Time remaining until the Pumpkin Festival 2024 Mini-Event starts!
The Pumpkin Festival is an annually held mini-event occurring in fall for Halloween, where it is possible to obtain "Pumpkins" to then either exchange them for some special rewards, or consume them for special luck modding.
The 3rd Pumpkin Festival began on the 18th of October 2024.
The 2nd Pumpkin Festival began on the 11th of October 2023, and will end on the 2nd of November 2023 (23 days).
The 1st Pumpkin Festival began on the 14th of October 2022, and ended on the 9th of November 2022 (27 days).
Item Description
艦娘が丹精込めて畑で栽培した国産の南瓜です。甘みも抜群で ケーキや羊羹にも最適です。
A home-grown pumpkin, carefully cultivated in the fields by the ship girls. It has an excellent sweetness and is ideal for cakes and yōkan.
※Will disappear with the related limited quests' end.
For the mini-event, there is a grand total of ? one-time quests and ? weekly quests to earn pumpkins.
Weekly Quests
Quest info | Rewards | |||||
2410 Bw1 Weekly
[Limited Time Quest] Autumn Pumpkin Festival, More Please! |
880 |
880 |
0 |
880 | |
? | Then choose between: | |||||
Assemble a fleet containing "Jingei, I-47, and I-201", or "Kaiboukan No.4, Kaiboukan No.22, and Kaiboukan No.30", or "Abukuma, Brooklyn and Johnston", and up to 3 XX, then A+? rank the boss nodes of 1-5, 2-1, 3-1, and 6-1. | ||||||
Prerequisites | 2410 B2, 2410 C1 | |||||
Notes | Limited Time Quest | |||||
2410 Fw1 Weekly
[Limited Time] Do You Want to Eat, Halloween Pumpkins? |
0 |
0 |
880 |
0 | |
? | Choose between: Then choose between: | |||||
Scrap 6 "Small Caliber Main Guns", 6 "Medium Caliber Main Guns", and 6 "Seaplane Recons", and prepare 5 20.3cm Twin Gun Mount, 5 Type 99 Dive Bombers, and 1 031 furniture coins. | ||||||
Prerequisites | 2410 B1 | |||||
Notes | Limited Time Quest Coins and equipment are consumed upon completion. |
One-Time Quests
Quest info | Rewards | |||||
2410 B1 One-Time
In the Fall of the 12th Year, the Pumpkin Festival Begins! |
330 |
330 |
0 |
0 | |
「朧」「鵜来」「稲木」「夕立」「朝潮」「清霜」「瑞鳳改二/乙」を旗艦及び僚艦に伴う艦隊で、製油所地帯沿岸、南西諸島防衛線、鎮守府近海に出撃!敵艦隊を捜索、これを殲滅せよ! Trick or Treat! | Then choose between: | |||||
Assemble a fleet containing any 2 of: "Zuihou Kai Ni/B, Oboro, Yuudachi, Asashio, Kiyoshimo, Ukuru, or Inagi" with one as flagship, and up to 4 XX, then S rank the boss nodes of 1-3, 1-4, and 1-5. | ||||||
Prerequisites | ||||||
Notes | Limited Time Quest | |||||
2410 B2 One-Time
[Limited Time Quest] Operation Reigo, Head West! |
550 |
550 |
0 |
0 | |
【南瓜礼号作戦】「霞」「足柄」「大淀」「朝霜」「清霜」のうち3隻以上を含む艦隊を編成、西方海域へ 展開!ジャム島沖、カレー洋海域、リランカ島に遊弋する敵艦隊を捕捉撃滅せよ!艦隊、西へ! |
Then choose between: | |||||
Assemble a fleet containing any 3 of: "Ashigara, Ooyodo, Kasumi, Asashimo, or Kiyoshimo"; and up to 3 XX, then S rank the boss nodes of 4-1, 4-2, and 4-3. | ||||||
Prerequisites | 2410 B1 | |||||
Notes | Limited Time Quest | |||||
2410 B3 One-Time
Pumpkin Festival Fleet, Heads to the Nansei Islands! |
0 |
0 |
770 |
770 | |
? | Then choose between: | |||||
Assemble a fleet containing any 3 of: "Roma, Oboro, Makinami, Jingei, or the Maestrale-class"; and up to 3 XX, then S rank the boss nodes of 2-2, 2-3, and 2-4. | ||||||
Prerequisites | 2410 C1 | |||||
Notes | Limited Time Quest | |||||
2410 B4 One-Time
Pumpkin Festival 2024, Expansion Strategy! |
2024 |
1031 |
0 |
0 | |
Choose between: Then choose between: | ||||||
Assemble a fleet containing any 3 of: "Zuihou, Abukuma, Oboro, Yuudachi, Asashio, Nowaki, Makinami, Hamanami, Hayanami, Ukuru, or Inagi"; and up to 3 XX, then S rank the boss nodes of 1-5, 2-4, 7-5, and 5-5. | ||||||
Prerequisites | B206, 2410 Bw1 | |||||
Notes | Limited Time Quest | |||||
2410 C1 One-Time
Halloween艦隊 特別強襲演習!
