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Gameplay Notes
Special Mechanics
- Decent firepower, torpedo, HP and armour.
Kai Ni
- Good firepower, torpedo and armour.
- Decent HP.
Fit Bonuses
Hidden Fit Bonuses
- She gains bonus evasion and accuracy at night when equipped with 20.3cm variants. Please see Gun Fit Bonuses for mode details.
Myoukou Kai
Priority: Low
- At first remodel, she has decent Firepower and an okay Torpedo stat, making her suited for daytime surface combat thanks to Artillery Spotting and useful in night battle too.
Myoukou Kai Ni
Priority: High
- Her second remodel increases her Firepower and Torpedo stat, meaning she hits harder than before at day and reaches an excellent night battle potential.
- Her base Luck stat is decent, so she's a half-reliable choice for cut-in attacks, albeit further investments in order to increase it are absolutely an option.
Recommended Roles
- Surface combat
- Night battle (Second remodel)
Important Info
- Required for unlocking the 4th fleet slot.
- Required for A15, A35, A38, and Bm1.
Voice Lines
Event | Japanese/English |
Introduction Play |
I am the Myoukou-class heavy cruiser, Myoukou. Let's work hard together. |
私、妙高型重巡洋艦、妙高と申します。共に頑張りましょう。 | |
Introduction Play |
I'm the Myoukou-class heavy cruiser, Myoukou. Let's work hard together until our final days. |
妙高型重巡洋艦、妙高です。最後の日まで、共に頑張り抜きましょう。 | |
Library Play |
I'm a heavy cruiser that was built under the Washington Naval Treaty.
I'm a first-class warship designed for the IJN by Mr. Hiraga Yuzuru.[1] My name has also been passed down to an Aegis ship in the current Maritime Self Defense Force.[2] |
平賀譲氏設計による日本海軍の第一級の戦闘艦です。 現代の海上自衛隊のイージス艦にも、その名は受け継がれています。 | |
Secretary 1 Play |
Did you call me, Admiral? |
提督。お呼びになりましたか? | |
Secretary 2 Play |
Did you need something? |
何か、御用でしょうか? | |
Secretary 2 Play |
Please leave it to me. |
妙高にお任せ下さいませ。 | |
Secretary 3 Play |
If you need to tell me something serious, shall we step over there? |
もし難しい話なら向こうでいたしましょうか? | |
Secretary 3 Play |
If you've got something serious to tell me, how about we go do that room over there...? |
かなり難しいお話なら、向こうの部屋でいたしましょう…か? | |
Secretary Idle Play |
You look really busy too, Admiral... In that case, let me see what else I can do right now. If you need anything just call me, Admiral. |
提督も、とてもお忙しそう・・・その間に色々とやれることをやっておきましょう。いつ提督がお呼びになってもいいように。 | |
Secretary (Married) Play |
If you collapse Admiral, I'll...! Please rest a little when you're tired alright? I insist. |
提督に倒れられたら、私…! お疲れの時は、少しお休みになってくださいね? 妙高のお願いです。 | |
Wedding Play |
I must say that I respect your brilliant strategies and tactics, Admiral; and I always will. |
提督の素晴らしい戦略、戦術、尊敬申し上げています、これからもずっと。 | |
Player's Score Play |
Looks like operation headquarters wants a word with you. |
作戦司令部よりご伝言があるそうですよ。 | |
Joining the Fleet Play |
Myoukou, heading out. |
妙高、参ります。 | |
Joining the Fleet Play |
Heavy cruiser, Myoukou, now heading out! |
重巡、妙高。推して参ります! | |
Equipment 1 Play |
I've gotten stronger again. |
また、強くなってしまいました。[3] | |
Equipment 1 Play |
I'm grateful for these equipment replacements. |
装備換装、感謝致します。 | |
Equipment 2 Play |
I'll get even stronger with this. What should I do? |
これでは、どんどん強くなってしまいますわ。どうしましょう? | |
Equipment 2 Play |
With this I can fight till the end! |
これなら私、最後まで戦えそうです! | |
Equipment 3[4] Play |
What should I do? |
どうしましょう? | |
Supply Play |
Thank you very much, Admiral. |
ありがとうございます、提督。 | |
