スラバヤ沖海戦・バタビア沖海戦 Battle of Surabaya and Battle of Batavia
Strategy Content
ジャワ島東部に攻略部隊を揚陸する!有力なる艦隊でスラバヤ沖にて敵の迎撃戦力を撃破し、敵残存艦隊も猛追!撃滅せよ! You land an attack force on the Eastern Java Island! At off Surabaya, defeat enemy interception forces with your strong fleet. Chase and annihilate enemy survivors after that!
Resets at midnight JST at the beginning of every month
Stage Guide
7-5 Branching Rules
Does not meet the requirements to go to D
Meet ALL of the following requirements:
Amount of CV(B) ≤ 1
If amount of CV(B) = 1, then amount of DD ≥ 3
Amount of CVL ≤ 2
If amount of CVL = 2, then amount of DD ≥ 3
Amount of BB ≤ 1
Amount of CA(V) ≤ 2
Amount of CL ≥ 1
Amount of DD ≥ 2
Otherwise, fleet is Fast+
Does not meet the requirements to go to F
Meet ALL of the following requirements:
Amount of (F)BB(V) + CV(B) + CA(V) ≤ 2
Amount of CV(B/L) ≤ 2
Amount of CL + DD ≥ 2
If Fast+, then amount of CL + DD ≥ 1
If Slow and (F)BB(V) = 2, then amount of DD ≥ 3
If Fast+ and (F)BB(V) = 2, then amount of CLT ≤ 2
Otherwise, fleet is Fastest
Active Branching
Active Branching
Fail the LoS check
Pass the LoS check (Cn3 ≥ 40)
Does not meet the requirements to go to O
Meet ALL of the following:
Amount of CV(B) = 0
Amount of CVL ≤ 2
Amount of BB ≤ 1 (Ignores FBB/BBV)
Amount of (F)BB(V) + CA(V) ≤ 2
Amount of DD ≥ 2
And meet ANY of the following:
Fleet is Fast
Amount of DD ≥ 3
Fleet contains 1CVL 2CA(V) 1CL 2DD
Otherwise, fleet is Fast+
Active Branching
Does not meet the requirements to go to T
Pass the LoS check (Cn3 ≥ 55)
Fail the LoS check
Meet ALL of the following requirements:
Amount of CV(B) = 0
Amount of (F)BB(V) + CVL ≤ 1
Amount of (F)BB(V) + CA(V) ≤ 2
Amount of CL ≥ 1
Pass the LoS check (Cn3 ≥ 55)
Otherwise, fleet is Fastest
Ship Bonuses
DISCLAIMER:This information is based on user-submitted data and is subject to revisions as more data is gathered. Any version of the ship receives the bonus regardless of remodel.
Be advised: The Developers have mentioned that the enemy compositions and map may change over time [3]. So take advantage of the map while it is possible.
The 1st normal map to feature 3 phases as well as a gimmick.
The 1st and 3rd phases are standard surface battles.
The 2nd phase is installation focused, featuring PT boats.
A "gimmick phase" is required to unlock the last phase.
A lot of branchings are active ones, making the overall routing easier.
RouteNode Types: BLUE: Empty/Choice RED: Battle GREEN: Resource/TP VIOLET: Maelstrom PURPLE: Night Battle PINK: Air Raid/Battle ORANGE: Enemy Ambush/ASS
Air State
Fleet Notes
Shortest route to the boss
Max of 2 (F)BB(V)+CA(V)
There is no air power on the boss node.
Gimmick Phase
In addition to clearing Phase 2, Node M must be S ranked to unlock Phase 3. This step can be done at any point, right after clearing Phase 1. As it can use the same fleet as Phase 1, it is more convenient to do it after clearing Phase 1.
[math]\displaystyle{ \text{Acc}_\text{Atk} }[/math] the standard accuracy described here
PT boats are "DDs" in the game, so the [math]\displaystyle{ \text{Mod}_\text{formation} }[/math] for vanguard is 1.1 during shelling, and 1.2 during the torpedo phase.
Historical accuracy bonuses during Events are included in the Standard Accuracy Term, i.e. it is affected by the [math]\displaystyle{ \text{Mod}_\text{PT} }[/math] modifier.
[math]\displaystyle{ \text{EVA}_\text{PT} }[/math] the PT estimated evasion described bellow,
[math]\displaystyle{ \text{Mod}_\text{Ship} }[/math] the bonus given by ship types, described below,
[math]\displaystyle{ \text{Mod}_\text{EquipmentAcc} }[/math] the bonuses given by equipment, described below,
[math]\displaystyle{ \text{Mod}_\text{Night} }[/math] being 0.7 during night battle, 1 during day battle.
Amagiri Kai Ni/D has the ability to prioritize focusing on attacking PT imps with significantly increased accuracy if any are present.
DD placed in the composition slots above and below her will gain a noticeable accuracy boost and will prioritize attacking PT boats if any are present.
The PT boat targeting rate is 100% for all affected ships [9].
During Events, some special bonuses may be added, with "historical" ships and equipment gaining some accuracy bonuses[10].
The 1st enemy node being an Air Node, it's possible to take advantage of how it works to level up any SS(V) as well as "carriers" risk-free.
All SS(V) won't take any damage on Node A, so any SS(V) fleet can level up risk-free on this node.
If possessing one or more 12cm 30-tube Rocket Launcher Kai Ni, it is possible to take advantage of the AARB mechanic to also level up BBV, CV(B/L), CAV, and AV.
By equipping one RLK2 on carriers, passing a certain AA threshold, said carrier won't take any damage on the Air Node.
Having more than 1 RLK2 on the same ship decreases the AA threshold, making it possible to level up weaker carriers.
Once Node A cleared , retreat to the base and repeat.