Halloween Fleet Special Assault Exercise! |
460 |
460 |
0 |
0 | |
「朧」「野分」「朝潮」「夕立」「浜波」「早波」「鵜来」「稲木」「伊47」「伊201」「Johnston」「熊野丸」「瑞鳳改二/乙」4隻以上を含むHalloween艦隊で、本日中に演習で【A判定】以上を5回達成せよ! | Then choose between: | |||||
Assemble a fleet containing any 4 of: "Zuihou Kai Ni/B, Oboro, Yuudachi, Asashio, Nowaki, Hamanami, Hayanami, Johnston, Ukuru, Inagi, I-47, I-201, or Kumano Maru"; and up to 2 XX, then score 5 A+ ranks in PVP within the same day. | ||||||
Prerequisites | 2410 B1 | |||||
Notes | Limited Time Quest |
For the mini-event, there is a grand total of 5 one-time quests and 2 weekly quest to earn pumpkins.
Weekly Quests
Quest info | Rewards | |||||
2310 Bw1 Weekly
[Extended Cyclical Quest] 10th Anniversary Autumn Pumpkin Festival, Seconds! |
880 |
880 |
0 |
880 | |
「阿武隈」「伊201」2隻、「鵜来」「稲木」2隻、または「瑞穂」「Brooklyn」「Johnston」3隻を含む艦隊で、中部海域哨戒線、MS諸島沖、グアノ環礁沖海域に展開、遭遇する敵を撃破せよ! | Then choose between: | |||||
Assemble a fleet containing "Abukuma and I-201", or "Ukuru and Inagi", or "Mizuho, Brooklyn, and Johnston", and up to 3-4 XX, then A+ rank the boss nodes of 6-1, 6-2, and 6-3. | ||||||
Prerequisites | Cs1, 2310 B3 | |||||
Notes | Limited Time Quest | |||||
2310 Fw1 Weekly
[Limited Time] Cleaning up for Halloween, huh? |
0 |
0 |
880 |
0 | |
Halloween cleanup: | Choose between: Then choose between: | |||||
Scrap 6 "Small Caliber Main Guns", 6 "Medium Caliber Main Guns", and 6 "Seaplane Recons", and prepare 3 35.6cm Twin Gun Mount, 3 25mm Twin Autocannon Mount, and 1 031 furniture coins. | ||||||
Prerequisites | 2310 C1 | |||||
Notes | Limited Time Quest Coins and equipment are consumed upon completion. |
One-Time Quests
Quest info | Rewards | |||||
2310 B1 One-Time
[Limited Time Quest] 10th Anniversary Autumn Pumpkin Festival, Begin! |
330 |
330 |
0 |
0 | |
「鵜来」「稲木」「夕立」「朝潮」「清霜」のいずれかを旗艦とする艦隊で、製油所地帯沿岸、南西諸島防衛戦、鎮守府近海に出撃!敵艦隊を捜索、これを殲滅せよ! Trick or Treat! | Then choose between: | |||||
Assemble a fleet containing any 1 of: "Yuudachi, Asashio, Kiyoshimo, Ukuru, or Inagi" as flagship, and up to 5 XX, then S rank the boss nodes of 1-3, 1-4, and 1-5. | ||||||
Prerequisites | B7 | |||||
Notes | Limited Time Quest | |||||
2310 B2 One-Time
[Limited Time Quest] 10th Anniversary Autumn Pumpkin Festival, Northward! |
550 |
550 |
0 |
0 | |
「霞」「足柄」「大淀」「朝霜」「清霜」のうち2隻以上を含む艦隊を編成、北方モーレイ海、アルフォンシーノ方面、北方AL海域に展開!北方方面の敵艦隊を補足、これを撃滅せよ! | Then choose between: | |||||
Assemble a fleet containing any 2 of: "Ashigara, Ooyodo, Kasumi, Asashimo, or Kiyoshimo"; and up to 4 XX, then S rank the boss nodes of 3-1, 3-3, and 3-5. | ||||||
Prerequisites | 2310 B1 | |||||
Notes | Limited Time Quest | |||||
2310 B3 One-Time
[Limited Time Quest] 10th Anniversary Autumn Pumpkin Festival, Westward! |
0 |
0 |
770 |
770 | |
「Roma」 「Maestrale」 「Grecale」 「Libeccio」 「Scirocco」 「浜波」 「早波」2隻以上を含む艦隊でカレー洋海域、リランカ島、カレー洋リランカ島沖の敵戦力を殲滅せよ! Happy Halloween! | Choose between: Then choose between: | |||||
Assemble a fleet containing any 2 of: "Roma, Maestrale, Grecale, Libeccio, Scirocco, Hamanami, or Hayanami"; and up to 4 XX, then S rank the boss nodes of 4-2, 4-3, and 4-5. | ||||||
Prerequisites | 2310 C1 | |||||
Notes | Limited Time Quest | |||||
2310 B4 One-Time
[Limited Time Quest] 10th Anniversary Autumn Pumpkin Festival, Expanded Strategy! |
2023 |
1031 |
0 |
0 | |
「鵜来」「稲木」「朝潮」「夕立」「野分」「浜波」「早波」「阿武隈」のうち2隻を含む精鋭艦隊で鎮守府近海、東部オリョール海、カスガダマ島、中部北海域ピーコック島沖の敵戦力を撃滅せよ! | Choose between: Then choose between: | |||||
