-1 Low No Yes CV(L), (F)BB(V), CA(V), CL(T)
2-2 Low Yes Yes CV(L), DD, SS(V) Bauxite farm
3-4 High No No CV(L) Ranking map
3-5 Low Yes Yes Any + CV(L)
7-1 Medium No No CL, DD Ranking map
7-2 p1 Low No No CVL, DE Majority Submarines
7-2 p2 High No No FBB, CV(L), CA Ranking map.
7-4 Very low Yes N/A SS(V)
  • Resource farming,
  • LBAS proficiency farming.
7-5 None Yes N/A SS(V), CAV, BBV, CV(L), AV RLK212cm 30-tube Rocket Launcher Kai Ni required
4-4 Medium No No (F)BB(V), CV(L), CA Ranking map
4-5 Low No No Any Enemy SS only
5-2 None Yes N/A SS(V), CAV, BBV, CV(L), AV RLK212cm 30-tube Rocket Launcher Kai Ni required
5-3 High No No Any (except BBV and CV(L)) Night battle map
5-5 Low No No Any Enemy SS only
6-5 Low No No Any (except CV(L) and CLT) Enemy SS only
Map Bucket Usage Low Morale? Subtank? Target Types Notes

Alternatively, Expedition 32 can be used for leveling, but this method is unadvised, as it takes away one expedition for resource farming.

Leveling Locations

This map is a good starting point for leveling DD, DE, and CL. OASW is required to get the most out of this map. At higher HQ levels, the boss node contains a flagship submarine that can be difficult to sink in just 1 round of shelling. Furthermore, the submarines present will have opening torpedoes in the later nodes. Not having OASW means higher bucket usage. BBV and CVL also have some use in this map. BBVs allow a 2nd round of shelling that can help weaker ASW ships secure S rank. CVLs can carry a Saiun to prevent RedT engagements from hampering your fleet's combat ability. This map can be used for Ranking.

Recommended Fleets
  • 0-1 BBV, 0-1 CVL, 2-4 CL/DD/DE
Equipment Setups
Reaching OASW for DD, DE, and CL overrides all equipment setup suggestions listed below.
Ship Type Equipment Notes
CL/CT/DD/DE SONARDepth Charge ProjectorDCPDepth Charge RacksDCR The standard synergy setup.
BBV RotorcraftLiaison AircraftSeaplane BomberBomber A BBV won't contribute much to combat aside from enabling a 2nd shelling phase. Hyuuga Kai Ni is an exception since she has great ASW and OASW. Just equip the BBV with the best ASW equipment she can carry.
CVL Torpedo BomberRotorcraftLiaison AircraftReconnaissance Aircraft Aside from the Saiun, CVLs should just have whatever your best ASW planes are. Ideally you should take one of the CVLs that are capable of OASW.

This map is not all that fantastic for experience, but it is the earliest map that is efficient for leveling heavier ships like BB, CA, CV, and CVL. Air power is nearly nonexistent which allows your fleet to have a powerful opening strike that reduces your bucket cost.

Recommended Fleets
  • 2CV(L) 1-2BB/CA 0-1CL/T 2DD
Equipment Setups
Ship Type Equipment Notes
DD High-Angle GunHigh-Angle GunWildcard Fairly standard setup for DDs. They won't be contributing much to the battle beyond providing AA support. They are primarily here to reduce costs. Else, putting more CL and CA in the fleet would still work.
CL Medium Caliber Main GunMedium Caliber Main GunSeaplane Setup for CLs that are capable of Artillery Spotting. For those that are not, simply replace the seaplane with a radar or anti-air gun.
CLT Secondary GunSecondary GunMidget SubmarineMinisub CLTs are useful for increasing the pass rate for this map. The addition of a midget sub for opening torpedo strikes can reduce the number of threats even further.
CA Medium Caliber Main GunMedium Caliber Main GunSeaplaneWildcard Just a standard artillery spotting setup. The wildcard can be anything that doesn't interfere with the double attack.
BB Large Caliber Main GunLarge Caliber Main GunArmor-Piercing ShellSeaplane Just a standard artillery spotting setup.
CV(L) Torpedo BomberTorpedo BomberDive BomberFighter You may need to shuffle around some planes in order to hit the 162 fighter power required for AS+. One of your carriers should also have a Saiun if you can manage it.