Docking (Minor Damage) Play |
It's... quiet here. |
ここは…静かですね。 | |
Docking (Major Damage) Play |
Is it alright for someone like me to have a rest? |
私のような者が、お休みを頂いても良いのでしょうか? | |
Construction Play |
Oh, let's go welcome our new comrade. |
あら、新しい仲間をお迎えしますね。 | |
Returning from Sortie Play |
The fleet is back at port. They have brought some amazing results! |
艦隊帰投です。素晴らしい戦果ですね! | |
Starting a Sortie Play |
I won't take a step back in this fight! |
この戦い、退くわけには参りませんわ! | |
Starting a Sortie Play |
I'm prepared to fight till the end for the sake of the Myoukou sisters too! |
この妙高、妹達のためにも、最後まで戦いぬく覚悟です! | |
Starting a Battle Play |
Firing! |
撃ちます! | |
Attack Play |
No. 1 and No. 2 guns, begin firing! |
第一・第二主砲、斉射、始めます! | |
Daytime Spotting/ Night Battle Attack Play |
Please give up already! |
もう降参してください! | |
Night Battle Play |
There's no other way... beginning pursuit! |
致し方ありません…追撃戦に移行します! | |
MVP Play |
This is the result of everyone's efforts. Please praise everyone alright. |
他の皆さんの努力の結果です。皆さんを褒めてあげて下さいね。 | |
Minor Damage 1 Play |
Aaah! ...I still... won't stand down...! |
ああっ!…まだ…退けません…! | |
Minor Damage 2 Play |
Please stop already! |
もうやめてください! | |
Major Damage Play |
What can... I possibly do now... |
これ以上…私にどうしろと言うのですか… | |
Sunk Play |
I'm heading... into the afterlife again... Goodbye... |
また…来世で…さようなら… |
- ↑ Hiraga Yuzuru was the premier naval architect of Imperial Japan.
- ↑ Referring to the JDS Myoukou, a guided missile destroyer currently in service in the JMSDF.
- ↑ Shared with Supply before Kai.
- ↑ This line is shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development.
Time | Japanese/English |
00:00 Play |
12am, it's already this time! The next day sure comes quickly, Admiral. |
深夜0時、もうこんな時間!一日は早いものですね、提督。 | |
01:00 Play |
0100. Admiral? Pushing yourself so late into the night is bad for your body you know? |
マルヒトマルマル。提督? あまり深夜まで無理しては、お身体に障りますよ? | |
02:00 Play |
0200. I'll take care of the rest so, Admi... Ah... |
マルフタマルマル。後はこの妙高が目を通しておきますから、ねっ、ていと…あっ… | |
03:00 Play |
0300. I was surprised because you suddenly put a blanket over me, Admiral. |
マルサンマルマル。急に提督が毛布をかけてくれたから、私、びっくりしました。 | |
04:00 Play |
0400. What should I do about this, Admiral? Oh... Admiral? Are you asleep? |
マルヨンマルマル。提督、これはどうしましょう? あら…提督? お休みですか? | |
05:00 Play |
0500. I have to finish processing the documents while the Admrial is asleep... |
マルゴーマルマル。提督がお休みのうちに、書類は、私が全て処理しておかないと… | |
06:00 Play |
0600. Ngh... It's already morning huh... Admiral's work is tough. Oh? Is that a visitor? |
マルロクマルマル。んっ…もう朝か…提督のお仕事は大変。あら? 来客かしら? | |
07:00 Play |
0700. Yes! ...Ah, it's just Ashigara. What's wrong? You look surprised. |
マルナナマルマル。はーい! …ああ、足柄でしたか。どうしたの? 目を丸くして。 | |
08:00 Play |
080... Ah, Good morning. Ashigara was just... Admiral? You don't look so good. |
マルハチマ…ああ、おはようございます。足柄が先程…提督?顔色が優れませんね。 | |
09:00 Play |
0900. *sigh*... You forgot the plans for a breakfast meeting with Ashigara right, Admiral? |
マルキュウマルマル。はぁ…提督、足柄との朝食会議の予定を忘れてたんですね? | |
10:00 Play |
1000. Jeez... I'll go apologise to her on your behalf... By the way, this document is... |
ヒトマルマルマル。もう…。私からも謝っておきますね。…ところで、この書類ですが… | |
11:00 Play |
1100. That's right, let's have an early lunch in the office while we work. |
ヒトヒトマルマル。そうですね、お昼は執務室で早めの昼食をとりながら作業ですね。 | |
12:00 Play |
1200... Ah, another visitor? Welcome. Eh, Haguro? Why are you teary... Ah, don't go! |
ヒトフタマルマ…あっ。また来客?どうぞ。えっ、羽黒?どうして涙目…ああっ、行かないで! | |