Assemble a fleet containing any 2 of: "Abukuma, Yuudachi, Asashio, Nowaki, Hamanami, Hayanami, Ukuru, or Inagi"; and up to 4 XX, then S rank the boss nodes of 1-5, 2-3, 4-4, and 6-4. | ||||||
Prerequisites | B194, 2310 Bw1 | |||||
Notes | Limited Time Quest | |||||
2310 C1 One-Time
Halloween 小型艦艇 特別演習!
Halloween Small Ship Exercises! |
440 |
440 |
0 |
0 | |
「野分」「朝潮」「夕立」「浜波」「早波」「鵜来」「稲木」「伊47」「伊201」「Johnston」のうち、4隻以上を含むHaloween艦隊を編成。同編成で本日中に演習で【A判定】以上を4回達成せよ! | Choose between: Then choose between: | |||||
Assemble a fleet containing any 4 of: "Nowaki, Asashio, Yuudachi, Hamanami, Hayanami, Johnston, Ukuru, Inagi, I-47, or I-201"; and up to 2 XX, then score 4 A+ ranks in PVP within the same day. | ||||||
Prerequisites | 2310 B1 | |||||
Notes | Limited Time Quest |
For the mini-event, there is a grand total of 6 one-time quests and 1 weekly quest to earn pumpkins.
Weekly Quest
Quest info | Rewards | |||||
2210 F1 Weekly
[Limited Timed Mission] Cleaning Up For Halloween! |
0 |
0 |
600 |
0 | |
Halloween cleanup: | Choose between: Then choose between: | |||||
Scrap 5 "Small Caliber Main Guns", 5 "Medium Caliber Main Guns", and 5 "Seaplane Recons", and prepare 4 35.6cm Twin Gun Mount, 2 Type 13 Air Radar, and 1031 furniture coins. | ||||||
Prerequisites | 2210 C1 | |||||
Notes | Limited Time Quest Coins and equipment are consumed upon completion. |
One-Time Quests
Quest info | Rewards | |||||
2210 B1 One-Time
[Limited Timed Mission] Fleet Pumpkin Festival, Let's Begin! |
300 |
300 |
0 |
0 | |
Organize a fleet consisting of one of the following ships as flagship, Asashio, Hamanami, Nowaki, Yuudachi, or Mizuho as part of your fleet then proceed into the Oil Refinery Area, Nansei Island Defense Line and the Seas Adjacent to the Naval District and destroy the enemy fleet! Trick or Treat! | Then choose between: | |||||
Assemble a fleet containing any 1 of: "Asashio, Hamanami, Nowaki, Yuudachi, or Mizuho" as flagship, and up to 5 XX, then S rank the boss nodes of 1-3, 1-4, and 1-5. | ||||||
Prerequisites | ||||||
Notes | Limited Time Quest | |||||
2210 B2 One-Time
[Limited Timed Mission] Fleet Pumpkin Festival, heading north! |
500 |
500 |
0 |
0 | |
Form a fleet that includes two or more of the following ships in your fleet: Mogami, Shigure, Michishio, Asagumo, or Yamagumo, and deploy them in the northern Moray Sea, the Alfonsino, and Nothern AL waters! Confront the main enemy fleets in the area and destroy them! | Then choose between: | |||||
Assemble a fleet containing any 2 of: "Mogami, Shigure, Michishio, Asagumo, or Yamagumo"; and up to 4 XX, then S rank the boss nodes of 3-1, 3-3, and 3-5. | ||||||
Prerequisites | 2210 B1 | |||||
Notes | Limited Time Quest | |||||
2210 B3 One-Time
[Limited Timed Mission] Fleet Pumpkin Festival, Heading West! |
0 |
0 |
700 |
700 | |
Assemble a fleet with either Roma, Libeccio, Grecale, Hayanami, or Tama" as flagship, deployed in the Curry Ocean area, Ri Lanka Island, and the Curry Ocean off the Ri Lanka Island! Eliminate the enemy forces in the area! Happy Halloween! | Then choose between: | |||||
Assemble a fleet containing any 1 of: "Roma, Libeccio, Grecale, Hayanami, or Tama" as flagship, and up to 5 XX, then S rank the boss nodes of 4-2, 4-3, and 4-5. | ||||||