This map requires a minimum of 3 CV(L), allowing you to leech up to 3 other girls. The objective of this leveling method is to only hit node B and the bauxite node. It doesn't give a lot of experience but it provides safe leveling. The resource cost is very low and it is even possible to get a refund on the bauxite cost. While it is possible to run this map at low morale, you will want to have more carriers to increase the chances the airstrike sinks all the enemy ships. This will reduce the bucket cost. This map can also be used for farming bauxite. See Resource Farming for more details.

Recommended Fleets
  • 3CV(L) 3XX
Equipment Setups
The equipment of the other ships do not matter. Taking barrels and Daihatsu along will increase your bauxite gain.
Ship Type Equipment Notes
CV(L) Torpedo BomberTorpedo BomberTorpedo BomberDive Bomber Maximize carrier airstrike power to sink a majority of the enemy fleet before shelling begins. A carrier can have a Recon in order to maximize airstrike damage. The dive bomber enables the carriers to perform CVCI during shelling.

This map is primarily for CV(L). The strategy is to load up on your best torpedo bombers and attempt to wipe the nodes before they send your fleet back to port. Be warned that this map costs an exorbitant amount of bauxite. Attempting to reduce the bauxite cost will increase the bucket cost. This map can also be used for Ranking.

Recommended Fleets
  • 2CV 2CVL 1CL 1AV
Equipment Setups
Ship Type Equipment Notes
CL Medium Caliber Main GunMedium Caliber Main GunSeaplane A basic artillery spotting setup. Keep in mind that not taking a CL capable of performing opening torpedoes will reduce your success rate.
TorpedoesTorpedoesMidget SubmarineMinisub This is for Minisub capable CL. The extra torpedoes will make their opening strike a lot more powerful, allowing it to hopefully take out heavier targets.
CV(L) Torpedo BomberTorpedo BomberDive BomberFighter You will need to reach a total of 168 fighter power in order to minimize your bauxite losses. A carrier can have a Recon in order to maximize airstrike damage.
AV TorpedoesTorpedoesMidget SubmarineMinisub Similar to the CL, the AV should aim to maximize torpedo power. In this case, all three should be midget submarines.

This map allows you to level any ship type as the flagship. You should retreat after node B. 3-4 enemies in the node will be forced to attack a submarine, allowing you to mitigate some damage taken. Note that those enemies have ASW equipment so the sub is unlikely to survive more than one battle. Because the airstrike will do most of the heavy lifting, it is possible to run this map with low morale ships. Beware that this will increase your bucket cost when the airstrike fails to take out enough enemy ships.

Recommended Fleets
  • 1XX 4CV(L) 1SS/V
Equipment Setups
The flagship and submarine can be equipped with anything. You may use any of the standard Equipment Setups for the flagship.
Ship Type Equipment Notes
CV(L) Torpedo BomberTorpedo BomberTorpedo BomberDive Bomber Maximize carrier airstrike power to sink a majority of the enemy fleet before shelling begins. A carrier can have a Recon in order to maximize airstrike damage. The dive bomber enables the carriers to perform CVCI during shelling.

This map is great for leveling CLs and DDs but the requirements are tight if you want to reduce bucket costs. At least 3-4 girls in the fleet must be capable of OASW. The fewer girls that are capable, the higher the bucket cost will be. Having a CL capable of opening strikes will help by increasing the pass rate at G. This map can be used for Ranking.

Recommended Fleets
  • 1CL 4DD
Equipment Setups
Reaching OASW for DD and CL overrides all equipment setup suggestions listed below.
Ship Type Equipment Notes
DD SONARDepth ChargesSmall Caliber Main Gun The standard synergy 2 equipment setup. The gun adds daytime shelling power to reduce retreats at G.
CL Medium Caliber Main GunSONARDepth Charges This setup is for CLs without an opening attack. The reasoning behind it is similar to the DD setup.
Seaplane BomberBomberSeaplane BomberBomberSONAR/Depth Charges This setup is for seaplane bombers capable CL. Good SPB are important to increase the pass rate.
Midget SubmarineMinisubSONARDepth Charges This setup is limited to Minisub capable CL. They are the best choice for CLs on this map. The opening torpedo is nearly guaranteed to kill at least one enemy at G which drastically increases your pass rate.

