Home Port

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Home Port Portal
Military Record · Friendly Fleet · Library · Inventory · Furniture · Quests · Shop
SortieButton.png ExercicesButton.png ExpeditionButton.png

Port ringmenu Fleet.png · Port ringmenu Supply.png · Port ringmenu Refit.png · Port ringmenu Docks.png · Port ringmenu Build.png · Port ringmenu Improve.png

Home Port's Mechanics Portal
Ship Equipment
Marriage · Morale and Fatigue · Gifting · Supply
Repairs · Remodel · Modernization · Construction
Development · Improvement · Fit Bonuses
Speed · Range · Plane Proficiency
Stats · Resources · Experience and Rank · Ranking

The Home Port is the main menu. Any of the other menus in-game are accessible from this screen.

Menu Functions

Where to find the functions in the Home Port
  • Center:
    • Composition - Access the Composition menu to adjust fleets.
    • Supply - Access the Supply menu to resupply ship girls.
    • Remodel - Access the Remodel menu to upgrade and equip ship girls.
    • Docking - Access the Docking menu to repair ship girls.
    • Arsenal - Access the Arsenal menu to construct or scrap ship girls and equipment.
    • Improvement Arsenal - Access the Akashi's Improvement Arsenal. Please refer to the page for how to access it.
    • Sortie - Access Sortie, Exercises, and Expeditions menus.
    • Secretary - The ship girl currently displayed, being the flagship of the 1st fleet. Clicking on her will play special voice lines, and she will say lines regularly.
  • Top:
    • Home Port - Hides the UI when at the Home Port screen, otherwise returns to the Home Port screen.
    • Admiral Name - Displays the account name.
    • Military Record - Access the Military Record menu to view current admiral information and access the server ranks.
    • Friendly Fleet - Access the Friendly Fleet menu. Only available during some events when enabled by the developers.
    • Library - Access the Library menu to view all the ship girls and equipment ever obtained. It will also include ship girls and equipment no longer possessed.
    • Items - Access the Inventory menu to view and use all secondary and special resources possessed along with other items.
    • Furniture - Access the Furniture menu to manage the look of the home port.
    • Quests - Access the Quests menu to activate and turn in quests.
    • Item Shop - Access the Shop menu to purchase resources and items.
  • Others:
    • Shift Secretary - Allows adjusting the position of the secretary between the right and center of the screen.
    • Records - Brings up an expedition and exercise activity log.
    • Settings - Access the #Settings menu.
    • Clock - Displays the current date and time according to the device's time. It is important that this is synced with server time to avoid errors.


The different Interface Types available. Click below to apply your selection

Sound Settings

  • BGM - Allows to adjust the volume of the background music.
  • Sound Effects - Allows to adjust the volume of UI and combat sounds.
  • Voice - Allows to adjust the volume of all spoken lines.
  • Idle - Toggles the Idle line of the secretary ship on and off.
  • Mission - Toggles Ooyodo's line when opening the Quests menu on and off.

UI Settings

This is only available on the browser version.

  • Type 1 UI - The default UI.
  • Type 1 Kai UI - Same theme as Type 1 but with the "No. of Fleets" display replaced with a count of improvement materials.
  • Type 2 UI - Displays the same information as Type 1 Kai but has a "shipyard" theme.
  • Type 3 UI - Displays the same information as Type 1 Kai but has a "notebook" theme.
  • Type 3 Kai UI - Same as Type 3 but the menus along the top are in English.

See Also