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Gameplay Notes
Special Mechanics
- Able to perform OASW at 100 ASW.
- Able to switch between Kai Ni and Kai Ni B remodels.
- Modernisation will be reset on conversion.
- Able to equip Daihatsu and Type 2 Ka-Mi tanks at Kai Ni and Kai Ni B.
- Able to perform special AACI at Kai Ni B. Please see Anti-Air Cut-In for more details.
- Able to equip Large RADARs at Kai Ni B.
- Average firepower, torpedo, ASW, HP and armour.
Kai Ni
- Decent firepower, torpedo and ASW.
- Average HP and armour.
Kai Ni B
- Decent firepower and ASW.
- Average torpedo, HP and armour.
Fit Bonuses
Visible Fit Bonuses Template:GunfitHeader Template:Gunfit Template:Gunfit Template:Gunfit Template:Gunfit Template:Gunfit |}
Kasumi Kai
Priority: Low
- At first remodel, she has low firepower and a decent torpedo stat, making her hitting harder in night battle than at day, but not great at either.
- While not impressive in combat, do keep in mind than many maps require you to bring at least a few destroyers for routing.
- Furthermore, destroyers are cheap to deploy and can equip Drum Canister, making them suited for expeditions.
Kasumi Kai Ni
Priority: High
- Her second remodel increases her Firepower and Torpedo stat to very high levels for a destroyers, making her a destroyer very well suited for surface combat.
- Furthermore, a base luck of 37 means she can perform powerful cut-in attacks at night with decent reliability.
- She has enough ASW to perform ASW at high-but-before-marriage levels with proper gear, too.
- However, she can be remodeled further to fill a different niche in the fleet, which might be preferable for admirals not short of high luck anti-surface destroyers, so giving up this version to obtain the B one is also possibility.
- She is also able to equip a Fleet Command Facility.
- Another option, for those willing to do so, is to raise a second Kasumi as she doesn't need a Blueprint or Action Report to be remodeled.
Kasumi Kai Ni B
Priority: Medium-High
- A further remodel decreases her anti-surface capabilities by reducing her Firepower and Torpedo stat a bit, while keeping her ASW stat.
- In exchange for this, she the ability to load Daihatsu and tanks, allowing her to increase expedition income or be deployed against enemy installations.
- While she cannot equip the Fleet Command Facility any more, this remodel lets her be fitted with large RADARs not accessible to other destroyers, making her a good candidate for support expeditions.
- Her AA increases too, and she gains two unique Anti-Air Cut-In that aren't great but can be useful in a pinch.
- Newer admirals should carefully consider which remodel to pursue first.
Recommended Roles
- Surface combat (Second remodel)
- Night battle (Second remodel)
- ASW (Second remodel and beyond)
- Expeditions (Second remodel B)
- Support expeditions (Second remodel B)
- Anti-air (Second remodel B)
- Anti-installation (Second remodel B)
Important Information
- Required for A30, A32, A46, A65, A87, B21, B38, B57, B58, B59, and B116.
Voice Lines
Event | Japanese/English |
Introduction Play |
I'm Kasumi. I'll move forward with all my strength. Follow me. |
霞よ。ガンガン行くわよ。ついてらっしゃい。 | |
Introduction Play |
I'm the remodelled Asashio-class destroyer, Kasumi! Of course I'll still move forward with all my strength. Follow me alright. |
改装された朝潮型駆逐艦、霞よ!もちろん、ガンガン行くわ。ついてらっしゃいな。 | |
Library Play |
I'm a hard fighting fleet destroyer with a long service history.
At the end, I fought together with Yamato in Operation Ten-Go against the fierce attacks of US planes.[1] I won't lose! |
最後は戦艦大和と共に坊ノ岬沖海戦で米艦載機の猛攻と戦ったの。 負けないわ! | |
Secretary 1 Play |
If you need something look me in the eyes and say it! |
用があるなら目を見て言いなさいな! | |
Secretary 2 Play |
Like I said, what do you want? |
だから何よ? | |
Secretary 2 (Kai Ni B) Play |
I hate badmouthing people! I just move on.[2] |
陰口とかは嫌い!前に進むだけよ。 | |
Secretary 3 Play |
Huh!? Shouldn't I be angry at you? So undisciplined! |
はぁ!?それで逆ギレ?だらし無いったら! | |
Secretary Idle Play |
Wait a minute! Why are you putting the fleet on standby at such an important time? I'm talking to you! |
ちょっとぉ!この大事な時に艦隊を待機させるって、どういう事なの?ねえってば! | |
Secretary (Married) Play |
Wh-what! Actually I do feel a little bit grateful and if you weren't here I'd be lonely... Th-that's wrong! |
な、何よ!ホントは少しくらい感謝してるし、いなくなったら寂しいし・・・ち、違うぅ! | |
Wedding Play |
You sure have a lot of free time to call me to a place like this, you garbage Commander... Eh... A present? For me? Eh, ah, idiot... |
あらクズ司令官こんなところにいるなんて相当お暇なようね...えっ...プレゼント?私に?...えっあっ、馬鹿ぁ | |
Player's Score Play |
It's a letter. Don't make me repeat myself you piece of shit. |
手紙よ、何度言わせるのよ、このクズ。 | |
Player's Score Play |
Ah, you want intelligence? Wait here. I'll go compile it now. |
あ、情報を取るの?待ってなさい。今、整理してあげるから。 | |
Joining the Fleet Play |
I'm heading out, I can't bear to watch this anymore. |
霞出るわ、見てらんないったら。 | |
Joining the Fleet (Kai Ni B) Play |
I have resolved myself. Now it's time to go! I can do this! |
覚悟は完了してる。後は行くだけ!やるわ! | |
Equipment 1 Play |
This isn't worth being called a reinforcement. |
こんなの全然強化のうちに入んないわよ。[3] | |
Equipment 2 Play |
Well, I won't thank you. |
まあ、お礼は言わないわ。 | |
Equipment 3[4] Play |
This is worthless. |
つまらないわ。 | |
Equipment 3[5] Play |
I can't bear to watch! |
見てらんないったら! | |
Supply Play |
What, a resupply!? ...Well, it is important. |
何よ、補給なの!?…まあ、必要だけど。 | |
Docking (Minor Damage) Play |
The timing is strange! |
タイミングおかしいったら! | |
Docking (Major Damage) Play |
I swear... what kind of orders are you giving... It's really troublesome! |
ったく…どんな采配してんのよ…本っ当に迷惑だわ! | |
Construction Play |
A new ship has been completed. Go meet her. |
新艦が完成したわ。迎えに行きなさい。 | |
Returning from Sortie Play |
The operation is complete. Listen to the report. |
作戦が終了したわ。報告を聞きなさい。 | |
Starting a Sortie Play |
My torpedo squadron is setting off! |
霞の水雷戦隊が出るったら! | |
Starting a Sortie Play |
2nd Torpedo Squadron, temporary flagship Kasumi, setting sail! Follow me![6] |
第二水雷戦隊、臨時旗艦霞、抜錨よ!ついてらっしゃい! | |
Starting a Battle Play |
Sink! |
沈みなさい! | |
Attack Play |
How miserable! |
みじめよね! | |
Night Battle Attack Play |
You're better off dead! |
死ねばいいのに! | |
Night Battle Attack Play |
Aaaah, you're all idiots! Time to put what we learned into practice! Let's do this! |
ぁぁもう馬鹿ばっかり!実践あるのみよ!やるわ! | |
Night Battle Play |
Ah jeez, you're all idiots! |
あーもう、バカばっかり! | |
MVP Play |
It's not like I'm happy or anything. But I'll accept it just this once. |
別に、嬉しくもなんともないわ。一応、貰っといてあげるけどね。 | |
MVP Play |
It's not like I'm happy or any... Wait, no. Pride and glory is something good... for destroyers. I accept it. |
別に嬉しくもなんとも… いいえ、違う。駆逐艦乗りの意地と栄光か… いいものね。もらって置くわ。 | |
Minor Damage 1 Play |
Kyaaah! This can't be right!? |
きゃっ!嘘でしょ!? | |
Minor Damage 2 Play |
I'm hit!? Me!? |
被弾!?あたしが!? | |
Minor Damage 2 Play |
I'm hit!? Me!? Those pieces of shit! I'll get them for this! |
被弾!?あたしが!?このクズが!返り討ちよ! | |
Major Damage Play |
There seems to be someone competent on the other side... I give you my praise. |
少しは出来る奴が居るようね…褒めてあげるわ。 | |
Major Damage (Kai Ni B) Play |
I won't sink from this! Not even as a joke! |
こんなんじゃ霞は沈まないわ!冗談じゃないったら! | |
Sunk Play |
I can't believe... I'm sinking... I really can't... |
私が沈むなんて……認めない……認めないんだから…… |
- ↑ Operation Ten-Go is also known as the Battle of Bou no Misaki in Japan.
- ↑ Referring to how Shiranui's captain was held fully responsible for a decision to anchor in Kiska Harbour that led to the sinking of Arare; and Kasumi and Shiranui being heavily damaged.
- ↑ Shared with Supply before Kai.
- ↑ This line is shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development.
- ↑ This line is shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development.
- ↑ She was the flagship of DesRon2 from 1945/01/01 to 02/23 for Operations Rei-go and Kita-go.
Ship | Japanese/English | Notes |
Early Autumn 2015 Play |
Autumn… After autumn, it’ll be winter. Operation Rei-go. I was the flagship then. Why? I remember it well. Why…[1] | |
秋か……。秋が過ぎれば、冬ね。礼号作戦。私が旗艦を努めた。何故?鮮明に覚えている。何で…… | ||
Christmas 2015 Play |
Christmas? What are you celebrating, that’s stupid! …Eh? Cake? I don’t want any… Yeah. Ah, it’s delicious. Ah, ummm… | |
クリスマスぅ?何浮かれてるの、バカみたい!…えぇ?ケーキ?いらないわよ、そんな……うん。あぁ、美味しい。あぁ、えーっと… | ||
New Year 2016 Play |
Whew, we’ve pleacefully welcomed the new year. Thank goodness! Please treat me well this year, you piece of garbage… Ah, sorry; Commander. Wh-what! | |
はぁ、お正月を無事に迎えてられたわね。よかった!クズ司令官も…あぁ、ごめん。司令官も…今年もよろしくね!な、なによ! | ||
Setsubun 2016 Play |
I said to stop throwing those beans so hard! Jintsu-san always being the Oni is so…. Look… Look…! I-I know nothing! | |
だから、 豆を全力で投げるのやめなさいよ! 鬼役の神通さんがいつまでもっ…ほら…ほらあ…っ! わ、私知らないったらー! | ||
Valentine’s Day 2016 Play |
Well, it took a bit of time but since it’s done, I’ll give it to you. …What do you mean “What is it”? It’s chocolate. Can’t you see? …J-just take it! | |
まぁ、少し手間取ったけど、できたからあげるわ。…何って?チョコよ。そんなこともわかんないの?…は、早く受け取ってったらぁ! | ||
White Day 2016 Play |
Eh!? Huh!? …A return gift? Jeez, you didn’t have to get one. …Ah, I-I want one! I said I want one! Give it here, I accept it! | |
えぇ!?はぁ!?…チョコのお返しっ?ったく、そんなの気にしなくていいのに…あぁ、い、要るっ!要るからっ!返しなさい、貰うからっ! | ||
3rd Anniversary Play |
I said; why didn’t you tell me something this important first? It’s the 3rd Anniversary you know? The 3rd Anniversary! It’s something really amazing. Let me know this sooner! Seriously. Congrats. | |
だから、なんでそういう大事なことをさっきに言わないのよ?三周年なのよ?三周年!ほんっとにすごいことじゃない。早くいいなさいったら!っとに。おめでと。 | ||
Rainy Season 2016 Play |
It’s the rainy season………… It gets all misty outside when it rains… But it’ll be alright as long as I’m here. It’ll be fine so… don’t worry, Arare. | |
梅雨か…………雨で、外も霧のようにかすんでいる…この霞があるうちは大丈夫。大丈夫だから…霰、心配しないで。 | ||
Early Summer 2016 Play |
What? You bought a swimsuit, Kiyoshimo? …I see. Well, that’s nice. Try it on? …Eh, me? I’m fine not doing that! …Eh? I said no! | |
何?清霜、水着買うの?…ふん。まぁ、いいんじゃない。着てみれば?…えぇ、私?私はいいわよ、そんなの!…えぇ?いらないってぇ! | ||
Saury Festival 2016 Play |
Saury fishing!? If you want to go, then go! Hurry up and decide! …I’ll come too! Searchlight… check. Now I’m set! | Base |
秋刀魚漁ですって!?行くなら行く!はっきりしなさいな!…私も行くから!探照灯も…よし。これで大丈夫ね! | ||
Saury Festival 2016 Play |
Saury fishing!? …It can’t be helped then, I’ll follow you. I just can’t stand watching you! …It’ll be fine! We’ll get a huge catch if I come along! | Kai Ni |
秋刀魚漁!? …仕方ない、私がつきあってあげるわ。もう見てらんないったら! …大丈夫! 私が出るからには大漁よ! | ||
4th Anniversary Play |
I keep telling you, why don’t you tell me these important things firs!? It’s the 4th Annversary now you know! It really isn’t that hard! Tell me these things sooner! Seriously… Congratulations. | |
だから、何であなたはそういう大事なことを先に言わないのよ!四周年なのよ、四周年!本当に大変なことじゃない!早く言いなさいったら!っとに……おめでとう。 | ||
Early Summer 2017 Play |
Huuh!? A store broadcast for the collaboration? Why me? I-I don’t mind, I’ll do it. Give me the mic. This will be easy! Umm… *deep breath*… I’m Kasumi, now… | |
はぁ!?民生協力で店内放送?なんで私が?べ、別にやるわよ。貸しなさい、マイク。このは簡単なんだから!えっと…はぁ…霞よ、今… | ||
Late Autumn 2017 Play |
It’s gotten a bit colder. You better not catch a cold! The fleet… and I will be troubled… Jeez, come on! Keep warm! Here! | |
少し寒くなって来たわね。風邪とか引かないでよね!艦隊や…わたしが困るんだから。…もう、ほら!暖かくして!はい! | ||
5th Anniversary Play |
How many times do I have to tell you to let me know about important things first!? It’s the 5th Anniversary you know! Isn’t it something really amazing!? Tell me this sooner! I swear. Congratulations, it’s great. | |
だからいつもなんでそういうの大事なこと先に言わないのよ!?五周年なのよ、五周年!本当にものすごいじゃない!?早く言いなさいったら!っとに。おめでとう、よかったはね。 | ||
Summer 2018 Play |
What? What's your problem? It's just hot! That's all this is about! Humph, are you an idiot? | Kai Ni Secretary 1 |
なんなの?なんなのよ!?暑いからよ!それだけなんだから!ふん、バカじゃないの? | ||
Summer 2018 Play |
Seriously what are you looking at!? That's it, I'm changing. I'm going to change already! | Kai Ni Secretary 2 |
だから、なんなのよその目は!?じゃあ、着替える。もう着替えるから! | ||
Summer 2018 Play |
Fine, I'm not going to change. I'm only wearing this for this year! ...Eh, d-don't make a face like that. Ngh, fine then. Goodness... | Kai Ni Secretary 3 |
いいわよ、もう着ないから。今年だなんだから!…えぇ、そ、そんな顔しないでよ。ん、わかったわよ。まったく… | ||
Summer 2018 Play |
DON'T PEEK! YOU IDIOT! | Kai Ni Docking (Minor Damage) |
覗くな!バカ! | ||
Summer 2018 Play |
DON'T PEEK! YOU IDIOT! ...Really, no matter how much time passes... | = Kai Ni Docking (Major Damage) |
覗くな!バカ!…ったく、いつまで経っても… | ||
Summer 2018 Play |
Ah, jeez, summer is really full of idiots! | Kai Ni Construction |
あぁ、もう、夏は本当にばかばっかり! | ||
Summer 2018 Play |
I can move well dressed like this. | Kai Ni Attack |
こんな格好動きにくいったら。 |
- ↑ Operation Rei-go was the naval support for the Battle of Mindoro
Misc Lines
Ship | Japanese/English | Notes |
Spring 2019 Event Play |
I've steeled myself. All that's left... is to do it! Let's go! | Friend Fleet Line |
覚悟は完了してる。あとは…いくだけ!やるわ! | ||
Spring 2019 Event Play |
Asashio-class destroyer, Kasumi, charging in! | Friend Fleet Line |
朝潮型駆逐艦、霞、突入する! |
Regular |
Seasonal |
Drop Locations
- Participated in Operation Ten-Go, Yamato's suicide mission, along with Yukikaze, Yahagi, Hatsushimo, Asashimo, Isokaze, Hamakaze and two other Destroyers not yet present in the game. She sunk during the operation, on April 7, 1945.
- Her name means "haze" or "mist".
- Her "B" designation refers to the "Type B Destroyers" (乙型駆逐艦) that were designed for anti-air roles.