This section is for 7-2 phase 1 that terminates at node G. It is a decent map for leveling DE and CVL. The exp is lower than 1-5, but you can level 1 more girl. Ideally, you will want all your girls to be capable of OASW. This will allow them to eliminate the submarine threats and take no damage in return. Note that the boss node contains a mix of sub and surface ships.

Recommended Fleets
  • 3DE, 2CVL
Equipment Setups
Ship Type Equipment Notes
DE SONARDepth Charge ProjectorDCPDepth Charge RacksDCR The standard synergy setup.
CVL Torpedo BomberTorpedo BomberTorpedo BomberDive Bomber Because the boss contains surface ships, you will want to maximize your airstrike along with ASW. The surface ships at the boss are just DD and CL so taking your highest ASW torpedo bombers should be sufficient. One CVL should have a Saiun to prevent Red T.

This section is for 7-2 phase 2 that terminates at node M. It provides slightly more experience than 4-4 in exchange for harder fights. It is primarily for leveling BB, CV(L), and CA. It also has a very steep fighter power requirement, which limits the effectiveness of the airstrike. Overall, it costs a lot more resources to run compared to 4-4. This map can also be used for Ranking.

Recommended Fleets
  • 1FBB, 2CV(L), 1CA/CL, 2DD
  • 1AV, 2CLT, 3DD
Equipment Setups
Ship Type Equipment Notes
DD High-Angle GunHigh-Angle GunWildcard Fairly standard setup for DDs. They won't be contributing much to the battle beyond providing AA support. The wildcard can be a radar for AACI (if using the right guns) or SONARs to help with passing node C.
CL Medium Caliber Main GunMedium Caliber Main GunSeaplane Setup for CLs that are capable of Artillery Spotting. For those that are not, simply replace the seaplane with a radar or anti-air gun. For Abukuma Kai Ni or Yura Kai Ni, the seaplane can be replaced with a midget submarine.
CLT Secondary GunSecondary GunMidget SubmarineMinisub CLTs are useful for increasing the pass rate for this map. The addition of a midget sub for opening torpedo strikes can reduce the number of threats even further.
CA Medium Caliber Main GunMedium Caliber Main GunSeaplaneWildcard Just a standard artillery spotting setup. The wildcard can be anything that doesn't interfere with the double attack.
BB Large Caliber Main GunLarge Caliber Main GunArmor-Piercing ShellSeaplane Just a standard artillery spotting setup.
CV(L) Torpedo BomberDive BomberFighterFighter You will need to hit 359 fighter power for AS. Attempting to hit AS+ is futile and will cripple your carrier's combat effectiveness.

On 7-4, it is possible to use a submarine fleet to route to the Port Node O instead of the Boss, farming fuel and bauxite at the same time. It is also possible to send one LBAS to level up LBAS planes' proficiency at the same time.

  • See here for more detail.
Recommended Fleets
  • 1-6SS(V)
  • Route = C D F J K M O
    • LoS required: ≥ 32 (Cn3)

This map is primarily for leveling BB, CV(L), CA, or CL. Unlike 7-1p2, it has no speed routing so a wider variety of girls can be used. It can get fairly costly depending on the setup used. It is not recommended to bring more than 1 leech for this map. The pre-boss nodes are fairly dangerous with the flagship Ri that will cause you to retreat. The boss herself has flagship Ta as escorts that will cost you buckets if you do not bring powerful enough girls.

  • This map can also be used for Ranking.
Recommended Fleets
  • 1BB, 2CV(L), 1CA/CL, 2DD
Equipment Setups
Ship Type Equipment Notes
DD High-Angle GunSONARDepth Charges The main role of the DD will be to help increase the pass rate at E. OASW is highly recommended.
CL Medium Caliber Main GunMedium Caliber Main GunSeaplane Setup for CLs that are capable of Artillery Spotting. For those that are not, simply replace the seaplane with a radar or anti-air gun. For Abukuma Kai Ni or Yura Kai Ni, the seaplane can be replaced with a midget submarine.
CLT Secondary GunSecondary GunMidget SubmarineMinisub CLTs are useful for increasing the pass rate for this map. The addition of a midget sub for opening torpedo strikes can reduce the number of threats even further.
CA Medium Caliber Main GunMedium Caliber Main GunSeaplaneWildcard Just a standard artillery spotting setup. The wildcard can be anything that doesn't interfere with the double attack.
BB Large Caliber Main GunLarge Caliber Main GunArmor-Piercing ShellSeaplane Just a standard artillery spotting setup.
CV(L) Torpedo BomberTorpedo BomberDive BomberFighter The fighter power requirement is very low at 144 for AS+. This allows your carriers to bring a powerful airstrike that will increase your chances of reaching the boss.