Prerequisites | 2210 C1 | |||||
Notes | Limited Time Quest | |||||
2210 B4 One-Time
[Class A Mission] Fleet Pumpkin Festival, Extra Operation! |
2022 |
1031 |
0 |
0 | |
Organize a fleet that includes either the two ships Fusou and Yamashiro, or two ships Ise and Hyuuga, or three ships Isokaze, Hamakaze, and Yukikaze and then deploy into the waters off the MS Islands, Guano Atoll, off the coast of Peacock Island, and off the coast of KW Atoll in the central waters. Locate and destroy the main enemy forces! | Then choose between: | |||||
Assemble a fleet containing either: "Fusou and Yamashiro", or "Ise and Hyuuga", or "Isokaze, Hamakaze, and Yukikaze;, and up to 3-4 XX, then S rank the boss nodes of 6-2, 6-3, 6-4, and 6-5. | ||||||
Prerequisites | 2210 B2, 2210 B3 | |||||
Notes | Limited Time Quest | |||||
2210 C1 One-Time
Halloween 特別演習!
Halloween Special Exercise! |
400 |
400 |
0 |
0 | |
Organize a special exercise fleet consisting of 3 ships of the following ships: Asashio, Yuudachi, Nowaki, Hamanami, Hayanami, Mizuho, I-47, Johnston, and Brooklyn, as part of your fleet and then proceed to win 4 [S Rank] victories within the same day! | Choose between: Then choose between: | |||||
Assemble a fleet containing any 3 of: "Asashio, Yuudachi, Nowaki, Hamanami, Hayanami, Mizuho, I-47, Johnston, or Brooklyn"; and up to 3 XX, then score 4 S ranks in PVP within the same day. | ||||||
Prerequisites | 2210 B1 | |||||
Notes | Limited Time Quest |
Cooking Exchange Rate
Once enough pumpkins are collected, they can be cooked in exchange for the following rewards:
Cooking Method | Exchange Rate | Reward | Note |
100px Party Cake |
Limited to 1 | ||
Yokan |
Once enough pumpkins are collected, they can be cooked in exchange for the following rewards:
Cooking Method | Exchange Rate | Reward | Note |
Party Cake |
Limited to 1 | ||
Yokan |
- Tips
- Active Participation will be required in order to earn most of the rewards offered in the Pumpkin Festival.
Luck Modding with Pumpkins
- This feature is still being investigated, please do not consider this information as final.
When having Pumpkins in the inventory, a pumpkin icon will hide the normal luck icon in the ship's stat list in the Modernization panel. Clicking on it will enable Pumpkin Modernization. This will consume a Pumpkin, and improve luck in addition to whatever stats are provided by any ships being used as modernization materials.
The minimum amount of Luck provided is dependent on what modernization materials are used[1]:
Gain | Fodder Ship | Example |
+1 | Any ship that are not duplicates | Modernizing Akatsuki with 1+ Fubuki |
+1/2 | 1 duplicate | Modernizing Akatsuki with 1 Akatsuki |
+2 | 1 duplicate + 1 member of the same class | Modernizing Akatsuki with 1 Akatsuki and 1 Hibiki |
+3 | 2+ duplicates | Modernizing Akatsuki with 2 Akatsuki |
Regardless of modernization materials, there is a chance of getting additional luck; the maximum Luck gain from a single modernization is +3.
- Using members of the same class (e.g. if modernizing Akatsuki , ships from Akatsuki class
) may increase the chance of additional luck.- It may not affect the minimum amount of luck gained: 5 members of the same class does not guarantee +2 luck[2]
Dev tweet on it: [1]
For Halloween, many girls have Halloween-themed CG, as well as some Installations: