Seasonal/Autumn 2016


New Autumn CG

Returning CG



Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
Kamikaze 司令官、秋です! この季節、私なんかわくわくしちゃう! 司令官は、秋、どうですか? Commander, it's autumn! Somehow, I'm really excited about this season! How do you feel about autumn commander?
Harukaze 司令官様、秋は食べ物がおいしい季節です。わたくし、腕によりをかけて、おいしい物をお作りいたしますね。うふふっ。 Commander, autumn is the season of delicious food. I shall go and skilfully make some delicious food now. Ufufu~.
Mutsuki やったぁー! 夏を乗り切ったにゃしぃ! これでしばらくは安心にゃ! よぉーし、秋は頑張るにゃ! 提督、期待してて。 Hooray~! I got through summer-nyashi! I can be relieved for now-nya! Alright, I'll do my best during autumn-nya! Commander, keep your expectations high.
Kisaragi 秋っていいわよね。睦月ちゃんもなんだか嬉しそう。司令官には、どんな秋かしら。 食欲の秋? それとも……うふふふっ。 Autumn is good right. Mutsuki-chan is somehow looks so happy. What does autumn mean to you admiral? Autumn appetite? Or perhaps... Ufufufu~
Yayoi 弥生は…秋は…苦手。怒ってなんか…ない、です。怒ってなんか…ない、けど……。 I'm not... good at dealing with... autumn. I'm not... angry. I'm not angry... but...
Uzuki 弥生、元気がないぴょん……。そういう時は、うーちゃんの一発芸をみるっぴょん! せーの、ぷっぷくぷー! ……あれ? なんで怒ってるぴょん? Yayoi, doesn't look too good... This is just the right time for me to try out my gags-pyon! One, two, Pupukupu~! ...Oh? Why are you angry-pyon?
Satsuki あー、秋になっちゃったね。司令官、平気さ!今のボクなら、乗り越えられる!見ててっ。 Ah, autumn is here huh. Commander, I'm calm! The me right now, will overcome this! Just watch.
Minazuki 季節は秋だよ。司令官はなんの秋?……さっちんは食欲の秋、ふみちゃんは読書の秋、ながながはスポーツの秋かなぁ。司令官はなんだろうねぇ?恋の秋……だったり? The season is now autumn, Commander what does autumn mean to you? ...Satcchin is autumn appetite, Fumi-chan is autumn reading, Naganaga is autumn sports. What about you Commander? Perhaps... autumn love?
Fumizuki 秋は~、焼き芋とかもおいしいよね~♪ でも~、食べ過ぎは危険~。ふぇぇぇ……。 Autumn's roasted sweet potato and stuff is delicious~♪ But, eating too much is dangerous~ Fueeee...
Kikuzuki ああ……なんだ。こう時間があると、折角の海、竿を垂らしたくなるな。……やるか。 Aah... what. It's already time, to dangle the fishing rod over my anticipated sea ...Let's do this.
Mochizuki Play 秋だよ~。実りの秋だ~。いろんなものがおいしいよね~。食っちゃ寝しよ~ It's autumn~. A fruitful autumn~. There's a lot of delicious stuff around~. I just want to eat and sleep~ Fall 2015 line
Fubuki 特型駆逐艦、吹雪型一番館、吹雪!行きます司令官!見てなさい! Special-type destroyer, 1st ship of the Fubuki-class, Fubuki! I'm setting off Commander! Just watch me!
Oboro Play 秋ですね、少し落ち着いた季節になりました。提督はどんな本をお読みですか? It's autumn now, the season of calm has arrived. What kind of books do you read, Admiral? Fall 2015 line
Akebono Play えっ?何してるかって?読書よ、読書。秋でしょ、クソ提督も少しは字の本を読みなさいよ Eh? What am I doing? I'm reading of course. It's autumn, so you should read some books with text, you shitty admiral. Fall 2015 line
Sazanami Play はぁー、秋か。なんか微妙にテンションさがるわ。ご主人様、漣の肩揉んでぇ? Haa~, autumn huh. My motivation has dropped somehow. Master, can you give me a shoulder massage? Fall 2015 line
Ushio 秋は焼き芋が美味しいですよね。提督、後でお庭で枯葉を集めてお芋焼きませんか? Autumn roast sweet potatoes are delicious right. Admiral, why don't we gather some dead leaves in the courtyard and roast some sweet potatoes?