Out of the 3 "1st node submarine" maps, 4-5 is the 2nd best in terms of experience. It also has the added advantage of not being limited by fleet composition. The objective is to retreat after node B or D. You will require some girls capable of OASW to reduce the bucket cost. Because your fleet only fights one node, morale can quickly become an issue.

Recommended Fleets
  • 3-4OASW 2-3XX
Equipment Setups
Any girl not capable of ASW can just be equipped with anything. Bulges will help reduce the chances that opening torpedoes will damage them.
Ship Type Equipment Notes
CL/CT/DD/DE SONARDepth Charge ProjectorDCPDepth Charge RacksDCR The standard synergy setup.
BBV/CAV RotorcraftLiaison AircraftSeaplane BomberBomber A BBV won't contribute much to combat aside from enabling a 2nd shelling phase. Hyuuga Kai Ni is an exception since she has great ASW and OASW. Just equip the BBV with the best ASW equipment she can carry.
CVL Torpedo BomberRotorcraftLiaison AircraftReconnaissance Aircraft Aside from the Saiun, CVLs should just have whatever your best ASW planes are. Ideally you should take one of the CVLs that are capable of OASW.

This is the cheapest and fastest way to level any aviation ship (BBV, CAV, CV(B/L), and AV) as well as SS/SSV. The objective is to retreat after the air node. The 12cm 30 Tube Rocket Launcher Kai 2 is mandatory to get the most out of this map. This map is a waste of time and resources if you do not have the RLK2. How many girls you can field at once is determined by how many rockets you have. Because it is highly unlikely your girls will take damage, this map can be run non-stop with the flagship guaranteed MVP.

Recommended Fleets
  • 1-6XX
Equipment Setups
Ship Type Equipment Notes
BBV, CAV, CV(B/L), AV Equipment Card 12cm 30-tube Rocket Launcher Kai 2.png ( Anti-Aircraft GunAnti-Aircraft GunAnti-Aircraft Gun ) You only need the 12cm 30 Tube Rocket Launcher Kai 2 equipped on your girls to do this map. The aim is to abuse the Rocket Barrage ability to take no damage from the airstrike. Most girls should be able to reach 100% trigger rate with just 2 RLK2, or with 1 RLK2 and AA guns.
SS/SSV - Submarines do not need any particular equipment.

An alternative solution for surface ships unable to trigger the AARB, is to set such a ship as flagship, followed by at least 4 ships with AARB, and by using either Diamond or Vanguard formations.

  • The flagship will take advantage of the flagship protection mechanic, with this method being more risky than the standard AARB one.

This map is the fastest way to level F/BB, CA/V, CL/T, DD and DE. Take note that BBV and CV(L) cannot be brought. The objective of this map is to target node P. This map is very costly bucket-wise. The two night battle nodes are more than capable of heavily damaging any ship girl in your fleet if they get lucky.

Recommended Fleets
  • 1XX 0-1CL 4-5DD
Ship Type Equipment Notes
DD Small Caliber Main GunSmall Caliber Main GunWildcard This setup is only for the DD that is flagship. The red guns are interchangeable with High-Angle Gun, just use whatever has the best total night battle power. The wildcard can by anything that does not interfere with her double attack setup. This should enable her to take MVP most of the time.
TorpedoesRADARLookout This setup is for the escorting DDs. The cut-in that it triggers is low power, has a decent trigger rate even on low luck ships and the setup provides bonus evasion. It provides some much needed survivability and is still good enough to sink the enemies you'll encounter without outshining the flagship.
CL Medium Caliber Main GunStar Shell Icon.pngNight Reconnaissance Seaplane The CL should be powerful enough to take out enemy ships with a single attack. She should not have a double attack so that she doesn't steal MVP from the flagship. The Star Shell increases the chances that the escort DDs will perform their cut-ins. The seaplane must be a night scout.
CA/V Medium Caliber Main GunMedium Caliber Main GunNight Reconnaissance SeaplaneWildcard Like the CL, the seaplane must be a night scout. The wildcard can be anything that does not interfere with her double attack setup. She can even equip a star shell to increase the activation chance.
(F)BB Large Caliber Main GunLarge Caliber Main GunNight Reconnaissance SeaplaneArmor-Piercing Shell Like the CL, the seaplane must be a night scout. This is a fairly standard setup for the BB otherwise.

Out of the 3 "1st node submarine" maps, 5-5 is the best in terms of experience. It's drawbacks are that you are limited to only 3DD and the enemy submarines are stronger, necessitating OASW. The objective is to retreat after node B. Like 4-5, morale quickly becomes an issue.

Recommended Fleets
  • 4-5OASW 1-2XX
Equipment Setups
Any girl not capable of ASW can just be equipped with anything. Bulges will help reduce the chances that opening torpedoes will damage them.
Ship Type Equipment Notes
CL/CT/DD/DE SONARDepth Charge ProjectorDCPDepth Charge RacksDCR The standard synergy setup.
BBV RotorcraftLiaison AircraftSeaplane BomberBomber A BBV won't contribute much to combat aside from enabling a 2nd shelling phase. Hyuuga Kai Ni is an exception since she has great ASW and OASW. Just equip the BBV with the best ASW equipment she can carry.
CVL Torpedo BomberRotorcraftLiaison AircraftReconnaissance Aircraft Aside from the Saiun, CVLs should just have whatever your best ASW planes are. Ideally you should take one of the CVLs that are capable of OASW.

Out of the 3 "1st node submarine" maps, 6-5 is the worst in terms of experience. Unlike 4-5 and 5-5, you are also unable to bring BB, CV, or CLT. The only reason to run this map for experience is to rank your LBAS alongside. OASW is mandatory due to the strength of the enemy submarines. You can reduce the number of OASW girls in the fleet if you are running ASW planes in the LBAS. This map can be used for ranking LBAS.

Recommended Fleets
  • 1CL, 4XX, with 5 OASW
Equipment Setups
Ship Type Equipment Notes
CL/CT/DD/DE SONARDepth Charge ProjectorDCPDepth Charge RacksDCR The standard synergy setup.

General Tips

  • Maps heavily reward clearing them in full with the boss node being worth a significant portion of the map's exp. Unless otherwise noted, always clear the map.
  • For details on how exp works, see Experience and Rank.
    • The flagship receives a 50% exp bonus. Have the girl to level the fastest in that slot.
    • MVP gives double XP. Can be set as flagship for a total of 3x bonus.
    • S-ranks give 20% more exp. Losses have an exp penalty.
    • It is good to proceed into night battle for boss nodes to attempt to turn a loss into a victory or A/B rank into S-rank.
      • Do not bother fighting SS in NB.
  • Certain maps like 5-3 allow some control over who gets the MVP. Take full advantage of that to maximize efficiency by manipulating the flagship to get MVP.
  • Unless otherwise noted, girls' morale must be watched. Low morale will affect their combat ability and lower the pass rate.
  • Leveling speed can be increased slightly by sortieing with full ship and/or equipment slots. This saves precious time not waiting for the drop animation to play out.
  • Be sure to check the Event section when there is an event running for the latest leveling spot. Events generally allow to level using a combined fleet.
  • Do not be afraid to sortie girls at moderate damage (中破). Unless they are severely underleveled and not modernized, they should be able to last a few runs before heavy damage.
    • A general rule of thumb is to leave a buffer of 10% max HP from heavy damage (大破).
  • Submarine, PT Imp, Airstrike, and Night Battle nodes consume considerably less fuel and ammo than regular surface battle nodes
  • Modernization: Improves the primary four stats of ships. AA tends to be difficult to modernize but is generally the least important for farming XP. Firepower and armor can help the most. Stats gained during modernization are lost upon remodel, so typically modernization is used after the first remodel.

Using Fodder Ships

If maps require passing a dangerous node (like 5-3 I) first to get to the leveling spot, it is possible to exploit disposable escort ships that can be sunk during the sortie to save on buckets and time. Be aware that sinking Ships intentionally can generate quite a bit of hostility from other admirals. It is generally not recommended to utilize these strategies, but are included here for sake of completion of the guide. Be aware of the following:

  • Equipment from sunk ships is permanently lost, do not use anything but the most basic equipment on them
  • Losing Ships can affect Battle Ranks
  • Unmodernized Level 1 ships with disposable equipment will struggle to make any meaningful contribution to the battle, which will also affect Battle Ranks
  • Sinking Ships can also lead to failure to fulfill certain branching rules later on in the same map

Submarine Tanks

Also known as "Sub Tanks". This strategy is using SS(V) to draw fire from enemy DD, CL, CVL, and, BBV. This can help preserve the rest of the fleet as they will be taking less fire. SS(V) have low sortie costs and are quick to repair when under level 40 and unremodeled. Do note that any enemy with ASW gears will make short work of low level SS(V).


It may be interesting to control which girl strikes first to better manage who gets the MVP.

It is impossible to reduce the base Range of a ship, but certain equipment can extend it.

Range Range Equipment Notes
Short All Small Caliber Main Gun Small Caliber Main High-angle GunSmall Small Caliber Main Guns, all Secondary High-angle GunSec Large Secondary High-angle GunSp_Sec High-Angle Secondary Guns, all Torpedoes Submarine TorpedoesSubTorpedoes, and Anti-Ground Rocket WG42WG42 (Wurfgerät 42) Cannot increase the range of any ship.
Medium Small Caliber Main High-angle GunSmall 5" Single Gun Mk.30 + GFCS5inch Single Gun Mount Mk.30 Kai + GFCS Mk.37
Small RADARSmall GFCS Mk.37GFCS Mk.37
Large RADARLarge SK + SG RadarSK + SG Radar, Type 274 Fire Control RadarType 274 Fire Control Radar
Small RADARSmall SG Radar (Initial Model)SG Radar (Initial Model) / (Late Model)SG Radar (Late Model) Addtional +1 Range on USN DDs, Dan Yang, and Yukikaze Kai Ni.
Lookout Torpedo Squadron Skilled LookoutsTorpedo Squadron Skilled Lookouts Equipable in the RE
All Secondary Gun Secondary Guns (Yellow)
All Medium Caliber Main Gun Medium Main Caliber High-angle GunMedium Medium Caliber Main Guns (but Long range ones)
Large Caliber Main Gun 38cm Quadruple Gun Mount Kai38cm Quadruple Gun Mount Kai / Deux38cm Quadruple Gun Mount Kai Deux Cannot increase the range of any ship.
Aviation Personnel NOAPNight Operation Aviation Personnel
Long Large Caliber Main Gun 203mm/53 Twin Gun Mount203mm/53 Twin Gun Mount
All Large Caliber Main Gun Large Caliber Main Guns (but Medium and Very Long range ones)
Aviation Personnel SCAMPSkilled Carrier-based Aircraft Maintenance Personnel, NOAP + Skilled DeckhandsNight Operation Aviation Personnel + Skilled Deckhands
Dive Bomber Suisei Model 22 (634 Air Group)Suisei Model 22 (634 Air Group) / SkilledSuisei Model 22 (634 Air Group/Skilled), Ju 87C Kai Ni (w/ KMX/Skilled)Ju 87C Kai Ni (w/ KMX/Skilled)
JetFighterBomber2.png Kikka KaiKikka Kai, JetFighterBomber1.png Jet Keiun KaiJet Keiun Kai
Very Long Large Caliber Main Gun 381mm/50 Triple Gun Mount381mm/50 Triple Gun Mount / Kai381mm/50 Triple Gun Mount Kai, PrototypePrototype 46cm Twin Gun Mount / 46cm Triple Gun Mount46cm Triple Gun Mount / Kai46cm Triple Gun Mount Kai
All Very Large Caliber Main GunSp Very Large Caliber Main GunsPrototype 51cm Twin Gun Mount
51cm Twin Gun Mount
Prototype 51cm Triple Gun Mount
Aviation Personnel SDP + Aviation Maintenance HandsSkilled Deck Personnel + Aviation Maintenance Hands Equipable in the RE of CV(L/B)
+1 Reconnaissance Aircraft Type 2 Reconnaissance AircraftType 2 Reconnaissance Aircraft +1 Range on Souryuu Kai Ni, Hiryuu Kai Ni, and Ise-class Kai Ni


On some event maps, it may be possible to farm for resources or for leveling, please refer to the current Event page for up-to-date data.

  • This section may be updated for relevant events.

See Also