Elite Torpedo Squadron Command Facility

Revision as of 02:53, 19 June 2021 by Fourinone (talk | contribs)

No.413 精鋭水雷戦隊 司令部
Cf c.png Command Facility
Effects: Torpedo+3 Accuracy+2 LoS+1
Scrap value: Fuel 2 Ammo 1 Steel 1 Bauxite 1 (Unbuildable)

Equipment Card Elite Torpedo Squadron Command Facility.png

Equipment Character Elite Torpedo Squadron Command Facility.png

Equipment Item Elite Torpedo Squadron Command Facility.png

Equipment Full Elite Torpedo Squadron Command Facility.png

Refittable Ship Types
Fast Battleship Battleship
Aviation Battleship Standard Aircraft Carrier
Armored Carrier Light Carrier
Heavy Cruiser Aviation Cruiser
Light Cruiser Torpedo Cruiser
Training Cruiser Destroyer
Coastal Defense Ship Submarine
Aircraft Carrying Submarine Seaplane Tender
Fleet Oiler Submarine Tender
Repair Ship Amphibious Assault Ship



A command facility used for directing torpedo squadrons on the front lines.
It can be set up on any ship capable of equipping command facilities.
In addition to the increase in combat ability, you can use the "Single-Ship Evacuation" ability on heavily damaged escort ships when this is equipped on the flagship of a torpedo squadron.


When the flagship of the fleet is equipped with a Elite Torpedo Squadron Command Facility (FCF), you are able to evacuate Heavily Damaged (大破) ships mid-sortie. This can help increase your pass rate to the boss node. The option to evacuate "退避" or not evacuate "退避せず" will appear after the results screen but before the continue/abandon sortie option. You will be shown the damaged ship to be evacuated. You are not able to pick which damaged ship gets evacuated. The selection is based off fleet order and the ships higher in the fleet order are selected.

Requirements for using FCF are:

  • FCF equipped on the flagship.
  • At least one heavily damaged ship.
    • The damaged ship must not be the flagship of the fleet.

Important Notes

  • The Elite Torpedo Squadron Command Facility has unique composition requirements enabling its use:
    • CL flagship, 1-6 DD, 0-3 CLT
    • DD flagship, 0-6 DD, 0-3 CLT, no CL
  • It is usable only in event maps
  • It is important to remember that only one ship can be evacuated per battle. If you have more than one heavily damaged ship, you should retreat.
  • Evacuated ships will lose a large amount of morale and lose all their remaining fuel and ammo.
  • Missing ships will not count towards ships lost for determining victory conditions.
  • It is possible to fail LoS checks or routing requirements if you evacuate too many key ships.

How To Obtain

Event reward for:

Updates History

  • 2021-05-08: Implemented

Fit Bonuses

Elite Torpedo Squadron Command Facility Equipment Bonuses
Ship Extra Requirement                 Note
Naganami Kai Ni  (1st equipped) +6 +6 +8 One-time
Teruzuki (any) 
(1st equipped) +5 +6 +7 One-time
Jintsuu Kai Ni  (1st equipped) +8 +5 +4 One-time
Other Yuugumo-class 

Other Akizuki-class 
(1st equipped) +4 +5 +7 One-time
Sendai (any) 

Jintsuu Base/Kai 
(1st equipped) +6 +5 +4 One-time
Yura (any) 

Naka (any) 

Noshiro (any) 

Yahagi (any) 
(1st equipped) +5 +4 +1 +5 One-time

Other Nagara-class 

Other Agano-class 

Ooyodo (any) 
(1st equipped) +5 +4 +4 One-time

Yuubari (any) 
(1st equipped) +4 +3 +2 +3 One-time
Hatsushimo Kai Ni  (1st equipped) +2 +2 +1 +5 One-time
(1st equipped) +4 +2 +2 One-time

(1st equipped) +2 +2 +4 One-time

See Also