13:00 Play |
1300. Admiral. I understand why you've got your head in your hands. We'll talk after work. |
ヒトサンマルマル。提督。頭抱えてる理由は、分かりました。お話は業務の後で。 | |
14:00 Play |
1400. I don't want to be a nag but can we have a little chat, Admiral? |
ヒトヨンマルマル。提督。お説教はしたくはありませんが、少しお話いいですか? | |
15:00 Play |
1500. It can't be helped that you're forgetful, Admiral; but promises are meant to be kept... |
ヒトゴーマルマル。提督が忘れっぽいのは仕方ないとして、そもそも約束とは守る為にあるので… | |
16:00 Play |
1600. Everyone was looking fowards to their promises with you, Admiral. So how could you forget... Hey, are you listening? |
ヒトロクマルマル。みんな提督との約束を楽しみにしているわけで、それを忘れてしまうのはどうかと…って、聞いてますか? | |
17:00 Play |
1700. Haven't you have made a promise to someone for dinner as well? |
ヒトナナマルマル。この分だと、お夕食もどなたかと約束があるのではないですか? | |
18:00 Play |
1800. Eh... You want to eat my curry today? ...It can't be helped then. |
ヒトハチマルマル。えっ…今日は、私のカレーが食べたいって? …し、仕方ないですね。 | |
19:00 Play |
1900. It's my special curry! The special feature is that the meat has been flambed in brandy... |
ヒトキュウマルマル。妙高特製カレーです! これは、お肉のブランデーフランベが特長で… | |
20:00 Play |
2000. I'll go do a night patrol of the naval base now. ...Admiral? |
フタマルマルマル。それでは、私は夜の鎮守府の見回りに行ってきますね。…提督? | |
21:00 Play |
2100. Despite everything, you're still loved my all the ship girls, Admiral. Ufufu~ |
フタヒトマルマル。なんだかんだ言っても、提督は艦娘みんなに愛されてるのね。うふふっ。 | |
22:00 Play |
2200. Nothing to report! ...Oh, Nachi? Where are you going with that bottle in your hand?[1] |
フタフタマルマル。鎮守府は異常なし!…あら、那智?達磨一瓶片手にどちらへ? | |
23:00 Play |
2300. Eh, you promised to have drinks with the Admiral? *sigh*... Jeez... Admiral you... idiot... |
フタサンマルマル。えっ、提督と晩酌の約束なの?はぁ…もう…。…提督の…ばか…。 |
- ↑ 達磨 'daruma' is a round painted good luck doll, but in this case is referring to the resemblance between said doll and a common whiskey bottle in Japan.
Ship | Japanese/English | Notes |
White Day 2015 Play |
Eh, Admiral. Are these cookies for me? Thank you very much! I’ll help myself! Ufufu, I’m happy! | |
ええっ、提督.このクッキーを私に? ありがとうございます! いただきます! うふふ、嬉しい! | ||
2nd Anniversary Play |
Congratulations on the 2nd anniversary, Admiral! We are all really happy, yes! | |
提督、おめでとうございます、二周年ですね!私達も本当に嬉しいです、はい! | ||
Rainy Season 2015 Play |
It’s the rainy season. When I close my eyes and listen to the rain… I feel relaxed. | |
雨の季節、梅雨ですね。雨の音も、目を閉じて聞いていると…心が落ち着きます。 | ||
Midsummer 2015 Play |
It’s gotten quite hot now. It’s definitely summer. Ah, Takao. You’re looking well as always. Eh? A swimsuit? | |
随分と暑くなりましたね。夏、ですものね。あぁ、高雄。いつも元気ね。え?水着ですか? | ||
Early Autumn 2015 Play |
Autumn is a lonely season. But it’s perfect for reading. What would you like to read, Admiral? | |
秋、どこか寂しい季節。でも、読書には最適ですね。提督、何をお読みですか? | ||
Christmas 2015 Play |
Merry Christmas, Admiral! I baked a cake. Please have some if you like. | |
提督、メリークリスマス!私ケーキを焼いてみました。よかったら召し上がって。 | ||
Setsubun 2016 Play |
It’s Setsubun. Yes, your beans are over here, Admiral. Demon begone! …Fufu, this is fun♪ | |
節分ですね。はい、提督用のお豆はこちらです。鬼はー外ー!…ふふっ、楽しいですね♪ | ||
Valentine’s Day 2016 Play |
Would you please accept this if you like, Admiral? Ah… These are from me. | |
提督、あのよかったらこっち受け取っていただますか?あぁ…これは私からです。 | ||
3rd Anniversary Play |
Today is an important day, Admiral. I’m grateful that you are spending it by my side. | |
提督、今日のような大切な日に。この妙高を側にに置いたいただけてかんしゃいたします。 |
Regular |
Drop Locations
- She is named after Mount Myoukou.
- She was scuttled in the Straights of Malacca, 8 June 1946.
- She received her Kai Ni on 04/07/2014.