Akatsuki 秋は少し、夜中にお手洗い行くのが苦手……。こ、この季節だけよ!ぷんすかっ! During autumn, it's a bit difficult to go to the toilet in the middle of the night... On... only during this season! Harrumph~!
Hibiki 秋…浴衣…いや、別に羨ましいとか、そういうのはない。でも…見るのは好きだ。 Autumn... Yukata... No, I'm not jealous, that's not it. But... I like looking.
Ikazuchi さあ、秋はお祭りよ! 司令官、雷、もっともーっと応援してあげるね! わっしょい! Now, it's time for the autumn festival! Commander, Inazuma, please keep cheering me on alright! Hip hip hooray!
Inazuma 司令官さん、電、浴衣を着てみたのです。はわわっ……ありがとう、なのです。ですっ! Commander-san, Inazuma I tried wearing a yukata. Hawawa... Thank you-nanodesu. Desu~!
Shiratsuyu Play んー季節は秋だね。少し寒くなってきたかな?でもまだ半袖で行けるよね! Hmm, it's autumn now. It's getting a little bit cold, right? But short sleeves are still fine! Fall 2015 line
Shigure 秋は、少しさみしいね……あっ…ううん、僕は元気だよ。 Autumn is, a little lonely right... Ah... Yes, I'm fine thanks.
Murasame ふんふーん♪ 秋は秋で嫌いじゃないのよねえ。春雨とか、どうしてるかなー。 Funfu~n♪ I don't hate autumn. I wonder how Harusame feels.
Yuudachi 秋はなんだかお腹が空くっぽい。ごはんまだかな~。ごっはん~♪ごっはん~♫ Somehow autumn makes me feel hungry. Is the food not ready yet~ Food~♪ Food~♪
Umikaze Play 秋はお芋が美味しいですよね。提督、少しお芋蒸かしましょうか? お茶もお入れしますね。おまちください Autumn sweet potatoes are delicious. Admiral, shall we steam some sweet potatoes? I'll go prepare some tea. Please wait a moment. Fall 2015 line
Kawakaze Play よし。夏を乗り越えたぞ。秋はいいねぇ。なンかのびのびするよ、食いもンも、美味しいわぁ Right. We've got past summer. Autumn is great. It makes me feel at ease and there's lots of delicious food to eat. Fall 2015 line
Asashio 司令官、夏が過ぎ、秋がやってきます。大丈夫です。朝潮型駆逐艦秋も全でまいります。ご心配には及びません。 Commander, summer is over and autumn has come. I'm totally fine. The Asashio-class destroyers will do our best during autumn too. You don't have to worry at all.
Ooshio Play 司令官秋がやってまいりました!第八駆逐隊、枯葉を集めて焼き芋生産任務に入ります!秋ももちろん、アゲアゲです! Autumn has come commander! The 8th Destroyer Division will commence the mission to collect dry leaves for sweet potato roasting! Autumn is definitely time to be lively! Fall 2015 line
Michishio Play 秋、か。この季節は少し気持ちが沈むわね。はあ?何、司令官。べつに優しくしてほしいわけじゃないし…大丈夫よ! Autumn huh. During this season it's natural to feel a bit down. Huh? What, commander. It's not like I want to be treated nicely... I'm fine! Fall 2015 line
Arashio Play うふふふっ。季節は秋ね。秋は荒潮も少ーし悲しくなるの。でも、平気よぉ!優しいのね、うふふふふっ! Ufufufu. It's autumn now. Autumn makes me feel a little sad. But I'm fine! You are kind, ufufufu! Fall 2015 line
Arare Play 秋になりましたね。うん、秋の虫が、鳴いて、ますね Autumn is here. Yup, the autumn insects are all making noises. Fall 2015 line
Kasumi Play 秋か……。秋が過ぎれば、冬ね。礼号作戦。私が旗艦を努めた。何故? 鮮明に覚えている。何で…… Autumn huh... After autumn, it'll be winter. Operation Rei-gou. I was the flagship for that. Why? I remember it well. Why... Operation Rei-gou was the naval support for the Battle of Mindoro
Fall 2015 line
Oyashio 秋になりました。大鷹さんが就役された季節。また、お会いできると良いな。きっと。 Autumn is here. This was the season Taiyou was commissioned. It would be nice if I could see her again. Definitely.
Hatsukaze Play 秋、か。この季節の夜は嫌ね。ああ、別に理由なんてないんだけど… Autumn huh. I don't like autumn nights. Ah, there's no particular reason... Likely referring to the Battle of Empress Augusta Bay where she got sunk at night
Fall 2015 line
Amatsukaze まだ残渣はあるけれど、少し過ごし安くになってきたはね。え、焼き芋?あ、別にあたし居見ないし。。。ぜんぜんないから。。。 Even though there are still leftovers, it might be cheaper to spend a bit more. Eh, roast sweet potatoes? Ah, I'm not interested in that... totally not...
Urakaze Play 提督、秋やねぇ。よかったら一緒に鎮守府の秋祭りに……。ああ、忙しかったら、浜風と行くけぇ。あ、そお。うふふ Admiral, it's autumn. Shall we go to the Naval Base's autumn festival together... Ah, if you're busy I'll go with Hamakaze. Ah, really. Ufufu. Fall 2015 line
Play 提督、ウチ祭りの射的は得意なんやぁ。どれがほしいけぇ? ウチが取っちゃるけぇ、まかしときぃ (改) Admiral, I'm really good at festival shooting galleries. Which prize do you want? Leave it to me, I'll get it for you. (Kai) Fall 2015 line
Isokaze 秋か。また、あの季節が来るのだな。よし、良いだろう。練度を上げたこの磯風の力、見せてやろう。サンマでも何でも、焼いてやるさ! Autumn huh. This season is here again. Right, that's fine. I'll show you my power from increased experience. Saury or anything else, I'll grill it all!
Hamakaze Play 提督、鎮守府の秋祭り…ですか?…は、はい、浴衣で!?…分かりました。少しお待ちください。 Admiral, an autumn festival... at the naval base? ...Ye, yes and a yukata!? ...I understand. Please wait a while. Fall 2015 line
Play 提督、秋祭りというモノは、うんむぐ、むぐむぐ。大変、美味しい物ですね。浜風、堪能しました Admiral, the autumn festival is... *nom nom nom nom* very delicious. I'm having a lot of fun. Fall 2015 line
Tanikaze Play 夏が終わっちまったねぇ。なんだか、さみしいねぇ。うん、まぁ、いいか。夏はまた、来年も来るしねぇ、な Summer is over huh. Somehow it's sad. Hmm, well, that's fine. Summer will be here next year too. Fall 2015 line
Arashi よーし!夏の夜を乗り切ったぞー!これでもう大丈夫だ!時雨、川内さん、俺は勝ったぞー! Alriiiiight! I got through summer's nights! I'm totally fine now! Shigure, Sendai-san, I won!
Hagikaze 夏もあっという間に過ぎて、もう秋…。 司令、私いま、秋の健康料理研究してるんです。 Summer has finally given way to autumn... Commander, I'd like to study healthy autumn foods.
Maikaze Play のわっちのわっち、秋だねー。秋はお芋が美味しいよねー。あっ、太らないようにしないとね! Nowacchi, Nowacchi, it's autumn. Sweet potatoes in autumn are delicious. Ah, but be careful not to gain weight! Nowacchi = Nowaki
Fall 2015 line
Akigumo 秋になっちゃったねぇー。まあいっかぁ、夏と冬の間は短いんだ、ここで油断は禁物! でもまあ秋って油断しちゃうんだよなぁー♪ お芋食お。 Autumn is here huh. Oh well, the time between summer and winter is short, I can't be slacking now! But autumn really puts you in a slacking mood~♪ I want to eat sweet potatoes.
Yuugumo 秋か~。この季節は、あまり南方へは行きたくないわね。風雲さん、磯風さんも、あなたたちは、いつも元気ね。 Autumn huh. During this season, I really don't want to go to the south. Kazagumo-san and Isokaze-san, the two of you are always energetic.
Makigumo 秋ですね〜焼き芋の美味しい季節。秋雲何その大量の紙くずは?燃やすの?じゃあお芋やこう!私枯れ葉集めてくるから! It's autumn now~ The season of delicious roast sweet potato. Akigumo, what's with that pile of waste paper? You want to burn it? Then, let's go roast some sweet potatoes! I'll go collect some dead leaves!
Kazagumo Play 少し肌寒くなって来たわね。秋かぁ。お芋。焼き芋食べたいわね。ねぇ、秋雲 It's getting a little chilly now. Autumn huh. Sweet potatoes. I want to eat some baked sweet potatoes. Hey, Akigumo~ Fall 2015 line
Naganami 来ましたな秋が。。。やらんだよね秋。。。な、島風?あれ、お前元気だな。。。いいは若いって。。。私も若いけどさ。。。 So autumn is here... Got to face autumn now... Right Shimakaze? Oh, you're really energetic... must be nice to be young, wait... I'm young too...
ええ。。。暑いにこの季節だよ。なんかも空にあげちゃうね?いつもさあ。。。て。。敵が?何だ瑞雲が。なんかさいきんふゆいような、瑞雲's such a hot season isn't it? Is there something in the sky? It's always enemy! Oh no it's just a Zuiun. That's a nice sounding name isn't it, Zuiun.
Okinami 秋ですね、読書の秋。この既設、私大好きなんです。提督は今、なには読めてるですか?写真集ですか? It's autumn huh, autumn of reading. I really like this season. Admiral, what are you reading now? Is that a photo album?
Asashimo なんか…さぶいなあ…へ、へっくしゅん! It's kinda... cold... Ha... Hachoo!
Teruzuki Play 秋かぁ。秋は秋月姉ェの秋だよね。冬は、冬月の月。あれ? 照月って季節はいつ、なの? Autumn huh. Autumn is Akizuki-ane's season. Winter moon is Fuyutsuki's. Huh? Which season is mine? Aki = Autumn, Fuyu = Winter.
Fall 2015 line
Libeccio Play あの鳴いてるの、なぁに? 秋の虫? あぁ、鈴虫って言うんだ。いい音色ね。え? 鈴虫って、スイカ食べるの、本当? What is that sound? Autumn insects? Ah, it's crickets. That's a nice sound. Eh? These crickets really eat watermelons? Fall 2015 line

Light Cruisers

Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
Kuma Play クゥ~マ~、クマ、クマ? Ku~ma~, Kuma, Kuma? Fall 2015 line
Tama Play いい感じだにゃ。 That feels good nya. Fall 2015 line
Yura 提督さん、季節は秋ですね。ねえ、今年は由良と一緒に鎮守府秋祭りに行けませんか? Admiral-san, it's Autumn isn't it? Would you mind going with Yura to the Naval Base's Fall Festival this year?
提督さん、その手提げ袋いいですね。とても素敵です。由良も欲しいな。。。 Admiral-san, that carrier bag is very nice. It's really lovely. Yura wishes she had one too....
Kinu Play 人によっていろんな秋があるよね。提督の秋は?鬼怒はねー、人を楽しませるネタをたーくさん仕込む秋かな!あ、何その顔 Everyone experiences autumn differently. What about you, Admiral? For me, autumn is when I make people laugh with jokes. Ah, what's with that look. Fall 2015 line
Abukuma Play 秋、この季節は、あの夜の戦いを思い出します。綺麗な火。怖い火。一緒のモノなのに。うふふ、不思議ですね、提督 Autumn always reminds me of that one night battle. Those brilliant fires. Those scary fires. Despite being the same thing. Ufufu, strange isn't it, Admiral Abukuma was torpedoed in the Battle of Surigao Strait
Fall 2015 line
Jintsuu Play 提督、浴衣、ですか?あ、はい、持ってはいますが。一緒に、花火に?あ、喜んで Admiral, you asked about yukata? Ah, yes, I have one. Go to watch fireworks together? Ah, I'd love to. Fall 2015 line
Yuubari Play 食欲の秋ですね、提督。いろいろ食べ物が美味しい季節ですよね~。目移りしちゃう。じゅる Autumn works up the appetite, Admiral. It's the season with so many delicious things to eat. I can't choose. *drool* Fall 2015 line
Ooyodo Play 提督、秋の気配を感じますね Admiral, you can really feel it's autumn. Fall 2015 line
Katori Play 提督、少し肌寒くなってきましたね。秋ですね……提督の秋は読書の秋、ですか? Admiral, it's getting a little bit cold now. It's autumn...... Is the Admiral's autumn an autumn for reading? Fall 2015 line
Kashima 提督さん、秋って良いですよね。私が進水したのも秋なんですよ? うふふ♪ Admiral-san, it's a pleasant autumn now isn't it? I was launched in autumn too wasn't it? Ufufu
Tenryuu 秋の気配っちゅーか、どっぷり秋だな。詩でも書くか…って、おい龍田、笑いすぎだろ! This presence of autumn, it really is autumn now. Should I write poetry... Hey Tatsuta, you're laughing too much!
Tatsuta 食欲の秋、読書の秋。天龍ちゃんは、芸術の秋なのねー。見せて? うふふ、アハハッ、アハハハハハッ! Autumn appetite, autumn reading. Tenryuu-chan has autumn artistry~. Can I see? Ufufu, Ahaha~, ahahahahaha~!
Agano はぁ、秋か。色々美味しい物が増えて、阿賀野ピーンチっ! え、食べなきゃいいって? そんなわけには行かないのです! Haa, Autumn huh. The number of delicious things is increasing. I'm in a pinch! Eh, I don't have to eat it all? That's not even an option!
Noshiro 阿賀野姉、食欲の秋満喫しすぎると、制服着れなくなっちゃうから! え、そうしたら浴衣着るから良いって? ダメだからー!! Agano-nee, you're enjoying autumn appetite too much, you won't be able to fit in your uniform! Eh, you'll wear a yukata instead? That's no good!!
Yahagi 秋か。確かにこの季節は、食べ物が美味しいな。でも、阿賀野姉は少し堪能しすぎね! Autumn huh. The food during this season is certainly delicious. But, Agano-nee is enjoying this a bit too much!
Sakawa ぴゃっ! ちょっと涼しくなってきて、酒匂は嬉しい♪ 司令は何してるの? え、漁場警備と支援の準備? なにそれ? Pyaa~! It's getting cooler, I'm happy♪ What are you doing commander? Eh, security and support for the fishing grounds? What's that?

Heavy Cruisers

Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
Furutaka Play この季節は、少し鎮守府も少し落ち着いた雰囲気になりますね。古鷹は、秋は、少し不思議な気持ちになります During this season, the atmosphere at the Naval Base has settled down a bit. Autumn gives me a bit of a mysterious feeling. Fall 2015 line
Aoba なんだかんだで秋ですね~。秋は食べ物が美味しい季節です。いや~、いいですね~♪ Somehow it's Autumn already huh~. Autumn is the season for tasty food. Man, that sure sounds nice~
Kinugasa 秋か―。この季節はちょっと衣笠さん、苦手なのよね。ぽっと空とか見上げちゃう。気にし過ぎかな? あはははっ… Fall huh...this season....Kinugasa-san doesn't really like it ya know? I feel like I need to keep my eyes on the sky. Maybe I'm worrying too much. Ahahaha....
Myoukou Play 秋、どこか寂しい季節。でも、読書には最適ですね。提督、何をお読みですか? Autumn is a bit of a lonely season. But, it's perfect for reading. Admiral, what would you like to read? Fall 2015 line
Nachi Play この季節になってくると、何故か、少し寂しい気分になるな。私らしくも無い、か When this season comes, for some reason, I become slightly lonely. This isn't very like me, yes? Fall 2015 line
Ashigara Play 秋は少し寂しいわね。ようし、そんな時こそ勝利のカツカレーよ。ようし、作るわ Autumn is a bit lonely. Right, now is the perfect time for victory katsu curry. I'll go make some. Fall 2015 line
Haguro Play 秋は、静かですね。羽黒、この季節、好きなんです。司令官さんはどうですか? Autumn is quiet. I really like this season. What about you commander? Fall 2015 line
Takao 秋! 秋は四戦隊にとって、油断出来ない季節。皆、油断しないで! 特に、食欲の秋は…。 Autumn! Autumn is the season when the Fourth Squadron can't afford to be careless. Everyone, make sure to watch out! In particular, your fall appetites are.... SWERVE! You thought she was worried because all the Takao class sank in October, but she was really just worried they would overeat!
Atago 秋は…そうねぇ…私も少し、しんみりしちゃうわねぇ。でも、食べ物も美味しい季節よね。 Autumn...oh yeah...I tend to get a little sad around this time. But, it's a season for such tasty food you know.
Maya Play せっかくの夏が終わっちまって、時化た季節になってきやがったぜ。ふぇ~ふわっくしょん Now that summer has ended, the depressing season is here. Ha~hachoo Fall 2015 line
Choukai Play 秋は、落ち着きますね。特に私、秋の夜が好きなんです。司令官さんは、どうですか? Autumn feels really calm. I especially like autumn nights. What about you, commander? Fall 2015 line
Mogami 季節は秋、か…あ、満潮。この季節は、なんか胸が痛くならない? なんでだろうね。 So the season is Autumn...huh...Michishio. Doesn't this season sort of bring a pain to your chest? I wonder why that is.
Mikuma 秋! 色々と美味しそうな季節! ううん。三隈、ここで食欲に負けちゃダメ! 太ったら、モガミンに嫌われちゃう。 Autumn! It's a season of so many delicious things. No. Mikuma, it wouldn't be any good if you lost to your appetite here. Mogamin wouldn't like it if I got fat.
Suzuya Play 秋かぁ。この季節は、ちょっちなんか落ち込むなぁ。ねぇ、熊野? ん、熊野? 聞いてる? Autumn huh. This season makes me feel a little down. Hey, Kumano? Hmm, Kumano? Are you listening? Fall 2015 line
お、あのサンドイッチ? うん、あれは我ながら良くできたなって。いっひひー♪ 熊野と一緒に作ったからねー。また作ろっかなー? Ah, this sandwich? Yup, that was made nicely by me. Ihihi~♪ I made it with Kumano. Wonder if I should make more~?
Kumano Play 季節は、秋ですのね。秋が深まってくると、何か、もの悲しい気持ちになりますわ The season is now autumn. The further we get into autumn, I start to have some very sad feelings Fall 2015 line
Tone Play 実り秋じゃ。美味しい物がいっぱいなのじゃ。我が輩はサンマはぜーんぶ食べる派じゃ。うぐっ、骨が。ちくまーちくまー It's a fruitful autumn. There's lots of delicious things now. I'm the kind of person to eat all the sauries. Ugh, a bone. Chikuma~ Chikuma~ Fall 2015 line
Chikuma Play 秋ですね。提督にとってはどんな秋ですか? あら? あたしもです。うふふ It's Autumn. What kind of autumn is it for you Admiral? Oh? Me too. Ufufu. Fall 2015 line
Zara 秋は好き。だって、ザラが就役した季節だし、この少し落ち着いた感じが好き。ねっ、ポーラ? って呑んでるしぃ! ダメだからっ! I like Autumn. After all, it's the season that I was commissioned; it just gives me a comforting feeling. Right Pola? Wha, she's drinking! I said no!
Pola へぇ~瑞穂さん、この白ワインはなぁに? ニホン=シュ? 独特な味と香り~、でも美味しいわぁ。 お友達になりましょ? えっへへへ。 Ehe~ Mizuho-san, what's this white wine? Japanese sake? It's got a peculiar taste and smell~, but it's delicious. Oh you want to be friends? Ehehehe~


Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
Fusou Play 秋。今年も、この季節が来たのね。山城、準備はいい?今年こそ、突破するのよ。 Autumn. This season has come again this year. Yamashiro, are you ready? We'll get through it this year too. 2015 Line
Yamashiro Play 姉様、秋ですね。っ!大丈夫です。山城、ずっと御傍にいます。離れませんから。 It's autumn ane-sama. I'll always be by your side. I'll never let you go. 2015 Line
Mutsu 今度の戦いは少し大きそうね?私達も全力しょつげきかしら。準備しなくね。おけちょうも少しだけ気合いだなきゃ。待ってて。 This time the battle seems like it'll be quite big. We'll fight with all our power. Are you prepared? Fire you up. Wait a bit okay?
Iowa NipponのAutumn、か…んぐ…んぐ…ぷっはぁ! Beerが美味しいじゃない♪ え、秋用のBeerもあるの? Nippon…恐るべし、ね。 Japan's Autumn...glup..glug...Ah! This beer is amazing! Eh, there's a special beer made just for autumn? Japan is truly fearsome isn't it?
Warspite Japanの秋。良いわね、この雰囲気。私は好き。食べ物も美味しいし♪ Autumn in Japan. This atmosphere is so pleasant. I love it. And this food is so delicous.
Yamato 提督、秋ですね。秋は食べ物が美味しい季節。私も「新しいフルコース」考えちゃいますね! Admiral, it's autumn. Autumn is the season of delicious food. I've also got a 'New Full Course' thought up.

Aircraft Carriers

Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
Akagi 提督、季節は秋…食欲の秋ですね。色々な食べものが美味しい季節…楽しみですね♪ Admiral, the season is now autumn....I think I've gotten my fall appetite you know? There's so many different kinds of delicious food in this season...this is going to be fun.
Shoukaku Play 秋。そうね瑞鶴。秋は、少し寂しい気持ちになるわね。ううん。今は、平気よ Autumn. That's right Zuikaku. When autumn comes, I start feeling a little bit lonely. Nah. I'm feeling fine now. Fall 2015 line
Zuikaku Play 秋、か。そうね、秋は終わりの季節。でも、始まりの季節でもあるんだ。きっとそう。私はそう思ってるんだ。らしくないか Autumn huh. That's right, autumn is the season of endings. But it's also the season of beginnings. That's definitely it. That's what I think. It's not like me? Fall 2015 line
Taihou 翔鶴さん、瑞鶴さん、いつもありがとう。私、お芋を焼いてみたの。どう、ご一緒に? 食物繊維は体にいいのよ?
Katsuragi Play なんか、秋ってもの悲しくない? 何となく。えぇ? 天城姉ぇは秋好きなの? なんで? Somehow, don't you feel that autumn is a bit depressing? For some reason. Eh? You like autumn Amagi-ane? Why? Fall 2015 line
Graf Zeppelin うん、アキマーツリか。聞いている。この国でも、オクトーバーフェスタはやるのだな。楽しみだな。 Ah yes, the Autumn Festival? I've heard of it. But in my country we call it Oktoberfest. This should be fun.
Houshou 少し涼しくなってきました。秋ですね。 It seems like it's gotten a bit cooler. It must be autumn.
Ryuujou よっしゃあ! 夏を完全に乗り切ったでぇ。これでうちは無敵や。無敵の大航空母艦様やで! 矢でも魚雷でも持ってこーい! あははは……は……はぁ。 Alright~! I've managed to get through summer. I must be invincible. I'm the invincible great aircraft carrier-sama! Arrows or torpedoes, just bring it! Ahahaha...ha...haaa~
Zuihou Play 提督、秋ですね。卵焼きもいいけど、焼き芋もいいですよね? 焼き芋、焼いちゃう? Admiral, it's autumn. Fried eggs are nice and all, but baked sweet potatoes are good too? Shall I go make some baked sweet potatoes? Fall 2015 line


Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
I-168 ゴーヤ~。食べ物の秋だからって、そんなに食べてると、提督指定の機能美溢れる水着、着れなくなっちゃうぞ? いいの? Goya~. Even though you like the autumn of food, if you eat that much, the swimsuit that the admiral gave me won't fit anymore you know? Is that fine?
I-8 秋です。読書の秋。はっちゃんの読書量が、ぐぐ~んと伸びる秋です。新刊、ほしいです。提督、買ってきて? It's autumn. Autumn of reading. I like the autumn of reading. Just stretch out flat this autumn. I want a new book. Admiral, will you buy me one?
I-19 イク、秋は無性に魚雷を撃ちたくなるの。空母とか空母とか空母とか、戦艦でもいいの! During autumn I want to shoot a lot of torpedoes. At a carrier, or a carrier, or a carrier... battleships are fine too! Referring to the time she sunk a CV and a DD and damaged a BB with a single torpedo salvo at Guadalcanal.
I-26 あ~、夏が終わちゃった~。秋かぁ。この季節はねー、う~ん…あ、扶桑さん? え、突入訓練ですか? あ、う~ん、えっとぉ…。 Ah~, summer is over~. Autumn huh. This season is.. Yeah... Ah, Fusou-san? Eh, going on training? Ah, yeah, ummm....
I-58 秋でち! 食べ物が美味しい季節でち。でも、あんまり食べると…提督指定の水着がきつくなるから注意でち。 It's autumn-dechi! It's the season of delicious food-dechi. But if I eat too much... I better be careful that the swimsuit Admiral gave me doesn't get too tight.
Maruyu 秋ですね。……隊長、それは? 枯れ葉を集めて……あっ、焼き芋ですね! まるゆ、了解です。さつま芋、モグラ輸送で持ってきますね。 Autumn huh... Captain, what is that? Collecting dead leaves... Ah, you're making roasted sweet potatoes! Roger that. I'll bring some through the mole transport.


Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
Akashi Play 秋になりましたね。ちょっと小腹とか空いちゃう季節ですよね。間宮さん恋しい Autumn has arrived. You tend to get a little bit hungry this season. Mamiya-san I missed you. Fall 2015 line
Taigei/Ryuuhou あ、時雨さん。お疲れ様です。え、秋はバルジが…? そうですね、時雨さんは大丈夫ですけど、私気をつけなきゃ…。 Ah, Shigure-san. Nice work out there. Eh, the autumn bulge? I see, well Shigure-san should be fine, but I should be careful...
Hayasui Play 提督さん、秋ですね、秋。速吸、秋ってなんだかとっても好きなんです。焼き芋、焼いちゃいます? Admiral, it's autumn. Somehow, I really like autumn. Shall we go make some baked sweet potato? Fall 2015 line
Mizuho Play 秋ですね。提督、ご飯の美味しい季節です。瑞穂、何かお作りしますね? 何にしよう It's autumn. Admiral, it's the season of delicious meals. Shall I make something for you? What should I make Fall 2015 line
Akitsushima Play 秋か~。秋は何かちょっと苦手かも。何か空とか変に気になるし。ね、大艇ちゃん Autumn huh~. Somehow I don't like autumn. The sky makes me feel uneasy. Isn't that right, Taitei-chan. Fall 2015 line